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A word is a combination of sounds that denotes something.

- True

It was in the Dark Period of the western world that give importance to the word that led the
transmission of ideas through hand-copying.

- True

Claude Shanon, the father of Information and using the property of electrical switches to
implement logic becomes the fundamental concept that underlies all electronic digital

- True 

The World Wide Web invented by Sir Tim Berners-Lee is a way of addressing data processing
and information sharing needs among scientist for American Organization Nuclear Research
- False

With the use of World Wide Web there is an easy sharing of information at present which its
reliability becomes uncompromised. 
- False

Through the printing press the ancient Greek idea that knowledge should be shared and be
communicated among humans would be done on a scale beyond imagination by its thinkers.
- True

One of the many advances of science is not only conveyed strictly by rhetoric but rather by its
electronic replacement by digital signal or digit.
- True

Communication is insignificant if people equates the significance of language as the most

important means of communication.
- False

With technology the scientific method help people to discover how nature behaves thus
consequentially controlling nature. 
- True
Easy access to personal information does not make people susceptible to online predation,
identity theft, scamming among others.
- False

The UN has declared 2010 to be the International Year of Biodiversity, calling on world leaders
to help and to take action to safeguard life on earth. There focus on the 2010 Biodiversity
- to significantly reduce the rate of loss of biodiversity by 2010.

The deliberate modifications of an organism's genetic information by directly changing its

nucleic acid content is a subject matter of
- genetic engineering

Which of the following general statements about conservation reflects current thinking and
best practices?
- the focus should be on the preservation of whole ecosystems and their species

There is a little evidence that the rate of loss of biodiversity has been reduced since 2002. In
fact, rates of biodiversity loss are increasing.Which of the approaches we should apply? 
- Both A & B / greater sense of urgency is certainly needed & ways must be found to
involve more people in tackling the issues.

Humans are part of nature's rich diversity and they have the power to
- Both A & B / protect and destroy

Modern agricultural biotechnology today includes the tools of genetic engineering which
ncludes the following EXCEPT
- None of the above

Biotechnology may also be used to conserve natural resources by EXCEPT: 

- Frugality in innovation
Which of the following is NOT a reason why people question the gene insertion of Bacillus
thuringiensis (BT) in crops?
- T crops increase yields and reduce pesticide thus reduce impact to environment.
Nanoscience is the study of ________. 
- Phenomena on the scale of 1-100 nm

What are the potentials risks associated with nanotechnology? 

- All of the above

Which of the following statement BEST described nanomaterials? 

- Totally new materials with unique properties so we cannot test their safety

Why is there so much interest/concern about nanotechnology EXCEPT?

- Analysis of properties and structure of nanoparticles becomes sophisticated,

A friend would like to avail of a certain form of gene therapy. As a scientifically literate
individual, will you advise him to go through the process?
- Not immediately because he needs to seek more advise from professionals and
weigh the pros and cons before deciding.

A transgenic cell is introduced into the developing embryo which eventually resulted to the
development of an offspring. What type of gene therapy is described in the scenario?
- Germ line therapy

How do you assess the potential use of gene therapy in the future? 
- The potential is very high since current technology makes it accurate in eliminating
cancer cells without damaging normal and healthy tissue.

In response to climate change solution the Paris Protocol was signed by different countries in
the world to lessen the Earth’s temperature by 2 degrees. Which of the following countries
produce the most garbage in the world in 2006 statistics? 
- United states

What is the main cause of climate change? 

- Humanity’s increased use of fossil fuels.
What are the natural causes of climate change? 
- volcanic eruptions, ocean currents and the Earth's orbital changes

What will happen if the Earth will only absorbed radiation from the sun without giving back
equal amount of heat?
- Our planet will continue to grow warmer until oceans and lakes will be boiling.

Which of the following is expected as a result of acid rain due to electric power generators run
by fossil fuels?
- Both a & b

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