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The problems we face daily will not go away. There is a chance that destiny will put us to
the test, causing us to do evil to someone or something. It is unavoidable that you will make
mistakes, whether you are young or old, but you must do what is right so that you can do the
right thing again. The same as in women Many problems will put you to the test as a woman,
especially if you are pregnant because your boyfriend made a mistake while you were enjoying
life, or you became pregnant as a result of another person's evil, such as rape. And it is a mistake
for an underage woman to become pregnant prematurely because you will simply abort what you
are carrying so that you do not have any more problems in your life and your family because you
are not yet viable enough in a baby. or maybe you'll abort the child because you can't accept that
it came from evil because of the violence that other people have done to you.

I oppose abortion since it is murder, and humans do not have the authority to decide if
whether the person to whom a woman gets pregnant should live and die. Abortion is a life and
death situation, with comparable proponents on both edges. According to (Abortion, n.d.), It is a
method of terminating a pregnancy. It was also referred to as a medical abortion. The pregnancy
is terminated either through medication or surgical techniques. The most common reason given
by women for trying to seek an abortion procedure is that the pregnancy was unexpected or
unwanted. According to (Reasons Why Women Have Induced Abortions: Evidence From 27
Countries, 1998), One of the most commonly cited reasons by women worldwide for getting an
abortion is to temporarily halt or end childbirth. The single most abundant reason for
sociocultural issues is a disturbance of work or especially education; a lack of community
support from the father; a willingness to provide education for living children; and welfare
dependency, unemployment, or a lack of affordable multiple children. Marriage problems with
either a husband or partner, as well as a female's perspective and she's too young, are also owing
to the greater of purposes. With very few exclusions, middle-aged women and wedded women
are much more likely to recognize restricting having children as their main reason for abortion. It
is a human right to have access to reproductive health offerings.

All of us have human dignity, a right to health, and a right to freedom of expression from
violent action, discriminatory treatment, and brutality, as well as unfair, dehumanizing, and
inhumane treatment under international humanitarian law. Human rights law specifies that
decision-making regarding one's body is solely yours; this one is understood as personal
integrity. Attempting to force somebody to undertake an unplanned pregnancy or to actively seek
an induced abortion violates their human rights, which include their privacy rights and
reproductive freedom. (Key Facts on Abortion, n.d.) In so many cases, those that are forced to
behave risky abortions face criminal prosecution, including prison sentences, as well as violent,
dehumanizing, and inhumane treatment and unequal treatment in, and isolation from, critical
post-abortion healthcare coverage. Abortion rights are hence inherently connected to defending
and maintaining the human rights of women who are pregnant, women, and many others, and
therefore to accomplishing societal gender equality. (Key Facts on Abortion, n.d.) Abortion is
harming our society today. Humans are murdering their unborn children for no apparent reason.
Numerous people believe abortion is the intentional termination of prenatal development. It's
extinguishing the life of something which deserves to live. Often these individuals have abortion
services since they are poor and struggling, would not want to be a single parent, or have
relationship issues. Unsafe abortions don't raise the risk of protracted physical or mental
disorders in women if they are conducted safely and legally on a young mother who would want
the abortion. The World Health Organization had also suggested that all women possess access
to legal abortions. Numerous people are supporting abortion, while others connect political and
religious viewpoints to all of it, causing havoc. The mother must be provided primary power to
decide whether or not to have an abortion. (Abortion Essay | Essay on Abortion for Students and
Children in English, 2020)

Women's reasons for seeking abortion are frequently often more complicated than it
sounds not wanting to become pregnant; the choice to get an abortion is typically motivated by
far more than a characteristic. Even as enhanced contraception use might help to reduce
unplanned pregnancy and miscarriage, a few abortions would also continue to stay hard to
prevent due to women's limitations in determining and controlling all aspects of their lives.
Abortion is immoral because it involves the killing of a living being in a woman's womb. It is an
immoral act to commit in our lives because abortion is also defined as an indiscriminate and evil
act. But, in my opinion, if a woman's pregnancy is the result of evil, such as being raped by a bad
person, and will only serve as a reason for her to despise the child when she grows up, she
should abort the fetus because it will never be the child's fault for raping her mother so he bears
fruit. But, if a woman's pregnancy is the result of her boyfriend's immorality, and she aborts the
child, I consider that to be immoral behavior as a human being. And again I oppose abortion
since it is murder, and humans do not have the authority to decide if whether the person to whom
a woman gets pregnant should live and die. We should at least understand the significance of the
life that has been given to us, and that the fetus in your womb has a life that should be given a
chance to live in this world.

Abortion. (n.d.). NHS. Retrieved December 4, 2021, from

Abortion Essay | Essay on Abortion for Students and Children in English. (2020,

November 3). A Plus Topper. Retrieved December 4, 2021, from

Key Facts on Abortion. (n.d.). Amnesty International. Retrieved December 4, 2021, from

Reasons Why Women Have Induced Abortions: Evidence from 27 Countries. (1998,

September 2). Guttmacher Institute. Retrieved December 4, 2021, from


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