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Assignment 1: Date and time

Submit as a single workbook (sample provided) with 3 sheets for each exercise.
Exercise 1: Create the date series below (without typing them all in!) using
number (date) formatting to get them to display as shown:

You don't have to enter the title, though

Too easy? Try this lot:

Again, don't bother with the title

Save this file as Date series, then close it down.

Exercise 2: In cell B1 add a special date function that will always show the
current date whenever you open the file: Dataset available in workbook

Use the =TODAY function to insert the current date

In cell E5, create a formula that will calculate the invoice due date. Use the
following to help you:

Invoice Due Date = Invoice Date + Terms

Copy the formula down the rest of the column to calculate the other invoice due

In cell F5, create a formula that calculates how many days overdue (or under-due)
an invoice might be. Use the following to help you:

Days Overdue = Today's Date - Invoice Due Date

Copy the formula down the rest of the column to calculate the other days overdue:

Your answers should be the same as those above.

Use Save As... to save the file in your own new Excel work folder.
Exercise 3: Time Sheet

Calculate total hours, regular hours and overtime hours with after creating a timesheet calculator.
Use formulas for all the cells filled with colored background.

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