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Chapter 9
Ecological Chemistry of
the Natural Waters
Viorica Gladchi
Moldova State University, Moldova

Elena Bunduchi
Moldova State University, Moldova

Lidia Romanciuc
Institute of Chemistry, Moldova

Hydrosphere collects and accumulates the most anthropogenic and natural pollutants released to
atmosphere or lithosphere. Polluted water affects life activity of both individual organisms and the
water ecosystems. For adequate estimating of natural waters state and quality, the different methods of
research, including the study of physical, chemical, and biological processes that occur in the aquatic
ecosystems were used. The kinetic approach was applied to study the complexity of redox processes in
the aquatic medium, redox state of water, and its ability to self-purify both in the surface water objects of
the Republic of Moldova and modeling systems. For this purpose, the redox active components in natural
waters and their seasonal dynamics were studied by detecting the hydrogen peroxide, OH radicals, and
inhibition capacity of natural waters.


The natural waters state and quality monitoring in the Republic of Moldova started in the 80s of the
last century with the scope to determine the water chemical composition and various types of biogenic
elements, taking into account that natural waters constitute a living environment for hydrobionts (Zepp,
1980, Sychev et al., 1983). Later more important issues arose related to the necessity to study the an-
thropogenic pollution of environment and, primarily, of natural waters (Zepp and Cline, 1977, 1980;

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-1241-8.ch009

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Ecological Chemistry of the Natural Waters

Turro et al., 1978; Scurlatov and Duca, 1985; Baud et al., 1986; Scurlatov et al., 1987; Litchfield, 1989;
Murti and Nag, 1991). As a result of studies appeared necessity to conduct the extensive and thorough
scientific research of the redox processes in natural systems, and in particular, to reveal their role in the
estimation of quality of the ambient environment (Zanoaga, 1995; Duca et al., 1999, 2001, 2008; Duca,
2012; Skurlatov and Shtamm, 2012).


By the chemical point of view, natural water represent very dilute solutions, which include the following
components: dissolved gases; macro-elements that determine mineralization; different mineral forms of
biogenic elements; micro-elements and various types of organic substances and pollutants (Miller and
Zepp, 1979; Travin et al., 1986). All these components were studied usually by hydro-chemical methods
and represent the well known traditional approach.
By the physicochemical point of view, natural waters represent an open photochemical and catalytic
system with several components and phases. In natural waters the redox processes take place, in the
presence of metal ions with variable valence (Duca et al., 1989; Andrews et al., 1998). The composition
of natural waters is not constant, being determined by several factors such as climate conditions, variety
of microflora, duration and intensity of solar radiation, anthropic factor, etc. As a result of the redox
processes, a large number of active substances are formed: hydrogen peroxide, singlet oxygen, ozone,
free radicals, etc. (Skurlatov et al., 1989; Alvarez et al., 1998; Thannickal and Fanburg, 2000; Duca,
2012; Gonciaruc, 2012).
Therefore, according to the theory proposed by Duca et al (1999), the complex estimating of the
aquatic objects status can not be achieved through traditional hydro analysis parameters only, but also
by applying of advanced methods, which describe more completely the chemical processes that occur
in natural waters and characterize most appropriately water as living environment for hydrobionts. The
proposed theory is based on the concept of the waters redox state and is resulted from the analysis of
the redox equivalents balance in aquatic environment.
The proposed concept denotes the necessity of introducing and implementation of new methods for
the characterization of natural water status and estimating of their self-purification capacity.
The most important oxidative equivalents in water systems are dissolved oxygen and hydrogen per-
oxide (Duca et al, 2002). The specifics of these oxidants is based on a quite low reactivity, which could
be increased by their activation by some metal ions, like copper or iron.
Over the years, the research has been focused on study the mechanisms of organic substances oxi-
dation in aquatic systems similar to natural waters. The scientific results were included in numerous
monographs and articles at the national and international level (Skurlatov et al., 1994; Korte et al.,1997;
Duca and Skurlatov, 2002; Bahadir and Duca, 2008; Duca, 2017).


The ecological chemistry of natural waters is studied through the aspects of physical, chemical and
biological processes, which take place in the aquatic ecosystems, for adequate estimating of the aquatic
medium redox state with application of different research methods. The basic principles proposed for


Ecological Chemistry of the Natural Waters

discussion in this Chapter are based on application of the specific methods and kinetic approach for
complex estimating of the water bodies state and their ability to self-purification. The research was
performed on the model systems and natural surface waters of the Republic of Moldova.


The important oxidant in the aquatic environment is considered the dissolved oxygen, which under
the normal circumstances is a fairly inert substance. For normal activity of hydrobiontes, the cycle of
oxygen in water is a fundamental factor and is closely linked with other biogeochemical cycles. In case
of dissolved oxygen participation in the water chemical self-purification processes, due to its reducing,
several intermediates are formed with the advanced reactivity, contributing to the more effective and wider
development of these processes (Duca, 1997; Korte et al., 1997; Duca et al.,2002; Skurlatov et al., 2017).
Presence of the hydrogen peroxide in natural waters is of great importance for self-purification. It
practically represents a carrier of oxidative equivalents in the aquatic environment, being an intermediate
in the reducing of molecular oxygen to water:
+2H + +2H +
O2 H O
2 2
2H 2O
+2e − +2e −
Activation of O2 and H2O2 in the real water conditions can be carried out in presence of the reduced
forms of transition metal ions - Fe (II) and Cu (I), which have catalytic properties. Iron and copper
ions and their complexes interacting with H2O2 form the hydroxyl radicals, possessing the considerable
chemical and biological activity in mono-electronic activation of oxygen (Duca, 2012).
In principle, two redox subsystems are well known in the water medium. The first one is the “slow”
subsystem, where the molecular oxygen possesing the low reactivity serves as oxidative equivalent. In
this case, the redox equilibrium is established slowly. The second is the “fast” subsystem, where hydro-
gen peroxide with its advanced reactivity participates as an oxidant. In this case the redox equilibrium
is established quickly.
The processes which occur in the “slow” subsystem are characterized by redox potential- Eh, which
represents the thermodynamic parameter reflecting the total ratio of the oxidative and reducing equiva-
lents. The thermodynamic character of Eh is a negative factor in the hydro-chemical determinations
because it requires much time and does not indicate concretely the dominance of certain classes of redox
equivalents. Another shortcoming of the Eh parameter consists in dependence on several factors such
as pH, temperature, etc.
To enhance the effectiveness of redox potential was introduced the concept of rH parameter needed
for Eh correction. It consists in using the pH as a factor of influence on the Eh values (Zanoaga, 1995;
Rabotnova, 1996; Duca & Skurlatov, 2002).
Unlike Eh, which can be determined experimentally, the value of rH is calculated based on the mea-
surements of Eh and pH:
Eh + 0.058 pH
H =
The most frequently, parameter rH is used in the biochemical research to estimate the abiotic environ-
ment in relation to living organisms.


Ecological Chemistry of the Natural Waters

Unlike the “slow” subsystem, in the “fast” subsystem the hydrogen peroxide plays the main role as
an oxidizing agent, which requires the smaller activation energy compared to oxygen, and serves as a
much more active oxidative equivalent. Therefore, the presence or absence of hydrogen peroxide in the
environment leads to formation of essentially different redox states of water medium.
The essential particularity of the redox state represents a rapidly established kinetic parameter that
easily varies due to the increased catalytic activity of hydrogen peroxide. The redox state depends di-
rectly on the presence of peroxidase-type substances in the environment, which can be easily oxidized
with hydrogen peroxide. Apart from these advantages, there is a practical priority - hydrogen peroxide
can be easily and quickly determined in the studied samples (Duca et al., 1996; Gladchi et al., 2008).
If the rate of hydrogen peroxide penetration in natural waters is higher than that of the reductants,
hydrogen peroxide concentration is higher than the stationary concentration of reductant. In this case,
natural waters are in the oxidation state. Oxidation state of the environment is considered as favorable
for the existence and development of hydrobiontes and for development of its chemical self-purification
process (Duca et al, 2008).
But if the stationary concentration of the reductants is higher than hydrogen peroxide, or it is miss-
ing, than the reducing state of the environment is forming, which leads to the diminishing of the aquatic
environment self-purification capacity. Thus, as a result of the redox equivalents determination by the
titration of water samples, the reductants will be detected, instead of the oxidants. The reducing state is
temporary, because in the presence of dissolved oxygen in the natural waters, the oxidation of all reduc-
ing equivalents will occur (Bunduchi et al., 2006; Gladchi et al., 2008).
The third case could happen when, apart from peroxide hydrogen in the environment, the other
oxidative equivalents are detected in large amounts. It leads to the formation of superoxidation state,
which is dangerous for ecosystems because of the enormous intensification of chemical and biochemical
processes and negative consequences. This state is conditioned by the presence of increased amounts
of free radicals.
The research initiated by academician Gheorghe Duca, in collaboration with partners from Russia,
professor Iuriy Skurlatov, Elena Stamm, Ludmila Ernestova and others, and continued by his disciples,
has revealed that in the natural waters, concomitant with peroxidase oxidation processes, occur the
oxidation processes with participation of ˙OH radicals (Skurlatov et al., 1983; Duca, 1997, 2002, 2012,
2017; Katunina, 2015). At the interaction of these radicals with substances with reducing properties two
types of secondary radicals can be formed:

• High reactivity radicals, which participate in the regeneration of the HO˙particle;

• Lower reactivity radicals, which are usually recombined with each other, breaking the chain of
˙OH radicals generation.

The presence of radicals from the second group decreases the intensity of water self-purification
water. These substances determine the inhibition capacity of natural waters (Σki[Si]), which is defined
as the effective constant of the one-pseudo order of the oxidation chain interruption with radicals in
natural waters. The direct measurement of ˙OH radicals quantities is difficult in the dynamic conditions
of natural waters. In this case, the universal kinetic method is easy to implement, based on using of the
acceptors competitors as a “radical traps” such as 4-nitroso-N, N-dimethylaniline (PNDMA). The study
of self-purification processes with participation of ˙OH radicals assumes UV irradiation of the systems
containing hydrogen peroxide (the source of ˙OH radicals) and PNDMA (radicals acceptor).


Ecological Chemistry of the Natural Waters

The existence and importance of free radicals in natural waters is discussed and studied for a long
time. It is known (Skurlatov et al., 2017) that the stationary concentration of ˙OH radicals, the strongest
oxidant in the natural waters is very low (»10–15–10–17M), but thanks to their reactivity, they play an
important role in the regulation of the composition and self-purification of aquatic environment. The
determination method of the ˙OH radicals stationary concentration implies the detecting of ratio between
two kinetic parameters - rate of initiation (WiOH) and effective constant of disappearance rate of ˙OH
radicals (kef OH) following their interaction with components of the aquatic environment [Si].
Therefore, the application of the kinetic parameters for determination of the water redox state through
the content of hydrogen peroxide, its inhibition capacity and stationary concentrations of ˙OH radicals,
estimation the dynamic balance between oxidative equivalents and reductants in the natural waters can
serve as an integral parameter of the redox-catalytic processes balance within the water body and for
intensification of self-purification processes with the participation of ˙OH radicals to characterize the
ecological state of this environment (Duca and Skurlatov, 2002).
The matters set out above confirm the need of introduction and implementation of the new methods
for characterization of the natural waters state and estimation of their self-purification capacity. Therefore,
during the last years, particular attention was given to the kinetic regularities of chemical and photo-
chemical self-purification of water systems in the case of increased amounts of pollutants presence in
them. The research performed has demonstrated that such approach plays an essential role in the natural
waters self-purification understanding.


To correlate the results obtained on the model system in report to the natural systems, an extensive
research was performed of various water bodies in Moldova, in order to implement the complex eco-
logical monitoring of the natural waters. For this purpose the methods of determination the redox active
components in natural waters and their seasonal dynamics by detecting the hydrogen peroxide, ˙OH
radicals and inhibition capacity of the natural waters in the processes with participation of ˙OH radicals
were developed, perfected and applied. For the first time these methods were applied to estimate the
state of the Dniester, Prut and its tributaries within the country (Bunduchi et al., 2006; Gladchi et al.,
2008; Sandu et al, 2013).
The method of the kinetic parameters applying along with the traditional hydro-chemical parameters
was approved in Moldova and currently is used for the estimation of the chemical composition and
processes of self-purification of waters within the Dniester and Prut rivers basins (Gladchi et al., 2008;
Bahadir and Duca, 2008; Lis et al., 2010).
To estimate the redox state of waters, to determine the stationary concentration of ˙OH radicals and
the inhibition capacity in natural waters (Σki[Si]), the analyzes were made in the period May-August
2000 on the segment of Prut river, between Ungheni city (387 km from the mouth of the Danube river)
and Leova city (200 km from the mouth of the Prut river). The results obtained in the expeditions have
demonstrated that changing of the redox state from oxidant (in May [H2O2] = 4,8·10–6 M) to reducing
(in July - August [Red] = 2,6·10–6 M) determines the quality of waters of the Prut river. The dynamics
of the redox state is accompanied by increased of the concentration of thiol substances in water (from
1,5·10–6 M to 4,2·10–6 M), of the inhibition capacity (from 2,7·105 s–1 to 1,26·106 s–1), as well as of the
diminishing of the content of ˙OH free radicals (from 5,3·10–16 M to 0,6·10–16 M).


Ecological Chemistry of the Natural Waters

The complex research was performed on the main aquatic artery from Moldova - Dniester river as
well. The data obtained (Tab.3, 4) show the importance of the kinetic parameters applying for adequate
and complex characterization of the state of the Dniester waters.

Table 1. The average content of hydrogen peroxide, inhibition capacity of waters (Ski[Si], s–1) and sta-
tionary concentration of ˙OH radicals, M in the river Dniester, during 2005-2010

H2O2, M [˙OH], M       Ski[Si], s–1

Winter    (3,50±0,10)·10–7 (2,87±0,46)·10–17 (4,17±0,30)·105
Spring    (4,19±0,58)·10–7 (4,12±0,38)·10–17 (2,83±0,74)·105
Summer    (1,35±0,43)·10–6
(9,66±2,69)·10 –17
Autumn    (6,82±1,79)·10–7 (3,46±0,31)·10–17 (6,01±0,20)·105

Table 2. Correlations between the redox parameters and coefficients of correlation r for the Dniester
river in the period 2005-2010

Coefficients of
Correlation parameters The correlation relationship
[H2O2] = f(rH) [H2O2] =1,45·10 ·rH–3,94·10–5
r = 0,7
[H2O2]= f(BOD) [H2O2]=6,68·10–7·BOD–6,24·10–7 r = 0,7
BOD = ƒ([O2]) BOD=0,49∙[O2]–2,345 r = 0,7
rH=ƒ(pH) rH=1,76∙pH+14,17 r = 0,9
[H2O2]=ƒ(%O2) [H2O2]=1,73·10 (%O2)–1,54·10
–8 –6
r = 0,8

The analysis of the obtained results have demonstrated that for the Dniester waters the seasonal
change of the redox state was detected.
The general tendency for the autumn-spring is based on decreasing of hydrogen peroxide concentration
and creation of the unstable or even quasi-reducing state of water with regard to the redox equivalents
balance, including hydrogen peroxide and the peroxidase type reductants.
During the summer period, hydrogen peroxide content in water increases to order 10–6M. But this
increasing is registered for the Naslavcea-Cosăutsi section only, whereas for the Dubasari - Boshernitsa
section, downstream the dam, hydrogen peroxide was missing.
Diminishing of H2O2 concentration from September to November and its insufficiency in March
can be explained by, on one hand, decreasing of photosynthetic activity, which plays the dominant role
in the formation of H2O2 in the natural waters being held by sunlight radiation. Under this action the
superoxide anion radical O2.-is forming, which is the precursor of hydrogen peroxide. On the other hand,


Ecological Chemistry of the Natural Waters

in the autumn months the water temperature decreases, being one of the physico-chemical parameters
that influence the rate of the redox-catalytic processes.
The registered values of H2O2 concentrations are predominantly of the 10-7M order that is insufficient
for the effective realization of waters chemical self-purification.
According to the results obtained, it could be considered that chemical self-purification with the
participation of ˙OH radicals in the Dniester waters are more effective during the summer period.
The research have highlighted that the Dniester waters continue to be polluted with reducing substances
that decrease hydrogen peroxide content in the water basin, and create the conditions of the reducing
state of aquatic ecosystems formation, being unfavorable for hydrobionts.
The State Program entitled “Scientific research and management of water quality”, started in 2009,
was aimed to create the legislative base for the adjustment of scientific-methodological, cadastral and
technological methods and activities for sustainable exploitation and management of water resources,
drinking water supplies, implementation of the modern technologies for water and wastewater treatment,
reuse of the wastewaters and irrigation (Duca, 2014). The results obtained constitute an essential contri-
bution to the elucidation of some aspects with fundamental and applied character aiming environmental
protection and rational use of water resources. The program contributed to the training of technical and
scientific staff in the field and forestablishment of cooperation with partners from Ukraine and Romania,
given the transboundary status of the Dniester, Prut and aquifers layers (Sandu et al., 2010; Bunduchi
et al., 2012; Sandu et al., 2013; Gladchi et al., 2014).
In the State Program were included the scientific projects dealing with the study of ecological state
of Dniester and its tributaries and estimation of their impact on the river. The tributaries of a river may
present a risk factor in cases when their chemical composition and the degree of pollution is essentially
different from the chemical composition of river waters. The tributaries can contribute to temporarily or
permanently changing of the chemical composition of the main water course increasing the pollutants
content, to the formation of the toxic factors etc (Goreaceva et al., 2012; Gladchi et al., 2013).
For many years a high degree of pollution of the Raut, Ikel, Bic and Botna rivers was recorded, whose
waters, reaching the Dniester, considerably change its water quality. That is why the continuous monitor-
ing of tributaries’ impact on water quality in Dniester represents a major scientific and practical interest.
The chemical composition of tributaries’ waters is determined by the climate and physico-geographical
particularities, existence of karst areas, activities of adjusting the flow and riverbed, technogenic influ-
ence, etc. Therefore, to estimate the influence of these small rivers on chemical composition of Dniester
waters, the analyses were performed of tributaries’ water chemical composition at the mouth of inflowing
directly into the river.
The field research was carried out in several sampling points: Raut river - Ustia village; Ikel river -
Coshernitsa village; Bic river - Gura Bicului village; Botna river - mouth of shedding near the Kitscani
village. Concomitantly, the water samples from Dniester upstream and downstream of the mouth of
tributaries inflow was taken. Physico-chemical parameters were analysed, such as: t (°C), pH, concentra-
tion of the main ions and waters mineralization, concentrations of biogenic elements, dissolved oxygen,
organic substances (by BOD5, CODCr, CODMn indicators), buffering capacity of the water, redox state
according to the content of H2O2, the reductants of peroxidase nature and ability to proceedthe chemical
self-purification processes involving ˙OH radicals.
The obtained results demonstrated that the content of metalions, mineralization and total hardness
of water in the Dniester tributaries differ essentially from the main river waters, being much higher
(Gladchi et al., 2008, 2012, 2014).


Ecological Chemistry of the Natural Waters

Table 3. Physico-chemical parameters, content of the main ions and mineralization of Dniester waters
tributaries (annual averages)

  The place of sampling           The content of the main ions, mg/L I S,
Ca Mg
2+ Na++ K+ HCO3– SO42– Cl –
  Dniester upstream of the
4,47 63,8 15,5 33,1 171,8 86,8 41,8 413,0
mouth of the Raut
  Raut river 11,35 71,0 94,8 76,5 493,6 176,4 96,3 1008,7
  Dniester downstream of the
5,65 55,5 35,0 65,0 239,4 134,0 54,9 583,8
mouth of the Raut
  Dniester upstream of the
4,52 54,0 22,2 34,5 183,0 79,2 44,9 417,8
mouth of the Ikel
  Ikel river 11,8 75,7 97,1 40,9 451,9 174,4 86,4 926,2
  Dniester downstream of the
4,48 53,3 22,1 37,6 185,5 81,6 44,9 425,0
mouth of the Ikel
  Dniester upstream of the
4,41 61,2 16,4 32,2 189,8 63,0 45,2 407,9
mouth of the Bic
  Bic river 8,41 87,6 49,0 115,0 433,7 140,6 106,8 937,3
  Dniester downstream of the
4,26 52,7 19,9 33,3 177,9 68,0 44,9 396,7
mouth of the Bic
  Dniester upstream of the
4,75 68,0 16,4 39,9 187,6 97,2 44,9 454,0
mouth of the Botna
  Botna river 12,05 71,2 103,2 102,3 382,3 152,4 242,3 1053,7
  Dniester downstream of the
4,72 66,0 17,2 35,4 190,6 78,8 48,4 435,0
mouth of the Botna

At the mouth of inflow, the Raut waters are typical for hydrogen carbonate class, Mg group and type
II after the concentration of anions and cations ([HCO3–]<[Ca2+]+[Mg2+]<[HCO3–]+[SO22–]) – CMgII.
Mineralization of these waters constituted in average 1008.7 mg/L and total hardness 11.35 mmol/L
(tab. 5). After their penetration in the Dniester, the increasing of all the main ions content (except Ca2+
ions) with 41% and total hardness with 26% was observed. Besides, chemical composition has shown
showing a slight dominance of Mg2+ ions.
In the Ikel river waters at the mouth of inflowing, the mineralization made 926.2 g/L and total hard-
ness 11.8 mmol/L. The river waters have characteristics available for hydrogen carbonate class, Mg2+
group, II–III type (CMgII–III).
Mineralization of the Bic and Botna river waters had an average 937.3 mg/L, respectively 1053.7 mg/L;
the total hardness 8.4 mmol/L, respectively 12.05 mmol/L. The Bic river waters are part of hydrogen
carbonate class, sodium or magnesium group, II or III type (CNa,MgII–III), and the waters at the mouth of
shedding of the Botna river of chlorine class, sodium or magnesium group, III type, (ClNaIII sau ClMgIII).
It was found that the content of mineral forms of biogenic elements and their concentrations in the
Dniester tributaries are much higher in comparison to the main river (tab. 4).
The most advanced level of water pollution with various forms of nitrogen and PO43– ions was detected
in Bic river. The waters of this river contain on average 12,54 mg N-NH4+/L; 0,064 mg N-NO2– mg/L;
9,15 mg PO43–/L.


Ecological Chemistry of the Natural Waters

Table 4. The average values of the content of biogenic elements in the rivers from Dniester basin, mg/L

  The place of sampling   N-NH4+ NH3 N-NO2-    N-NO3- PO43-

  Dniester upstream of the mouth of the Raut 0,08 0,10 0,0085 1,30 1,41
  Raut river 0,55 0,69 0,021 2,18 1,57
  Dniester downstream of the mouth of the Raut 0,12 0,147 0,01 1,37 1,67
  Dniester upstream of the mouth of the Ikel 0,11 0,138 0,005 1,45 1,33
  Ikel river 1,33 1,61 0,0995 2,13 3,27
  Dniester downstream of the mouth of the Ikel 0,09 0,113 0,007 5,02 1,76
  Dniester upstream of the mouth of the Bic 0,043 0,53 0,004 1,12 1,86
  Bic river 12,54 15,24 0,064 2,26 9,15
  Dniester downstream of the mouth of the Bic 0,92 1,12 0,009 0,93 3,90
  Dniester upstream of the mouth of the Botna 0,18 0,22 0,012 1,40 1,69
  Botna river 0,3 0,36 0,07 1,32 1,02
  Dniester downstream of the mouth of the Botna 0,44 0,54 0,014 1,52 1,67

The study has confirmed the growth trend of biogenic elements content in the Dniester waters down-
stream of the mouth of the tributaries inflowing
The Dniester tributaries waters are characterized by the increased content of oxidizable organic sub-
stances producted by chemical and biochemically way. The average of their content in the tributaries,
according to BOD5 parameter, enroll in the ranges 3.8-16.0 mgO2/L. Each time, the highest values were
recorded in the Bic river waters.
The average values of bichromatic oxidizability of the Dniester tributaries are 24.2- 29.0 mgO2/L in
the Raut and Botna rivers and respectively 42.2-43.5 mgO2/L in Bic and Ikel rivers, the latter constituting
a highly advanced pollution degree. In the Dniester waters, downstream from the mouth of tributaries
inflow, a rising trend of these parameters was registered, compared with the data obtained upstream.
The saturation degree of the tributaries’ water with the dissolved oxygen ranged on average between
101% and 119%. The most deplorable situation was recorded every time in the Bic river waters, in
which, at the mouth of inflowing in the Dniester, the content of dissolved oxygen ranged between 90%
of saturation level (a unique case) and total absence of the oxygen, the average of this parameter being
of 64% of saturation level.
Determination of the redox state according to the kinetic parameters indicated the permanent ab-
sence of hydrogen peroxide in the tributaries’ waters. At the same time, the substrates of the peroxidase
nature, which are actively oxidized by hydrogen peroxide, were recorded permanently in the Ikel, Bic
and Botna, rivers waters, contributing to the balance of the redox processes moving and creating the
quasi-reducing conditions of waters. In the Raut river waters the presence of the reducing substances
was detected periodically, contributing to the state ranging from the unstable to reducing. The amount
of the reducing substances in Ikel, Bic and Botna rivers made an average 0.80–1.60 µg-ech/L (tab. 7).


Ecological Chemistry of the Natural Waters

Table 5. The content of the dissolved oxygen and average kinetic parameters of the Dniester river tributaries

Degree of water
Н2О2, DH2, [˙ОН], [˙ОН]hν, Ski[Si],
Tributary saturation with
µg/L µg-ech/L 1017, M 1014М ·10-5,s–1
  Raut   101 0,0 0,08 2,36 1,87 4,94
  Ikel   119 0,0 1,60 5,27 1,21 4,75
  Bic   64 0,0 1,30 6,26 1,40 3,38
  Botna   106 0,0 0,80 6,2 1,72 3,11


Generalizing the aforesaid, it is evident that self-purification of natural waters under the favorable
conditions is caused by a combination of physical, biological and chemical processes. To assess and
forecast the physical, chemical and biological processes of natural water self-purification capacity, the
hydrodynamic, physico-mathematical, biological and biochemical methods should be applied,


The long term data related to the chemical composition formation of the downstream and upstream of
Dniester river under the influence of the tributaries (Raut, Ikel, Bic, Botna) in the sections of their inflow
into the river were accumulated and analyzed. The data obtained have demonstrated the considerable
influence of the Raut river on the polluting substances content in the Dniester waters.
The Dniester tributaries are polluted with mineral forms of biogenic elements - ammonium, nitrite,
nitrate and phosphate ions. Maximum concentrations were found at the mouth of the Bic river inflow.
The growing trend was established of the various forms of biogenic elements concentration appearance
in Dniester waters downstream of the Bic inflowing.
The redox state and intensity of chemical self-purification process of the Dniester and its tributaries
were estimated in the places of their inflowing. The oxidation processes mediated by ˙OH radicals arising
intensely in the Dniester waters and undergoing slowly in the tributaries were observed. The dynamics
of the kinetic indicators demonstrates that self-purification capacity of the tributaries’ waters is lower
than that of of the river waters.
Follow-on research was proposed to determine what measures might be proposed to improve the
situation in this field.
To evaluate and forcast the physical and biological processes of water self-purification capacity,
the determining role is played by the hydrodynamic, physico-mathematical, biological and biochemi-
cal methods, elaborated by scientists and practitioners. The chemical processes of self-purification are
relatively lesser studied in the world, but in Moldova they were studied intensively during the recent
decades based on a complex approach in assessment and exploiting the traditional methods of measure-
ment of the pollutants chemical transformations in the aquatic environment (Duca et al., 2002, 2008,
2012, 2014, 2017).


Ecological Chemistry of the Natural Waters

As a result, more convincing arguments were accumulated in favor of the significant role of chemi-
cal processes for the reestablishment of environmental quality, including the hydrosphere. This conclu-
sion is confirmed by the results obtained: the research of the kinetic legalities of the redox- catalytic
transformations of the pollutants in aquatic systems in the presence of ions and complex compounds of
copper and iron; examination of chemical self-purification processes of aquatic systems; elaboration
of the new parameters for estimation the quality of the natural waters;creationa database on qualitative
characteristics of chemical transformations of pollutants; study the redox state of surface waters and
proposal of the complex estimation methods for the water bodies state.
The main priority in scientific research in the field of ecological chemistry of natural waters is given
to evaluation of chemical self-purification processes of aquatic systems. For this reason the research
could be carried out on the base of the model systems to study kinetics and mechanisms of redox-catalytic
and photochemical processes with participation of free radicals that lead to the transformation of a wide
variety of pollutants. Besides, the self-purification capacity of surface waters in Moldova serve as the
methods of the redox-state and kinetic parameters evaluation, concomitant with the traditional methods
of water analysis. Important role play the new indicators, which significantly contribute to the estimation
of the natural waters quality and theirs self-purification capacity. Elaboration of recommendations for
their application and creating the database on qualitative characteristics of the chemical transformations
of the pollutants is important stage on practical implementation of this approach.
The novelty of this research lies in the application of the kinetic methods to study the processes and
to estimate the level of the aquatic environment self-purification, as well as to determine the role of
the investigated substances in the formation of the redox state of the aquatic environment; the action
of the substances participated in the water self-purification processes with forming of free radicals; the
study of the seasonal dynamics of the redox state of surface waters and correlation of this parameter
with the dynamic of the waters inhibition capacity, the concentration of ˙OH radicals and the presence
of substances that have been investigated in the laboratory conditions. Conducting this research makes
possible the detailed description of the processes in chemical and biochemical systems and elucidation
of a number of phenomena in the living nature.
The research results could be applied to reveal the phenomena of redox-catalytic transformation of
different classes of substances in natural waters. The constants values of chemical transformation reac-
tions of studied substances in the laboratory conditions are used to estimate the effectiveness of self-
purification processes of natural waters. The broad spectrum of physico-chemical parameters (such as
organic matter content, ˙OH radicals, hydrogen peroxide and the inhibition capacity of the natural waters)
is important for a more complex assessment of ecological state of the natural waters and forprevention
of adverse effects.
The scientific value of the results achieved under the leadership of academician Gheorghe Duca have
brought a contribution to the development of the theory of homogeneous catalysis through new ideas
on redox oxidation of pollutants in aqueous solutions. The introduction of the theory of homogeneous
redox catalysis in the training process helps to deepen the knowledge on the processes in the environ-
ment and will make possible forecasting of ecological consequences according to the anthropogenic
impact on the natural water.
Therefore, the research discipline on ecological chemistry of natural waters demonstrates in a rea-
soned and sure mode, that application of kinetic parameters for estimation of water bodies’ state is a
necessary complement to the traditional hydro-chemical parameters. In the cases of critical and emergent
situations of various water bodies (the mass death of fish, discharges increased amounts of pollutants,


Ecological Chemistry of the Natural Waters

etc.), application of methods for determining the hydrogen peroxide in the waters, redox state, inhibition
capacity and stationary concentration of free radicals may lay the necessary ground to implement the
urgent actions to improve the situation.


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