Modern India Quize Final

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Modern India

1. When did the British occupy Delhi?

(a) 1801
(b) 1803
(c) 1804
(d) 1802
Ans.: (b)
2. Who ascended the Mughal throne after Aurangzeb’s death?
(a) Jahandar Shah
(b) Muhammad Shah
(c) Bahadur Shah
(d) Farrukh Siyar
Ans.: (c)
3. There was no destruction of temples during the reign of ____
(a) Aurangzeb
(b) Muhammad Shah
(c) Jahandar Shah
(d) Bahadur Shah
Ans.: (d)
4. Towards whom did Bahadur Shah adopt the policy of half-hearted conciliation?
(a) Marathas
(b) Rajputs
(c) Afghans
(d) Sikhs
Ans.: (a)
5. Who was the Maratha king during Bahadur Shah’s reign?
(a) Tara Bai
(b) Shivaji II
(c) Sahu
(d) Rajaram
Ans.: (c)
6. Under whom did the Sikhs rebel after Guru Gobind Singh’s death?
(a) Nihal Singh
(b) Banda Bahadur
(c) Ranjit Singh
(d) Jindan Kaur
Ans.: (b)
7. Who was the Bundela chief who allied with Bahadur Shah against Banda Bahadur?
(a) Churaman
(b) Badan Singh
(c) Chattrasal
(d) Suraj Mal
Ans.: (c)
8. The Jat chief who joined hands with Bahadur Shah against Banda Bahadur was —
(a) Churaman
(b) Chattrasal
(c) Sahu
(d) Badan Singh
Ans.: (a)
9. Which Mughal prince succeeded Bahadur Shah when he died in 1712?
(a) Farrukh Siyar
(b) Muhammad Shah
(c) Rafi-ud-daula
(d) Jahandar Shah
Ans.: (d)
10. Jahandar Shah came to power with the help of —
(a) Rajputs
(b) Sayyids
(c) Mangols
(d) Zulfiqar Khan
Ans.: (d)
11. During whose rule was the jizyah abolished?
(a) Muhammad Shah
(b) Rafi-ud-daula
(c) Jahandar Shah
(d) Rafi-ud-Darjat
Ans.: (c)
12. Who gave the title of Mirza Raja Sawai to Jai Singh of Amber?
(a) Asaf Jah
(b) Abdulla Khan
(c) Zulfiqar Khan
(d) Daud Khan
Ans.: (c)
13. What was the title given to Ajit Singh (of Marwar) by Zulfiqar Khan?
(a) Maharaja
(b) Raja
(c) Siladitya
(d) Rai
Ans.: (a)
14. From whom did the Marathas get the grant of chauth and sardeshmukhi of the Deccan?
(a) Daud Khan Panni
(b) Zulfiqar Khan
(c) Asaf Khan
(d) Mirza Haider
Ans.: (a)
15. Where was Jahandar Shah defeated and deposed by Farrukh Siyar?
(a) Gwalior
(b) Delhi
(c) Monghyr
(d) Agra
Ans.: (d)
16. Farrukh Siyar owed his victory to ____ brothers.
(a) Mirza
(b) Hakim
(c) Saiyid
(d) Sur
Ans.: (c)
17. What were the official positions of the Saiyid brothers, Abdulla Khan and Husain Ali Khan during Farrukh
Siyar’s reign?
(a) Nawab and wazir
(b) Wazir and mirbakshi
(c) Nawab and mirbakshi
(d) Wazir & nawab
Ans.: (b)
18. When did the Saiyid brothers depose and kill Farrukh Siyar?
(a) 1716
(b) 1714
(c) 1719
(d) 1720
Ans.: (c)
19. From whom did the Marathas get ‘swarajya’, in addition to chauth and sardeshmukhi of the Deccan?
(a) Saiyid brothers
(b) Sur brothers
(c) Zulfiqar Khan
(d) Bahadur Khan
Ans.: (a)
20. Who was the leader of the group conspiring against Saiyid brothers?
(a) Adham Khan
(b) Munim Khan
(c) Sher Khan
(d) Nizam-ul-Mulk
Ans.: (d)
21. Who are known in Indian history as the ‘Kingmakers’?
(a) Saiyid brothers
(b) Sur brothers
(c) Mirza brothers
(d) The Rajputs
Ans.: (a)
22. What was the period of Muhammad Shah’s reign?
(a) 1720-1730
(b) 1720-1740
(c) 1719-1748
(d) 1719-1745
Ans.: (c)
23. Which of the Mughal rulers is ill-famed for taking shares in the bribes taken by his courtiers?
(a) Muhammad Shah
(b) Bahadur Shah
(c) Jahandar Shah
(d) Farrukh Shah
Ans.: (a)
24. When did Nizam-ul-Mulk become the wazir of Mughal empire?
(a) 1720
(b) 1724
(c) 1726
(d) 1722
Ans.: (d)
25. When did Nizam-ul-Mulk set up the state of Hyderabad?
(a) 1720
(b) 1726
(c) 1722
(d) 1724
Ans.: (d)
26. To whom does this remark apply: “His departure was symbolic of the flight of loyalty and virtue from the
(a) Saadat Khan
(b) Murshid Quli Khan
(c) Nizam-ul-Mulk
(d) Muhammad Khan Bangash
Ans.: (c)
27. When did Nadir Shah first invade India?
(a) 1730
(b) 1740
(c) 1738
(d) 1736
Ans.: (c)
28. Where did Nadir Shah defeat the Mughal forces in 1739?
(a) Karnal
(b) Delhi
(c) Agra
(d) Gaya
Ans.: (a)
29. Nadir Shah’s plunder of Delhi is estimated at ____ crores.
(a) 70
(b) 50
(c) 80
(d) 40
Ans.: (a)
30. Muhammad Shah ceded to Nadir Shah the territories lying west of ____.
(a) Jhelum
(b) Indus
(c) Chenab
(d) Beas
Ans.: (b)
31. Who ascended the Mughal throne in 1759?
(a) Shah Alam I
(b) Shah Alam II
(c) Bahadur Shah
(d) Alamgir II
Ans.: (b)
32. Who was the Nawab of Oudh to participate in the Battle of Buxar?
(a) Siraj-ud-daula
(b) Saadat Khan
(c) Zulfiqar Khan
(d) Shuja-ud-daula
Ans.: (d)
33. Who was the Nawab of Bengal who participated in the Battle of Buxar?
(a) Miran
(b) Mir Jafar
(c) Mir Kasim
(d) Saadat Khan
Ans.: (c)
34. Where did Shah Alam II live as a pensioner of the East India Company?
(a) Allahabad
(b) Monghyr
(c) Delhi
(d) Agra
Ans.: (a)
35. When was the battle of Buxar fought?
(a) 1760
(b) 1764
(c) 1765
(d) 1763
Ans.: (b)
36. When did Shah Alam II return to Delhi after the Battle of Buxar?
(a) 1770
(b) 1772
(c) 1775
(d) 1774
Ans.: (b)
37. Who founded the state of Hyderabad in 1724?
(a) Saadat Khan
(b) Zafar Khan
(c) Asaf Jah
(d) Siraj-ud-daula
Ans.: (c)
38. To whom did Balban send diplomatic feelers?
(a) Halaku
(b) Dawa Khan
(c) Mallu
(d) Chengiz Khan
Ans.: (a)
39. Nizam-ul-Mulk’s diwan was a Hindu, ______?
(a) Rupan Singh
(b) Puran Chand
(c) Shitab Roy
(d) Nand Kumar
Ans.: (b)
40. Who was the Nawab of Bengal during whose reign the uprisings of Sitaram Ray, Udai Narayan and Ghulam
Muhammad; Shujat Khan and Najat Khan; took place?
(a) Alivardi Khan
(b) Shuja-ud-din
(c) Sarfaraz Khan
(d) Murshid Quli Khan
Ans.: (d)
41. Who succeeded Murshid Quli Khan as the Nawab of Bengal?
(a) Shuja-ud-din
(b) Sarfaraz Khan
(c) Siraj-ud-daula
(d) Shaukat Khan
Ans.: (a)
42. Whom did Alivardi Khan depose and kill, to become the Nawab of Bengal?
(a) Sarfaraz Khan
(b) Shuja-ud-din
(c) Siraj-ud-daula
(d) Ghasiti Begum
Ans.: (a)
43. Who was the Nawab of Bengal to introduce revenue farming?
(a) Alivardi Khan
(b) Shuja-ud-din
(c) Murshid Quli Khan
(d) Sarfaraz Khan
Ans.: (c)
44. Murshid Quli Khan chose ____ and _____as revenue farmers.
(a) Rais and ranas
(b) Shettis and sahukars
(c) Local zamindars and mahanjans
(d) Shroffs & slaves
Ans.: (c)
45. Who was the founder of the autonomous kingdom of Oudh?
(a) Sarfaraz Khan
(b) Shuja-ud-din
(c) Mir Jafar
(d) Saadat Khan Burhan Mulk
Ans.: (d)
46. Who was the Nawab of Oudh to carry out a fresh revenue settlement in 1723?
(a) Shuja-ud-daula
(b) Safdar Jang
(c) Asaf-ud-daula
(d) Burhan Mulk
Ans.: (d)
47. Who was the Nawab of Oudh to be appointed the wazir of the Mughal empire in 1748?
(a) Shuja-ud-daula
(b) Safdar Jang
(c) Nizam Khan
(d) Asaf Khan
Ans.: (b)
48. Which province was granted to Safdarjang in 1748 by the Mughal ruler?
(a) Patna
(b) Monghyr
(c) Allahabad
(d) Agra
Ans.: (c)
49. With whom did Safdarjang ally against Ahmad Shah Abdali?
(a) Marathas
(b) Bundelas
(c) Jats
(d) Rohillas
Ans.: (a)
50. Who held the highest post in the government of Safdarjang?
(a) Maharaja Nawab Rai
(b) Puran Chand
(c) Dinanath Roy
(d) Puran Sen
Ans.: (a)
51. Who were the two ministers to usurp powers from the Mysore ruler, Chikka Krishna Raj?
(a) Chikka and Tikka
(b) Nanjraj & Devraj
(c) Devaraj & Somadeva
(d) Somadeva & Chikka
Ans.: (b)
52. Where did Haider Ali build a modern arsenal with the French help?
(a) Mysore
(b) Surat
(c) Bangalore
(d) Dindigal
Ans.: (d)
53. Whom did Haider Ali depose to establish authority over Mysore in 1761?
(a) Somadeva
(b) Nagdeva
(c) Chandraraj
(d) Naniraj
Ans.: (d)
54. Haider Ali died in 1782 in the course of the _____ Anglo-Mysore war?
(a) Second
(b) Third
(c) Fourth
(d) First
Ans.: (a)
55. Which Mysore ruler introduced a new calendar, coinage etc.?
(a) Nanjraj
(b) Tipu Sultan
(c) Devraj
(d) Haider Ali
Ans.: (b)
56. Where did Tipu plant a ‘Tree of liberty’?
(a) Madras
(b) Seringapattam
(c) Bangalore
(d) Dindigul
Ans.: (b)
57. Tipu Sultan became a member of ____ club.
(a) Jacobin
(b) Radical
(c) Communist
(d) Marxist
Ans.: (a)
58. Where were the muskets and bayonets used in Mysore infantry made?
(a) Bhopal
(b) Bangalore
(c) Madras
(d) Mysore
Ans.: (d)
59. How many dockyards were built by Tipu Sultan after 1796?
(a) 1
(b) 3
(c) 2
(d) 4
Ans.: (c)
60. Who used to say : it was “better to live a day as a lion than a lifetime as a sheep”?
(a) Asaf Jah
(b) Muhammad Shah
(c) Tipu Sultan
(d) Jahandar Shah
Ans.: (c)
61. Which Governor-General remarked : “the peasantry of his (Tipu’s) dominions are protected and their labour
encouraged and rewarded”?
(a) Wellesley
(b) John Shore
(c) Hastings
(d) Cornwallis
Ans.: (b)
62. Which Mysore ruler sent emissaries to France, Turkey, Iran and Pegu to develop foreign trade?
(a) Nanjraj
(b) Tipu
(c) Devraj
(d) Haider Ali
Ans.: (b)
63. Under whom did Travancore rise into prominence after 1729?
(a) Martand Varma
(b) Rama Varma
(c) Saheb Varma
(d) Jai Singh Varma
Ans.: (a)
64. Who ended the political power of the Dutch in Kerala?
(a) Jai Singh
(b) Rama Varma
(c) Pratap Varma
(d) Martand Varma
Ans.: (d)
65. When did Haider Ali begin his conquest of Kerala?
(a) 1760
(b) 1765
(c) 1766
(d) 1769
Ans.: (c)
66. The capital of Travancore was ___
(a) Calicut
(b) Cochin
(c) Pulicat
(d) Trivandrum
Ans.: (d)
67. Which ruler of Kerala was a poet, scholar, musician and actor?
(a) Rama Varma
(b) Martand Varma
(c) Saheb Varma
(d) Pratap Varma
Ans.: (a)
68. Who founded the city of Jaipur?
(a) Rai Jodha
(b) Raja Sawai Jai Singh
(c) Jaswant Singh
(d) Durga Das
Ans.: (b)
69. Which Rajput ruler established observatories at Delhi, Jaipur, Ujjain, Varanasi and Mathura?
(a) Jaswant Singh
(b) Udai Singh
(c) Raunak Singh
(d) Sawai Jai Singh
Ans.: (d)
70. The set of tables drawn up by Raja Sawai Jai Singh was entitled _______.
(a) Khagolsastra
(b) Brihat Muhammad Shahi
(c) Zij Muhammad Shahi
(d) Niti Shastra Shahi
Ans.: (c)
71. Who was the author of “Elements of Geometry” to be translated into Sanskrit by Sawai Jai Singh?
(a) Napier
(b) Euclid
(c) Darwin
(d) Newton
Ans.: (b)
72. Under whom did Jat power reach its highest glory?
(a) Suraj Mal
(b) Badan Singh
(c) Churaman
(d) Chattrasal
Ans.: (a)
73. What was the period of rule of Suraj Mal?
(a) 1760-63
(b) 1763-66
(c) 1756-60
(d) 1756-63
Ans.: (d)
74. Which Jat ruler was better known as Plato of the Jats?
(a) Suraj Mal
(b) Churaman
(c) Gokala
(d) Badan Singh
Ans.: (a)
75. Who founded the separate principality of Rohilkhand?
(a) Zafar Khan
(b) Amin Ali Bangash
(c) Ali Muhammad Khan
(d) Wasil Khan Rohela
Ans.: (c)
76. Where was the Rohillkhand capital shifted to from Aolan (in Bareilly)?
(a) Sitapur
(b) Rampur
(c) Islampur
(d) Shikarpur
Ans.: (b)
77. Which Guru began the transformation of Sikhs into a militant community?
(a) Ramdas
(b) Govind Singh
(c) Hargobind
(d) Banda Bahadur
Ans.: (c)
78. Under whose Gurudom did the Sikhs became a political & military force?
(a) Gobind Singh
(b) Amardas
(c) Ramdas
(d) Hargobind
Ans.: (a)
79. In how many misls (confederacies) were the Sikhs organised?
(a) 10
(b) 8
(c) 14
(d) 12
Ans.: (d)
80. To which ‘misl’ did Ranjit Singh belong?
(a) Bhangi
(b) Ahluwalia
(c) Nihang
(d) Sukerchakia
Ans.: (d)
81. Where did Ranjit Singh establish modern foundries to manufacture cannon?
(a) Patiala
(b) Amritsar
(c) Lahore
(d) Multan
Ans.: (c)
82. Who served as Ranjit Singh’s Finance Minister?
(a) Puran Mal
(b) Shanker Seth
(c) Dinanath
(d) Sitab Rai
Ans.: (c)
83. When was Balaji Vishwanath appointed Peshwa by Sahu?
(a) 1713
(b) 1712
(c) 1715
(d) 1710
Ans.: (a)
84. Where did Sahu go in 1714 to pay obeisance at Aurangzeb’s tomb?
(a) Khuldabad
(b) Multan
(c) Ajmer
(d) Ghazni
Ans.: (a)
85. Which Peshwa is referred to as “the greatest exponent of guerilla tactics after Shivaji?
(a) Baji Rao II
(b) Balaji Vishwanath
(c) Madhav Rao
(d) Baji Rao I
Ans.: (d)
86. Which Peshwa conquered Malwa, Gujarat and Bunde- lkhand?
(a) Baji Rao II
(b) Balaji Baji Rao
(c) Baji Rao I
(d) Narayan Rao
Ans.: (c)
87. Against whom did Baji Rao I start a campaign in 1733?
(a) Dutch
(b) Sidis
(c) Danes
(d) Portuguese
Ans.: (b)
88. From whom did Baji Rao I capture Salsette and Bassein?
(a) Angrias
(b) Sidis
(c) Portuguese
(d) Nizam
Ans.: (c)
89. Who was the Peshwa, widely known as Nana Saheb?
(a) Balaji Baji Rao
(b) Baji Rao I
(c) Balaji Vishwanath
(d) Baji Rao II
Ans.: (a)
90. Who shifted the Maratha government to Poona?
(a) Balaji Vishwanath
(b) Baji Rao I
(c) Daulat Rao Scindhia
(d) Balaji Baji Rao
Ans.: (d)
91. Who was the Bengal Nawab who had to cede Orissa to the Marathas in 1751?
(a) Alivardi Khan
(b) Sarfaraz Khan
(c) Shuauddin
(d) Siraj-ud-daula
Ans.: (a)
92. The Nizam of Hyderabad was defeated by Balaji Baji Rao in 1760 at ____?
(a) Bhopal
(b) Madras
(c) Udgir
(d) Arcot
Ans.: (c)
93. Whom did the Marathas help to become the Mughal wazir in 1752?
(a) Imad-ul-Mulk
(b) Shuja-ud-daula
(c) Shiraj-ud-daula
(d) Dost Muhammad
Ans.: (a)
94. Who was the Nawab of Oudh to ally with Abdali against the Marathas?
(a) Asaf-ud-daula
(b) Safdar Jang
(c) Shiraj-ud-daula
(d) Shuja-ud-daula
Ans.: (d)
95. The ruler of Rohilkhand in alliance with Abdali was _____?
(a) Asaf-ud-daula
(b) Shiraj-ud-daula
(c) Nizam-ud-daula
(d) Najib-ud-daula
Ans.: (d)
96. In which month of 1761 did the Battle of Panipat take place?
(a) March
(b) June
(c) January
(d) May
Ans.: (c)
97. Who became the Peshwa after the disastrous battle of Panipat?
(a) Baji Rao I
(b) Baji Rao II
(c) Madhav Rao
(d) Narayan Rao
Ans.: (c)
98. Who was the Peshwa when the Marathas brought back Shah Alam to Delhi?
(a) Madhav Rao
(b) Raghunath Rao
(c) Baji Rao I
(d) Baji Rao II
Ans.: (a)
99. When did Madhav Rao die of consumption?
(a) 1772
(b) 1770
(c) 1763
(d) 1785
Ans.: (a)
100. Who succeeded Madhav Rao as the Peshwa, to be murdered in 1773?
(a) Baji Rao I
(b) Narayan Rao
(c) Baji Rao II
(d) Malhar Rao
Ans.: (b)
101. Who was responsible for the murder of Narayan Rao?
(a) Madhav Rao
(b) Raghunath Rao
(c) Daulat Rao
(d) Malhar Rao
Ans.: (b)
102. The posthumous son of Narayan Rao to be made Peshwa after his death was ______?
(a) Baji Rao II
(b) Mahadji Sindhia
(c) Nana Phadnis
(d) Sawai Madhav Rao
Ans.: (d)
103. Where did Mahadji Sindhia, establish his own ordince fac- tories?
(a) Mysore
(b) Satara
(c) Agra
(d) Gwalior
Ans.: (c)
104. From Shah Alam, Mahadji Sindhia, secured the appointment of the Peshwa as the Emperor’s ______.
(a) Naib-i-Munaib
(b) Wazir
(c) Mir-bakshi
(d) Amir-i-akhur
Ans.: (a)
105. Who succeeded as the Peshwa in 1795 after the death of Sawai Madhav Rao?
(a) Narayan Rao
(b) Daulat Rao
(c) Baji Rao III
(d) Baji Rao II
Ans.: (d)
106. Baji Rao II, was the son of ___.
(a) Baji Rao
(b) Raghunath Rao
(c) Madhav Rao
(d) Daulat Rao
Ans.: (b)
107. What was the span of the Second Anglo-Maratha war?
(a) 1805-1810
(b) 1802-1806
(c) 1803-1805
(d) 1803-1806
Ans.: (c)
108. When did the third Maratha war take place?
(a) 1816-1819
(b) 1815-1820
(c) 1816-1822
(d) 1814-1820
Ans.: (a)
109. During the 18th century, India imported pearls, raw silk, wool, date, dried fruits, rose water from the _____
(a) China
(b) Persian Gulf
(c) Europe
(d) Africa
Ans.: (b)
110. From where did India import coffee, gold, drugs and honey?
(a) China
(b) Singapore
(c) Japan
(d) Arabia
Ans.: (d)
111. Which country exported gold, musk and woollen cloth to India in the 18th century?
(a) China
(b) England
(c) Tibet
(d) Central Asian
Ans.: (c)
112. During the 18th century, Indian imported tin from _____
(a) China
(b) Malaysia
(c) Singapore
(d) Japan
Ans.: (c)
113. India got spices, perfumes, arrack and sugar from ____ in the 18th century?
(a) Indonesia
(b) Japan
(c) China
(d) Malaysia
Ans.: (a)
114. From which continent did India import ivory and drugs?
(a) Africa
(b) S.America
(c) Europe
(d) N.America
Ans.: (a)
115. What was India’s most important article of export in the 18th century?
(a) Sugar
(b) Ivory
(c) Saltpetre
(d) Cotton textiles
Ans.: (d)
116. Regarding which industry did an English observer writes : “.... they (Indians) taught the English for more than
they learnt from them”.?
(a) Cotton textile
(b) Saltpetre
(c) Ship building
(d) Ivory
Ans.: (c)
117. Who commented: “..... commerce of India is the commerce of the world......”?
(a) James II
(b) Peter, the Great
(c) Charles II
(d) Edward IV
Ans.: (b)
118. During the 18th century, ____ education as widespread
(a) Secondary
(b) Maktab
(c) Elementary
(d) Scientific
Ans.: (c)
119. Which European traveller noted: “A Hindu woman can go anywhere alone, ...... she need never fear the
impertinent looks and jokes.....”?
(a) Abbe J.A. Dubios
(b) John Clarke
(c) Max Muller
(d) Halliday
Ans.: (a)
120. Who was the ruler of Indore during the period, 1766-1796?
(a) Ahilya Bai
(b) Daulat Rao
(c) Madhav Rao
(d) Badan Singh
Ans.: (d)
121. The Rajput ruler of Amber who tried to promote widow remarriage was ______
(a) Raja Sawai Jai Singh
(b) Jaswant Singh
(c) Durga Das
(d) Ajit Singh
Ans.: (a)
122. The 18th century ____ witnessed the full development of Kathakali.
(a) Orissa
(b) Mysore
(c) Kerala
(d) Madras
Ans.: (c)
123. Who was the best exponent of sittar poetry in Tamil during the 18th century?
(a) Tayaumanavar
(b) Chettiar
(c) Sukumar Sen
(d) Anna Pedanna
Ans.: (a)
124. Who composed the famous romantic epic, Heer Ranjha?
(a) Mirza Ghalib
(b) Musim Shah
(c) Firdausi
(d) Warris Shah
Ans.: (d)
125. Risalo, the famous Sindhi collection of poems was composed by _____
(a) Warris Shah
(b) Mirza Ghalib
(c) Durjan Rai
(d) Shah Abdul Latif
Ans.: (d)
126. Sachal and Sami, the great poets of the 18th century wrote in ____
(a) Hindi
(b) Urdu
(c) Sindhi
(d) Punjabi
Ans.: (c)
127. Which British official praised “the absence of the common vices of theft, drunkenness, and violence” among
the Indians?
(a) John Shore
(b) Elphinstone
(c) John Malcolm
(d) Metcalf
Ans.: (c)
128. The period after ____ is referred to as the modern period in Indian history
(a) 1761
(b) 1760
(c) 1765
(d) 1755
Ans.: (a)
129. The year 1719 saw ____ rulers, ascending the Mughal throne?
(a) 4
(b) 5
(c) 9
(d) 7
Ans.: (a)
130. Which of Auranzeb’s sons had received the title of ‘Deen Panah’ from him?
(a) Muazzam
(b) Kam Baksh
(c) Dawar Baksh
(d) Azam
Ans.: (b)
131. Prince Muazzam (Bahadur Shah I) defeated Azam in the battle of ____ in 1707 to become the Mughal emperor
(a) Bhira
(b) Jajau
(c) Bedara
(d) Buxar
Ans.: (b)
132. Which Mughal emperor was widely referred to as ‘Shah-i-Bekhabar’?
(a) Jahandar Shah
(b) Muhammad Shah
(c) Alamgir II
(d) Bahadur Shah I
Ans.: (d)
133. Whom did Farrukh Siyar send to crush the revolt of Jats under Churaman?
(a) Jaswant Singh
(b) Ajit Singh
(c) Sawai Jai Singh
(d) Bhagwan Singh
Ans.: (c)
134. Muhammad Shah, the Mughal emperor from 1719 to 1748 was son of ____
(a) Shah Jahan
(b) Jahandar Shah
(c) Bahadur Shah
(d) Farrukh Siyar
Ans.: (a)
135. Which Mughal emperor was also known as ‘Rangila’?
(a) Jahandar Shah
(b) Muhammad Shah
(c) Bahadur Shah
(d) Shah Alam II
Ans.: (b)
136. Who succeeded Muhammad Shah as the Mughal emperor in 1748?
(a) Alam Shah II
(b) Ahmad Shah
(c) Alamgir II
(d) Jahandar Shah
Ans.: (b)
137. Who killed Ahmad Shah in 1754?
(a) Shah Alam II
(b) Alamgir II
(c) Imad-ul-Mulk
(d) Muhammad Shah
Ans.: (c)
138. What was the real name of Alamgir II, the Mughal Emperor from 1754 to 1759?
(a) Gauhar
(b) Aziz-ud-din
(c) Raushan
(d) Shahrukh
Ans.: (b)
139. Who was the Mughal emperor when the third battle of Panipat took place?
(a) Bahadur Shah I
(b) Bahadur Shah II
(c) Ahmad Shah
(d) Muhammad Shah
Ans.: (b)
140. The Mughal emperor to release Shahuji after Aurangzeb’s death was _____
(a) Jahandar Shah
(b) Farrukh Shah
(c) Muhammad Shah
(d) Bahadur Shah I
Ans.: (d)
141. Under which Peshwa did the office of the Peshwa become hereditary?
(a) Balaji Vishwanath
(b) Baji Rao I
(c) Baji Rao II
(d) Balaji Baji Rao
Ans.: (a)
142. When did Baji Rao I invade Delhi?
(a) 1737
(b) 1735
(c) 1740
(d) 1730
Ans.: (a)
143. Who was the Maratha chief who forced Alivardi Khan to cede Orissa?
(a) Daulat Rao Sindhia
(b) Malkar Rao Holkar
(c) Raghuji Bhonsle
(d) Ajit Singh Gaekwad
Ans.: (c)
144. What was the real name of Saadat Khan Burhan-ul-Mulk?
(a) Raushan Akhtar
(b) Gauhar Khan
(c) Mir Muhammad Amin
(d) Salim Aziz
Ans.: (c)
145. The Mughal who conferred upon Saadat Khan, the title of Burhan-ul-Mulk was
(a) Ahmad Shah
(b) Shah Alam II
(c) Alamgir II
(d) Muhammad Shah
Ans.: (d)
146. Who among Muhammad Shah’s nobles, committed suicide in 1739?
(a) Siraj-ud-daula
(b) Safdar Jang
(c) Nizam-ul-Mulk
(d) Saadat Khan
Ans.: (d)
147. Who was the Mughal emperor when the system of Nawab-wazir came into vogue?
(a) Shah Alam II
(b) Ahmad Shah
(c) Alamgir II
(d) Muhammad Shah
Ans.: (b)
148. When was Awadh merged with the British empire in India?
(a) 1840
(b) 1870
(c) 1856
(d) 1858
Ans.: (c)
149. In 1707, Murshid Quli Khan shifted his capital to ___ from Dacca
(a) Murshidabad
(b) Monghyr
(c) Patna
(d) Calcutta
Ans.: (a)
150. When did Murshid Quli Khan get the diwani of Bengal?
(a) 1700
(b) 1707
(c) 1714
(d) 1717
Ans.: (a)
151. In which year did Murshid Quli Khan also get the diwani of Orissa?
(a) 1717
(b) 1719
(c) 1720
(d) 1725
Ans.: (b)
152. When was Bihar also added to the charge of Bengal subahdar?
(a) 1730
(b) 1727
(c) 1729
(d) 1733
Ans.: (d)
153. Who was the Nawab of Bengal to get charge of Bihar also?
(a) Sarfaraz Khan
(b) Alivardi Khan
(c) Shiraj-ud-daula
(d) Shuja-ud-din
Ans.: (d)
154. Who succeeded Shuja-ud-din as the Nawab of Bengal?
(a) Sarfaraz Khan
(b) Shuja-ud-din
(c) Alivardi Khan
(d) Shiraj-ud-daula
Ans.: (a)
155. What was the original name of Nizam-ul-Mulk Asaf Jah?
(a) Saadat Khan
(b) Chin Qulich Khan
(c) Murshid Kuli Khan
(d) Muhammad Ali Bangash
Ans.: (b)
156. When did Hyderabad enter into subsidiary alliance with the British?
(a) 1790
(b) 1798
(c) 1795
(d) 1800
Ans.: (b)
157. Who was the Mughal emperor who appointed Saadatullah Khan as the Nawab of Carnatic?
(a) Bahadur Shah I
(b) Muhammad Shah
(c) Ahmad Shah
(d) Alamgir II
Ans.: (a)
158. Which dynasty had been ruling Mysore, when Haider Ali came to power?
(a) Sangama
(b) Nayak
(c) Deva
(d) Woodeyar
Ans.: (d)
159. Where was Haider Ali born?
(a) Mysore
(b) Dindigul
(c) Budikot
(d) Madras
Ans.: (c)
160. Nanjaraj appointed Haider Ali as the ____ of Dindigul in 1755.
(a) Wazir
(b) Mir Bakshi
(c) Faujdar
(d) Amir-i-akhur
Ans.: (c)
161. Haider Ali became the ___ of Mysore after Nanjaraj’s death?
(a) Raja
(b) Sultan
(c) Maharaja
(d) Sahenshah
Ans.: (b)
162. What was the first major task before Haider Ali as the Sultan of Mysore?
(a) Organization of admini-stration
(b) Reorganisation of army
(c) Law and justice
(d) Restoration of finances
Ans.: (b)
163. Which town was renamed by Haider Ali as Haider Nagar?
(a) Bednur
(b) Dindigul
(c) Mysore
(d) Mangalore
Ans.: (a)
164. In total, how many battles were fought between Mysore and the British?
(a) 5
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4
Ans.: (d)
165. When was the first Anglo-Mysore war fought?
(a) 1760-1765
(b) 1765-1770
(c) 1767-1769
(d) 1767-1772
Ans.: (c)
166. When was the second Anglo-Mysore war fought?
(a) 1780-82
(b) 1782-86
(c) 1779-82
(d) 1780-84
Ans.: (d)
167. In which year did Haider Ali die?
(a) 1782
(b) 1780
(c) 1783
(d) 1781
Ans.: (a)
168. The Treaty of ____ was signed between Mysore and the British in 1784?
(a) Madras
(b) Mangalore
(c) Dindigul
(d) Seringapatam
Ans.: (b)
169. Tipu Sultan proclaimed himself as the ____ of Seringapattam in 1787?
(a) Raja
(b) Ghazi
(c) Badshah
(d) Padshah
Ans.: (d)
170. When was the third Anglo-Mysore war fought?
(a) 1790-95
(b) 1789-90
(c) 1790-92
(d) 1792-95
Ans.: (c)
171. The Third Anglo-Mysore war ended with the Treaty of _____.
(a) Madras
(b) Seringapattam
(c) Mangalore
(d) Mysore
Ans.: (b)
172. Who was the king of Afghanistan invited by Tipu to invade India?
(a) Zaman Shah
(b) Shah Shuja
(c) Dost Khan
(d) Islam Afridi
Ans.: (a)
173. Which ruler of Mysore was well versed in Arabic, Persian, Urdu, Kannada?
(a) Nanjaraj
(b) Haider Ali
(c) Devraj
(d) Tipu Sultan
Ans.: (d)
174. Travancore’s relations with the British began in ____ as a security against Mysore.
(a) 1788
(b) 1790
(c) 1786
(d) 1792
Ans.: (a)
175. Who was appointed in 1800 as the first British resident in Travancore?
(a) Metcalf
(b) Malcolm
(c) Collin Macaulay
(d) Elphinstone
Ans.: (c)
176. Who was the Rajput ruler who gave his daughter in marriage to Farrukh Siyar?
(a) Jai Singh
(b) Ajit Singh
(c) Bhara Mal
(d) Jaswant Singh
Ans.: (b)
177. How many observatories were built by Sawai Jai Singh?
(a) 4
(b) 3
(c) 5
(d) 2
Ans.: (c)
178. Hafiz Rehmat Khan of Rohilkhand lost his life in 1774 in the Battle of _____
(a) Miran Katra
(b) Bedra
(c) Jajau
(d) Arcot
Ans.: (a)
179. Who was the Guru when the Sikh Khalsa was formed ?
(a) Banda Singh
(b) Hargobind
(c) Sherdas
(d) Govind Singh
Ans.: (d)
180. In 1805, Ranjit Singh won Amritsar from the ___ misl.
(a) Nihang
(b) Ahluwalia
(c) Attri
(d) Bhangi
Ans.: (d)
181. When was the Treaty of Amritsar signed?
(a) 1805
(b) 1807
(c) 1809
(d) 1808
Ans.: (c)
182. The Treaty of Amritsar gave the British control over ___ territories?
(a) Trans-Yamuna
(b) Trans-Jhelum
(c) Cis-Sutlej
(d) Western Indus
Ans.: (c)
183. Who were the French officers associated with the training of Ranjit Singh’s army?
(a) Venture and Allard
(b) Allard and Scott
(c) Gardiner and Scott
(d) Scott and Alfred
Ans.: (a)
184. Who set up an artillery unit for Ranjit Singh?
(a) Court and Gardner
(b) Scott and Allard
(c) Court and Scott
(d) Scott and Venture
Ans.: (a)
185. Who commented: “The Assamese were the most war-like nation and had for a long time successfully resisted
all foreign invasions.....”?
(a) John Shore
(b) Hastings
(c) Wellesley
(d) Cornwallis
Ans.: (d)
186. Which Ahom ruler was known as ‘Shivaji’ of Assam?
(a) Ratna Singh
(b) Shankara Deva
(c) Rudra Singha
(d) Pratap Singh
Ans.: (c)
187. In which year did the British make their first entry into Assam?
(a) 1785
(b) 1792
(c) 1790
(d) 1788
Ans.: (b)
188. When did the British recognise the independence of Manipur?
(a) 1820
(b) 1824
(c) 1826
(d) 1830
Ans.: (c)
189. When was the Jat Kingdom established at Bharatpur?
(a) 1715
(b) 1716
(c) 1718
(d) 1719
Ans.: (a)
190. Who were the founders of the Jat kingdom of Bharatpur?
(a) Suraj Mal and Badan Singh
(b) Badan Singh and Gokala
(c) Churaman and Suraj Mal
(d) Churaman and Badan Singh
Ans.: (d)
191. Suraj Mal, was the adopted son of _____.
(a) Badan Singh
(b) Chattrasal
(c) Maha Singh
(d) Churaman
Ans.: (a)
192. Which Jat leader/king advised the Maratha commander Sadashiv Rao to adopt guerilla warfare in the Third
Battle of Panipat?
(a) Chattrasal
(b) Churaman
(c) Suraj Mal
(d) Badan Singh
Ans.: (c)
193. What was the original name of Nadir Shah of Persia?
(a) Nadir Quli
(b) Nadir Bangash
(c) Sher Khan
(d) Sher Abdali
Ans.: (a)
194. Which of the Mughal nobles offered Nadir Shah 20 crore rupees, instigating him to attack Delhi?
(a) Asaf Jah
(b) Alivardi Khan
(c) Wazir Khan
(d) Saadat Khan
Ans.: (d)
195. Which of the foreign invaders took away Shah Jahan’s peacock throne?
(a) Ahmad Shah Abdali
(b) Zaman Shah
(c) Shah Shuja
(d) Nadir Shah
Ans.: (d)
196. When did Ahmad Shah Abdali first invade Punjab?
(a) 1740
(b) 1745
(c) 1748
(d) 1743
Ans.: (c)
197. In which year did the last invasion of Ahmad Shah Abdali take place?
(a) 1760
(b) 1761
(c) 1767
(d) 1764
Ans.: (c)
198. Whom did Ahmad Shah Abdali appoint as the Mughal emperor in 1756?
(a) Alamgir II
(b) Bahadur Shah II
(c) Ahmad Shah
(d) Muhammad Shah
Ans.: (a)
199. On his ____ invasion, Abdali fought the third battle of Panipat with the Marathas.
(a) Fifth
(b) Third
(c) Sixth
(d) Second
Ans.: (a)
200. The Maratha chief who did not participate in the third Battle of Panipat was _____
(a) Vishwas Rao
(b) Malhar Rao
(c) Sadashiv Rao Bhau
(d) Ibrahim Gardi
Ans.: (b)
201. Who was the Mughal emperor defeated in the Battle of Buxar?
(a) Alamgir II
(b) Ahmad Shah
(c) Shah Alam II
(d) Muhammad Shah
Ans.: (c)
202. To which country did Vasco da Gama belong?
(a) Spain
(b) Holland
(c) Portugal
(d) Denmark
Ans.: (c)
203. When did Vasco da Gama discover a new and all sea route from Europe to India?
(a) 1500
(b) 1498
(c) 1496
(d) 1501
Ans.: (b)
204. Who was the Portuguese governor who captured Goa in 1510?
(a) Alfonso d’ Albuquerque
(b) Almeida
(c) Albarez
(d) Phillips Rodrigues
Ans.: (a)
205. When was the Dutch East India Company formed?
(a) 1600
(b) 1599
(c) 1601
(d) 1602
Ans.: (d)
206. From whom did the Dutch conquer Sri Lanka in 1658?
(a) Spaniards
(b) English
(c) Dutch
(d) Portuguese
Ans.: (d)
207. An English association formed in 1599 to trade with the East was known as _____
(a) Merchant Adventurers
(b) Merchant Conquerors
(c) Merchant Traders
(d) Merchant Explorers
Ans.: (a)
208. When did the East India Company get the charter to trade with the East?
(a) 1602
(b) 1605
(c) 1600
(d) 1603
Ans.: (c)
209. What did the term, ‘factory’ mean in the 17th century?
(a) mess
(b) dockyard
(c) custom point
(d) trading depot
Ans.: (d)
210. Which Englishman was sent in 1608 to Jahangir’s court to obtain royal favours?
(a) Thomas Roe
(b) Hawkins
(c) Ralph Fitch
(d) Cabral
Ans.: (b)
211. The ambassador of the East India company to reach the Mughal court in 1615 was?
(a) Thomas Roe
(b) John Surman
(c) Hawkins
(d) Ralph Fitch
Ans.: (a)
212. When did the Portuguese give Bombay to king Charles II of England as dowry?
(a) 1654
(b) 1660
(c) 1662
(d) 1668
Ans.: (c)
213. When did the British give up their claims to Indonesia in favour of the Dutch?
(a) 1667
(b) 1669
(c) 1672
(d) 1657
Ans.: (a)
214. Which was the first English factory in the south?
(a) Mysore
(b) Madras
(c) Cochin
(d) Masulipattam
Ans.: (d)
215. When was the first English factory eastablished in the south?
(a) 1615
(b) 1607
(c) 1611
(d) 1613
Ans.: (c)
216. When did the English get the lease of Madras from its local raja?
(a) 1635
(b) 1639
(c) 1637
(d) 1640
Ans.: (b)
217. The small fort built by the English around their factory at Madras was _____
(a) Fort St. George
(b) Fort David
(c) Fort William
(d) Fort Xavier
Ans.: (a)
218. When was the island of Bombay acquired by the East India Company?
(a) 1660
(b) 1668
(c) 1670
(d) 1666
Ans.: (b)
219. Where did the English open their first factories in Eastern India?
(a) Orissa
(b) U.P.
(c) Bihar
(d) Assam
Ans.: (a)
220. When did the East India Company open its first factories in Eastern India?
(a) 1610
(b) 1633
(c) 1656
(d) 1627
Ans.: (b)
221. When did the East India Company get the permission to trade at Hughli in Bengal?
(a) 1639
(b) 1637
(c) 1645
(d) 1651
Ans.: (d)
222. Hostilities broke out between the Mughals and English in 1686 due to the sack of _____
(a) Cuttack
(b) Agra
(c) Balasore
(d) Hughli
Ans.: (d)
223. When did the East India Company acquire the zamindari of Sutanati, Govindpur and Kalikata?
(a) 1698
(b) 1692
(c) 1696
(d) 1694
Ans.: (a)
224. Which fort was built around Sutanati, Govindpur and Kalikata, by the English?
(a) Fort William
(b) Fort George
(c) Fort David
(d) Fort Xavier
Ans.: (a)
225. The villages of Sutanati, Govindpur and Kalikata grew into the city of _____
(a) Madras
(b) Alipur
(c) Calcutta
(d) Chandarnagore
Ans.: (c)
226. From which Mughal emperor did the East India Company get the farman of 1717?
(a) Jahandar Shah
(b) Shah Alam I
(c) Farrukh Siyar
(d) Muhammad Shah
Ans.: (c)
227. What was the population of Bombay by the middle of the 18th century?
(a) 50,000
(b) 60,000
(c) 40,000
(d) 70,000
Ans.: (d)
228. What was the population of Calcutta in the middle of 18th century?
(a) 100,000
(b) 400,000
(c) 300,000
(d) 200,000
Ans.: (d)
229. The population of Madras around the middle of the 18th century was ______
(a) 200,000
(b) 400,000
(c) 300,000
(d) 100,000
Ans.: (c)
230. What was the period of the charter of 1600 granted to the East India Company?
(a) 15 years
(b) 20 years
(c) 10 years
(d) 5 years
Ans.: (a)
231. When was the French East India Company formed?
(a) 1664
(b) 1672
(c) 1670
(d) 1660
Ans.: (a)
232. The place near Calcutta where the French established themselves was ______.
(a) Alinagar
(b) Chandarnagore
(c) Hughli
(d) Qasimbazar
Ans.: (b)
233. Who was the French Governor- General at Pondicherry during 1742 to 1748?
(a) Martin
(b) Child Best
(c) Dupleix
(d) Bussy
Ans.: (c)
234. The Nawab of Carnatic killed in the Battle of Ambur in 1749 was ____.
(a) Dost Muhammad
(b) Nizamuddin
(c) Muhammad Ali
(d) Anwaruddin
Ans.: (d)
235. Where did Muhammad Ali (son of Anwar-ud-din) flee to after his father’s death?
(a) Arcot
(b) Trichinopoly
(c) Madras
(d) St. Thome
Ans.: (b)
236. How many villages were granted by Chanda Sahib to the French in 1749?
(a) 80
(b) 100
(c) 70
(d) 50
Ans.: (a)
237. Who became the Nawab of Carnatic after Anwar-ud-din’s death?
(a) Chanda Sahib
(b) Muzaffar Jang
(c) Zafar Shah
(d) Nasir Jang
Ans.: (a)
238. Who became the Nizam of Hyderabad after Nasir Jang was killed?
(a) Nasir Husain
(b) Muzaffar Jang
(c) Amir Jang
(d) Anwar-ud-din
Ans.: (b)
239. Which town was given to the French by Muzaffar Jang on becoming the Nizam?
(a) Mysore
(b) Cuttack
(c) Masulipattam
(d) Pondicherry
Ans.: (c)
240. Who was stationed by Dupleix at Hyderabad after the First Battle of Carnatic?
(a) Best
(b) Munro
(c) Malcolm
(d) Bussy
Ans.: (d)
241. Whom did Bussy raise as the new Nizam when Muzaffar Jang died?
(a) Salabat Jang
(b) Nasir Jang
(c) Safdar Jang
(d) Salar Jang
Ans.: (a)
242. Who granted the French the Northern Sarkars?
(a) Salar Jang
(b) Salabat Jang
(c) Safdar Jang
(d) Muzaffar Jang
Ans.: (b)
243. The area in Andhra consisting of Mustafanagar, Ellore, Rajamundhry and Chicacole was known as _____
(a) Western
(b) Eastern
(c) Northern
(d) Southern
Ans.: (c)
244. Robert Clive occupied _____ in order to release French pressure on Muhammad Ali
(a) Madras
(b) St. Thome
(c) Mysore
(d) Arcot
Ans.: (d)
245. When was Dupleix recalled from India?
(a) 1756
(b) 1754
(c) 1752
(d) 1758
Ans.: (b)
246. When was the Battle of Wandiawash fought between the English and the French?
(a) 1757
(b) 1764
(c) 1760
(d) 1759
Ans.: (c)
247. Who was the English General in the Battle of Wandiwash?
(a) Eyre Coot
(b) Malcolm
(c) Munro
(d) Clive
Ans.: (a)
248. The French General defeated in the Battle of Wandiwash was ___.
(a) Lally
(b) Dupleix
(c) Bussy
(d) Best
Ans.: (a)
249. When was the Treaty of Paris signed between the English and the French?
(a) 1760
(b) 1763
(c) 1766
(d) 1756
Ans.: (b)
250. The royal farman of ____ was a constant source of tension between the Bengal Nawabs and the English.
(a) 1717
(b) 1792
(c) 1799
(d) 1707
Ans.: (a)
251. Siraj-ud-daula became the Nawab of Bengal in _____.
(a) 1752
(b) 1754
(c) 1756
(d) 1757
Ans.: (c)
252. The fortification of ____ by the East India Company marked the breaking point between the English and Siraj-
(a) Calcutta
(b) Hughli
(c) Alinagar
(d) Chandarnagore
Ans.: (a)
253. Which English factory was seized by Siraj-ud-daula before marching onto Calcutta?
(a) Alinagar
(b) Hughli
(c) Qasimbazar
(d) Chandarnagore
Ans.: (c)
254. When did Siraj-ud-daula occupy the Fort William?
(a) 20 March, 1757
(b) 20 June, 1756
(c) 20 May, 1755
(d) 20 July, 1756
Ans.: (b)
255. Where did the English officials take refuge when faced with Siraj-ud-daula?
(a) Hughli
(b) Midnapore
(c) Burdwan
(d) Fulta
Ans.: (d)
256. Who served as Mir bakshi during Siraj-ud-daula’s Nawabship?
(a) Miran
(b) Mir Jafar
(c) Madan
(d) Mohan
Ans.: (b)
257. When did the battle of Plassey take place in 1757?
(a) 23 March
(b) 23 July
(c) 23 June
(d) 23 October
Ans.: (c)
258. Siraj-ud-daula was put to death by ______
(a) Miran
(b) Mir Kasim
(c) Mirza Khan
(d) Mir Jafar
Ans.: (a)
259. The battle of Plassey was followed, in the words of the Bengali poet _____, by “a night of eternal gloom for
(a) Nabin Chandra Sen
(b) Sukumar Sen
(c) Jatin Sen
(d) Madhusudan Dutt
Ans.: (c)
260. From whom did the East India Company get the zamindari of 24 Parganas?
(a) Mir Kasim
(b) Shiraj-ud-daula
(c) Miran
(d) Mir Jafar
Ans.: (d)
261. Which British historian has commented that the single aim of the East India Company was “.... to use Mir Jafar
as a golden sack .....’?
(a) Malcolm
(b) Jackson
(c) P.E. Roberts
(d) Malleson
Ans.: (d)
262. Mir Kasim who replaced Mir Jafar as the Nawab of Bengal was his.
(a) brother
(b) son-in-law
(c) nephew
(d) son
Ans.: (b)
263. When did Mir Kasim become the Nawab of Bengal?
(a) 1760
(b) 1759
(c) 1758
(d) 1757
Ans.: (a)
264. The East India Company got the zamindari of Chittagong Midnapore and Burdwan from
(a) Siraj
(b) Mir Kasim
(c) Miran
(d) Mir Jafar
Ans.: (b)
265. Where did Mir Kasim flee to when his relations with the English aggravated?
(a) Bihar
(b) Orissa
(c) Awadh
(d) Poona
Ans.: (c)
266. In which year did the Battle of Buxar take place?
(a) 1762
(b) 1763
(c) 1764
(d) 1765
Ans.: (c)
267. Who was made the Nawab of Bengal after the Battle of Buxar?
(a) Mir Jafar
(b) Mir Kasim
(c) Alivardi Khan
(d) Nazm-ud-daula
Ans.: (a)
268. Who succeeded Mir Jafar as the Nawab of Bengal after his death?
(a) Nazm-ud-daula
(b) Mir Kasim
(c) Miran
(d) Shah Munim Khan
Ans.: (a)
269. Who was the Bengal Nawab when the treaty of 20 February, 1765 was signed?
(a) Mir Jafar
(b) Mir Kasim
(c) Nazm-ud-daula
(d) Miran
Ans.: (c)
270. From whom did the English secure the Diwani of Bihar, Bengal and Orissa?
(a) Alamgir II
(b) Muhammad Shah
(c) Ahmad Shah
(d) Shah Alam II
Ans.: (d)
271. What was the amount of subsidy granted to Shah Alam II in 1765?
(a) 20 crore
(b) 25 lakhs
(c) 20 lakhs
(d) 26 lakhs
Ans.: (d)
272. Which districts were given to Shah Alam II by the East India Company?
(a) Monghyr, Kora
(b) Kora, Allahabad
(c) Kora, Patna
(d) Kora, Agra
Ans.: (b)
273. Shuja-ud-daula, the Nawab of Oudh had to pay a war indemnity of ____ rupees to the East India Company, for
being a participant in the Battle of Buxar.
(a) 5 million
(b) 10 million
(c) 5 lakhs
(d) 25 lakhs
Ans.: (a)
274. What was the period of the Dual system of administration in Bengal?
(a) 1764-1770
(b) 1764-1771
(c) 1765-1772
(d) 1765-1773
Ans.: (c)
275. Who commented on the Dual system in Bengal as : “Such a scene of anarchy, confusion, bribery, corruption,
and extortion was never seen or heard of in any country”?
(a) Vansittart
(b) Clive
(c) Drake
(d) Munro
Ans.: (b)
276. The purchase of Indian goods from the revenues of Bengal for selling them abroad by the East India Company
was known as the company’s.
(a) Investments
(b) Deposit
(c) Shares
(d) Debentures
Ans.: (a)
277. Who was the Governor-General of Bengal when the Treaty of Salbai was signed?
(a) John Shore
(b) Cornwallis
(c) Wellesley
(d) Warren Hastings
Ans.: (d)
278. With whom did the British sign the Treaty of Salbai?
(a) Rajputs
(b) Marathas
(c) Mughals
(d) Afghans
Ans.: (b)
279. When was the Treaty of Salbai signed between the English and the Marathas?
(a) 1780
(b) 1775
(c) 1782
(d) 1785
Ans.: (c)
280. The English army under ____ defeated Haider Ali at Porto Novo in 1781.
(a) Eyre Coote
(b) Cornwallis
(c) Malcolm
(d) Elphinstone
Ans.: (a)
281. When did Lord Wellesley come to India as Governor-General?
(a) 1795
(b) 1799
(c) 1796
(d) 1798
Ans.: (d)
282. The Nawab of ____ had to sign the subsidiary Treaty in 1801.
(a) Bengal
(b) Agra
(c) Oudh
(d) Orissa
Ans.: (c)
283. To which country did Tipu Sultan not send missions to forge an anti-British alliance.
(a) Afghanistan
(b) Arabia
(c) Turkey
(d) Russia
Ans.: (d)
284. When did the Madras Presidency come into being?
(a) 1799
(b) 1800
(c) 1801
(d) 1802
Ans.: (c)
285. When was the Treaty of Bassein signed between Baji Rao II and the British?
(a) 1802
(b) 1805
(c) 1800
(d) 1807
Ans.: (a)
286. Who defeated the combined armies of Scindia and Bhonsle at Assaye in 1803?
(a) Arthur Wellesley
(b) Eyre Coote
(c) Cornwallis
(d) Hastings
Ans.: (a)
287. Which British general was responsible for the rout of Scindia’s army at Laswari in 1803?
(a) John shore
(b) Malcolm
(c) Lally
(d) Lord Lake
Ans.: (d)
288. The raja of ____ allied with the Holkar against the British in 1805.
(a) Jodhpur
(b) Bharatpur
(c) Sirohi
(d) Dungarpur
Ans.: (b)
289. The company made peace with Holkar in January 1806, by the Treaty of _____.
(a) Raighat
(b) Raipur
(c) Simla
(d) Bharatpur
Ans.: (a)
290. When did the third Anglo-Maratha war commence?
(a) 1810
(b) 1815
(c) 1817
(d) 1819
Ans.: (c)
291. Who was the British Governor-General when the third Anglo-Maratha war occurred?
(a) Cornwallis
(b) Lord Hastings
(c) Braithwhite
(d) Bentinck
Ans.: (b)
292. Where was the Peshwa pensioned off at after the Third Anglo-Maratha war?
(a) Satara
(b) Nasik
(c) Bithur
(d) Nagpur
Ans.: (c)
293. After the 3rd Anglo-Maratha war, the kingdom of ____ was founded for the descendants of Chatrapati Shivaji.
(a) Poona
(b) Indore
(c) Nasik
(d) Satara
Ans.: (d)
294. When were the roads and rivers of Sindh opened to British trade?
(a) 1832
(b) 1830
(c) 1827
(d) 1829
Ans.: (a)
295. When did the amirs of Sindh sign a subsidiary treaty with the British?
(a) 1830
(b) 1845
(c) 1839
(d) 1840
Ans.: (c)
296. When was Sindh annexed to the British empire in India?
(a) 1840
(b) 1839
(c) 1845
(d) 1843
Ans.: (d)
297. Who was the English general responsible for the annexation of Sindh?
(a) James Outram
(b) Charles Napier
(c) John Lawrence
(d) Henry Lawrence
Ans.: (b)
298. When did the British sign a treaty of Perpetual Friendship with Ranjit Singh?
(a) 1809
(b) 1810
(c) 1808
(d) 1807
Ans.: (a)
299. When did Ranjit Singh die?
(a) 1842
(b) 1838
(c) 1840
(d) 1839
Ans.: (d)
300. Who was the British Governor- General when the First Anglo- Sikh War took place?
(a) William Bentinck
(b) Lord Elphinstone
(c) Lord Hardinge
(d) Charles Metcalf
Ans.: (c)
301. When did the first Anglo-Sikh war commence?
(a) 1843
(b) 1845
(c) 1846
(d) 1848
Ans.: (c)
302. Who was the Prime - minister of Punjab when the 1st Anglo-Sikh war took place?
(a) Sher Singh
(b) Lal Singh
(c) Teza Singh
(d) Kharak Singh
Ans.: (b)
303. Who was the commander-in-chief of Punjab during the first Anglo-Sikh war?
(a) Misar Tej Singh
(b) Lal Singh
(c) Nao Nihal Singh
(d) Udham Singh
Ans.: (a)
304. The treaty of ____ was signed on 8 March, 1846 marking the end of the 1st Anglo-Sikh war.
(a) Lahore
(b) Gujarat
(c) Multan
(d) Patiala
Ans.: (a)
305. To whom did the British handover Jammu Kashmir after the treaty of Lahore?
(a) Jai Singh Dogra
(b) Gulab Singh Dogra
(c) Amar Singh Dogra
(d) Jawahar Singh Dogra
Ans.: (b)
306. Who was the leader of Sikh revolt of 1848 at Multan?
(a) Teza Singh
(b) Jindan Kaur
(c) Mulraj
(d) Sher Singh
Ans.: (c)
307. Who led the Sikh revolt of 1848 at Lahore?
(a) Mulraj
(b) Chattar Singh Attariwal
(c) Badan Singh
(d) Jindan Kaur
Ans.: (b)
308. Who was the British Governor-General to annex the Punjab?
(a) Hardinge
(b) Dalhousie
(c) Metcalf
(d) Bentinck
Ans.: (b)
309. Who commented, “the extinction of all native states of India is just a question of time”?
(a) Hardinge
(b) Bentinck
(c) Dalhousie
(d) Canning
Ans.: (c)
310. Which British Governor-General is associated with the Doctrine of Lapse?
(a) Canning
(b) Bentinck
(c) Hardinge
(d) Dalhousie
Ans.: (d)
311. When was Satara annexed under the Doctrine of Lapse?
(a) 1850
(b) 1852
(c) 1849
(d) 1848
Ans.: (d)
312. When were Jhansi and Nagpur annexed to the British Empire in India?
(a) 1854
(b) 1852
(c) 1850
(d) 1856
Ans.: (a)
313. Who was the adopted son of the ex-Peshwa Baji Rao II?
(a) Baji Rao II
(b) Tantia Tope
(c) Nana Saheb
(d) Nana Phadnavis
Ans.: (c)
314. When was Oudh annexed to the British empire?
(a) 1852
(b) 1855
(c) 1854
(d) 1856
Ans.: (d)
315. Who was the Nawab of Oudh when it was annexed in 1856?
(a) Wajid Ali Shah
(b) Shuja-ud-daula
(c) Inayat Ali
(d) Asaf-ud-daula
Ans.: (a)
316. Which province (cotton-producing) was taken away by Dalhousie from the Nizam in 1853?
(a) Balaghat
(b) Berar
(c) Surat
(d) Masulipattam
Ans.: (b)
317. Which renowned English writer termed India as a Land of “great opportunities”?
(a) Charles Dickens
(b) Shakespeare
(c) T.S. Elliot
(d) G.B. Shaw
Ans.: (b)
318. Who was the foreign philosopher who called India as the “Land of desires”?
(a) Marx
(b) Max Mueller
(c) Hegel
(d) Nietztse
Ans.: (c)
319. To which country did Columbus belong?
(a) Spain
(b) Holland
(c) Portugal
(d) Denmark
Ans.: (a)
320. When did Columbus set out to discover India?
(a) 1492
(b) 1495
(c) 1496
(d) 1498
Ans.: (a)
321. Vasco da Gama reached India in 1498 in the company of ____ sailors?
(a) 110
(b) 114
(c) 118
(d) 120
Ans.: (c)
322. Who was the Portuguese who attacked the Zamorin of Calicut in 1500?
(a) Vasco da Gama
(b) Almeida
(c) Pedro Alaveres Cabral
(d) Gansolvaes
Ans.: (c)
323. What was the gubernatorial period of Alfonso d’ Albuquerque?
(a) 1502-1505
(b) 1505-1507
(c) 1507-1510
(d) 1509-1515
Ans.: (d)
324. Which Portuguese governor remarked : “The Portuguese entered India with the sword in one hand and the
crucifix in the other”?
(a) Almeida
(b) Albuquerque
(c) Cabral
(d) Alfonso de Souza
Ans.: (d)
325. Which of the Spice Islands was captured by the Dutch from Portugal in 1609?
(a) Java
(b) Sumatra
(c) Amboyna
(d) Timor
Ans.: (c)
326. When did the Dutch turn the English out of Amboyna?
(a) 1620
(b) 1623
(c) 1625
(d) 1627
Ans.: (b)
327. Who was the British navigator to loot a Lisbon bound Portug- uese ship in 1579?
(a) Ralph Fitch
(b) Francis Drake
(c) James Pitcher
(d) Stuart Lowe
Ans.: (b)
328. Who was the first Governor of the East India Company?
(a) Francis Drake
(b) Abraham Heartwell
(c) Thomas Smith
(d) George Claymind
Ans.: (c)
329. When did the English company get permission to set up a factory at Surat?
(a) 1613
(b) 1610
(c) 1615
(d) 1609
Ans.: (a)
330. Who was the king of England when Thomas Roe came to Jahangir’s court?
(a) James II
(b) James I
(c) Edward I
(d) Phillip II
Ans.: (b)
331. When did the English set up their factory at Bangalore?
(a) 1640
(b) 1645
(c) 1639
(d) 1642
Ans.: (d)
332. Which Portuguese princess was married by Charles II in 1661?
(a) Sophia
(b) Rexona Paltrow
(c) Catherine Braganza
(d) Mary Elphinstone
Ans.: (c)
333. Among all the European countries to arrive in India, the _____ were the last to come
(a) French
(b) Danes
(c) Dutch
(d) English
Ans.: (a)
334. Who was the French Monarch when the French East India Company was formed?
(a) Louis II
(b) Louis III
(c) Louis XIV
(d) Louis I
Ans.: (c)
335. The French trading port was established at Pondicherry in 1674 by ______.
(a) Dupleix
(b) Bourdennais
(c) Goddehiu
(d) Francis Martin
Ans.: (d)
336. When did the French establish their control over the Malabar coast?
(a) 1720
(b) 1724
(c) 1722
(d) 1726
Ans.: (b)
337. How many Carnatic wars were fought between the English and the French?
(a) Three
(b) Two
(c) One
(d) Four
Ans.: (a)
338. Who was the French governor of Mauritius during the first Carnatic War?
(a) La Bourdonnais
(b) Dupleix
(c) Bussy
(d) Goddehiu
Ans.: (a)
339. Who was the French captain to defeat Anwar-ud-din in the Battle of St. Thome?
(a) Hell
(b) Norman Best
(c) Paradise
(d) Moncfort
Ans.: (c)
340. St. Thome was located on the banks of the river _____.
(a) Ganga
(b) Krishna
(c) Adyar
(d) Kaveri
Ans.: (c)
341. Under which treaty did the English get back Madras in 1748?
(a) Paris
(b) Pondicherry
(c) Ottawa
(d) Aix-La-Chapelle
Ans.: (d)
342. When was the second Carnatic war fought?
(a) 1742-45
(b) 1745-48
(c) 1752-56
(d) 1749-54
Ans.: (d)
343. Anwar-ud-din the Nawab of Carnatic was killed by the French in _____.
(a) 1747
(b) 1745
(c) 1749
(d) 1752
Ans.: (c)
344. The second Carnatic War came to an end with the Treaty of ____.
(a) Madras
(b) Pondicherry
(c) Vienna
(d) Paris
Ans.: (b)
345. Who replaced Dupleix as the French govenor-general in 1754?
(a) Goddehiu
(b) Bussy
(c) Moncfort
(d) Bourdennais
Ans.: (a)
346. Which of the Carnatic war was a fall out of the Seven years’ war in Europe?
(a) First
(b) Third
(c) Second
(d) Fourth
Ans.: (b)
347. When did the Third Carnatic war come to an end?
(a) 1765
(b) 1761
(c) 1763
(d) 1759
Ans.: (c)
348. The Third Carnatic War commenced in _____.
(a) 1754
(b) 1756
(c) 1758
(d) 1760
Ans.: (b)
349. Which famous French general was taken captive after the Battle of Wandiwash?
(a) Paradise
(b) Martin
(c) Bussy
(d) Moncfort
Ans.: (c)
350. Where did the British establish their first factory in Bengal?
(a) Sutanati
(b) Burdwan
(c) Hughli
(d) Qasimbazar
Ans.: (c)
351. Who was the subahdar of Bengal when the British set up a factory at Hughli?
(a) Shah Shuja
(b) Man Singh
(c) Shaista Khan
(d) Mir Jumla
Ans.: (a)
352. Shah Shuja was the son of the Mughal Emperor ____.
(a) Akbar
(b) Jahangir
(c) Aurangzeb
(d) Shah jahan
Ans.: (d)
353. Who was Siraj-ud-daula’s aunt, antagonistic to his Nawabship of Bengal?
(a) Ghasiti Begum
(b) Maham Anaga
(c) Munni Bai
(d) Roshnara
Ans.: (a)
354. Plassey, was located about 22 miles to the south of _____.
(a) Sutanati
(b) Murshidabad
(c) Govindpur
(d) Kalikata
Ans.: (b)
355. Who commanded Siraj-ud-daula’s army in the Battle of Plassey?
(a) Mir Jafar
(b) Mir Kasim
(c) Miran
(d) Mohan
Ans.: (a)
356. Which Bengal Nawab came to be known in history as the ‘traitor’?
(a) Mir Kasim
(b) Miran
(c) Mir Jafar
(d) Nazm-ud-daula
Ans.: (c)
357. Which Bengal Nawab made Monghyr as his capital?
(a) Miran
(b) Shiraj-ud-daula
(c) Mir Jafar
(d) Mir Kasim
Ans.: (d)
358. Who was the victorious English general in the Battle of Buxar?
(a) Eyre Coote
(b) Vanisttart
(c) Munro
(d) Clarke Swally
Ans.: (c)
359. Clive signed the Treaty of ____ with Shuja-ud-daula and Shah Alam II in 1765.
(a) Kora
(b) Allahabad
(c) Lucknow
(d) Banaras
Ans.: (b)
360. When did Clive become the Governor of Bengal for the second time?
(a) 1765
(b) 1767
(c) 1763
(d) 1761
Ans.: (a)
361. Which British governor introduced the ‘Dual system’ in Bengal?
(a) Drakes
(b) Clive
(c) Vanisttart
(d) Hastings
Ans.: (b)
362. Whom did Clive appoint as the Deputy Diwan for Bengal?
(a) Sitab Rai
(b) Mohammad Reza Khan
(c) Munim Khan
(d) Puran Chand
Ans.: (b)
363. Clive appointed _____as the Deputy Diwan for Bihar.
(a) Muhammad Reza Khan
(b) Durlabh Rai
(c) Raja Shitab Roy
(d) Siyasat Khan
Ans.: (c)
364. Who was the British Governor of Bengal to terminate the Dual System?
(a) Warren Hastings
(b) Vanisttart
(c) Cornwallis
(d) John Shore
Ans.: (a)
365. When did a famine strike Bengal in the later part of the 18th century?
(a) 1772
(b) 1775
(c) 1770
(d) 1768
Ans.: (c)
366. Which Maratha Peshwa died of tuberculosis?
(a) Baji Rao I
(b) Raghunath Rao
(c) Baji Rao II
(d) Madhav Rao
Ans.: (d)
367. The Treaty of ____ was signed in 1775 between Raghunath Rao and the British
(a) Wadgaon
(b) Surat
(c) Satgaon
(d) Bassein
Ans.: (b)
368. When was the Treaty of Purandhar signed between Nana Phadnavis and the English?
(a) 1776
(b) 1774
(c) 1778
(d) 1772
Ans.: (a)
369. By which Treaty was Madhav Rao II recognised as the Peshwa?
(a) Surat
(b) Wadgaon
(c) Purandhar
(d) Poona
Ans.: (c)
370. Which Treaty with the Marathas was considered by Warren Hastings as a ‘scrap of paper’?
(a) Mandsor
(b) Surji-Arjangao
(c) Gwalior
(d) Purandhar
Ans.: (d)
371. By the convention of ____, the company was required to give up all the advantages acquired by the Treaty of
(a) Surat
(b) Bassein
(c) Wadgaon
(d) Bharatpur
Ans.: (c)
372. The Treaty of _____ was signed between Warren Hastings and Mahadji Scindia in 1782?
(a) Wadgaon
(b) Salbai
(c) Bassein
(d) Purandhar
Ans.: (b)
373. Which Maratha chief remained the de facto ruler of Delhi from 1784 till 1794?
(a) Mahadji Scindia
(b) Nana Phadnavis
(c) Malhar Rao Holkar
(d) Daulat Rao Scindia
Ans.: (a)
374. When did Mahadji Scindia die?
(a) 1790
(b) 1792
(c) 1794
(d) 1796
Ans.: (c)
375. Nana Phadnavis died in _____.
(a) 1796
(b) 1800
(c) 1798
(d) 1802
Ans.: (b)
376. Which famous act was passed in 1783?
(a) Regulating Act
(b) Pitt’s Act
(c) Navigation Act
(d) Sedition Act
Ans.: (a)
377. Who became the Governor-General of Bengal temporarily after Warren Hastings?
(a) Claverson
(b) Patric Paterson
(c) Vansittart
(d) MacPherson
Ans.: (d)
378. What was the tenure of Lord Cornwallis’ governor-generalship?
(a) 1780-1786
(b) 1786-1793
(c) 1782-1784
(d) 1786-1790
Ans.: (b)
379. Which Governor-General was responsible for the Europeanisation of Indian Civil Services?
(a) Hastings
(b) John Shore
(c) Cornwallis
(d) Lord Wellesley
Ans.: (c)
380. Who succeeded Lord Cornwallis as the Governor-General of Bengal?
(a) John Shore
(b) Bentinck
(c) Wellesley
(d) Lawrence
Ans.: (a)
381. Which Governor-General is associated with the establishment of British paramountcy in India?
(a) Dalhousie
(b) Hardinge
(c) William Bentinck
(d) Lord Hastings
Ans.: (d)
382. When did the Anglo-Nepalese war take place?
(a) 1810-1814
(b) 1812-1815
(c) 1814-1816
(d) 1813-1817
Ans.: (c)
383. When did the British sign the Treaty of Sagauli with the Gurkhas?
(a) 1810
(b) 1816
(c) 1812
(d) 1814
Ans.: (b)
384. Where did the British sign a treaty with the king of Sikkim in 1817?
(a) Dispur
(b) Kohima
(c) Chogyal
(d) Simla
Ans.: (c)
385. Wasil Muhammad, Chitu and Karim Khan were leaders of the ____.
(a) Pindaris
(b) Pathans
(c) Wahabi Sect
(d) Sanyasi Cult
Ans.: (a)
386. Who was the British Governor-general associated with the suppression of Pindaris?
(a) Lord Hastings
(b) Lord Hardinge
(c) Cornwallis
(d) Wellesley
Ans.: (a)
387. Who served as Peshwa Baji Rao II’s chief minister during the 3rd Anglo-Maratha War?
(a) Dinanathji
(b) Rameshwarji
(c) Siya Bhatt
(d) Triambakji
Ans.: (d)
388. Who was the British resident at Poona in 1817?
(a) Malcolm
(b) Elphinstone
(c) Munro
(d) Henry Lawrence
Ans.: (b)
389. When did the British dismiss the Peshwa’s claim as the chief of the Marathas?
(a) 1817
(b) 1815
(c) 1820
(d) 1813
Ans.: (a)
390. Where was the Peshwa defeated by the British on 5 November, 1817?
(a) Bhopal
(b) Indore
(c) Kirkee
(d) Satara
Ans.: (c)
391. Who was the Bhonsle chief who was defeated by the British in the Battle of Sitabaldi in November, 1817?
(a) Munna Savant
(b) Appa Sahib
(c) Mahant Bhonsle
(d) Diwakar Sahib
Ans.: (b)
392. Which British commander made the Peshwa surrender in the 3rd Anglo-Maratha War?
(a) Munro
(b) Napier
(c) Malcolm
(d) Malleson
Ans.: (c)
393. _____, a descendant of Shivaji, was proclaimed as the independent head of the Peshwa’s estates in 1818
(a) Ram Singh
(b) Jai Singh
(c) Udai Singh
(d) Pratap Singh
Ans.: (d)
394. When did the Holkar give up his claim over the Rajput States?
(a) 1818
(b) 1814
(c) 1820
(d) 1816
Ans.: (a)
395. Which British officer carried out alliances with Jodhpur, Udaipur and Jaipur?
(a) Napier
(b) Elphinstone
(c) Charles Metcalfe
(d) Malcolm
Ans.: (c)
396. The major Rajput states accepted the British suzerainty in ____.
(a) 1814
(b) 1820
(c) 1816
(d) 1818
Ans.: (d)
397. Who was the author of ‘The Annals of Rajputana’?
(a) P.E. Roberts
(b) Todd
(c) Malleson
(d) Salisbury
Ans.: (b)
398. When was a Tripartite Treaty signed between the English Ranjit Singh and Shah Shuja?
(a) 1838
(b) 1834
(c) 1836
(d) 1832
Ans.: (a)
399. When was the Anglo-Afghan war fought?
(a) 1837-1839
(b) 1839-1845
(c) 1837-1842
(d) 1839-1842
Ans.: (d)
400. Who replaced Outram as the Commissioner of Sindh in 1843?
(a) Munro
(b) Malcolm
(c) Napier
(d) Elphinstone
Ans.: (c)
401. The battle of ____ was the most decisive battle in the first Anglo-Sikh war.
(a) Multan
(b) Gujarat
(c) Subraon
(d) Mudki
Ans.: (c)
402. Who was made the regent of the Punjab state by the Treaty of Lahore?
(a) Teza Singh
(b) Jindan Kaur
(c) Lal Singh
(d) Nao Nihal Singh
Ans.: (b)
403. Who was appointed as the British resident of Lahore in 1846?
(a) Henry Lawrence
(b) James Outram
(c) John Lawrence
(d) Campbell
Ans.: (a)
404. Who was the new British resident of Punjab in 1848?
(a) Frederic Mann
(b) James Outram
(c) Hugh Rose
(d) Napier
Ans.: (a)
405. Who was the sikh governor of Hazarah who sided with the rebels of Multan in 1848?
(a) Teza Singh
(b) Chattar Singh
(c) Diwan Singh
(d) Nanak Singh
Ans.: (b)
406. The battle of ____ was the most decisive battle in the second Anglo-Sikh war.
(a) Multan
(b) Lahore
(c) Gujarat
(d) Mudki
Ans.: (c)
407. Who commanded the British forces in the Battle of Gujarat?
(a) Dalhousie
(b) Charles Napier
(c) Hardinge
(d) Charles Wood
Ans.: (b)
408. Who commented : “Annexation of Punjab was not an annexation but a treachery”?
(a) Napier
(b) Ewans Bell
(c) Malleson
(d) V.A. Smith
Ans.: (b)
409. When was Sambalpur of Orissa annexed under the Doctrine of Lapse?
(a) 1845
(b) 1847
(c) 1849
(d) 1851
Ans.: (c)
410. When was Baghat of Punjab and Udaipur annexed under the Lapse doctrine?
(a) 1848
(b) 1854
(c) 1852
(d) 1849
Ans.: (d)
411. Who was sent as Resident to Lucknow in 1848?
(a) Outram
(b) Albert
(c) Sleeman
(d) Lawrence
Ans.: (d)
412. Who became the British Resident at Lucknow in 1852?
(a) Colonel Outram
(b) Sleeman
(c) Charles Briton
(d) Alexander Bell
Ans.: (a)
413. When was the system of Dual government ended in Bengal?
(a) 1770
(b) 1776
(c) 1774
(d) 1772
Ans.: (d)
414. In which year did the British Parliament pass an act obliging the East India Company to pay to the British
treasury £400,000 per year?
(a) 1767
(b) 1769
(c) 1765
(d) 1768
Ans.: (a)
415. Who wrote the book, ‘The Wealth of Nations’?
(a) Marx
(b) Hegel
(c) Adam Smith
(d) Ricardo
Ans.: (c)
416. The Regulating Act of 1773 made changes in the constitution of the Court of Directors of the company and
subjected their actions to the supervision of British.
(a) Army
(b) Government
(c) Secretary of state
(d) Monarch
Ans.: (b)
417. When was the Pitt’s India Act passed?
(a) 1782
(b) 1783
(c) 1784
(d) 1785
Ans.: (c)
418. The Board of control for the affairs of India was constituted by the _____ Act.
(a) Munro’s India
(b) Spit’s India
(c) Best’s India
(d) Pitt’s India
Ans.: (d)
419. How many commissioners constituted the Board of control ?
(a) 6
(b) 7
(c) 8
(d) 9
Ans.: (a)
420. The Governor-General council came into being in the year ____.
(a) 1782
(b) 1783
(c) 1785
(d) 1784
Ans.: (d)
421. When did the Governor-General get the authority to overrule his council?
(a) 1782
(b) 1784
(c) 1786
(d) 1788
Ans.: (c)
422. When was the British trade with India thrown open to all British subjects?
(a) 1811
(b) 1813
(c) 1815
(d) 1817
Ans.: (b)
423. The charter Act of ____ ended the monopoly of the East India Company in India.
(a) 1809
(b) 1811
(c) 1812
(d) 1813
Ans.: (d)
424. The charter Act of ____ brought the Company’s monopoly of trade with China to an end.
(a) 1833
(b) 1830
(c) 1841
(d) 1813
Ans.: (a)
425. What was the role of East India Company in India from 1600 to 1757?
(a) territorial power
(b) supplier of bullion
(c) trading corporation
(d) supplier of ship
Ans.: (c)
426. Which famous novel commented : that Indian cloth had “crept into our houses, our closets and bed chambers;
curtains, cushions, chairs.....”?
(a) Macbeth
(b) Pride and Prejudice
(c) British Imperialism
(d) Robinson Crusoe
Ans.: (d)
427. Who was the author of Robinson Crusoe?
(a) Charles Dickens
(b) Daniel Dafoe
(c) Shakespeare
(d) T.S. Eliot
Ans.: (b)
428. Which of the following European countries did not either prohibit the import of Indian cloth or impose heavy
import duties during 1757-1857?
(a) Holland
(b) Spain
(c) Portugal
(d) Denmark
Ans.: (a)
429. The British policy of free trade can be traced from the Charter Act of
(a) 1813
(b) 1830
(c) 1811
(d) 1805
Ans.: (a)
430. Which of the following commodity did not form part of India’s exports by the end of the 19th century?
(a) raw cotton
(b) Jute and silk
(c) oilseeds, wheat, hides
(d) indigo
Ans.: (c)
431. When did the Drain of wealth from Bengal begin?
(a) 1764
(b) 1759
(c) 1755
(d) 1757
Ans.: (d)
432. What was the percentage of Drain in India’s national income by the end of 18th century?
(a) 5%
(b) 7%
(c) 9%
(d) 10%
Ans.: (c)
433. Whose comments were these : “Our system acts very much like a sponge.... ”?
(a) Charles Wood
(b) Robert Clive
(c) Disraeli
(d) John Sullivan
Ans.: (d)
434. What was the percentage of Drain in India’s national income by the end of 19th century?
(a) 6%
(b) 5%
(c) 8%
(d) 4%
Ans.: (a)
435. Who designed the first railway engine?
(a) Cavendish
(b) Eisenhower
(c) George Stephenson
(d) Graham Bell
Ans.: (c)
436. Where was made the earliest suggestion to build a railway in India?
(a) Patna
(b) Bombay
(c) Calcutta
(d) Madras
Ans.: (d)
437. When was proposed the construction of steam driven railway in India?
(a) 1834
(b) 1830
(c) 1832
(d) 1836
Ans.: (a)
438. When was the first railway line opened to traffic in India?
(a) 1851
(b) 1853
(c) 1852
(d) 1854
Ans.: (b)
439. The first railway line in India ran from Bombay to _____.
(a) Poona
(b) Satara
(c) Nagpur
(d) Thana
Ans.: (d)
440. Who was the Governor-General of India who laid down an extensive programme of railway department?
(a) Hardinge
(b) Mayo
(c) Dalhousie
(d) Canning
Ans.: (c)
441. Dalhousie proposed a network of ____ main trunk lines.
(a) 5
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 2
Ans.: (c)
442. When did the government of India decide to build railways as state enterprises?
(a) 1869
(b) 1872
(c) 1865
(d) 1867
Ans.: (a)
443. After ____, railways were built through private enterprise as well as through state agency
(a) 1869
(b) 1872
(c) 1876
(d) 1880
Ans.: (d)
444. By 1905, nearly ____ kms of railways had been built.
(a) 50,000
(b) 30,000
(c) 25,000
(d) 45,000
Ans.: (d)
445. When was the first telegraph line opened in India?
(a) 1853
(b) 1854
(c) 1851
(d) 1852
Ans.: (a)
446. The first telegraph line in India was from Calcutta to _____.
(a) Patna
(b) Agra
(c) Lucknow
(d) Delhi
Ans.: (b)
447. Which Governor-General introduced postage stamps in India?
(a) Dalhousie
(b) Canning
(c) Hardinge
(d) Mayo
Ans.: (a)
448. When was the Permanent settlement introduced in Bengal and Bihar?
(a) 1790
(b) 1792
(c) 1793
(d) 1791
Ans.: (c)
449. Who introduced the Permanent settlement of Land revenue?
(a) John Shore
(b) Warren Hastings
(c) Wellesley
(d) Lord Cornwallis
Ans.: (d)
450. Under the Permanent settlement, the zamindars had to give ____ of the rental to the state.
(a) 9/10
(b) 9/11
(c) 10/11
(d) 9/12
Ans.: (c)
451. Under the Permanent settlem- ent, the zamindars could keep ___ of the rental
(a) 1/11
(b) 5/11
(c) 4/11
(d) 3/11
Ans.: (a)
452. Who was the British associated with the plan of Permanent Settlement?
(a) Cornwallis
(b) John Shore
(c) Wellesley
(d) Reed
Ans.: (b)
453. The British officials, Reed and Munro were associated with the ____ settlement.
(a) Zamindari
(b) Taluqdari
(c) Mahalwari
(d) Ryotwari
Ans.: (d)
454. Wellesley came to India in
(a) 1801
(b) 1802
(c) 1798
(d) 1800
Ans.: (d)
455. The ____ system was introduced in the Ganga Valley, the North-West Provinces, parts of the Central India and
the Punjab
(a) Ryotwari
(b) Zamindari
(c) Mahalwari
(d) Taluqdari
Ans.: (c)
456. When did the East India Company constitute a Joint Stock Company for the first time?
(a) 1611
(b) 1615
(c) 1610
(d) 1612
Ans.: (d)
457. For how many years did Dyarchy continue in Bengal?
(a) 7
(b) 8
(c) 9
(d) 6
Ans.: (a)
458. What was the strength of the court of Directors in 1774?
(a) 20
(b) 24
(c) 15
(d) 25
Ans.: (b)
459. A supreme court was established at Calcutta under the ____ Act.
(a) Navigation
(b) Regulating
(c) Justice
(d) Pitt’s India
Ans.: (b)
460. The Charter Act of ____ remained the basis of the Company’s rule in India till 1857?
(a) 1773
(b) 1793
(c) 1801
(d) 1784
Ans.: (d)
461. Who was the first Governor of Bengal to pay attention towards the Civil Services?
(a) Drakes
(b) Vansittart
(c) Clive
(d) Clavering
Ans.: (c)
462. Whose comments were these : “No civilised government ever existed on the face of the earth which was more
corrupt, more perfidious, and more rapacious than the government of East India Company from the years 1765-
(a) Cornwell Lewis
(b) P.E. Roberts
(c) Sullivan
(d) Malleson
Ans.: (a)
463. Who founded the Fort William College at Calcutta?
(a) John Shore
(b) Lord Wellesley
(c) Cornwallis
(d) Lord Hastings
Ans.: (b)
464. When was the Fort William College founded at Calcutta?
(a) 1797
(b) 1800
(c) 1813
(d) 1805
Ans.: (b)
465. Where was the East India College established in 1806?
(a) Sussex
(b) Essex
(c) Haileybury
(d) Manchester
Ans.: (c)
466. The Charter Act of ____ for the first time accepted educational qualification as the sole basis for appointment
in Civil Services
(a) 1813
(b) 1773
(c) 1784
(d) 1833
Ans.: (d)
467. Clause ___ of the 1833 act accepted educational qualification as the criteria for appointment in Civil Services
(a) 87
(b) 90
(c) 75
(d) 83
Ans.: (a)
468. Who was the chairman of the committee which adopted the system of a competitive examination for the
recruitment of civil servants?
(a) Charles Wood
(b) George Sullivan
(c) Lord Macaulay
(d) Thomas Clarke
Ans.: (c)
469. Who became the chairman of the Board of Control in 1853?
(a) Macaulay
(b) Sullivan
(c) Charles Wood
(d) Stephenson
Ans.: (c)
470. By the Charter Act of _____, Indians were allowed entry into the Civil Services through a system of open
competitive examination
(a) 1833
(b) 1848
(c) 1830
(d) 1853
Ans.: (d)
471. What was the minimum age prescribed for the competitive examination of the Civil Services under the 1853
(a) 20
(b) 23
(c) 19
(d) 21
Ans.: (b)
472. When was a special Cadets Company formed?
(a) 1800
(b) 1801
(c) 1803
(d) 1805
Ans.: (a)
473. Indian sepoys began to be recruited in the British army from _____.
(a) 1740
(b) 1742
(c) 1746
(d) 1749
Ans.: (c)
474. What was the strength of Indians in the army of the East India Company in 1857?
(a) 100,000
(b) 150,765
(c) 265,900
(d) 255,879
Ans.: (c)
475. Who was the first Governor-General to establish a regular police force in India?
(a) John Shore
(b) Cornwallis
(c) Hastings
(d) Dalhousie
Ans.: (b)
476. Which Governor-General used police to suppress thugi?
(a) William Bentinck
(b) Dalhousie
(c) Hardinge
(d) Lord Hastings
Ans.: (a)
477. Who was the Colonel responsible for the arrest of 1500 thugs?
(a) Montford
(b) Alexander Burns
(c) Elphinstone
(d) Sleeman
Ans.: (d)
478. Who was the first Governor-General to pay attention towards judicial organisation?
(a) John Shore
(b) Lord Cornwallis
(c) Lord Wellesley
(d) Warren Hastings
Ans.: (d)
479. When was Diwani and Faujdari Adalats, first established in each district?
(a) 1772
(b) 1770
(c) 1768
(d) 1775
Ans.: (a)
480. When was a Supreme Court established for the first time at Calcutta?
(a) 1771
(b) 1773
(c) 1775
(d) 1778
Ans.: (b)
481. Cornwallis code dealt with ____ matters.
(a) Revenue
(b) Religious
(c) Judicial
(d) Cultural
Ans.: (c)
482. Under whose governor-generalship did the post of District Judge come into being?
(a) John Shore
(b) Warren Hastings
(c) Cornwallis
(d) Wellesley
Ans.: (c)
483. The Sadar Nizamat Adalat was the highest court of appeal for ____ cases.
(a) revenue
(b) marriage
(c) property
(d) criminal
Ans.: (d)
484. When were the Provincial courts of appeals and circuit closed down?
(a) 1831
(b) 1827
(c) 1830
(d) 1829
Ans.: (a)
485. Bentinck set up separate Sadar Nizamat and Sadar Diwani Adalats at.
(a) Lucknow
(b) Allahabad
(c) Bareilly
(d) Banaras
Ans.: (b)
486. Which Charter Act delegated the power of framing laws to the Governor-General in council?
(a) 1813
(b) 1786
(c) 1773
(d) 1833
Ans.: (d)
487. When did the Indian Penal Code come into effect?
(a) 1860
(b) 1852
(c) 1857
(d) 1854
Ans.: (a)
488. Who was the Chairman of the First Law Commission?
(a) Metcalfe
(b) Napier
(c) Lord Macaulay
(d) Charles Wood
Ans.: (c)
489. During the period of ____, a Board of Revenue was established for the first time.
(a) John Shore
(b) Warren Hastings
(c) Cornwallis
(d) Lord Wellesley
Ans.: (b)
490. Warren Hastings created the post of ____ for revenue collection.
(a) munim
(b) taluqdar
(c) sahukar
(d) collector
Ans.: (d)
491. Who established a madrasa in Calcutta in 1781?
(a) Cornwallis
(b) John Shore
(c) Warren Hastings
(d) Monson
Ans.: (c)
492. Who established a Sanskrit College at Banaras in 1791?
(a) Alexander Duff
(b) Jonathan Duncan
(c) James Young
(d) Walter Scott
Ans.: (b)
493. Which Charter Act made provisions for education in India for the first time?
(a) 1813
(b) 1805
(c) 1817
(d) 1830
Ans.: (a)
494. The General Committee on Public instruction constituted of ____ members
(a) 5
(b) 10
(c) 7
(d) 8
Ans.: (b)
495. When was English declared as the medium of instruction in India?
(a) 1833
(b) 1832
(c) 1834
(d) 1835
Ans.: (d)
496. Under the Wood’s Dispatch, universities were to be opened at Calcutta, Bombay and Madras on the model of
the ____ university
(a) Manchester
(b) Birmingham
(c) London
(d) Bristol
Ans.: (c)
497. Where were universities established in Calcutta, Madras and Bombay?
(a) 1854
(b) 1857
(c) 1855
(d) 1856
Ans.: (b)
498. Who was the British captain who had witnessed ‘sati’ in person?
(a) Monson
(b) Alexander Burns
(c) George Sullivan
(d) William Sleeman
Ans.: (d)
499. When was a legal ban imposed on the burning of widows on the funeral pyres of their dead husbands?
(a) 1823
(b) 1820
(c) 1821
(d) 1827
Ans.: (a)
500. When did William Bentinck pass the significant law against sati?
(a) 1829
(b) 1825
(c) 1827
(d) 1831
Ans.: (a)
501. When was the Widow Remarriage Act passed?
(a) 1854
(b) 1853
(c) 1855
(d) 1856
Ans.: (d)
502. Who was the first widow to be remarried under the above mentioned Act ?
(a) Kalimati Devi
(b) Rupa Devi
(c) Rukmini Devi
(d) Durgavati Devi
Ans.: (a)
503. Which British offical was the mind behind the widow Remarriage Act?
(a) Clavering
(b) J.P. Grant
(c) Outram
(d) George Yuk
Ans.: (b)
504. The social reformer associated with widow remarriage in Andhra Pradesh was _____.
(a) R. Pantulu
(b) T.S. Somayya
(c) Veerasalingam
(d) Viraprakash
Ans.: (c)
505. When did the Indian Reforms Association come into being?
(a) 1865
(b) 1875
(c) 1872
(d) 1870
Ans.: (d)
506. The Journal, ‘Mahapap Bal Vivah’ was launched by ____.
(a) B.M. Malabari
(b) Gopal Hari Deshmukh
(c) Ganesh Maharaj
(d) S.C. Allahabadi
Ans.: (a)
507. What was the minimum marriageable age for girls in 1846?
(a) 12 years
(b) 10 years
(c) 15 years
(d) 8 years
Ans.: (b)
508. When was the Age of Consent Act passed?
(a) 1892
(b) 1893
(c) 1891
(d) 1894
Ans.: (c)
509. What was the minimum marriageable age for girls under the Age of Consent Act?
(a) 10
(b) 15
(c) 8
(d) 12
Ans.: (d)
510. What was the minimum marriageable age for girls under the Sharda Act?
(a) 14
(b) 16
(c) 15
(d) 17
Ans.: (a)
511. When was the Sharda Act passed?
(a) 1927
(b) 1929
(c) 1930
(d) 1931
Ans.: (c)
512. When was the marriageable age for girls raised to 15 years?
(a) 1950
(b) 1946
(c) 1947
(d) 1948
Ans.: (d)
513. When was the marriageable age for girls raised to 18 years?
(a) 1964
(b) 1978
(c) 1973
(d) 1956
Ans.: (b)
514. When was the Right to Hindu inheritance of Property Act passed?
(a) 1955
(b) 1954
(c) 1956
(d) 1957
Ans.: (c)
515. When was the right of divorce accorded to the Hindu women?
(a) 1956
(b) 1954
(c) 1957
(d) 1955
Ans.: (d)
516. When was the Hindu Marriage Act passed?
(a) 1955
(b) 1953
(c) 1954
(d) 1956
Ans.: (a)
517. When was the issue of women franchise first taken up?
(a) 1909
(b) 1927
(c) 1917
(d) 1942
Ans.: (c)
518. When was the Indian National Social Conference founded?
(a) 1885
(b) 1889
(c) 1890
(d) 1887
Ans.: (d)
519. Who was the founder of Bharatiya Rashtriya Samajik Sammelan?
(a) G.K. Gokhale
(b) Mahadev Gobind Ranade
(c) Pheroze Shah Mehta
(d) B.M. Malabari
Ans.: (b)
520. When was a Social Welfare Society established in Bombay?
(a) 1903
(b) 1902
(c) 1905
(d) 1901
Ans.: (a)
521. Who was the nationalist leader, associated with the paper ‘Harijan’?
(a) Annie Besant
(b) B.R. Ambedkar
(c) Mahatma Gandhi
(d) J.L. Nehru
Ans.: (c)
522. Who organised the Harijan Sevak Sangh?
(a) B.R. Ambedkar
(b) S.N. Banerjee
(c) Chitranjan Das
(d) Mahatma Gandhi
Ans.: (d)
523. Where did B.R. Ambedkar form his Bahiskrit Hitkarini Sabha in 1924?
(a) Bhopal
(b) Bombay
(c) Poona
(d) Lucknow
Ans.: (b)
524. The Akhil Bharatiya Dalit Varg Sabha was founded by ____.
(a) Mahatma Gandhi
(b) Vivekananda
(c) Pandita Ramabai
(d) B.R. Ambedkar
Ans.: (d)
525. Who founded the Satya Shodhak Samaj in Maharashtra?
(a) B.R. Ambedkar
(b) M.G. Ranade
(c) Jyoti Rao Phule
(d) B.M. Malabari
Ans.: (c)
526. Who founded the Shri Narayana Dharma Pratipalana Yogam in Kerala?
(a) Shri Narayan Guru
(b) B.M. Malabari
(c) Ramakrishna Nair
(d) Harerama Naikar
Ans.: (a)
527. The first non-Brahmanical organisation of Madras Presidency was _____.
(a) Madras Mahajan Sabha
(b) Justice Party
(c) South Indian Liberal Federation
(d) South Indian Reform Association
Ans.: (c)
528. When did the South Indian Liberal Federation come into being?
(a) 1915
(b) 1917
(c) 1920
(d) 1912
Ans.: (b)
529. The founders of South India Liberal Federation were _____.
(a) B.M. Malabari & T.M. Nair
(b) T. Thagraj & T.M.Nair
(c) Swami Nair & Tyagraj
(d) T. Thagraj & B.M. Malabari
Ans.: (b)
530. In the later years, the South Indian Liberal Federation came to be known as.
(a) Reformist Party
(b) Socialist Party
(c) Justice Party
(d) Downtrodden’s Party
Ans.: (c)
531. Who was the chairman of the Justice Party in 1937?
(a) T. Thagraj
(b) T.M. Nair
(c) Ramaswamy Naicker
(d) B.M. Malabari
Ans.: (c)
532. The ____ party was the fore-runner of Dravida Kazhagam?
(a) Socialist
(b) Tamil Liberation
(c) Reformist
(d) Justice
Ans.: (d)
533. When did the Dravida Kazhagam suffer a split?
(a) 1947
(b) 1945
(c) 1949
(d) 1950
Ans.: (c)
534. Who christened the breakaway group of Dravida Kazhagam as the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam?
(a) Karunanidhi
(b) C.N. Annadurai
(c) K. Kamraj
(d) M.G. Ramachandran
Ans.: (b)
535. In 1875, the percentage of the country’s national income from agriculture was.
(a) 55-60%
(b) 45-50%
(c) 50-55%
(d) 50-58%
Ans.: (a)
536. The Permanent settlement covered ___ of the total area under the British rule.
(a) 25%
(b) 19%
(c) 28%
(d) 30%
Ans.: (b)
537. The Mahalwari settlement covered ___ of the total area under the British rule.
(a) 25%
(b) 20%
(c) 35%
(d) 30%
Ans.: (d)
538. The Ryotwari settlement covered ___ of the total area under the British rule.
(a) 51%
(b) 35%
(c) 40%
(d) 55%
Ans.: (a)
539. When did Warren Hastings introduce the decennial settlement?
(a) 1780
(b) 1776
(c) 1786
(d) 1783
Ans.: (c)
540. Who commented : “Next to war, famine and pestilence, the worst thing that can happen to a community is
absentee landlordism”?
(a) Monson
(b) Carver
(c) Clavering
(d) John Shore
Ans.: (b)
541. The revenue settlement introduced in Madras, Berar, Bombay and Assam was ___ settlement.
(a) Ryotwari
(b) Zamindari
(c) Taluqdari
(d) Mahalwari
Ans.: (a)
542. When was the Mahalwari system introduced in the Punjab, the Central Provinces and parts of U.P.?
(a) 1830
(b) 1835
(c) 1827
(d) 1833
Ans.: (d)
543. Which medieval writer commented : “The kingdom of Bengal has a hundred gates opened for entrance but not
one for departure”?
(a) Tavernier
(b) Manucci
(c) Bernier
(d) Peter Mundy
Ans.: (c)
544. Which place in Bengal was highly famous for its muslins?
(a) Dacca
(b) Burdwan
(c) Qasimbazar
(d) Alinagar
Ans.: (a)
545. Chittor, Palaghat were famous centres for ____ industry
(a) bangles
(b) beads
(c) glass
(d) sugar
Ans.: (c)
546. Kutch Sindh and Punjab were important centres for the manufacture of
(a) ships
(b) sugar
(c) opium
(d) arms
Ans.: (d)
547. When did the East India Company start the cultivation of raw silk in Bengal?
(a) 1768
(b) 1770
(c) 1769
(d) 1765
Ans.: (c)
548. When was the first steam engine invented?
(a) 1765
(b) 1772
(c) 1769
(d) 1775
Ans.: (c)
549. Who was appointed as Superintendent of Telegraph department in 1852?
(a) O’Shaughnessy
(b) Charles Wood
(c) Metcalfe
(d) Alexander Burns
Ans.: (a)
550. Who proposed to lay down railway line from Caveripattam to Carror and Madras to Bangalore in 1832?
(a) William Bentinck
(b) John Shore
(c) Lord Hastings
(d) Lord Amerst
Ans.: (a)
551. In 1836, Sir ___ suggested to start railway communication from Madras to Bombay
(a) Charles Wood
(b) A.P. Cotton
(c) Canning
(d) Lord Dalhousie
Ans.: (b)
552. The East Indian Railway Company was contracted to lay railway line from Calcutta to.
(a) Hughli
(b) Chittagong
(c) Alinagar
(d) Raniganj
Ans.: (d)
553. The Great Indian Peninsular Railway was contracted to lay railway line from Bombay to.
(a) Thana
(b) Poona
(c) Surat
(d) Kalyan
Ans.: (d)
554. The Madras Railway Company was to lay railway line from Madras to.
(a) Cochin
(b) Arakonam
(c) Calicut
(d) Arcot
Ans.: (b)
555. How many bogies were there in the first Indian train?
(a) 10
(b) 14
(c) 12
(d) 20
Ans.: (b)
556. ___ miles of railway line were laid from 1849 to 1869.
(a) 4186
(b) 4079
(c) 4287
(d) 3989
Ans.: (c)
557. Who commented : “... The bones of the cotton-weavers are bleaching the plains of India?
(a) William Bentinck
(b) Lord Hardinge
(c) Dalhousie
(d) Canning
Ans.: (a)
558. What was the percentage of population dependent on agriculture in 1941?
(a) 55%
(b) 78%
(c) 65%
(d) 70%
Ans.: (d)
559. ____ was the only field in which the Government took some steps forward.
(a) Education
(b) Irrigation
(c) Social Reform
(d) Religious Reform
Ans.: (b)
560. What was the number of agricultural colleges in 1939?
(a) 6
(b) 8
(c) 5
(d) 4
Ans.: (a)
561. When was cotton textiles, jute and coal mining industries started in India?
(a) 1840s
(b) 1830s
(c) 1850s
(d) 1870s
Ans.: (c)
562. When was the first textile mill started in India?
(a) 1856
(b) 1861
(c) 1855
(d) 1853
Ans.: (d)
563. Where was the first textile mill in India started ?
(a) Calcutta
(b) Bombay
(c) Madras
(d) Surat
Ans.: (b)
564. Who started the first textile mill in India?
(a) J.R.D. Tata
(b) Nanabhai Puliskar
(c) K.M. Birla
(d) Cowasjee Nanabhoy
Ans.: (d)
565. When was the first jute mill set up in India?
(a) 1853
(b) 1857
(c) 1855
(d) 1861
Ans.: (c)
566. Where was the first jute mill set up?
(a) Burdwan
(b) Calcutta
(c) Rishra
(d) Raniganj
Ans.: (c)
567. Cement, paper, matches, sugar and glass industries developed during the _____.
(a) 1930s
(b) 1920s
(c) 1940s
(d) 1910s
Ans.: (a)
568. The only industry where the Indians had a large share of capital from beginning was the ____ industry.
(a) Sugar
(b) Cotton textile
(c) Tea
(d) Indigo
Ans.: (b)
569. By 1914, foreign banks held over ___ per cent of all bank deposits in India.
(a) 50
(b) 45
(c) 65
(d) 70
Ans.: (d)
570. When was the first steel in India produced?
(a) 1909
(b) 1910
(c) 1913
(d) 1915
Ans.: (c)
571. Indigo manufacture was introduced into India at the end of the ___ century.
(a) 16th
(b) 17th
(c) 19th
(d) 18th
Ans.: (d)
572. When was the play ‘Neel Darpan’ written?
(a) 1850
(b) 1860
(c) 1840
(d) 1870
Ans.: (b)
573. Who wrote “Neel Darpan”?
(a) Sukumar Sen
(b) Warris Shah
(c) Dinabandhu Mitra
(d) Nabin Chandra Sen
Ans.: (c)
574. The tea industry developed in India after ____.
(a) 1850
(b) 1835
(c) 1860
(d) 1870
Ans.: (a)
575. By 1946, Cotton and Jute textiles accounted for ___ per cent of all workers employed in factories
(a) 40
(b) 50
(c) 30
(d) 60
Ans.: (a)
576. A famine to engulf Orissa, Bengal, Bihar and Madras; occurred in ___.
(a) 1860
(b) 1879
(c) 1865
(d) 1875
Ans.: (c)
577. When did the worst famine in Indian history occur in the 19th century?
(a) 1872-74
(b) 1874-76
(c) 1876-78
(d) 1876-80
Ans.: (c)
578. Drought led countrywide famine occurred in _____.
(a) 1890-93
(b) 1896-97
(c) 1892-99
(d) 1895-1900
Ans.: (b)
579. What was the average life expectancy of an Indian during the 1930s?
(a) 29 years
(b) 36 years
(c) 41 years
(d) 32 years
Ans.: (d)
580. What was the number of major famines from 1770 to 1857?
(a) 15
(b) 10
(c) 12
(d) 18
Ans.: (c)
581. Who was the British official to comment: “the police were a scourge to the people”?
(a) Sleeman
(b) Edward Cotton
(c) Charles Metcalfe
(d) William Edwards
Ans.: (d)
582. What was the period of the first Afghan war?
(a) 1839-42
(b) 1840-45
(c) 1840-47
(d) 1835-39
Ans.: (a)
583. In the annexation of which state was government’s mismanagement made a ground?
(a) Berar
(b) Awadh
(c) Satara
(d) Sambhalpur
Ans.: (b)
584. Who declared in 1849 that Bahadur Shah II’s successors would have to leave the Red Fort?
(a) Napier
(b) Outram
(c) Dalhousie
(d) Canning
Ans.: (c)
585. Which Governor-General announced that after Bahadur Shah’s death, the Mughals would lose the title of
(a) Napier
(b) Harding
(c) Canning
(d) Dalhousie
Ans.: (c)
586. When was the above announcement made?
(a) 1852
(b) 1850
(c) 1854
(d) 1856
Ans.: (d)
587. When was a law enacted which enabled a Convert to christianity to inherit his ancestral property?
(a) 1853
(b) 1850
(c) 1855
(d) 1856
Ans.: (b)
588. The Revolt of 1857 started with the mutiny of.
(a) sepoys
(b) sanyasins
(c) native princes
(d) taluqdars
Ans.: (a)
589. When was an Act passed under which every new recruit undertook to serve even overseas, if required?
(a) 1856
(b) 1858
(c) 1853
(d) 1854
Ans.: (a)
590. When did the Sepoys mutiny at Vellore?
(a) 1809
(b) 1803
(c) 1806
(d) 1801
Ans.: (c)
591. In ____, the 47th Regiment of sepoys at Barrackpore refused to go to Burma.
(a) 1826
(b) 1829
(c) 1824
(d) 1821
Ans.: (c)
592. Who was the Lieutenant Governor in 1858?
(a) Lord Dalhousie
(b) Fredrick Halliday
(c) Collin Campbell
(d) Hugh Rose
Ans.: (b)
593. Who wrote the “Causes of the Indian Mutiny”?
(a) V.D. Savarkar
(b) T.R. Holmes
(c) Saiyid Ahmad Khan
(d) B. Disraeli
Ans.: (c)
594. What was the number of major rebellions from 1763 to 1856?
(a) 25
(b) more than 30
(c) 15
(d) more than 40
Ans.: (d)
595. The episode of the greased ____ provided the spark for the Revolt of 1857.
(a) cartridges
(b) boots
(c) hats
(d) armours
Ans.: (a)
596. Where did the Revolt of 1857 begin?
(a) Barrackpore
(b) Lucknow
(c) Delhi
(d) Meerut
Ans.: (d)
597. When did the Revolt begin in 1857?
(a) 7 May
(b) 10 May
(c) 12 May
(d) 15 May
Ans.: (b)
598. Mangal Pandey became a martyr at.
(a) Barrackpore
(b) Meerut
(c) Bareilly
(d) Lucknow
Ans.: (a)
599. When was Mangal Pandey hanged in 1857?
(a) 25 March
(b) 21 March
(c) 29 March
(d) 27 March
Ans.: (c)
600. On 24 April, 1857; 90 men of the ____ Native Cavalry refused to accept the greased cartidges.
(a) 5th
(b) 1st
(c) 7th
(d) 3rd
Ans.: (d)
601. Who toured India in 1858 and 1859 as the correspondent of the London Times?
(a) W.H. Russel
(b) T.R. Holmes
(c) C. Clarke
(d) G. Sullivan
Ans.: (a)
602. Who wrote: “In this instance we could not play off the Mohammadans against the Hindus”?
(a) Canning
(b) Dalhousie
(c) Aitchison
(d) Wood
Ans.: (c)
603. Who led the Sepoys mutiny at Delhi?
(a) Zeenat Mahal
(b) Bakht Khan
(c) Akram Khan
(d) Khan Bahadur Khan
Ans.: (b)
604. Who brought the Bareilly troops to Delhi?
(a) Khan Bahadur Khan
(b) Dunde Khan
(c) Azimullah
(d) Bakht Khan
Ans.: (d)
605. Who led the Revolt at Kanpur?
(a) Nana Saheb
(b) Azimullah
(c) Dunde Khan
(d) Fakruddin
Ans.: (a)
606. What was the real name of Nana Saheb?
(a) P.R. Pant
(b) S.G. Pant
(c) Dhondu Pant
(d) Motu Pant
Ans.: (c)
607. Nana Saheb was the adopted son of.
(a) Baji Rao III
(b) Baji Rao II
(c) Shivaji III
(d) Pratap Singh
Ans.: (b)
608. Who was the last Peshwa?
(a) Shivaji II
(b) Balaji Baji Rao II
(c) Baji Rao III
(d) Baji Rao II
Ans.: (d)
609. Who was known for his guerilla operations, among the rebels at Kanpur?
(a) Azimullah
(b) Dunde Khan
(c) Tantia Tope
(d) Nawab Rai
Ans.: (c)
610. The loyal servant of Nana Saheb who was an expert in political propaganda was.
(a) Azimullah
(b) Tantia Tope
(c) Dunde Khan
(d) Mote Khan
Ans.: (a)
611. Who led the Revolt at Lucknow?
(a) Khan Bahadur Khan
(b) Hazrat Mahal
(c) Khan Abdullah
(d) Maulvi Ahmadullah
Ans.: (b)
612. Whom did Hazrat Mahal declare as the Nawab of Awadh?
(a) Mia Mir
(b) Mirza Hakim
(c) Kadar Khan
(d) Birjis Kadr
Ans.: (d)
613. The leader of the Revolt at Jhansi was.
(a) Tantia Tope
(b) Lakshmi bai
(c) Bakht Khan
(d) Azimullah
Ans.: (b)
614. Who utterred these words : “with our own hands we shall not our Azadshahi bury”?
(a) Azimullah
(b) Khan Abdullah
(c) Lakshmi bai
(d) Tantia Tope
Ans.: (c)
615. Where did the Scindia take refuge after the outbreak of the Revolt?
(a) Agra
(b) Meerut
(c) Lucknow
(d) Bareilly
Ans.: (a)
616. When did Rani Lakshmi bai die in 1858?
(a) 15 June
(b) 25 June
(c) 17 June
(d) 30 June
Ans.: (c)
617. Kunwar Singh was a zamindar of _____ near Arrah in Bihar.
(a) Bihta
(b) Jagdishpur
(c) Maner
(d) Shikarpur
Ans.: (b)
618. Who was the most outstanding military leader and strategist of the Revolt?
(a) Bakht Khan
(b) Nana Saheb
(c) Tantia Tope
(d) Kunwar Singh
Ans.: (d)
619. Who led the Revolt at Faizabad?
(a) Bakht Khan
(b) Khan Abdullah
(c) Maulvi Ahmadullah
(d) Khan Bahadur Khan
Ans.: (c)
620. Maulvi Ahmadullah was originally a native of.
(a) Cuttack
(b) Madras
(c) Surat
(d) Poona
Ans.: (b)
621. The Revolt of 1857 mainly remained confined to ___ India.
(a) Eastern & Southern
(b) Southern & Coastal
(c) Western & Eastern
(d) Northern & Central
Ans.: (d)
622. Who remarked that the native Indian rulers “acted as breakwaters to the storm”?
(a) Canning
(b) Hardinge
(c) Dalhousie
(d) Lytton
Ans.: (a)
623. Who were the chief targets of the villager’s attack during the Revolt?
(a) police thanas
(b) courts
(c) collectorate office
(d) moneylenders
Ans.: (d)
624. After the Revolt at Delhi, a court of administrators consisting of ___ members was established.
(a) 15
(b) 5
(c) 10
(d) 20
Ans.: (c)
625. On which date in 1857, did the British capture Delhi?
(a) 10 September
(b) 16 September
(c) 20 September
(d) 26 September
Ans.: (c)
626. Where was Nana Saheb defeated?
(a) Kanpur
(b) Jhansi
(c) Meerut
(d) Gwalior
Ans.: (a)
627. Tantia Tope escaped into the jungles of ____ India in 1859.
(a) northern
(b) southern
(c) central
(d) south-western
Ans.: (c)
628. Where did Nana Saheb escape to after being defeated?
(a) Burma
(b) Nepal
(c) Bhutan
(d) Tibet
Ans.: (b)
629. Where did the Begum of Oudh hide in order to avert capture by the British?
(a) Tibet
(b) China
(c) Burma
(d) Nepal
Ans.: (d)
630. Who was the last Governor-General of the East India Company?
(a) Dalhousie
(b) Canning
(c) Bentinck
(d) Hardinge
Ans.: (b)
631. When was an Inam commission established?
(a) 1855
(b) 1856
(c) 1852
(d) 1854
Ans.: (c)
632. Which Indian city was akin to ‘Manchester of India’?
(a) Dacca
(b) Surat
(c) Lucknow
(d) Calcutta
Ans.: (a)
633. When did the Khond uprising of Orissa take place?
(a) 1842
(b) 1848
(c) 1846
(d) 1850
Ans.: (c)
634. When was the king of Mysore pensioned off?
(a) 1825
(b) 1831
(c) 1835
(d) 1839
Ans.: (b)
635. Who was the Governor-General who discontinued the practice of giving gifts to Bahadur Shah, the Mughal
(a) Hardinge
(b) Dalhousie
(c) Canning
(d) Ellenborough
Ans.: (d)
636. When did the Rajputs revolt in Munir Tappa near Banaras?
(a) 1814
(b) 1817
(c) 1821
(d) 1825
Ans.: (a)
637. When did the Ramosis Revolt take place in Poona?
(a) 1819
(b) 1821
(c) 1826
(d) 1823
Ans.: (c)
638. The Sawant Wadi revolt took place in.
(a) 1842
(b) 1848
(c) 1835
(d) 1846
Ans.: (b)
639. The Revolt at Kolhapur took place in.
(a) 1842
(b) 1837
(c) 1839
(d) 1844
Ans.: (d)
640. Who was the head of the East India Company in 1857?
(a) Charles Peterson
(b) Thomas Patterson
(c) R.D. Mangles
(d) James Duff
Ans.: (c)
641. When did Dalhousie pass the Religious Disabilities Act?
(a) 1850
(b) 1853
(c) 1855
(d) 1856
Ans.: (a)
642. Which governor-general banned the practice of adopting a child?
(a) Hardinge
(b) Dalhousie
(c) Canning
(d) Ellenborough
Ans.: (b)
643. In 1849, the ____ Native infantry revolted.
(a) 15th
(b) 16th
(c) 20th
(d) 22nd
Ans.: (d)
644. In 1850, the ____ Native infantry rose in rebellion.
(a) 50th
(b) 66th
(c) 57th
(d) 63rd
Ans.: (b)
645. In 1852, the ____ Native infantry revolted.
(a) 32th
(b) 37th
(c) 38th
(d) 45th
Ans.: (c)
646. The ____ rifles were introduced in the army before the Revolt.
(a) Enfield
(b) AK-47
(c) Webley Scott
(d) KL-56
Ans.: (a)
647. Which British historian remarked that beef and pork were used in cartridges?
(a) T.R. Holmes
(b) J. Suvillan
(c) John Kaye
(d) V.A. Smith
Ans.: (c)
648. The Revolt of 1857 was originally planned for ___ May, 1857.
(a) 25th
(b) 31st
(c) 29th
(d) 36th
Ans.: (b)
649. Who was the first victim of the Revolt?
(a) Bakht Khan
(b) Dunde Khan
(c) Abdullah Khan
(d) Mangal Pandey
Ans.: (d)
650. At which of the places, the sepoys’ mutiny was provoked by women’s taunts?
(a) Banaras
(b) Meerut
(c) Lucknow
(d) Agra
Ans.: (b)
651. What was the population of Delhi in 1857?
(a) 1,52,000
(b) 1,68,000
(c) 1,77,000
(d) 1,15,000
Ans.: (a)
652. Who was the British officer of Delhi when the Revolt took place?
(a) Campbell
(b) Outram
(c) Ripley
(d) Elphinstone
Ans.: (c)
653. Who was the British officer killed during the British attempt to re-enter Delhi?
(a) Campbell
(b) Nicholson
(c) Wheeler
(d) Watson
Ans.: (b)
654. Who was the Governor of Bombay during the Revolt of 1857?
(a) Elphinstone
(b) Watson
(c) Ripley
(d) Campbell
Ans.: (a)
655. Who was instrumental in the arrest of Bahadur Shah II by the British?
(a) Zaman Mirza
(b) Mian Ghazi
(c) Bahadur Hakim
(d) Illahibaksh
Ans.: (d)
656. Who was the British General who shot dead two sons of Bahadur Shah II?
(a) Campbell
(b) Watson
(c) Hudson
(d) Outram
Ans.: (c)
657. Where was Bahadur Shah II sent on asylum?
(a) Pondicherry
(b) Rangoon
(c) Andamans
(d) Kathmandu
Ans.: (b)
658. Who was the British Resident at Lucknow at the time of the Revolt?
(a) Henry Lawrence
(b) James Outram
(c) Colin Campbell
(d) Hugh Rose
Ans.: (a)
659. The British resident who was burnt alive in the Revolt of 1857 was.
(a) James Outram
(b) James Lawrence
(c) Elphistone
(d) Henry Lawrence
Ans.: (d)
660. Who succeeded in suppressing the Revolt in Awadh?
(a) Elphinstone
(b) Hugh Rose
(c) Colin Campbell
(d) Watson
Ans.: (c)
661. Colin Campbell was chief of the ____ during the Revolt of 1857.
(a) navy
(b) army
(c) cavalry
(d) 35th infantry
Ans.: (b)
662. Where were British families shot dead when the Revolt started at Kanpur?
(a) Sati Chaura
(b) Chunar
(c) Bithur
(d) Pratihara
Ans.: (a)
663. Who defeated Rani Lakshmi bai?
(a) Outram
(b) Watson
(c) Campbell
(d) Hugh Rose
Ans.: (d)
664. With whose help did Lakshmi bai capture Gwalior?
(a) Dunde Khan
(b) Azimullah
(c) Tantia Tope
(d) Khan Bahadur
Ans.: (c)
665. Who got Ahmadullah killed?
(a) Jagdish Sharma
(b) Jagannath Singh
(c) Mangal Kayastha
(d) Atul Panigrahi
Ans.: (b)
666. Who led the revolt in Mewat?
(a) Sadruddin
(b) Islamuddin
(c) Saifuddin
(d) Badruddin
Ans.: (a)
667. Who was sent from Delhi to suppress the revolt at Rohtak?
(a) Campbell
(b) Taylor
(c) Hudson
(d) Watson
Ans.: (c)
668. Who was the initiator of the Revolt in Maharashtra?
(a) Radhaswami Maratha
(b) Dipankar Ranade
(c) Gopal Prakash Thakre
(d) Ranga Bapuji Gupte
Ans.: (d)
669. Where did the Revolt first start in Maharashtra?
(a) Poona
(b) Nasik
(c) Satara
(d) Nagpur
Ans.: (c)
670. Who utterred these words while dying: “Now the influence of the Britishers had reduced. Siblings of Hindus
and Muslims get up do not be a spectator alone at this juncture of the Indian History”.?
(a) Dinanath Singh
(b) Gorakhnath Singh ‘Chintak’
(c) Bikaneri Suman
(d) Man Singh Rajput
Ans.: (d)
671. Who was the leading spirit of the Revolt at Hyderabad?
(a) Mangal Karve
(b) Sonaji Pant
(c) Panni Khan
(d) Dolu Mia
Ans.: (b)
672. Where was the ‘Normal school’ opened in 1855?
(a) Bangalore
(b) Agra
(c) Surat
(d) Meerut
Ans.: (a)
673. ___ was the epicentre of the Revolt in Tamilnadu
(a) Arcot
(b) Tiruchirapalli
(c) Madras
(d) St. Thome
Ans.: (c)
674. The person of Mughal lineage, who was instrumental in fanning the Revolt at Chengalpet was.
(a) Illahi Baksh
(b) Birjis Kadr
(c) Farukh Shah
(d) Sultan Baksh
Ans.: (d)
675. Where did a weavers’ mob declare the Revolt in August 1857?
(a) Salem
(b) Gandhinagar
(c) Satara
(d) Chingalpet
Ans.: (a)
676. ___ was the epicentre of the Revolt in Kerala
(a) Cochin
(b) Travancore
(c) Calicut
(d) Cannanore
Ans.: (b)
677. Who led the Revolt in Goa?
(a) Dipak Parekh
(b) Sundar Bhandari
(c) Deepuji Rana
(d) Gopinath Shinde
Ans.: (c)
678. Who was the French Governor of Pondicherry at the time of the Revolt?
(a) Louis Chirac
(b) Montel Patric
(c) James Manyhem
(d) Dust-di-Uvrai
Ans.: (d)
679. Who played a key role in spreading the mutiny of 1857 in many parts of South India?
(a) Nana Saheb
(b) Kunwar Singh
(c) Tantia Tope
(d) Bakht Khan
Ans.: (a)
680. The minister of Gwalior who remained loyal to the British during the Revolt was ____.
(a) Pratap Joshi
(b) Maha Pratap Rai
(c) Dinkar Rao
(d) Narasingh Rao
Ans.: (c)
681. The minister of Hyderabad who remained pro-British during the Revolt was ____.
(a) Safdar Jang
(b) Salar Jang
(c) Shaukat Ali
(d) Illahibaksh
Ans.: (b)
682. Who was the queen of Bahadur Shah II who joined hands with his enemies?
(a) Hazrat Mahal
(b) Roop Mahal
(c) Rukaiyya Mahal
(d) Jeenat Mahal
Ans.: (d)
683. Who wrote the book, ‘Indian Mutiny’?
(a) G.B. Malleson
(b) T.R. Holmes
(c) C. Raikes
(d) S.B. Sen
Ans.: (a)
684. Who wrote, ‘Notes on the revolt in North Western Provinces of India’?
(a) V.D. Savarkar
(b) S.N. Sen
(c) Charles Raikes
(d) G.B. Malleson
Ans.: (c)
685. Who termed the Revolt as “a battle of blacks against the white”?
(a) T.R. Holmes
(b) J.W. Kaye
(c) P.E. Roberts
(d) C. Raikes
Ans.: (b)
686. Who considered the Revolt as a war of “the orthodoxy against christianity”?
(a) L.E.R. Rees
(b) G.B. Malleson
(c) T.R. Holmes
(d) C. Raikes
Ans.: (a)
687. The foreign writer who described the Revolt as true to the “Asiatic nature” was _____.
(a) Karl Marx
(b) F. Hegel
(c) Engels
(d) Taleboys wheeler
Ans.: (d)
688. Who called the Revolt as a war “between barbarism and civilisation”?
(a) C. Raikes
(b) L.E.R. Rees
(c) T.R. Holmes
(d) P.E. Roberts
Ans.: (c)
689. Who wrote the book, ‘Topics for Indian Statesmen’?
(a) P.E. Roberts
(b) J.B. Norton
(c) N.A. Smith
(d) John Mill
Ans.: (b)
690. The British premier who called the Revolt as a ‘national revolt’ was ____.
(a) C. Atlee
(b) W. Churchill
(c) Mac Donald
(d) Disraeli
Ans.: (d)
691. Who was the nationalist leader, first to call the Revolt as an organised war for national independence?
(a) V.D. Savarkar
(b) J.L. Nehru
(c) Lajpat Rai
(d) Subhash Chandra Bose
Ans.: (a)
692. Who has written the book, “The Great Rebellion”?
(a) S.B. Sen
(b) S.N. Sen
(c) Ashok Mehta
(d) B.R. Grover
Ans.: (c)
693. Who wrote: “The war which began for religion ended up as a war of independence”?
(a) Ashok Mehta
(b) Surendranath Sen
(c) V.D. Savarkar
(d) Dayanand Saraswati
Ans.: (b)
694. Who was the last man alive in Mirzapur during the Revolt who was sent to the Andamans?
(a) Dilip Thakur
(b) Amarendra Bahadur
(c) Shanti Pratap Singh
(d) Musai Singh
Ans.: (d)
695. An Act of Parliament in _____ transferred the power to govern from the East India Company to British crown
(a) 1855
(b) 1856
(c) 1858
(d) 1857
Ans.: (c)
696. Who was to have powers to govern India under the Act of 1858?
(a) Secretary of State
(b) The British Prime Minister
(c) Board of Control
(d) India Council
Ans.: (a)
697. What was the title given to the Governor-General under the Act of 1858?
(a) Secretary
(b) Chancellor
(c) Governor
(d) Viceroy
Ans.: (d)
698. The title viceroy meant crown’s personal _____.
(a) servant
(b) representative
(c) assistant
(d) administrator
Ans.: (b)
699. Where did the Secretary of State reside?
(a) Delhi
(b) Bombay
(c) London
(d) Calcutta
Ans.: (c)
700. That the Governor-General would have an executive council was mentioned in the Act of ____.
(a) 1858
(b) 1861
(c) 1892
(d) 1853
Ans.: (a)
701. The Imperial Legislative Council came into being from the Act of ____.
(a) 1854
(b) 1909
(c) 1892
(d) 1861
Ans.: (d)
702. Who was the Secretary of state for India in 1861?
(a) T.R. Holmes
(b) Charles Wood
(c) Salisbury
(d) Disraeli
Ans.: (b)
703. Who said : “.... where a dominant race rules another, the mildest form of government is a despotism”?
(a) Canning
(b) Lytton
(c) Dalhousie
(d) Charles Wood
Ans.: (d)
704. Who used to administer the Presidencies?
(a) native rulers
(b) collectors
(c) Governors
(d) commissioners
Ans.: (c)
705. The Executive council of a Governor consisted of _______ members.
(a) 3
(b) 5
(c) 7
(d) 9
Ans.: (a)
706. The other provinces were administered by Lieutenant Governors and chief ____
(a) commissioners
(b) collectors
(c) magistrates
(d) secretaries
Ans.: (a)
707. When were the provincial governments debarred from passing laws?
(a) 1853
(b) 1833
(c) 1861
(d) 1813
Ans.: (b)
708. Who took the first step in the direction of separating central and provincial finances?
(a) Ripon
(b) Canning
(c) Mayo
(d) Elgin
Ans.: (c)
709. When was taken the above mentioned step?
(a) 1862
(b) 1864
(c) 1870
(d) 1883
Ans.: (c)
710. When was the system of giving fixed grants to the provinces ended?
(a) 1875
(b) 1879
(c) 1880
(d) 1882
Ans.: (d)
711. When were the first local bodies in India formed?
(a) 1864-68
(b) 1866-70
(c) 1862-64
(d) 1865-72
Ans.: (a)
712. Who was the Governor-General in 1882?
(a) Mayo
(b) Lytton
(c) Ripon
(d) Lansdowne
Ans.: (c)
713. When was laid down the policy of administrating local affairs through local bodies?
(a) 1872
(b) 1882
(c) 1876
(d) 1880
Ans.: (b)
714. Till ___, no Indian would rise higher than the rank of a subedar.
(a) 1910
(b) 1905
(c) 1919
(d) 1914
Ans.: (d)
715. By 1875, half of the British Indian army was recruited from ____.
(a) Bengal
(b) Nepal
(c) Oudh
(d) Punjab
Ans.: (d)
716. Who said, “I never wish to see again a great Army, very much the same in its feelings and prejudices and
connections.... to rise in rebellion together”?
(a) Charles Wood
(b) Canning
(c) Lytton
(d) Disraeli
Ans.: (a)
717. What percentage of Indian revenues was absorbed by the Indian army in 1904?
(a) 40%
(b) 35%
(c) 52%
(d) 55%
Ans.: (c)
718. Who was the first Indian to successfully compete in the Civil Services Examination?
(a) S.C. Bose
(b) Satyendranath Tagore
(c) S.N. Banerjee
(d) B.M. Malabari
Ans.: (b)
719. What was the maximum age for entry into the Civil Services in 1878?
(a) 19 years
(b) 17 years
(c) 23 years
(d) 21 years
Ans.: (a)
720. Who was the Secretary of State in 1893?
(a) Salisbury
(b) Kimberley
(c) Disraeli
(d) Charles wood
Ans.: (b)
721. Who stressed on “the absolute necessity of keeping the government ..... in European hands, if that Empire is to
be maintained”?
(a) Lansdowne
(b) Canning
(c) Mayo
(d) Lytton
Ans.: (a)
722. Who commented : “to preserve them (princely states) as a bulwark of the Empire has ever since been a
principle of British policy”?
(a) T.R. Holmes
(b) G.B. Malleson
(c) S.N. Sen
(d) P.E. Roberts
Ans.: (d)
723. When did Queen Victoria assume the title of the Empress of India?
(a) 1872
(b) 1880
(c) 1876
(d) 1878
Ans.: (c)
724. When were universities set up in the presidency towns?
(a) 1870
(b) 1873
(c) 1875
(d) 1878
Ans.: (c)
725. Who was the viceroy in 1876?
(a) Lytton
(b) Ripon
(c) Mayo
(d) Lansdowne
Ans.: (a)
726. Who said: “the crown of England should be ..... identified with ..... interests of a powerful native aristocracy”?
(a) Canning
(b) Ripon
(c) Mayo
(d) Lytton
Ans.: (d)
727. Who wrote the book, the ‘Discovery of India’?
(a) Subhas Chandra Bose
(b) Mahatma Gandhi
(c) Jawaharlal Nehru
(d) Maulan Abul Kalam Azad
Ans.: (c)
728. When was the first Indian Factory Act passed?
(a) 1861
(b) 1881
(c) 1871
(d) 1891
Ans.: (b)
729. The Factory Act of 1881 mainly dealt with the problem of ____ labour.
(a) women
(b) skilled
(c) unskilled
(d) Child
Ans.: (d)
730. Under the Factory Act of 1881, children were to work not more than ___ hours a day.
(a) 10
(b) 12
(c) 9
(d) 8
Ans.: (c)
731. When was the second Factory Act passed?
(a) 1891
(b) 1881
(c) 1901
(d) 1871
Ans.: (a)
732. The Second Factory Act fixed working hours for women at ____ per day.
(a) 10
(b) 11
(c) 9
(d) 8
Ans.: (b)
733. The second Factory Act fixed working hours for children at ___ per day.
(a) 6
(b) 5
(c) 8
(d) 7
Ans.: (d)
734. When was made the provision of a weekly holiday for all workers?
(a) 1881
(b) 1901
(c) 1891
(d) 1911
Ans.: (c)
735. When was the Indian Press freed of restrictions?
(a) 1839
(b) 1842
(c) 1835
(d) 1858
Ans.: (c)
736. Who is known as the liberator of the Indian Press?
(a) Lord Macaulay
(b) Charles Metcalfe
(c) Disraeli
(d) Lord Ripon
Ans.: (b)
737. When was the Vernacular Press Act passed?
(a) 1878
(b) 1872
(c) 1876
(d) 1880
Ans.: (a)
738. Who was the Viceroy when the Vernacular Press Act was passed?
(a) Ripon
(b) Mayo
(c) Lytton
(d) Elgin
Ans.: (c)
739. When was the Vernacular Press Act repealed ?
(a) 1880
(b) 1882
(c) 1884
(d) 1885
Ans.: (b)
740. Who commented: “.... we in India have known racialism in all its forms ever since the commencement of
British rule”?
(a) Mahatma Gandhi
(b) Gopal Krishna Gokhale
(c) Dadabhai Naoroji
(d) Jawaharlal Nehru
Ans.: (d)
741. When did the Anglo-Nepal war start?
(a) 1810
(b) 1824
(c) 1821
(d) 1814
Ans.: (d)
742. When was the first Anglo-Burmese war started?
(a) 1821
(b) 1814
(c) 1824
(d) 1819
Ans.: (c)
743. The Burmese signed the Treaty of ____ in 1826.
(a) Simla
(b) Rangoon
(c) Yandabo
(d) Sagauli
Ans.: (c)
744. When did the Second Burmese War break out?
(a) 1852
(b) 1856
(c) 1854
(d) 1872
Ans.: (a)
745. When was Burma annexed to the Indian empire?
(a) 1875
(b) 1880
(c) 1890
(d) 1885
Ans.: (d)
746. Who was the king of Burma when its annexation to India took place?
(a) Dikchun
(b) Thibaw
(c) Pahimpa
(d) Munokoi
Ans.: (b)
747. When did the British separate Burma from India?
(a) 1830
(b) 1839
(c) 1835
(d) 1837
Ans.: (c)
748. When did Burma win its independence?
(a) 1935
(b) 1945
(c) 1940
(d) 1948
Ans.: (d)
749. Who was the Afghan ruler deposed in 1809?
(a) Shah Shuja
(b) Zaman Shah
(c) Muhammad Pir
(d) Zafar Mirza
Ans.: (a)
750. Where had Shah Shuja been living since deposed in 1809?
(a) Patiala
(b) Ludhiana
(c) Lahore
(d) Amritsar
Ans.: (b)
751. When did the first Afghan war start?
(a) 1837
(b) 1835
(c) 1839
(d) 1833
Ans.: (c)
752. When did the Second Afghan war start?
(a) 1878
(b) 1875
(c) 1879
(d) 1881
Ans.: (a)
753. The Second Afghan war ended with the Treaty of ____.
(a) Gandamak
(b) Yandabo
(c) Thiksan
(d) Sagauli
Ans.: (a)
754. Who was the British resident killed in Afghanistan in 1879?
(a) Malcolm
(b) Elphinstone
(c) Cavagnari
(d) Reading
Ans.: (c)
755. When did Afghanistan recover its independence in foreign affairs?
(a) 1921
(b) 1919
(c) 1911
(d) 1915
Ans.: (a)
756. Queen Victoria’s royal proclamation of 1858 was read in all districts and towns of India on ___.
(a) 1 March
(b) 1 July
(c) 1 June
(d) 1 November
Ans.: (d)
757. Who was the first viceroy of India?
(a) Dalhousie
(b) Charles Woods
(c) Lord Canning
(d) Lord Curzon
Ans.: (c)
758. When was a law passed in the British Parliament that restricted the future employment of Europeans in local
(a) 1856
(b) 1860
(c) 1852
(d) 1864
Ans.: (b)
759. The Act of 1861 increased the strength of viceroy’s council to ____.
(a) 5
(b) 7
(c) 9
(d) 13
Ans.: (a)
760. From which Act did the portfolio system come into being?
(a) 1861
(b) 1892
(c) 1909
(d) 1919
Ans.: (a)
761. From which Act did the Bombay and Madras governments get the right to make laws?
(a) 1853
(b) 1861
(c) 1858
(d) 1892
Ans.: (c)
762. When was Awadh merged into Agra presidency?
(a) 1859
(b) 1863
(c) 1877
(d) 1894
Ans.: (c)
763. Which native ruler was deposed in 1874?
(a) Dinkar Rao Holkar
(b) Malhar Rao Gaekwad
(c) Daulat Rao Scindia
(d) Pratap Singh Gaekwad
Ans.: (b)
764. Malhar Rao Gaekwad was the ruler of _____.
(a) Indore
(b) Bhopal
(c) Cuttack
(d) Baroda
Ans.: (d)
765. When did the British reopen the Fatehpuri Masjid as well as Jama Masid of Delhi?
(a) 1872
(b) 1883
(c) 1877
(d) 1875
Ans.: (c)
766. Who is regarded as the forerunner of Indian journalism?
(a) Ram Mohan Roy
(b) H.V. Derozio
(c) I.C. Vidyasagar
(d) Radhakant Deb
Ans.: (a)
767. The Bengali quarterly, ‘Samvad Kaumudi’ was started in 1821 by ____.
(a) Radhakant Deb
(b) Ram Mohan Roy
(c) William Bentinck
(d) S.N. Bandhopadhyaya
Ans.: (b)
768. When did Ram mohan Roy start ‘Mirat-al-Akhbar’?
(a) 1826
(b) 1830
(c) 1822
(d) 1834
Ans.: (c)
769. When was the Press Registration Act passed?
(a) 1856
(b) 1861
(c) 1872
(d) 1867
Ans.: (d)
770. What was the number of vernacular newspapers during the reign of Lytton?
(a) 500
(b) 378
(c) 483
(d) 600
Ans.: (d)
771. The Vernacular Press Act was criticised as ____ Act.
(a) Strangulating
(b) Killer
(c) Seditious
(d) Repressive
Ans.: (a)
772. Which Bengali newspaper over night turned itself into English following the Vernacular Press Act?
(a) The Dawn
(b) Mahratha
(c) Amrit Bazar Patrika
(d) Kesari
Ans.: (c)
773. Through the Act of ____, the age limit for open competition was reduced from 23 to 22 years
(a) 1853
(b) 1879
(c) 1860
(d) 1892
Ans.: (c)
774. When did Surendranath Banerjee successfully compete in the civil services examination?
(a) 1873
(b) 1869
(c) 1892
(d) 1861
Ans.: (b)
775. Who proposed a plan for statutory Civil services in 1879?
(a) Mayo
(b) Lytton
(c) Ripon
(d) Canning
Ans.: (b)
776. What was the period of rule of the East India Company?
(a) 1611-1757
(b) 1757-1813
(c) 1757-1833
(d) 1757-1857
Ans.: (d)
777. What was the strength of India Council?
(a) 20
(b) 5
(c) 15
(d) 10
Ans.: (c)
778. Which country was the first to begin regular census?
(a) America
(b) Spain
(c) Britain
(d) France
Ans.: (a)
779. When was the decennial census started in India?
(a) 1882
(b) 1891
(c) 1872
(d) 1875
Ans.: (c)
780. When was begun the scientific and regular method for preparation of census?
(a) 1884
(b) 1882
(c) 1881
(d) 1883
Ans.: (c)
781. What was the population of India in 1891?
(a) 25 crore
(b) 22.75 crore
(c) 27 crore
(d) 23.67 crores
Ans.: (d)
782. In 1921, the population of India was ____ crores
(a) 25.1
(b) 27
(c) 29
(d) 32
Ans.: (a)
783. The population of Indian in 1941 was ____ crores
(a) 35
(b) 37
(c) 31.67
(d) 34
Ans.: (c)
784. What was the number of questions asked from each person in the 1872 census?
(a) 10
(b) 16
(c) 14
(d) 12
Ans.: (b)
785. The number of questions asked from each person in 1941 census was ____.
(a) 20
(b) 16
(c) 22
(d) 18
Ans.: (c)
786. When was the ‘Ethnographic Survey of India’ brought out?
(a) 1902
(b) 1903
(c) 1905
(d) 1900
Ans.: (d)
787. With whom was associated the Enthnographic survey of India?
(a) Lord Salisbury
(b) Lord Strachey
(c) Robertson
(d) Herbert Risley
Ans.: (d)
788. Who wrote, ‘A Glossary of the Tribes and caste of the Punjab and NWFP’?
(a) H.K. Rose
(b) Robertson
(c) Curzon
(d) S.N. Sinha
Ans.: (a)
789. Who wrote the ‘Imperial Gazetteer of India’?
(a) H.K. Rose
(b) C. Wylie
(c) W.W. Hunter
(d) M. Kingsford
Ans.: (c)
790. Who was the viceroy who ordered Hunter to prepare a gazetteer?
(a) Ripon
(b) Lytton
(c) Lord Mayo
(d) Lansdowne
Ans.: (c)
791. Who commented: “....the foundation and the instrument of all power there is sword”?
(a) Arthur Wellesley
(b) Lord Canning
(c) Lord Lytton
(d) Curzon
Ans.: (a)
792. Who brought the Civil Services into existence in India?
(a) Lytton
(b) Lord Hastings
(c) Cornwallis
(d) W. Bentinck
Ans.: (c)
793. Which Governor-General laid down that promotion in the Civil Services would be based on seniority?
(a) Mayo
(b) Cornwallis
(c) Ripon
(d) Lytton
Ans.: (b)
794. Which college was established by Lord Wellesley for the education of Civil Servants?
(a) Fort George
(b) Fort Xavier
(c) Fort William
(d) Fort David
Ans.: (c)
795. When was laid down the rule that all higher posts in administration worth more than £500 a year in salary were
to be held by Englishmen?
(a) 1785
(b) 1797
(c) 1789
(d) 1793
Ans.: (d)
796. Who condemned the people of India as “a race of men lamentably degenerate and base; retaining but a feeble
sense of moral obligation....”?
(a) Charles Grant
(b) Cornwalllis
(c) Disraeli
(d) Curzon
Ans.: (a)
797. The Indian ____ has been called the ‘steel frame’ of British rule in India.
(a) Army
(b) Legal System
(c) Princes
(d) Civil Services
Ans.: (d)
798. Which Governor-General established a system of circles of thanas?
(a) Mayo
(b) Ripon
(c) Cornwallis
(d) Wellesley
Ans.: (c)
799. Cornwallis stabilised judicial organisation in ____.
(a) 1786
(b) 1793
(c) 1790
(d) 1791
Ans.: (b)
800. Who separated the posts of the Civil Judge and the Collector?
(a) John Shore
(b) W. Bentinck
(c) Wellesley
(d) Cornwallis
Ans.: (d)
801. When were High Courts established at Calcutta, Madras and Bombay?
(a) 1865
(b) 1861
(c) 1892
(d) 1878
Ans.: (a)
802. The charter Act of ___ conferred law making powers on the Governor-General in Council.
(a) 1813
(b) 1853
(c) 1833
(d) 1861
Ans.: (c)
803. When did the British government appoint law commission for the first time?
(a) 1801
(b) 1861
(c) 1813
(d) 1833
Ans.: (d)
804. From when did the government start taking active steps to transform Indian society and culture?
(a) 1833
(b) 1813
(c) 1830
(d) 1853
Ans.: (b)
805. When was the practice of sati outlawed?
(a) 1829
(b) 1827
(c) 1830
(d) 1853
Ans.: (a)
806. The Act of 1813 directed the Company to spend ___ lakh of rupees for education.
(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 1
(d) 4
Ans.: (c)
807. What was the official position of Lord Macaulay in the Governor-General’s Council?
(a) Finance member
(b) Law member
(c) A.D.C. to the Governor-General
(d) Education member
Ans.: (b)
808. When was the “downward filtration” repudiated by the Government?
(a) 1856
(b) 1861
(c) 1872
(d) 1854
Ans.: (d)
809. When was it officially announced that applicants for government employment should possess knowledge of
(a) 1842
(b) 1839
(c) 1844
(d) 1846
Ans.: (c)
810. There were ____ medical colleges in the country in 1857
(a) 5
(b) 9
(c) 7
(d) 3
Ans.: (d)
811. ____ per cent Indians were literate in 1911.
(a) 6
(b) 9
(c) 8
(d) 10
Ans.: (a)
812. What was the percentage of Indians literate in 1921?
(a) 12
(b) 15
(c) 8
(d) 19
Ans.: (c)
813. Who remarked: we...must... form a class... “of persons, Indians in blood and colour, but English in taste, in
opinions, in morals and in intellect”?
(a) Lytton
(b) Canning
(c) W. Bentinck
(d) Macaulay
Ans.: (d)
814. What was the total net revenue of the Government in 1886?
(a) 47 crores
(b) 10 crores
(c) 38 crores
(d) 55 crores
Ans.: (a)
815. What sum was devoted to education in 1886?
(a) 10 lakhs
(b) 1 crore
(c) 55 lakhs
(d) 90 lakhs
Ans.: (b)
816. Who was the real founder of wahabi movement ?
(a) Wasil Muhammad
(b) Wilayat Ali
(c) Muhammad Ibn-Aba-e-Wahid
(d) Inayat Ali
Ans.: (c)
817. Originally, the wahabi movement was founded in.
(a) Arabia
(b) Lebanon
(c) Syria
(d) Afghanistan
Ans.: (a)
818. Who was the first Muslim leader in India to express concerns over the miseries of Muslims?
(a) Pir Muhammad
(b) Sufi Baki Billah
(c) Hazrat Nizamuddin
(d) Shah Wali Ullah
Ans.: (d)
819. Who called the wahabi movement as a holy war?
(a) S.A. Khan
(b) Saiyid Ahmad ‘Raebarelvi’
(c) Mirza Khan Khana
(d) Titu Mir
Ans.: (b)
820. Which place was chosen by Saiyid Ahmad as the centre of his activities?
(a) Patna
(b) Multan
(c) Sittana
(d) Lahore
Ans.: (c)
821. Where was located the main centre of Wahabi movement in India?
(a) Patna
(b) Patiala
(c) Lahore
(d) Multan
Ans.: (a)
822. When did Saiyid Ahmad Raebarelvi die?
(a) 1825
(b) 1847
(c) 1831
(d) 1836
Ans.: (c)
823. The British were able to suppress the Wahabi movement after ___.
(a) 1875
(b) 1870
(c) 1863
(d) 1859
Ans.: (b)
824. With which movement was associated the ‘Ali brothers’ of Patna?
(a) Kuka
(b) Qabuli
(c) Deoband
(d) Wahabi
Ans.: (d)
825. The Ali brothers in reference were:
(a) Muhammad & Shaukat
(b) Vilayat & Inayat
(c) Parwez & Rizwan
(d) Hanif & Islam
Ans.: (b)
826. Which movement was also known as the Namdhari Mission?
(a) Satwandi
(b) Santhal
(c) Kuka
(d) Sanyasin
Ans.: (c)
827. The Kuka movement played a prominent role in arousing feelings of patriotism in ____.
(a) Punjab
(b) Sindh
(c) Bihar
(d) Oudh
Ans.: (a)
828. Who was the chief inspirator of the Kuka Movement?
(a) Lal Singh
(b) Ram Singh
(c) Sant Singh
(d) Balak Singh
Ans.: (b)
829. Who was the Guru of Bhai Ram Singh?
(a) Kartar Singh
(b) Shyam Singh
(c) Param Singh
(d) Balak Singh
Ans.: (d)
830. Who stressed on the need for recitation of Chandi Path, Guruwani, Nam Jap and Asha-di-var?
(a) Dhyan Singh
(b) Balak Singh
(c) Ram Singh
(d) Avtar Singh
Ans.: (c)
831. Which animal was worshipped in the Kuka Movement?
(a) Cow
(b) Sheep
(c) Pig
(d) Ox
Ans.: (a)
832. The leader of the Kuka Movement who was perhaps the first person to adopt the policy of non-cooperation
against the British was ____.
(a) Dina Singh
(b) Arjun Singh
(c) Ram Singh
(d) Harkishan Singh
Ans.: (c)
833. Which Kuka leader appointed ‘Subedars’ and ‘Naib-Subedars’?
(a) Ram Singh
(b) Shyam Behari
(c) Dena Ram
(d) Harcharan Singh
Ans.: (a)
834. Who was the Lieutenant Governor of the Punjab in 1863?
(a) Outram
(b) Colin Campbell
(c) Wheeler
(d) Macleod
Ans.: (d)
835. The native village of Ram Singh was.
(a) Bhaini
(b) Dhoyi
(c) Nankana
(d) Gurdaspur
Ans.: (a)
836. Bhai Ram Singh was put under house arrest in 1863 at.
(a) Nankana
(b) Saini
(c) Manpur
(d) Bhaini
Ans.: (d)
837. Who was the commissioner of Ambala when Ram Singh was put under house arrest?
(a) D.P. Butler
(b) P.D. Angler
(c) R.G. Taylor
(d) M.C. Heartwell
Ans.: (c)
838. The _____ Sikhs were bitter opponents of cow-slaughter.
(a) Nihangi
(b) Ramgarhia
(c) Kuka
(d) Namdhari
Ans.: (d)
839. Where did the Namdharis confront the British on the issue of cow-slaughter?
(a) Raigarh
(b) Raipur-Malaudh
(c) Ambala
(d) Hoshiarpur
Ans.: (b)
840. The Namdharis attacked the slaughter house at ____ on 15 January, 1872.
(a) Maler Kotla
(b) Patiala
(c) Firoz Shah Kotla
(d) Nirankarinagar
Ans.: (a)
841. The Deputy Commissioner of Ludhiana responsible for the execution of 49 Namdharis on 16 January, 1872
was ____.
(a) Butcher
(b) Crayon
(c) Cowan
(d) Sassetti
Ans.: (c)
842. Where was Bhai Ram Singh deported by the British?
(a) Nepal
(b) Burma
(c) Tibet
(d) Bhutan
Ans.: (b)
843. When did the armed rebellion of the Santhals take place?
(a) 1855-56
(b) 1854
(c) 1864
(d) 1852-54
Ans.: (a)
844. Siddhu, Kanhu, Chand, Bhareo were the leaders of ____ uprising.
(a) Gond
(b) Koli
(c) Kol
(d) Santhal
Ans.: (d)
845. Siddhu and Kahnu were considered as ___ of the Santhal army.
(a) leaders
(b) commanders
(c) kings
(d) gods
Ans.: (c)
846. Chand and Bhareo were ____ of the Santhal army
(a) captains
(b) Commander-in-chief
(c) guides
(d) informers
Ans.: (b)
847. Which British officer was given ‘special command’ to suppress the Santhals?
(a) Colonel Bird
(b) Colonel Gough
(c) Capt. Best
(d) Gen. Nicholson
Ans.: (a)
848. The first man after the Revolt of 1857 who wished to overthrow the British rule by an armed rebellion was
(a) Vasudeo Balwant Phadke
(b) G.H. Deshmukh
(c) V.D. Savarkar
(d) G. Chapekar
Ans.: (a)
849. Vasudeo put ____ as the only solution to the miseries of his fellow countrymen
(a) ahimsa
(b) satyagraha
(c) boycott
(d) swaraj
Ans.: (d)
850. Where did Vasudeo commit a dacoity?
(a) Pusa
(b) Delhi
(c) Dhamari
(d) Satara
Ans.: (c)
851. Where did Vasudeo die?
(a) Nander
(b) Aden
(c) Sittanna
(d) Raj Mahal
Ans.: (b)
852. When did Vasudeo die?
(a) 1885
(b) 1883
(c) 1890
(d) 1892
Ans.: (b)
853. Where was Vasudeo Phadke born?
(a) Khirki
(b) Dhamari
(c) Shirdhon
(d) Pusa
Ans.: (c)
854. The father of Vasudeo Phadke was ____.
(a) Dina Rao
(b) Srimant Gupte
(c) Balwant Rao
(d) Vishwanath Phadke
Ans.: (c)
855. _____ was Vasudeo Phadke’s mother
(a) Saraswati Devi
(b) Lakshmi Devi
(c) Sita Devi
(d) Rukmini Devi
Ans.: (a)
856. Who is regarded as the first great leader of modern India?
(a) Surendra Nath Banerjee
(b) Ram mohan Roy
(c) Dwarkanath Tagore
(d) H.V. Derozio
Ans.: (b)
857. When did Ram mohan Roy write his famous work, ‘Gift to Monotheists’?
(a) 1806
(b) 1814
(c) 1812
(d) 1809
Ans.: (d)
858. In which language was the ‘Gift to Monotheists’ written?
(a) Persian
(b) Urdu
(c) English
(d) Bengali
Ans.: (a)
859. When did Ram mohan Roy settle in Calcutta?
(a) 1812
(b) 1813
(c) 1814
(d) 1815
Ans.: (c)
860. When did Ram mohan Roy start the Atmiya Sabha?
(a) 1813
(b) 1817
(c) 1814
(d) 1812
Ans.: (c)
861. When did Ram mohan Roy publish his ‘Precepts of Jesus’?
(a) 1820
(b) 1816
(c) 1822
(d) 1818
Ans.: (a)
862. How many upanishads did Ram mohan Roy translate into Bengali?
(a) 6
(b) 4
(c) 5
(d) 3
Ans.: (c)
863. Ram mohan Roy founded the Brahma Sabha in ____.
(a) 1826
(b) 1825
(c) 1829
(d) 1828
Ans.: (d)
864. From when did Ram mohan Roy start rousing public opinion on sati?
(a) 1815
(b) 1818
(c) 1814
(d) 1820
Ans.: (b)
865. Who founded the Hindu College in 1817?
(a) R. Mohan Roy
(b) Radhakanta Deb
(c) David Hare
(d) Alexander Duff
Ans.: (c)
866. By profession, David Hare was a _____.
(a) Tailor
(b) Watchmaker
(c) shoe maker
(d) teacher
Ans.: (b)
867. When did Ram mohan Roy establish a Vedanta College?
(a) 1822
(b) 1823
(c) 1824
(d) 1825
Ans.: (d)
868. Ram mohan Roy declared, ____ “has been source of want of unity among us”.
(a) communalism
(b) caste system
(c) economic inequality
(d) social inequality
Ans.: (b)
869. Who remarked : “Ram mohan was the only person in his time, in the whole world of man to realise completely
the significance of modern age”?
(a) Rabindranath Tagore
(b) Dwarkanath Tagore
(c) S.N. Banerjee
(d) Subhash Chandra Bose
Ans.: (a)
870. David Hare was a _______ by nationality.
(a) English
(b) Portuguese
(c) Dutch
(d) French
Ans.: (c)
871. Who was the first secretary of the Brahma Sabha?
(a) Dwarkanath Tagore
(b) Tarachand Chakravarti
(c) Devendranath Tagore
(d) Shivnath Shastri
Ans.: (b)
872. Who was the leader of the Young Bengal movement?
(a) Keshav Chandra Sen
(b) Shivnath Sastri
(c) Ishwar C. Vidyasagar
(d) Henry Vivian Derozio
Ans.: (d)
873. When was Derozio born?
(a) 1809
(b) 1812
(c) 1805
(d) 1815
Ans.: (a)
874. Where did Derozio teach from 1826 to 1831?
(a) Kirori Mal College
(b) St. Stephen’s College
(c) Hindu College
(d) Presidency College
Ans.: (c)
875. Derozio drew his inspiration from the ____ Revolution.
(a) Glorious
(b) French
(c) American
(d) Russian
Ans.: (b)
876. Who is regarded as the first nationalist poet of India?
(a) Henry Vivian Derozio
(b) Michael Madhusudan Dutt
(c) Ram Mohan Roy
(d) Rabindranath Tagore
Ans.: (a)
877. Derozio died of ___ at the young age of 22.
(a) fever
(b) diarrhoea
(c) Cholera
(d) tuberculosis
Ans.: (c)
878. Who described the Derozians as the pioneers of the modern civilisation of Bengal?
(a) Rabindranath Tagore
(b) Surendranath Banerjee
(c) Keshav Chandra Sen
(d) Tarkanath Majumdar
Ans.: (b)
879. Who revived the Brahmo Samaj after Ram mohan Roy’s death?
(a) Keshav Chandra Sen
(b) Shivnath Sastri
(c) Dwarkanath Tagore
(d) Devendranath Tagore
Ans.: (d)
880. When did Devendranath Tagore set up the Tatvabodhini Sabha?
(a) 1839
(b) 1842
(c) 1835
(d) 1844
Ans.: (a)
881. When did Devendranath reorganise the Brahmo Samaj?
(a) 1841
(b) 1846
(c) 1843
(d) 1839
Ans.: (c)
882. When did Ishwar Chand Vidyasagar become principal of the Sanskrit College?
(a) 1851
(b) 1847
(c) 1856
(d) 1859
Ans.: (a)
883. When was Vidyasagar born?
(a) 1819
(b) 1815
(c) 1820
(d) 1823
Ans.: (c)
884. Vidyasagar was a favourer of ___ marriage
(a) child
(b) widow
(c) intercaste
(d) intracaste
Ans.: (b)
885. When did the first lawful Hindu widow remarriage take place?
(a) 1854
(b) 1852
(c) 1858
(d) 1856
Ans.: (d)
886. Where did the above mentioned marriage take place?
(a) Burdwan
(b) Chittagong
(c) Raniganj
(d) Calcutta
Ans.: (d)
887. How many widow remarriages were performed between 1855 and 1860?
(a) 25
(b) 32
(c) 29
(d) 43
Ans.: (a)
888. When was the Bethune school founded in Calcutta?
(a) 1842
(b) 1847
(c) 1849
(d) 1850
Ans.: (c)
889. The weekly started by Bal Shastri Jambekar in Bombay in 1832 was _____.
(a) Prakash
(b) Alankar
(c) Chetana
(d) Darpan
Ans.: (d)
890. Where was the Paramhansa Mandali founded?
(a) Bengal
(b) Maharashtra
(c) Gujarat
(d) Oudh
Ans.: (b)
891. When was the Paramhansa Mandali founded?
(a) 1849
(b) 1843
(c) 1846
(d) 1852
Ans.: (a)
892. When was the Students’ Literacy and Scientific Society founded?
(a) 1842
(b) 1846
(c) 1848
(d) 1850
Ans.: (c)
893. Where did Jyotiba Phule and his wife start a girls’ school in 1851?
(a) Satara
(b) Nagpur
(c) Nasik
(d) Poona
Ans.: (d)
894. Who among the following founded the Widow Remarriage Association?
(a) Vishnu Shastri Pandit
(b) Ishwar Chand Vidyasagar
(c) Gopal Hari Deshmukh
(d) M.G. Ranade
Ans.: (a)
895. When was the Widow Remarriage Association founded?
(a) 1840s
(b) 1830s
(c) 1850s
(d) 1860s
Ans.: (c)
896. Who started the ‘Satya Prakash’ in Gujarati?
(a) Dadabhai Naoroji
(b) Karsondas Mulji
(c) B.M. Malabari
(d) Furdonji Naoroji
Ans.: (b)
897. When was the ‘Satya Prakash’ in Gujarati started?
(a) 1856
(b) 1849
(c) 1853
(d) 1852
Ans.: (d)
898. Who was known by the pen-name of Lokhitawadi?
(a) Gopal Hari Deshmukh
(b) B.M. Malabari
(c) M.G. Ranade
(d) Keshav Chandra Sen
Ans.: (a)
899. Who said: “What we see around us today is a fallen nation”?
(a) Vivekanand
(b) M.G. Ranade
(c) Keshav Chandra Sen
(d) Nabin Mitra
Ans.: (c)
900. Who said, “aye, the same melancholy look in their eyes, the same feeble physique, on the wayside, refuse and
dirt – this is our present day India”?
(a) Keshav Chandra Sen
(b) Vivekananda
(c) H.V. Derozio
(d) M.G. Ranade
Ans.: (b)
901. Who carried forward the Brahmo tradition after 1866?
(a) Shivnath Shastri
(b) Devendranath Tagore
(c) Swami Agnivesh
(d) Keshav Chandra Sen
Ans.: (d)
902. Who was the earliest religious reformer in western India?
(a) Gopal Hari Deshmukh
(b) M.G. Ranade
(c) Gopal Krishna Gokhale
(d) B.G. Tilak
Ans.: (a)
903. In which language did Gopal Hari Deshmukh write?
(a) Bengali
(b) Gujarati
(c) Marathi
(d) Konkani
Ans.: (c)
904. Who said that if religion did not sanction social reforms, then it should be changed?
(a) M.G. Ranade
(b) G. Akarkar
(c) V.D. Savarkar
(d) Gopal Hari Deshmukh
Ans.: (d)
905. The Prarthana Samaj was deeply influenced by ___.
(a) Young Bengal Movement
(b) Brahmo Samaj
(c) Paramhansa Mandali
(d) Radhaswami Satsang
Ans.: (b)
906. Who spread the activities of Prarthana Samaj to South India?
(a) Viresalingam
(b) H.V. Derozio
(c) Viraraghachari
(d) K.C. Sen
Ans.: (a)
907. When was Ramakrishna Paramhansa born?
(a) 1831
(b) 1837
(c) 1834
(d) 1839
Ans.: (c)
908. When did Ramakrishna Paramhansa die?
(a) 1889
(b) 1886
(c) 1892
(d) 1895
Ans.: (b)
909. Who among the social reformers stressed ‘social action’?
(a) Keshav Chandra Sen
(b) H.V. Derozio
(c) M.G. Ranade
(d) Vivekananda
Ans.: (d)
910. When was Vivekananda born?
(a) 1863
(b) 1869
(c) 1865
(d) 1872
Ans.: (a)
911. When did Vivekananda die?
(a) 1905
(b) 1909
(c) 1902
(d) 1899
Ans.: (c)
912. Who said, “...... Motion is the sign of life”?
(a) Mahatma Gandhi
(b) Vivekananda
(c) Gopal Krishna Gokhale
(d) G.G. Agarkar
Ans.: (b)
913. Who said, “There is a danger of our religion getting into the Kitchen”?
(a) Mahatma Gandhi
(b) Keshav Chandra Sen
(c) H.V. Derozio
(d) Vivekananda
Ans.: (d)
914. Who said, “We are just don’t touchists”?
(a) Gandhi
(b) Dayananda Saraswati
(c) M.G. Ranade
(d) Vivekananda
Ans.: (d)
915. Who said: “Liberty in thought and action is the only condition of life”?
(a) B.G. Tilak
(b) Gandhi
(c) Vivekananda
(d) Bipin Chandra Pal
Ans.: (c)
916. Who said: “The only God in whom I believe .... my God the wicked.... the poor of all races”?
(a) M.G. Ranade
(b) Dayanand Saraswati
(c) Vivekananda
(d) V.D. Savarkar
Ans.: (c)
917. Who said : “so long as the million live in hunger and ignorance, I hold everyman a traitor”?
(a) Vivekananda
(b) V.D. Savarkar
(c) Gandhi
(d) Jawaharlal Nehru
Ans.: (a)
918. When did Vivekananda set up the Ramakrishna Mission?
(a) 1895
(b) 1899
(c) 1897
(d) 1902
Ans.: (c)
919. Who founded the Arya Samaj?
(a) Swami Shradhananda
(b) Dayanand Saraswati
(c) Lala Lajpat Rai
(d) Lala Hansraj
Ans.: (b)
920. When was the Arya Samaj founded?
(a) 1879
(b) 1883
(c) 1885
(d) 1875
Ans.: (d)
921. What according to Dayananda were full of false teachings?
(a) Vedas
(b) Upanishads
(c) Puranas
(d) Ramayana
Ans.: (c)
922. Who founded the Gurukul near Hardwar in 1902?
(a) Lajpat Rai
(b) Shradhananda
(c) Lala Hansraj
(d) Dirghananda
Ans.: (b)
923. H.P. Blavatsky and Colonel H.S. Olcott founded the ______.
(a) Indian Reform Society
(b) Reform Association
(c) Vedanta Society
(d) Theosophical Society
Ans.: (d)
924. When was the Theosophical society founded at Adyar?
(a) 1886
(b) 1896
(c) 1890
(d) 1899
Ans.: (a)
925. When did Annie Besant come to India?
(a) 1889
(b) 1897
(c) 1893
(d) 1899
Ans.: (c)
926. Where did Annie Besant set up a Central Hindu school?
(a) Lucknow
(b) Banaras
(c) Faizabad
(d) Bareilly
Ans.: (b)
927. When was the Muhammadan Literary Society founded at Calcutta?
(a) 1869
(b) 1857
(c) 1872
(d) 1863
Ans.: (d)
928. Who said, “So long as freedom of thought is not developed, there can be no civilised life”?
(a) S.A. Khan
(b) Vivekananda
(c) Gandhi
(d) V.D. Savarkar
Ans.: (a)
929. When was founded the Anglo-Oriental College at Aligarh?
(a) 1879
(b) 1882
(c) 1875
(d) 1885
Ans.: (c)
930. Who founded the Anglo- Oriental College at Aligarh?
(a) Chirag Ali
(b) Naseer Ali
(c) Theodore Beck
(d) S.A. Khan
Ans.: (d)
931. When was the Rehnumai Mazdayasan Sabha founded?
(a) 1857
(b) 1853
(c) 1859
(d) 1851
Ans.: (d)
932. The Rehnumai Mazdayasan Sabha was founded for the reform of ____ religion.
(a) Parsi
(b) Christian
(c) Sikh
(d) Muslim
Ans.: (a)
933. The Akali movement started in ____.
(a) 1923
(b) 1925
(c) 1921
(d) 1919
Ans.: (c)
934. When was the Gurudwara Act passed?
(a) 1920
(b) 1925
(c) 1922
(d) 1927
Ans.: (c)
935. Who said, “What shall we revive? Shall we revive the old habits of our people when most sacred of our castes
indulged in all the abominations...”?
(a) Gandhi
(b) Ranade
(c) Tilak
(d) Vivekananda
Ans.: (b)
936. Who said, “The dead and the buried or burnt... the dead past ,,, cannot be revived”?
(a) Vivekananda
(b) Ranade
(c) Gandhi
(d) Dayanand Saraswati
Ans.: (b)
937. Who said, “.... all established religions are true”?
(a) Gandhi
(b) S.A. Khan
(c) Vivekananda
(d) Keshav Chandra Sen
Ans.: (d)
938. When was the All India Women’s Conference founded?
(a) 1929
(b) 1931
(c) 1927
(d) 1925
Ans.: (c)
939. When was the Hindu Succession Act passed?
(a) 1956
(b) 1950
(c) 1952
(d) 1925
Ans.: (a)
940. The Hindu Marriage Act was passed in ____.
(a) 1957
(b) 1959
(c) 1955
(d) 1952
Ans.: (c)
941. When did Gandhiji set up the All India Harijan Sangh?
(a) 1934
(b) 1936
(c) 1932
(d) 1943
Ans.: (c)
942. Who was the first social reformer to open several schools for girls of lower castes?
(a) M.G. Ranade
(b) Dayanand Saraswati
(c) Keshav Chandra Sen
(d) Jyotiba Phule
Ans.: (d)
943. Who coined the slogan : “one religion, one caste and one God for mankind”?
(a) Sri Narayan Guru
(b) Vivekananda
(c) Muhammad Ali
(d) Iqbal
Ans.: (a)
944. The village where Ram mohan Roy was born was _____.
(a) Burdwan
(b) Kamtapuri
(c) Radhanagar
(d) Midnapur
Ans.: (c)
945. Where did Ram mohan Roy receive his early education?
(a) Banaras
(b) Patna
(c) Lucknow
(d) London
Ans.: (b)
946. When was Ram mohan Roy turned out of his house?
(a) 1793
(b) 1805
(c) 1799
(d) 1813
Ans.: (c)
947. Who was the Governor-General to outlaw sati?
(a) Lord Hardinge
(b) Lord Ellenborough
(c) Lord Hastings
(d) William Bentinck
Ans.: (d)
948. Where was the Hindu College established?
(a) Delhi
(b) Bombay
(c) Madras
(d) Calcutta
Ans.: (d)
949. Devendranath Tagore was the _____ of Rabindranath Tagore
(a) grand father
(b) father
(c) cousin
(d) uncle
Ans.: (a)
950. When was the Tattvabodhini Sabha merged with the Brahmo Samaj?
(a) 1845
(b) 1847
(c) 1842
(d) 1851
Ans.: (c)
951. Which of the religious reformers refused to perform the antyeshti sanskara of his father?
(a) Keshav Chandra Sen
(b) Devendranath Tagore
(c) Ram mohan Roy
(d) Gopal Hari Deshmukh
Ans.: (b)
952. When did Devendranath Tagore pass away?
(a) 1905
(b) 1901
(c) 1898
(d) 1907
Ans.: (a)
953. When did the split in Brahmo Samaj take place?
(a) 1875
(b) 1861
(c) 1873
(d) 1866
Ans.: (d)
954. The Brahmo Samaj of India was headed by ____.
(a) Keshav Chandra Sen
(b) Shivnath Shastri
(c) Vishnu Agnihotri
(d) Radhakanta Deb
Ans.: (a)
955. The Adi Brahmo Samaj was led by ______.
(a) Dwarkanath Tagore
(b) Devendranath Tagore
(c) Shivnath Shastri
(d) Girish Ghosh
Ans.: (b)
956. When did Keshav Chandra Sen go to England?
(a) 1866
(b) 1873
(c) 1870
(d) 1859
Ans.: (c)
957. When did Keshav Chandra Sen die?
(a) 1875
(b) 1889
(c) 1896
(d) 1884
Ans.: (d)
958. Regarding whose death did Max Mueller say : “India has lost her most eminent son”?
(a) Dayanand Saraswati
(b) Keshav Chandra Sen
(c) M.G. Ranade
(d) Ram mohan Roy
Ans.: (b)
959. Who wrote ‘Varna Parichaya’?
(a) Ishwar Chand Vidyasagar
(b) Ram mohan Roy
(c) Dayanand Saraswati
(d) V.D. Savarkar
Ans.: (a)
960. How many girls’ schools did Vidyasagar establish as inspector of schools?
(a) 25
(b) 33
(c) 29
(d) 35
Ans.: (d)
961. Who composed the famous national song ‘Bande Mataram’?
(a) Bipin Chandra Pal
(b) Aurobindo Ghosh
(c) Bankim Chandra Chatto-padhyay
(d) Nandlal Bose
Ans.: (c)
962. Where was Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyaya born?
(a) Radhanagar
(b) Kanthalapada
(c) Manikapur
(d) Dakshineshwar
Ans.: (b)
963. Bankim Chandra Chatto-padhyaya became ____ after completing his education.
(a) lawyer
(b) professor
(c) Deputy Magistrate
(d) doctor
Ans.: (c)
964. Which magazine was started by Bankim Chandra in 1872?
(a) Young India
(b) Banga Darshan
(c) Mirat-al-akhbar
(d) Sanjivani
Ans.: (b)
965. The patriotic song, Bande Mataram was extracted from the novel ____.
(a) Anandmath
(b) Badal
(c) Gora
(d) Kesari
Ans.: (a)
966. Rama Krishna Paramhansa served as a priest in the Kali temple at _____.
(a) Midnapur
(b) Hughli
(c) Asansol
(d) Dakshineshwar
Ans.: (d)
967. Who said : “If somebody wants to understand India he should study Vivekananda”?
(a) Gandhi
(b) Rabindranath Tagore
(c) V.D. Savarkar
(d) Jawaharlal Nehru
Ans.: (b)
968. When did Vivekananda meet Ramakrishna Paramhansa?
(a) 1875
(b) 1885
(c) 1880
(d) 1870
Ans.: (c)
969. When did Vivekananda travel all across India?
(a) 1891
(b) 1896
(c) 1899
(d) 1893
Ans.: (a)
970. Where did Vivekananda attend the Parliament of Religions in 1893?
(a) New York
(b) Brisbane
(c) California
(d) Chicago
Ans.: (d)
971. Who exhorted the Indian youth to “Arise, awake and stop not till the goal is reached”?
(a) Gandhi
(b) Jawaharlal Nehru
(c) Vivekananda
(d) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
Ans.: (c)
972. Who said, “I am a Bharatvasi, every Bharatvasi is my brother”?
(a) Tilak
(b) Vivekananda
(c) Aurobindo Ghosh
(d) Bipan Chandra Pal
Ans.: (b)
973. Which social reformer became famous as the ‘stormy Hindu’ in America?
(a) Bipan Chandra Pal
(b) Vivekananda
(c) V.D. Savarkar
(d) Lala Hardayal
Ans.: (b)
974. Who regarded Vivekananda as the founder of modern India?
(a) Subhash Chandra Bose
(b) Mahatma Gandhi
(c) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
(d) V.D. Savarkar
Ans.: (a)
975. Who described Vivekananda as the ‘genius of creation’?
(a) Subhash Chandra Bose
(b) W.C. Banerjee
(c) Rabindranath Tagore
(d) S.N. Banerjee
Ans.: (c)
976. What was the real name of Dayananda Saraswati?
(a) Mulshankar
(b) Dhondu Pant
(c) Prem Shankar
(d) Parvatinath
Ans.: (a)
977. Where was Dayananda Saraswati born?
(a) Porbandar
(b) Sitabaldi
(c) Tankara
(d) Harinagar
Ans.: (c)
978. Dayananda took initiation into the life of a recluse by Swami____.
(a) Premananda
(b) Dharmananda
(c) Ramananda
(d) Parmananda
Ans.: (d)
979. Where did Dayananda receive his education?
(a) Banaras
(b) Mathura
(c) Bombay
(d) Patna
Ans.: (b)
980. Who instructed Dayananda to spread the gospel of the Vedas throughout the world?
(a) Dipankar
(b) Parmananda
(c) Atisa charya
(d) Virajananda
Ans.: (d)
981. Which Brahmo leader did Dayananda meet in 1872?
(a) Devendranath Tagore
(b) Shivnath Sastri
(c) Keshav Chandra Sen
(d) Vishnu Agnihotri
Ans.: (c)
982. The Arya Samaj founded in 1875 was based on a set of ____ principles.
(a) 28
(b) 31
(c) 33
(d) 35
Ans.: (a)
983. Where did Dayananda establish the headquarters of the Arya Samaj?
(a) Bombay
(b) Agra
(c) Banaras
(d) Lahore
Ans.: (d)
984. Where did Dayananda die in 1883?
(a) Jodhpur
(b) Bikaner
(c) Jaipur
(d) Rajkot
Ans.: (a)
985. Who wrote the ‘Sathyartha Prakash’?
(a) V.D. Savarkar
(b) Dayananda Saraswati
(c) Vivekananda
(d) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
Ans.: (b)
986. Who first stressed on Swadeshi, Swadharma, Swarajya and Swabhasha?
(a) Vivekananda
(b) Lala Lajpat Rai
(c) Dayananda Saraswati
(d) Annie Besant
Ans.: (c)
987. Who was the first person, according to Annie Besant to give the slogan of Indian Nationhood?
(a) Dayanand Saraswati
(b) Vivekananda
(c) M.G. Ranade
(d) B.G. Tilak
Ans.: (a)
988. Who was the governor-general who engaged spies to keep a watch on the activities of Dayananda Saraswati?
(a) Curzon
(b) Minto
(c) Northbrook
(d) Elgin
Ans.: (c)
989. Who ascribed Dayananda with the credit of sowing the seeds of nationalism?
(a) Tilak
(b) Shraddhananda
(c) Lala Hansraj
(d) Lajpat Rai
Ans.: (d)
990. The American statesman whose life inspired Jyotibha Phule was.
(a) Abraham Lincoln
(b) Martin Luther
(c) George Washington
(d) Thomas Hamilton
Ans.: (c)
991. Which book was read by Jyotiba Phule with great interest?
(a) ‘American Independence’
(b) ‘Wealth of Nations’
(c) ‘Rights of Man’
(d) ‘Ethics of Capitalism’
Ans.: (c)
992. Who was the author of ‘Rights of Man’?
(a) Thomas Pen
(b) Karl Marx
(c) Walter Scott
(d) F. Engels
Ans.: (a)
993. When did Jyotiba Phule start the Satya Shodhak Samaj?
(a) 1875
(b) 1869
(c) 1881
(d) 1873
Ans.: (d)
994. Who wrote ‘Dharma Tritiya Ratna’?
(a) Gopal Hari Deshmukh
(b) Jyotiba Phule
(c) Vivekanand
(d) Dayananda Saraswati
Ans.: (b)
995. The works, ‘Ishvara’ and ‘Life of Shivaji’ were written by ____.
(a) Dayananda Saraswati
(b) Tilak
(c) M.G. Ranade
(d) Jyotiba Phule
Ans.: (d)
996. The social reformer of Maharashtra who became member of the Poona municipality in 1876
(a) Jyotiba Phule
(b) B.R. Ambedkar
(c) M.G. Ranade
(d) V.S. Chiplunkar
Ans.: (a)
997. Which social reformer of Maharashtra was honoured with the title of ‘Mahatma’?
(a) V.D. Savarkar
(b) Jyotiba Phule
(c) M.G. Ranade
(d) Gopal Hari Deshmukh
Ans.: (b)
998. When did Jyotiba Phule die?
(a) 1893
(b) 1905
(c) 1901
(d) 1890
Ans.: (d)
999. What was the original name of Jyotiba Phule?
(a) Jyotirao Mahar
(b) Jyotirao Shinde
(c) Jyotirao Phule
(d) Jyotirao Pradhan
Ans.: (c)
1000. When did Jyotiba write ‘Ghulamgiri’?
(a) 1872
(b) 1873
(c) 1874
(d) 1876
Ans.: (a)
1001. Who was the first Indian leader to start an agitation for political reforms in India?
(a) Ram mohan Roy
(b) H.V. Derozio
(c) Keshav Chandra Sen
(d) Dadabhai Naoroji
Ans.: (a)
1002. Who organised the East India Association?
(a) Dwarkanath Tagore
(b) Ram Mohan Roy
(c) Dadabhai Naoroji
(d) S.A. Khan
Ans.: (c)
1003. When was the East India Association organised?
(a) 1881
(b) 1871
(c) 1889
(d) 1866
Ans.: (d)
1004. Where was the East India Association established?
(a) Poona
(b) London
(c) Delhi
(d) Manchester
Ans.: (b)
1005. Who was India’s first economic thinker?
(a) M.G. Ranade
(b) R.P. Dutt
(c) Dadabhai Naoroji
(d) R.C. Dutt
Ans.: (c)
1006. Who is popular in Indian history as the ‘Grand Old Man of India’?
(a) Dadabhai Naoroji
(b) Mahatma Gandhi
(c) Gopal Krishna Gokhale
(d) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
Ans.: (a)
1007. Dadabhai Naoroji was elected President of the Indian National Congress for ____ times.
(a) 5
(b) 2
(c) 1
(d) 3
Ans.: (d)
1008. Which was the most important of the pre– Congress nationalist organisations?
(a) East India Association
(b) Indian Association
(c) Social Conference
(d) Mahajan Sabha
Ans.: (b)
1009. Where was the Indian Association formed?
(a) Bombay
(b) Lahore
(c) Calcutta
(d) Surat
Ans.: (c)
1010. When was the Indian Association founded?
(a) 1881
(b) 1873
(c) 1876
(d) 1872
Ans.: (c)
1011. When was the Poona Sarvajanik Sabha organised?
(a) 1869
(b) 1870
(c) 1866
(d) 1872
Ans.: (b)
1012. When was the Mahajan Sabha formed?
(a) 1885
(b) 1882
(c) 1883
(d) 1884
Ans.: (d)
1013. Who among the following was not instrumental in the foundation of Madras Mahajan Sabha?
(a) M. Viraraghvachari
(b) G.S. Iyer
(c) Ananda Charlu
(d) Pherozeshah Mehta
Ans.: (d)
1014. When was the Bombay Presidency Association formed?
(a) 1884
(b) 1882
(c) 1885
(d) 1887
Ans.: (c)
1015. Where was the first session of the Congress held?
(a) Calcutta
(b) Bombay
(c) Madras
(d) Lucknow
Ans.: (b)
1016. The first session of the Congress was attended by ____ delegates.
(a) 76
(b) 81
(c) 78
(d) 72
Ans.: (d)
1017. How many delegates attended the second session of the Congress?
(a) 431
(b) 433
(c) 436
(d) 439
Ans.: (c)
1018. Who was the first woman graduate of Calcutta University?
(a) Preetilata Wadekar
(b) Usha Mehta
(c) Kadimbini Ganguly
(d) Sunidhi Kapadia
Ans.: (c)
1019. When did Kadimbini Ganguly attend the Congress for the first time?
(a) 1887
(b) 1890
(c) 1892
(d) 1889
Ans.: (b)
1020. The most important work of the early nationalists was their ____ critique of imperialism
(a) cultural
(b) social
(c) political
(d) economic
Ans.: (d)
1021. Who declared that the British rule was “an everlasting, increasing and everyday increasing foreign invasion”?
(a) M.G. Ranade
(b) S.N. Banerjee
(c) Dadabhai Naoroji
(d) R.P. Dutt
Ans.: (c)
1022. When did Dadabhai Naoroji make the above statement?
(a) 1879
(b) 1881
(c) 1885
(d) 1876
Ans.: (b)
1023. The early nationalists found the solution to India’s poverty in the development of ______.
(a) industries
(b) railways
(c) agriculture
(d) canals
Ans.: (a)
1024. In which state did students burn foreign cloth in 1896 as part of Swadeshi campaign?
(a) Bengal
(b) Maharashtra
(c) Oudh
(d) Berar
Ans.: (b)
1025. Who said : “The romance is that there is security of life and property in India; the reality is that there is no
such thing”?
(a) M.G. Ranade
(b) W.C. Banerjee
(c) Badruddin Tyabji
(d) Dadabhai Naoroji
Ans.: (d)
1026. From 1885 to 1892, the nationalist demanded reform of ___.
(a) education
(b) society
(c) legislative Councils
(d) corruption
Ans.: (c)
1027. Against the Act of ____, the nationalists raised the slogan of ‘no taxation without representation”.
(a) 1896
(b) 1892
(c) 1888
(d) 1909
Ans.: (b)
1028. When was the demand of Swarajya made by Gokhale?
(a) 1905
(b) 1907
(c) 1906
(d) 1903
Ans.: (a)
1029. When did Dadabhai Naoroji demand Swarajya?
(a) 1907
(b) 1906
(c) 1909
(d) 1905
Ans.: (b)
1030. When was Tilak arrested by the Bombay Government for spreading disaffection against the government?
(a) 1895
(b) 1892
(c) 1897
(d) 1899
Ans.: (c)
1031. The ____ brothers were deported without trial in 1897.
(a) Chapekar
(b) Savarkar
(c) Desai
(d) Natu
Ans.: (d)
1032. Who remarked: “You don’t realise our place in the history of our country”?
(a) G.K. Gokhale
(b) Justice Ranade
(c) Dadabhai Naoroji
(d) Pherozeshah Mehta
Ans.: (b)
1033. When was a British Committee of the Indian National Congress founded?
(a) 1889
(b) 1887
(c) 1891
(d) 1893
Ans.: (a)
1034. When was the journal ‘India’ founded?
(a) 1888
(b) 1892
(c) 1890
(d) 1896
Ans.: (c)
1035. Who ridiculed the Congress as representing only “a microscopic minority of the people”?
(a) Salisbury
(b) Dufferin
(c) Curzon
(d) Robertson
Ans.: (b)
1036. Who announced that “the Congress is tottering to its fall, and one of my great ambitions, while in India is to
assist it to a peaceful demise”?
(a) Disraeli (b) Lansdowne
(c) Lawrence
(d) Curzon
Ans.: (d)
1037. When was the Land Holders Society formed?
(a) 1837
(b) 1839
(c) 1841
(d) 1835
Ans.: (a)
1038. The British Indian Association was formed in _____.
(a) 1844
(b) 1847
(c) 1849
(d) 1851
Ans.: (d)
1039. When was the Native Association formed at Madras?
(a) 1850
(b) 1857
(c) 1854
(d) 1852
Ans.: (d)
1040. The Bombay Association was formed in ____.
(a) 1852
(b) 1854
(c) 1856
(d) 1860
Ans.: (a)
1041. When was the Pune Public Conference formed?
(a) 1866
(b) 1868
(c) 1870
(d) 1872
Ans.: (c)
1042. Where was the Indian League established?
(a) Bombay
(b) Lucknow
(c) Lahore
(d) Calcutta
Ans.: (d)
1043. Sisir Kumar Ghosh, Shambhuchand Mukherjee, Kali Mohan Das and Jogesh Chandra Dutt were the editors of
(a) Young India
(b) Amrit Bazar Patrika
(c) Yugantar
(d) Kesari
10Ans.: (b)
1044. When was Delhi Durbar held by Lord Lytton?
(a) 1879
(b) 1875
(c) 1877
(d) 1880
Ans.: (c)
1045. Who was the biographer of A.O. Hume?
(a) Wellington Scott
(b) Thomas Ripley
(c) Edward Cavendish
(d) Wedderburn
Ans.: (d)
1046. What was the period of Lord Ripon’s governor-general ship?
(a) 1872-76
(b) 1880-84
(c) 1876-80
(d) 1884-88
Ans.: (b)
1047. The name of the Congress proposed by Hume was Indian ____.
(a) National Union
(b) National Conference
(c) National Association
(d) National Society
Ans.: (a)
1048. The students of ___ university were appealed by Hume to set up an organisation in India.
(a) Bombay
(b) Delhi
(c) Calcutta
(d) Madras
Ans.: (c)
1049. Hume wanted ____, the Governor of Bombay to chair the first conference of the Congress.
(a) Alfred
(b) Strachey
(c) Lord Reaky
(d) Pethic Lawrence
Ans.: (c)
1050. Who said : “The main objective of founding of Congress was to save the British empire from danger”?
(a) Lala Lajpat Rai
(b) V.D. Savarkar
(c) Aurobindo Ghosh
(d) Bipan Chandra Pal
Ans.: (a)
1051. Who was the first President of the Congress?
(a) Dadabhai Naoroji
(b) W.C. Banerjee
(c) Badruddin Tyabji
(d) Pherozeshah Mehta
Ans.: (b)
1052. The first session of the Congress was held in Gokuldas Tejpal ____ College.
(a) Urdu
(b) English
(c) Hindi
(d) Sanskrit
Ans.: (d)
1053. Where was the second session of the Congress held?
(a) Bombay
(b) Madras
(c) Calcutta
(d) Lahore
Ans.: (c)
1054. The third session of the Congress was held at _____.
(a) Bombay
(b) Surat
(c) Calcutta
(d) Madras
Ans.: (d)
1055. Who was the Viceroy to comment : “I am very happy that the Congress is continuously going down hill?
(a) Curzon
(b) Elgin
(c) Minto
(d) Hardinge
Ans.: (b)
1056. Which Viceroy considered Congress as an ‘anti-government organisation’?
(a) Hardinge
(b) Elgin
(c) Dufferin
(d) Curzon
Ans.: (b)
1057. The period between 1885-1905 is known as the period of ___.
(a) Extremists
(b) Liberals
(c) Moderates
(d) Communalists
10Ans.: (c)
1058. Muhammad Rahamatullah was the Congress President in its ____ session.
(a) 10th
(b) 8th
(c) 15th
(d) 12th
Ans.: (d)
1059. Under the leadership of ____, the Congress opened a branch in England in 1888
(a) Wedderburn
(b) Colin Clarke
(c) A.O. Hume
(d) William Digby
Ans.: (d)
1060. Who established the Servants of India Society?
(a) G.K. Gokhale
(b) M.G. Ranade
(c) S.N. Banerjee
(d) Badruddin Tyabji
Ans.: (a)
1061. When was the Servants of India Society founded?
(a) 1906
(b) 1902
(c) 1905
(d) 1904
Ans.: (c)
1062. G.K. Gokhale had rejected the title of ____.
(a) Rai Bahadur
(b) Servant of the British Empire
(c) Saviour of the Empire
(d) Knighthood
Ans.: (d)
1063. Who was admired as the ‘tempestuous Hindu’ in America?
(a) V.D. Savarkar
(b) Vivekananda
(c) Lala Hardayal
(d) Lajpat Rai
Ans.: (b)
1064. The militant nationalist to return to India from England in 1893 was _____.
(a) Aurobindo Ghosh
(b) Bipin Chandra Pal
(c) Reshbehari Bose
(d) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
Ans.: (a)
1065. When was ‘New Lamp for Old’ published by Aurobindo Ghosh?
(a) 1891
(b) 1895
(c) 1893
(d) 1896
Ans.: (c)
1066. When did Annie Besant return to India?
(a) 1891
(b) 1897
(c) 1895
(d) 1893
Ans.: (d)
1067. Where did Annie Besant arrive in India in 1893?
(a) Madras
(b) Varanasi
(c) Bombay
(d) Calcutta
Ans.: (b)
1068. Mahatma Gandhi went to South Africa in 1893 in connection with the trial of _____.
(a) Dada Abdullah
(b) Mirza Sulaiman
(c) Shuja Pathan
(d) M.A. Jinnah
Ans.: (a)
1069. Who set up the society for the Removal of obstacles to the Hindu religion?
(a) Savarkar brothers
(b) Patil brothers
(c) Chapekar brothers
(d) Natu brothers
Ans.: (c)
1070. The above mentioned society was set up in the year ___.
(a) 1893
(b) 1891
(c) 1895
(d) 1897
Ans.: (a)
1071. Where was the above mentioned society formed?
(a) Poona
(b) Kolhapur
(c) Nagpur
(d) Nasik
Ans.: (d)
1072. The Chapekar brothers were caught and hanged by _____.
(a) Gladstone Harst
(b) Rand and Aryst
(c) Peter Etthington
(d) Kingsford
Ans.: (b)
1073. Lokmanya Tilak, Lala Lajpat Rai and Bipin Chandra Pal are known in Indian History as the revolutionary
(a) trio
(b) triangle
(c) axis
(d) alliance
Ans.: (a)
1074. Where was Lokmanya Tilak born?
(a) Poona
(b) Baramati
(c) Ratnagiri
(d) Nasik
Ans.: (c)
1075. Which were the two newspapers published by Tilak in 1881?
(a) Kal and Kesari
(b) Bande matram and Maratha
(c) Maratha and Kesari
(d) Bandijivan and Maratha
Ans.: (c)
1076. The Maratha was published in ____.
(a) Marathi
(b) Sanskrit
(c) Hindi
(d) English
Ans.: (d)
1077. When did Tilak participate in the Congress session for the first time?
(a) 1888
(b) 1889
(c) 1886
(d) 1891
Ans.: (b)
1078. The celebration of Ganesh Chaturthi and Shivaji festivals were introduced by ____.
(a) V.D. Savarkar
(b) Tilak
(c) M.G. Ranade
(d) Dayanand Saraswati
Ans.: (b)
1079. When was Tilak tried for treason?
(a) 1903
(b) 1905
(c) 1908
(d) 1909
Ans.: (c)
1080. In 1908, Tilak was sentenced to ___ years of imprisonment
(a) 5
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 6
Ans.: (d)
1081. Who coined the slogan, ‘Swaraj is my birth right’?
(a) Ranade
(b) Aurobindo Ghosh
(c) Dadabhai Naoroji
(d) B. G. Tilak
Ans.: (d)
1082. Which nationalist leader was known as ‘Sher-e-Punjab’ ?
(a) Bhagat Singh
(b) Lala Lajpat Rai
(c) Sohan Singh Bakha
(d) Kartar Singh Saraba
Ans.: (b)
1083. Lala Lajpat Rai began his practice of law in
(a) Hissar
(b) Lahore
(c) Ferozepur
(d) Jallandhar
Ans.: (a)
1084. When did Lala Lajpat Rai speak in the Congress session for the first time?
(a) 1888
(b) 1889
(c) 1891
(d) 1893
Ans.: (a)
1085. Who published newspapers like ‘The Punjabi’ and ‘The Pupil’?
(a) Gandhi
(b) Annie Besant
(c) Lajpat Rai
(d) Bhagat Singh
Ans.: (c)
1086. Who was the viceroy who described Lajpat Rai as dangerous conspirator’?
(a) Minto
(b) Curzon
(c) Hardinge
(d) Reading
Ans.: (c)
1087. With which nationalist leader was associated the ‘Hindu Mela’?
(a) Barindra Kumar Ghosh
(b) Sachin Sanyal
(c) Gangadhar Chatterjee
(d) Nav Gopal Mitra
Ans.: (d)
1088. Bipin Chandra Pal was born in village _____.
(a) Dundi
(b) Pyol
(c) Sabarmati
(d) Kirtinagar
Ans.: (b)
1089. Who is considered as the initiator of modern Indian nationalism?
(a) Bipin Chandra Pal
(b) Aurobindo Ghosh
(c) Lajpat Rai
(d) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
Ans.: (a)
1090. Which was the main newspaper of Bankim Chandra Chatto-padhyay?
(a) Bang darshan
(b) Sanjivani
(c) Rajdrohi
(d) Vishwas
Ans.: (a)
1091. Who was considered as Walter Scott of Bengal by Bipin Chandra Pal?
(a) Aurobindo Ghosh
(b) H.V. Derozio
(c) Bankim Chattopadhyay
(d) Keshav Chandra Sen
Ans.: (c)
1092. Which English weekly was started by Bipin Chandra Pal?
(a) Harijan
(b) Revolution
(c) New People
(d) New India
Ans.: (d)
1093. Which newspaper was started by Bipin Chandra Pal in 1906?
(a) Amrit Bazar Patrika
(b) Yugantar
(c) Bande Matram
(d) Bandhan
Ans.: (c)
1094. Lord curzon remained viceroy for ____ years
(a) 7
(b) 6
(c) 5
(d) 4
Ans.: (a)
1095. When was the Administrative Secrecy Act passed?
(a) 1902
(b) 1905
(c) 1904
(d) 1903
Ans.: (c)
1096. When was the Calcutta Corporation Act passed?
(a) 1899
(b) 1898
(c) 1901
(d) 1903
Ans.: (a)
1097. When was the Indian Universities Act passed?
(a) 1904
(b) 1902
(c) 1901
(d) 1905
Ans.: (a)
1098. Where was a royal durbar held in 1903?
(a) Bombay
(b) Allahabad
(c) Lucknow
(d) Delhi
Ans.: (d)
1099. The royal durbar was held in 1903 to commemorate the coronation of _____.
(a) Charles VI
(b) William V
(c) Edward VII
(d) Peter VIII
Ans.: (c)
1100. The partition of Bengal was announced on ____ 1905
(a) 20 July
(b) 20 May
(c) 20 August
(d) 20 June
Ans.: (a)
1101. Who remarked: ‘Nationalism is the religion and it is a gift of God’?
(a) Bipin Chandra Pal
(b) Aurobindo Ghosh
(c) Lajpat Rai
(d) Mahatma Gandhi
Ans.: (b)
1102. Who used the name of Kali and Durga to inspire the feelings of self confidence, self sacrifice and self pride
amongst the people?
(a) Aurobindo Ghosh
(b) Lajpat Rai
(c) Bipin Chandra Pal
(d) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
Ans.: (d)
1103. When was a law passed making it an offence to excite ‘feelings of disaffection’?
(a) 1896
(b) 1901
(c) 1898
(d) 1895
Ans.: (c)
1104. Who said : “If there is a sin in the world it is weakness....”?
(a) Vivekananda
(b) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(c) Gandhi
(d) Aurobindo Ghosh
Ans.: (a)
1105. Who wrote, “Shall our land be free from this eternal dwelling upon the past”?
(a) Mahatma Gandhi
(b) V.D. Savarkar
(c) Lajpat Rai
(d) Vivekananda
Ans.: (d)
1106. Who wrote : “The only hope of India is from the masses”?
(a) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(b) Vivekananda
(c) Mahatma Gandhi
(d) Bhagat Singh
Ans.: (b)
1107. Which newspaper expressed these words: “.... If Japan can drub Russia, India can drub England with equal
(a) Lahore Mirror
(b) Punjabi
(c) Karachi Chronicle
(d) Ghadar
Ans.: (c)
1108. From _____, Tilak edited the Kesari
(a) 1889
(b) 1900
(c) 1896
(d) 1905
Ans.: (a)
1109. When did Tilak start the Shivaji festival?
(a) 1891
(b) 1897
(c) 1899
(d) 1895
Ans.: (d)
1110. Who was Home Secretary to the Government of India in 1904?
(a) Hamilton
(b) Risley
(c) Amrst
(d) Morley
Ans.: (b)
1111. Who wrote : ‘Bengal united is a power. Bengal divided will pull in several different ways’?
(a) Hamilton
(b) Disraeli
(c) Curzon
(d) Risley
Ans.: (d)
1112. The Anti-partition Movement was initiated on ____ 1905
(a) 10 May
(b) 10 September
(c) 7 August
(d) 1 October
Ans.: (c)
1113. On 7 August, 1905, a massive demonstration against partition was organised in the ____ in Calcutta.
(a) Town Hall
(b) Kali temple
(c) Hindu College
(d) Town theatre
Ans.: (a)
1114. The Partition took effect on ____ 1905.
(a) 19 June
(b) 5 September
(c) 16 October
(d) 1 October
Ans.: (c)
1115. The leaders of the protest movement declared 16 October, 1905 as a day of national ___.
(a) sorrow
(b) mourning
(c) grief
(d) pain
Ans.: (b)
1116. 16 October, 1905 was observed as a day of ______.
(a) fasting
(b) prayer
(c) violence
(d) ahimsa
Ans.: (a)
1117. Who composed ‘Amar Sonar Bangla’?
(a) Bankim Chandra
(b) Rash Behari Bose
(c) Rabindranath Tagore
(d) Surendranath Banerjee
Ans.: (c)
1118. The streets of Calcutta were full of the cries of _____.
(a) Swaraj
(b) Satyagraha
(c) ‘Go back whites’
(d) Bande Mataram
Ans.: (d)
1119. Who laid the foundation of a Federation Hall at Calcutta in 1905?
(a) Anand Mohan Bose
(b) S.N. Banerjee
(c) Aurobindo Ghosh
(d) Sachin Sanyal
Ans.: (a)
1120. The Federation Hall was founded to mark the ____ of Bengal
(a) Division
(b) religious harmony
(c) Unity
(d) federation
Ans.: (c)
1121. Who organised the famous Bengal Chemical Swadeshi stores?
(a) C.R. Bose
(b) P.C. Ray
(c) S.N. Banerjee
(d) Rabindranath Tagore
Ans.: (b)
1122. When was a National Council of Education set up?
(a) 1904
(b) 1907
(c) 1905
(d) 1906
Ans.: (d)
1123. A National Congress with _____ as Principal was started in Calcutta
(a) Aurobindo Ghosh
(b) Bipin Chandra Pal
(c) S.N. Banerjee
(d) N.B. Mitra
Ans.: (a)
1124. The Nawab of ____ supported Partition on the plea that East Bengal would have a Muslim majority.
(a) Burdwan
(b) Kasimbazar
(c) Raniganj
(d) Dhaka
Ans.: (d)
1125. Who declared that the partition was “to invest the Mohammadans in Eastern Bengal with a unity which they
have not enjoyed since the day of the Old Mussalman viceroys and Kings”?
(a) Minto
(b) Risley
(c) Curzon
(d) Morley
Ans.: (c)
1126. Who played key role in spreading all swadeshi movement to the rest of the country?
(a) B.C. Pal
(b) Tilak
(c) Lajpat Rai
(d) Sachin Sanyal
Ans.: (b)
1127. What was the population of Bengal in 1905?
(a) 6 crore
(b) 5 crore
(c) 7.8 crores
(d) 8.6 crore
Ans.: (c)
1128. When did the great Orissa famine take place?
(a) 1862-66
(b) 1864-65
(c) 1866-67
(d) 1865-69
Ans.: (c)
1129. Who was the chief commissioner of Assam in 1896?
(a) Walter Phillip
(b) William Ward
(c) James Tylor
(d) Frederick Cook
Ans.: (b)
1130. Who suggested the merger of Dacca, Chittagong, Mymen- singh with Assam in 1886?
(a) Halliday
(b) William Ward
(c) Gregory Peck
(d) Charles Bird
Ans.: (b)
1131. Who became the Lieutenant Governor of Bengal in 1903?
(a) Phillips Hall
(b) William Ward
(c) Michael Ripley
(d) Andrew Frazer
Ans.: (d)
1132. When in 1905 did the Government formally propose the partition of Bengal?
(a) 20 June
(b) 25 May
(c) 19 July
(d) 15 September
Ans.: (c)
1133. _____ was proposed to be the capital of East Bengal.
(a) Dacca
(b) Silchar
(c) Dibrugarh
(d) Murshidabad
Ans.: (a)
1134. Who was the Secretary of State when the partition of Bengal took place?
(a) Risley
(b) Disraeli
(c) Brodrick
(d) Hamilton
Ans.: (c)
1135. Aurobindo Ghosh, originally worked as a teacher at ____.
(a) Surat
(b) Nasik
(c) Baroda
(d) Poona
Ans.: (c)
1136. Aurobindo Ghosh worked as the ____ editor of Bande Mataram.
(a) executive
(b) senior
(c) assistant
(d) acting
Ans.: (d)
1137. When were seven articles, titled ‘Doctrine of Passive Resistance’ published?
(a) April 1907
(b) June 1905
(c) May 1906
(d) March 1908
Ans.: (a)
1138. In which newspaper were the above mentioned articles published?
(a) Bandijivan
(b) Sanjivani
(c) Bande Mataram
(d) Yugantar
Ans.: (c)
1139. Who published the above mentioned articles?
(a) Aurobindo Ghosh
(b) Bipin Chandra Pal
(c) Batukeshwar Dutt
(d) Sachin Sanyal
Ans.: (a)
1140. Who likened the declaration of partition to a bomb shell?
(a) Dadabhai Naoroji
(b) Pherozesha Mehta
(c) Surendra Nath Banerjee
(d) Gopal Krishna Gokhale
Ans.: (c)
1141. The day 16 October, 1905 was observed as _____ day.
(a) White
(b) Green
(c) Red
(d) Black
Ans.: (d)
1142. When did the assault on the Barisal conference take place?
(a) April 1906
(b) May 1906
(c) June 1906
(d) July 1906
Ans.: (a)
1143. When were 9 Bengal leaders including Krishna Kumar Mitra and Ashwini Kumar Dutt deported?
(a) June 1908
(b) December 1908
(c) July 1908
(d) October 1908
Ans.: (b)
1144. When were Lala Lajpat Rai and Ajit Singh deported following riots in the canal colonies of the Punjab?
(a) 1907
(b) 1908
(c) 1909
(d) 1906
Ans.: (a)
1145. In 1908, Tilak was re-arrested and sentenced to ___ years’ of imprisonment.
(a) 5
(b) 4
(c) 3
(d) 6
Ans.: (d)
1146. Who called to “make the administration under present condition impossible”?
(a) Bipin Chandra Pal
(b) Sachin Sanyal
(c) Aurobindo Ghosh
(d) Lajpat Rai
Ans.: (c)
1147. Who declared: “Political freedom is lifebreath of a nation”?
(a) Bipin Chandra Pal
(b) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(c) Aurobindo Ghosh
(d) Lajpat Rai
Ans.: (c)
1148. Which newspaper wrote: “The remedy lies with the people themselves ... Force must be stopped by force”?
(a) Yugantar
(b) Kesari
(c) Sanjivani
(d) Kal
Ans.: (a)
1149. When did Chapekar brothers assassinate two unpopular British officials at Poona?
(a) 1896
(b) 1898
(c) 1895
(d) 1897
Ans.: (d)
1150. In which year did V.D. Savarkar organise the Abhinava Bharat?
(a) 1902
(b) 1903
(c) 1904
(d) 1905
Ans.: (c)
1151. The Sandhya and the Yugantar were newspapers of ____.
(a) Punjab
(b) Bengal
(c) Madras
(d) Maharashtra
Ans.: (b)
1152. When was an attempt made on the life of the Lieutenant Governor of Bengal?
(a) June, 1907
(b) August, 1907
(c) October, 1907
(d) December, 1907
Ans.: (d)
1153. When did Khudiram Bose – Prafulla Chaki episode take place?
(a) March, 1908
(b) May, 1908
(c) April, 1908
(d) June, 1908
Ans.: (c)
1154. On whom did Khudiram Bose and Prafulla Chaki intend to drop a bomb?
(a) Kingsford
(b) Montford
(c) Rand
(d) Elphinstone
Ans.: (a)
1155. Kingsford was an unpopular judge at ____.
(a) Lucknow
(b) Muzaffarpur
(c) Bombay
(d) Calcutta
Ans.: (b)
1156. Which revolutionary secret society threw a bomb on the Viceroy, Lord Hardinge?
(a) Dacca Anushilan
(b) Yugantar
(c) Swaraj Samiti
(d) Anushilan Samiti
Ans.: (d)
1157. Shyamji Krishna Varma, V.D. Savarkar and Har Dayal were important revolutionaries in
(a) Ottawa
(b) Paris
(c) London
(d) Rome
Ans.: (c)
1158. Who declared in 1906 that the goal of the Indian national movement was “self-government or Swaraj like that
of the United Kingdom or the Colonies”?
(a) Dada Abdulla
(b) Aurobindo Ghosh
(c) Dadabhai Naoroji
(d) Bipin Chandra Pal
Ans.: (c)
1159. When did the Indian National Congress split?
(a) 1905
(b) 1907
(c) 1909
(d) 1911
Ans.: (b)
1160. Where did the Congress split in 1907?
(a) Surat
(b) Meerut
(c) Agra
(d) Belgaun
Ans.: (a)
1161. The Indian Councils Act of 1909 are also known as the ____ reforms.
(a) Montague-Chelmsford
(b) Rowlatt’s
(c) Morley-Minto
(d) Sidney Owen’s
Ans.: (c)
1162. When did the Government announce the annulment of the Partition of Bengal?
(a) 1913
(b) 1911
(c) 1915
(d) 1919
Ans.: (b)
1163. When was the seat of the Central Government shifted from Calcutta to Delhi?
(a) 1909
(b) 1907
(c) 1913
(d) 1911
Ans.: (d)
1164. Who was the secretary of state in 1912?
(a) Crew
(b) Hamilton
(c) Risley
(d) Salisbury
Ans.: (a)
1165. Who said in 1884: “Do you not inhabit the same land? Are you not burned and buried on the same soil
(a) M.G. Ranade
(b) P.S. Mehta
(c) S.A. Khan
(d) B. Tyabji
Ans.: (c)
1166. Which was the only province where the Muslims had taken to commerce and education quite early?
(a) Madras
(b) Calcutta
(c) Bombay
(d) Oudh
Ans.: (c)
1167. When did the Congress adopt the principle that it would not take up any proposal which was harmful to the
(a) 1889
(b) 1886
(c) 1888
(d) 1887
Ans.: (a)
1168. Who declared in 1916: “He who does what is beneficial to the people of this country, be he a Muhammedan or
an Englishman, is not alien”?
(a) S.A. Khan
(b) C.R. Das
(c) M.A. Jinnah
(d) Tilak
Ans.: (d)
1169. Who said: “Religion is the personal affair of each individual. It must not be mixed up with politics or national
(a) Vivekananda
(b) Mahatma Gandhi
(c) Jawaharlal Nehru
(d) Rabindranath Tagore
Ans.: (b)
1170. When was the All India Muslim League founded?
(a) 1903
(b) 1905
(c) 1906
(d) 1909
Ans.: (c)
1171. Maulana Muhammad Ali, Hakim Ajmal Khan, Hasan Imam, Maulana Zafar Ali Khan and Mazhar-ul-Haq
founded the ____ movement.
(a) Deoband
(b) Kuka
(c) Wahabi
(d) Ahrrar
Ans.: (d)
1172. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad belonged to ____ school.
(a) Deoband
(b) Ahrrar
(c) Hanafi
(d) Aligarh
Ans.: (a)
1173. Al Hilal, a nationalist newspaper was brought out by____ in 1912.
(a) Muhammad Ali
(b) Maulana Azad
(c) Shaukat Ali
(d) Chirag Ali
Ans.: (b)
1174. Who headed a medical mission to Turkey during the First World War?
(a) S.M. Atal
(b) Amar Kotnis
(c) M.A. Ansari
(d) B.R. Desai
Ans.: (c)
1175. When was the Punjab Hindu Sabha founded?
(a) 1909
(b) 1907
(c) 1905
(d) 1911
Ans.: (a)
1176. Whose comments were these: “I am a Hindu first and an Indian later”?
(a) Lal Chand
(b) Lekh Ram
(c) Lala Hardayal
(d) Munshi Ram
Ans.: (a)
1177. When was the first session of the All India Hindu Mahasabha held?
(a) 1911
(b) 1913
(c) 1915
(d) 1917
Ans.: (c)
1178. Who presided over the first session of the All India Hindu Mahasabha? Maharaja of
(a) Kasimbazar
(b) Jammu
(c) Amritsar
(d) Banaras
Ans.: (a)
1179. When were the Home Rule Leagues started?
(a) 1915-16
(b) 1912-15
(c) 1916-20
(d) 1917-21
Ans.: (a)
1180. Who gave the slogan: “Home Rule is my birthright and I will have it”?
(a) Gandhi
(b) Annie Besant
(c) G.K. Gokhale
(d) Tilak
Ans.: (d)
1181. When was the Ghadar (Rebellion) Party formed?
(a) 1915
(b) 1913
(c) 1917
(d) 1919
Ans.: (b)
1182. The weekly paper of the Ghadar Party was ____.
(a) Ghadr
(b) Al-Hilal
(c) Comrade
(d) Pratap
Ans.: (a)
1183. Who said: “we were not Sikhs or Punjabis. Our religion was patriotism”?
(a) Sohan Singh Bhakna
(b) Lala Hardayal
(c) Kartar Singh Saraba
(d) Pratap Singh Majitha
Ans.: (a)
1184. ____ 1915 was fixed as the date for an armed revolt in the Punjab.
(a) 15 March
(b) 16 September
(c) 21 February
(d) 1 October
Ans.: (c)
1185. ____ Light Infantry at Singapore revolted being inspired by the Ghadar Party.
(a) 10th
(b) 13th
(c) 5th
(d) 7th
Ans.: (c)
1186. Who were the leaders of the above Revolt?
(a) Pratap Singh & Chisti Khan
(b) Chisti Khan and Dundey Khan
(c) Parvez Khan & Dundey Khan
(d) Mahendra Pratap & Chisti Khan
Ans.: (b)
1187. Who was known as ‘Bagha Jatin’?
(a) Jatin Sanyal
(b) Jatindra Banerjee
(c) Jogesh Chatterjee
(d) Jatin Mukherjee
Ans.: (d)
1188. Where was Bagha Jatin killed in a police action in 1915?
(a) Cuttack
(b) Risra
(c) Balasore
(d) Raniganj
Ans.: (c)
1189. Who was the publisher and founder of ‘Comrade’?
(a) Maulana Muhammad Ali
(b) Abdul Kalam Azad
(c) M.A. Jinnah
(d) Suhrawardi Khan
Ans.: (a)
1190. When were the ‘Al-Hilal’ and ‘Comrade’ suppressed from being published?
(a) 1914
(b) 1916
(c) 1919
(d) 1911
Ans.: (a)
1191. When did the Muslim League and the Congress sign the Lucknow Pact?
(a) 1909
(b) 1911
(c) 1916
(d) 1913
Ans.: (c)
1192. When did the moderates and the extremist wings of the Congress reunite?
(a) 1913
(b) 1914
(c) 1917
(d) 1916
Ans.: (d)
1193. On ____ 1917 the Government announced that its policy in India was “the gradual development of self-
governing institutions with a view to the progressive realisation of Responsible Government of India as an integral
part of the British Empire”.
(a) 1 October
(b) 5 September
(c) 16 March
(d) 20 August
Ans.: (d)
1194. In ____, the Montague-Chelmsford Reforms were announced.
(a) July 1918
(b) May 1918
(c) June 1917
(d) October 1919
Ans.: (a)
1195. Who formed the ‘Hindu Dharma Sangrakshini Sabha’ in 1893?
(a) V.D. Savarkar
(b) Rash Behari Bose
(c) Prafulla Chaki
(d) Chapekar brothers
Ans.: (d)
1196. The Chapekar brothers were: Damodar and _____ Chapekar.
(a) Balkrishna
(b) Murli
(c) Harkishan
(d) Gopinath
Ans.: (a)
1197. Where did the Chapekar brothers set up a gymnasium in 1896-97?
(a) Satara
(b) Pune
(c) Nasik
(d) Nagpur
Ans.: (b)
1198. On _____ 1897, the sixtieth birthday of Queen Victoria was celebrated over the British Empire.
(a) 20 July
(b) 16 September
(c) 22 June
(d) 12 March
Ans.: (c)
1199. Who were the commissioners of Pune in 1897?
(a) Strachey & Nicholson
(b) Rand and Ayrst
(c) Campbell & Rose
(d) Hodson & Taylor
Ans.: (b)
1200. When was V.D. Savarkar born?
(a) 1881
(b) 1887
(c) 1885
(d) 1883
Ans.: (d)
1201. Who wrote the book ‘The Indian war of Independence’ which was seized by the government before being
(a) V.D. Savarkar
(b) D. Chapekar
(c) S.N. Sen
(d) Dinanath Natu
Ans.: (a)
1202. V.D. Savarkar founded a secret society, known as _____.
(a) Anushilan Samiti
(b) Yugantar Smiti
(c) Abhinav Bharat
(d) Hindu Sangathan
Ans.: (c)
1203. Where did V.D. Savarkar organise the New India Association?
(a) Berlin
(b) London
(c) Moscow
(d) Rangoon
Ans.: (b)
1204. In which language was ‘The Indian War of Independence’ written at first?
(a) Hindi
(b) Sanskrit
(c) English
(d) Marathi
Ans.: (d)
1205. Which book reached India under the titles of ‘Peak–Weak Papers’, Scotts’ Papers’ etc?
(a) Anandmath
(b) Indian war of Independence
(c) Hind Swaraj
(d) Why I am a revolutionary
Ans.: (b)
1206. V.D. Savarkar was linked to the murder of _____________ at Aurangabad.
(a) Jackson
(b) Campbell
(c) Nicholson
(d) Rand
Ans.: (a)
1207. Where was V.D. Savarkar kept in confinement after being brought back from Andamans?
(a) Poona
(b) Ahmedabad
(c) Nasik
(d) Ratnagiri
Ans.: (d)
1208. The elder brother of Vinayak Damodar Savarkar was _____ Savarkar.
(a) Pratap
(b) Mahesh
(c) Ganesh
(d) Gopal
Ans.: (c)
1209. Who was the judge of Nasik who charged Ganesh Savarkar with sedition?
(a) Kingsford
(b) Jackson
(c) Nelson
(d) Jonathan Duncan
Ans.: (b)
1210. Who shot Jackson dead in 1909?
(a) Siddhu Marathe
(b) Vinod Singha
(c) Ananat Kanhare
(d) Chathurthi Singala
Ans.: (c)
1211. Barindra Kumar Ghosh and Bhupendranath Datta started the paper ____ in 1906.
(a) Kal
(b) Yugantar
(c) Pratap
(d) Kalchakra
Ans.: (b)
1212. The revolutionaries of Anushilan Samiti shot dead the magistrate of Dacca at _____.
(a) Faridpur
(b) Raniganj
(c) Risra
(d) Chittagong
Ans.: (a)
1213. Who was killed instead of Kingsford by Khudiram Bose and Prafulla Chaki?
(a) Mr. Palmerston
(b) Mrs. Roosevelt
(c) Fredrick Resnick
(d) Mrs. Kennedy
Ans.: (d)
1214. Who composed the poem, ‘Pagri Sambhal O Jatta’?
(a) Kartar Singh Saraba
(b) Banke Dayal
(c) Lal Chand
(d) Prem Singh Diwana
Ans.: (b)
1215. Who was the Lieutenant governor of Punjab in 1906?
(a) Herbert
(b) Nicholas
(c) Ibertson
(d) Willingdon
Ans.: (c)
1216. On 22 November, 1908, the DSP of ____ was assassinated by the Punjabi revolutionaries.
(a) Layalpur Clough
(b) Jaina Mod
(c) Bali Siddi
(d) Kartarpur
Ans.: (a)
1217. Where did Ajit Singh escape to in 1908?
(a) England
(b) Spain
(c) Portugal
(d) France
Ans.: (d)
1218. Bhai Parmanand was a professor at ____ College.
(a) Hindu
(b) Kiori Mal
(c) DAV
(d) Hansraj
Ans.: (c)
1219. Where in Delhi was a bomb thrown on the procession of Hardinge in 1911?
(a) Ajmeri Chowk
(b) Chandni Chowk
(c) Seelampur
(d) Nizamuddin
Ans.: (b)
1220. Which revolutionary is supposed to be the mastermind in the attack on Hardinge?
(a) Kartar Singh Saraba
(b) Lala Hardayal
(c) Sohan Singh Bakhna
(d) V.D. Savarkar
Ans.: (b)
1221. When did Lala Hardayal return to India?
(a) 1906
(b) 1909
(c) 1911
(d) 1913
Ans.: (a)
1222. Who became a government approver in the Hardinge-bombing case?
(a) Dinanath
(b) Pratap Bohra
(c) Jagannath
(d) Pir Muhammad
Ans.: (a)
1223. Which ship was prevented from entry into India in 1914?
(a) Mata Hari
(b) Voyager
(c) Kamagata Maru
(d) Victoria Adventurer
Ans.: (c)
1224. Which was the second ship to reach India on 29 October, 1914?
(a) S.S. Toshamaru
(b) Kamagata Maru
(c) Spanish Armada
(d) Challenger
Ans.: (a)
1225. Who informed the government about the Gadar party’s plan of a revolt in India?
(a) Harpal Singh
(b) Devraj Singh
(c) Harbachan Singh
(d) Satpal Singh
Ans.: (d)
1226. Ganesh Pingle was arrested in the _____ conspiracy case.
(a) Surat
(b) Lahore
(c) Bareilly
(d) Peshawar
Ans.: (b)
1227. Which of the revolutionaries started a scheme of scholar ship for Indian students in England?
(a) V.D. Savarkar
(b) Shyamji Krishna Varma
(c) Lala Hardayal
(d) Madame Cama
Ans.: (b)
1228. The revolutionary associated with papers like ‘Talwar’, ‘Indian Freedom’ was _____.
(a) Sardar Singh Rana
(b) Shyamji Krishna Varma
(c) Lala Hardayal
(d) Mohan Singh ‘Josh’
Ans.: (a)
1229. Who participated in the International Conference at Stutteguard in 1907?
(a) Shyamji Krishna Varma
(b) Dadabhai Naoroji
(c) Madam Kama
(d) Din Prabhu Dayal
Ans.: (c)
1230. Madanlal Dhingra went to England in 1906 to study _____ engineering.
(a) electrical
(b) civil
(c) computer
(d) mechanical
Ans.: (d)
1231. Whom did Madanlal Dhingra murder in 1909?
(a) Curzon Wylie
(b) Lord Curzon
(c) Morley
(d) Lord Minto
Ans.: (a)
1232. Initially, Madan Lal Dhingra had planned to murder _____.
(a) Minto
(b) Curzon
(c) Hardinge
(d) Chelmsford
Ans.: (b)
1233. Who described Madan Lal Dhingra’s murder of Curzon Wylie as ‘senseless’?
(a) Aga Khan
(b) Shake-ur-Baksh
(c) M.A. Jinnah
(d) Sikander Hyat Khan
Ans.: (b)
1234. Who described Madan Lal Dhingra’s act as a ‘national loss’?
(a) Agha Khan
(b) Suhrawardi Khan
(c) Murtaza Khan
(d) Salimullah Khan
Ans.: (a)
1235. When was Madan Lal Dhingra sentenced to death?
(a) 1907
(b) 1906
(c) 1909
(d) 1911
Ans.: (c)
1236. To whom did Madan Lal Dhingra express his three wishes before dying?
(a) Aurobindo Ghosh
(b) Shyamji Krishna Varma
(c) Bipin Chandra Pal
(d) V.D. Savarkar
Ans.: (d)
1237. Where was the Gadar Party set up by Lala Hardayal in 1913?
(a) Los Angeles
(b) New York
(c) San Francisco
(d) Berlin
Ans.: (c)
1238. Who was the first President of the Gadar Party?
(a) Kartar Singh Saraba
(b) Lala Hardayal
(c) Sohan Singh Bhakna
(d) Mohan Singh ‘Josh’
Ans.: (c)
1239. Who was the first General Secretary of the Gadar Party?
(a) Lala Hardayal
(b) Chirag Hali
(c) Sohan Singh Bhakna
(d) Kartar Singh Saraba
Ans.: (a)
1240. Who was the first treasurer of Ghadar Party?
(a) Kashiram
(b) Dayaram
(c) Lekhram
(d) Dinanath Ram
Ans.: (d)
1241. Who set up a Government in exile for India’s independence in Kabul?
(a) Raja Sikander Singh
(b) Raja Mahendra Pratap
(c) Raja Jai Singh
(d) Raja Prabhu Jadeja
Ans.: (b)
1242. Sir Saiyid Ahmad Khan joined the services of the East India Company in _____.
(a) 1832
(b) 1835
(c) 1839
(d) 1837
Ans.: (d)
1243. The Urdu paper, ‘Tahjib-al-Akhlaq’ was brought out by ___.
(a) S.A. Khan
(b) Ram mohan Roy
(c) Titu Mir
(d) Vilayat Ali
Ans.: (a)
1244. Who founded the ‘Patriotic Association’?
(a) Panni Khan
(b) Nasir Husain
(c) Shariatullah
(d) S.A. Khan
Ans.: (d)
1245. The Raja of ____ helped S.A. Khan in the foundation of the Patriotic Association.
(a) Lucknow
(b) Banaras
(c) Bareilly
(d) Junagarh
Ans.: (b)
1246. Mohammad Qasim Nanautavi and Rashid Ahmad Gangohi belonged to the ___ movement during the Revolt
of 1857.
(a) Arrah
(b) Wahabi
(c) Deoband
(d) Farazi
Ans.: (c)
1247. Who founded the ‘Dar-ul-Ulema’ madrasa at Deoband in 1866?
(a) Maulana Qasim Nanautavi
(b) Shariatullah
(c) S.A. Khan
(d) Rashid Ahmad Gangohi
Ans.: (a)
1248. Who wrote Dar-ul-Uloom Deoband ki Sadsala Zindagi’?
(a) R.A. Gangohi
(b) M.Q. Nanautavi
(c) S.A. Khan
(d) Tayyab Sahib
Ans.: (d)
1249. When did the Deoband leaders promulgate a fatwa against ‘Patriotic Association’?
(a) 1885
(b) 1888
(c) 1891
(d) 1881
Ans.: (b)
1250. Who founded the ‘Jamaitul Ulema-i-Hind’ in 1919?
(a) Liyaqat Ullah Sahib
(b) Tayyab Sahib
(c) Ahmad Rai Behari
(d) Nasir Khan
Ans.: (a)
1251. Who wrote the book, ‘Asbab-e-Bagawat-e-Hind’?
(a) Liyaqat Ullah Sahib
(b) Tayyab Sahib
(c) Saiyid Ahmad Khan
(d) Sariatullah Ahmad
Ans.: (c)
1252. Who was the Principal of Aligarh Muslim College during 1883-1899?
(a) Walter Scott
(b) Alexander Duff
(c) Phillip Morrison
(d) Theodore Beck
Ans.: (d)
1253. Morrison was the Principal of Aligarh Muslim College during the period of ____.
(a) 1893-95
(b) 1899-1904
(c) 1896-1901
(d) 1901-1907
Ans.: (b)
1254. The meeting between the Muslim delegates and Viceroy of India, Lord Minto took place at ____ in October
(a) Ambala
(b) Kulu
(c) Ooty
(d) Simla
Ans.: (d)
1255. Who led the Muslim delegation to the viceroy in 1906?
(a) S.A. Khan
(b) Salimullah Khan
(c) Aga Khan
(d) Zafar Khan
Ans.: (c)
1256. Nawab ____ presided over the Muslim conference of 30 October, 1906 which resulted in the All India
Muslim League
(a) Wasim Zafar
(b) Waqar-ul-Mulk
(c) Sardar Salim Mullick
(d) Salimullah Khan
Ans.: (b)
1257. At whose invitation was the above conference held?
(a) Salimullah Khan
(b) Waqar-ul-Mulk
(c) Wasim Zafar
(d) Agha Khan
Ans.: (a)
1258. Salimullah Khan was the Nawab of _____.
(a) Alinagar
(b) Dacca
(c) Kasimbazar
(d) Risra
Ans.: (b)
1259. Where was the constitution of the Muslim League prepared?
(a) Lahore
(b) Agra
(c) Multan
(d) Karachi
Ans.: (d)
1260. When was the constitution of the League prepared?
(a) 1905
(b) 1909
(c) 1907
(d) 1911
Ans.: (c)
1261. When was the first session of the League held?
(a) 1905
(b) 1911
(c) 1909
(d) 1908
Ans.: (d)
1262. Where was the first sesssion of the League held?
(a) Delhi
(b) Amritsar
(c) Agra
(d) Lucknow
Ans.: (b)
1263. Who became the President of the Muslim League in 1908?
(a) Zafar Khan
(b) M.A. Jinnah
(c) Aga Khan
(d) Nawab Khan
Ans.: (c)
1264. Where was the 1905 session of the Congress held?
(a) Banaras
(b) Calcutta
(c) Belgaun
(d) Tripuri
Ans.: (a)
1265. Who presided over the Banaras session of the Congress?
(a) Rash Behari Bose
(b) C.R. Das
(c) Gopal Krishna Gokhale
(d) Pheroze Shah Mehta
Ans.: (c)
1266. The Congress passed the resolution on swaraj, swadeshi, national education and boycott of foreign goods in
its ____ session.
(a) 1906
(b) 1903
(c) 1909
(d) 1904
Ans.: (b)
1267. Who said : “Freedom is the very breath of our life, we want freedom”?
(a) Dadabhai Naoroji
(b) G.K. Gokhale
(c) Surendranath Banerjee
(d) M.G. Ranade
Ans.: (a)
1268. Who was made the President of the Congress in 1907?
(a) Rash behari Bose
(b) Lajpat Rai
(c) Bipin Chandra Pal
(d) Dadabhai Naoroji
Ans.: (a)
1269. Who described the exclusion of extremists’ from the Congress as a ‘sad incident’?
(a) G.K. Gokhale
(b) Pheroze Shah Mehta
(c) Annie Besant
(d) Dadabhai Naoroji
Ans.: (c)
1270. Where was the session of the Congress held in 1908?
(a) Amritsar
(b) Agra
(c) Madras
(d) Lucknow
Ans.: (c)
1271. Where was the 1909 session of the Congress held?
(a) Surat
(b) Lahore
(c) Lucknow
(d) Agra
Ans.: (b)
1272. By the Reforms of 1909, the number of members in the Imperial Legislative Council was raised to ____.
(a) 72
(b) 67
(c) 65
(d) 69
Ans.: (d)
1273. Which was the shortest session of the Congress?
(a) Belgaun
(b) Tripuri
(c) Bankipore
(d) Haripura
Ans.: (c)
1274. When was the Bankipore session of the Congress held?
(a) 1912
(b) 1913
(c) 1911
(d) 1914
Ans.: (a)
1275. Where was the 1913 session of the Congress held?
(a) Lahore
(b) Karachi
(c) Bombay
(d) Nagpur
Ans.: (b)
1276. Nawab ___ presided over the Karachi session of the Congress in 1913?
(a) Shariatullah
(b) Aga Khan
(c) Saiyid Muhammad Bahadur
(d) Muhammad Ali
Ans.: (c)
1277. Where was the 1914 session of the Congress held?
(a) Bombay
(b) Lucknow
(c) Calcutta
(d) Madras
Ans.: (d)
1278. Both Gopal Krishna Gokhale and Pheroze Shah Mehta died in _____.
(a) 1912
(b) 1913
(c) 1916
(d) 1915
Ans.: (d)
1279. Who tried to organise an ‘Indian Home Rule Party’ in the British Parliament in 1913-1914?
(a) Annie Besant
(b) Dadabhai Naoroji
(c) Shyam Bihari Sinha
(d) Dinkar Rao
Ans.: (a)
1280. Which weekly paper was brought out by Besant in 1914?
(a) Young India
(b) New India
(c) Common Will
(d) Independence
Ans.: (c)
1281. Who brought out a daily called ‘New India’?
(a) G.B. Tilak
(b) Mahatma Gandhi
(c) Annie Besant
(d) Tej Bahadur Sapru
Ans.: (c)
1282. Where did Besant start a Home Rule League in September 1916?
(a) Bombay
(b) Madras
(c) Calcutta
(d) Delhi
Ans.: (b)
1283. Who was the President of the Madras Home Rule League in 1916?
(a) S.S. Shastri
(b) Annie Besant
(c) V. Shastri Chiplunkar
(d) Viraraghavachari
Ans.: (b)
1284. When did Congress pass a resolution demanding Home Rule for India?
(a) 1911
(b) 1913
(c) 1917
(d) 1915
Ans.: (d)
1285. Where was the above mentioned resolution passed?
(a) Calcutta
(b) Surat
(c) Bombay
(d) Nagpur
Ans.: (c)
1286. When did the Lucknow session, where the Extremists came back into the Congress, take place?
(a) 1919
(b) 1913
(c) 1917
(d) 1916
Ans.: (d)
1287. Where did Tilak establish his Home Rule League in April 1916?
(a) Kolhapur
(b) Satara
(c) Pune
(d) Nasik
Ans.: (c)
1288. When did Annie Besant tour the whole of India?
(a) 1915
(b) 1918
(c) 1917
(d) 1919
Ans.: (c)
1289. When did Aga Khan leave the Muslim League?
(a) 1915
(b) 1918
(c) 1917
(d) 1913
Ans.: (d)
1290. Who presided over the 1915 session of the Muslim League?
(a) Muhammad Ali Jinnah
(b) Nawab Mohsin-ul-Mulk
(c) Sajid Ali Khan
(d) Waqar-ul-Mulk
Ans.: (a)
1291. Congresss leaders attended the ____ session of the league.
(a) 1912
(b) 1919
(c) 1915
(d) 1913
Ans.: (c)
1292. In the Indian national movement, the era of popular mass movements began in.
(a) 1919
(b) 1917
(c) 1913
(d) 1915
Ans.: (a)
1293. When did the Russian Revolution take place?
(a) 1919
(b) 1915
(c) 1917
(d) 1921
Ans.: (c)
1294. When did Montague-Chelmsford put forward their scheme of constitutional reforms?
(a) 1915
(b) 1916
(c) 1917
(d) 1918
Ans.: (d)
1295. When was the Montague-Chelmsford reforms enacted?
(a) 1917
(b) 1919
(c) 1916
(d) 1920
Ans.: (b)
1296. Which Government of India Act introduced legislature at the centre?
(a) 1909
(b) 1935
(c) 1919
(d) 1892
Ans.: (c)
1297. What was the total strength of the Legislative Assembly in 1919 Act.?
(a) 144
(b) 135
(c) 129
(d) 155
Ans.: (a)
1298. The Council of state under the 1919 Act was to have ______ members.
(a) 50
(b) 40
(c) 30
(d) 60
Ans.: (d)
1299. There were ____ elected members in the Council of State under the 1919 Act.
(a) 26
(b) 34
(c) 32
(d) 36
Ans.: (b)
1300. Who was the President of the special session of the Congress held in August 1918?
(a) M.A. Ansari
(b) Lajpat Rai
(c) Hasan Imam
(d) S.N. Banerjee
Ans.: (c)
1301. Where was the above mentioned session of the Congress held?
(a) Calcutta
(b) Madras
(c) Bombay
(d) Lahore
Ans.: (c)
1302. Surendranath Banerjee left the Congress in _____.
(a) 1919
(b) 1918
(c) 1919
(d) 1920
Ans.: (b)
1303. In March 1919, the Government passed the ____ Act.
(a) Gagging
(b) Arms
(c) Sedition
(d) Rowlatt
Ans.: (d)
1304. Which Act of 1919 authorised the Government to imprison any person without trial?
(a) Rowlatt
(b) Arms
(c) Sedition
(d) Simon
Ans.: (a)
1305. Gandhiji evolved ‘non-cooperation’ and ‘satyagraha’ in _____.
(a) England
(b) U.S.A.
(c) South Africa
(d) India
Ans.: (c)
1306. Where was Mahatma Gandhi born in 1869?
(a) Baroda
(b) Porbandar
(c) Surat
(d) Ahmedabad
Ans.: (b)
1307. What was the period of stay of Gandhiji in South Africa?
(a) 1891-1895
(b) 1896-1917
(c) 1895-1909
(d) 1893-1914
Ans.: (d)
1308. Who said: “Non-violence is the law of our species, as violence is the law of the brute”?
(a) J.L. Nehru
(b) Vivekananda
(c) Gandhi
(d) M.A. Jinnah
Ans.: (c)
1309. Who said: ‘The only virtue I want to claim is truth and non-violence’?
(a) B.G. Tilak
(b) Vivekananda
(c) Gandhi
(d) Lajpat Rai
Ans.: (c)
1310. ‘Young India’ was the famous weekly journal of ____.
(a) Tilak
(b) Gandhi
(c) S.N. Banerjee
(d) Annie Besant
Ans.: (b)
1311. When did Gandhiji return to India?
(a) 1911
(b) 1917
(c) 1913
(d) 1915
Ans.: (d)
1312. After coming to India, Gandhi spent an entire year in ____.
(a) prayers
(b) meditation
(c) travelling
(d) practising law
Ans.: (c)
1313. When did Gandhi set up the Sabarmati Ashram?
(a) 1917
(b) 1916
(c) 1915
(d) 1918
Ans.: (b)
1314. Where was the Sabarmati Ashram founded?
(a) Ahmedabad
(b) Baroda
(c) Surat
(d) Gandhinagar
Ans.: (a)
1315. Gandhi’s first experiment in satyagraha came in ____ at Champaran.
(a) 1913
(b) 1917
(c) 1915
(d) 1919
Ans.: (b)
1316. In _____, Gandhi intervened in the Ahmedabad Mill strike.
(a) 1917
(b) 1919
(c) 1920
(d) 1918
Ans.: (d)
1317. Gandhi asked the agitating Ahmedabad mill workers to demand a ____ per cent increase in wages.
(a) 31
(b) 33
(c) 35
(d) 37
Ans.: (c)
1318. The peasant struggle in which Gandhi participated in 1918, took place at ____.
(a) Bardoli
(b) Kheda
(c) Surat
(d) Chauri-chaura
Ans.: (b)
1319. Vallabhbhai Patel became a follower of Gandhi during the ____ peasant struggle.
(a) Kheda
(b) Rajkot
(c) Baroda
(d) Ahmedabad
Ans.: (a)
1320. Who said: ‘I shall work for an India in which the poorest shall feel that it is their country’?
(a) B.G. Tilak
(b) Gandhi
(c) G.K. Gokhale
(d) Vivekananda
Ans.: (b)
1321. Who said, “Indian culture is neither Hindu, Islamic, nor any other, wholly. It is a fusion of all”?
(a) M.A. Jinnah
(b) Vivekananda
(c) Gandhi
(d) Annie Besant
Ans.: (c)
1322. Gandhi founded the ____ Sabha in February, 1919.
(a) Ahimsa
(b) Swaraj
(c) Harijan
(d) Satyagraha
Ans.: (d)
1323. Gandhi gave a call for a mightly hartal on ____ 1919.
(a) 1 October
(b) 6 April
(c) 5 August
(d) 16 September
Ans.: (b)
1324. The Jallianwala Bagh Massacre occurred on ____ April 1919.
(a) 13
(b) 15
(c) 16
(d) 19
Ans.: (a)
1325. Where was Jallianwala Bagh located?
(a) Ambala
(b) Patiala
(c) Amritsar
(d) Jallandhar
Ans.: (c)
1326. Who were the two doctors whose arrest led a crowd to gather at Jallianwala Bagh?
(a) M.A. Ansari & S.M. Atal
(b) Saifuddin Kitchlew and Satyapal
(c) Kotnis & Satyapal
(d) Satyapal & M.A. Ansari
Ans.: (b)
1327. Who was the military commander of Amritsar responsible for the Jallianwala Bagh masacre?
(a) Rand
(b) Curzon Wylie
(c) Watson
(d) Dyer
Ans.: (d)
1328. Who renounced his knighthood in protest against the Jallianwala Bagh massacre?
(a) Rabindranath Tagore
(b) S.N. Banerjee
(c) M.A. Jinnah
(d) S.B. Sinha
Ans.: (a)
1329. The Arya Samaj leader who was asked by the Muslims to preach from the pulpit of the Jama Masjid at Delhi
was ____.
(a) Lajpat Rai
(b) Lala Hansraj
(c) Dayanand Saraswati
(d) Shradhanand
Ans.: (d)
1330. The Muslim who was given the keys of the Golden Temple, was ____.
(a) M.A. Ansari
(b) S.M. Akhtar
(c) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
(d) Dr. Kitchlew
Ans.: (d)
1331. The Khilafat movement arose over the ____ question.
(a) Turkish
(b) Afghan
(c) Persian
(d) Palestinian
Ans.: (a)
1332. A Khilafat Committee was formed under the leadership of ____ brothers.
(a) Zafar
(b) Ansari
(c) Ali
(d) Akhtar
Ans.: (c)
1333. Where was the All India Khilafat Conference held in November 1919?
(a) Lahore
(b) Agra
(c) Karachi
(d) Delhi
Ans.: (d)
1334. At where did the All India Khilafat Conference decide to withdraw all cooperation from the government if
their demands were not met?
(a) Lahore
(b) Delhi
(c) Meerut
(d) Kanpur
Ans.: (b)
1335. Gandhiji looked upon the ____ agitation as “an opportunity of uniting Hindus and Mohammadans as would
not arise in hundred years”?
(a) Rowlatt
(b) Akali
(c) Khilafat
(d) Wahabi
Ans.: (c)
1336. When did Gandhi declare that the Khilafat question overshadowed that of the constitutional reforms and the
Punjab wrongs?
(a) 1917
(b) 1921
(c) 1919
(d) 1920
Ans.: (d)
1337. When did an all party conference meet at Allahabad to approve a programme of boycott of schools, colleges
and law courts?
(a) May 1919
(b) June 1920
(c) July 1921
(d) October 1922
Ans.: (b)
1338. The Khilafat Committee launched a non-cooperation movement on ____ 1920.
(a) 31 August
(b) 4 May
(c) 16 October
(d) 23 June
Ans.: (a)
1339. The Congress met in a special session in September 1920 at ____.
(a) Lahore
(b) Faizpur
(c) Calcutta
(d) Nagpur
Ans.: (c)
1340. When did Tilak pass away?
(a) 15 August, 1919
(b) 22 October, 1921
(c) 1 August, 1920
(d) 7 December, 1921
Ans.: (c)
1341. The Congress decision to defy the government and its laws was endorsed at the _____ session.
(a) Nagpur
(b) Calcutta
(c) Delhi
(d) Madras
Ans.: (a)
1342. When was the Nagpur session of the Congress held?
(a) October 1920
(b) December 1920
(c) September 1920
(d) August 1920
Ans.: (b)
1343. The _____ session made changes in the constitution of the Congress.
(a) Calcutta
(b) Madras
(c) Delhi
(d) Nagpur
Ans.: (d)
1344. As per the changes in Congress constitution, it was now to be led by a working committee of ____ members.
(a) 17
(b) 19
(c) 15
(d) 21
Ans.: (c)
1345. The Jamia Millia Islamia, Bihar Vidyapith, Kashi Vidyapith and Gujarat Vidyapith came into existence during
(a) 1920-21
(b) 1919-20
(c) 1920
(d) 1921-22
Ans.: (d)
1346. ____ Swaraj Fund was started to fund the Non-Cooperation movement.
(a) Gandhi
(b) Besant
(c) Tilak
(d) Gokhale
Ans.: (b)
1347. When did the All India Khilafat Committee pass a resolution declaring that no Muslim should serve in the
British Indian Army.
(a) June 1921
(b) July 1921
(c) March 1921
(d) October 1921
Ans.: (b)
1348. When were the Ali brothers arrested for sedition?
(a) May 1920
(b) September 1920
(c) September 1921
(d) October 1921
Ans.: (c)
1349. When did the Prince of Wales visit India?
(a) May 1921
(b) June 1921
(c) August 1921
(d) November 1921
Ans.: (d)
1350. Where did the annual session of the Congress meet in 1921?
(a) Bardoli
(b) Sabarmati
(c) Surat
(d) Ahmedabad
Ans.: (d)
1351. The annual session of the Congress at ____ passed a resolution affirming “the fixed determination of the
Congress to continue the programme of non-violent non-cooperation with greater vigour than hitherto?
(a) Ahmedabad
(b) Nagpur
(c) Baroda
(d) Calcutta
Ans.: (a)
1352 Where did the peasants refuse to pay the Union Board taxes during the Non-cooperation movement?
(a) Risra
(b) Burdwan
(c) Midnapore
(d) Raniganj
Ans.: (c)
1353. Which town in the Guntur district refuse to pay municipal taxes?
(a) Cannanore
(b) Chingelput
(c) Cragnore
(d) Chirala
Ans.: (d)
1354. On ____ 1922 Gandhi announced that he would start civil disobedience.
(a) 2 March
(b) 1 February
(c) 5 October
(d) 18 June
Ans.: (b)
1355. The Chauri-Chaura incident occurred on ____ 1922.
(a) 5 February
(b) 12 February
(c) 12 March
(d) 1 April
Ans.: (a)
1356. How many policemen were killed in the Chauri-Chaura incident?
(a) 19
(b) 26
(c) 22
(d) 24
Ans.: (c)
1357. Where did the Congress Working Committee meet on 12 February, 1922?
(a) Nagpur
(b) Meerut
(c) Dandi
(d) Bardoli
Ans.: (d)
1358. When was the Civil Diobedience movement called off?
(a) 5 March, 1922
(b) 12 February, 1922
(c) 26 January, 1922
(d) 21 April, 1922
Ans.: (b)
1359. ‘The Indian Struggle’ was the autobiography of _____.
(a) Subhash Chandra Bose
(b) Lajpat Rai
(c) Annie Besant
(d) Bhulabhai Desai
Ans.: (a)
1360. On ____ 1922, Gandhiji was arrested and charged with spreading disaffection against the government.
(a) 12 February
(b) 6 April
(c) 10 March
(d) 10 May
Ans.: (c)
1361. Who said, “non-cooperation” with evil is as much a duty as is cooperation with good”?
(a) Gandhi
(b) S.N. Banerjee
(c) B.G. Tilak
(d) Lajpat Rai
Ans.: (a)
1362. On Gandhiji the same sentence was passed as on _____ in 1908.
(a) G.K. Gokhale
(b) Rash Behari Bose
(c) S.N. Banerjee
(d) Tilak
Ans.: (d)
1363. Who said, “The essence of Gandhiji’s teaching was fearlessness.... not merely body courage but the absence
of fear from the mind”?
(a) Mahadev Desai
(b) Jawaharlal Nehru
(c) Indulal Yagnik
(d) Purushottam Das Tandon
Ans.: (b)
1364. When was the Hindustan Republican Association founded?
(a) September 1923
(b) May 1922
(c) October 1924
(d) December 1925
Ans.: (c)
1365. The Kakori conspiracy case took place in ____.
(a) 1925
(b) 1927
(c) 1926
(d) 1923
Ans.: (a)
1366. Ram Prasad Bismil and Ashfaqulla were tried in the ____ conspiracy case.
(a) Kanpur
(b) Chittagong
(c) Lahore
(d) Ambala
Ans.: (a)
1367. The Hindustan Republican Association changed its name to Hindustan Socialist Republican Organisation in
(a) 1926
(b) 1925
(c) 1927
(d) 1928
Ans.: (d)
1368. Under whose leadership did the above change took place?
(a) Bhagat Singh
(b) Ram Prasad Bismil
(c) Chandrashekhar Azad
(d) Batukeshwar Dutt
Ans.: (c)
1369. Lala Lajpat Rai died on ___, 1928.
(a) 30 October
(b) 1 November
(c) 2 August
(d) 7 December
Ans.: (a)
1370. Who was the Punjabi leader killed as a result of brutal lathi charge on an anti-Simon Commission in 1928?
(a) Bhagat Singh
(b) Lala Lajpat Rai
(c) Lal Chand
(d) Batukehswar Dutt
Ans.: (b)
1371. The British officer who led the brutal lathi charge on Lajpat Rai was.
(a) Rand
(b) Hamilton
(c) Saunders
(d) Curzon Wylie
Ans.: (c)
1372. On ____ 1928, Bhagat Singh, Azad and Rajguru killed Saunders.
(a) 14 November
(b) 9 September
(c) 23 August
(d) 17 December
Ans.: (d)
1373. Bhagat Singh and B.K. Dutt threw a bomb in the Central Legislative Assembly on 1929.
(a) 7 May
(b) 18 June
(c) 26 March
(d) 8 April
Ans.: (d)
1374. When did the Chittagong armoury-raid take place?
(a) March 1929
(b) April 1930
(c) May 1931
(d) June 1933
Ans.: (b)
1375. Who led the armed raid on Chittagong armoury in 1930?
(a) Surya Sen
(b) Preetilata Wadekar
(c) Jatin Das
(d) Sunidhi Roy
Ans.: (a)
1376. A remarkable aspect of the terrorist movement in Bengal was the participation of.
(a) Muslims
(b) Lower Castes
(c) Young Women
(d) Sanyasi
Ans.: (c)
1377. The revolutionary who laid down his life after a 63day fast was.
(a) Surya Sen
(b) Sachin Sanyal
(c) Bhagat Singh
(d) Jatin Das
Ans.: (d)
1378. When in 1931 were Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru executed?
(a) 30 May
(b) 23 March
(c) 28 April
(d) 2 June
Ans.: (b)
1379. Whose words were these : “The peasants have to liberate themselves not only from foreign yoke but also from
the yoke of landlords and capitalists?
(a) Lajpat Rai
(b) Bhagat Singh
(c) Muhammad Ali Jinnah
(d) Chandrashekhar Azad
Ans.: (b)
1380. When was the Punjab Naujawan Sabha established?
(a) 1923
(b) 1924
(c) 1925
(d) 1926
Ans.: (d)
1381. Chandra Shekhar Azad was killed at Allahabad in 1931.
(a) February
(b) March
(c) June
(d) August
Ans.: (a)
1382. Surya Sen was arrested in ___ 1933.
(a) March
(b) June
(c) February
(d) October
Ans.: (c)
1383. When were thirty-one prominent trade union and communist leaders arrested in the Meerut Conspiracy case?
(a) May 1927
(b) June 1928
(c) March 1929
(d) October 1930
Ans.: (c)
1384. When did Gandhi go to England for his education?
(a) 1879
(b) 1883
(c) 1892
(d) 1887
Ans.: (d)
1385. When did Gandhi become a barrister?
(a) 1892
(b) 1889
(c) 1894
(d) 1887
Ans.: (a)
1386. When did Gandhi go to South Africa?
(a) 1891
(b) 1893
(c) 1895
(d) 1892
Ans.: (b)
1387. Which Indian nationalist initially called himself as the ‘recruiting sergeant’ of the British government?
(a) B.G. Tilak
(b) S.N. Banerjee
(c) Gandhi
(d) G.K. Gokhale
Ans.: (c)
1388. When did Gandhi write ‘Hind Swaraj’?
(a) 1906
(b) 1907
(c) 1908
(d) 1909
Ans.: (d)
1389. The Hind Swaraj was originally written in ____.
(a) Hindi
(b) Gujarati
(c) English
(d) Marathi
Ans.: (b)
1390. Who said: ‘Satyagraha is a spiritual principle which is based on the love for mankind’?
(a) Vivekananda
(b) B.G. Tilak
(c) Gandhi
(d) Annie Besant
Ans.: (c)
1391. Chastity, poverty, truth and fearlessness were the four pre- conditions for ____ according to Gandhi.
(a) Satyagraha
(b) Swaraj
(c) Ahimsa
(d) Ramrajya
Ans.: (a)
1392. Who said: “I believe that non-violence has the power to solve all problems”?
(a) Gandhi
(b) S.C. Bose
(c) J.L Nehru
(d) Annie Besant
Ans.: (a)
1393. Who coined the term Harijan for the depressed castes?
(a) B.R. Ambedkar
(b) Gandhi
(c) Jyotiba Phule
(d) Raman Pillai
Ans.: (b)
1394. The nationalist leader who wanted to establish Ram Rajya in India was _____.
(a) Gandhi
(b) B.R. Ambedkar
(c) B.G. Tilak
(d) Annie Besant
Ans.: (a)
1395. In Champaran, cultivators had to grow ____ on 3/20th of their lands.
(a) Tobacco
(b) Rice
(c) Indigo
(d) Wheat
Ans.: (c)
1396. Who wrote the novel, ‘Neel Darpan’?
(a) Tarashankar Bandhopa- dhyay
(b) Sudip Sen
(c) Nandlal Chatterjee
(d) Nabin Chandra Sen
Ans.: (a)
1397. Whom did Gandhi accept as his Guru?
(a) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(b) Pherozeshah Mehta
(c) Gopal Krishna Gokhale
(d) Dadabhai Naoroji
Ans.: (c)
1398. Which Act came to be known as ‘Black law’?
(a) 1909 Act
(b) Rowlatt Act
(c) 1919 Act
(d) 1935 Act
Ans.: (b)
1399. Who was the first person to use the term ‘hartal’ in 1919?
(a) B.G. Tilak
(b) P.C. Joshi
(c) S.N. Banerjee
(d) Gandhi
Ans.: (d)
1400. Where did Gandhi organise a Satyagraha Sabha in 1919?
(a) Surat
(b) Bombay
(c) Madras
(d) Delhi
Ans.: (b)
1401. Who was the Arya Samajist to dare the British with his provocative sentence “Shoot if you can”?
(a) Lekh Ram
(b) Lajpat Rai
(c) Shradhanand
(d) Hansraj
Ans.: (c)
1402. Jallianwala Bagh massacre took place on the day of ____.
(a) Baisakhi
(b) Holi
(c) Pongal
(d) Bakrid
Ans.: (a)
1403. The poem which was recited in the Jallianwala Bagh before the massacre took place was.
(a) Fariyad
(b) Prarthana
(c) Sijda
(d) Halaat
Ans.: (a)
1404. According to the government report, ____ people were killed in the Jallianwala Bagh incident.
(a) 189
(b) 299
(c) 153
(d) 179
Ans.: (d)
1405. People were made to crawl in Amritsar on the charge of having insulted ____.
(a) Mrs. Kennedy
(b) Mrs. Irwin
(c) Mrs. Washington
(d) Miss Shekur
Ans.: (d)
1406. The ____ committee was appointed to enquire into the Jallianwala Bagh incident.
(a) Strachey
(b) Hutler
(c) Simon
(d) Shandurst
Ans.: (b)
1407. Which day was observed as the Khilafat Day in 1919?
(a) 19 October
(b) 10 May
(c) 23 August
(d) 22 October
Ans.: (a)
1408. The Khilafat Committee was formed in.
(a) January 1919
(b) September 1919
(c) June 1919
(d) December 1919
Ans.: (b)
1409. When did the British sign the Treaty of Tibers?
(a) 15 September, 1920
(b) 3 September, 1920
(c) 10 August, 1920
(d) 23 December, 1920
Ans.: (c)
1410. Who became the Chief justice of the Supreme court after independence?
(a) S.N. Suri
(b) Dipak Sen
(c) M.C. Chagla
(d) S.B. Sinha
Ans.: (c)
1411. When did Gandhi inform the viceroy of his plans to begin non-cooperation with the government?
(a) 1 August, 1920
(b) 23 November, 1920
(c) 5 September, 1920
(d) 16 January, 1920
Ans.: (a)
1412. Where was Gandhi’s plan of starting non-cooperation approved in December 1920?
(a) Calcutta
(b) Nagpur
(c) Bombay
(d) Lucknow
Ans.: (a)
1413. Indians boycotted the tour of the Duke of ____ in 1920.
(a) Burundy
(b) Sussex
(c) Connaught
(d) Wimbledon
Ans.: (c)
1414. When did the Moplah Rebellion occur?
(a) 1922
(b) 1920
(c) 1923
(d) July 1921
Ans.: (d)
1415. In December 1921, the Congress in its annual session at _____ affirmed its resolve to intensify the Non-
cooperation Movement.
(a) Nagpur
(b) Bombay
(c) Delhi
(d) Ahmedabad
Ans.: (d)
1416. Who was the Viceroy from 1922 to 1926?
(a) Irwin
(b) Reading
(c) Willingdon
(d) Linlithgow
Ans.: (b)
1417. Where was Pandit Ram Prasad Bismil born?
(a) Shahjahanpur
(b) Tundla
(c) Mankhet
(d) Firozabad
Ans.: (a)
1418. Who published the book, ‘How did America get Freedom’?
(a) Bhagat Singh
(b) Batukeshwar Dutt
(c) Ram Prasad Bismil
(d) Sachin Sanyal
Ans.: (c)
1419. The pamphlet, ‘A message for the countrymen’ was published for _____.
(a) Bhagat Singh
(b) Ram Prasad Bismil
(c) Chandra shekhar Azad
(d) Surya Sen
Ans.: (b)
1420. ____ wrote such books as ‘The Activities of the Bolsheviks’, ‘The wave of the Mind’, ‘Colour of Swadeshi’
and ‘Revolutionary Life’.
(a) Ram Prasad Bismil
(b) Jatin Das
(c) Subhash Chandra Bose
(d) Jawahar Lal Nehru
Ans.: (a)
1421. The _____ train robbery case took place on 9 August, 1925.
(a) Chittagong
(b) Lahore
(c) Ambala
(d) Kakori
Ans.: (d)
1422. Who was the first Muslim revolutionary of India to be hanged for the sake of the country’s freedom?
(a) Niyamat Shah
(b) Ashfaqullah Khan
(c) Shaukat Ali
(d) Salar Jang
Ans.: (b)
1423. When was Chandra Shekhar Azad born?
(a) 1909
(b) 1911
(c) 1906
(d) 1907
Ans.: (c)
1424. Where was Chandra Shekhar Azad born?
(a) Bhavre
(b) Gumla
(c) Chitrakoot
(d) Bhavnagar
Ans.: (a)
1425. Who made an attempt to shoot the Governor of Punjab in 1930?
(a) Chandra Shekhar Azad
(b) Madal Lal Dhingra
(c) Udham Singh
(d) Harkishen Talwar
Ans.: (d)
1426. Chandra Shekhar Azad was killed at the ____ Park in Allahabad?
(a) Corbett
(b) Shalimar
(c) Alfred
(d) Nobel
Ans.: (c)
1427. Where was Bhagat Singh born?
(a) Kartarpur
(b) Banga
(c) Sohana
(d) Karnal
Ans.: (b)
1428. Madan Lal Dhingra and Kartar Singh Saraba were the inspirators of.
(a) Surya Sen
(b) Jatin Das
(c) Bhagat Singh
(d) Ashfaqullah
Ans.: (c)
1429. Bhagat Singh came into contact with Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi, Sachindranath Sanyal and Chandra Shekhar
Azad at.
(a) Kanpur
(b) Agra
(c) Meerut
(d) Ferozepur
Ans.: (a)
1430. With whose association did Bhagat Singh set up the Naujawan Bharat Sabha in 1926?
(a) Chhabil Das & Yashpal
(b) Sachin Sanyal
(c) Chandra Shekhar Azad
(d) Batukehswar Dutt
Ans.: (a)
1431. Where did Bhagat Singh first attend the Congress session at Calcutta?
(a) Madras
(b) Lucknow
(c) Bombay
(d) Calcutta
Ans.: (d)
1432. The British government threw the half burnt body of Bhagat Singh in the.
(a) Beas
(b) Sutlej
(c) Jhelum
(d) Chenab
Ans.: (b)
1433. The raids on government armouries at Chittagong, Maimensingh and Barisal was conducted under the
leadership of.
(a) Surya sen
(b) Jatin Das
(c) Sachin Sanyal
(d) Batukeshwar Dutt
Ans.: (a)
1434. Ambika Chakrabarti, Loknath Bal and Ganesh Ghosh were associates of.
(a) Bhagat Singh
(b) Jatin Das
(c) Surya Sen
(d) Jogesh Chatterji
Ans.: (c)
1435. Kalpana Dutt and Preeti lata Wadekar were the revolutionaries associated with.
(a) Bhagat Singh
(b) Surya Sen
(c) Yashpal
(d) Jatin Das
Ans.: (b)
1436. Where did Surya Sen and Ambika Chakravarti escape to when pursued by the police?
(a) Rajmahal Hills
(b) Jungles of Central Asia
(c) Jalalabad hills
(d) Chambal Valley
Ans.: (c)
1437. Who was the woman revolutionary to attack a European club?
(a) Sunidhi Roy
(b) Usha Mehta
(c) Ambika Chakrabarti
(d) Preetilata Wadekar
Ans.: (d)
1438. Where was Rani Gaidiliu arrested on 17 October, 1932?
(a) Samoma
(b) Chitoor
(c) Guntor
(d) Cochin
Ans.: (a)
1439. Who founded the Congress-Khilafat Swarajya Party in December 1922?
(a) C.R. Das and Motilal Nehru
(b) Subhash Chandra Bose
(c) Rajendra Prasad
(d) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
Ans.: (a)
1440. When was Gandhiji released from jail?
(a) 2 May, 1923
(b) 10 August, 1922
(c) 5 February, 1924
(d) 1 October, 1921
Ans.: (c)
1441. In the elections held in November 1923, the Swarajists won ___ seats out of 101 elected seats in the Central
Legislative Assembly.
(a) 35
(b) 39
(c) 42
(d) 47
Ans.: (c)
1442. Who was elected as the President of the Central Legislative Assembly in 1925?
(a) Ballabhbhai Patel
(b) Indulal Yagnik
(c) Mahadev Desai
(d) Vithalbhai J. Patel
Ans.: (d)
1443. The Swarajists first moved out of the Central Assembly in ___ 1926.
(a) July
(b) March
(c) August
(d) October
Ans.: (b)
1444. Deshbandhu Das died in ____.
(a) May 1923
(b) June 1925
(c) October 1924
(d) April 1926
Ans.: (b)
1445. When was the Hindu Mahasabha founded?
(a) January 1917
(b) March 1917
(c) December 1917
(d) October 1918
Ans.: (c)
1446. In September 1924, Gandhi went on a ____ days fast at Delhi.
(a) 24
(b) 25
(c) 23
(d) 21
Ans.: (d)
1447. In whose house did Gandhi go on a strike in September 1924.
(a) Shaukat Ali
(b) M.A. Ansari
(c) Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan
(d) Maulana Mohammad Ali
Ans.: (d)
1448. When did Gandhi write: “My only hope lies in prayer and answer to prayer”?
(a) June 1927
(b) May 1927
(c) July 1927
(d) March 1927
Ans.: (b)
1449. When was announced the formation of the Simon Commission?
(a) November 1927
(b) October 1927
(c) March 1927
(d) January 1927
Ans.: (a)
1450. When was the first All-Bengal Conference of Students held?
(a) August 1928
(b) June 1928
(c) July 1928
(d) March 1928
Ans.: (a)
1451. Who presided over the above mentioned conference?
(a) M.L. Nehru
(b) Mahatma Gandhi
(c) J.L. Nehru
(d) Lajpat Rai
Ans.: (c)
1452. Who was the first Indian to be elected to the leadership of the Communist International?
(a) P.C. Joshi
(b) N.V. Karve
(c) M.N. Roy
(d) Uma Joshi
Ans.: (c)
1453. Muzaffar Ahmed and S.A. Dange were arrested in ____ for spreading communist ideas.
(a) 1925
(b) 1927
(c) 1929
(d) 1924
Ans.: (d)
1454. Muzaffar Ahmed and S.A. Dange were tried in the _____ conspiracy case.
(a) Lahore
(b) Kanpur
(c) Calcutta
(d) Bombay
Ans.: (b)
1455. When did the Communist Party come into existence?
(a) 1925
(b) 1923
(c) 1927
(d) 1929
Ans.: (a)
1456. When did the Bardoli Satyagraha take place?
(a) 1928
(b) 1923
(c) 1925
(d) 1927
Ans.: (a)
1457. Who led the Bardoli Satyagraha?
(a) Indul Lal Yagnik
(b) Mahadev Desai
(c) Vallabhbhai Patel
(d) Bhulabhai Desai
Ans.: (c)
1458. ___ played an important role in the strike in Tata Iron and Steel works in 1928?
(a) P.C. Joshi
(b) M.N. Roy
(c) Lajpat Rai
(d) S.C. Bose
Ans.: (d)
1459. Which was the most important strike of 1928?
(a) Calcutta Jute Mill
(b) Raniganj Iron Industry
(c) Kanpur textile mill
(d) Bombay Textiles Mills
Ans.: (d)
1460. The strike in the Bombay textiles mills in 1928 was led by the ____.
(a) Socialists
(b) Communists
(c) Liberals
(d) Congress
Ans.: (b)
1461. In November 1927, the British Government appointed the ____ commission.
(a) Mudiman
(b) Butler
(c) Strachey
(d) Simon
Ans.: (d)
1462. Who presided over the Madras session of the Congress in 1927?
(a) M.L. Nehru
(b) Dr. Ansari
(c) J.L. Nehru
(d) Abul Kalam Azad
Ans.: (b)
1463. In which of its sessions did the Congress decide to boycott the Simon Commission “at every stage and in
every form”?
(a) Madras (1927)
(b) Lahore (1929)
(c) Lucknow (1916)
(d) Karachi (1931)
Ans.: (a)
1464. The Nehru Report was finalised in _____.
(a) May 1928
(b) June 1928
(c) August 1928
(d) October 1928
Ans.: (c)
1465. Where was the All Party Convention held in December 1928?
(a) Calcutta
(b) Madras
(c) Nagpur
(d) Bombay
Ans.: (a)
1466. The Simon Commission reached Bombay on ____ 1929.
(a) 12 March
(b) 2 June
(c) 18 July
(d) 3 February
Ans.: (d)
1467. When did Gandhi return to active politics after the Non- Cooperation Movement?
(a) June 1928
(b) December 1928
(c) August 1928
(d) October 1928
Ans.: (b)
1468. Who became the President of the commission at the Lahore session in 1929?
(a) M.L. Nehru
(b) Vallabhbhai Patel
(c) J.L. Nehru
(d) Subhash Chandra Bose
Ans.: (c)
1469. The Poorna Swaraj resolution was passed at the _____ session of the Congress.
(a) Lahore
(b) Karachi
(c) Lucknow
(d) Faizpur
Ans.: (a)
1470. The newly adopted tri-colour flag of freedom was hoisted on ____ 1929.
(a) 31 December
(b) 30 November
(c) 26 January
(d) 30 November
Ans.: (a)
1471. Which day was fixed by the Congress session at Lahore as the first Independence Day?
(a) 31 December, 1930
(b) 26 January, 1931
(c) 26 January, 1930
(d) 31 December, 1931
Ans.: (c)
1472. The launching of a Civil disobedience movement was announced at the ____ session of the Congress.
(a) Karachi
(b) Bombay
(c) Lahore
(d) Madras
Ans.: (c)
1473. The Civil Disobedience Movement was started by Gandhi on ____ 1930.
(a) 10 May
(b) 2 June
(c) 5 August
(d) 12 March
Ans.: (d)
1474. When did Gandhi’s Dandi March take place?
(a) 26 January, 1930
(b) 10 May, 1930
(c) 12 March, 1930
(d) 22 October, 1930
Ans.: (c)
1475. Gandhi undertook the Dandi March with ____ chosen followers
(a) 72
(b) 81
(c) 76
(d) 78
Ans.: (d)
1476. From where did Gandhiji start his Dandi March?
(a) Sabarmati Ashram
(b) Porbandar
(c) Rajkot
(d) Ahmedabad
Ans.: (a)
1477. When in 1930 did Gandhiji reach Dandi?
(a) 6 April
(b) 23 March
(c) 10 May
(d) 2 June
Ans.: (a)
1478. The ___ laws were broken at Dandi.
(a) Sugar
(b) Liquor
(c) Salt
(d) Forest
Ans.: (c)
1479. Who declared ‘Sedition has become my religion’?
(a) J.L. Nehru
(b) C.R. Das
(c) S.C. Bose
(d) Gandhi
Ans.: (d)
1480. During the Civil Disobedience Movement; Maharashtra, Karnataka and Central Provinces became famous for
their defiance of ____ laws.
(a) salt
(b) forest
(c) chowkidari
(d) liquor
Ans.: (b)
1481. Who was known as ‘The Frontier Gandhi’?
(a) M.A. Ansari
(b) Dundey Khan
(c) Chisti Khan
(d) Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan
Ans.: (d)
1482. The Khudai Khidmatgars Society was organised under the leadership of ____.
(a) Dundey Khan
(b) Panni Khan
(c) Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan
(d) Chisti Khan
Ans.: (c)
1483. The Khudai Khidmatgars were also known as ____ shirts.
(a) Black
(b) Yellow
(c) Green
(d) Red
Ans.: (d)
1484. Where did Garhwali soldiers refuse to open fire on non- violent mass demonstration during the Civil
Disobedience Movement?
(a) Peshawar
(b) Lahore
(c) Karachi
(d) Multan
Ans.: (a)
1485. Rani Gaidilieu was a brave heroine produced by _____.
(a) Manipur
(b) Sikkim
(c) Nagaland
(d) Arunachal Pradesh
Ans.: (c)
1486. When was Rani Gaidilieu captured and sentenced to life imprisonment?
(a) 1929
(b) 1930
(c) 1932
(d) 1931
Ans.: (c)
1487. Who remarked on Gaidilieu as: “A day will come when India also will remember and cherish her”?
(a) S.C. Bose
(b) Vallabhbhai Patel
(c) Gandhi
(d) J.L. Nehru
Ans.: (d)
1488. When did the First Round Table Conferences take place?
(a) 1929
(b) 1930
(c) 1931
(d) 1932
Ans.: (b)
1489. Where were all the Round Table Conferences sheld?
(a) London
(b) Delhi
(c) Bombay
(d) Madras
Ans.: (a)
1490. The First Round Table Conference was called to discuss the ____ commission Report.
(a) Mudiman
(b) Butler
(c) Simon
(d) Mac Donald
Ans.: (c)
1491. How many Congress delegates attended the First Round Table Conference?
(a) 10
(b) 0
(c) 15
(d) 5
Ans.: (b)
1492. When did Irwin and Gandhi negotiate a settlement?
(a) May 1931
(b) July 1931
(c) October 1931
(d) March 1931
Ans.: (d)
1493. The Gandhi-Irwin settlement was approved by the Congress at its ____ session.
(a) Karachi
(b) Lahore
(c) Faizpur
(d) Lucknow
Ans.: (a)
1494. Gandhi went to England in ____ 1931 to attend the Second Round Table Conference.
(a) October 1931
(b) June 1931
(c) September 1931
(d) March 1931
Ans.: (c)
1495. In ______ 1931, the Congress started a no-rent, no-tax campaign.
(a) October
(b) December
(c) June
(d) January
Ans.: (b)
1496. Who led a peasant movement against the government’s land revenue policy in the North West Frontier
(a) Congress
(b) Socialist Party
(c) Communist Party
(d) Khudai Khidmatgars
Ans.: (d)
1497. Who replaced Irwin as the viceroy in 1931?
(a) Linlithgow
(b) Reading
(c) Willingdon
(d) Wavell
Ans.: (c)
1498. Where in Andhra were four persons killed for putting up Gandhi’s portrait?
(a) East Godavari
(b) Salem
(c) Hyderabad
(d) Guntoor district
Ans.: (a)
1499. When did the Congress officially suspend the Civil Disobedience Movement?
(a) June 1932
(b) October 1933
(c) March 1931
(d) May 1933
Ans.: (d)
1500. When was the Civil Disobedience Movement finally withdrawn?
(a) May 1934
(b) August 1933
(c) June 1932
(d) October 1935
Ans.: (a)
1501. When was the third Round Table Conference held?
(a) July 1932
(b) November 1932
(c) January 1932
(d) March 1932
Ans.: (b)
1502. The Government of India Act 1935 was a result of discussions in the ____.
(a) All Party Conference
(b) 3rd Round Table Conference
(c) Lucknow session of Congress
(d) 2nd Round Table Conference
Ans.: (b)
1503. What percentage of population in British India was given the right to vote under the 1935 Act?
(a) 14
(b) 16
(c) 9
(d) 15
Ans.: (a)
1504. The Congress condemned the ___ Act as “totally disappointing”?
(a) 1909
(b) 1947
(c) 1919
(d) 1935
Ans.: (d)
1505. When were elections held in 1937?
(a) June
(b) October
(c) February
(d) December
Ans.: (c)
1506. How many election meetings were addressed by Gandhiji in the run up to the elections of 1937?
(a) 5
(b) 13
(c) 0
(d) 20
Ans.: (c)
1507. Congress ministries were formed in July 1937 in ____ out of eleven provinces.
(a) Five
(b) Seven
(c) Nine
(d) Eleven
Ans.: (b)
1508. Which party formed government in the Punjab?
(a) Krashak Praja Party
(b) Unionist Party
(c) Indian Liberal Party
(d) Congress Socialist Party
Ans.: (b)
1509. After the elections of 1937, ____ came to ruled by a coalition of the Krashak Praja Party and the Muslim
(a) Bengal
(b) Punjab
(c) Sind
(d) Assam
Ans.: (a)
1510. When did economic depression hit the United States?
(a) 1925
(b) 1931
(c) 1933
(d) 1929
Ans.: (d)
1511. Jawaharlal Nehru became the Congress President in 1929, 1936 and ____.
(a) 1935
(b) 1939
(c) 1937
(d) 1942
Ans.: (c)
1512. Who became the Congress President in 1938 and 1939?
(a) J.L. Nehru
(b) Abul Kalam Azad
(c) Gandhi
(d) S.C. Bose
Ans.: (d)
1513. Nehru urged the Congress to accept Socialism as its goal in ____ at Lucknow?
(a) 1936
(b) 1931
(c) 1939
(d) 1916
Ans.: (a)
1514. Who said: “I am convinced that the only key to the solution of the world’s problems and of India’s problems
lies in socialism”?
(a) M.L. Nehru
(b) J.L. Nehru
(c) S.C. Bose
(d) Gandhi
Ans.: (b)
1515. The Congress passed the resolution on Fundamental Rights at its ____ session.
(a) Faizpur
(b) Lucknow
(c) Lahore
(d) Karachi
Ans.: (d)
1515. When was the historic Karachi session of the Congress held?
(a) 1933
(b) 1935
(c) 1931
(d) 1936
Ans.: (c)
1516. Who was the nationalist leader instrumental in getting the above said resolution passed?
(a) V.B. Patel
(b) J.L. Nehru
(c) A.K. Azad
(d) Gandhi
Ans.: (b)
1517. The Faizpur session of the Congress was held in ____.
(a) 1936
(b) 1931
(c) 1933
(d) 1934
Ans.: (a)
1518. When did the Congress working committee adopt a resolution for the abolition of landlordism?
(a) 1946
(b) 1947
(c) 1943
(d) 1945
Ans.: (d)
1519. When did the Congresss set up a National Planning Committee?
(a) 1938
(b) 1935
(c) 1933
(d) 1931
Ans.: (a)
1520. Who was the President of the Congress when the National Planning Committee was formed?
(a) J.L. Nehru
(b) A.Patwardhan
(c) S.C. Bose
(d) Jai Prakash Narayan
Ans.: (c)
1521. Who chaired Congress’ National Planning Committee in 1938?
(a) S.C. Bose
(b) J.L. Nehru
(c) Gandhi
(d) M.A.K. Azad
Ans.: (b)
1522. Who declared in 1942: “the land belongs to those who will work on it and none else”?
(a) J.L. Nehru
(b) B.R. Ambedkar
(c) Gandhiji
(d) S.C. Bose
Ans.: (c)
1523. When was the Congress Socialist Party formed?
(a) 1934
(b) 1936
(c) 1932
(d) 1933
Ans.: (a)
1524. Acharya Narendra Dev and Jai Prakash Narayan founded the ____ party.
(a) Communist Party
(b) Swatantra Party
(c) Unionist Party
(d) Congress Socialist
Ans.: (d)
1525. When did Subhash Chandra Bose resign from the presidentship of the Congress?
(a) May 1939
(b) December 1939
(c) June 1939
(d) April 1939
Ans.: (d)
1526. The All India Students Federation and the All India Progressive Writers Association were formed in the ____.
(a) 1910s
(b) 1920s
(c) 1930s
(d) 1940s
Ans.: (c)
1527. When did Jawaharlal Nehru attend the Congress of oppressed Nationalities?
(a) 1929
(b) 1930
(c) 1927
(d) 1931
Ans.: (a)
1528. Where was the Congress of Oppressed Nationalities held in 1927?
(a) Brussels
(b) London
(c) Ottawa
(d) Berlin
Ans.: (c)
1529. Nehru was elected to the Executive Council of the League against ____.
(a) Imperialism
(b) Capitalism
(c) Fascism
(d) Nazism
Ans.: (a)
1530. Which session of the Congress warned the government that the people of India would not support Britain in
any war undertaken to further its imperialist aims?
(a) Bombay
(b) Haripura
(c) Lucknow
(d) Madras
Ans.: (d)
1531. Who led a medical mission to China in 1938?
(a) Dr. Kotnis
(b) Dr. M.A. Ansari
(c) Dr. M. Atal
(d) Dr. Saifuddin
Ans.: (c)
1532. When was the Chamber of Princes created?
(a) 1923
(b) 1921
(c) 1925
(d) 1927
Ans.: (b)
1533. When was the All India States People’s Conference founded?
(a) 1925
(b) 1929
(c) 1927
(d) 1931
Ans.: (c)
1534. Which Act introduced Provincial Dyarchy?
(a) 1909
(b) 1892
(c) 1919
(d) 1935
Ans.: (c)
1535. Under the Act of 1919, ____ subjects were administered by the Governor and his executive council.
(a) Transferred
(b) State
(c) Concurrent
(d) Reserved
Ans.: (d)
1536. Under the Act of 1919, ____ subjects were administered by the Governor and his Minister
(a) State
(b) Transferred
(c) Concurrent
(d) Reserved
Ans.: (b)
1537. Under which Act was the ‘King’s Council’ established for the first time?
(a) 1919
(b) 1921
(c) 1923
(d) 1925
Ans.: (a)
1538. Which Act gave representation to the Sikhs, Anglo-Indians, Europeans and Christians along with the
(a) 1923
(b) 1925
(c) 1927
(d) 1919
Ans.: (d)
1539. After the Non-Cooperation movement; Deshbandhu C.R. Das, Motilal Nehru came to be known as _____
(a) no
(b) passive
(c) pro
(d) violent
Ans.: (c)
1540. C.Rajagopalachari, M.A. Ansari belonged to the ____ changer group.
(a) Pro
(b) passive
(c) No
(d) violent
Ans.: (c)
1541. Who presided over the Gaya session of the Congress in December 1922?
(a) M.L. Nehru
(b) C.R. Das
(c) Gandhi
(d) Sarojini Naidu
Ans.: (b)
1542. Where was the Swaraj Party formed in March, 1923?
(a) Allahabad
(b) Lucknow
(c) Bombay
(d) Madras
Ans.: (a)
1543. In 1923, council elections were held in the month of _____.
(a) November
(b) June
(c) January
(d) October
Ans.: (a)
1544. The ____ Committee considered the system of Dyarchy as proper in 1924.
(a) Butler
(b) Alexander Mudiman
(c) Dyer
(d) Lawrence
Ans.: (b)
1545. Who was the leader of the Swaraj Party in the Central Provinces?
(a) G.B. Pant
(b) S. Vidyarthi
(c) S.V. Tambe
(d) D. Majumdar
Ans.: (c)
1546. The Act of 1919 had a provision for its review after a lapse of ____ years.
(a) 5
(b) 10
(c) 7
(d) 9
Ans.: (b)
1547. Which commission was also known as ‘White Men Commission’?
(a) Rand Commission
(b) Simon Commission
(c) Robertson Commission
(d) Butler Commission
Ans.: (b)
1548. There were ____ members in the Simon Commission.
(a) 8
(b) 9
(c) 7
(d) 6
Ans.: (c)
1549. Who led a demonstration against the Simon Commission at Lucknow?
(a) J.L. Nehru
(b) V.B. Patel
(c) M.L. Nehru
(d) G.B. Pant
Ans.: (d)
1550. Whose last words were : “Every blow on my body will prove a nail in the coffin of the British empire”?
(a) S.V. Tambe
(b) A. Sitram raju
(c) P. Lahri
(d) Lajpat Rai
Ans.: (d)
1551. When was the report of the Simon Commission published?
(a) May 1930
(b) June 1930
(c) March 1930
(d) October 1930
Ans.: (a)
1552. The Simon Commission Report sought to delink _____ from India.
(a) Nepal
(b) Bhutan
(c) Burma
(d) Afghanistan
Ans.: (c)
1553. Who found the Simon Commission Report fit for throwing into a basket?
(a) Jawahar Lal Nehru
(b) Mahatma Gandhi
(c) Abul Kalam Azad
(d) Shiva Swamy Iyer
Ans.: (d)
1554. Who was the Secretary of State in 1928?
(a) Birkenhead
(b) Risley
(c) Hamilton
(d) Robertson
Ans.: (a)
1555. How many organisations took part in the All Party Meeting held on 28 February, 1928?
(a) 25
(b) 29
(c) 27
(d) 31
Ans.: (b)
1556. How many members comprised the Committee constituted to draw up a blue print for the future constitution
of India in 1928?
(a) 7
(b) 8
(c) 5
(d) 10
Ans.: (b)
1557. Who was the head of the above mentioned committee?
(a) J.L. Nehru
(b) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
(c) Motilal Nehru
(d) Subhash Chandra Bose
Ans.: (c)
1559. When was the Nehru Report published?
(a) July 1928
(b) October 1928
(c) May 1928
(d) December 1928
Ans.: (a)
1560. The Nehru Report was unanimously adopted by the ____ session of the Congress?
(a) Lucknow
(b) Bombay
(c) Banaras
(d) Calcutta
Ans.: (a)
1561. When was the Nehru Report adopted by the Congress?
(a) 16 September, 1928
(b) 1 October, 1928
(c) 10 August, 1928
(d) 7 December, 1928
Ans.: (c)
1562. Who was the President of the Muslim League who rejected the Nehru Report?
(a) Muhammad Iqbal
(b) Sikander Hyat Khan
(c) Kharak Singh
(d) Dastur Mirza
Ans.: (c)
1563. Where was the annual session of the Congress held in 1928?
(a) Lahore
(b) Lucknow
(c) Bombay
(d) Calcutta
Ans.: (d)
1564. The Congress served an ultimatum to the British government to accept the Nehru Report by ____ 1929, or
face another movement.
(a) 7 December
(b) 2 October
(c) 23 September
(d) 31 December
Ans.: (d)
1565. Who was the Muslim League leader who drew a list of 14 demands?
(a) Suhrawardi Khan
(b) Liaqat Husain
(c) Muhammad Ali Jinnah
(d) Sikander Hyat Khan
Ans.: (c)
1566. The place where the Lahore session of the Congress was held in 1929 was renamed as
(a) Kirtinagar
(b) Lajpatrai Nagar
(c) Shernagar
(d) Shikar Pur
Ans.: (b)
1567. The Congress passed the ‘Complete Independence’ Resolution at Lahore on the banks of ____.
(a) Chenab
(b) Ravi
(c) Jhelum
(d) Beas
Ans.: (b)
1568. How many communist leaders were arrested in the Meerut Conspiracy Case?
(a) 27
(b) 29
(c) 31
(d) 42
Ans.: (c)
1569. Wherein February 1930, did the Congress authorise Gandhi to launch a movement?
(a) Sabarmati
(b) Ambala
(c) Surat
(d) Ahmedabad
Ans.: (a)
1570. When was the First Round Table Conference held?
(a) 1 October, 1930
(b) 12 November, 1930
(c) 2 June, 1930
(d) 10 May, 1930
Ans.: (b)
1571. When was the Second Round Table Conference held?
(a) 2 June, 1931
(b) 23 March, 1931
(c) 26 January, 1931
(d) 7 September, 1931
Ans.: (d)
1572. Where was B.R. Ambedkar born in 1891?
(a) Mahoba
(b) Bhopal
(c) Mhow
(d) Chorma
Ans.: (c)
1573. From which university did Ambedkar get his Ph.D.?
(a) Columbia
(b) Michigan
(c) Cambridge
(d) Bristol
Ans.: (a)
1574. The Communal Award is associated with the British Prime Minsiter _____.
(a) Churchill
(b) C. Atlee
(c) Mac donald
(d) Gladstone
Ans.: (c)
1575. Gandhi went on a fast unto death in the ____ jail on 20 September, 1932.
(a) Nasik
(b) Bhopal
(c) Gwalior
(d) Yeravada
Ans.: (d)
1576. Where was the Poona Pact agreed?
(a) Satara
(b) Pune
(c) Kolhapur
(d) Nasik
Ans.: (b)
1577. What was the number of seats reserved by the Communal Award for the Depressed Classes?
(a) 71
(b) 65
(c) 52
(d) 59
Ans.: (a)
1578. How many seats were reserved by the Poona Pact in the Provincial Legislatures for the Depressed classes?
(a) 148
(b) 141
(c) 132
(d) 127
Ans.: (a)
1579. When was the third Round Table Conference held?
(a) 2 September – 10 October, 1932
(b) 15 May – 5 June, 1932
(c) 17 November – 24 December 1932
(d) 7 April – 25 April, 1932
Ans.: (c)
1580. When did the British Government issue a White Paper?
(a) July 1935
(b) January 1935
(c) March 1933
(d) October 1934
Ans.: (c)
1581. When did the Congress decide to lauch an individual Civil Disobedience?
(a) June 1933
(b) August 1933
(c) May 1933
(d) July 1933
Ans.: (d)
1582. How many parts were there in the 1935 Act?
(a) 7
(b) 9
(c) 11
(d) 14
Ans.: (d)
1583. How many Acts did the 1935 Act contain?
(a) 373
(b) 395
(c) 451
(d) 423
Ans.: (c)
1584. Which two new provinces were the creation of 1935 Act?
(a) Oudh and Assam
(b) Orissa and Sindh
(c) Orissa and Assam
(d) None of these
Ans.: (b)
1585. Which Act proposed for the establishment of an ‘All India Federation’?
(a) 1935 Act
(b) 1909 Act
(c) 1892 Act
(d) 1935 Act
Ans.: (a)
1586. Who called the federation proposed by the 1935 Act as a ‘Lame Federation’?
(a) Jawaharlal Nehru
(b) C.Y. Chintamani
(c) Subhash Chandra Bose
(d) Mahatma Gandhi
Ans.: (b)
1587. Who termed the 1935 Act as a ‘charter of Slavery’?
(a) Gandhi
(b) A. Patwardhan
(c) J.L. Nehru
(d) C. Rajgopalachari
Ans.: (c)
1588. Which Act introduced Provincial Autonomy?
(a) 1909 Act
(b) 1935 Act
(c) 1919 Act
(d) 1947 Act
Ans.: (b)
1589. Who described the 1935 Act as “thoroughly rotten, fundamentally bad and totally unacceptable”?
(a) J.L. Nehru
(b) V.B. Patel
(c) M.A. Jinnah
(d) C.Y. Chintamani
Ans.: (c)
1590. Under the 1935 Act, only ____ per cent of India’s population became eligible to vote
(a) 17
(b) 19
(c) 13
(d) 21
Ans.: (c)
1591. When did Congress include in its goal of independence, the independence of princely states also?
(a) 1938
(b) 1931
(c) 1936
(d) 1939
Ans.: (a)
1592. At which session did the Congress decide to take a more active part in the states people’s movements?
(a) Haripura
(b) Lucknow
(c) Faizpur
(d) Tripuri
Ans.: (d)
1593. When did Jawarhar Lal Nehru become the President of the All India States People Conference?
(a) 1939
(b) 1937
(c) 1936
(d) 1935
Ans.: (a)
1594. When did the Muslim League pass a resolution demanding partition of the country?
(a) 1937
(b) 1938
(c) 1940
(d) 1939
Ans.: (c)
1595. When did the Second World War break out?
(a) September 1939
(b) June 1939
(c) May 1939
(d) December 1939
Ans.: (d)
1596. When did the Congress ministries resign?
(a) 1937
(b) 1938
(c) 1940
(d) 1939
Ans.: (d)
1597. When did Gandhiji call for a limited satyagraha by a few selected individuals?
(a) September 1940
(b) November 1940
(c) July 1940
(d) October 1940
Ans.: (c)
1598. Who was the first to offer Individual Satyagraha?
(a) Jawahar Lal Nehru
(b) Abul Kalam Azad
(c) Vinoba Bhave
(d) Rajendra Prasad
Ans.: (c)
1599. When did Japan occupy Rangoon?
(a) June 1942
(b) January 1942
(c) March 1942
(d) October 1942
Ans.: (c)
1600. When did the Cabinet Mission come to India?
(a) March 1942
(b) January 1943
(c) June 1942
(d) October 1943
Ans.: (a)
1601. The Cabinet Mission was headed by Sir ____ Cripps.
(a) Michael
(b) Alexander
(c) Duncan
(d) Stafford
Ans.: (d)
1602. Who declared in 1942 that the aim of British policy in India was “the earliest possible realisation of self-
government in India”?
(a) Lord Wavell
(b) Stafford Cripps
(c) Winston Churchill
(d) Pethic Lawrence
Ans.: (b)
1603. When did the Congress pass the famous ‘Quit India Resolution’?
(a) 6 August, 1942
(b) 7 August, 1941
(c) 8 August, 1942
(d) 9 August, 1942
Ans.: (c)
1604. Where was the Quit India Resolution passed?
(a) Nagpur
(b) Bombay
(c) Poona
(d) Madras
Ans.: (b)
1605. Who said: “I, therefore, want freedom immediately this very night, before dawn, if it can be had”?
(a) Gandhi
(b) S.C. Bose
(c) J.L. Nehru
(d) Abul Kalam Azad
Ans.: (a)
1606. Who gave the slogan of “Do or Die”?
(a) S.C. Bose
(b) J.B. Kriplani
(c) J.L. Nehru
(d) Gandhi
Ans.: (d)
1607. When in 1942 were most of the Congress leaders arrested?
(a) 8 June
(b) 5 September
(c) 15 October
(d) 9 August
Ans.: (d)
1608. During the Quit India movement, “____ governments” were established at Ballia, Tamluk, and Satara.
(a) parallel
(b) independent
(c) panchayati
(d) village
Ans.: (a)
1609. In 1943, ____ was plunged into the worst famine in recent history.
(a) Orissa
(b) Rajputana
(c) Bengal
(d) Kathiawad
Ans.: (c)
1610. When did Subhash Bose escape from India?
(a) January 1940
(b) March 1941
(c) June 1941
(d) September 1942
Ans.: (d)
1611. Where did Subhash Bose go to at first in March 1941?
(a) Germany
(b) Soviet Union
(c) Japan
(d) Singapore
Ans.: (b)
1612. From the Soviet Union, Subhash Bose went to ____ in June 1941.
(a) Germany
(b) Japan
(c) Singapore
(d) China
Ans.: (a)
1613. In February 1943, Subhas Bose left Germany for ____.
(a) China
(b) Soviet Union
(c) Japan
(d) Singapore
Ans.: (c)
1614. Where did Subhash Bose form the Azad Hind Fauj?
(a) Singapore
(b) Burma
(c) Japan
(d) Nepal
Ans.: (a)
1615. ____ helped S.C. Bose in the formation of the Azad Hind Fauz.
(a) Prem Singh Dhillon
(b) Abdul Rashid
(c) Mohan Singh
(d) Rash Behari Bose
Ans.: (d)
1616. Who took steps for the organisation of the INA before the arrival of S.C. Bose?
(a) Abdul Rashid
(b) Gurdiyal Singh
(c) Namazbaksh
(d) Mohan Singh
Ans.: (c)
1617. The INA joined the Japanese army in its March on India from ____.
(a) Singapore
(b) Burma
(c) Bhutan
(d) China
Ans.: (b)
1618. When did the Second World War end in Europe?
(a) April 1945
(b) October 1945
(c) May 1945
(d) August 1945
Ans.: (a)
1619. The INA officers: Shah Nawaz Khan, Gurdial Singh Dhillon and Prem Sehgal were tried at the ____ in Delhi.
(a) Qutb Minar
(b) Red Fort
(c) Jama Masjid
(d) Civil Lines
Ans.: (b)
1620. Where did the famous revolt of the Indian naval ratings take place?
(a) Bombay
(b) Calcutta
(c) Delhi
(d) Madras
Ans.: (a)
1621. When did the revolt of the Indian naval ratings at Bombay occur?
(a) March 1945
(b) February 1946
(c) August 1946
(d) January 1947
Ans.: (b)
1622. In 1946, the Indian Signal corps at ____ went on strike.
(a) Bhopal
(b) Dehradun
(c) Ambala
(d) Jabalpur
Ans.: (d)
1623. On 12 February, 1946, there was a mass demonstration in Calcutta to demand the release of ____.
(a) Shah Nawaz
(b) Prem Sehgal
(c) Gurdiyal Singh
(d) Abdur Rashid
Ans.: (d)
1624. In ____ 1946, there was an all India strike by the postal and telegraph workers.
(a) July
(b) March
(c) June
(d) February
Ans.: (a)
1625. Railway workers in South India went on strike in ____ 1946.
(a) August
(b) July
(c) June
(d) October
Ans.: (a)
1626. Where was the 1937 session of the Muslim League held?
(a) Lucknow
(b) Karachi
(c) Lahore
(d) Agra
Ans.: (a)
1627. When did the League bring out the Pirpur Report and the Sharif Report?
(a) 1936
(b) 1939
(c) 1937
(d) 1938
Ans.: (d)
1628. Which day was celebrated by the Muslim League as the ‘Deliverance Day’?
(a) 12 December
(b) 2 October
(c) 26 January
(d) 14 August
Ans.: (a)
1629. Where was the 1941 session of the League held?
(a) Bombay
(b) Madras
(c) Patiala
(d) Calcutta
Ans.: (b)
1630. When did the British government make the ‘August offer’?
(a) 8 August, 1940
(b) 9 August, 1939
(c) 14 August, 1939
(d) 23 August, 1940
Ans.: (a)
1631. When did ‘Individual Satyagraha’ begin?
(a) 2 September, 1940
(b) 5 September, 1940
(c) 17 October, 1940
(d) 15 October, 1940
Ans.: (c)
1632. Who was the second person to perform individual satyagraha?
(a) V.B. Patel
(b) Rajendra Prasad
(c) Vinoba Bhave
(d) J.L. Nehru
Ans.: (d)
1633. ____ was the third person to offer individual satyagraha.
(a) S.C. Bose
(b) G.B. Pant
(c) Brahma Dutt
(d) G.V. Mavlankar
Ans.: (c)
1634. Where was the Quit India Resolution passed by the Congress Working Committee in July 1942?
(a) Barodli
(b) Wardha
(c) Poona
(d) Nasik
Ans.: (b)
1635. Some hints of Congress programme for the Quit India Movement was given in the paper ____.
(a) Harijan
(b) Hindu
(c) New India
(d) Statesman
Ans.: (a)
1636. Where was Gandhiji imprisoned after being arrested in August 1942?
(a) Gwalior
(b) Poona
(c) Delhi
(d) Bhopal
Ans.: (b)
1637. Where were J.L Nehru, Abul Kalam Azad, G.B. Pant, Aruna Asaf Ali, etc imprisoned during the Quit India
(a) Golconda Fort
(b) Ahmadnagar Fort
(c) Gwalior Fort
(d) Red Fort
Ans.: (b)
1638. Where was Dr. Rajendra Prasad interned?
(a) Bareilly
(b) Agra
(c) Patna
(d) Secunderbad
Ans.: (c)
1639. Which party decided to carry on the Quit India Movement in the absence of the Congress?
(a) Congress Socialist Party
(b) Indian Liberal Party
(c) Indian Labour Union
(d) Swatantra Party
Ans.: (a)
1640. The leader of the Congress Socialist Party who played a key role in the Quit India Movement was ____.
(a) Acharya Narendra Dev
(b) P.C. Joshi
(c) Jaya Prakash Narayan
(d) J.B. Kriplani
Ans.: (c)
1641. Who called the Quit India Movement as ‘Student-Farmer-Middle class Revolt’?
(a) Jawaharlal Nehru
(b) Subhash Chandra Bose
(c) Abul Kalam Azad
(d) Dr. Amba Prasad
Ans.: (d)
1642. Where was the Hindu Mahasabha established in 1915?
(a) Banaras
(b) Haridwar
(c) Dwarka
(d) Ayodhaya
Ans.: (b)
1643. Who founded the Hindu Mahasabha?
(a) Madan Mohan Malviya
(b) Annie Baasant
(c) V.D. Savarkar
(d) D.N. Karve
Ans.: (a)
1644. Which politico-religious party gave the call of ‘Undivided India’?
(a) RSS
(b) Vishwa Hindu Parishad
(c) Hindu Mahasabha
(d) Bajrang Dal
Ans.: (c)
1645. Which movement was described by Linlithgow as the most dangerous since 1857?
(a) Non-Cooperation
(b) Individual Satyagraha
(c) Civil Disobedience
(d) Quit India
Ans.: (d)
1646. The Communist Party remained illegal during ____.
(a) 1932-1936
(b) 1937-1945
(c) 1934-1942
(d) 1939-1940
Ans.: (c)
1647. Which party described itself as:‘We are a practical party and in a new situation it is our task not only to evolve
a new form of struggle for it but also to advance new slogans’?
(a) Congress
(b) Communist Party
(c) Muslim League
(d) Forward Bloc
Ans.: (b)
1648. When was Subhash Chandra Bose born?
(a) 1897
(b) 1893
(c) 1889
(d) 1877
Ans.: (a)
1649. Where was Subhash Bose born?
(a) Baroda
(b) Calcutta
(c) Cuttack
(d) Bhuvaneshwar
Ans.: (c)
1650. When did Subhash Bose compete in the Civil Services Examination?
(a) 1905
(b) 1920
(c) 1913
(d) 1917
Ans.: (b)
1651. Who inspired Subhash Bose to join the National Freedom Struggle?
(a) C.R. Das
(b) P.C. Roy
(c) J.L. Nehru
(d) V.B. Patel
Ans.: (a)
1652. When was Subhash Bose elected Mayor of Calcutta?
(a) 1917
(b) 1921
(c) 1922
(d) 1923
Ans.: (d)
1653. Where was Subhash Bose imprisoned in October 1924?
(a) Bhopal
(b) Mandalay
(c) Delhi
(d) Lahore
Ans.: (b)
1654. In 1938, Subhash Bose was elected President of the Congress at its _____ session.
(a) Tripuri
(b) Lucknow
(c) Haripura
(d) Faizpur
Ans.: (c)
1655. Who was Gandhiji’s candidate defeated by Subhash Bose in the Congress Presidential election in 1939?
(a) Pattabhi Sitaramayya
(b) Rajendra Prasad
(c) Abul Kalam Azad
(d) Vallabhbhai Patel
Ans.: (a)
1656. Who assassinated General Dyer in London on 13 March, 1940?
(a) Madan Singh
(b) Uttam Sen
(c) Suryakant Dave
(d) Udham Singh
Ans.: (d)
1657. Who was the elder brother of Subhash Bose?
(a) Aurobindo Bose
(b) Dinanath Bose
(c) Rash Bihari Bose
(d) Prashant Bose
Ans.: (c)
1658. Where was Subhash Bose first addressed as Netaji?
(a) Singapore
(b) Germany
(c) Japan
(d) Soviet Union
Ans.: (b)
1659. The Indian nationalist leader to have met Hitler was ____.
(a) V.D. Savarkar
(b) Rash Behari Bose
(c) Subhash Bose
(d) V. Bhai Patel
Ans.: (c)
1660. Subhash Bose escaped from India on 16 February, 1941 in the guise of a ____.
(a) Pathan
(b) Sanyasin
(c) Scavenger
(d) Soldier
Ans.: (a)
1661. Where did Subhash Bose give the war cry of ‘Dilli Chalo’?
(a) Singapore
(b) Osaka
(c) Rangoon
(d) Tokyo
Ans.: (a)
1662. When did Subhash Bose reach Singapore?
(a) 2 June, 1941
(b) 5 September, 1944
(c) 3 May, 1942
(d) 2 July, 1943
Ans.: (d)
1663. On 5 July, 1943, ____ was made the President of Indian Independence League.
(a) Madan Singh
(b) Subhash Bose
(c) V.D. Savarkar
(d) Rash Behari Bose
Ans.: (b)
1664. When did Subhash Bose become the Supreme Commander of the Indian National Army?
(a) October 1943
(b) July 1943
(c) June 1943
(d) December 1943
Ans.: (a)
1665. Who gave the slogan of ‘Jai Hind’?
(a) Gandhi
(b) V.D. Savarkar
(c) Subhash Bose
(d) Bhagat Singh
Ans.: (c)
1666. After whose name did Subhash Bose raise a women detachment of the INA?
(a) Ahilya Bai
(b) Lakshmibai
(c) Draupadi
(d) Chand Bibi
Ans.: (b)
1667. On 8 November, 1943, Japan handed over ___ to Subhash Bose.
(a) Manipur
(b) Burma
(c) Andaman & Nicobar Islands
(d) Bhutan
Ans.: (c)
1668. Andaman Island was named as ____ Island by Subhash Bose.
(a) Vijay
(b) Swarajya
(c) Kranti
(d) Shaheed
Ans.: (d)
1669. Nicobar Island was named as ____ Island by Subhash Bose.
(a) Swaraj
(b) Kranti
(c) Shaheed
(d) Dharma
Ans.: (a)
1670. When did Subhash Bose die?
(a) 7 June, 1945
(b) 1 September, 1945
(c) 18 August, 1945
(d) 13 November, 1945
Ans.: (c)
1671. Where did some soldiers of Air Force stage a hartal against the British government on 20 January, 1946?
(a) Lahore
(b) Delhi
(c) Bombay
(d) Karachi
Ans.: (d)
1672. The Revolt in the Royal Indian Navy on 19 February, 1946, came to an end due to the efforts of ____.
(a) Jawahar Lal Nehru
(b) Vallabhbhai Patel
(c) Abul Kalam Azad
(d) Mahatma Gandhi
Ans.: (b)
1673. Which was the most militant of the post second world war struggles?
(a) Moplah
(b) Telengana
(c) Tebhaga
(d) Champaran
Ans.: (c)
1674. The Tebhaga struggle was waged by the sharecroppers of ____.
(a) Punjab
(b) Gujarat
(c) Bengal
(d) Oudh
Ans.: (c)
1675. When were elections to provincial assemblies held?
(a) May 1946
(b) July 1946
(c) October 1946
(d) early 1946
Ans.: (d)
1676. When did the Cabinet Mission come to India?
(a) January 1946
(b) February 1946
(c) August 1946
(d) March 1946
Ans.: (d)
1676. In ____ 1946 an Interim cabinet was formed by the Congress.
(a) July
(b) January
(c) September
(d) December
Ans.: (c)
1677. Who headed the Interim cabinet?
(a) J.L. Nehru
(b) Rajendra Prasad
(c) M.A. Jinnah
(d) Vallabhbhai Patel
Ans.: (a)
1678. The Muslim League joined the cabinet in ____ 1946.
(a) October
(b) March
(c) June
(d) December
Ans.: (a)
1679. On ____ 1947, Clement Attlee declared that the British would quit India by June 1948.
(a) 15 May
(b) 20 February
(c) 6 June
(d) 15 August
Ans.: (b)
1680. When did Mountbatten come to India as viceroy?
(a) June 1946
(b) October 1946
(c) March 1947
(d) July 1947
Ans.: (c)
1681. In the ____ province, plebiscite was held.
(a) Oudh
(b) Hyderabad
(c) Kashmir
(d) NWFP
Ans.: (d)
1682. Which was the district in Assam where plebiscite was held?
(a) Asansol
(b) Sylhet
(c) Siliguri
(d) Dispur
Ans.: (b)
1683. The announcement that India and Pakistan would be free was made on ____ 1947.
(a) 3 June
(b) 5 July
(c) 20 March
(d) 27 May
Ans.: (a)
1684. The Nizam of Hyderabad was forced to accede to India in ___.
(a) 1948
(b) 1949
(c) 1950
(d) 1947
Ans.: (a)
1685. The Maharaja of Kashmir acceded to India in ____ 1947.
(a) August
(b) October
(c) September
(d) November
Ans.: (b)
1686. Who remarked in 1941: “The wheels of fate will some day compel the English to give up their Indian Empire.
But what kind of India will they leave behind”?
(a) Jawahar Lal Nehru
(b) Gandhi
(c) Rabindranath Tagore
(d) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
Ans.: (c)
1687. When did Lord Wavell come to India as the New Viceroy?
(a) October 1943
(b) August 1942
(c) September 1944
(d) December 1941
Ans.: (a)
1688. The Rajgopalachari Formula was evolved in ____ 1944.
(a) July
(b) January
(c) June
(d) March
Ans.: (d)
1689. When was the Wavell Plan brought out?
(a) 20 October, 1946
(b) 2 June, 1946
(c) 14 June, 1945
(d) 15 August, 1945
Ans.: (c)
1690. What was the period of the Simla Conference?
(a) 2 March – 29 March, 1945
(b) 7 October – 3 November, 1945
(c) 25 June – 14 July, 1945
(d) 2 June – 21 June 1945
Ans.: (b)
1691. Who became the Secretary of State for India in 1945?
(a) Alexander Duff
(b) Pethick Lawrence
(c) Stafford Cripps
(d) Lord Irwin
Ans.: (b)
1692. When did Wavell announce general elections in India?
(a) 19 September 1945
(b) 6 September 1944
(c) 2 July 1945
(d) 4 November 1944
Ans.: (a)
1693. When did the Cabinet Mission reach India?
(a) 24 March, 1946
(b) 10 June, 1946
(c) 2 December, 1946
(d) 17 May, 1946
Ans.: (a)
1694. The members of the Cabinet Mission were : Stafford Cripps, A.B. Alexander and _____.
(a) Linlithgow
(b) Pethick Lawrence
(c) Clement Atlee
(d) R. Macdonald
Ans.: (b)
1695. When was the Cabinet Mission Plan issued?
(a) 10 June, 1946
(b) 2 March, 1946
(c) 16 May, 1946
(d) 20 Feb, 1946
Ans.: (c)
1696. The Muslim League accepted the Cabinet Mission Plan on ____.
(a) 2 June, 1946
(b) 6 June, 1946
(c) 16 June, 1946
(d) 27 June, 1946
Ans.: (b)
1697. The Congress accepted the Cabinet Mission plan on ____.
(a) 17 June, 1946
(b) 19 June, 1946
(c) 23 June, 1946
(d) 25 June, 1946
Ans.: (d)
1698. When were elections held for the formation of a Constitutent Assembly?
(a) March, 1946
(b) June, 1946
(c) July, 1946
(d) May, 1946
Ans.: (c)
1699. How many general seats did the Congress win?
(a) 185
(b) 197
(c) 212
(d) 205
Ans.: (d)
1700. Which day was fixed by the Muslim League as the ‘Direct Action Day’?
(a) 16 June, 1946
(b) 16 August, 1946
(c) 16 September, 1946
(d) 16 December, 1946
Ans.: (b)
1701. The call for direct action had its maximum impact in ____.
(a) Calcutta
(b) Lahore
(c) Bombay
(d) Karachi
Ans.: (a)
1702. Who led the Interim Government formed on 2 September, 1946?
(a) V.B. Patel
(b) B.R. Ambedkar
(c) J.L. Nehru
(d) M.A. Jinnah
Ans.: (c)
1703. When did the Muslim League join the Interim government?
(a) 15 July, 1946
(b) 26 October, 1946
(c) 13 September, 1946
(d) 5 December, 1946
Ans.: (b)
1704. When did the Indian Government meet for the first time?
(a) 5 October, 1946
(b) 21 November, 1946
(c) 9 December, 1946
(d) 23 December, 1946
Ans.: (c)
1705. Who moved the resolution in the A.I.C.C. for ratification of the Mountbatten Plan?
(a) J.L. Nehru
(b) V.R. Ambedkar
(c) v.B. Patel
(d) G.B. Pant
Ans.: (d)
1706. Who said, if the plan for India’s partition had not been accepted, then, “We would not have one Pakistan but
(a) J.L. Nehru
(b) V.B. Patel
(c) M.A. Jinnah
(d) Rajendra Prasad
Ans.: (b)
1707. When did the British Parliament pass the Indian Independence Act?
(a) 4 July, 1947
(b) 5 June, 1947
(c) 20 March, 1947
(d) 10 August, 1947
Ans.: (a)
1708. When did the British government enact the Indian Independence Act?
(a) 18 July, 1947
(b) 2 July, 1947
(c) 11 July, 1947
(d) 27 July, 1947
Ans.: (c)
1709. How many clauses were contained in the Independence Act?
(a) 20
(b) 13
(c) 27
(d) 19
Ans.: (a)
1710. Who became the first Governor- General of Independent India?
(a) C. Rajgopalachari
(b) Mountbatten
(c) J.L. Nehru
(d) Vallabhbhai Patel
Ans.: (d)
1711. Who became the first Governor-General of Pakistan?
(a) Suhrawardi Khan
(b) Muhammad Ali Jinnah
(c) Sikandar Hyat Khan
(d) Mia Altaf Ali
Ans.: (b)
1712. When was Gandhi killed?
(a) 14 November, 1947
(b) 26 January, 1948
(c) 30 January, 1948
(d) 2 October, 1948
Ans.: (c)
1713. Who assassinated Gandhi?
(a) N.R. Godse
(b) Ramadas Pillai
(c) Sujit Marathe
(d) Paramdeva Swami
Ans.: (a)
1714. When was the Indian Constitutional Assembly formed?
(a) 1944
(b) 1947
(c) 1945
(d) 1946
Ans.: (d)
1715. Under which ‘plan’ was the Indian Constituent Assembly formed?
(a) Wavell Plan
(b) Simla Plan
(c) Cabinet Mission Plan
(d) Cripps Plan
Ans.: (c)
1716. Who was the President of the Indian Constituent Assembly?
(a) B.R. Ambedkar
(b) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(c) J.B. Kriplani
(d) G.V. Mavalankar
Ans.: (b)
1717. When did the Constituent Assembly first meet?
(a) 9 December, 1946
(b) 12 September, 1946
(c) 9 August, 1946
(d) 2 June, 1946
Ans.: (a)
1718. When did the Constituent Assembly meet for the last time?
(a) 2 October, 1947
(b) 17 March, 1948
(c) 26 November, 1949
(d) 26 January, 1950
Ans.: (c)
1719. How many sessions were held by the Constituent Assembly?
(a) 13
(b) 15
(c) 9
(d) 11
Ans.: (d)
1720. The sessions of the Constituent Assembly were held over a period of ____ days.
(a) 179
(b) 165
(c) 137
(d) 139
Ans.: (b)
1721. Who drafted the Indian Constitution?
(a) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
(b) Rajendra Prasad
(c) C. Rajgopalachari
(d) John Mattiah
Ans.: (a)
1722. How many articles did the Indian Constitution have in original?
(a) 395
(b) 384
(c) 393
(d) 396
Ans.: (a)
1723. In how many parts was the Indian Constitution divided?
(a) 13
(b) 19
(c) 22
(d) 25
Ans.: (c)
1724. How many schedules did the Indian Constitution have in original?
(a) 3
(b) 8
(c) 7
(d) 10
Ans.: (b)
1725. When was the Indian Constitution formally signed by the Constituent, Assembly?
(a) 15 August, 1947
(b) 26 January, 1948
(c) 26 January, 1950
(d) 26 November, 1949
Ans.: (d)
1726. Who signed the Indian Constitution on 26 November 1949?
(a) B.R. Ambedkar
(b) Jawahar Lal Nehru
(c) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(d) Purushottam Das Tandon
Ans.: (c)
1727. On how many points did Dr. Rajendra Prasad express his dissent?
(a) 20
(b) 13
(c) 9
(d) 27
Ans.: (a)
1728. The constitution declared India to be a ____ Republic
(a) Sovereign Socialist
(b) Sovereign Democratic
(c) Democratic Socialist
(d) Sovereign Democratic Socialist
Ans.: (b)
1729. How many fundamental rights were proclaimed by the Indian Constitution?
(a) 5
(b) 4
(c) 7
(d) 3
Ans.: (c)
1730. The Supreme Court established by our Constitution, consisted of _____ Judges.
(a) 21
(b) 25
(c) 15
(d) 19
Ans.: (b)
1731. When was the Indian Constitution promulgated?
(a) 15 August, 1947
(b) 26 January, 1948
(c) 26 November, 1949
(d) 26 January, 1950
Ans.: (d)
1732. How many princely states did India inherit at the time of her independence?
(a) 562
(b) 485
(c) 372
(d) 640
Ans.: (a)
1733. The princely states accounted for ____ % of India’s total area.
(a) 52
(b) 33
(c) 48
(d) 27
Ans.: (c)
1734. The princely states accounted for _________ of India’s total population.
(a) 15
(b) 33
(c) 47
(d) 20
Ans.: (d)
1735. When did political awakening begin in the Princely states?
(a) 1919
(b) 1921
(c) 1935
(d) 1929
Ans.: (b)
1736. When was the All India States Peoples Conference born?
(a) 1921
(b) 1924
(c) 1926
(d) 1929
Ans.: (c)
1737. When was the first session of All India states Peoples conference held?
(a) 1927
(b) 1930
(c) 1935
(d) 1937
Ans.: (a)
1738. Who presided over the first session of All India states Peoples conference?
(a) Sahajanand Saraswati
(b) Mahatma Gandhi
(c) M. Ramchandra Rai
(d) Jawahar Lal Nehru
Ans.: (c)
1739. Diwan Bahadur M. Ramchandra Rai was the famous leader of ____.
(a) Salem
(b) Junagarh
(c) Hyderabad
(d) Ellore
Ans.: (d)
1740. Who proposed in 1934 for the introduction of responsible governments in the Princely states?
(a) Subhash Chandra Bose
(b) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(c) Jai Prakash Narayan
(d) Baba Ramachandra
Ans.: (b)
1741. For the reorganisation of princely states after independence, a state department was formed by the
Government of India on _____ 1947
(a) 27 June
(b) 2 July
(c) 1 October
(d) 7 December
Ans.: (a)
1742. Who headed the state department for the reorganisation of princely states?
(a) C.R. Deshmukh
(b) V. Raman Pillai
(c) Vallabhbhai Patel
(d) Rajendra Prasad
Ans.: (c)
1743. The native princes were asked by V.B. Patel to join the Indian Union by ____ 1947.
(a) 20 February
(b) 3 July
(c) 12 August
(d) 5 August
Ans.: (d)
1744. In _____, through a referendum, the people of Junagarh decided to join India.
(a) October 1947
(b) February 1948
(c) 18 July, 1947
(d) March 1948
Ans.: (b)
1745. When did Pakistan first intrude into Jammu and Kashmir?
(a) August 1947
(b) December 1947
(c) October 1947
(d) June 1948
Ans.: (a)
1746. Who was the ruler of Kashmir in 1947?
(a) Karan Singh
(b) Durga Das Dogra
(c) Hari Singh
(d) Hari Singh Zinta
Ans.: (c)
1747. Who was the Prime Minister of Hari Singh?
(a) Diwan Dinanath
(b) Harkishan Rai
(c) Ravindra Kumar Selja
(d) Meharchand Mahajan
Ans.: (d)
1748. When did Hari Singh send his Prime Minister with the signed papers of merger to India?
(a) 16 September, 1947
(b) 26 October, 1947
(c) 4 November, 1947
(d) 7 December, 1947
Ans.: (b)
1749. With whose help did Pakistan invade Kashmir on 21-22 October 1947?
(a) Talibans
(b) Kurds
(c) Pathan Qubailis
(d) Shias
Ans.: (c)
1750. To whom did Nehru appeal against the Pakistani intrusion into Kashmir?
(a) U.N.O.
(b) NATO
(d) European Union
Ans.: (a)
1751. When did the U.N. Secretary council ask the Indian and Pakistani armies to observe cease fire?
(a) 7 August, 1948
(b) 16 September, 1948
(c) 13 August, 1948
(d) 7 December, 1948
Ans.: (c)
1751. The Nizam of Hyderabad wanted to continue his arbitrary rule with the help of ____.
(a) Khokhars
(b) Rajakars
(c) Pashtuns
(d) Yusufzais
Ans.: (b)
1752. When did India undertake military action against Nizam?
(a) 12 June, 1948
(b) 3 July, 1948
(c) 25 August, 1948
(d) 13 September, 1948
Ans.: (d)
1753. What was India’s per capita income in 1948?
(a) Rs. 253
(b) Rs. 246
(c) Rs. 269
(d) Rs. 189
Ans.: (b)
1754. After partition, Pakistan got a share of the country’s ____ % of cotton production.
(a) 20%
(b) 33%
(c) 40%
(d) 46%
Ans.: (c)
1755. What percentage of jute production did Pakistan get after partition?
(a) 85%
(b) 63%
(c) 93%
(d) 59%
Ans.: (a)
1756. When was the first Foreign capital survey held in India?
(a) May 1948
(b) January 1948
(c) July 1948
(d) June 1948
Ans.: (d)
1757. When was the Sarvodaya scheme first proposed?
(a) 1946
(b) 1948
(c) 1949
(d) 1947
Ans.: (b)
1758. Who presented the Sarvodaya scheme?
(a) Jai Prakash Narain
(b) Vinoba Bhave
(c) C.R. Deshmukh
(d) J.B. Kriplani
Ans.: (a)
1759. The principal aim of Sarvodaya scheme was to build an exploitation free ______.
(a) economy
(b) industry
(c) Society
(d) polity
Ans.: (c)
1760. Where was the convention of members states of the Common- wealth of Nations held in January 1950?
(a) New Delhi
(b) Islamabad
(c) London
(d) Colombo
Ans.: (d)
1761. When were the 5-year plans first proposed?
(a) 1947
(b) 1948
(c) 1949
(d) 1950
Ans.: (b)
1762. Who was the first chairman of Planning Commission of India?
(a) V.B. Patel
(b) J.L. Nehru
(c) Vinoba Bhave
(d) Rajendra Prasad
Ans.: (b)
1763. When was the first 5-year plan put into operation?
(a) 1948
(b) 1949
(c) 1952
(d) 1951
Ans.: (d)
1764. The ____ of Indian Constitution indicates the basic ideals, nature and objectives of the constitution.
(a) Schedules
(b) Appendix
(c) Preamble
(d) Directive Principles
Ans.: (c)
1765. When was the Indian constitution adopted and enacted?
(a) 26 November, 1949
(b) 15 August, 1947
(c) 26 January, 1948
(d) 26 January, 1950
Ans.: (a)
1766. By which constitutional amendment was India declared a ‘socialist state’?
(a) 42nd
(b) 44th
(c) 73rd
(d) 83rd
Ans.: (a)
1767. The 44th constitutional amendment was brought in the year ____.
(a) 1973
(b) 1975
(c) 1977
(d) 1979
Ans.: (c)
1768. In which part of the Indian constitution is the ‘Directive Principles of state Policy’ described?
(a) V
(b) III
(c) IV
(d) VII
Ans.: (c)
1769. Articles ___ to 51 contain the Directive Principles of state policy?
(a) 32
(b) 39
(c) 37
(d) 36
Ans.: (d)
1770. Which article of the Indian constitution enumerate Fundamental Duties?
(a) 50
(b) 51 A
(c) 50 A
(d) 53 B
Ans.: (b)
1771. Which article of our constitution is associated with ‘Social justice’?
(a) 38
(b) 36
(c) 39
(d) 45
Ans.: (a)
1772. Provisions of equal justice and free judicial remedy are made in article ____.
(a) 37 A
(b) 51 A
(c) 39 A
(d) 43
Ans.: (c)
1773. Articles 14 to 18 enumerate the equality of citizens in the ____ sphere.
(a) Political
(b) Economic
(c) Cultural
(d) Social
Ans.: (d)
1774. Who were occupants of Pondicherry at the time of India’s independence?
(a) Dutch
(b) Russian
(c) Portuguese
(d) French
Ans.: (d)
1775. Goa was under the control of ___ at the time of India’s independence.
(a) Russia
(b) Portugal
(c) England
(d) Spain
Ans.: (b)
1776. When was the French Indian National Congress established?
(a) 1946
(b) 1947
(c) 1948
(d) 1949
Ans.: (a)
1777. The French Indian students’ Congress was established in ___.
(a) 1949
(b) 1951
(c) 1946
(d) 1953
Ans.: (c)
1778. When was Yanam (Andhra Pradesh) declared independent by the French?
(a) 2 March, 1954
(b) 13 June, 1954
(c) 23 July, 1954
(d) 17 November, 1954
Ans.: (b)
1779. When did the French formally handover all their possessions in India to India?
(a) 16 September, 1954
(b) 1 October, 1954
(c) 7 December, 1954
(d) 31 October, 1954
Ans.: (d)
1780. When did the legal transfer of French possessions in India to India occur?
(a) 1959
(b) 1963
(c) 1962
(d) 1955
Ans.: (c)
1781. When did the Portuguese get hold of Goa?
(a) 1510
(b) 1535
(c) 1601
(d) 1733
Ans.: (a)
1782. Diu came under the Portuguese control in ___.
(a) 1546
(b) 1607
(c) 1533
(d) 1727
Ans.: (a)
1783. When did the Portuguese establish their control over Daman?
(a) 1533
(b) 1619
(c) 1559
(d) 1607
Ans.: (c)
1784. When was the Indian office at Lisbon closed?
(a) 12 May, 1953
(b) 11 June, 1953
(c) 2 July, 1953
(d) 23 August, 1953
Ans.: (b)
1785. When was the Goa Liberation Army constituted?
(a) 1954
(b) 1956
(c) 1951
(d) 1953
Ans.: (d)
1786. The Goa Liberation Army constituted all ____.
(a) soldiers of the Indian army
(b) cultural groups of Goa
(c) political parties
(d) student unions of Goa
Ans.: (c)
1787. Dadra and Nagar Haveli came under India’s control on _____.
(a) 17 March, 1953
(b) 22 July, 1953
(c) 5 September, 1953
(d) 19 October, 1953
Ans.: (b)
1788. The Indian National Congress leader who took special interest in Goa’s liberation was _____.
(a) Rajendra Prasad
(b) Vallabhbhai Patel
(c) Jawahar Lal Nehru
(d) Vinoba Bhave
Ans.: (a)
1789. Where was a committee of Maharashtra leaders formed for Goa’s liberation?
(a) Bombay
(b) Nagpur
(c) Panaji
(d) Pune
Ans.: (d)
1790. Who was the President of the committee of Maharashtra leaders for Goa’s liberation?
(a) Dinesh Shinde
(b) Keshava Rao Jaghe
(c) Yashwant Rao Patil
(d) Y.B. Chavan
Ans.: (b)
1791. Consider the following statements:
1. Madras (Chennai), Calcutta (Kolkata) and Bombay (Mumbai) were originally fishing and weaving villages.
2. Company agents settled in Madras in 1639 and in Calcutta in 1690. Bombay was given to the Company in 1661
by the English King.
3. The Company established trading and administrative offices in each of these settlements.
Which of the above given statements is/are true:
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) 1, 2 and 3
Ans.: (d)
1792. Consider the following statements:
1. In the countryside people subsisted by cultivating land, foraging in the forest, or rearing animals.
2. Town by contrast were peopled with artisans, traders, administrators and rulers.
3. Towns and cities were often fortified by walls which symbolised their separations from the countryside.
Which of the above given statements is/are true?
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) 1, 2 and 3
Ans.: (d)
1793. Which one of the following statements is not true?
(a) Separation between town and country was fluid
(b) Peasant’s through towns, they also flocked to towns during times of famine.
(c) There was a reverse flow of humans and goods from town to villages.
(d) When towns were attacked, people often South shelter in the forest.
Ans.: (d)
1794. What was the principal focus in the towns of South India such as Madurai and Kanchipuram?
(a) The Temple
(b) The commercial activities
(c) The craft
(d) The administrative centre
Ans.: (a)
1795. During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries the towns built by the Mughals were famous for their
concentration of:
(a) Population
(b) Mosque
(c) Mansabdars
(d) Jagirdars
Ans.: (a)
1796. Medieval towns were places where everybody was expected to known their position in the social order
dominated by the ruling elite. In the North India, maintaining this order was the work of the imperial officer called:
(a) Kotwal
(b) Jagirdar
(c) Mansabdar
(d) None of these
Ans.: (a)
1797. Which of the pair is not matched correctly:
(a) Poona - Pune
(b) Baroda - Vadodara
(c) Tanjore - Thanjavur
(d) Nagpur - Nagpoor
Ans.: (d)
1798. Changes in the networks of trade were reflected int he history in urban centres. The European commercial
companies had set up base in different places early during the Mughal era. Which one is not correct regarding
following informations:
(a) The Portuguese in Pajaji in 1510
(b) The Dutch in Masulipatnam in 1605
(c) The British in Madras in 1639
(d) The French in Pondicherry in 1670
Ans.: (d)
1799. Consider the following statements:
1. From the mid-eighteenth century, there was a new phase of change. Commercial centre such as Surat,
Masulipatnam and Dhaka. Which had grown in the seventeenth century. Declined when trade shifted to other places.
2. After the Battle of Plassey (in 1757) the trade of the English East India Company expanted. Colonial port cities
such as Madras, Calcutta and Bombay rapidly emerged as the new economic capital.
Which one of the above given statemetns is/are true?
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
Ans.: (c)
1800. From the late nineteenth century the British tried to raise money for administering towns through the
systematic annual collection of:
(a) Municipal taxes
(b) Corporate taxes
(c) Income taxes
(d) None of these
Ans.: (a)
1801. The first All-India Census was attempted in 1872, thereafter, from which year, decennial censuses became a
regular feature
(a) 1881
(b) 1882
(c) 1884
(d) 1885
Ans.: (a)
1802. In the forty years between 1900 and 1940 the urban population increased from about 10 per cent of the total
population to about how much?
(a) 13 per cent
(b) 14 per cent
(c) 15 per cent
(d) 16 per cent
Ans.: (a)
1803. Consider the following statements:
1. In Madras, Fort St. Georage in Calcutta, Fort William and in Bombay the Fort marked out the areas of British
2. After the 1850s, cotton mills were set up by Indian merchants and enterpr- eneurs in Bombay, and European-
owned Jute mills were established on the outskirts of Calcutta, this was the beginning of Modern industrial
development in India.
Which of the above given statements is/are true?
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
Ans.: (c)
1804. During the Colonial India which are theproper industrial cities:
(a) Kanpur and Jamshedpur
(b) Surat and Bombay
(c) Bombay and Calcutta
(d) Delhi and Chandigarh
Ans.: (a)
1805. During which years Stringent administrative measures regarding sanitation were implemented and buildings
activity in the Indian towns was regulated. Underground piped water supply and sewerage and drainage systems
were also put in place around this time:
(a) 1860s and 1870s
(b) 1870s and 1880s
(c) 1880s and 1890s
(d) 1890s and 1900s
Ans.: (a)
1806. Which one is the first hill station by colonial ruler of India?
(a) Simla
(b) Mount Abu
(c) Darjeeling
(d) Nanital
Ans.: (a)
1807. In which year Viceroy John Lawrence officially moved his Council to Simla (Shimla), setting seal to the
practice of shifting capital during the hot season?
(a) 1864
(b) 1890
(c) 1895
(d) 1896
Ans.: (a)
1808. Consider the following statements:
1. All classes of people were migrating to the big cities. There was an increasing demand for clerks, teachers,
lawyers, doctors, engineers and accountants. As a result the middle classes increased.
2. New educational institu- tions such as schools, colleges and libaries. As educated people, they could put forward
their opinions on society and government in newspapers, journals and public meetings.
Which of the above given statements is/are true?
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
Ans.: (c)
1809. Consider the following statements:
1. In 1639 the Company constructed a trading post in Madraspatam. This settlement was locally known as
2. Fort St. George became the nucleus to the White Town where most of the Europeans lived.
Which of the above given statements is/are true?
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
Ans.: (c)
1810. Consider the following statements:
1. In 1757 when Siraj-ud-daula was defeated in the battle of Plassey, the East India Company decided to build a new
2. Calcutta (Kolkata) had grown from three villages called Sutanati, Kolkata and Govindapur.
Which of the above given statements is/are true?
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
Ans.: (c)

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