Adnan SRE Assignment 02

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Assignment # 02

Submitted by: Adnan khan

To: Engr. Jehangir Muhammad Khan
Deptt: Software Engineering
Semester: 3rd
Course: SRE
Enrollment id: 798
Session: 2020-24

Assignment # 02

Q 01: You have selected your own projects for which you have already created vision & scope

documents. Now collect user requirements for those projects and create use cases and user

stories from these requirements.

User requirements for online shopping mall:

 As a customer, I can log in and signup.

 As an Admin, I can login and signup.

 As a customer, I can search for the items I am interested in.

 As a customer, I can view multiple choices of items.

 As a customer, I can select many items.

 As a customer I can add items to cart.

 As a customer, I can chat with sales man.

 As an Admin, I can Add items to Menu.

 As a customer, I can remove items from menu.

 As a customer, I can issue items.

 As a customer, I can pay through debit card & pay pal.

 As a customer, if I have no debit card and pay pal account, I can pay on delivery.

Assignment # 02

Use cases along with their user stories;

User story: As a customer, I want to log in and sign up so that to buy items.

User story: As an Admin, I want to log in and sign up so that to monitor routine

User story: As a customer, I want to search for items so that to view items of my

Assignment # 02

User story: As a customer, I want to view multiple items so that to buy the items
of my choice.

User story: As a customer, I want to select items so that to buy it later.

User story: As a customer, I want add items to cart so that to chat with it’s owner
for it’s price.

Assignment # 02

User story: As a customer, I want to chat with seller so that buy it’s items on
suitable price.

User story: As a customer, I want to order an item so that they deliver it to me.

User story: As a customer, I want to do Payment so that to pay the dues.

User story: As a manager, I want to update menu so that attract customers.

Assignment # 02

Q 02: Draw a use case diagram to show functionalities and the actors who will trigger each use

case. Revise your diagram to show any <<include>> and <<extend>> relationships.

Log in use case diagram;

Sign up use case diagram;

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