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    You’ll wonder about the past.

The reason why we can’t move on is we keep on dwelling on the things and
events that already happened just like studying Rizal, but in a positive way.
Exploring the life and works of Rizal would give you a better vision of what is
it like during the Spanish era and how Filipino’s deal with it.

2.    You’ll realize how important communication is.

There have been a lot of miscommunication issues with Rizal. In life, it is very
important to have a clear delivery of what you want to say to avoid
misunderstandings. Imagine if Rizal had actually put things in the proper
process, imagine what could have happened if he achieved what he really
wanted. Let that sink in.

3.    You’ll Prove that too much love will kill you.

Jose Rizal’s love for the country led him to his execution. It was such a heroic
act of sacrificing his own life for an accusation and being a role model in the
rebellion of the Filipinos.

4.    You’ll think of what if’s.

One of the most painful things in life is to continually wonder what if’s.
Studying Rizal could give you a lot more what if’s in life. What if he got a wife?
What if he did not study abroad? What if he just told the Spaniards his real
intentions? Things like that. 

5.    It will inspire you to think differently.

We’ve always been thought that Rizal is an iconic hero because he fought
with his writings instead of violence like using the mind over strength. When
we think about it, we could really do things our way. It depends on us on how
we will act in certain situations we are in. 

6.    It will give you a different view of Rizal.

Just like when someone is courting you or when you are courting someone,
former learning’s about Rizal was all rainbows and butterflies. But when
you’ve taken this subject, you’ll discover secrets and things you’ve never
thought of Rizal. **insert evil laugh here** **HAHAHA***

7.    You’ll get to know Rizal better.

There are times when you thought you knew it all but soon you’ll realize how
dumb you are to believe such things. (I’m gonna stop it right there because it
would probably turn out a cringe-worthy hugot line and you’ll start rolling your
eyes on this part. So, yeah.) The truth is, everything we’ve learned from Rizal
was just a mere sentence of his whole life.

8.    You’ll understand the relationship of the other Filipino heroes with Rizal.

We all know who are they individually but we are not given the whole context
of how they are connected with each other. Studying Rizal will give you part
of the whole context on how they are related to each other.

9.    It would build the inner revolutionary in you.

Not like you’ll have to fight like Rizal or KKK’s but it could get you interested in
the current national issues since you’ll know how our heroes fought for our
freedom. Just like Rizal, You could do it in your own unique way.

10. It is stated in our laws.

Let’s be frank here, you can’t escape this course when your studying in the
Philippines. As mentioned earlier RA 1425 requires us to do so. It could be a
really fun and exciting experience just give it a chance. Judging and hating it
wouldn’t do you any good though. So just enjoy the wonders of the life and
works of Rizal. 

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