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ES is a measure of how happy workers are with their job and

working environment. Keeping morale high among workers can be of

tremendous benefit to any company, as happy workers will be more

likely to produce more, take fewer days off, and stay loyal to the

company. There are many factors in improving or maintaining high

employee satisfaction, which wise employers would do well to implement.

The backbone of employee satisfaction is respect for workers and the

job they perform. In every interaction with management, employees

should be treated with courtesy and interest. An easy avenue for

employees to discuss problems with upper management should be

maintained and carefully monitored. Even if management cannot meet

all the demands of employees, showing workers that they are being

heard and putting honest dedication into compromising will often help to

improve morale.

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About What Employees Want From Work: Employee


Every person has different reasons for working. The reasons for

working are as individual as the person. But, we all work because we

obtain something that we need from work. The something obtained from

work impacts morale, employee motivation, and the quality of life. To

create positive employee motivation, treat employees as if they matter -

because employees matter. These ideas will help you fulfill what people

want from work and create employee motivation.

1. What People Want From Work

Some people work for personal fulfillment; others work for love

of what they do. Others work to accomplish goals and to feel as if they

are contributing to something larger than themselves. The bottom line is

that we all work for money and for reasons too individual to assign

similarities to all workers.

2. How to Demonstrate Respect at Work

Ask anyone in your workplace what treatment they most want at

work. They will likely top their list with the desire to be treated with

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dignity and respect. You can demonstrate respect with simple, yet

powerful actions. These ideas will help you avoid needless, insensitive,

unmeant disrespect, too.

3. Provide Feedback That Has an Impact

Make your feedback have the impact it deserves by the manner

and approach you use to deliver feedback. Your feedback can make a

difference to people if you can avoid a defensive response.

4. Top Ten Ways to Show Appreciation

You can tell your colleagues, coworkers and staff how much you

value them and their contribution any day of the year. Trust me. No

occasion is necessary. In fact, small surprises and tokens of your

appreciation spread throughout the year help the people in your work life

feel valued all year long.

5. Trust Rules: The Most Important Secret

Without it, you have nothing. Trust forms the foundation for

effective communication, employee retention, and employee motivation

and contribution of discretionary energy, the extra effort that people

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voluntarily invest in work. When trust is present, everything else is

easier. Learn more.

6. Provide Motivational Employee Recognition

You can avoid the employee recognition traps that: single out one

or a few employees who are mysteriously selected for the recognition;

sap the morale of the many who failed to win, place, or even show;

confuse people who meet the criteria yet were not selected; or sought

votes or other personalized, subjective criteria to determine winners.

Learn more.

7. Employee Recognition Rocks

Employee recognition is limited in most organizations. Employees

complain about the lack of recognition regularly. Managers ask, “Why

should I recognize or thank him? He’s just doing his job.” And, life at

work is busy, busy, busy. These factors combine to create work places

that fail to provide recognition for employees. Managers who prioritize

employee recognition understand the power of recognition.

8. Top Ten Ways to Retain Your Great Employees

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Key employee retention is critical to the long term health and

success of your business. Managers readily agree that their role is key in

retaining your best employees to ensure business success. If managers

can cite this fact so well, why do many behave in ways that so frequently

encourage great employees to quit their job? Here are ten more tips for

employee retention.

9. Team Building and Delegation: How and When to Empower


Employee involvement is creating an environment in which

people have an impact on decisions and actions that affect their jobs.

Team building occurs when the manager knows when to tell, sell,

consult, join, or delegate to staff. For employee involvement and

empowerment, both team building and delegation rule. Learn more.

10. Build a Mentoring Culture

What does it take to develop people? More than writing “equal

opportunity” into your organization’s mission statement. More than

sending someone to a training class. More than hard work on the part of

employees. What development does take is people who are willing to

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listen and help their colleagues. Development takes coaches, guides and

advocates. People development needs mentors.


Measuring employee satisfaction

Employee satisfaction drives customer satisfaction, indirectly

creating profit for an organization. Research on the service-profit chain

shows that satisfied employees are far better than unsatisfied ones at

delivering excellent customer service and hence enhancing customer

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satisfaction with the organization.

Employee satisfaction is also a prerequisite for staff retention.

Organisations with higher staff retention rates are naturally better at

retaining knowledge, which can lead to better performance and profit for

the business.

Improved employee satisfaction reduces the cost of staff turnover,

builds brand loyalty with staff and positions the company as an

employer of choice that attracts talented people to the organisation.

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 Design an employee satisfaction survey customised to the

company's strategy and performance needs.

 Implement the survey and report on the results.

 Recommend specific actions designed to improve employee

satisfaction and productivity.

Measuring employee satisfaction can yield far more than a measure

of morale. The initiative provides a catalyst for change.


Hiring talented people isn’t enough to create high levels of

performance. Placing those people in an energizing and empowering

environment lets them bring all of their talent to the fore, and encourages

them to collaborate, innovate and engage. Our Employee Satisfaction

Process creates a closed-loop, continuous improvement process for your

work environment. You’ll get higher levels of commitment and

retention, and a high-performing team focused on extraordinary results.

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The following are a  few typical Questions asked in Employee

Satisfaction Survey 

 Please describe your position with the company.

 How long have you worked for this company? 

 I have ready access to the information I need to get my job


 I am familiar with the mission statement put forth by my


 I agree with the mission statement put forth by my


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 I am involved in decision making that affects my job.

 Management has created an open and comfortable work


 I know my job requirements and what is expected of me on a

daily basis.

 I have received the training I need to do my job efficiently and


 Training is provided to enable me to do my job well.

 Management recognizes and makes use of my abilities and


 I am treated with respect by management and the people I

work with.

 I am encouraged to develop new and more efficient ways to do

my work.

 Employees work well together to solve problems and get the

job done.

 Management is flexible and understands the importance of

balancing my work and personal life.

 I would recommend others to work for this company.

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 What changes, if any, do you feel need to made in your

department to improve working conditions?

 What changes, if any, do you feel need to be made in the

company to improve working conditions?

The surveys of this type provides an understanding how the

employee perceives the organization. Employee satisfaction surveys

measure your employee's opinions on most of the aspects of an

workplace including:

 Overall satisfaction

 Management/employee relations

 Corporate culture

 Career development

 Compensation

 Benefits

 Recognition and rewards

 Working conditions

 Training

 Staffing levels

 Safety concerns

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 Policies and procedures


Importance of employee satisfaction for organization

• Enhance employee retention.

• Increase productivity.

• Increase customer satisfaction

• Reduce turnover, recruiting, and training costs.

• Enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.

• More energetic employees.

• Improve teamwork.

• Higher quality products and/or services due to more competent,

energized employees.



• Employ will believe that the organization will be satisfying in the long


• They will care about the quality of their work.

• They will create and deliver superior value to the customer.

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• They are more committed to the organization.

• Their works are more productive.


What are factors influences / effects to employee satisfaction? It can

include factors as following:

1. Organization development factors

• Brand of organization in business field and comparison with leading


• Missions and Vision of organization.

• Potential development of organization.

2. Policies of compensation and benefits factors

• Wage and salary

• Benefits

• Rewards and penalties

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3. Promotions and career development factors

• Opportunities for promotion.

• Training program participated or will do.

• Capacity of career development

4. Work task factors

• Quantity of task

• Difficult level of task

5. Relationship with supervisor factors

• Level of coaching

• Level of assignment for employee

• Treatment to employee etc

6. Working conditions and environment factors

• Tools and equipment

• working methods

• Working environment

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7. Corporate culture factors

• Relationship with coworkers

• Level of sharing etc

8. Competencies, Personalities and Expectations of employee factors

• Competencies and personalities of employee are suitable for job?

• Expectations of employee are suitable for policies of organization?



1. Purpose of procedure of employee satisfaction:

• Develop or change the policy for satisfaction of employees.

• Knowledge, satisfaction and expectations need to be measured in order

to develop company prepared for tomorrow.

• To derive and analyze the current satisfaction level of the employees in

the company.

• Assessment of the management developmental needs and areas of


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• Assessment of level of progress in performance improvement and

overall company’s climate.

2. Scope of application:

• Apply for the evaluation of satisfying the entire staff of Korea Japan

3. Documents related:

• Human resource handbook.

• This document is suitable and followed ISO 9000 standard, version


4. Policies of employee satisfaction:

• The employee satisfaction survey is carried one time per 3 months.

• The sample size for the survey is about 40% of the total / target

population. The total / target population for the employee satisfaction

survey includes the complete employee strength at the company.

5. Deployment of procedure:

• This document was distributed to Board of Directors, all departments.

• Head of personnel is responsible for guiding the staff of this document

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(requires employees to sign).

• The guidelines for staff to be in the minutes of instructions and

procedures and training on latest 1 week from the date of receiving the


6. Form attached:

• Appraisal plan of employee satisfaction.

• Employee satisfaction form. Steps of implementing employee


Step 1 – Employee satisfaction study / research.

Each quarter, HR Manager reviews the information needed to determine

the satisfaction of employees based on the following basis.

• Information and results of the survey times before.

• Comments by company directors.

• Proposal by HR staff and Department managers.

• Other contents in the purpose of this process.

Step 2 – Develop evaluation plan:

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• Pursuant to the need to evaluate, HR Manager create a draft of content

assessed in the form and attached this procedure.

• HR manager also discuss with other manager about content, method

assessed. Then the draft must be sent to director for approval.

•Methods of appraisal also indicate clearly. You also use employee

satisfaction survey software for appraisal.

Step 3 – Transfer form to employees:

Pursuant to the plan was approved by Director, HR manager deployed to

HR staff do the following:

• Photo sufficient number of survey.

• Preparing small envelope enough based on number of survey.

• Preparing large envelope by department.

• Deployment to Manager / Supervisors about survey plan.

• Move the survey to department heads. Each employee will be received

01 form attached with an envelope.

• When employees complete the assessment, they must be closed

envelope by pasting on it, send to the department head.

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• Head of department is responsible for collecting envelope and then

send to HR department.

Step 4 – Gather and analyze data:

• Next time 3-5 days from the date of distributing survey, HR

department is responsible for collecting survey and send it to director..

• Based on the opinions of staff, Director of the company will assign

people to enter and analyze data.

• Analysts are responsible to analyze survey data and preparation of


• Presentation of results to directors, department managers.

• Communication of the results to employees through employees

meeting, Company newsletters, memoranda and feedback meetings

conducted by trained leaders to clarify and identify issues.

• Development of plans by department managers to respond to issues

identified in feedback sessions.

Step 5 – Implement improvement.

• HR department is responsible for implementing improvement

solutions, supervising result and reporting result to director.

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How to maintain employee satisfaction?

You should remember that “achieving results were difficult but keeping

the results are more difficult”

To maintain employee satisfaction, you can use 2 solutions as follows:

1. Determining suitable frequency of appraisal

Appraisal frequency should be at least 3 or 6 months / time. This help

you regularly review satisfaction trends of employees.

For some department, you should increase appraisal frequency for them

because of lack of management skills or unsuitable personalities.

Many organizations only perform appraisal satisfaction of employees 1

time per year, simply by applying the standard management rather than

the needs of the organization. This is a very long time because the

dissatisfaction of employees can occur at any time.

2. Implementation of feedback program regularly

You can not assess satisfaction of employees every month because it is

very time-consuming. So how you know the opinions of employees?

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You can implement the program on the response of employees monthly

or suddenly when a problem happened.

The feedback of the staff are their comments, attitudes about problems

that will occur or has occurred.

The feedback can conduct independent or attached to the assessment of

the work monthly.


Factors can improve employee satisfaction:

 Organization development

• Shared mission or vision: In many organizations, employee doesn’t

know what is mission, vision, objects. Building a corporate culture that

requires employees to be an integral part of the organization can be an

effective way of getting the most from the talents or competencies

brought to the organization by each employee.

• Feedback programs: These programs will help organization what is

opinions of their employees.

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 Work itself

You can increase job satisfaction by

• Job rotation

• Job enlargement: knowledge enlargement, task enlargement.

• Job enrichment

 Compensation and benefits

Policies of compensation and benefits are most important part of

organization. But you should build your policies at “suitability” not “the


 Appraisal program

You should build the proper evaluation and fair and encourage

employees perform work.

 Relationship with supervisors

Relationship with management is the key factor often happen

dissatisfaction of employees. The company should have policies to:

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• Management must be fair treated with staff.

• Ready to help them.

• Full training for staff

• Ready to listen and respond to employee.

 Promotions and career development

• Develop programs to promote all titles in the organization.

• Develop training programs for employees

• Build programs for career development of each title.

 Build corporate culture

• Build channel of communication in organization

• Relationship with coworkers

• Build sharing culture.

 Working condition and environment

• Build occupational health and safety program.

 Improvement programs of employee satisfaction

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HR department must have the monitoring methods for improvement

programs of employee satisfaction. Many organizations just do appraisal

of employee satisfaction but not pay attention to role of monitoring.

Build solutions to improve satisfaction

Training all level of management about the importance of satisfaction

and methods to increase satisfaction.

 Employees by them self

• Hiring the right employees:

• Clearly defined and communicated employee expectations.

Process of improvement

1 Identification of method used:

You should identify methods that can be implemented to improve the

assessment satisfaction of employees.

2 Determining the level of satisfying the question

Example rating scale of relation with supervisors is 2.2/5. And you

intend to implement 2 solutions and the expectation scale is 4/5.

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3 Determining the increasing rate of each method.

• You get a new level satisfy subtract satisfying old level, in example

above is 4 – 2.2 = 1.8.

• Total of the increasing scale is 8 for example. Methods to improve

factor: “relation with supervisors” accounting for (1.8 / * 100 =


4 Method options.

• Depending on the desire to resolve issues of the business.

• Depending contain any man levels need to resolve.

• Depending on the resources of the business. Mainly resources can

improve satisfaction of employees is money, time, workforce of

management, management methods.

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Data analysis and data

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