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Norms Area Of

The client’s skin is  Skin
uniform in color, - Inspection
unblemished and no - Palpation
presence of any foul
odor. He has a good
skin turgor and skin’s
temperature is within
normal limit.
-Hair of the client is  Hair&Nails
thick, silky hair is - Inspection
evenly distributed
and has a variable
amount of body hair.
There are also no
signs of infection and
infestation observed.
-Nail of the client has
a light brown nails
and has the shape of
convex curve. It is
smooth and is intact
with the epidermis.
When nails pressed
between the fingers
(Blanch Test), the
nails return to usual
color in less than 4
seconds. Vera, 2020)
The head of the client  Head
is rounded; - Inspection
normocephalic and
symmetrical. - Palpation
-Eyeballs are  Eyes
symmetrical in size - Inspection
and position.
-The eyeballs are in
the same plane as
eyebrow and maxilla.
-The upper lid covers
upper portion of
cornea , when the
patient is looking
-Eye lashes span
-The edge of the lids
are in apposition to
-Small lachrymal
gland is recognizable
-Hair distribution in
eyebrows is in its
entire length.
(Chandrasekhar, MD)
(Loyola University
Medical Education
The Auricles are  Ears
symmetrical and has - Inspection
the same color with - Palpation
his facial skin. The
auricles are aligned
with the outer
canthus of eye.
When palpating for
the texture, the
auricles are mobile,
firm and not tender.
The pinna recoils
when folded. During
the assessment of
Watch tick test, the
client was able to
hear ticking in both
ears. (Vera,2020)
The nose appeared  Nose
symmetric, straight - Inspection
and uniform in color. - Palpation
There was no
presence of
discharge or flaring.
When lightly
palpated, there were
no tenderness and
The lips of the client  Mouth
are uniformly pink; - Inspection
moist, symmetric and
have a smooth
texture. The client
was able to purse his
lips when asked to
The chest wall is  Thorax,
intact with no Lungs and
tenderness and Abdomen
masses. There’s a
full and symmetric -Inspection
expansion and the -Auscultation
thumbs separate 2-3 -Palpation
cm during deep -Percussion
inspiration when
assessing for the
excursion.The client
manifested quiet,
rhythmic and
The spine is vertically
aligned. The right
and left shoulders
and hips are of the
same height.
The abdomen of the
client has an
unblemished skin
and is uniform in
color. The abdomen
has a symmetric
contour. There were
movements caused
associated with
client’s respiration.

13 areas

Area Of Norms
 Social Status The relative rank
that an individual
holds, with
attendant rights,
duties, and
lifestyle, in a
social hierarchy
based upon
honour or
 Mental

-General Appearance
-Appearance and norms informs or
Behavior guides us as to
how we should
look or what our
should be – what
fashion we should
wear or how we
should style our
hair or any
number of areas
related to how we
should look. This
norm is centered
on how we should
act in social
settings. (Holmes,
-Level of The normal state
consciousness and of consciousness
orientation comprises either
the state of
awareness, or
alertness in which
most human
beings function
while not asleep
or one of the
recognized stages
of normal sleep
from which the
person can be
readily awakened.
(Tindall, n.d.)

Humans express
-SPEECH thoughts, feelings,
and ideas orally to
one another
through a series
of complex
movements that
alter and mold the
basic tone created
by voice into
sounds. Speech is
produced by
muscle actions in
the head, neck,
chest, and
abdomen. Speech
development is a
gradual process
that requires
years of practice.
(National Institute
on deafness and
disorder, 2017)
 Emotional A state of positive
Status psychological
functioning. It can
be thought of as
an extension of
mental health; it's
the "optimal
functioning" end
of the thoughts,
feelings, and
behaviors that
make up both our
inner and outer
worlds. It includes
an overall
experience of
wellness in what
we think, feel, and
do through both
the highs and
lows of life.
(Peterson, 2019)
 Sensory

-Sense of sight 20/20 vision is

referred to as the
standard, or how
a “normal” person
sees. This
means, that when
you stand 20 feet
away from an eye
chart, you see
what the normal
person should
see. The
Association states
that a person with
20/20 vision can
clearly identify a
row of 9mm
letters from 20
Eye Surgery,
-Sense of Taste
Sensation of taste
starts with the
smells or odors
around us that
stimulate nerves
in a small area
located high in the
nose. The sweet,
sour, or other
smells stimulate
the brain and
affect the actual
flavor of the foods
we eat. Our
sensation of taste
continues as the
foods we eat mix
with saliva to
activate the taste

-Sense of hearing
Begins with the
ears, which
receive sounds
and send them to
the auditory
cortex, near the
back of the brain,
for processing.
Humans are
capable of
hearing sounds
with a frequency
between 20 Hz
and 20 kHz, and a
volume greater
than 5 - 15
decibels. People
hear best in the
frequency range
between 1 kHz
and 5 kHz.
(Anissimov, n.d.)

-Sense of Smell
The molecules
that activate the
sense of smell
(the technical
name is olfaction)
are airborne, they
enter the body via
the nose and
mouth and attach
to receptor cells
that line the
membranes far
back in the nose.
(Sherman, 2019)
The nose
and uniform in
color. There was
no presence of
discharge or
flaring. When
lightly palpated,
there were no
tenderness and
lesions (Vera,

responds to
anything that
touches the skin.
This could include
light touch,
touch and touch
responds to much
more than touch.
It also sends
regarding pain,
temperature and
vibration. Our
process sensory
information is
coming from our
muscles and
joints and not our
(GriffinOT, 2018)
Motor Stability Balance depends
on information
received by the
brain from the
eyes, muscles
and joints, and
vestibular organs
in the inner ear.
When this system
is disrupted by
damage to one or
more components
through injury,
disease, or the
aging process you
may experience
impaired balance
accompanied by
other symptoms
such as dizziness,
vertigo, vision
nausea, fatigue,
and concentration
(Watson, n.d.)
 Body The average
Temperature normal body
temperature is
accepted as
98.6°F (37°C).
Some studies
have shown that
the “normal” body
temperature can
have a wide
range, from 97°F
(36.1°C) to 99°F
(37.2°C). A
temperature over
100.4°F (38°C)
most often means
you have a fever
caused by an
infection or
illness. (Holmes,
 Respiratory Respiratory rate is
Status defined as the
number of breaths
a person takes
during a one-
minute period of
time while at rest.
The average
respiratory rate in
a healthy adult is
between 12 and
18 breaths per
 Circulatory A normal heart
Status rate is usually
stated as 60 to
100 beats per
minute. Slower
than 60 is
bradycardia (slow
heart); faster than
100 is tachycardia
(fast heart). But
some experts
believe that an
ideal resting heart
rate is closer to 50
to 70. (Shmerling,
2020). Blood
pressure is written
as systolic and
diastolic values.
Hence, BP 120/80
mm Hg means
120 is the systolic
number, and 80 is
the diastolic
number. (Uttekar,

 Nutritional Balance between

Status the intake of
nutrients by an
organism and the
expenditure of
these in the
processes of
reproduction, and
Because this
process is highly
complex and quite
nutritional status
assessment can
be directed at a
wide variety of
aspects of
nutriture. A
common eating
pattern is three
meals (breakfast,
lunch, and dinner)
per day, with
snacks between
("Assessment of
Encyclopedia of
Food and Culture.
 Elimination The general range
Status for bowel
movements is
from three times a
day to three times
a week. Less than
three movements
per week is
constipation, while
three or more
loose stools per
day is considered
(Chugh, 2020)
 Reproductive Circumcision is
Status the surgical
removal of the
skin covering the
tip of the penis.
The procedure is
fairly common for
newborn boys in
certain parts of
the world,
including the
United States.
Circumcision after
the newborn
period is possible,
but it's a more
procedure. (Mayo
Clinic, 2019).

Every woman’s
cycle (the time
from the first day
of your menstrual
period until the
first day of your
next menstrual
period) is
different. On
average, a
woman has her
menstrual period
for 3-7 days. The
average length of
a woman’s cycle
is 28-32 days.
 Sleep-rest Authors of a July
Pattern 2020 study
published online
in Diabetologia
indicate that
seven hours of
sleep appear to
be a more optimal
number for
reducing the risk
of “all-cause
particularly in
individuals who
have diabetes. In
fact, they write
that diabetic
patients who
sleep eight hours
or more show a
higher cancer risk
and those who
remain in bed 10
hours or more
have an increased
chance of
disease. (Dimitriu,
 State of Skin The client’s skin is
Appendages uniform in color,
unblemished and
no presence of
any foul odor. He
has a good skin
turgor and skin’s
temperature is
within normal

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