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Various Kinds of
Concept Paper

•- Define Concept Paper

•- Present the various Kinds of
concept paper
•- Present examples each kind of
concept paper
Concept Paper

•The Concept paper is a brief document.

Depending upon the requirements of a
specific academic program, the Concept
Paper may range from as few as 2-3
pages to as many as 10-20 pages. The
essential point of the Concept Paper is to
explain the importance of a particular
research project.
Concept Paper to Fund a Service

Pleasantville took a major hit when the town cleaning union went on strike.
As a person who frequently visits city hall to pay parking tickets, it disgusted
me to see the waste bins overflowing and the general untidiness of our once-
great municipal facility. As a ten-year janitor with a great love of Pleasantville
and surrounding townships, however, I believe I can help you.
Let’s face it: nobody takes a city that can’t handle its trash seriously. This is
true everywhere from Hoboken to LA. If one expects his or her local authority
to stay strong, he or she cannot issue edicts from a pile of half-written grants
and empty potato chip bags.

I believe that I can help Pleasantville gain its authority back. My crew and I
will break the strike lines, weather the insults, and make sure your facilities
are 100 percent spotless no matter what. We could have city hall in pristine
form mere days from the acceptance of this proposal.

First, we’ll hit the big, public areas—parks, city hall, the courthouse—and
then move on to the lesser-used areas like the municipal water facility. Our
licensed trash haulers will move the garbage to safe landfill in neighboring
Maryville, where it will live out a life unhindered by the day-to-day stresses of
modern municipal management.
• Then, once things are clean, we’ll make sure they stay that way as
long as the strike holds. We’ll even pick up the messes left by the
daily protesters. Nobody wants to walk through a bunch of picket
signs and empty styrofoam cups! When the strike ends, we’ll give up
our interim services and city sanitation can go back to doing with it
does best.

• For this excellent service, we would only ask a nominal $5000 fee
weekly. This is less than a fraction of what the city spends on its own
janitorial services (when they aren’t striking). In return, we will
provide the cleanest, neatest facilities the city has seen since the
beginning of this strike. As a local business owner born and raised in
Pleasantville, it would be an honor to make this city clean once again

•Implicit concepts are an implicit

version of what psychologists call
prototypes, although implicit
concepts (unlike prototypes
according to most theories) may
encode some causal information
about categories.
• Explicit concepts are necessary for
explicit cognition – the distinctively
human ability to use language,
represent unobservable,
nonexistent, abstract, and ad hoc
aspects of the world, and perform
linguistic inferences.
•explicit cognition is gained
through propositional attitudes or
beliefs of certain thoughts,
Implicit cognition can be
incorporated with a mixture of
attention, goals, self-association,
and at times even motivational

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