Client HR Case Studies

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Client HR Case Studies

You may well identify with some of the case studies – in which case, we’re ready and able to help you
too, just contact us!
Please note that whilst these HR case studies with solutions are real situations we have worked through
with our clients, we have withheld the names of the companies and individuals. This is because
ConsultingHQ respects the privacy of our clients at all times.

Threatening behaviour but unable to dismiss

The Problem: Employee made threatening remarks to his supervisor after being challenged for incorrect
timekeeping. The employee had a history of being aggressive and threatening to both management and
other employees.
The Employer had not followed the proper process in investigating and determining the appropriate
discipline for the employee in any of the previous instances of poor behaviour. The company did not have
the HR documentation such as policies and procedure to support the discipline process.
After the incident, the supervisor made a police complaint and was reluctant to supervise the employee.
The risk and liability potential: The employer may be unable to dismiss and to do so could result in a
significant award in favour of the employee. Including the possibility of the employee returning to the
workplace. The employee remains in the workplace and the environment becomes dysfunctional and
difficult to control and manage.
The desired outcome achieved: We supported the employer to implement an immediate exit strategy
for the employee in consultation with the employee’s representative. This resulted in a risk-free process
that provided for an immediate solution freeing up managers and supervisors to focus on productive

It’s time to listen to your team!

The client’s problem: Management felt morale was low throughout the business and wanted to
understand why.
ConsultingHQ’s solution: Tanya undertook one-to-one interviews with all team members to gain an
understanding of their feedback, engagement, satisfaction and areas for improvement.
What was the outcome? Feedback was provided to management (without disclosing employees’
names) with a report outlining prioritised suggestions for improving morale across the business.
Six months later, morale is a lot higher. Staff feel that management listens to their feedback and that
having a third party involved has improved communication channels.

Restraints and the competition.

The client’s problem: One of the key team members left and went to the competition, taking clients and
staff with them.
ConsultingHQ’s solution: We assessed what risk minimisation tools were in place and found there was
nothing in place to protect the employer and nothing to deter any employees doing this again in the future.
What was the outcome? ConsultingHQ set up the necessary tools for the business and undertook an
entire review of their HR documentation. Since doing this we found there were a number of grey areas
and loopholes employees could take advantage of and we have now eliminated them. The client has
minimised all possible risk of this happening to them again.

Undervaluing the value of HR systems and processes.

The client’s problem: The business owner did not have adequate clauses in his employment
agreements or HR documentation in place to ensure a thorough process was followed that was legally
ConsultingHQ’s solution: We undertook a review of all of their documentation and systems and found it
was out of date and not suitable based on the growth of the business
What was the outcome? All new HR documentation was put into place ensuring that all recruitment and
onboarding was thorough, legally compliant and that there was a paper trail in place to protect the
Staff are now more engaged and more productive because their employment agreements are detailed
and they know what’s expected of them.
The client’s problem: The seven-person sales team was not performing and the business was losing
money fast. The team had become complacent and lacked energy and drive.
ConsultingHQ’s solution: ConsultingHQ spoke to the Sales Manager about what reporting
documentation and processes were in place; how often meetings were being held (team and one-to-one
sales meetings); what training was in place; and what incentives were in place.
What was the outcome? We found out there were no clear KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) in place,
and no weekly activity reports being completed by the team members to hand to the Sales Manager. The
team didn’t know what the focus for the quarter was and felt that no one was available to catch up with
them regularly as Management were so busy.
We put in place:
 KPIs based on the annual sales targets
 Weekly sales team meetings
 One-to-one sales meeting with each of the team members
 Weekly activity documentation
 Reports from the CRM system that was easy to follow and measure
 Team and individual incentives.
The team is now motivated, focussed, accountable, and driven to reach their targets.

Low morale and retention from inconsistent management

The client’s problem: Staff retention was low, morale was down and communication was inconsistent.
The HR Manager approached us to undertake a confidential survey of its 150+ employees.
ConsultingHQ’s solution: After meeting with the Management team and understanding what their
concerns were for the team, we created an online employee engagement survey which was distributed to
each member of staff and Management. Feedback was received in an anonymous manner, which we
were then able to communicate back to Management.
What was the outcome? Solutions were provided to the client on various areas of concern and 6-
monthly surveys are now scheduled until the organisation reaches a higher engagement rate.
The Management team meets with ConsultingHQ every quarter so we can track their progress and
provide solutions on an on-going basis, to continually increase employee performance.

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