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Ethnic Minority

Is a group of people who differ in race or

color or in national, religious, or cultural
origin from the dominant group – often the
majority population – of the country in
which they live.
Ethnic Minority
The different identity of an ethnic minority
maybe displayed in any number of ways,
ranging from distinctive customs, lifestyles,
language or accent, dress, and food
preferences to particular attitudes, moral
values and economic or political beliefs
espoused by members of the group.
Age Minorities

The elderly, while traditionally

influential or even dominant in
the past, are now usually
reduced to the minority role of
economically non-active groups.
Involuntary Minorities

Also known as “castelike

minorities”, involuntary minorities
are a term for people who were
originally brought into any society
against their will.
Voluntary Minorities

Immigrants takes on minority status in

their new country, usually in hopes of
a better future economically,
educationally and politically than in
their homeland
Gender and Sexuality Minorities

The term sexual minority is frequently used

by public health researchers to recognize
a wide variety of individuals who engage
in same sex sexual behavior, including
those who do not identify under LGBTQ
People with Disabilities
The disability rights movement has
contributed to an understanding of
people with disabilities as a minority
or coalition of minorities who are
disadvantaged by society, not just a
people who are disadvantaged by
their impairments.
Regional Minority
Authors have pointed out that
many coal workers would be
unwilling to move for work or
were not likely to be able to be
retrained as Appalachian are an
“ethnic minority”
Women as Minorities

While in most societies, numbers of

men and women are roughly equal,
the status of women as a subordinate
group has led to many social
scientists to study them as a minority
Political Minorities

One of the most controversial

minorities in most country has
been communist.
Religious Minorities

People belonging to religious

minorities have a faith which is
different from that held by the
How Minorities
• Minority group members often face
discrimination in multiple areas of social
• Opportunities are not equally accessible
to all.
• Minority is recognized but it is not
necessarily accepted by the larger
society in which its members live.
• In some cases ethnic minorities have
been simply excluded by the majority.

• Minorities requires specific protections to

ensure that they are not marginalized.

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