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Food Inc.

By: Matthew Campos, Tristan Villamar, Joshua Corasaniti, and Christopher

The Shift in

- We used to grow food humanely.

- However a growing population proved to be an
issue we were not prepared for.
- The only ones who could afford to produce more
meat were the big corporations.
H ow was the
- Large corporations would cut costs by
altering the food.
- They also changed the environment for the
- They also did their best to ruin the
- These companies are intentionally
keeping consumers in the dark
- They fight to withhold information from
the public and consumers
- Corporations have made it illegal to
criticize their food production
Pulling Back the Curtain

- Despite it seeming that the

consumers have a large
amount of goods to choose
from, it is merely an illusion
- Corn and corn products can be
found in 90% of processed food
- Food scientist have also spent a
lot of time reengineering our
Corn, What is it Good for?

- Corn is used in many products, and is

used in cooking as well.
- Due to this corn was also genetically
modified by large corporations.
- Since the modifications made it easy to
mass produce, it found its way into the
diets of animals.
- This has harmed the animals given the
Chicken is worse than you think

❖ Growth hormones
❖ Chickens are fully grown in 49 days as
opposed to 3 months
❖ Many chicken fall under their own weight
❖ They are abused till death
❖ Workers could care less about the
H ow does this affect us?

❖ Affects the general population

❖ Food can contain:
❖ Poor living conditions
Victims of Industrialization

Kevin Kowalcyks

- 10 Dec 1998 - 11 Aug 2001

- Died of E.coli due to contaminated meat

- Mother became a national voice across the country

Farmer companies

- Monsanto controls 90% of America’s soybeans

- Tyson raises chickens in complete darkness

their whole lives, they never see light

- Perdue controlled where food was delivered

H ow Can we Change This?

First, it starts with the way we

raise and develop our animals.
- Should not speed up a chickens
development just because of a high
- If the demand is high for big companies,
spread out and add to the supply.
What We Can Do Cont’d…

- We also need changes at the policy level so organic

foods are more affordable than junk foods
- Choose foods that are in season, local, organic and
read the labels when you go to the grocery store
(which is what this blog is all about!)
- Grow your own crops
- Cook a meal with your family and eat
together…everyone can make a healthy meal
- The food industry will deliver to the marketplace what
the marketplace demands – so if we demand good
wholesome food we will get it
What We Can Do Cont’d

- The average consumer does not feel very powerful

and it is the exact opposite because when we buy
our food we need to vote for local and organic,
instead of food from mass companies
- Simply do a bit of research and buy the right foods.
The only problem that arises is that the right foods
are very expensive compared to the bad foods.
Our thoughts
Thank You For

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