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Write Playbook

You can get a list of all the variables associated with the current host with the
help of hostvars and inventory_hostname variables.

Create a Playbook test.yml and write steps as shown below:

- name: built-in variables
hosts: all
- debug: var=hostvars[inventory_hostname]

Step 2:

Execute Playbook
Now execute the playbook and observe the output: ansible-playbook -i myhosts

inventory_hostname tells the name of the current host

hostvars stores the list of all the variables and fact of the host (defined by
in short, store all the variables of host01 machine and display it using debug

besilbal - Ansible Choral | 2 | Try It Out-Registered Variable

Lets create a file touch afile.txt, prior to creating tasks

Create a playbook test.yml to

copy afile.txt from your control machine to host machine at /home/ubuntu/ location
as afile_copy.txt and
debug the above task to display the returned value
Execute your playbook (test.yml) and observe the output.

- name: Play1
hosts: all
sudo: yes
- name: Copy a file
copy: src=afile.txt dest=/home/ubuntu/afile_copy.txt

Execute the playbook

ansible-playbook -i myhosts test.yml

You can skip the task of gathering facts through which of the following way?
gather_facts: no

Which option will give you error while accessing your complex variable?
{{ ansible_eth0[ipv4][address] }}

Which variable allows you to save the output of a task?


Which module can tell you the fact variables of a host?


besilbal - Ansible choral | 3 | Special Tags

Write the Playbook

Create a Playbook tag.yml and write steps as shown below:

- name: Special Tags
hosts: all
sudo: yes
- name: location 1
debug: msg="california"

- name: location 2
debug: msg="mumbai"
- tag1

- name: location 3
debug: msg="bangalore"
- tag2

- name: location 4
debug: msg="chennai"
- name: Special Tags
hosts: all
sudo: yes
- name: location 1
debug: msg="california"

- name: location 2
debug: msg="mumbai"
- tag1

- name: location 3
debug: msg="bangalore"
- tag2

- name: location 4
debug: msg="chennai"
- always

Execute Playbook Using Special Tags

Execute each of the following command and observe the difference in output:

ansible-playbook -i myhosts tag.yml --tags "tag1"

ansible-playbook -i myhosts tag.yml --tags "tagged"

ansible-playbook -i myhosts tag.yml --tags "untagged"

ansible-playbook -i myhosts tag.yml --tags "untagged" --skip-tags "always"

Did you observe??

You would see Chennai as output in the first three executions. It is because the
task is tagged as always.

besilbal - Ansible choral | 4 | Include

** Just follow the on screen steps to pass the hands on **

You can run non tagged tasks using which magical word?
None of the options

Which tag is executed by default while running a Playbook?

always (**wrong**)
None of the options (**Wrong**)

Tagging allows you to run or skip certain part of Playbook. Can you run tasks that
are not tagged?

Which of the folowing can you include in your Playbook?

All the options

besilbal - Ansible Choral | 5 | Ansibel Roles

** Just follow the on screen steps to pass the hands on **

This folder defines the dependencies of your Role.


Which folder does not require main.yml file?


Variables defined in this folder have least priority.


This folder stores your dynamic files.


Defining same variable in multiple locations will cause error .


You can contribute your roles to Ansible community through GitHub Profile.

Which of the following can you use to delete your installed role?

Fact variables have higher precedence than Playbook Variables

Which is NOT a valid file extension to store inventory variables in a file?

How do you define Variables in Command Line Interface while executing playbook?

This allows you to keep secret data in Playbook.


You can view the details of a role using which of the following?
ansible-galaxy info username.role

How to access variables defined in one host from another host


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