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ISAAC 项目在线测试流程

ISAAC Online Test Processes

1. 请通过项目经理发送的邀请链接完成注册您的 OneForma 账户
Please set up your OFM account via invitation link send by your PM

2. 完成注册,请在邮件中激活账号后直接从 登录
After finished registration, you will receive the activation email. Click the link in the email and log into the account

3. 登陆成功后点击页面的 Certification(认证), 如图所示:

After logging into the account, click Certification, as the following picture shows:

4. 点击进入后,所有测试列表如图所示:
In Certification, all tests are listed as the picture shows below:
5. ISAAC 项目测试标题格式为 Translation_Certification_Guidance_XX_TO_XX,请找到对应语言对后,点击参与测试;
The title of all ISAAC tests are in Translation_Certification_Guidance_XX_TO_XX format, please click More Detail
to start the test after you find the right language pair;

 如 您 需 要 参 与 ISAAC CN>EN ( 翻 译 简 体 中 文 至 英 语 ) 的 测 试 , 请 找 到 测 试 名 为
Translation_Certification_Guidance_CN_TO_EN 的测试,点击并参与;
 If you need to do the ISAAC online test for CN > EN, please find the test name with
Translation_Certification_Guidance_CN_TO_EN and click to start.

6. 单个账户在每个测试中都有 3 次机会,请务必仔细查看测试的简介与范例后再开始测试。
Each account will have 3 attempts in every test. Please read Instruction and Interface and Examples carefully
before start.

测试题目类型为改错题,共 20 题,需 30 分钟内完成;

You need to identify errors and do corrections. There are 20 questions and time limited with 30 minutes to

In each question, you just need to revise ONLY ONE obvious mistake. Please DO NOT modify the whole
sentence with several changes.

备注 Notes:
1. 如果因为问题或者网页太卡导致超时未完成,导致测试次数用完,请联系您的项目经理并提供 ID,可以增加测试
If you ran out 3 tries or did not finish the test on time due to poor network, please contact with your PM and
provide your OneForma account ID. We can add more attempts accordingly to your account.

2. 测试 80 分以上为合格,90 分以上可以承担 QA task;

The minimum acceptable score is 80 in each test, and for those who got scores over 90 can join QA tasks.

3. 如您已通过测试,请告知您的项目经理并提供 OneForma ID 号及语言对,以便加入对应任务

Once you passed the test, please tell your PM with your OneForma ID and the language pair to add you into
the right task.

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