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Ethics in Praxis

Learning Packet 02

Moral Issues and

Challenges to Ethics

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NGEC-<Course Name>

Learning Packet 2

Moral Issues and Challenges to Ethics


On the previous packets, we are able to discuss the different principles and
theories where we can anchor our knowledge of ethics and morality. We also
witnessed how the major religions in the world greatly affected humanity in terms of
living morally upright lives. Perhaps, for most of the time you might think that
morality is just knowing and doing what is good. But then you realized that ethics is
not black or white. There are gray areas in life situations that we do not know what
choose even if we know what is good and bad. Even if we are guided by our own
religions with their precepts as commands, we could not help but to question still the
rightness and the wrongness of our options. Even if we have sets of moral principles,
we can see that there still conflicts that we need to resolve through careful process of
discernment. If you think you have already fully realized the truth, then, you might be
wrong. In this course packet, you will be exposed to the different moral issues and
challenges to ethics. You might know some of it but other issues might be something

Moral issues are problematic situations that involve challenges to existing

moral values of a person or a community. Examples are abortion, euthanasia,
environmental degradation, war and violence are among the matters that we will
discuss. We will challenge ourselves to find where are we going to position ourselves
ethically when we are confronted by these issues. We will also discuss factors that
affects our views on morality like globalization that leads to pluralism, relativism and
subjectivism. Technology appears to be one of the challenges in our perception of
morality. The breakthroughs in social media and communications, biology and
manufacturing are among those sectors that benefitted in technological revolution.
Yet, it is not without a trace of numerous issues that needed to be addressed especially
in the study of ethics. Given the time that we have, note that all of these will be
discussed briefly and the task of making it grow and study them more will fall under
your responsibility. Our primary focus is for you to be aware of these realities,
recognize how serious these things are and how are we going to apply ethical
principles to live uprightly in the midst of these issues. Further, as the packet
progresses, you will be presented with activities to solicit your personal views which
will be processed during a synchronous discussion.

NGEC-<Course Name>

At the end of this lesson the students are able to:
1. Define what is a moral issue.
2. Enumerate and discuss existing moral issues
3. Discuss the threats and challenges to moral development: Globalization and
Social Media

Learning Management System

Google classroom and Facebook group will be the platform to be used in this course
packet. A link will be provided by the instructor.

Course Packet 02: Moral Issues and Challenges to Ethics = 9 hours (7 hours
self-directed learning with practical exercises and 2 hours assessment)

Delivery Mode
As resolutions to the moral issues are not stated, synchronous discussion is advised
under this course packet. The stand of students about each moral issue should be
explored and evaluated.

Assessment with Rubrics

A 10-point objective-type assessment serve as the pre-test to assess student’s
knowledge prior to module readings. Likewise, a posttest will be given to evaluate
student’s learning after reading the module. These will be presented in a google form
wherein links will be provided.Formative assessments through series of activities will
be provided to develop the concept being presented in the module. These will be
submitted in a Facebook group or in the google classroom for checking and grading.

For further enrichment, you may visit the site and read/watch the following :
1. Argentinian pro-abortion leader dies during abortion procedure. Precious Life
https, ://

2. Social Dilemma, 2021, Netflix, YouTube Video, Retrieved from

3. Same-sex marriage sa Pilipinas, napapanahon na ba?, NXT, ABS-CBN News,

YouTube Video, Retrieved from

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MULTIPLE CHOICE: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1.It is the act of intentionally or unintentionally causing the death of one person for
his/her own benefit.
a. Abortion c. Murder
b. Euthanasia d. Suicide

2.It is the deliberate termination of a pregnancy by surgical or medical (with drugs)

a. Abortion c. Murder
b. Euthanasia d. Suicide

3.It is a situation to be resolved not only by considering the technical matter but also
by keeping moral values in mind.

a. Moral Principles c. Moral Issue

b. Moral Theories d. Moral Degradation

4.It is a process that encompasses the causes, course, and consequences of

transnational and transcultural integration of human and non-human activities.

a. Localization c. Imperialism
b. Globalization d. Terrorism

5.Which of the following is a reason for abortion to be morally allowable in the

a. If the woman is raped.
b. If the woman is economically incapable of rearing a child.
c. Respect for Freedom of Choice.
d. If the woman’s life is in danger.

6.It is considered as sexual arousal using computer technology, especially by wearing

virtual reality equipment or by exchanging messages with another person via the
a. Pornography c. Sexual addiction
b. Cybersex d. Homosexuality

7.Below are the possible conditions for a passive euthanasia except for one:
a. Firstly, treatment might simply be futile and hence incapable of benefiting
the patient.
b.Secondly, the treatment may not be cost-effective
c.. Thirdly, treatment may be withheld or withdrawn because it is excessively
burdensome or harmful.
d. Administration of lethal drugs to end the life of terminally ill person.

NGEC-<Course Name>

8. The following are examples of advantages of Globalization except for one:

a. Access to other cultures and schools of thought.

b. Technological advancements and innovation
c. Economic inequality and “transnational” harm to people and environment.
d. Access to new avenues for skills and new marketplaces.

9. The following are stances on same sex marriage except for one:

a. Non-Discrimination and equality

b. Equal rights and benefits.
c. Some gay/lesbian couples are more responsible.
d. Heterosexual marriage is the foundation of healthy society.

10.The following are justifications for mining industry except for one:

a. More jobs and opportunities for the locals.

b. Economic Opportunities for word market.
c. Environmental degradation
d. More investors in the Philippines.

NGEC-<Course Name>

Lesson Proper

Have you heard of the OPM song “Mahal ko o Mahal ako?” The song
“Mahal Ko o Mahal Ako” is about a person who is confused on who’s the one who
weighs in: her mind or her
heart. What would you do?
Who would you choose? Why
would you choose such
Every day in our lives
we are being confronted by
issues which require us to
choose from among the options available. Most of the time, in dealing with the
dilemma of what choice to make, we weigh options which are equal of value to us.
These are scenarios in life that will show us that whatever we choose, we will end up
letting go of something or someone valuable, or of hurting someone or losing
something of value to us. The song “Mahal ko o Mahal Ako” is something of personal
problem that would put our values on the table. But it is not a big problem compared
to Abortion, Cloning, Euthanasia, Death Penalty, Medical Use of Marijuana, Sexual
Morality, Same-sex Marriage, Environmental Ethics, Animal Violence, War and
many others. These are some of contemporary moral issues found in our society not
just today, but throughout history. At the core of each problem lies specific situations
that are dilemmic in nature. You might say you do not need to know these because it
is not your problem. But who knows one day you might? So do not forget this day
and learn from this packet.

Different Moral Issues

A moral issue can be understood as a problem to be resolved not only by
considering the technical matter but also by keeping moral values in mind. Moreover,
when we say moral issues, it is not only by assessing practices, but also through the
consideration of moral ideals, must be addressed. It becomes more problematic when
the nature of the issue is a type of a dilemma. Situations like this require deep
discernment and careful assessment of the factors involved and the theories and
principles that could be violated but at the same time guide the person to moral action.

The following are some moral issues that confronts and challenges our morality:

Abortion is the deliberate termination of a pregnancy by surgical or medical
(with drugs) means. A spontaneous abortion, also known as a miscarriage, is the

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accidental termination of a pregnancy (due to a medical illness or injury). A

therapeutic abortion is one that is performed to save the mother's life or health. In the
Philippine culture, abortion remains to be a social taboo, yet, cases are rising in
numbers. Studies have shown that more and more young women, who have engaged
in sexual activities at an early age were most likely to commit abortion (Finer
&Hussain, 2013). In some countries however, it is legally accepted. It is considered
as a medical and legal procedure to women who wants to avail it.

Activity 1:
Search for the arguments both pro-abortion and anti-abortion. Share your sentiments
about these arguments and make a stand. Be able to defend your position.


NGEC-<Course Name>


Euthanasia is the act of

intentionally or unintentionally causing
the death of one person for the benefit of
the other. It is thought to provide a
benefit or a good for the person by
ending which typically arises when
someone has an incurable or terminal
disease that causes great suffering or
when someone experiences an
irreversible loss of consciousness.
Many people believe that euthanasia makes sense because they believe that a quick
and painless death is preferable than a lengthy and painful death (such as that
experienced by some terminal cancer patients) or a long, vegetative sleep with little
possibility of a meaningful existence. Legally, it is accepted in most societies.
However, on the grounds of morality, will it be acceptable? Would it be upright to
take a life from someone?

Activity 2:
Search on the conditions where euthanasia can be considered morally allowable
in the Philippines. Share your thoughts about its morality. Are you in favor of
legalizing Euthanasia in the Philippines? Explain your answer.


NGEC-<Course Name>

Environmental Issues

They claim that mankind has gone too far and that the world as we know it will
end with a gasp: a gasp for clean air, water, and food. Regardless of whether the
situation is thus bad or not, the tremendous environmental changes that people have
wrought on the planet have led many to believe that the right scope of ethics should
include not only humans but the entire natural world. As a result, a new set of ethical
concerns has arisen: Is the environment important in and of itself, regardless of its
utility to people? Is it possible for animals or plants to have moral rights? What, if
any, responsibilities do humans have to the natural world? Should people's interest
or needs take precedence over the environment's interests or needs? For example, is
it morally permissible to build a water dam or a coal plant that would bring progress
and prosperity to thousands of people but will destroy some species of animals or
bring harm to the physical environment and its inhabitants?
Another emerging issue is animal cruelty. Reports of animal abuses have been
on a rise recently (Humane Society.Org). Domesticated animals such as dogs, cats,
horses and many others were mostly victims of cruelty. Livestock and poultry
animals were also reported abused in factory farms through horrible living condition,
harsh treatment in slaughter houses, injected with hormones and antibiotics, and mass
slaughtered when they can no longer produce or “useless” ( You might not
be ware of these things but when we start to practice “mindful eating”, we might
consider thinking where and how our foods are produced and what are the impacts
of our diet and food system in our selves and our environment (Nelson,2017)
Activity 3:
Explain your stand on the issue of mining in the Philippines. The image below
is an aerial photo taken by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources
(DENR) of what mining can do to the environment. Mining is a growing and
producing industry in the country. It boosts our economy and brings more
employment. It brings more food on the table especially to those ordinary workers
who depend on it.

A nickel mine in Claver, Surigao del Norte, as seen during an aerial survey by Lopez's
agency in 2016. AT O M A R AUL L O / T WI T T ER

NGEC-<Course Name>

How will we answer now the moral question: Is it okay to stop mining because
it endangers the environment, but economy and people will suffer from hunger, or
will it be okay to continue the mining industry because it helps the people generally
but at the costs of our environment?


Issues on Sex and Gender

Last August of 2019, the issue of Sex and Gender discrimination among
LGBTQ members has found itself in the headlines again after a transwoman was
allegedly “harassed” for using the comfort room for females in a shopping mall (ABS-
CBN, 2019). These have sparked debate on whether the rights of LGBTQ+
community entitles them to use comfort rooms that are opposite of their biological
sex. Along with other equality and discrimination issues is the same-sex marriage
debate. It has been a global phenomenon and subject also in moral discussions. There
are some states allowed this status of homo-sexual relationships but some still
prohibits it due to religious orientation and values.
Other age-old issues that have been amplified through technology are
prostitution, pornography and teenage pregnancies. This pandemic, reported
cybersex, online prostitution and pornography cases had risen exponentially due to
poverty. Young women most of the time are prey on these predatory sexual abuses as
they are forced by their guardians and parents to show their bodies online in exchange
of money (10Thousand Windows,2020). The UNICEF stated that the Philippines is
the “epicenter of the online sexual abuse trade”. Meanwhile, teenage and pre-teenage
pregnancy cases is also growing in number. Roughly 538 babies are born to Filipino
teenage mothers every single day, according to the Philippine Statistical Authority
from 2017. Despite of passing the controversial Reproductive Health Bill and
promotion of proper sex education, the numbers did not go down as expected. In al
of these, poverty remains the number one cause of these problems (Ordinario,2019).

NGEC-<Course Name>

Activity 4.

If you have the power to change the situation below, what are you going to do? Write
your plans and suggestions below.


Threats and Challenges to Moral Development: Globalization and Social Media

Globalization and social media have influenced us nowadays. Talking about these
three, we already have a hint of how this affects every person's life. "Globalization is
a process that encompasses the causes, course, and consequences of transnational and
transcultural integration of human and non-human activities." (Al-Rodhan, N. R., &
Stoudmann, G. (2006). With the use of technology, the world is becoming
“Transnational” from being territorial as Robertson defined globalization as “the
compression of the world and the intensification of the consciousness of the world as
a whole” (Osimiri, 2015) . But how does globalization affect the moral development
of an individual? According to Oscar Arias, the moral challenge of

NGEC-<Course Name>

globalization demands a fundamental change in values, focusing on human security,

democracy, and economic justice. By thinking globally and acting collectively, each
of us must contribute to building a more compassionate, humane, and peaceful
world. People and families from all over the world are living at a higher level and
livelihood. The standard of life of a certain geographical area depends on a particular
socioeconomic class's rich, comfort, material goods, and necessities. In other words,
the more we are exposed to the idea of globalization, the more we are called to
participate in “Global Ethics”. We have to acknowledge that we need to be more
responsible in our ways to mitigate “transnational harms” as results of intensified
“transnational relations” (p.4). In a negative way, globalization challenges the
principle of Justice as it favors rich people in terms of economy. This has amplified
the global economic inequality as more and more people are getting poorer while few
are getting richer. Pollution and environmental degradation are also seen as its harms
because of the worldwide demands for commodities that exploits natural resources.

Social networking is quite beneficial to us. We have met a lot of individuals

as a result of this, and it also allows us to communicate with our loved ones who live
far away. On social media, you can talk about what you know and what you want to
be known for. As a result, many people have become renowned and well-known.
However, because social media wields so much influence, some people nowadays are
unaware of its bounds and restrictions. According to Anioke, J. N.,2017 The advent
of social media sites has displayed multiple advertisements like banner ads, behavior
ads. These target people based on their web-browsing behavior and demographic-base
ads that target people based on a specific factor like age, gender, education and marital
status. Tweeting, skyping, blogging, and instant messaging gives an outward picture
of an educationally and economically prospering society, yet these platforms are
serving as seedbeds of moral bankruptcy. Evidence gathered revealed that
adolescents' road to delinquency is heavily dotted with social media hence our
submission that this 'plug-in cancer' devouring the virtuous wellbeing of young
citizens need chemotherapy in the form of informed unhu/ubuntu moral education. In
the absence of this morally responsive pedagogy the country is likely to reap a bumper
harvest of learned moral renegades (Museka, G., & Taringa, N. T. (2014).

The use of these information technology speeds up the globalization process

especially in terms of re-forming minds of the people. As exchanges of information
is never been so fast in our history, it is easy for us to access now other perspectives
and schools of thoughts. On a positive note, it widens the horizon of the users to new
knowledges essential for coping with the changes but it also challenges traditional
values and moral perspectives. People from different parts of the world witness
cultural differences to where they find practices such as infanticide, genocide,

NGEC-<Course Name>

polygamy, racism, sexism, or torture are morally allowable to some places while
being condemned in other cultures. These have raised the conflict between moral
objectivism/universalism and moral subjectivism/relativism in a different level. More
people are leaning towards subjectivism and relativism at the expense of moral truths
that can be found in moral objectivism and universalism. These have influenced
people especially young people nowadays and have threatened their traditional moral
values as they opted to become more independent and make themselves the measure
of their own morality (Wiegard,2012).

Enhancement Activity

How does social media and globalization affect your view on truth, justice and


NGEC-<Course Name>


This packet has just presented to you some of the moral issues that challenges
us today. There are many others but the spaces do not allow us to discuss everything.
What we have covered are so far the most common ones but have posted challenges
in morality. Moral decisions in today's world can be complicated and difficult. As
things are getting more complexed, moral values and principles are being challenged
with age-old moral issues magnified by technology and globalization. Confronted
with these situations. many people are confused as to how they are going to make
moral decisions based on sound ethical principle. Those who have strong roots in their
tradition find it hard to adjust on these advancements while those who have liberal
minds do away with traditional moral values and embrace freely subjectivism,
relativism and individualism. Given as such, what we have studied so far from the
first course packet are foundations for moral decision-making especially when we are
confronted with moral issues. On the next packet we will apply all these learnings as
we study how to do moral reasoning to guide us as we make important decisions in


Watch the short video entitled Same-sex marriage sa Pilipinas, napapanahon

na ba?, NXT, ABS-CBN News, YouTube Video, Retrieved from .

Comment on how the young people like you share their thoughts about same-sex
marriage. Be able to integrate the ideas of Globalization, Moral
Objectivism/Universalism and Moral Subjectivism.


NGEC-<Course Name>


NGEC-<Course Name>


MODIFIED TRUE OR FALSE. Write T if the statement is TRUE and write the
correct substitute for the italicized word if FALSE on the space provided before the

__________________1. One of the reasons abortion is morally allowable in the

Philippines is when a pregnant woman’s life is in danger especially during severe
medical conditions.

__________________2. Sexual addiction is considered as sexual arousal using

computer technology, especially by wearing virtual reality equipment or by
exchanging messages with another person via the internet.

__________________3. Localization is a process that encompasses the causes, course,

and consequences of transnational and transcultural integration of human and non-
human activities.

__________________4. More jobs and opportunities for the locals, economic

opportunities for world market and more investors in the Philippines are the positive
effects of environmental degradation.

__________________5. Moral Degradation is a situation to be resolved not only by

considering the technical matter but also by keeping moral values in mind

__________________6. Administration of lethal drugs to end the life of terminally ill

person is prohibited in the Philippines.

___________________7. Economic inequality and “transnational” harm to people

and environment are the well-known advantages of Globalization.

___________________8. Murder is the deliberate termination of a pregnancy by

surgical or medical (with drugs) means

___________________9. Non-Discrimination and equality, equal rights and benefits.

and gay/lesbian couples’ more responsible parenting approach are some of the
justifications for Heterosexual marriage.

___________________10. Abortion is the act of intentionally or unintentionally

causing the death of one person for his/her own benefit.

-------Course Packet Ends---------

NGEC-<Course Name>


Al-Rodhan, N. R., & Stoudmann, G. (2006). Definitions of globalization: A

comprehensive overview and a proposed definition. Program on the
Geopolitical Implications of Globalization and Transnational Security, 6(1-21).

Anioke, J. N. (2017). Media effects on children’s social and moral development: a

theological moral study in Africa. Cult. Relig. Stud, 5, 113-122.

Berman, Scott (2014) Prudence and morality: Socrates versus moral

philosophers, South African Journal of Philosophy, 33:4, 381-
394, DOI: 10.1080/02580136.2014.967591

Brassington, I. What passive euthanasia is. BMC Med Ethics 21, 41 (2020).

Grubic, N., Badovinac, S., & Johri, A. M. (2020). Student mental health in the midst
of the COVID-19 pandemic: A call for further research and immediate
solutions. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 66(5), 517-518.

Museka, G., & Taringa, N. T. (2014). Social media and the moral development of
adolescent pupils: soulmates or antagonists?

Primoratz, I. (1993). What's wrong with prostitution?. Philosophy, 68(264), 159-182.

Son C, Hegde S, Smith A, Wang X, Sasangohar F

Effects of COVID-19 on College Students’ Mental Health in the United
States: Interview Survey Study

Internet Links:

Argentinian pro-abortion leader dies during abortion procedure. Precious Life

https, ://
Ploughshares Monitor June 1999 Volume 20 Issue 2

NGEC-<Course Name>

A dignified death - SUNSTAR

Pictures links:

mahal ko o mahal ako - Bing images

Abortion - Bing images

euthanasia pope john paul II - Bing images

mining in the Philippines - Bing images



Same-sex marriage sa Pilipinas, napapanahon na ba?, NXT, ABS-CBN News,

YouTube Video, Retrieved from .

Social Dilemma, 2021, Netflix, YouTube Video, Retrieved from

NGEC-<Course Name>


The rubric below will guide the students in activities that require reflections.

Areas of 5 4 3 2
Ideas Presents ideas in Presents ideas in Ideas are too Ideas are vague
an original a consistent general or unclear
manner manner
Organization Strong and Organized Some No
organized beg/mid/end organization: organization;
beg/mid/end attempt at a lack
beg/mid/end beg/mid/end
Understanding Writing shows Writing shows a Writing shows Writing shows
strong clear adequate little
understanding understanding understanding understanding
Word Choice Sophisticated use Nouns and verbs Needs more Little or no use
of nouns and make essay nouns and verbs of nouns and
verbs make the informative verbs
essay very
Sentence Sentence Sentence Sentence No sense of
Structure structure structure is structure is sentence
enhances evident; limited; structure or
meaning; flows sentences sentences need flow
throughout the mostly flow to flow
Mechanics Few (if any) errors Few errors Several errors Numerous

NGEC-<Course Name>


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