1rgOOPS Notes by RNReddy

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 What is object oriented programming approach?

Object oriented programming approach is a methodology to implement
computer programs by using class and object.
 A programming language which will support following principle’s
1. Encapsulation
2. Abstraction
3. Inheritance
4. Polymorphism
then particular programming language will be called as object oriented
programming language.
 The above four principles are called s object oriented programming principle’s.
Examples for object oriented programming language: C++, Java, C#.Net………
 To achieve the above object oriented programming principles every programming
language is using two concepts: 1)Class
2) Object
 Class:
 It is a collection of data members and member function
 To define a class we have to use “class” keyword
Syntax to define a class:
<Access modifier> class <class name>
// data members /variables/state
// member function /method/behavior

 Class is a logical representation, no memory will allocate for the class

members at the time of defining the class.
 Class is a collection of states and variables.
 State can be called as variable or data member.
 State will be representing some value.
 Behavior can be called as method or member function.
 State/variable:
State/variable is representing a value.
Q) When we will declare state?
A) Whenever we want to represent a value we will declare that member as state.
Eg: - empno, emp name, salary and so…………………..on.
 In C#.Net variables can be classified into three types
1) Local variable
2) Instance variable/Non static variable
3) Static variable

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1) Local variable: - A variable which is declared with in a method or function
can be called as Local variable.
 Local variable we can access only within that method or function where we have
 Local variable should be initialized with some value before accessing otherwise
compiler will generate error.
2) Instance variable:-
 A variable which is declared within the class and outside the method without
using static keyword is called as instance variable or Non static variable
 Here Instance is nothing but object.
 We have to access instance variables with the help of object.
3) Static variable:-
 A variable which is declared inside the class and outside the method by using
static keyword is called static variable.
 Static variable can be called as class variable because this static variable we have
to access with the help of class name.

 Method /behaviour:
Method is a member of a class which will have some behaviour or
Q) When we will go for method?
A) Whenever we want to implement some functionality we will go for method.

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Eg: - we want to calculate total sal of the employee then we can go for a method
called “calsal ()”.
Syntax for method:
<Access modifier> <return type> (<type><arg1,<type><arg2>)

 According to the parameters methods are classified into two types

1) Parameter less method ():- while defining a method if we will not declare
any parameters that method is called as parameter less method.
Q) When we will go for parameter less method?
A) According to the required if we don’t want to pass any value to the function then
particular method we can declare as parameter less method.
Eg1: Public void display ()
Console.WriteLine(“welcome to C#.Net”);
Console.WriteLine(“welcome to oops”);
Console.WriteLine(“Welcome to Satya”);
Eg2: Public void Help ()
// displaying help

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2) Parameterized method ():- At the time of defining a method, if we have declared
some parameters which can be called as parameterized method.
Note: parameter can be called as arguments.
Q) When we will declare parameterized method?
A) According to the requirement if we want to pass any value to the function then we
have declare particular method as parameterized method.
For ex: addition of two numbers.
Public void (int a, int b)
Int c=a+b;
Console.WriteLine (“result is:”+c);
 According to the return types, methods are classified into two types:
1. Void method
2. Non void method.
1. Void method:

A method which is not returning any value, that method return type should
be void, which is called as void method.
Ex: public void display ()
Console.WriteLine (“hi”);
2. Non void method:

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 If a method is returning some value, then particular method is a non void
 Non void method return type should be the type of value which is returning by
that method.
 If the method is returning numerical value then method return type should be
numerical data type
 If the method is returning floating value, method return type should be any
one of the floating data type and so on...

Public int Add (int a, int b)
Int c=a+b;
Return c;
Add (10, 5);
 Mainly methods are classified into two types
1. Instance/non static method.
2. Static method.
1. Instance method:
 While defining a method, if we dint use static keyword, that method is called
as instance method (or) non static method.
 Instance method, we have to access with the help of object (or) instance.
Public void show ()

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2. Static method:
 While defining a method, if we have used static keyword that method is called
as static method.
 Static method, we have to access with the class name.
Public static void show ()

Memory allocation:
 No memory will be allocated for class.
 No memory will be allocated for method.
 Memory will be allocated for variables.
 When the object is created, memory will be allocated for instance variable.
 When the object is destroyed, memory will be de allocated for instance
 In dot net, object can be destroyed in two ways:
a) By garbage collector.

b) By programmer.

 As a part of method execution, memory will be allocated for local variables and
memory will be destroyed for local variables when the method execution is
 Let us define a class like below:
Public class myclass

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Int a;
Int b;
Public int add (int x, int y)
Int c=a+b;
Return c;
 If we want to access the above instance method called add, we required object of
 To consume my class instance variables, which are a and b which requires memory,
to allocate memory for a and b we require object for my class.
 Purpose of object:
To access instance members of a class and to allocate memory for instance
variables, we require object

What is an object?
 An object is a instance of a class
 An object is a physical representation of a class
 When we create object, memory will be allocated for instance variables of
a class.

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To access instance members (class and methods) of a class, we require
Ex: 1. Human being-class
Rama is object of human being class
3. Animal is a class
Tiger is object of animal class
Syntax to create object:

<Class name> <object name>=new <class name ()>

 New is a keyword, it will allocate the memory for instance variables of a

class at the time of creating object.
Syntax to access instance variables:
<Object name>.<instance variable>;
Syntax to access instance methods:
<Object name>.<method name ()>;

Programming in oops

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Prgm: write a console program to define a class with two instance methods
a) Void method without parameters
b) Void method with parameters


Void Display();
Void Add(int a, int b);

namespace voidexample
public class myclass
public void display()
Console.WriteLine("welcome to oops");
Console.WriteLine("welcome to Satya");
public void Add(int a, int b)
int c = a + b;
Console.WriteLine("Addition result is:" + c);
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
myclass mc = new myclass();
mc.Add(10, 20);
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Prgm: Implement above program by accepting the first number and second number
from the user

namespace Nonvoid example

public class myclass

public void Add(int a, int b)

int c = a + b;

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Console.WriteLine("Addition result is:" + c);
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
myclass mc = new myclass();
Console.WriteLine("enter first number:");
int x = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("enter second number:");
int y = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
mc.Add(x, y);


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Prgm: Write a program to define a class two instance methods

a) Non void method with parameters.
b) Non void method without parameters.

Int add(int a, int b);

String uppercase();

namespace NonVoidExample
public class myclass
// non void with parameters

public int Add(int a, int b)

int c = a + b;
return c;
//non void without parameters
public string Uppercase()
string s = "satya";
string s1 = s.ToUpper();
return s1;

class Program

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static void Main(string[] args)
myclass mc = new myclass();
Console.WriteLine("enter first number:");
int x = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("enter second number:");
int y = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
int z= mc.Add(x, y);
Console.WriteLine("Addition result is:" + z);
string k = mc.Uppercase();
Console.WriteLine("uppercase string is:" + k);


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Prgm: Write a program to define a class to calculate or to perform below two tasks
a) Calculating the square
b) Calculating the cube


Void sqr(int a);

Void cube(int a);

namespace viodmethod

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public class calcultions
public void sqr(int a)
int b = a * a;
Console.WriteLine("square is:" + b);
public void cube(int a)
int b = a * a * a;
Console.WriteLine("cube is " + b);

class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
calcultions obj = new calcultions();

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Prgm: Implement the above program in different way


Int sqr(int a);

Int cube(int a);

namespace viodmethod
public class calcultions

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public int sqr(int a)
int b = a * a;
return b;
public int cube(int a)
int b = a * a * a;
return b;

class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
calcultions obj = new calcultions();
Console.WriteLine("enter your number");
int n = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
int res= obj.sqr(n);
Console.WriteLine("square is:" + res);
int res1=obj.cube(n);
Console.WriteLine("cube is:" + res1);


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Prgm: Write a program to perform calculations


Int add(int a, int b);

Int sub(int a, int b);
Int mul(int a, int b);
Double div(int a, int b);

namespace nonvoidmethodexample
public class calculations
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public int Add(int a, int b)
int c = a + b;
return c;
public int sub(int a, int b)
int c = a - b;
return c;
public int mul(int a, int b)
int c = a * b;
return c;
public double div(int a, int b)
double c = a / b;
return c;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
calculations obj = new calculations();
int res1 = obj.Add(10, 5);
Console.WriteLine("Addition result is:" + res1);
res1 = obj.sub(10, 5);
Console.WriteLine("subraction result is:" + res1);
res1 = obj.mul(10, 5);
Console.WriteLine("mul result is:" + res1);
double res2 = obj.div(10, 5);
Console.WriteLine("division result is:" + res2);

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Prgm: Implement the above program in different way

namespace nonvoidmethodexample

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public class calculations
public int Add(int a, int b)
int c = a + b;
return c;
public int Sub(int a, int b)
int c = a - b;
return c;
public int mul(int a, int b)
int c = a * b;
return c;
public double div(int a, int b)
double c = a / b;
return c;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
calculations obj = new calculations();
Console.WriteLine("enter first number");
int n1 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("enter second number");
int n2 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
int res1 = obj.Add(n1, n2);
Console.WriteLine("Addition result is:" + res1);

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res1 = obj.Sub(n1, n2);
Console.WriteLine("sub result is:" + res1);
res1 = obj.mul(n1, n2);
Console.WriteLine("mul result is:" + res1);
double res2 = obj.div(n1, n2);
Console.WriteLine("div result is:" + res2);

Prgm: In the above program when we are performing the division if user entered
second number as zero, display a user friendly message to accept second number
other than zero like below

namespace nonvoidmethodexample
public class calculations
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public int Add(int a, int b)
int c = a + b;
return c;
public int Sub(int a, int b)
int c = a - b;
return c;
public int mul(int a, int b)
int c = a * b;
return c;
public double div(int a, int b)
while (b == 0)
Console.WriteLine("pls enter other than zero");
b = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
double c = a / b;
return c;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
calculations obj = new calculations();
Console.WriteLine("enter first number");
int n1 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("enter second number");
int n2 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

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int res1 = obj.Add(n1, n2);
Console.WriteLine("Addition result is:" + res1);
res1 = obj.Sub(n1, n2);
Console.WriteLine("sub result is:" + res1);
res1 = obj.mul(n1, n2);
Console.WriteLine("mul result is:" + res1);
double res2 = obj.div(n1, n2);
Console.WriteLine("div result is:" + res2);


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Note: In the above program when user enter second number as zero while
performing division it is throwing divide by zero error which is run time error
which is nothing but exception.
 In c#.net we can handle the exception (run time) in two ways
1) By using logic
2) By using exception handling mechanism
 In the above program we are handling the run time error by using logic.

Prgm: Write a console program to define a class with two methods like below.


Void get studentinfo (int sid, string sname);

Void get results (int m1, int m2, int m3);

namespace VoidMethod
public class student
public void getstudentinfo(int sid, string sname)
Console.WriteLine("student id is:" + sid);
Console.WriteLine("student name is:" + sname);
public void getresuls(int m1, int m2, int m3)
int totmarks = m1 + m2 + m3;
int avg = totmarks / 3;
if (m1 < 35 || m2 < 35 || m3 < 35)

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Console.WriteLine("result is fail");
else if (avg >= 60)
Console.WriteLine("first class");
else if (avg >= 50)
Console.WriteLine("second class");
Console.WriteLine("third class");

class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
student obj = new student();
Console.WriteLine("enter student id:");
int sid = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("enter stuent name:");
string sname = Console.ReadLine();
obj.getstudentinfo(sid, sname);
Console.WriteLine("enter m1 marks:");
int m1 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("enter m2 marks:");
int m2 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("enter m3 marks:");
int m3 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
obj.getresuls(m1, m2, m3);

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Q) When we will go for local variables?

A) Whenever we want to use a variable only within that method then we will declare a
particular variable as a local variable.
For example: In the above program we have declared avg as local variable because that
variable we want to access only within the method called getresults.
Prgm: Write a console program to define an employee class to perform the following
1) Accepting the employee information
2) Displaying the employee information
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For example: I have to write a program to accept 5 employees information and to
display 5 employees information. If we will write this program within the main
method, every employee is having 3 fields they are empno, empname, empsalary
5*6=30 lines, 100*6=600 lines, and here we are facing a problem called writing the
same code again and again to overcome this problem we can go for class and object
like below

namespace EmployeeExample
public class Employee
// instance variables
public int eno;
public string ename;
public int esal;
//instnace method
public void getempinfo()
Console.WriteLine("enter emp no:");
eno = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("enter emp name:");
ename = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("enter salary:");
esal = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
public void dispalyempinfo()
Console.WriteLine("emp no is:" + eno);
Console.WriteLine("emp name is:" + ename);
Console.WriteLine("emp salary is:" + esal);
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class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Employee rama = new Employee();
Employee raju = new Employee();

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 When we run the above program CLR will starts program execution from main
 CLR will execute first below statement
Employee rama =new Employee ();
 It will create an object for employee class by allocating the memory for employee
class three instance variables like below with default values.
Reference Eno=0

 Control rama will execute Esal=0 the

second statement
rama. getempinfo (); this statement is invoking the method then that method
business logic accepting the rama emp info storing into rama object like below




 After this then again control will go back to main method an it will execute the
following statement

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i.e.; Employee raju = new Employee (); this statement is creating
another object of employee class i.e. raju with default values of employee class
instance variables like below




 After this statement then control will execute the following statement called
raju.getempinfo () here control will invoke the method and that method will accept
empinfo and it will store into raju object like below
raju after Ename=raju
executing Esal=2000 the
method control will come back to main
method and it will execute the following statement rama.displayempinfo (); this
method will display rama object info below
Empno is: 121
Empname is: rama
Salary is: 1000

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After this control will come back to main method and it will execute the following
method raju.displayempinfo ().This method will display raju object info like
Empno is: 122
Empname is: raju
Emp salary is: 2000

Q) When we will declare a particular variable is an instance variable?

A) Whenever we required a variable for multiple objects then particular variable we
will declare as instance variable.
 Instance variable value will be same or different from one object to other object.
 In the above example we are initializing the employee class instance variables after
creating the object by using a method.
 Actually instance variables in general we have to initialize at the time of creating the
 To initialize instance variables at the time of creating the object we have a special
method called constructor in oops.
 It is a special type of function; it is member of a class.
 Constructor is used to initialize the instance variables at the time of creating object.
 It will execute automatically at the time of creating the object.

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 Constructor name should be same as class name.
 Constructor will not return any value due to that reason it will not have any return
Purpose of constructor
To initialize instance variables at the time of creating object we will take the help of
<access modifier> <class name ()>
// initialization

Prgm: Example for Constructor execution

namespace ConstructorExample1
public class myclass
int a;
int b;
public myclass()
Console.WriteLine("constructor is calling");
a = 10;
b = 20;
public void display()
Console.WriteLine("a is:" + a);
Console.WriteLine("b is:" + b);
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class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("before object is creating");
myclass mc = new myclass();
Console.WriteLine("After object is creating");

When we run the above program, program execution start from main method first it
will execute write Line method it will print the given message i.e. “Before object is
creating”. After that control will execute the following statement i.e. myclass mc=new
myclass (), in this statement first control will execute left hand side i.e. myclass mc it
will create a reference variable mc of myclass type like below
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Reference variable Mc

After this in this statement right hand side part will execute, first it will execute new
operator, it will allocate memory for myclass instance variables like below is
nothing but forming a object like below


a(4 bytes)

b(4 bytes)

After this control will execute the myclass () is nothing but invoking the myclass
It will execute the myclass constructor first statement i.e. write line () it will print a
message like below Constructor is calling. After this statement it will execute the
following statements a=10, b=20 these statements will initialize the instance variables
like below


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After this initialization constructor execution is completed then control will come
back to the main method and it will execute assignment operator, because of this
operator myclass object address will be assigning into mc reference variable like


Mc a=10

Q) How to get the address of the object?

A) Mc.GetHashcode ().
GetHashCode ():
 GetHashCode is a predefined member method of object predefined class.
 This method will return the address of the object.
Q) What is the super class or base class for all .net classes?
A) Object class.
Skeleton of object class:
namespace system
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Class object
GetHashCode ()
The above object class is by default super class for all .net classes like below
Class myclass: object
Class employee: object
Class student: object
and so…….on
 Types of Constructors:
Constructors are two types
1) Instance Constructor or Non Instance Constructors.
2) Static constructor

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 Instance constructor:
 While defining a constructor if we didn’t use static keyword which can be called
as instance constructor or non static constructor
 The purpose of instance constructor is to initialize only instance variable but
within the instance constructor we can initialize static variables also
 Instance constructor will execute automatically at the time of object is creating
Instance constructor are again classified into four types
1) Default constructor or parameter less constructors
2) Parameterized constructor
3) Copy constructor
4) Private constructor
1) Default constructor/parameter less constructor:
Default constructor is nothing but parameter less constructor. It is a zero
parameterized constructor.
It is of two types
a) User defined default constructor.
b) System defined default constructor.
a) User defined default constructor:-a constructor which is defined by the
programmer without using parameters & without static keyword is called as user
defined default constructor.
A class can contain only one default constructor
For example:
namespace DefaultConstructorExample

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public class employee
int eno;
string ename;
int esal;
public employee()
public void displayempinfo()
Console.WriteLine("emp no is:"+eno);
Console.WriteLine("emp name is:"+ename);
Console.WriteLine("salry is:"+esal);

class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
employee obj = new employee();

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In default constructor for every object we will have some value, to overcome this
i.e. to maintain different values from one object to another object we have to go for
parameterized constructor.
b) System defined default constructor:
If programmer will not define any default constructor within the class like below

Public Class Employee

Int eno;
String ename;

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Int esal;
Then compiler will generate a default constructor is nothing but system defined
default constructor like below.

Public Class Employee

Int Eno;
String Ename;
Int Esal;
Public Employee ()
System defined default constructor will not be visible which is invisible.
Q) What is the role of system defined default constructor?
A) At the time of creating object system defined default constructor will be
initializing default values.
Prgm: Example for system defined default constructor.
namespace systemdefinedExample
II-Floor, Sri Sai Arcade, Beside: Adithya Trade Center, Ameerpet, Hyderabad-500038. Ph: 040-65538958/68/78. P a g e | 42
public class employee
int eno;
string ename;
int esal;
public void displayempinfo()
Console.WriteLine("emp no is:"+eno);
Console.WriteLine("emp name is:"+ename);
Console.WriteLine("salry is:"+esal);

class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
employee obj = new employee();

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When we compile and run the above application within the employee class there is no
constructor due to that reason C#.Net compiler will define system defined default
constructor and at the time of creating the object that system defined constructor will
initialize default values like below

obj Eno=0

Due to that Esal=0 reason the output
will be like below
II-Floor, Sri Sai Arcade, Beside: Adithya Trade Center, Ameerpet, Hyderabad-500038. Ph: 040-65538958/68/78. P a g e | 44
Emp no is: 0
Emp name is:
Emp sal is: 0
 Purpose of default constructor:-
 The purpose of the default constructor is to initialize the default values
 In real time we will use default constructor to open the connections to data base.
2) Parameterized constructor:-
 If we define a constructor with parameters and without static keyword which is
called as parameterized constructor.
 A class can contain multiple parameterized constructors but from one
constructor o another constructor we should differentiate like below i.e. it should
satisfy any one of below three options
1) Number of parameters
2) Types of parameters
3) Order of parameters
Q) What is constructor overloading?
A) Implementing multiple constructors within as single class with different signature
(different number of parameters or different types of parameters or different order of
parameters) is called as constructor overloading.
Prgm: Example for parameterized constructor
namespace ParmeterizedConstructorExample
public class employee
int eno;
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string ename;
int esal;
public employee(int empno, string empname, int empsal)
eno = empno;
ename = empname;
esal = empsal;

public void displayempinfo()

Console.WriteLine("emp no is:"+eno);
Console.WriteLine("emp name is:"+ename);
Console.WriteLine("salry is:"+esal);

class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
employee emp1 = new employee(121,"rama",1000);
employee emp2 = new employee(122, "raju", 2000);


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Emp1 Ename=rama
2010 Esal=1000

Emp2 Eno=122
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Q) What is the purpose of parameterized Constructor?

A) Whenever we want to initialize different values to instance variables from one
object to another object we will go for parameterized constructor.

 In the above program if we will write the below statement within the main method
it will throw a compile time error because within the employee class we didn’t
define default constructor(Employee emp=new Employee ())
 If we write the below statement within the above program main method
Employee emp = new Employee (120, “sita”) it will throw a compile
time error because we didn’t define two parameterized constructor within the
employee class.
3) Copy constructor:
Using this constructor we can copy the values from one object to another object.
Prgm: Example for copy constructor
namespace CopyConstructorExample
public class employee
int eno;
string ename;
int esal;
public employee()

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Console.WriteLine("enter emp no:");
eno = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("enter emp no:");
Console.WriteLine("enter salary:");
esal = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
public employee(employee obj)
eno = obj.eno;
ename = obj.ename;
esal = obj.esal;

public void displayempinfo()

Console.WriteLine("emp no is:"+eno);
Console.WriteLine("emp name is:"+ename);
Console.WriteLine("salry is:"+esal);

class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
employee emp1 = new employee();
employee emp2 = new employee(emp1);

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 Purpose of copy constructor:

Whenever we want to copy the values from one object to another object we can go
for copy constructor.
4) Private constructor
While defining a constructor if we use private access modifier that constructor is
called as private constructor.
If a class is having private constructor, we cannot create an object for particular class
Prgm: Example for private constructor

Namespace privateconstructorexample

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Public class myclass
Private Myclass ()
Class program
Static void main (string [] args)
Myclass mc=new Myclass ();
Console.Readline ();
Output is compile time error because within myclass we have private constructor.
Purpose of private constructor:
Whenever we want to restrict to create object for a class, within that class we have to
define private constructor.
Prgm: Example for class overloading
namespace ClassloadingExample
public class employee
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int eno;
string ename;
int esal;
public employee()
eno = 121;
ename = "rama";
esal = 1000;
public employee(employee obj)
eno = obj.eno;
ename = obj.ename;
esal = obj.esal;

public void displayempinfo()

Console.WriteLine("emp no is:"+eno);
Console.WriteLine("emp name is:"+ename);
Console.WriteLine("salry is:"+esal);

class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
employee emp1 = new employee();
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 In .net when we run the application class loader will load the classes from application
to CLR, according to program order.
 In console application program execution starts from main method due to that reason
first it will load the class which is having main method then it will start the execution
of main method.
 While executing the main method it will load the remaining classes on statement
 For example: In the above program first class loader will load program class and it
will start the execution from main method.
 In main method while executing the first statement Employee obj=new Employee ();

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 To execute this statement CLR required employee class due to that reason class
loader will load employee class then it will execute the above statement.
 In the same program when we want to execute the last statement i.e.
Console.Readline (); here we required console class due to that reason class loader
will load console class.
 Static constructor or Non-static constructor:
While defining a constructor we have used static keyword which can be called as
static constructor.
 Memory allocation for static variable:
 At the time of class is loading memory will be allocated for static variables and
at the time of unloading the class memory will be deallocated for static
 Static variable and static constructor is not related to object which are related
to only class.
 For static variable memory will be allocated out of the object but not within the
 Within the object we will have only instance variables.
 Static constructor executes at the time of loading the class.
 If a class is having one static constructor and one instance constructor then first
control will execute static constructor because class will load first and object
will create.
 Static constructor will not contain any parameters which is a parameter less

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 A class can contain maximum one static constructor.
 While defining the static constructor we should not have access modifier.
Prgm: Example for static constructor
namespace ClassloadingExample
public class employee
//instance variables
int eno;
string ename;
int esal;
//static variable
static string CompanyName;
static employee()
CompanyName = "Microsoft";
public employee(int empno, string empname, int empsal)
eno = empno;
ename = empname;
esal = empsal;
public void displayempinfo()
Console.WriteLine("emp no is:"+eno);
Console.WriteLine("emp name is:"+ename);
Console.WriteLine("salry is:"+esal);
Console.WriteLine("companny name is:" + CompanyName);

class Program
II-Floor, Sri Sai Arcade, Beside: Adithya Trade Center, Ameerpet, Hyderabad-500038. Ph: 040-65538958/68/78. P a g e | 55
static void Main(string[] args)
employee emp1 = new employee(121,"rama",1000);
employee emp2=new employee(122,"raju",2000);

Employee class

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 In the above example we have created two objects emp1 and emp2 memory will be
allocated for instance variables two times, but static variable called company name
memory is allocated only one time if suppose we are declaring company name as
instance variable then for that variable memory will be allocated two times
suppose, if we have 100 employee objects then if we declare company name as a
instance variable then it will allocate memory for company name variable 100
times but for all the employees company name variable value is same.
 By implementing static we can save the memory which improves the performance of
the application.
Q) When we will go for static variable or purpose of static variable?
A) According to the requirement whenever the value is common for all the objects
then particular variable we will declare as static.
Ex: 1) with in employee class companyname.
2) With in student class college name.
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Prgm: Example for static and instance constructor
namespace staticandinstanceconstructor
public class myclass
int a;
static int b;
public myclass()
a = 10;
Console.WriteLine("instnace constructor is calling");
static myclass()
b = 10;
Console.WriteLine("static constructor is calling");
public void display()
Console.WriteLine("a is:" + a);
Console.WriteLine("b is:" + b);

class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
myclass obj1 = new myclass();
myclass obj2 = new myclass();

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In the above program when CLR executing main method within the method we are
creating two objects for myclass obj1 and obj2.
 But before creating obj1 myclass will load into CLR immediately at the time of
loading myclass memory will be allocated for static variable b and static constructor
will execute.
 But at the time of creating object or before second object i.e. obj2 class will not load
once again because already myclass is available within the CLR.
 With this we can say static constructor will execute only one at the time of loading
the class but instance constructor will execute for every object creation.

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Prgm: Example to define a class with one static constructor and one instance
namespace staticandinstanceconstructor
public class myclass
int a;
static int b;
public myclass()
a = 10;

static myclass()
b = 10;

public void display()
Console.WriteLine("a is:" + a);
Console.WriteLine("b is:" + b);

class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
myclass obj1 = new myclass();
myclass obj2 = new myclass();
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myclass obj3 = new myclass();


 In the above example we have two variables one instance variable i.e. one static
variable b, with in the main method we have created three objects for myclass they
are obj1, obj2, obj3 but static variable b is creating only once at the time of myclass
is loading but in static variable a is creating 3 times i.e. for obj1 one time, for obj2
one time, for obj3 one time.

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 With this example static variable will create only once irrespective of number of
objects but instance variable will create for every object.
Advantage of static variable:
 It will create only once i.e. for that variable memory will be allocated only once,
even though we have created 100 objects with this we save the memory.
 Static variable nature is creating once.
 Instance variable nature is creating multiple times i.e. for every object.
Prgm: Example to initialize static variable and instance variable within the instance
Highlighting or initializing the problem when we initialize static variable within the
instance constructor.
namespace staticandinstanceconstructor
public class myclass
int a;
static int b;
public myclass()
a = 10;
b = 10;

public void display()
Console.WriteLine("a is:" + a);
Console.WriteLine("b is:" + b);
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class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
myclass obj1 = new myclass();
myclass obj2 = new myclass();
myclass obj3 = new myclass();

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 Static constructor nature is it executes only once when the class is loading because
we have to initialize static variable only once that is the nature of the static variable
and static constructor.
 Instance constructor will invoke for every object creation i.e. multiple times because
instance variable should be initialized separately for every object that is the nature
of instance variable and instance constructor.
 In the above program we have initialized static variable within the instance and we
have created three objects for myclass i.e. obj1, obj2, obj3 because of these three
objects instance constructor is invoking three times due to that reason static
variable is initializing 3 times.
 Actually according to nature of the static variable it should be initialized only once
because of instance constructor it is initializing multiple times with this we are
losing nature of the static variable due to that reason it is not recommended to
initialize static variable within the instance constructor.
Prgm: Example to initialize static variable and instance variable within the static
namespace staticconstructorexample
Public class myclass
Int a;
Static int b;
Static myclass()
a = 10;
b = 20;
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 The above code will generate a compile time error because within the static
constructor we cannot initialize instance variables.
Prgm: Example for static constructor with parameters

namespace staticconstructorexample
Public class myclass
Static int b;
Static myclass (int x)
b = x;
 The above code is invalid because a static constructor cannot contain parameters.
Q) When complier will provide system defined default constructor within the
A) Within the class if programmer will not define any constructors then compiler
will generate system defined default constructor.
Only in the below case compiler will generate a system defined default constructor
namespace systemdefinedexample
public class myclass
int a = 10;
int b = 20;
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public void Display()
Console.WriteLine("a is:" + a);
Console.WriteLine("b is:" + b);
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
myclass mc = new myclass();

 When we compile the above program within myclass there is no constructors

due to that reason C# compiler will generate myclass like below
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Class myclass
Public myclass ()

 When we run the above program at the time of creating the object
myclass mc=new myclass () it will create a object and it will invoke the system
defined default constructor will initialize the default values like below

a=0(4 bytes)
1010 b=0(4 bytes)

 After that within the instance variables will be reassigned the given values 10 and
20 like below Object

a=10(4 bytes)
1010 b=20(4 bytes)

Initialization vs Assignment:-

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namespace Constructorexample
public class myclass
int a = 10;
int b = 20;
public myclass()
Console.WriteLine("a value before assignment:" + a);
Console.WriteLine("b value after assignment:" + b);
a = 10;
b = 20;
public void Display()
Console.WriteLine("a is:" + a);
Console.WriteLine("b is:" + b);
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
myclass mc = new myclass();

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Note: whenever a constructor is executing first it will initialize the default values
then it will assign the user defined values.
 In the above example the given default constructor first initializing the default
values like below then it will assign the user defined values like below


a=0 (4 bytes)
Mc 10
1010 b=0 (4 bytes)

Here 0, 0 are default values initialized by the constructor but 10, 20 are user defined
values assigned by the constructor with this we can say that a constructor will do
two duties 1) Initialization
2) Assignment

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Importance of this keyword: - “this” is a keyword which is representing
current class object or instance.
Q) When we will go for this keyword:-
A) Whenever we want to access instance variables within the class with the help
of object, then we can access particular instance member with the help of this
keyword like below

this. <Instance members>;

Prgm: Example to show importance of this

namespace ConsoleApplication18
public class myclass
int a;
int b;
public myclass(int a, int b)
a = a;
b = b;
public void add()
int c = a + b;
Console.WriteLine("addition result is"+c);

class Program
{ static void Main(string[] args)
myclass mc = new myclass(10,20);

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 Whenever local variables name & instance variables name are same then control
will give priority to local variables
 In the above example within the constructor local variable names & instance
variable names are same due to that reason which is initializing 10 & 20 to local
variables but end of the program instance variables are having only default values
which are only 0, 0.

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 To overcome this situation that means to differentiate instance variables from
local variables we have to access instance variables within the help of this
keyword like below
 Update the above program like below
Public myclass (int a, int b)
this. a=a;
this. b=b;
When we are using parameterized constructor the parameter name & instance
variable name should be same
Ex: this. Eno=eno;
this. Ename=ename;
Q) When the object class default constructor is calling?
A) Object is the super class for all the .net classes within the object class
Microsoft has defined one default constructor like below
Class object
Public object

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When a constructor is invoking within a user defined class first it will execute
the object class default constructor then it will execute the current class
namespace objectclassconstructorexaple
public class myclass
public myclass()
Console.WriteLine("default constructor is calling...........");
public myclass(int a)
Console.WriteLine("parameterized constructor is calling...........");

class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
myclass mc1 = new myclass();
myclass mc2 = new myclass();


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 When we compile the above program compiler will add base () keyword to every
constructor like below
Class myclass
Public myclass: base ()

Public myclass (int a): base ()


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 When we run the above program when control is executing the below statement
Myclass mc1=new myclass ();
Here control will goto myclass default constructor.
 When it is executing the default constructor heading because of base() keyword
like below
Public myclass:base()
Here control will goto object class and it will execute the object class default
constructor after that it will come back to myclass default constructor
 When the control is executing the below statement
Myclass mc2=new myclass ();
Here control will goto myclass and it will try to execute myclass 1
parameterized constructor heading like below
Public myclass (int a):base()
Here because of base () control will goto object class and it will execute the
object class default constructor after that control will come back to myclass then
it will execute myclass 1 parameterized constructor.
Note:- Base() is a keyword which is representing the instance of super class
 Constructor calling & constructor executing:-
Constructor is calling bottom to top but it is executing top to bottom.
 Static method:-
While defining a method if we use static keyword which can be called as static
Q) How to access static method?

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A) Syntax:-
Class name. <static method name>

Q) When we will go for static method or Purpose of static method?

A) While defining a method, within that method we are using only static variables
particular method we will define as static method.
While defining a method, if the method is displaying only static data then particular
method also we will define as static method.
Example: displaying help

Prgm: Example for static method

namespace staticmethodexample
public class employee
public static string companyname;
public static string companylocation;
static employee()
companyname = "wipro";
companylocation = "hyderabad";
public static void displaycompanydetails()
Console.WriteLine("company name is:"+companyname);
Console.WriteLine("company location is:"+companylocation);
class Program

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static void Main(string[] args)



 Example for static methods which are providing by Microsoft

Write(), writeline(),read(), readline(),toint16(),toint32()………….
 Advantages of static method:-
 To access static method we don’t require creating object that means accessing
static methods are easy as well as saving the memory which improves the
performance of the application.

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 Due to that reason whenever we are defining a method first we have to ive
priority for static method.
Q) Why main() is a static method?
A) When we run the application CLR has to invoke the main(),if the main() is a
instance methods again it requires object.
Q) To overcome that main() is defined as static method?
A) Within the main() we will not write any logic just it is a entry point for
program execution as well as we will invoke the other class members from
Prgm: Write a program to create an object in 2 lines:-
namespace ConsoleApplication18
public class myclass
public int a = 10;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
myclass mc;
mc = new myclass();
Console.WriteLine("a is :"+mc.a);



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 In the above program when we execute the below statement

Myclass mc;
It is creating a reference variable mc &I will initialize value called “null” like

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 After executing the 2nd statement
Mc=new myclass();
Then it is creating the object and assigning the object into reference variable like
Mc object
With this we can say new keyword is allocating the memory for object
Note:- by default reference variable will have “null” value
Prgm: Example to create 2 reference variables for single object
namespace ConsoleApplication18
public class myclass
public int a = 10;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
myclass obj1 = new myclass(); ;
myclass obj2 = obj1;
Console.WriteLine("obj1 value is:"+obj1.a);

Console.WriteLine("obj2 value is:" + obj2.a);


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Obj2 20


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namespace objectexample2
public class myclass
public int a = 10;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
myclass obj1 = new myclass(); ;
myclass obj2 = obj1;
obj1.a = 20;
Console.WriteLine("obj1 value is:"+obj1.a);

Console.WriteLine("obj2 value is:" + obj2.a);




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Example: - To initialize null value to a reference variable

Namespace objectexample4
public class myclass
public int a = 10;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
myclass obj1 = new myclass(); ;
myclass obj2 = new myclass();
obj1= null;
// Console.WriteLine("obj1 value is:"+obj1.a);

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Console.WriteLine("obj2 value is:" + obj2.a);


In the above program first it will create 2 object, When control is executing the
below statement
Then first object is not printing by any reference variable due to that reason
garbage collector will recognize particular object as unused object and it will
deallocate memory for that object like

Obj1 object
1010 A=10

Obj2 object
1020 A=10

 After that when control is executing the statement like below
Console.writeline(“obj1 value is:”+obj1.a); is throwing NULL reference
Q) When NULL reference exception will be throwing?

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A) Whenever we are trying to access an object with the help of a reference
variable which contains NULL value.
Note:- Execute the above program by making the comment, the statement which
is throwing an exception
Q) How to destroy an object? or how to make an object as unused object?
A) By initializing NULL value to the reference variable
namespace objectexample5
public class myclass
public int a = 10;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
myclass obj1 ;

Console.WriteLine("obj1 value is:"+obj1.a);



O/p: - is error i.e. use of unassigned local variable obj1

 In the above program we have created a reference variable of myclass but we
didn’t create any object.
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 without creating object memory will not be allocated for instance variables
 Accessing instance members:-
Whenever we want to access instance members within the class like above we don’t
require any object we can access directly

A) Accessing instance members from outside the class

namespace ConsoleApplication18
public class myclass
public int a = 10;
public void PRINT()
public void show()

Whenever we want to access instance members within
the class like above we don’t require any object we can access directly
B) Accessing instance members from outside the class
namespace ConsoleApplication19
public class myclass

public int a=10;

public void print()
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Console.WriteLine("print is calling.............");
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
myclass mc = new myclass();

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According to above code or above program we can say that whenever we want
to access instance members of a class from outside the class we require object
 Accessing the static members:-

A) Accessing the static members within the class

public class myclass


public static int b=10;

public void print()
public void show()
With the above code we can say that whenever we want to access static
members within the class we can access directly without using class name like
B) Accessing static members from outside the class
namespace ConsoleApplication19
public class myclass

public static int b=10;

public static void print()
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class Program
static void Main(string[] args)


With the above program we can say that whenever we want to access static
members from outside the class we can’t access directly, we have to access with
the help of class name
Q) Can we access instance variable within the static method?
A) Yes, like below
public class myclass

public static int b=10;

public static void print()

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Within the static method we can access instance members but we require object
within the class.
 Access Specifiers/ Access Modifiers:-
 Access specifiers are keywords which are specifying accessibility of a class or
class members.
 In C#.net we have 5 types of access specifiers
1) Public
2) Private
3) Protected
4) Internal
5) Protected internal
1) Public :-
 If we declare a class or class member modifies as public which can be
accessed by all the classes of current project, all the classes of all the projects
within that application.
 For public member there is no restriction of access within that application.
Prgm: Example for public

namespace publicexample
public class class1

public int a=10;
public void method1()
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Console.WriteLine("method1 value is:"+a);
public class class2
public void method2()
class1 c1obj = new class1();
Console.WriteLine("method2 value is:" + c1obj.a);
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
class1 c1obj1 = new class1();
Console.WriteLine("main method value is:" + c1obj1.a);
class2 c2obj2 = new class2();



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2) Private:
If we declared a class or class member access modifier as private which we can
access only within that class.
Prgm: Example for private
namespace privateexmple
public class class1
private int a = 10;
public void method1()
Console.WriteLine("method1 value is:" + a);
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class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
class1 c1obj1 = new class1();

Note: Among all the access modifiers private will provide more security

3) Protected:
If we declare a class or class member access modifier as a protected this can access
by current class members as well as derived class member.
Prgm: Example for protected
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namespace protectedexample
public class class1
protected int a = 10;
public void method1()
Console.WriteLine("method1 value is:" + a);
public class class2 : class1
public void method2()
Console.WriteLine("method2 value is:" + a);
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
class2 c2obj1=new class2();


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4) Internal:
If we declare a class or class member access modifier as internal this can be
accessed by all the classes of the current project or assembly.
Prgm: Example for internal
namespace internalexample
public class myclass1
internal int a = 10;
public void method1()
Console.WriteLine("method1 value is:" + a);

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public class myclass2
public void method2()
myclass1 c1obj1 = new myclass1();
Console.WriteLine("method2 value is:" + c1obj1.a);
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
myclass1 c1obj1 = new myclass1();
Console.WriteLine("main value is:" + c1obj1.a);
myclass2 c2obj1 = new myclass2();



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Q) Difference between public and internal?

A) 1.Public member can be accessed by all the classes of all the projects (assembly)
within that application.
2. Instance members can be accessed by only all the classes of current project or
current assembly.
 Passing parameter mechanism:-
Passing a value to a function is called as passing parameter mechanism.
Q) Why we have to pass a value to the function?
A) According to the requirement if that function is required some values for
functionality, to invoke that function we have to pass some value.

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Q) How to pass a value to the function?
A) To pass a value to the function we are taking the help of parameters.
Q) What is parameter?
A) A variable which is declared within the method signature can be called as

 Parameters are classified into two types

1) Actual parameters
2) Formal parameters

namespace myexample
public class myclass
public static void add(int a, int b)
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
int x = 10;
int y = 20;
myclass.add(x, y);// x and y are actual parameters
Actual parameters: Calling function parameters are actual parameters

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 C#.net will support passing parameter mechanism in three ways
1) Call by value or pass by value
2) Call by reference or pass by reference
3) Call by out or pass by out
1) Call by value:
 In call by value when formal parameters are modified, the modifications will
not be reflected back to actual parameter.
 In call by value while passing the parameter we will pass actual value
Prgm: Example for call by value
namespace callbyvalueExample
public class college
public void payfee(int a) // a is formal parameter
a = a + 1500;
Console.WriteLine("a value is:" + a);
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
college obj = new college();
int x = 1000;
Console.WriteLine("x value is :" + x);// x is actual parameter
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2) Call by reference:
 In call by reference when formal parameters are modified the modifications
will be reflecting back to actual parameters.
 In call by reference while passing the parameters and while catching the
parameters we should use “Ref” keyword
 Ref parameter should be initialized with some value otherwise compiler will
generate an error.
 In call by reference while passing the parameter we are sending the address of
the value.

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Prgm: Example for call by reference
namespace callbyreferenceexample
public class college
public void payfee(ref int a)
a = a + 1500;
Console.WriteLine("a value is:" + a);
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
college obj = new college();
int x = 1000;
obj.payfee(ref x);
Console.WriteLine("x value is :"+x);


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Call by out:-
In call by out when formal parameters are modified those modifications will be
reflected back to actual parameters it is almost all same as call by reference.
In call by out while passing the parameters and while catching the parameters we
have to use out keyword.
Out parameter is not required to initialize with any value if we initialize also CLR
will ignores that value.
In call by out also while passing the parameters we are passing the address of the
Prgm: Example for call by out

namespace callbyoutexample
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public class employee
public void payfee(out int totfee)
int adminfee=1200;
int semfee=1400;
Console.WriteLine("total fee is :"+totfee);
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
employee obj = new employee();
int x;
obj.payfee(out x);
Console.WriteLine("x value is :" + x);


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 VB.net will not support call by out.

 By default C#.net passing parameter mechanism is call by value i.e. we are passing
the parameters as call by value.
 Difference between call by value, call by reference, call by out
Call by value Call by reference Call by out
 Formal parameter  Formal parameters  Formal parameters
modifications are not modifications will be modifications will be
reflected back to actual reflected back. reflected back.
parameters.  Passing address of the  Passing address of the
 Passing actual value. value. value.
 No keyword.  Ref keyword.  Out keyword.
 It should have some  Ref parameter should  Out parameters
value. have some value. doesn’t required any
 Whenever we want to  Whenever we want to value.
pass some value and pass some value and  Whenever we don’t
modifications are not we are expecting the want to pass any value
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expecting to reflect modifications should but we are expecting
back then we will pass be reflected back then back the
it as call by value. we will pass it as Ref modifications then we
parameter. will pass particular
parameter as out

Q) Why static constructor should not have access modifier?

A) Static constructor will execute at the time of loading the class automatically, due
to that reason it doesn’t require any accessibility from outside the class due to that
reason according to the syntax static constructor will not allow modifiers.
Default Access modifiers
Q) What is the default access modifier of a class?
A) Internal, at the time of defining a class if we don’t mention any access modifier
like below
Class myclass

For this class by default access modifier will be internal
Q) What is the default access modifier of a class member?
A) Private.
 Default access modifier of an instance variable, static variable, instance method
and static method is private.
Q) What is the default access modifier for instance constructor?
A) Private.
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 Constant:
 Constant is a data member which is representing a fixed value.
 Constant value should be initialized at the time of declaration i.e. in design
time but we cannot initialize in run time.
 By default constant is a static member, we don’t require to use any static
 Constant we have to access with the help of class name.

Q) When we will declare a data member as constant?

A) Whenever we want to initialize a value at the time of declaration and value
should not be changed in runtime hen particular data member will declare as
Prgm: Example
namespace Wipro

class Employee
public const int MinworkHrs = 9;

class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("minimum working hours per day is: " +
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 In the above constant example program minimum working hours field we have
declared as constant but there is a chance that company may change min working
hrs per day is 8.
 In this situation we cannot declare it as constant
 For ex: Let us assume we have declared company name as constant but there is a
chance that company name also may change i.e. before 2008 company name is
Satyam computers after 2008 company name is Mahindra satyam due to that
reason company name, college name which also cannot declare as constants.

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 Minimum working hours, company name, college name which are all having data
for all objects but there is a chance of change in the future due o that reason these
fields we have to declare as static variables
Q) When we go for Constant?
A) In business applications (Enterprise application) in general we will use constants
very rarely instead of that we will use static variables.
When we are developing scientific application to represent universal fixed values
like pi, speed of light and so………..on
Public const double pi=3.14;
Public const long speed of light=300000;
Note: speed of light is 300000 km/sec.
 Comparision between static and constant
Constant Static variable
1) Const 1) Static
2) By default constant is static i.e. 2) Static variable program has to
we don’t require to use any static declare as static.
3) Constant should be initialized at 3) Static variable can be initialized
the time of declaration which we at the time of declaration as well
cannot initialize in run time. as we can initialize in run time.
4) Constant value cannot be 4) Static variable can be changed.
changed. 5) When we will go for static
5) When we will go for constant? variable?
Value which is common for all A value which is common for all
the objects and value should be the objects and there is a chance
fixed forever particular field we to change value then particular
will declare as constant. field we will declare as static
Ex: pi=3.14, speed of variable.
light=300000. Ex: college name, companyname.

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 Readonly is a data member which is representing a value.
 To declare readonly we have to use readonly keyword
 Readonly can be initialized only at the time of declaration
 Readonly can be initialized in runtime i.e. it should be initialized within the
 By default readonly is a non-static member.
 Readonly cannot be initialized within the method, as well as readonly value
we cannot change or modify within the readonly.
According to oops:
1) Constructor purpose is initializing the variable values only.
2) Method is to change the variable values.
Prgm: Example for readonly
namespace wipro
class Employee
readonly int EmpNo;
readonly string EmpName;
public Employee(int EmpNo, string EmpName)
this.EmpNo = EmpNo;
this.EmpName = EmpName;
public void Dispaly()
Console.WriteLine("employee no is:" + EmpNo);
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Console.WriteLine("employee name is:" + EmpName);
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Employee emp1 = new Employee(123, "jhon");
Employee emp2 = new Employee(124, "David");
Emp1 Object


Emp2 Object



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In our old program empno and empname we have declared as instance variables but
instance variables allow to change the values with the help of instance methods, but
empno and empname will not require to change because which are fixed for object
to object(emp to emp) due to that reason we have declared empno and empname as
readonly variables.
Example for readonly: In student class student id, student name. In customer class
customer id and customer name.

Prgm: Example to declare salary as readonly.

namespace Wipro
class employee
readonly int empno;
readonly string empname;
readonly double sal;
public employee(int empno, string empname, double sal)
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this.empno = empno;
this.empname = empname;
this.sal = sal;
public void display()
Console.WriteLine("employee no is:" + empno);
Console.WriteLine("employee name is:" + empname);
Console.WriteLine("employee salary is:" + sal);
public void Hike()
double incsal = sal * 10 / 100;
Console.WriteLine("incremented salary is:" + incsal);
sal = sal + incsal;
Console.WriteLine("updated salary is:" + sal);
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
employee emp1 = new employee(121, "jhon", 1000);
employee emp2 = new employee(122, "david", 2000);
The above program will generate error because sal variable we have declared as
readonly and we are trying to updating the sal.

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Readonly variable cannot be modified once we are initialized to overcome this in
the above example sal we have to declare as instance variable like below
Double sal;
Now executing the program

 Comparision between readonly and instance variables

Readonly Instance

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 Readonly.  No keyword.
 Non static.  Non static.
 It can be initialized at the time of  Instance variable can be initialized at
declaring or runtime (only within the the time of declaration or at the run
constructor). time with in the constructor or within
the method.
 Readonly variable cannot be  Instance variable value can be
modified. changed.
 When we will go for readonly?  When we will go for instance
Whenever we want to initialize a variable?
value in runtime and value will be Whenever we want to initialize a
fixed for object to object value in run time and that value
Ex: empno, empname. should allow changing.
Ex: sal.

 Comparision between constant and readonly

Constant Readonly
 Const.  Readonly.
 By default static.  By default Non static.
 It should be initialized at the time of  Readonly can be initialized at the
declaration. run time as well as at the time of
 Const value is fixed for all the  Readonly value can be fixed only
objects. for particular objects.

 When we will go for constant?  When we will go for readonly?

Whenever we want to initialize a Whenever we want to initialize the
value at time of declaration and value at runtime and the value
value should not be changed forever should be fixed for object to object
then particular filed we can declare
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as constant. then we can declare it as readonly.

Q) Can we change the program.cs file name?

A) Yes.
Q) Can we change program class name without changing the program.cs file name?
A) Yes.
Q) Is program class user defined or predefined?
A) It is a user defined class but skeleton is providing by visual studio.net main
method skeleton.
Q) Can we use program class to define some methods?
A) Yes.
Prgm: Example to define one method within the program class.
namespace programclassexample
class Program
int a;
static int b = 20;
void show()
Console.WriteLine("instance metjod is calling ");
static void print()
Console.WriteLine("static method is calling");

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static void Main(string[] args)
Program obj = new Program();
Console.WriteLine("instance variable value is:" + obj.a);
Console.WriteLine("static variable value is:" + b);


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 With the above program we can say that whenever we are accessing instance
members from a static method even though from the same class we require object.
 Write the C#.net code program within the notepad and compile, execute from
visual studio.net command prompt
Step1: open notepad.
Step2: Write the below code within the notepad.
Using System;
Using System.Collections.Generics;
Using System.Linq;
Using System.Text;
namespace notepadexample
Class program
Static void main(string[] args)
for(int i=1;i<=10;i++)
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Step3: Save this program with program.cs in d:\ drive
Step4: With this process one C#.net class file will save within the D:\ drive
Step5: Compiling the above program
Start => programs=> visual Studio=>visual studio Tools=>visual studio command
It will open visual studio.net command prompt window change path to D:\drive
D:\csc program.cs
With this process compilation will complete i.e. it will convert high level language
code (C#.net) into MSIL code finally within the D:\ drive it will generate
program.exe file; this .exe file will contain MSIL code.
 Executing the program:
D:\ program
This process will execute the above program and will give the output like above

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 Properties:
Properties is a member of a class which we can use to assign a value into class
level variable as well as we can retrieve the value from class level variable
Using property we can write a property into variable as well as we can read the
value of variable.
Property will not hold any value or data which we can use to transfer the data.
To assign the value to retrieve the value property definition will have two
accessories (methods).
1) Set accessor
2) Get accessor
 Set accessor:
It will assign the value to variable.

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<Access modifier> <data type> <property name>
<data member>=value;
Whenever we are assigning a value then set accessor will call, as part of set
accessor execution first assigned value will be into value predefined variable,
and then it will be assigning into user defined variable.
 Get accessor:
This accessor will be reading the value or retrieving the value from variable.
<access modifier> <data type> <property name>
Return <data member>;
Whenever we are retrieving a value with the help of property that concern
property get accessor will execute.
Types of properties:-
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According to behavior property, properties are classified into three types

1) Read properties
2) Write properties
3) Read and Write properties
Read properties: - This property definition will contain only get accessor.

Write properties: - This property definition will have only set accessor.
Read and write properties: - This property definition will contain set accessor
and get accessor.
<Access modifier> <data type> <property>
Return <data member>;
<Data member>= value;
According to the modifier or keyword which we are using to define a property,
again properties are classified into two types
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1) Non static property or instance property.
2) Static property.
Instance property: - while defining a property if we didn’t use static keyword
which can be called as instance property.
 Using instance property we can assign value to an instance variable as well as
we can retrieve value from instance variable.
Static property: - while defining a property if we use static keyword then that
property is called as static property.
 Using this property we can assign a value to static variable as well as we can
retrieve value from static variable.

 Variable name and the property which we are using to access that variable
name should be same.
 Variable name can start with lower case letter but property name should start
with upper case.
Ex: 1) Variable name is: empno
Property name is: Empno
2) Variable name is: empname
Property name is: Empname
 To access one variable for assignment for retrieval we have to define one
property i.e. one variable one property.

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 For ex:-

class employee
int empno;
public int Empno
return empno;
empno = value;
 By default access modifier of a class is private, in general we will access
variable only within the class.
 Whenever we want to access a variable for assignment and retrieval we don’t
require property mechanism.
 Whenever a variable of a class for assignment retrieval if we want to
implement from outside class we require a mechanism called property.
 Purpose of property is providing assignment and retrieval facility to a variable
from outside class without directly accessing the variable.
 Property will provide security to variable data.
 Property will provide validation facility for variable data at the time of

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Prgm: Example for instance property
namespace instnacepropertyexample
class employee
int empno;
string empname;
double empsal;
public int Empno
return empno;
empno = value;
public string Empname
return empname;
empname = value;
public double Empsal
return empsal;
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empsal = value;
class Maincalss
static void Main(string[] args)
employee emp1 = new employee();
emp1.Empno = 121;
emp1.Empname = "jyothi";
emp1.Empsal = 1000;
Console.WriteLine("Employee no is:" + emp1.Empno);
Console.WriteLine("Employee name is" + emp1.Empname);
Console.WriteLine("Employee salary is" + emp1.Empsal);

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 In every property definition within the set accessor we have to use a predefined
variable called value.
 Here value variable is a implicit typed variable i.e. when we will use this
variable within the int property then that variable data type will be int.
 If value variable we are using within the string property then that variable data
type will be string.
Prgm: Example for static property
namespace Staticpropertyexample
class employee
static string companyname;
public static string Companyname

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return companyname;
companyname = value;

class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Comapny name is:"+employee.Companyname);


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 Wrapping states and behaviors is called as encapsulation.
 Binding variables and methods is called as encapsulation.
Q) How to encapsulate?
A) By implementing class.
Abstraction means hiding
Abstractions are 2 types
1) Data abstraction 2) Method abstraction
1) Data abstraction:-

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Data abstraction means hiding the unwanted data.
Prgm: Example for data abstraction
namespace dataabstraction
class employee
readonly int empno;
readonly string empname;
double empsal;
string designation;
public employee(int empno, string empname, double empsal, string
this.empno = empno;
this.empname = empname;
this.empsal = empsal;
this.designation = designation;
public void display()
Console.WriteLine("empno is"+empno);
Console.WriteLine("empname is"+empname);
Console.WriteLine("empsal is"+empsal);
Console.WriteLine("designation is"+designation);
public void hike()
double incsal = empsal * 10 / 100;
pdated salary details");
empsal = empsal + incsal;
Console.WriteLine("updated salary is:"+empsal);

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class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
employee emp = new employee(121,"sri",1000,"s/w engg");


 In the above program within the employee class we have 4 variables they are
empno, empname, empsal, designation

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 Within the hike () we are accessed only empno, empname, empsal but we are
not accessed designation because designation is unnecessary data for hike ()
that means we are implemented data abstraction within the hike ()
 Inheriting or deriving members from one class to another class is called as
 To implement inheritance minimum we require 2 classes
Class c1
Class c2:c1
 The class which is giving is called as super class & the class which is
receiving is called as sub class
 Because of inheritance derived class can access derived class members as
well as super class members
 Similarly using derived class object can access derived class members as
well as super class members.
 But super class cant access derived class members
 C#.net will support 5 types of inheritance
1) Single inheritance

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2) Multi level inheritance
3) Multiple inheritances
4) Hierarchal inheritance
5) Hybrid inheritance

1) Single inheritance:-
 Inheriting from one class to another class is called as single inheritance
Class c1
Class c2:c1
Prgm: Example1 for single inheritance

namespace singleinheritance1
class bc
protected int a = 10;
public void bcmethod()
Console.WriteLine("bcmethod value is"+a);
class dc : bc

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public void dcmethod()
Console.WriteLine("dcmethod value is" + a);
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
dc obj = new dc();

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Prgm: Example2 for single inheritance

namespace singleinheritance2
class branch
int branchid;
string branchname;
string branchlocation;
public void setbranchdata()
Console.WriteLine("enter branch id:");
branchid = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("enter branch name:");
branchname = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("enter branch location:");
branchlocation =Console.ReadLine();
public void display()
Console.WriteLine(" branch id:"+branchid);
Console.WriteLine(" branch name:"+branchname);
Console.WriteLine(" branch location:"+branchlocation);
class employee:branch
int empno;
string empname;
double empsal;
public void setempdata()
Console.WriteLine("enter empno:");
empno = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

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Console.WriteLine("enter emp name:");
empname = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("enter empsal:");
empsal = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
public void empdisplay()
Console.WriteLine(" empno:" + empno);
Console.WriteLine(" emp name:" + empname);
Console.WriteLine(" empsal:" + empsal);
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
employee emp = new employee();


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 In the above program when control is executing the below statement

Employee emp1=new employee ();
 Here because of the new operator it will allocate memory for branch class
instance variables & employee class instance variables like above
 Because of employee () here control will go to employee class within the
employee class we will have system defined default constructor and it
will try to execute there we will have base() like below
Class employee
Public employee: base()
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 Because of base() control will go to the super class i.e. branch here we
will have system defined default constructor with base() like below
Class branch
Public branch:base()
Because of base () control will go to the super class of all the classes i.e.
object class and it will execute the object class default constructor like
Class object
Public object()
 Then it will execute branch class default constructor branch class default
constructor will initialize the default values to the branch class instance
variables like below
Branchid =0;
Branchname =null;
Branchlocation =null;
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 After this control will execute employee class default constructor which
will initialize the de fault values to employee class instance variables like
Empno =0;
Empname =null;
Empsal =0;
After this methods will execute according to the invocations.
Multi-level inheritance:-
 Inheriting from one class to another, from that class to some other class is
called as multi-level inheritance
Class c1
Class c2:c1
Class c3:c2
Prgm: Example1 for single inheritance
namespace singleinheritance1
class bc
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protected int a = 10;
internal void bcmethod()
Console.WriteLine("bcmethod value is:" + a);
class dc : bc
public void dcmethod()
Console.WriteLine("dcmethod value is:" + a);
class tc : dc
internal void tcmethod()
Console.WriteLine("tc method value is:"+a);
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
tc obj = new tc();


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Prgm: Example2 multilevel

namespace multilevel2
class branch
int branchid;
string branchname;
string branchlocation;
protected void setbranchdata()
Console.WriteLine("enter branch id:");
branchid = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("enter branch name:");
branchname = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("enter branch location:");
branchlocation = Console.ReadLine();
protected void displayBranchdata()
Console.WriteLine(" branch id:" + branchid);
Console.WriteLine(" branch name:" + branchname);
Console.WriteLine(" branch location:" + branchlocation);

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class employee : branch
int empno;
string empname;
string Designation;
protected void setempdata()
Console.WriteLine("enter empno:");
empno = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("enter emp name:");
empname = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("enter Designation:");
Designation = Console.ReadLine();

protected void empdisplay()
Console.WriteLine(" empno:" + empno);
Console.WriteLine(" emp name:" + empname);
Console.WriteLine(" Designation is:"+Designation);
class salary : employee
double basic, hra, da, gross;
internal void setsal()
Console.WriteLine("enter basic sal:");
basic = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
internal void calgrosssal()
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hra = 0.4 * basic;
da = 0.2 * basic;
gross = basic + hra + da;
internal void displaysal()
Console.WriteLine("basic sal is:" + basic);
Console.WriteLine("hra sal is" + hra);
Console.WriteLine("da sal is:" + da);
Console.WriteLine("gross sal is:" + gross);
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
salary obj = new salary();


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 It is a keyword which is representing the super class instance using base()
keyword we can access super class instance members from derived class
Multiple inheritance:-
 Inheriting from multiple classes to single class is called as multiple
Class c1
Class c2

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Class c3:c1, c2
In c#.net multiple inheritance is not possible by using classes which is
possible with the help of interface
Q) Why c#.net will not support multiple inheritances with the help of
Hierarchal inheritance:-
 Inheriting one class into multiple classes is called as hierarchal inheritance
 In this class we have one base class and multiple derived classes
Class c1
Class c2:c1
Class c3:c1
Prgm: Example for hierarchal
namespace hierarchal
class headoffice
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string headlocation = "banglore";
long headofficenum = 080 - 6666822;
internal void displayheadoffice()
Console.WriteLine("location is"+headlocation);
Console.WriteLine("headoffice phno is"+headofficenum);
class branch1 : headoffice
int branchid = 123;
string branchname = "manikonda";
internal void displaybranch1()
Console.WriteLine("branch1 id is:"+branchid);
Console.WriteLine("branch1 name is:"+branchname);
Console.WriteLine("head office details are:");

class branch2 : headoffice
int branchid = 124;
string branchname = "madhapur";
internal void displaybranch2()
Console.WriteLine("branch2 id is:" + branchid);
Console.WriteLine("branch2 name is:" + branchname);
Console.WriteLine("head office details are:");

class Program

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static void Main(string[] args)
branch1 obj = new branch1();
branch2 obj1 = new branch2();



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Hybrid inheritance
 A combination of 2 inheritances is called as hybrid inheritance.
 At the time of implementing inheritance we are implemented single
inheritance and multi level inheritance(or) multi-level inheritance &
multiple inheritance (or) multiple inheritance & hierarchal inheritance can
be called as hybrid inheritance.
CLR inside or CLR internals:-
 When we run the .net application .net execution engine called CLR will be
loading into Ram, if we will execute java application java execution engine
called JVM will be loading into Ram memory.

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 Class loader of the CLR will be loading the classes of the application one by
one into CLR according to the requirement.
 To allocate the memory for class members mainly CLR will be divide into 4
parts (we will have some more parts)

They are
1) Stack.
2) Heap.
3) Method Area.
4) Execution engine.
Stack: - CLR is allocating memory for local variables and reference variables within
the stack.
Heap: - CLR will create objects within the heap memory. As part of creating object
it is allocating memory for instance variables and that object will have the references
of methods.
Method area: - Method area will be divided into 3 parts like below
Method area
Static variables Constructors methods

 When the class is loading concern class static variables will be allocating
memory within the method area then it is loading all the constructors and
methods into method area.

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 In method area only static variables are getting allocating memory but for
methods and constructors no memory is allocating.
Execution Engine:-
 This is using by the CLR to maintain the block (method) which is executing at
 When we run the application it requires first main method due to that reason
CLR will move the main method from method area to execution engine.
 Within the main method it will execute the instruction by instruction, as part of
this whatever methods it requires those methods it will move from method area
to execution engine.
 Once a particular method execution is completed then CLR will remove that
method from execution engine like below
Execution Engine

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Main ()
M1 ();
M2 ();
M1 ()

Prgm: Example
namespace CLRExample
class calculate
int a;
int b;
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internal void Add(int x, int y)
a = x;
b = y;
int res1 = a + b;
Console.WriteLine("addition result is:" + res1);

class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
calculate obj = new calculate();
obj.Add(10, 5);

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Static heap method area

obj Static main ()

X=10 . add ()
(4 bytes) . {
Y=5 . .
. .
(4 bytes) . }
Res1=15 }
(4 bytes)

Static main () add ()
(4 bytes)
{ {
b=5 . .
(4 bytes) . .
} }


Advantages of the inheritance:

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 Reusability
 Because of inheritance a method which is defined in super class can be
accessed by multiple derived classes without reimplementation.
Polymorphism means one name many forms.
Implementing multiple functionalities with same name is called as polymorphism.
Definition: Implementing multiple methods with the same name but with different
functionalities or behaviors is called as polymorphism.
Polymorphisms are classified into 2 types
1) Static polymorphism or Compile time polymorphism
2) Dynamic polymorphism or Run Time polymorphism
Static polymorphism: -
 Among collection of methods which method has to invoke should be decided
by compiler, if compiler is capable to take this decision in compile time is
nothing but compile time polymorphism or static polymorphism, is nothing
but early binding.
 Compile time polymorphism can be achieved while we are implementing
function overloading.
 Execution will be faster in static polymorphism because binding is happening
at the time of compilation.
Dynamic polymorphism or run time polymorphism: -

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 Among collection of methods with the same name, to invoke one method,
compiler is taking in runtime is called as dynamic polymorphism or runtime
polymorphism is nothing but late binding.
 Dynamic polymorphism we can achieve while we are implementing function
Q) What is function overloading?
A) Having multiple methods with the same name, but a different number of
arguments or different type of arguments or different order of arguments in a single
class or in a combination of base and derived class.

Q) How to implement function overloading

namespace Functionoverloading
class calculate
internal void Add(int a, int b)
int res = a + b;
Console.WriteLine("add of 2 int result is:" + res);
internal void Add(int a, int b, int c)
int res = a + b + c;
Console.WriteLine("add of 3 int result is:" + res);

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internal void Add(double a, double b)
double res = a + b;
Console.WriteLine("add of 2 double result is:" + res);
internal void Add(double a, double b, double c)
double res = a + b + c;
Console.WriteLine("add of 3 double result is:" + res);

class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
calculate obj = new calculate();
obj.Add(10, 5);
obj.Add(10, 5, 2);
obj.Add(10.5, 20.5);
obj.Add(10.5, 20.5, 30.5);
 When we compile the above program because of this statement obj.Add (10, 5)
compile is binding to first add method.
 Because of this statement obj.Add (10, 5, 2), compile is binding to second add
 Because of this statement obj.Add (10.5, 20.5), compile is binding to third add

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 Because of this statement obj.Add (10.5, 20.5, 30.5), compile is binding to
fourth add method.
 These are all bindings are happening at compilation which are called as early
 When we run the above program the above 4 statements are invoking the
methods which are binded at compile time like below due to that reason we can
say that we are achieving the static polymorphism in function overloading.

Function overloading on three

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1) It will depend on different number of arguments to a function.
2) It will depend on different type of arguments to a function.
3) It will depend on different order of arguments to a function.
Prgm: Example 2 for function overloading with two different order of parameters of
a function
namespace functionoverload2
class myclass
internal void print(int a, string s)
Console.WriteLine("a is:" + a + ",s is:" + s);
internal void print(string s, int a)
Console.WriteLine("s ia:" + s + ", a is:" + a);
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
myclass obj = new myclass();
obj.print(10, "satya");
obj.print("satya", 10);

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 The above two functions we can overload based on different order of parameters
1) Number of arguments to a function:
namespace functionoverload
class myclass
internal void print()
Console.WriteLine("Zero argument function is calling");
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internal void print(int a)
Console.WriteLine("one argument function value is:" + a);
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
myclass mc = new myclass();

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2) Type of parameters to a function:

namespace functionoverload4
class myclass
internal void print(int a)
Console.WriteLine("int value is :"+a);
internal void print(string s)
Console.WriteLine("string value is :"+s);
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
myclass mc = new myclass();

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 In the above program we can overload two print functions because of different
type of parameters i.e. first print function is having one int parameter and second
print function is having one string parameter.
 With this we can say that function overloading is depending on type of parameters
to a function.
Function overloading will not depend on following two functions
1) Return type of a function.
2) Name of the parameter to a function.
Prgm: Example for return type of a function
namespace functionoverload5
class myclass
internal void print()
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Console.WriteLine("void function is calling");
internal int print()
return 123;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
myclass mc = new myclass();
int i = mc.print();
 In the above program at the time of compiling the below statement
Here compiler will try to map with print () function with zero parameters, but within
the class we have two print methods with zero parameters due to the reason,
compiler unable to bind and it will throw an error with this we can say, we cannot
overload two functions only by differentiating return types
Prgm: Example for name of the parameter to a function
namespace functionoverload6
class myclass
internal void print(int a)

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Console.WriteLine("a is :" + a);
internal void print(int b)
Console.WriteLine("b is :" + b);
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
myclass mc = new myclass();
 When we compile the above program, at the time of compiling below statement
here compiler will try to bind with a print function which is having one int
parameter, but within the myclass we have two print () functions with one int
parameters and compiler will unable to bind it will throw an error, with this we can
say that we cannot overload with two functions by differentiating only with the
name of parameters, finally we can say function overload is not depending on the
name of the parameters.
Conclusion: -
 Function overloading means multiple methods with the same name but with
different signature in a single class or in a combination base and derived class.

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Prgm: Example 6 for function overloading
namespace functionoverload6
class myclass
internal void method1(int a)
Console.WriteLine("a is :" + a);
internal int method1()
return 10;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
myclass mc = new myclass();
int a = mc.method1();
Console.WriteLine("returned value is:" + a);

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Q) Can we overload the two methods i.e. one method in super class and another
method in sub class?
namespace functionoverload7
class bc
internal void print()
Console.WriteLine("bc print is calling");
class dc:bc
internal void print(int a)
Console.WriteLine("dc print value is calling");

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class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
dc obj=new dc();

With the above program we can implement function overloading in a combination of

base and derived class

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Q) Can we overload static methods?

namespace functionoverload8
class myclass
internal static void print(int a)
Console.WriteLine("one parameter print :" + a);
internal static void print()
Console.WriteLine("zero parameter is calling");
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)

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 With this above example we can say that we can overload static functions.
Q) Can we overload one static and one instance function?
A) Yes
Q) Can we overload the two instance constructors?
A) Yes
Q) Can we overload static constructor?
A) No, because a class can contain only one static constructor.
Q) When we will go for function Overloading?
A) example for function overloading
namespace functionoverload8
class Employee
int empno;
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string empname;
double Basic, Hra, Da, Ta, GrossSal;
public Employee(int empno, string empname)
this.empno = empno;
this.empname = empname;
internal void calsal(double Basic, double Hra)
GrossSal = Basic + Hra;
Console.WriteLine("Empno is:" + this.empno + "Emp name is:" +
this.empname + "grosssal is:" + this.GrossSal);
internal void calsal(double Basic, double Hra, double Da)
this.GrossSal = Basic + Hra + Da;
Console.WriteLine("Empno is:" + this.empno + "Emp name is:" +
this.empname + "grosssal is:" + this.GrossSal);
internal void calsal(double Basic, double Hra, double Da, double Ta)
this.GrossSal = Basic + Hra + Da + Ta;
Console.WriteLine("Empno is:" + this.empno + "Emp name is:" +
this.empname + "grosssal is:" + this.GrossSal);

class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Employee softwareengineer = new Employee(121, "jhon");
softwareengineer.calsal(1000, 400);
Employee manager = new Employee(122, "david");
manager.calsal(2000, 800, 400);

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Employee CEO = new Employee(123, "philips");
CEO.calsal(3000, 1200, 600, 300);


 In the above example we have class but we have 3 types of employee’s software
engineer, manager, CEO
 Within this class we have to calculate the salary for employees
 We have to implement one method i.e. calsal but behavior of the calculating salary
for software engineer, manager, CEO is different, due to that reason we have

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implemented 3 calsal methods with different signature with this we can say in the
above example we are implemented function overloading
 Whenever we want to implement same method with the different functionalities then
we have to go for function overloading.
Q) List out the overloaded methods which are provided by the Microsoft with in
console class
Namespace system
Class console
Console.WriteLine (long)
Console.WriteLine (int a)
Console.WriteLine (float a)
II-Floor, Sri Sai Arcade, Beside: Adithya Trade Center, Ameerpet, Hyderabad-500038. Ph: 040-65538958/68/78. P a g e | 172
Console.WriteLine ()

// 1
Console. Write (int a)
Console. write ( float a)
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Console.Write( long )

Function Overriding
1. Function overriding means having multiple methods with the same name and
with the same signature in a combination of base and derived class.
2. To implement function overriding for base class method, we should use virtual
keyword and for derived class method we should use override keyword.

Q) What do you mean by signature?

A) Method number of arguments, type of arguments and order of arguments is

representing by signature.
For example:
Internal void show ()
Q) What do you mean by same signature?

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A) 1.Both methods i.e. virtual method and override method number of
arguments, type of arguments and order of arguments should be same to
2. In overriding both methods return type should be same to same.
3. In function overriding both class methods access modifier can be same to
same or cannot be same it is based on requirement i.e. there is no
condition that both access modifiers should be same to same.
Q) Can we implement overriding in single class?
A) No, we have to go for two classes
1. Base class 2.Derived class.
Function overriding is depending on inheritance concept, due to that reason we
have to
Understand the below concept of inheritance.
Prgm: Example for inheritance by creating base class reference variable with
derived class object.
namespace baseclassrefex
class bc
int a = 10;
internal void bcmethod()
Console.WriteLine("bc method value is :" + a);
class dc : bc
int b = 20;
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internal void dcmethod()
Console.WriteLine("dc method value is :" + b);
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
bc b = new dc();
} method area
bc method()
object of dc class
Bc class {

Object of bc class }
1010 a=0 10

1010 dc method ()

b=0 20 {


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Method abstraction:
 Method abstraction means hiding the methods.

Q) How to achieve method abstraction?

A) Method abstraction we can achieve with the help of function overloading.

Prgm: Example for method abstraction

namespace methodabstex
class myclass
internal void print()

internal void print(int a)
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internal void print(string s)


class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
myclass mc = new myclass();

In the above program when the control is executing the below statement i.e.
Here control will invoke the first print and it is hiding the remaining two print
functions is nothing but method abstraction.
Q) What do you mean by compile time binding?
A) Compile time binding is achieving in function overloading like below:

Prgm: Example for compile time binding

namespace compilebindingex
class myclass
internal void print()
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internal void print(int a)
internal void print(string s)
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
myclass mc = new myclass();
 When we compile the above program myclass mc, here it will check for the
myclass is available or not, if myclass is not available then it will throw compile
time error.
 After this, it will compile mc.print (); with this statement first it will check a
print function which is having zero arguments if it is not available it will generate
compile time error.
 If it will bind to first print function like below.

Print ()
Mc {

 When we run the above program, because of below statement i.e. new myclass();

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 It will create a object of myclass
 After that it will execute below statement myclass mc=,it will create a reference
variable of myclass type and which is holding the object of myclass type, here
reference variable type and object type both are same due to that reason when we
execute the below statement mc.print () will invoke the first print function which
was bind at compile time.
 In the above example whatever method is binded at compile time is executing in
run time, due to that function overloading is nothing but static binding (or) early
binding (or) compile time binding.
Prgm: Example for function overriding.

namespace functionoverridingex2
class bc
internal virtual void display()
Console.WriteLine("bc display is calling");
class dc:bc
internal virtual void display()
Console.WriteLine("dc display is calling");

class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
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bc b=new dc();


 In the above example, when we compile, because of the below two statements, it
will bind to the class display method.
bc b;
b.display ();
 When we compile the above program because of below statement bc b=new
dc(); it will Create a object of dc class & reference variable of bc class, due

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to that reason here control will go to bc class we have virtual method due to
that reason which will try to execute the override method which is available
in dc class.
 In the above example at compile tie because of bc b (); it is binding to bc class
display method like below.
bc b=new dc(); class
b.display (); {
Display ()

 In run time because of bc b=new dc(); b.display(); it is invoking the dc class

display method like below:
bc b=new dc(); class
b.display (); {
Display ()
 i.e. at the time of compilation it is binding one method and at the time of run
time it is executing another method due to that reason function overriding is
called as run time binding (or) dynamic polymorphism (or) late binding.
 In general, for the below statement
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 bc b=new dc();
 b.display();
 control has to invoke reference variable type method, but in this example we
are implementing virtual and override methods due to that reason even
though it has to invoke bc class display(),but that is virtual method due to that
reason control is invoking dc class display() is nothing but override method.
Q) Can I say below invocation is a dynamic polymorphism?

bc b=new bc();
b.display ();
O/p: bc display is calling.
A) No, it is not a dynamic polymorphism because in compile time we are
binding bc display(),in runtime also we are invoking the bc display()
dc d= new dc ();
d.display ();
 In compile time, because of dc d; d.display (); here control will go to dc
class, but dc class will have two display methods.
1) Virtual method. 2) Override method.
 Now control will give priority for override due to that reason it will bind
override method.
 In runtime also control is invoking the override display method; due to that
reason we can say that it is not dynamic polymorphism.
Q) Why we have to define in base class & derived class two methods with
the same name or when we will go for function overriding?

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A) Whenever we have common requirement in two classes with different
behavior we have to define two methods with the same name in a combination of
base and derived class with the same signature with different behavior is nothing
but function overriding.

Prgm: Example3 for function overloading

namespace functionoevridingex3
class employee
internal virtual void calsal(double basicsal)
double hra=0.4*basicsal;
double grosssal=basicsal+hra;
Console.WriteLine("employee grosssal is :"+grosssal);
class manager:employee
internal override void calsal(double basicsal)
double hra=0.4*basicsal;
double da=0.2*basicsal;
double grosssal=hra+da+basicsal;
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Console.WriteLine("manager grosssal is :"+grosssal);
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
employee emp = new manager();

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Q) Why in function overriding we are creating super class variable and

subclass object?
A) We can override a method in multiple derived classes.

Q) When we override a method in multiple derived classes?

A) Whenever we have some requirement with different behavior in more than
two classes then we will override method in multiple derived classes.

Prgm: Example4 for function overriding

namespace functionoverridingex4
class employee
internal virtual void calsal(double basicsal)
double hra=0.4*basicsal;

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double grosssal=basicsal+hra;
Console.WriteLine("employee grosssal is :"+grosssal);
class manager : employee
internal override void calsal(double basicsal)
double hra = 0.4 * basicsal;
double da = 0.2 * basicsal;
double grosssal = basicsal + hra + da;
Console.WriteLine("manager grosssal is :" + grosssal);
class vicepresident:employee
internal override void calsal(double basicsal)
double hra = 0.4 * basicsal;
double da = 0.2 * basicsal;
double ta = 0.3 * basicsal;
double grosssal = basicsal + hra + da + ta;
Console.WriteLine("vicepresident grosssal is :" + grosssal);
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
employee obj=new manager();
obj = new vicepresident();

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Employee class manager

Obj object



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 An object address can hold by that class reference variable and super class
reference variable.
 In the above example, here
employee obj=new manager();
Obj. Calsal (1000);
 Here it is creating a object of manager class and assigning manager class address
into obj reference variable of employee class and invoking manager class
 With this manager class object usage is completed i.e. here we don’t require
manager class object now we have o create vice-president class object due to that
reason we have written the below statement
Obj=new vicepresident ();

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 It is creating vice president class object and assigning that object address into obj
reference variable of employee class.
 With this manager class object reference will be disconnected and vicepresident
class object reference will be connected as above figure.
 Now manager class object will be recognized as unused object, then garbage
collector will destroy the manager object.
 In this way, we can create multiple objects of derived classes and holding that
object by super class reference variable by destroying the unused objects, because
of super class reference variable.
 With this at a time only one object i.e. current object will be alive.
 Finally, we can say that by implementing this we can save the memory and
because of single object at a time it improves the performance.
Q) Can we invoke a method of super class by using super class refernce
variable and subclass object?
A) yes, but we should not implement virtual and override.
Q) can we override static method?
A) No, we cannot define static method as virtual, override, abstract, because
function overriding is related to or depending on instance or object.
Q) Can we invoke subclass method by using super class reference variable
and subclass object?
A) Yes, methods should be virtual and override.
 Hiding the super class method within the subclass is called method hiding.

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 To implement method hiding base class method we don’t required a keyword
like virtual but derived class method required a keyword called “new”.
 Implementation of function overriding and method hiding will be same
but for function overriding we will use two keywords:
1. Virtual keyword for base class method.
2. Override keyword for derived class method.
 For method hiding
1. For base class method no keyword.
2. For derived class method new keyword.
 Whenever we want to hide the super class method within the subclass and sub
class method do required to invoke with derived class reference variable and
derived class object then we will go for method hiding.
Prgm: Example for method hiding
namespace methodhidingex
class bc
internal void display()
Console.WriteLine("bc display is calling:");
class dc : bc
internal new void display()
Console.WriteLine("dc display is calling");

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class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
dc d = new dc();


 In the above example, when control is executing the below statements

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dc d=new dc();
d.display ();
 Here dc class will have two display methods like below:
Class dc: bc
{ Void display ()
new void display() {
{ }
 new keyword will hide the bc class display, due to that reason control will
invoke dc class display.
 In this way, we can hide the super class method within the subclass is
nothing, but method hiding.

Prgm: Example2 for method hiding

namespace methodhidingex2
class employee
internal void calsal(double basicsal)
double hra = 0.4 * basicsal;
double grossal = basicsal * hra;
Console.WriteLine("employee grosssal is :" + grossal);
class ceo : employee
internal new void calsal(double basicsal)

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double hra = 0.4 * basicsal;
double da = 0.2 * basicsal;
double ta = 0.2 * basicsal;
double carallowance = 0.3 * basicsal;
double grossal = hra + da + ta + carallowance + basicsal;
Console.WriteLine("ceo grossal is:" + grossal);

class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
ceo obj = new ceo();

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Differences between function overloading and function overriding

Function overriding Function overloading

1. Methods with same name 1. Methods with same name,
different signature. same signature

2.Implemet in a single class as 2. To implement overriding we

well as combination of base class should go for base class and
and derived class derived class we should not go for
derived class
3.no keyword 3.virtual and override
4.both functions return types can 4.both function return types
be same or differ should be same
5. Compile time polymorphism. 5. Run time polymorphism.
6. We can overload static methods. 6. We cannot override static
7.constructors can be overload 7.constructors cannot be
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Prgm: Example for a combination of function overloading and method hiding

class bc
internal virtual void display()
Console.WriteLine("bc display is calling:");
class dc : bc
internal new void display()
Console.WriteLine("dc new display is calling:");
class tc:bc
internal override void display()
Console.WriteLine("tc override display is calling");

class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
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bc b = new bc();
dc d = new dc();
b = new tc();


Abstract class:
 Abstract class is a collection of abstract members and bon abstract

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 To define abstract class we have to use abstract keyword.
Abstract class <class name>
//abstract members
//non abstract members
Q) What do you mean by abstract members?
A) While defining a class member, if we have used abstract keyword which can
be called as abstract member.
 Abstract members are empty members, which will not have any
implementation, that means abstract members will have only declaration part
within the abstract class; we have to define or implement these abstract
members within the derived class by using override keyword.
Q) What do you mean by declaration part and what do you mean by
definition part?
A) For ex:
Void display()
 By default, abstract members, while declaring the abstract we don’t
require to use virtual keyword
 We cannot declare a variable as abstract.
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 We cannot declare a static member as a abstract member.

Syntax for abstract property:

<Abstract> <data type> <property name>
Abstract int x
Syntax for abstract method:
<Abstract> <return type> <method name ()>;
Abstract void display ();
 Virtual members or abstract member access modifier cannot be private because
these concepts are depending on inheritance.

 What is the difference between virtual and abstract method

Virtual method Abstract method

 Virtual method will have  Abstract members will not

implementation. These have any implementation,

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methods are reimplementing these abstract members we
within have to implement within he
The derived class by using derived class by using
override override keyword

Q) Can we have private access modifier for abstract class

A) Abstract class access modifier cannot be private, because it has to be
 We cannot declare a constructor as abstract.
 But abstract class can contain constructor to initialize normal variables.
 We cannot create object for abstract class, but we can create reference
variable for abstract class.
 Abstract class can contain abstract members and concrete members,
concrete members are nothing but bob abstract members which are
 A class which is having full implementation with normal members can be
called as concrete class.
 Abstract class will have partial implementation with concrete members or
non abstract members and remaining members are not implemented which
are nothing but abstract members.
 Finally, we can say that abstract class concept is depending on overriding
concept is depending on inheritance concept.

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Q) Can i declare abstract members within a normal class?
A) No

Prgm: Example for abstract class

namespace abstractexample
abstract class vehicle
//non abstract method
internal void start()
Console.WriteLine("vehicle is starting");
//abstract methods
internal abstract void drive();
internal abstract void park();
//abstract property
internal abstract string color
//non abstract method
internal void stop()
Console.WriteLine("vehicle is stopped");

class dc : vehicle
//implementing abstract members using override keyword
internal override void drive()

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Console.WriteLine("vehicles has been driving");
internal override void park()
Console.WriteLine("vehicle has not been parked");

string color;
internal override string Color
return color;
color = value;
internal void myfun()
Console.WriteLine("dc myfun is calling");

class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
vehicle obj1 = new dc();

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obj1.color = "red";
Console.WriteLine("vehicle color is:" + obj1.color);
dc dcobj = new dc();


Prgm: Example for abstract

namespace ABSTRACTEX1
abstract class CUSTOMER
internal void ABOUTINFO()
Console.WriteLine("ELECTRICITY DEPT INFO:");
internal abstract void PAYBILL(int totunits);
class industrycustomer : CUSTOMER
internal override void PAYBILL(int totunits)
double bill = totunits * 7;
Console.WriteLine("your bill is :" + bill);
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class residentialcustomer : CUSTOMER
internal override void PAYBILL(int totunits)
double bill = totunits * 5;
Console.WriteLine("residential total bill is :" + bill);
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
CUSTOMER obj = new industrycustomer();
obj = new residentialcustomer();


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 It is a collection of abstract members.
 To define an interface, we will use interface keyword
Syntax to define an interface

Interface <interface name>

//abstract members

 It looks like class, but no implementation, because by default interface members

are abstract members.
 While declaring an interface member, we don’t require to use abstract keyword
because by default they are abstract members.

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 Interface members, we have to implement within the derived class without using
override keyword
 By default access modifier of interface members will be public.
 An interface can contain properties and methods but which cannot contain
constructors and fields
 Within interface, we cannot have a static member
 We cannot create object for interface but we can create a reference variable for
 Interface will support single as well as multiple inheritance

Interface name should start with capital ‘I’.
For ex:

Prgm: Example to implement single inheritance by using interfaces

namespace interfacexample
interface Imyinterface
void print();
int X

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class DC : Imyinterface
public void print()
Console.WriteLine("print is calling");
int x;
public int X
return x;
x = value;
internal void show()
Console.WriteLine("dc show is calling");
class Program

static void Main(string[] args)

Imyinterface obj1 = new DC();
obj1.X = 100;
Console.WriteLine("x value is:" + obj1.X);
obj1 = null;

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DC d = new DC();


Prgm: Example to implement multiple inheritances by using interfaces

namespace interfacex2
interface Inokia1
void calling();
void receiving();
void endcall();
void sendmessage();
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class nokia1100 : Inokia1
public void calling()
Console.WriteLine("CALLING FROM NOKIA1100 MOBILE");
public void receiving()
Console.WriteLine("call recieved by 1100");
public void endcall()
Console.WriteLine("call ended by 1100");
public void sendmessage()
Console.WriteLine("message is sending from nokia1100");
interface Inokia2
void bluetooth();
void wifi();
class nokiaasha : Inokia1, Inokia2
public void calling()
Console.WriteLine("calling from asha");
public void receiving()
Console.WriteLine("receiving from asha");
public void endcall()

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Console.WriteLine("calling ended from asha");
public void sendmessage()
Console.WriteLine("message is sent from nokiaasha");
public void bluetooth()
Console.WriteLine("using bluetooth from nokiasha");
public void wifi()
Console.WriteLine("using wifi from nokiaasha");
public void videocalling()
Console.WriteLine("videocalling from nokiasha");
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Inokia1 objinokia1 = new nokia1100();
objinokia1 = new nokiaasha();
objinokia1 = null;

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Inokia2 objinokia2 = new nokiaasha();
objinokia2 = null;
nokiaasha objinokiaasha = new nokiaasha();

Q) Can we inherit a combination of one class and two interfaces into another

namespace interfaceex3
interface Inokia1
void calling();
II-Floor, Sri Sai Arcade, Beside: Adithya Trade Center, Ameerpet, Hyderabad-500038. Ph: 040-65538958/68/78. P a g e | 211
void receiving();
void endcall();
void sendmessage();
class nokia1100 : Inokia1
public void calling()
Console.WriteLine("CALLING FROM NOKIA1100 MOBILE");
public void receiving()
Console.WriteLine("call recieved by 1100");
public void endcall()
Console.WriteLine("call ended by 1100");
public void sendmessage()
Console.WriteLine("message is sending from nokia1100");
interface Inokia2
void bluetooth();
void wifi();

class myclass
internal void print()
Console.WriteLine("print is calling");
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class nokiaasha:myclass,Inokia1,Inokia2
public void calling()
Console.WriteLine("calling from asha");
public void receiving()
Console.WriteLine("receiving from asha");
public void endcall()
Console.WriteLine("calling ended from asha");
public void sendmessage()
Console.WriteLine("message is sent from nokiaasha");
public void bluetooth()
Console.WriteLine("using bluetooth from nokiasha");
public void wifi()
Console.WriteLine("using wifi from nokiaasha");
public void videocalling()
Console.WriteLine("videocalling from nokiasha");

class Program
static void Main(string[] args)

II-Floor, Sri Sai Arcade, Beside: Adithya Trade Center, Ameerpet, Hyderabad-500038. Ph: 040-65538958/68/78. P a g e | 213
Inokia1 objinokia1 = new nokia1100();
objinokia1 = new nokiaasha();
objinokia1 = null;
Inokia2 objinokia2 = new nokiaasha();
objinokia2 = null;
nokiaasha objinokiaasha = new nokiaasha();
Whenever we want to inherit one class and multiple inheritances, which is
possible but we have to write the class name then we have to write interfaces
names like above program.

Prgm: Example to implement interfaces

namespace interfaceex4
interface Iaccounts
void openaccount(int accno, string accname, double intbal);

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class currentaccount : Iaccounts
public void openaccount(int accno, string accname, double intbal)
double bal = intbal;
Console.WriteLine("your account is created and details are like
Console.WriteLine("your account number is :" + accno);
Console.WriteLine("your account name is :" + accname);
Console.WriteLine("your curret balance is:" + bal);
class savingaccount : Iaccounts
public void openaccount(int accno, string accname, double intbal)
double bal = intbal;
if (bal >= 1000)
Console.WriteLine("your account is sreated and details are:");
Console.WriteLine("your account number is:" + accno);
Console.WriteLine("your account name is :" + accname);
Console.WriteLine("your currenet balance is:" + bal);
Console.WriteLine("sorry We cannot create account with min
1000 balance");
class program
static void Main(string[] args)

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Iaccounts obj=new currentaccount();
obj=new savingaccount();

Q) When we will go for abstract class and when we will go for interface class
A) Whenever we want to declare some members and implement some members then
we have to go for abstract class.
 For example in the above abstract class program we have defined one method
called about information and we have to declare one method called pay bill due
to that reason which we have declared as abstract class
 Whenever we want to declare all the members i.e. there is no definitions then
particular class we will go for interface.

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 For example: in the above program i.e. bank example to declare one behavior
called open account due to that reason we have declared an interface called
Q) What an abstract method is telling?
A) An abstract is telling what to do but not how to do. How to do is deciding by
derived class implemented methods.
Q) What an interface is telling?
A) An interface is a contract or agreement which is telling what to do but not how to
do. How to have to decide by derived class implementing methods.
Q) What is concrete class?
A) A class which is having full implementation is nothing but concrete class or
normal class or Non-Abstract class.
Concrete class is a collection of concrete methods or Non-abstract methods.
Q) What is a concrete method?
A) While defining a method if we didn’t use any keyword like abstract those
methods is called as Concrete method or Non-Abstract method.
Difference between abstract class and interface class
Abstract Interface
 Abstract  Interface
 Abstract class is a collection of  Interface is a collection of abstract
abstract members and non abstract members i.e. by default interface
members members are abstract members
 Default access modifier of a abstract  Default access modifier of a interface
class will be private class will be public
 It is a partially implemented class  No implementation
 An abstract class can contain  No

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variable  Within the interface we cannot
 Within the abstract class we can implement a property but we can
implement or define a property declare a property
 No
 It can contain constructor
 No
 We can implement method (Non
 No
 We can have static members  Will support multiple inheritance
 Will not support multiple inheritance  By default interface members are
 By default abstract class, abstract abstract due to that reason we don’t
members are virtual due to that require to use abstract keyword
reason we don’t require to use virtual
keyword  While implementing the interface
 While implementing abstract class, members within the derived class we
abstract members within the derived don’t require to use override
class we have to use override keyword

Difference between instance variable and static variable

Static variable Instance variable

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 Static  No keyword
 Have to access with the help of class  With the help of object name
 Memory is allocated at the time of  At the time of object is creating
class is loading
 Static variable will have the common  Value will differ from one object to
value for all the objects another object
 When is the class is unloading static  When the object is destroyed
variable will destroy
 Memory is allocated within the  Memory is allocated within the heap
method area
 We can’t save the memory because it
 We can save the memory is creating multiple variables

Difference between static method and instance method

 Static method  Instance method
 Static keyword  No keyword
 Accessing with the help of class  Accessing with the help of object
name name

 This method will use to access static  This method will use to access
variable instance and static variable

 What is the output of the below program

namespace program
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class bc
internal virtual void display()
Console.WriteLine("bc method is calling");
class dc : bc
internal override void display()
Console.WriteLine("dc method is calling");
class tc : dc
internal override void display()
Console.WriteLine("tc display is calling");

class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
dc d = new tc();


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In the above program tc class will have two override display methods
1) Inheritance from dc class
2) Inheriting tc class method
Control will give property for current class override method
Advantages of oops:
1) Reusability
2) Extensibility
These two we can achieve with the help of inheritance
3) Reimplementation
This we can achieve with the help of polymorphism
4) Modularity
This we can achieve with the help of class

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5) Easy to modify
This we can achieve with the help of classes and methods
6) Easy to implement real world programming
7) Security : we can achieve with the help of access modifiers

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