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Diajukan kepada
Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Untuk Memenuhi Salah Satu Persaratan dalam Menyelesaikan
Program Sarjana Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris






1. ​Menyetujui

Pembimbing I, ​Pembimbing II,

​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
Prof. Dra. Luh Putu Artini, M.A., Ph.D. ​I Nyoman Pasek Hadi Saputra, S.Pd., M.Pd.

NIP. 196407141988102001 ​NIP. 197809182006041001

First of all, the author wants to express her sincere gratitude to the Almighty God,
Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa, for all of the blessings in finishing this thesis entitled “The
Implementation of Songs in Teaching Speaking Competency at SD N 2 TEMBOK in
Online Learning Context”.
The author would like to extend her gratitude and appreciation toward the people
around her, who helped to bring this study into reality. Therefore, the writer would like to
say thanks and give the highest recognition to:
1. Prof. Dr. I Made Sutama, M.Pd. as dean of the Faculty of Arts and
2. Dr. I G A Lokita Purnamika Utami, S.Pd., M.Pd. as the leader of English
3. ​Prof. Dra. Luh Putu Artini, M.A., Ph.D. as the first supervisor who
has provided a lot of knowledge, guidance, support, advice, ideas, and
suggestions in complementing this thesis.
4. I Nyoman Pasek Hadi Saputa,S.Pd, M.Pd as the second supervisor who
patiently provides guidance, knowledge, advice, and input in completing
this thesis.
5. The English teachers who teach in SMA N 1 Seririt and involved in this
thesis by giving their valuable time while collecting the data.
6. All of ELE’s lectures, who have given meaningful suggestions in completing
this thesis and lots of love, care, and supports for 4 years.
7. My Beloved Parents, Sarwi Wibowo and Dwi Prima Retnani, My Beloved
Brother Muh. Bimbing Dzulfikar ,My Grandmother Gimah forr their endless
love, support and motivation under any circumstances.

8. My Beloved Friend Luh Putu Rastiti Puspita Dewi S.Pd who always
accompany me in sad and happy conditions, friends from Pejuang S.Pd
namely Putu Rastiti Puspita Dewi, Kadek Ayu Astari Dewi, I Made Wahyu
Aryanata, I Putu Mangku Witanaya, Ni Made Ayu Wiryani, Devia
Aprilianti, Dody Sumadi, Ida Bagus Putu Adithya Arnaya, Adi Setiawan,
Willynda Putri, and all GEOST CLASS friends for their support, motivation,
and memories during these 4 years of studying.
Finally, the writer realizes that this thesis is not perfect. Therefore, constructive
criticism and suggestions are highly expected for the improvement of this thesis.

Singaraja, 23 Desember 2021



1.1 Research Background

Nowadays, the covid-19 pandemic has changed various life climates. Due to this
pandemic, all people tend to do their activities from home virtually. People have to adjust
with this new normal, even though it tends to be so challenging. Enormous online
platforms further appear to assist society in accustoming the situation. Especially in
education, online platforms have existed to help teachers and students keep conducting
learning activities without direct face-to-face conditions at school. Medford ( 2004)
defines online learning as technology, such as the world wide web, email, chat, group &
new text, audio, and video conferencing; delivered over computer networks to provide
education. Online learning can help students learn at their own pace conveniently.
Online education requires a lot of resources and careful planning. Therefore,
teachers are required to be even wiser in choosing an online platform that they will use to
teach their students. The teacher must also understand all the obstacles experienced by
their students and provide solutions if their students face an obstacle. The teacher’s
assignment during online learning also ensures that students have understood the material
presented by the teacher. It requires patience from the teacher because each student is
different from one other.
There are many online applications such as WhatsApp, Zoom, Google Meet,
Google Classroom, Schoology, etc. These online applications are a substitute for face-to-
face meetings. Based on the preliminary study that conducted by the researcher, online
learning has helped find material other than lecturers or books. Moreover, it is interesting
because people can get new experiences besides face to face learning. According to Chun
(2015), most students feel satisfied with their online experience because they feel the
engagement of technology in learning provides them new learning vibe. However, Chun
(2015) also states that it lacks social relationships, decreasing the participants' interaction.
It has an impact on their desire to seek help from fellow students. Also, it causes a weak
sense of connection in the learning community.
On the teacher side, the problems faced during online learning are the lack of
knowledge about computers and the internet (Hendrastomo, 2008). The knowledge about
computers is also knowing and understanding the software or word processing and
expected to learn more about various computer applications. The next problem is
concerning aspects of the internet network. At this time, activities carried out online are in
great demand. This is important in which an advanced technological developments cause
many people prefer all activities done online, even the online learning. Online activities
and online learning are taking place due to the spread of the Corona virus, where the virus
can spread rapidly among the crowd. Therefore, the government instructed society to
reduce large-scale community activities outside and released the school from home or
online learning policy.
Therefore, based on the issue above, it can be concluded that online learning occurs
as Covid-19 pandemic resolution in educational term. The pandemic forces both students
and teachers to run school activities by online. During this situation, direct-

learning is stopped and people cannot go anywhere much as before, then online learning
existence further is inevitable during this pandemic. However, as a disclaimer, online
learning does not only occur in a pandemic situation. Even though online learning has
appeared rapidly during the pandemic, but the fact is online education will continue to
develop even this pandemic never occurs. Hence, this study does not focus on a pandemic
situation but rather on online learning in general. Mircea & Associate (2018) claim that at
this time, online education is needed to educate the younger generation, and it becomes an
essential tool for disseminating knowledge and information. The role of online learning in
the future is that students can quickly attend courses from all over the world in a flexible
way and employees work and study globally in multinational companies. This is why
online learning is still being done although it is out of the pandemic case that happen
today, and it is hoped that online education will be much better in the future.
Coming back to the discussion of online education platforms, there are so many
online platforms that could be used in online learning, however, the suitable online
platform is chosen based on each place's conditions. Behind that preference, of course,
there are different forms of implementation and also problems. Online platforms
increasingly play essential roles in the teaching and learning process. Oktavian & Aldya
(2020) propose that online learning has become popular because of its potential to provide
more flexible access and content. Some of these aspects show that teachers can be more
adaptive in delivering online learning because of the flexibility. Moreover, students are
willing to accept innovation because online learning is a new form of learning. In the
transition process, students tend to choose a combination of learning with online learning.
Luo ( 2011) mentions some advances in using online platform technology, such as
it has brought about significant changes in our education system. Abidah, Hidaayatullaah,
Simamora, Fehabutar, & Mutakinati (2020) inform some excellent features that students
and teachers can access through online platforms include Learning Resources, Digital
Classes, Virtual Laboratories, and Question Banks. Moreover, the MOEC or Ministry of
Education and Culture has partnered with seven online learning platforms: Smart Class,
Ruangguru, Sekolahmu, Zenius, Quipper, Google Indonesia, and Microsoft. Each forum
will provide facilities that are publicly accessible and free.

The research about preferences, implementation and the problems of using online
platforms becomes more interesting to bring up. It provides concept of online learning
itself, including the media used. Investigating this topic can be done anywhere, especially
in the school that applied online learning since long ago, SMA N 1 Seririt is one of them.
SMA N 1 Seririt is located in Buleleng Regency, Seririt District, very famous in Kuta and
its surroundings. This senior high school is renowned for the achievements of its students.
This school seems to be an ideal research setting because of 2 primary purposive reasons,
namely: 1) SMA N 1 Seririt is provided with good internet facility. The teachers also
already conducted online learning using online platforms, such as Zoom, Google Meet,
Whatsapp Group, and Google Classroom before the school from home policy was
announced. So that both teachers and students already get used to online learning; and 2)
geographically, the other setting is convenient within the researcher's condition.
This research aims to determine preferences, implementation, and problems during
the teaching and learning process on online platforms in SMAN 1 Seririt. This research is
urgent to be conducted because it is found that during the school from home policy, the
learning process tend to run monotonously. Even though the teachers already got used to
conduct online learning, but most of them just share the materials without trying to make
students more enjoy the online class. Studying from home make students less motivated
cause they could not ask teachers as much as they want in the offline class. Students also
could not discuss and play with their friends. From this condition, online platforms with
many attractive features could be an appropriate solution to catch students’ attention and
make them to be more enthusiastic in joining online learning. Yelland (2005) finds that
digital media-based activities in the learning setting could engage students in collaborative
learning, thinking, and problem-solving activities. Therefore, the researcher wants to know
how teachers teach online to their students. Further findings can be done as an evaluation
for the schools, investigated teachers, and other parties that have similar interest regarding
the topic being discussed. Moreover, the researcher is confident that research on online
learning will continue in the future and become increasingly sophisticated. The findings of
this research are expected to be used as a pioneer for further investigations. Researchers
will conduct direct research with teachers who teach using these online platforms.
In line with Sun & Chen (2016), this research is related to the sense of qualitative
research. This research will review online teaching and learning, focusing on preferences,

implementation and the problems of using online platforms. The purpose of this study is
also to suggest those planning to develop online learning to make informed decisions in
the implementation process. Some studies related to preferences, implementation and the
problems of using online platforms have also been done by Hamid, Sentryo, & Hasan,
(2020) and Kenski & Santos, (2019). Though, this research different from the setting and
also participants. In accordance with the other researchers who have done similar things, it
reassures that the topic being discussed in this research focus on preferences,
implementation and the problems of using online platforms.
1.2 Research Problems

In the pandemic situation, all school are conducted from home. This sometimes
makes it difficult and challenging to live it because people are accustomed to meeting face
to face while also have to study at home to reduce the spread of this Corona virus.
Teachers and students are not getting used to the school from home policy yet. Thus,
sometimes the online learning feels monotonous that students easily becomes bored.
Students rarely have motivation in joining online class in which they also could not meet
their friends and play together with them. The solution to this problem is to use online
platforms to do this work from home. The implementation of online platforms as a
medium for teaching and learning has been implemented in one of senior high school in
Bali, which is SMA N 1 Seririt, so that the teaching and learning process there run more
effective and fun. Gillett-Swan (2017) argues that there are still several opportunities to
reduce student barriers to participation even with different facilitator trust and technology
competence levels.
Thus, based on the background, the researchers tried to conduct a study at SMA N
1 Seririt to find out preferences, implementation, and the problems in using online
teaching platforms in SMA N 1 Seririt.

1.3 Research Limitation

The proposed study is limited to finding preferences, implementation and the

problems of using online platforms. The researcher only focus on explaining the results of
interviews with teachers of SMA N 4 Seririt and investigating whether teachers experience
any influences and constraints online platforms at SMA N 1 Seririt using in the academic
year 2020/2021.

1.4 Research Questions

The research questions

of this study are formulated as follow:

1. What platforms do the English teachers ​in SMA N 1 Seririt prefer to use in
teaching English online?
2. How do EFL teachers in SMA N 1 Seririt implement the teaching-learning process
with the medium of preferred online teaching platforms?
3. What problems are encountered by EFL teachers in SMA N 1 Seririt in online

1.5 Research Objectives

The research further has goals to figure out some points, namely:

1. To figure out the preferences of online teaching platforms used by EFL teachers in
SMA N 1 Seririt.
2. To investigate the implementation of the teaching-learning process with the medium
of preferred online teaching platforms showed by EFL teachers in SMA N 1 Seririt.
3. To describe the encountered problems faced by EFL teachers in SMA N 1 Seririt in
online teaching.

1.6 Research Significances

1. Theoretical Significance

This research will contribute to the theories of online teaching and how it is
implemented in the EFL context at the senior high school level. The final discussions of
this research are expected to be one of the references around online teaching at the Senior
High School Level.

2. Practical Significances
a. For teachers
This study is expected to help the teachers reflect their online teaching
processes in SMA N 1 Seririt.
b. For researcher
This study is expected to be a reference to help the other researchers in doing
research which is related to educational technology and its problem.


2.1 Theoretical Review

This study contains several theories related to research where these theories
support the findings and discussion in chapter IV to answer the problems that occur in this
2.1.1 Definition of Educational Technology

As defined by Luo (2011), educational technology research refers to the study

of “facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using and managing
appropriate technological processes and resources. Process in the definition refers to a
series of activities that lead to a specified result. These activities include activities using
or managing resources for writing, designing and creating education. Resources often
refer to high-tech tools such as digital media, computer software, or learning systems
designed or used for educational purposes. However, the broader definition of resources
can also include people, community, and policy, etc. The process of education is not a
natural phenomenon of the kind that has sometimes rewarded scientific investigation. It
is not one of the givens in our universe. It is manufactured, designed to serve our
needs. Any natural laws do not govern it. It is not in a condition of research to find out
how it works. It needs creative invention to make it work better.

2.1.2 ICT Advancement in Teaching Learning Activity

The growth of information and technology beginning from the wire until wireless
connection, from cooper cable until fiber optic cable, from landline home telephone to
smartphones. Then, from desktop to laptop, it all changed human life, including
economy, law, and education. In the context of education, it also changes the way
teachers teach their students Tanduklangi et al. (2018).
In this 21 century, there were some modifications of learning and teaching style
due to ICT advancement. Heeks (2020) has stated that the advancement of technology
enables the existing knowledge or information easy to be transformed, where printed

books can be transformed into e-books, newspapers, and magazines into websites or
traditional classrooms into E-learning. These changes lead to the development of
teaching and learning activities and forced teachers to upgrade the way they teach their
students. Teachers tend to make slide presentations to help them describe the material
rather than define the textbook's material. Indeed, it allows teachers to provide an
exciting and exciting activity for students. ICT-enhanced learning environment facilitates
active, collaborative, creative, integrative, and evaluative learning as an advantage over
the traditional method.
The spread of ICT support students to be active learning. This development
shapes a new era in education in which shifting teacher-centered into learner-centered.
Students can no longer watch and listen to teachers' explanations and following a fixed
curriculum Assar (2015). As Bransford, Brown, and Cocking cited in Huffaker (2003),
students do not depend on information from teachers. Still, they can explore some
information they need since the availability of the internet due to the development of
ICT. This innovation lets students reach tip as soon as possible, copy it quickly, and get
complete information. For instance, the availability of free e-books on the internet
allows teachers or students to get up-to-date information in easy ways. Therefore,
teachers or students do not need to wait or spend the expensive cost of getting material
books. It can be implied that the emergence of ICT can minimize all factors that
influence teaching and learning activity.
Furthermore, ICT changes the learning model from face-to-face learning into
online learning. Through the access of the internet, teaching and learning activity is not
limited with the school time Uhomoibhi (2006). Students can submit their assignments,
doing quizzes even they are not in the classroom because digital platforms already
provide them. E-learning provides students to cross the demography limits. Even
students in rural areas can access information in urban areas and share what they get with
other students or teachers.
ICT caused the emergence of three digital resources of education. The available
digital resources can be used in teaching and learning activities consisting of stand-alone
digital components, functional tools for communication and information, a software
system to create a course Assar (2015). First, stand-alone digital components consist of
video from YouTube, images, simulations, etc. Second, general tools for communication

and information are tools in which help to achieved teaching and learning activity that
provide material such as wiki, blogs, website, or peer to peer file sharing. The last
software system is a digital resource that allows teachers to create a course and
discussion. The software system is usually called a learning management system (LMS or
CMS). This system help for creating learning content, tracking or monitoring students’
activities, or doing an assessment. Regarding LMS, several platforms appeared to support
teaching and learning activities to facilitate teachers and students for e-learning. In
conclusion, ICT’s development has a broad impact on teaching and learning activities.

2.1.3 The Notion of Online Teaching Learning

Bar (2013) reveals that online learning or e-learning are terms that refer to
distance education. Anderson (2008) defines online learning as a subset of distance
education that has always been concerned with providing access to an educational
experience that is, at least, more flexible in time and space than face-to-face education.
Carliner (2003) in Bazan (2016) also stated that online learning is access to learning
experiences via technology. It can be concluded that online learning is a teaching and
learning activity that is assisted with online platforms and can be done anywhere or
anytime without space limitation.
Online learning has been approved as a promising learning approach that
provides vast opportunities for students to overcome time and space limitations Kordaki
& Siempos (2010). The definition of online learning during the pandemic is that teachers
and students do not go to school, but they teach and study from home using the
advancement of technology. Online learning becomes a set of learning in which teachers
or lecturers deliver the material. There is an interaction among teachers and students or
students and lecturers through internet access utilizing specific technological devices or
applications Susilowati (2020).
Therefore, online learning and teaching activity is a process of education where
the students and teachers use technology as their medium and assistance to communicate
with each other without afraid regarding the time and space limitation. It means that as
long as students and teachers are connected to the internet to integrate online learning
platforms, they can optimally do the learning and teaching process.

2.1.4 Online Teaching Platforms

According to Fernández, Gil, Palacios, and Devece ( 2011), E-learning platforms
can be characterized as "the equipment and programming climate intended to robotize
and oversee advancement scholarly development exercises. The product should regulate,
disperse and check exercises for face-to-face arrangement or e-learning in an association.
The primary capacities are: oversee and register clients, assets and arrangement exercises,
access check, control and observing learning measure, doing assessment, advises and
overseeing correspondence administrations." It is a mechanical reaction that coordinates
distinctive administration devices, encouraging learning.
On the one hand, an online learning platform is an integrated set of interactive
online services that provide teachers, students, and other participants in education with
information tools and digital resources that support and increase education Piotrowski
(2010). On the other hand, IGI Global (2021) also mentioned that online learning
platforms are information systems in which schools or universities can use for teaching
and learning activity in both online or traditional classroom and supported by features
such as (1) content management systems (CMS) that help the access towards didactic
materials for students; (2) learning management systems (LMS) that allow more
straightforward learning process, and; (3) computer-supported collaborative learning
systems (CSCLS) that make the use of collaborative learning easier. It can be said that
online teaching or learning platforms are digital platforms that provide teachers and
students to be a medium to substitute face to face learning with some features.
The development of technology also influences the emergence of online learning
platforms. Reinders and White (2010) have revealed that online learning for language
teaching can be aided with several platforms. One of them is the development of LMS,
which provides several online platforms to ease teaching and learning activity. LMS
becomes more prevalent in the education field due to several valuable platforms.
According to Lochner, Conrad, and Graham (2015), as cited in Schlager (2016),
Learning Management Systems (LMS) is a web-based technology that allows teachers to
design and deliver content, do discussion with students and monitor students’
participation during the learning process. In the same line, LMS can be defined as
software that enables teachers and students to discuss materials in an online learning
environment Adzharuddin & Ling (2013). It can be concluded that LMS are systems with

several features that allow teachers to design and deliver materials and enable interaction
between teachers and students. LMS has several kinds of learning platforms which offer
their advantages and disadvantages. Various media of LMS such as Edmodo, Moodle,
Schoology, and Google Classroom.
Edmodo is a free and secure learning platform developed by Jeff O’ Hara and
Nick Borg in 2008 for teachers, students, parents, and school Balasubramanian et al.
(2014). Edmodo is a learning management system (LMS) that easily helps teachers set up
and manage their online classes. It also allows teachers to create and manage their
accounts more privately because only students who receive a group code can join the
group. Edmodo becomes the simple way to connect and collaborate with students and
teachers. Besides that, students can share learning content, submit assignments or
homework, quizzes, and receive feedback from teachers.
Another LMS platform is Moodle. Moodle is also popularly known as (Modular
Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment), developed by Martin Dougiamas in
2002 Benta et al. (2014). Moodle is an open-source platform that provides teachers,
students, and administrators with security systems to create a learning environment.
Moodle can be defined as a platform that contains a discussion forum and is easily
installed through ( and This platform
allows students to enroll in the class, do discussion, and submit homework or
According to Aminoto and Pathoni (2019), Schoology is a website that combines
e-learning and social networking. Schoology can be accessed through the website or installed application in the google play store. Schoology has
various forms of media such as video, audio, and images that may attract students'
interest. Schoology has many advantages, one of which is in terms of features. Several
features support the online course, such as menu Course, Group, Grades, etc. Those
features help the teacher to enable discussion and teamwork with the students in an easy
way. Besides, Schoology has two contexts, namely 1) interactive communication and 2)
academic information exchange Rama, Rahim & Arbeth, (2018). Interactive
communication means that teachers and students can share their ideas and respond to
them in the comment section. Then, the context as academic information exchange refers

that teachers can give some materials or sources to the students by utilizing the feature in
Google Classroom defines as an internet-based service developed by Google that
assists the teacher in creating and distributing assignments to their students Monez et al.
(2017). Google Classroom is one of the learning management systems provided by
Google Apps for Education since 2014. Google Classroom can be downloaded and
installed without any paid by registering an account using a Google account. Google
Classroom can be implemented in the learning and teaching activity to distribute tasks,
assignments, peer or group discussions, and assessments. As one of the learning
management systems, Google classroom provides several advantages for online learning
Izenstark & Leahy (2015). The benefits are quick and convenient setting, efficiency,
increase collaboration and communication, centralized data storage, and sharing
resources quickly.
Those online platforms from learning management systems are beneficial for the
process of online learning.

2.1.5 Online Teaching Preferences

There are three online learning preferences, i.e., video conferences, LMS, and
messaging application Amin & Sundari (2020).
a. Video conferences

Video conferencing is a technological tool that allows people to connect to other

people worldwide and communicate using synchronous video and audio free via an
internet connection with appropriate bandwidth and video conferencing software
Rouse (2016). More professional video conferencing services with expanded
functions and features are Skype, Google Hangouts, and Zoom. All three services
can easily share the screen and chat simultaneously as the user video calls. Google
Hangouts has more options about which part of the screen is shared, while Zoom
and Skype automatically share the entire screen. All three applications enable
group chat as well. Skype and Google Hangouts 24 allow up to 25 people per chat
for free, while Zoom allows up to 50 for free but limits the meeting to 40 minutes.

Skype and Zoom also have paid versions with increased capabilities. In the paid
versions, Zoom allows more than 100 people with more than 40 minutes. From all
three applications, the only zoom enables to use of several groups discussion
through breakout feature. Setting up meetings is especially simple with Zoom and
Google Hangouts. A user needs to create a URL that acts as a meeting room; then,
the URL can be shared with anyone to join the meeting efficiently. Zoom has the
highest video and audio quality, but the difference is marginal. Therefore, Zoom
has the highest quality and is light on computer resources, making it superior over
Google Hangouts and Skype in two essential areas for video conferencing users
Henshall (2017).
b. LMS

Adzharuddin and Ling (2013) also mentioned that a learning management system,
usually known as LMS, connects teachers and students by providing an avenue for
classroom materials or activities to be shared easily. LMS is also a portal that
allows students and lecturers to interact out of the classroom through discussions
through the forum. The LMS can also be described as a high-level web-based
technology solution for planning, conveying, and managing various learning
events within an organization, such as online, virtual classroom, and instructor-led
courses that can assess a specific learning process. Learning Management
Systems' learning platforms include Edmodo, Moodle, Google Classroom,
Schoology, Blackout, etc. Balasubramanian, et al. (2014) have revealed that
students more prefer to choose Edmodo as learning management systems than the
other, since Edmodo provides some features that support online discussions and
other activities, online resources, etc. Meanwhile, students’ preference falls to
Edmodo because this platform is a beautiful and user-friendly social learning.
c. Mobile Instant Messaging (MIM) Application

Mobile Instant Messaging (MIM) is developed cause of the development of

internet and smartphone that allows sending and receiving the message to
communicate globally Tang & Hew (2019). MIM communication can be
categorized as quasi-synchronous. The user can instantly exchange some
information or respond with a time lag when not immediately available at that time

Garcia and Jacobs, as cited in Tang & Hew (2019). Quasi-synchronous time means
that the applications allow for real-time or asynchronous interactions between two
or more participants. MIM applications can facilitate flexible interactions, peer
discussion, and collaboration Pimmer & Rambe, (2016). Popular MIM applications
such as WhatsApp and WeChat are compatible with smartphone operating systems
such as iOS or Android. Students prefer to use WhatsApp as a popular MIM in
learning and teaching activity. It is because WhatsApp provides students and
teachers communicating, sharing assignments, or doing discussions efficiently.

Further, other teachers’ preferences in online learning mentioned by Lestiyanawati

& Widyantoro (2020). They found three teaching methods applied by Indonesian teachers
as their preferences such as applying only online chat, using video conference, and
combining both online chat and video conference in online teaching and learning process.
Based on those aforementioned reviews, it indicated that students or teachers' preferences
would depend on their situation and their own choices in the classroom.

2.1.6 The Implementation of Online Teaching

Since online teaching becomes the favorite thing globally, the implementation of
online education also comes out variously. According to Peerven (2016), online learning
performance consists of three ways, i.e., synchronous mode, asynchronous mode, and
hybrid mode.
Peerven (2016) had revealed that synchronous e-learning mode could be defined
as a learning/teaching that takes place simultaneously through an electronic mode. The
synchronous mode can use live voice or text chat rooms to provide an opportunity for
teacher-student and student-student interaction. Synchronous mode is real-time instructor-
led online learning. All students and teachers are logged on to the digital platforms
simultaneously and communicate directly with Redmond et al. (2007). It can be stated that
asynchronous e-learning environment/mode is a learning environment in which happen

simultaneously where the teachers and students can interact directly with each other
through video conference and voice or text chat rooms.
The synchronous mode can be done through video conferences such as Zoom,
Google Meet, or chat rooms such as WhatsApp and other messaging applications. The
advantages of synchronous learning rather than asynchronous mode are that immediate
feedback, more motivation, and push students' present or participate in the classroom.
Asynchronous mode is learning where the interaction between teachers and
students occurs intermittently with a time delay Redmond et al. (2007). Asynchronous can
be defined as an interactive learning community that is not limited by time, place, or the
constraints of a classroom Mayadas (1997) as cited in Shahabadi & Uplane (2015).
Asynchronous environments provide students with readily available audio/video lectures,
handouts, articles, and PowerPoint presentations. This material is accessible anytime,
anywhere via the Learning Management System (LMS) or other sorts of channels. The
asynchronous mode can be done through some platforms provided by LMS (learning
management systems) such as Edmodo, Schoology, Google Classroom, Moodle.
According to Peerven (2016), Hybrid mode is a combination of a real-time and
asynchronous learning environment. A hybrid online environment blends synchronous
sessions with an asynchronous set of e-learning activities. It was known as hybrid as it
combines simultaneity with non-simultaneity as instructional design for both synchronous
and asynchronous teaching might have altogether different patterns. Allen and Seaman
(2003) stated a hybrid-learning mode should be done between 30% and 80% online while
the rest can be done through synchronous time. Therefore, hybrid e-learning mode is also
known as blended learning or mixed mode. A hybrid learning environment can be
implemented with an application such as WhatsApp, Telegram, and other kinds of SNS.
Based on Salehudin et al (2021) government policies have an influence on
teachers' competence in mastering e-learning, and have a positive influence on the use of
social media for teachers. So there is a significant relationship between the government
that makes policies and teachers can provide evaluation and benefit teachers and students
in the concept of teaching and learning.

2.1.7 The Challenges of Online Teaching

As mentioned previously, online teaching may provide some advantages to the

teachers and students. However, it cannot be denied that teachers and students may face
some problems or challenges in implementing online teaching. The challenges when
implementing an e-learning environment fall into three categories: technology, content,
and people. All these challenges must be addressed as the implementation process moves
forward. Relating to the technology, low bandwidth, and slow transmission rates, even
lack of readily available network become the most fundamental problems that appeared.
in online teaching. In terms of content and people, teachers face the following challenges,
i.e., there is no motivation system to make teaching staff implement e-learning, the
enormous workload of teaching staff and the lack of education technological proficiency
for the development of e-learning and the last is the cost in creating content Dutta (2011)
Ramij & Sultana ( 2020).
However, when using E-learning platforms, some elements might be considered
obstacles in students' learning process, for example. The decreased motivation in
students, delayed feedback or help due to the fact that teachers are not always available at
the time students may need help while learning, or feelings of isolation due to lack of
physical presence of classmates. Nonetheless, these obstacles can be overcome with the
help of teachers who should adapt their teaching strategies to the needs of students. This
might happen due to the lack of teachers' experience in using E-learning and the short
time they had to adapt their teaching style to the new conditions (Coman et al. (2020).
Moreover, online learners may easily get distracted, lose focus, or miss deadlines. Since
E-learning depends on technology, the internet, and computers, which students may not
have access to, and interruptions or other system errors may appear during courses. For
students, organizing how they study and the amount of time spent on learning can
sometimes result in decreased motivation. The lack of physical interaction and the
presence of colleagues may determine students to feel isolated. The drawbacks of E-
learning can be seen in terms of physical health too. Because they spend many hours
seated and in front of a screen, online learners and teachers may develop sight or back
problems, and their outdoor activity may be reduced.
Those challenges above in line with Sari and Nayir's (2020) statement. There are
some challenges in online learning faced by teachers, including internet access problems,
lacking infrastructure, inability to reach students who are difficult to access the internet,

technical difficulties, and lack of technology (Sari and Nayir). Besides, Sari and Nayir
(2020) also mentioned some sources of the challenges that may arise during online
learning. The origins come from the deficiency of technology and infrastructure, teacher
or students, the problems during the learning process, etc. It can be explained in detail as
a. Problems arising because of the deficiency of technology and infrastructure

The problems are related to the influence of technology and the importance of
support from infrastructure. These problems may happen due to the lack of internet
access, infrastructure deficiency, limited infrastructure, technical troubles, and lack
of support from the LMS program. We cannot deny that not everyone can connect
to the internet. Not all students have adequate facilities such as smartphones or
even laptops to support them in online learning.
b. Problems arising from teachers and students

Even though school has provided an excellent infrastructure to support e-learning,

the participants of e-learning, both teachers or students, also may cause problems
during the implementation of teaching and learning activity. The issues that may
emerge, such as students' attitude during class activities, are difficult to
communicate or interact with, unprepared students and teachers. Since the learning
activities done through online, teacher have limited access to control students'
attitudes during the learning process. Various students in the classroom may give
the possibility to the emergence of negative attitudes in the online class.
c. Problems related to the e-learning process

These problems may occur during the e-learning process, such as lack of
education related to e-learning activity, lack of learning content, and problems
caused by the school or management. In some cases, many teachers or students do
know well about e-learning or distance learning. This lack of knowledge about
online learning causes problems for teachers or students because they can
adequately handle the learning process without good knowledge.

Further, asynchronous e-learning can be challenging as only a carefully devised set

of strategies can keep students engaged and interested in this learning environment to
facilitate motivation, confidence, participation, problem-solving, analytical, and higher-
order thinking skills Peerven (2016).
Some of the challenges of synchronous education can be the need for the
availability of students at a given time and the necessary availability of a good bandwidth
Internet. Participants can feel frustrated and thwarted due to technical problems Peerven

2.2 Empirical Review

Several studies that focused on investigating preferences, implementation, and

problems of online teaching platforms were conducted a few years ago. Balasubramanian
et al. (2014) have conducted students' preference on the use of Edmodo as a learning
platform. The study aimed to determine students' preference for using Edmodo as an
academic networking site on students' engagement and responsible learning. The study
was conducted at a private university in Selangor district in Malaysia. The participants
were 285-degree students, which 249 students was chosen as the subjects as they fall under
the Edmodo users. The study was a quantitative method that employed survey as the
design of the study. Data collection was collected through questionnaires which used five
scale of Likert scale and designed using RASE (resources, activity, support, and
evaluation). The results found that students’ preference in using Edmodo is mainly for the
resource, support, and communication such as forum or discussions. The students also find
that Edmodo is a beautiful and user-friendly learning platform that enables them to work in
online learning. Kobayashi (2017) studied students' media references in online learning
and its relationship with its students' characteristics and online technology self-efficacy.
The participants were 106 college students in a mid-size U.S. University. The data were
collected through a survey both online and printed. The survey consisted of three sections,
i.e., participants' demographic, online technology self-efficacy, and preferred media in
online learning. The results showed that more than 80% students preferred to use email,
instant messaging, and lectures note or assignments posted on LMS and selected those
media very useful for the participants. Meanwhile, 25% students chose online slide
presentations with audio, online collaboration tools, and online videos as the useful media.
However, only 20% students who found that online discussion and chat groups as the
useful media. Other study was conducted by Amin and Sundari (2020). The study
investigated students’ preferences on digital platforms between video conferences, LMS,
or messenger applications during the pandemic covid-19. The subjects were 140 EFL
students in two universities of Jakarta and Aceh. The instrument was a questionnaire based
on the criteria of CALL evaluation.
The results showed that the Cisco WebEx meeting, Google classroom, and
WhatsApp perceive favorable agreement and improve the teaching-learning activity.
There were 44%-61% of the participant agreed that the platform was beneficial and
potential in language learning. Cisco WebEx video conferencing got a score of 73 to 84 for
all six criteria. Meanwhile, google classroom achieved the lowest score, out of which 74-
95. Some participants agreed that google classroom had a positive potential as a language-
learning tool, but still, they feel hesitant if they use it in the following courses. Then,
WhatsApp achieved more positive agreement and preferences in four out of all six criteria.
It indicated that video conferences, LMS and messenger application, video conferences
became the highest preferences in online learning since they received the highest score in
this study.
Besides some preferences of the online learning platform, several studies about the
implementation of online learning platforms have been conducted in the context of
language learning. Gunduz and Ozcan (2017) examined students’ perception on the use of
moodle in secondary schools. The study used mix method approach, which were
participated with 333 students and 12 English language teachers. A survey was employed
to collect quantitative data while open-ended questions were used for collecting qualitative
data. The result showed that the students perceive Moodle as a beneficial learning platform
because they are easy to use it. Similarly, teachers thought that the system was beneficial
for them but in some cases, it gives some problems in the learning activity. Similarly,
Nanthini (2020) investigated on how google classroom as LMS can enhance students’ four
language skills. The study also analyzed the outcome and effect of google classroom
among ESL learners. The study employed a qualitative design with a Likert scale survey.
The subjects were 54 students in undergraduate first and second-year Commerce and
Commerce with Computer Application students of Karpagam Academy of

Higher Education, India. The result found out that teachers can monitor the gradual
process of the students by assignments and questionnaires when using Google Classroom.
Meanwhile, students felt that Google Classroom is the effective medium and promising
platform in advancing language learning.
Moreover, during the implementation of online learning, some challenges or
problems might appear. Several researchers have been investigated challenges or issues in
online teaching and learning. Coman et al. (2020) analyzing students' perception of online
education and the implementation of e-learning platforms. The data was collected through
an online survey based on a semi-structured questionnaire with 762 students from two
Romanian universities. The results found that Romania institutions were not prepared for
online learning. Besides, it also showed that some problems emerge during online
learning, such as technical issues; teachers lack technical skills, lack of teaching style in
online learning, and students lack interaction and communication with teachers. Another
study was conducted by Sari and Nayir (2020) to reveal teachers and administrator
academics' perceptions of distance learning and its problems. The data were collected with
65 teachers through an open-ended written interview. The findings showed that teachers'
most significant problem was interconnection and lack of infrastructure, classroom
management, and human resources. Besides, the teachers felt that they were not ready
since there was a lack of technical support and sufficient knowledge or experience.
Based on several previous studies, it can be seen that students’ preferences, the
implementation and the problems of e-learning platforms become interesting topics to be
investigated. Those studies also delivered different results in different places and subjects.
Furthermore, it leads the researcher to investigated those three topics i.e. preferences,
implementation and administrators or challenges of online teaching platforms faced by
EFL teachers. Therefore, the study intends to know teachers’ preferences, how teachers
implement the learning platform, and analyze their problems in teaching EFL classes at
SMA Negeri 1 Seririt.

3.1 Research Design

This research is formed in qualitative research with a case study research design.
According to Ary, Jacobs, & Sorensen (2010), qualitative research is a research design
which focuses on different explanation and relies upon an additional goal of study from
the further of human behavior, natural sciences, or another different set of models for
investigation. The design will be selected because it tries to answer the problem in a
precise scope of the inquiry, which will be at SMA N 1 Seririt. Hence, the case study
inclines to be matched to use in this context because it will be done in 1 set only and do
not try to generalize the final finding of the research. This research will be expected to see
how and why the formulated problems occur in SMA N 1 Seririt.

3.2 Research Setting

The setting chosen will be SMA N 1 Seririt. The research will be done in that
setting because of the researcher’s convenience factor. Hence, the researcher has a solid
point to research that setting because the researcher already has prior knowledge regarding
the setting situation and condition.

3.3 Research Participants

The participants of this research are expected to contain 2-3 English Teachers of
SMA N 1 Seririt. The number of participants will be selected because this research will be
formed in qualitative research, which needs deep and focused explanations and

descriptions. Having 2-3 participants is expected to fulfill the strong and deep
explanations later on the research finding because the researcher can focus on them.
Moreover, since this research will be formed in qualitative research, the number of
participants in the study seems to be not the primary focus of the study because it does not
try to find data that can be generalized.

3.4 Research Instruments

1. Observation Sheet

The observation sheet will help the researcher categorize things that need to be
emphasized in observing the subject of the research. It also will help the researcher to
check something that is done or undone by the research participants. The observation sheet
is expected to aid the researcher to answer the first and second research question,
regarding kind of preference used by the observed teachers and how they implement the
online learning using the chosen preference.
The blueprint of observation sheet to gain data and information for answering the
first research question can been seen on the tables below:


No Dimension Indicators Yes No Notes No
1 Video 1. Using live
Conference communication 2
(Amin & via video calls
Sundari, (Rouse, 2016)

2. Using one of
the following
namely:(Give a

1) Skype

2) Google

3) Zoom
(Amin &
Sundari, 2020)

2 Learning 1. Giving a interactive

Management website interaktif as
System portal for
(LMS) communication
(Amin & (Adzharuddin and
Sundari, Ling, 2013)
3. Using one of
the following 2
namely:(Give a
1) Edmodo

2) Schoology

3) Google
(Amin & Sundari,

3 Mobile 1. Submitting
Instant information in the 2
Messaging form of files that can
(MIM) be shared or accessed
Application anytime and anywhere

(Amin & (Tang and Hew, 2019)

2. Using one of the
following applications,
namely: (Leave a Tick)
1) WhatsApp
2) Telegram

3) WeChat

(Pimmer & Rambe,



(Adapted from Peerven, 2016)

No Dimension Indicators Yes No Notes No

1 Synchronous 1. Done directly
Mode through the media
(Peerven, and electronic
2016) media

2. Using the
model in the form
of: (Put the check)
1) Panggilan

2) Video

3) Teks Pesan

3. Dilaksanakan
melalui: (Berikan

1) Google Meet

2) Live Zoom

3) Grup Diskusi

2 Asynchronous 1. Done in stages with a

Mode certain time lag
2016) 2. Facilitate with learning
materials (slides, videos,
links, etc.) that can be
accessed anytime and

3. Implemented via: (Put a

Check) 3
1) Edmodo

2) Schoology

3) Google

4) Moodle.

3 Hybrid Mode 1. Combining

(Peerven, simultaneous/direct and
2016) indirect/indirect methods
at the same time

2.Using the percentage of 3

direct and indirect
methods of 80%:20%

3. Implemented via: (Put a


1) WhatsApp

2) Telegram

3) SNS

2. Interview Guide

The interview guide used during the interview, whose purpose is to gain a deep
understanding and information relating to preferences, implementation, and problems that
will be found. The interview guide created based on the grounded theory used in this
research. The interview guide is expected to help the researcher in gaining deep data
needed in the third research questions, regarding problems faced by the observed teachers
during teaching in online form. The blue print of interview guide used can been seen on
the table below:


(Synthesized from Dutta, 2011; Ramij & Sultana, 2020; and Sari & Nayir, 2020)
No. Dimensions Indicators Item of Questions
of Items
1 Problems 1. Low 1) Have you experienced
arising due internet problems in the aspect of 3
to the connection internet connection while
deficiency of teaching online? If yes, can you

technology 2. Low please explain in detail!

and infrastructure’s
infrastructure quality 2) Do you experience problems
in terms of infrastructure quality
3. Technical (computers, devices, internet
issues connections, applications, etc.)
while teaching online? If yes,
can you please explain in detail!

3) Do you experience problems

in technical aspects (operating
applications, operating
computers & devices to fix
simple technical problems) while
teaching online? If yes, can you
please explain in detail!

2 Problems 1. Motivation 1) What is your motivation for

arising from problem teaching online so far?
teachers and
students 2. Time 2) Do you experience problems
management in terms of timing in teaching
issue online? If yes, can you please
explain in detail!
2. Students’
negative 3) How is the interaction that
attitude has been established between 4
you and the students in the
3. Lack of online class that you are capable

4. Hard to
4) Do you have problems in
controlling the online class that
you are capable of? If yes, can
you please explain in detail!

3 Problems 1. 1. Do you consider your

related to the Lack ​of experience in teaching online as
e-learning experience qualified? Can you provide a
process more detailed explanation
2. regarding this?
Lack ​of 3
learning 2. Do you experience problems
content in the aspect of teaching content
while teaching online? If yes,
3. Unprepared
can you please explain in detail!
3. According to you, how are the
readiness of the school and the

management of online class

services that you have observed
so far? Explain in detail!
3.5 Data Analysis

Interactively Data Analysis Model by Miles and Huberman (1994) is used in

analyzing the qualitative data. The data is analyzed through qualitative data analysis from
Miles and Huberman (1994), which is consisting of three steps, namely: 1) data reduction
(selecting, focusing, simplifying, abstracting, and transforming field note transcription), 2)
data display (compressing and importing obtained data into the tables), and 3) conclusion
drawing (Miles, Mattew B. & Huberman, A. Michael, 1994). According to Miles and
Huberman Data Analysis Method (1994), before constructing the conclusion, data
reduction steps, data presentation, and concluding must be done in the very first place. The
process of analysis was also not one-off only. Yet, it was interactively among reduction,
presentation, and concluding the research. The conclusion will be drawn based on the
research’s results narratively.
The procedures of data analysis were conducted in several steps, as follow:

1. Data from the observation will be collected.

2. The observation data will be analyzed descriptively.

3. After obtaining the observation results, the interview guide will be developed.

4. The interview will be done with the research subject.

5. Interview data will be displayed in the form of a transcript.

6. Interview data will be analyzed descriptively.

7. Final data will be discussed as well as reported.

3.4.1 Data Trustworthiness

The data trustworthiness is gained through data triangulation. According to Rugg

(2010), triangulation is merging data from various sources and aims to study certain social
phenomena. Triangulation is used to enhance and validate the interpretation of findings
and analysis results of qualitative research. Rugg (2010) also states that triangulation is a
tool that proves its effectiveness to review and corroborate findings, assessments,
appraisals, etc., which is an essential part of effective monitoring and evaluation. The
triangulation done in this research is data triangulation. Data triangulation is a
triangulation where the obtained findings are compared to the other results from various
sources and references to check their validity. Data triangulation is chosen due to its
flexibility and convenience, which seems to match this research.

This study aims to determine the preferences, implementation and teaching-

learning process with selected online teaching platform media shown by EFL teachers at
SMA N 1 Seririt, and to describe the problems faced by EFL teachers at SMA N 1 Seririt
in online learning. The data of this research were obtained through interviews and
observations were made to find out the problems and preferences faced and used by the
EFL teachers at SMA N 1 Seririt in online learning. Furthermore, the data analysis was
conducted using qualitative data analysis from Miles and Huberman (1994), which was
consisting of three steps, namely: 1) data reduction (selecting, focusing, simplifying,
abstracting, and transforming field note transcription), 2) data display (compressing and
importing obtained data into the tables), and 3) conclusion drawing (Miles, Mattew B. &
Huberman, A. Michael, 1994).

4.1 Findings
In finding results, the preferences, the implementation, and also the encountered
problems of using online teaching platforms faced by EFL teachers in SMA N 1 Seririt
which used qualitative data analysis by Miles and Huberman (1994) were discussed in
more detail. Teacher’s interview and class observation were presented in analysis step.
4.1.1 Preferences of Online Teaching Platforms used by EFL Teachers in SMA N 1
Based on the interview section that researcher did with EFL teachers in SMAN 1
Seririt and also the observation that the researcher had done, there were three preferences
of online teaching platforms used to teach English during the online class, namely video
conference, learning management system (LMS), as well as management inventory and
monitoring (MIM) application.
a) Video Conference (Google Hangouts)
During the observation section, the researcher found out that English teachers
in SMAN 1 Seririt communicated with students directly via online using one of video
conference called Google Hangouts. The teachers only conducted online learning
through Google Hangouts or Google Meet twice a week, since not all students have
good connection and get a free data package from government. The video conference
meeting was done just to make sure students’ condition during school from home and
also see their faces as teachers and students could not meet face to face in the

pandemic. Through video conference, it made teachers easier to deliver the materials
in such a creative way. Teachers could use videos, pictures, or musics during the
video conference meeting by utilizing the provided features in Google Hangouts. The
online learning used Google Hangouts in SMAN 1 Seririt could be seen as follows:

Figure 4.1 Online Learning through Google Hangouts

b) Learning Management System (Google Classroom)

Besides the video conference, teachers in SMAN 1 Seririt also used
interactive website to conduct online learning. One of the learning management
system application that was used by teachers in SMAN 1 Seririt, namely Google
Classroom. Google Classroom is an online tool that allows teachers to set
assignments, provide work submission for students, mark the assignments, return
graded papers with the feedback as well. Teachers in SMAN 1 Seririt used Google
Classroom and WhatsApp group to deliver the materials and discussed about the
meeting. Teachers used Google Classroom more often than Google Meet since it
needed less data package and Google Classroom was provided with several useful
features. Teachers utilized this platform to send materials, give assignments, and also
give the assessments. Teachers also regularly gave the score and feedback for
students’ assignment as an encouragement to improve their comprehension. The
following were the way teachers conducted online learning and gave feedback for
students’ work through Google Classroom.

Figure 4.2 Online Learning through Google Classroom

Figure 4.3 Teacher’s Feedback for Students’ Works

c) MIM Application (WhatsApp)
The last type of platforms that teachers in SMA N 1 Seririt used during the
online teaching and learning process was MIM application. By using MIM platform,
teachers could deliver information in the form of files that can be shared or accessed
anytime and anywhere. Teachers in SMA N 1 Seririt used one of MIM platform, such
as WhatsApp group. Teachers decided
to conduct online learning through WhatsApp chat since WhatsApp is the basic chat
platform used in Indonesia. It also does not need much data package and a really good
connection. So, whenever Google Classroom and Google Meet got any technical
problems or students could not access it, teachers usually gave the assignments, sent
the present list, as well as did the discussion related to the meeting materials through
WhatsApp group. For the assessment section, teachers also shared the announcement
through WhatsApp, then conducted the test on Google Classroom. Here is the way
teachers in SMAN 1 Seririt taught students through WhatsApp group:

Figure 4.4 Online Learning through WhatsApp

Those discoveries were also supported by the result of observation conducted

by the researcher. The result could be seen on the table 4.1 below:
Table 4.1 Observation Sheet

A. Date of Observation : 27-30/09/2021

Observation Code ​: Preference– I/II/III/Observation

Participant Code ​: Teacher 1/2/3

No Dimension Indicators Yes No Notes No

1 Video 1. Menggunakan Pada saat
Conference komunikasi pembelajara
(Amin & secara langsung menggunakan
Sundari, melalui Aplikasi
2020) panggilan video Google
(Rouse, 2016) Meet,Guru
2. materi via
Menggunakan google meet
salah satu
aplikasi berikut, 2
yakni: (Berikan

1) Skype

3) Zoom
(Amin &

2 Learning 2. Menggunakan Bahan ajar

Management website interaktif pendukung
System sebagai portal untuk saja dari link
(LMS) berkomunikasi youtube
(Amin & (Adzharuddin and
Sundari, Ling, 2013)
3. Menggunakan salah 2
satu aplikasi berikut,
yakni: (Berikan
1) Edmodo

2) Schoology

3) Google

(Amin & Sundari,
3 Mobile 5. Menyampaikan Guru
Instant informasi dalam bentuk memberikana
Messaging berkas yang bisa tautan dari
(MIM) dibagikan maupun google pada
Application diakses kapanpun dan pembelajaran
(Amin & dimanapun (Tang and bahasa
Sundari) Hew, 2019) inggris
tentang letter

6. Menggunakan salah
satu aplikasi berikut,
yakni: (Berikan
Centang) 2

1) WhatsApp ​√

2) Telegram

3) WeChat

(Pimmer & Rambe,


Table 4.1 showed all the preferences of online teaching platforms that
teachers in SMAN 1 Seririt used during the school from home. Thus, it could be
concluded that teachers in SMAN 1 Seririt utilized three kinds of preferences in
conducting online learning, such as video preference, LMS, and also MIM
application. All the preferences were already used maximally based on each
preference’s utility. It could be seen from the “relevant” checklist that researcher
check on the observation sheet above.
4.1.2 The Implementation of the Teaching-Learning Process with the Medium of
Preferred Online Teaching Platforms Showed by EFL Teachers in SMA N 1

The implementation of online teaching platforms used in SMA N 1 Seririt was

collected from the result of the observation done by the researcher. The observation
was done four days in X, XI, and XII class. It was found that teachers in SMAN 1
Seririt implemented the online teaching platforms in the three significant modes, such
as synchronous mode, asynchronous mode, and hybrid mode. Synchronous mode was
done directly through media and electronic mode. This mode was shown by the
implementation of Google Meet and WhatsApp group discussion, which was
conducted just at the exact same time as the meeting started. So, there was no extra
time given for students to get the materials, submit the assignments, or answer the test.
Meanwhile, the asynchronous mode was more flexible than the synchronous
mode. Teachers did the online meeting gradually with a certain time lag. This kind of
meeting was also facilitated with learning materials in the form of slides, videos, links,
or pictures that could be accessed anytime and anywhere. The implementation of
Google Classroom during the online teaching by teachers in SMAN 1 Seririt showed
the asynchronous mode, where students access materials, submit assignments, as well
as answered the test in a longer time. On the other hand, hybrid mode combined
simultaneous or direct method with indirect method at thee same time. In this case,
teachers used the percentage of direct and indirect methods of 80:20 percent. This
mode was done mostly through WhatsApp chat feature. The implementation of the
teaching-learning process with the medium of preferred online teaching platforms
showed in the table 4.2:

Table 4.2 Date of Observation ​: 27/09/2021

Observation Code ​: Implementation – I/II/III Observation
Participant Code ​: Teacher 1/2/3

No Dimension Indicators Yes No Notes No

1 Synchronous 1. Dilakukan
Mode secara 3
(Peerven, langsung

2016) melalui media

dan mode


Guru meminta
bergabung ke
google meet
whatshap grup
1) Panggilan

2) Video ​√

3) Teks Pesan ​√


1) Google ​√

2) Live Zoom

3) Grup
WhatsApp √
2 Asynchronous 1. Dilakukan secara √
Mode bertahap dengan
(Peerven, jeda waktu tertentu
2. Memfasilitasi 3
dengan materi
pembelajaran (slide, √ Guru
video, tautan, dll) menampilkan
yang bisa diakses ppt di google
kapanpun dan meet dan juga
dimanapun link video di

whatshap grup
3. Dilaksanakan sesuai topik
melalui: (Berikan masing-masing
Centang) saat

1) Edmodo berlangsung

2) Schoology

3) Google
√ Guru
4) Moodle. google

sebagai absen,
tugas dan
feedback pada
3 Hybrid Mode 1.Mengkombinasikan √
(Peerven, metode
2016) serentak/langsung
dengan tidak
langsung dalam
waktu yang
2. Menggunakan
persentase metode
langsung dengan
tidak langsung
sebesar 80%:20%

3. Dilaksanakan √
melalui: (Berikan

1) WhatsApp √

2) Telegram

3) SNS

From table 4.2, it could be seen that the data were relevant, in which teachers
in SMAN 1 Seririt implemented the online platforms in three different modes. They
were synchronous mode, asynchronous mode, and hybrid mode. All of them was
done based on the need and situation of the online teaching-learning and also
students’ condition.

4.1.3 The Encountered Problems Faced by EFL Teachers in SMA N 1 Seririt in

Online Teaching
Based on the result of the interview that researcher did to three teachers in
SMAN 1 Seririt, there were some problems that teachers faced during the online
teaching. The researcher interviewed Mrs. Dayu who teaches in XI Language, XII
MIA 1, and XII class, Mr. Suarsa who teaches XI MIA 1, XII Language 1, and XII
Language 2, as well as Mr. Surya who handles X MIA 1, X MIA 2, X IPS 1, X
Language 1, and X Language 2. The interview section was done three days online
through Google Form. There were ten questions asked during the interview section.
The first question was about whether the teachers experienced problems in aspect of
internet connection during the online teaching. The teachers answered that internet
connection was not a big deal for them. However, it was a serious problem for
students since they often absent during the class because of the connection.
For teachers, internet connection does not give any significant problems,
but it is a big problem for students. Some of students often absent in the
online class with the reason run out of the data package or there is no
internet connection in their places. Some of students live in the rare area
with a limit internet connection. Their data package are also limited that can
only be used until the beginning of the school. There are so many students
in SMAN 1 Seririt who are categorized as underprivileged students. It also
caused with the pandemic situation, where many parents of students were
sent home (Wadika, personal communication, September 27, 2021).

This interview can be supported by figure below,

Figure 4.5 Interview guide question 1

The second question was related to the first question, which was whether the
teachers experienced problems in aspect of infrastructure quality during the online
teaching. The teachers explained that there was no problem of the infrastructure
quality since the school already facilitated students and teachers with required facility,
like tablet pc and WiFi in SMAN 1 Seririt. However, the problem that teachers faced
during the online teaching-learning process was error problem of the platform used as
revealed in the following
There is no problem for the learning facility. School has facilitated all forms
of devices and services during online learning. If there is teacher or student
who does not have learning devices, for example personal computer, school
could lend them the tablet pc. It is also the same with the internet network
problem. When teacher or student who have problem in their internet
connection, they could use WiFi that already provided by school.
Meanwhile, sometimes teachers find problem in the use of the platform,
where the platforms stop working or encounter an error, that students could
not access it since students’ devices are not compatible (I. A. K. Wadika,
personal communication, September 27, 2021).

Next, the third question was still related to the first and second question,
which was whether the teachers experienced problems in the technical aspect during
the online teaching. The teachers stated that they did not face any problems in
operating the platform during the online teaching since the teachers already joined
special training for all teachers to teach online class.
We did not experience any problems in operating the platforms or
applications. We already joined the special training for all teachers

previously. If there is a teacher who still does not understand in using the
platform, we could ask for help to the school’s IT team (I. A. K. Wadika,
personal communication, September 27, 2021).

The fourth question was about teachers’ motivation to teach students via
online. The teachers said that teachers had to do their responsibility based on the
instruction during the pandemic of Covid-19 and always tried as much as teachers can.
So that the condition of students who studied online was not left behind when students
studied face to face. Teachers also always urged students to keep following and
carrying out their duties and obligations while learning online.
Because of the pandemic condition, we have to do our duties as what it is
instructed. Our motivation is to always give learning service as much as
possible by using any features and conduct short practical lessons, but do
not reduce the meaning of each material. also always urged students to keep
following and carrying out their duties and obligations while learning
online. The most motivated thing during the online teaching for us is our
students. We do not want our students to leave behind when they study face
to face (I. A. K. Wadika, personal communication, September 27, 2021).

It can be supported by figure below,

Figure 4.6 Interview guide question 4

A further question was regarding to whether teachers experienced problems in
time management during teaching online. It was found that the teachers never faced
problems in managing time as the school already had the approved schedule.
The school already made the approved schedule based on the situation and
condition of the pandemic, so we never find problems in managing time.
All the learning process, strategies, and time limitation of the learning has
been managed by the school institution according to the central and local
government (I. A. K. Wadika, personal communication, September 27,

The next question concerning with the interaction between teachers and
students during the online learning. Teachers stated that there were some students who
had good communication with teachers and the some of the had not. Sometimes,
teachers found out that there were some students who rarely attended the class and lost
contact with them. But, overall the interaction between teachers and students in
SMAN 2 Seririt ran smoothly during the online class. Most of the students were so
enthusiastic to join each meeting.
The interaction between teachers and students run smoothly for the students
who have good communication with us or in the other words they are open
with us. However, there are some students who do not really have interests
in joining the class that they rarely attend the meeting and submit the

assignment. Overall, the interaction between teachers and students in

SMAN 2 Seririt ran smoothly during the online class. Most of the students
were so enthusiastic to join each meeting (I. A. K. Wadika, personal
communication, September 27, 2021).

Next, the researcher asked the teachers whether they faced problems in
controlling the class during the online learning. For teachers, it was quite hard to
control students who basically did not have interests in joining the class, specifically
in submitting the assignment. When teachers conducted the online learning through
Google Meet, students mostly did not have good connection to participate in the
It was quite hard to control students who basically did not have interests in
joining the class, specifically in submitting the assignment. They often did
not have a good connection to join the meeting, so that we as teachers used
WhatsApp group to continue the discussion. But, there is still a limited
participation of the students during the online learning (I. A. K. Wadika,
personal communication, September 27, 2021).

The eight question which was asked to teachers in SMAN 1 Seririt was about
teachers’ experiences in online teaching. Teachers claimed that the online learning was
done as how the online teaching training worked. The teachers still did not able to
operate several features in online platforms. They also could not really make an
interesting learning or media for students.
The online teaching was run as what it was planned in the online teaching
training previously. However, we still do not really able to operate some
features in the platform. We also find it quite hard to make an interesting
media for teaching, especially in the form of video. So, teachers in SMAN 2
Seririt usually use someone’s videos on YouTube (I. A. K. Wadika, personal
communication, September 27, 2021).

Moreover, the researcher also asked the teachers whether they found problems
in the aspect of the learning content during the online teaching. Fortunately, the
teachers did not find any difficulties in creating the content of the online learning.
Teachers only found it difficult in creating the attractive media for teaching the
students during school from home.
We never face difficulties in making the learning content during the online
teaching, since we already created lesson plans and all the learning process,
strategies, and activities are explained in detail there. We only find it

difficulties to create fun and interesting learning media, especially videos to

teach the students during the pandemic (I. A. K. Wadika, personal
communication, September 27, 2021).

The last question was dealing with teachers’ opinion about the school
preparation in the management of online class services during the pandemic. It was
found that SMAN 1 Seririt were ready in conducting online learning. Teachers had
joined the online teaching training previously, the facilities were well provided.
We think that the school is quite ready in conducting online learning. The
school provides training for teachers to operate online platforms that can be
used in online teaching. The school also provides facilities like tablet and
also WiFi for teachers or students who have problems in joining the online
learning (I. A. K. Wadika, personal communication, September 27, 2021).

In conclusion, teachers and students in SMAN 1 Seririt still adapted in the

online learning situation. Teachers were still on the progress of learning to operate
some features in the platforms and make an attractive learning media for the students.
Teachers and students in SMAN 1 Seririt also got easier in conducting the online
learning, since the school already provided those who had problems in online learning
with the personal computer and WiFi connection. Even though there were some
students who rarely attended the class and submitted the assignment, but overall the
students had a great motivation and participation in the online learning. The teachers
also nearly found difficulties both in the planning the lesson or conducting the online

4.2 Discussion
The purpose of the study were to figure out the preferences of online teaching
platforms used by EFL teachers in SMA N 1 Seririt, to investigate the implementation of
the teaching-learning process with the medium of preferred online teaching platforms
showed by EFL teachers in SMA N 1 Seririt, as well as to describe the encountered
problems faced by EFL teachers in SMA N 1 Seririt in online teaching. This study used the
qualitative data analysis from Miles and Huberman (1994), which was consisting of three
steps, namely: 1) data reduction (selecting, focusing, simplifying, abstracting, and
transforming field note transcription), 2) data display (compressing and importing

obtained data into the tables), and 3) conclusion drawing (Miles, Mattew B. & Huberman,
A. Michael, 1994).
It could be seen that in selecting data, which was the first step on the Miles and
Huberman’s theory, the researcher used observation and interview method. The
observation was done three days to find out the preferences of online teaching platform
used in SMAN 1 Seririt during the online learning and also to know the implementation of
the platforms. Meanwhile, the interview section was done to describe all problems faced
by teachers in SMAN 1 Seririt in conducting the online learning. Thus, the researcher only
focused on those three important point of this study. Second, the researcher obtained all the
data into the blueprint which were already showed in the third chapter of this study, while
the results were displayed in the findings section. Then, the researcher drew conclusion
based on the findings that already found out.
According to the result of the observation, teachers in SMAN 1 Seririt utilized
three kinds of preferences in conducting online learning, such as video preference, LMS,
and also MIM application. All the preferences were already used maximally based on each
preference’s utility. It could be seen from the “relevant” checklist that researcher check on
the observation sheet. Furthermore, teachers in SMAN 1 Seririt implemented the online
platforms in three different modes, namely synchronous mode, asynchronous mode, and
hybrid mode. The synchronous mode was shown by the implementation of Google Meet
and WhatsApp group discussion, which was conducted just at the exact same time as the
meeting started. So, there was no extra time given for students to get the materials, submit
the assignments, or answer the test. Then, the implementation of Google Classroom during
the online teaching by teachers in SMAN 1 Seririt showed the asynchronous mode, where
students could accessed materials, submit assignments, as well as answered the test in a
longer time. Last, the hybrid mode done mostly through WhatsApp chat feature. In this
case, teachers explained the materials through WhatsApp then gave the assignment as well
as the feedback in the Google Classroom, vice versa.
Then, based on the result of the interview with teachers in SMAN 1 Seririt, the
researcher found out that the main problems teachers experienced during the online
learning was when the students rarely attended the meeting and submitted the assignment.
It was because some of students lived in the rare areas that had a really bad internet
connection. Sometimes, teachers also got in trouble when the platform were suddenly

error or stop working, where the teachers were actually still not really able to operate
technology. Moreover, it was quite hard for teachers in SMAN 1 Seririt to create an
attractive learning media, especially in the form of videos. Meanwhile, learning media
itself is really important to use, in which the fun and interesting learning media could
motivate students in joining the online learning. Heeks (2020) stated that the advancement
of technology enables the existing knowledge or information easy to be transformed,
where printed books can be transformed into e-books, newspapers, and magazines into
websites or traditional classrooms into E-learning. Carliner (2003) in Bazan (2016) also
stated that online learning is access to learning experiences via technology. It can be
concluded that online learning is a teaching and learning activity that is assisted with
online platforms and can be done anywhere or anytime without space limitation.
Therefore, the problems found in SMAN 1 Seririt could be categorized as urgent issue that
needed to be solved as quick as possible as this influenced the progress of online learning.
The problems found in this study were in line with the study conducted by Sari
and Nayir (2020) to reveal teachers and administrator academics' perceptions of distance
learning and its problems. The data were collected with 65 teachers through an open-
ended written interview. The findings showed that teachers' most significant problem was
interconnection and lack of infrastructure, classroom management, and human resources.
Besides, the teachers felt that they were not ready since there was a lack of technical
support and sufficient knowledge or experience.
4.3 Implication
There are some implications while conducting this study, such as firstly, due to the
Covid-19 pandemic in which the students must study from home, some of them still could
not adapt with the online learning situation. It is because some of the students in SMAN 1
Seririt live in the rare area that have a really bad internet connection. So, they rarely could
join the meeting, especially when teachers conduct the meeting through Google Meeting
or Google Classroom. It will be better if those students have more motivation to utilize
school’s facilities, since based on the interview result, teachers says that the school already
provide personal tablet and internet connection for students who have problem with this
stuff. Furthermore, teachers need to join more training in making an attractive learning
media, especially in the form of videos that is appropriate to use during the online
teaching, so that teachers will not count on the YouTube videos only.

The learning media is really needed to give students motivation in joining the meeting and
catching the materials.


In this chapter, the researcher focuses on concluding the study based on the
research finding and discussion in the previous chapter. This chapter also provides some
suggestions which are related to the research findings.
5.1 Conclusion
This study belonged to qualitative research, which aimed to figure out the
preferences of online teaching platforms used by EFL teachers in SMA N 1 Seririt, to
investigate the implementation of the teaching-learning process with the medium of
preferred online teaching platforms showed by EFL teachers in SMA N 1 Seririt, as well as
to describe the encountered problems faced by EFL teachers in SMA N 1 Seririt in online
teaching. Looked from the purpose of the study, the researcher accomplished to the
conclusions as follows:
1. Teachers in SMAN 1 Seririt utilized three kinds of preferences in conducting
online learning, such as video preference, LMS, and also MIM application. One
of the video preference that teachers used was Google Meeting. For the LMS
teachers in SMAN 1 Seririt used WhatsApp group, which was basically used as
the information platform. So, when teachers wanted to conduct online meeting
on Google Meet or Google Classroom, they would inform students in the group.
Students also filled their present list on Whatsapp. Then, whenever there was a
problem in Google Meet or Google Classroom, teachers would continue the
online learning on WhatsApp. and for the MIM applications, the teachers
utilized Google Classroom to deliver the materials, give assignments, and also
feedback for the students’ work.

2. Furthermore, teachers in SMAN 1 Seririt implemented the online platforms in
three different modes, namely synchronous mode, asynchronous mode, and
hybrid mode. The synchronous mode was shown by the implementation of
Google Meet and WhatsApp group discussion, which was conducted just at the
exact same time as the meeting started. So, there was no extra time given for
students to get the materials, submit the assignments, or answer the test. Then,
the implementation of Google Classroom during the online teaching by teachers
in SMAN 1 Seririt showed the asynchronous mode, where students access
materials, submit assignments, as well as answered the test in a longer time.
Last, the hybrid mode done mostly through WhatsApp chat feature. In this case,
teachers explained the materials through WhatsApp then gave the assignment as
well as the feedback in the Google Classroom, vice versa.
3. Then, based on the result of the interview with teachers in SMAN 1 Seririt, the
researcher found out that the main problems teachers experienced during the
online learning was when the students rarely attended the meeting and submitted
the assignment. It was because some of students lived in the rare areas that had a
really bad internet connection. Sometimes, teachers also got in trouble when the
platform were suddenly error or stop working, where the teachers were actually
still not really able to operate technology. Moreover, it was quite hard for
teachers in SMAN 1 Seririt to create an attractive learning media, especially in
the form of videos. Meanwhile, learning media itself is really important to use,
in which the fun and interesting learning media could motivate students in
joining the online learning.
5.1 Suggestion

After conducting the research and development, analyzing data, evaluating the
media, and discussing the result, the researcher gives some suggestions to those who might
be benefited from this research. Those suggestions can be seen as follows:
1. For English Teacher

It is suggested for English teachers to check the students' condition well. So
teachers will know more about the students’ problem and condition during the
switch from face to face learning into the online learning. Then, it will be better
also if teachers learn more about how to make interesting media, especially
learning videos to motivate students to keep joining the online learning and make
them easier to understand the materials.
2. For Further Researchers

It is suggested to the further researchers use this research as references and find
out more about the challenges faced by teachers during the online learning, as
well as the appropriate strategies for teacher to overcome those problems.
Moreover, the further researchers are expected to explore more references related
to the preferences of online teaching platforms, the implementation, and also the
problems experienced by teachers during the online learning.


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Appendix 1 Surat Ijin Penelitian


No Dimension Indicators Yes No Notes No

1 Video 4. Menggunakan
Conference komunikasi
(Amin & secara langsung
Sundari, melalui
2020) panggilan video
(Rouse, 2016)

5. Menggunakan
salah satu
aplikasi berikut,
yakni: (Berikan


3) Zoom
(Amin &
Sundari, 2020)

2 Learning 4. Menggunakan website

Management interaktif sebagai
System portal untuk
(LMS) berkomunikasi
(Amin & (Adzharuddin and
Sundari, Ling, 2013)
5. Menggunakan salah
satu aplikasi berikut,
yakni: (Berikan 2
1) Edmodo

2) Schoology

3) Google
(Amin & Sundari,

3 Mobile 2. Menyampaikan
Instant informasi dalam
Messaging bentuk berkas yang
(MIM) bisa dibagikan
Application maupun diakses
(Amin & kapanpun dan
Sundari) dimanapun (Tang and
Hew, 2019)

2. Menggunakan salah
satu aplikasi berikut,
yakni: (Berikan Centang)

1) WhatsApp

2) Telegram

3) WeChat

(Pimmer & Rambe,



No. Dimensions Indicators Relevant Irrelevant Note

1. Video 1) Menggunakan
Conference komunikasi
secara langsung
panggilan video

2) Menggunakan salah
satu aplikasi berikut,
yakni: (Berikan

2)Google Hangouts

3) Zoom

4) Lainnya
2. LMS 1) Menggunakan website
interaktif sebagai portal
untuk berkomunikasi

2. Menggunakan salah
satu aplikasi berikut,
yakni: (Berikan

1) Edmodo

2) Schoology

3) Google

4) Lainnya
3. MIM Aplication 1) Menyampaikan
informasi dalam bentuk
berkas yang bisa
dibagikan maupun
diakses kapanpun dan

2) Menggunakan salah
satu aplikasi berikut,
yakni: (Berikan

1) WhatsApp

2) Telegram

3) WeChat

4) Lainnya

(Adapted from Peerven, 2016)
No Dimension Indicators Yes No Notes No
1 Synchronous 1. Dilakukan 3
Mode secara langsung

(Peerven, melalui media dan
2016) mode elektronik

2. Menggunakan
mode komunikasi
berupa: (Berikan
1) Panggilan

2) Video

3) Teks Pesan

3. Dilaksanakan
melalui: (Berikan

1) Google Meet

2) Live Zoom

3) Grup Diskusi
2 Asynchronous 1. Dilakukan secara
Mode bertahap dengan jeda
(Peerven, waktu tertentu
2. Memfasilitasi dengan
materi pembelajaran
(slide, video, tautan, dll)
yang bisa diakses
kapanpun dan dimanapun

3. Dilaksanakan melalui: 3
(Berikan Centang)

1) Edmodo

2) Schoology

3) Google

4) Moodle.

3 Hybrid Mode 1. Mengkombinasikan

(Peerven, metode serentak/langsung
2016) dengan tidak
serantak/tidak langsung
dalam waktu yang

2. Menggunakan
persentase metode
langsung dengan tidak 3
langsung sebesar

3. Dilaksanakan melalui:
(Berikan Centang)

1) WhatsApp

2) Telegram

3) SNS



No. Dimensions Indicators Relevant Irrelevant Note

1. Synchronous 1. Dilakukan
Mode secara langsung
melalui media
dan mode
2. Menggunakan

mode komunikasi
berupa: (Berikan
1) Panggilan

2) Video

3) Teks Pesan

4) Lainnya
3. Dilaksanakan
melalui: (Berikan
1) Google Meet

2) Live Zoom

3) Grup Diskusi

4) Lainnya
2. Asynchronous 1. Dilakukan secara
Mode bertahap dengan jeda
waktu tertentu
2. Memfasilitasi dengan
materi pembelajarana
(slide, video, tautan, dll)
yang bisa diakses
kapanpun dan
3. Dilaksanakan
melalui: (Berikan
1) Edmodo

2) Schoology

3) Google

4) Moodle

5) Lainnya
3. Hybrid Mode 1. Mengkombinasikan
dengan tidak
serantak/tidak langsung
dalam waktu yang
2. Menggunakan
persentase metode
langsung dengan tidak
langsung sebesar
3. Dilaksanakan
melalui: (Berikan
1) WhatsApp

2) Telegram

3) SNS

4) Lainnya


(Synthesized from Dutta, 2011; Ramij & Sultana, 2020; and Sari & Nayir, 2020)

No. Dimensions Indicators Item of Questions
of Items
1 Problems 1. Low 1) Apakah Bapak/Ibu mengalami
arising due to internet permasalahan dalam aspek
the connection koneksi internet selama
deficiency of mengajar secara daring? Jika
2. Low
technology iya, bisakah Bapak/Ibu
and menjelaskannya secara detail!
2) Apakah Bapak/Ibu mengalami
3. Technical
permasalahan dalam aspek
kualitas infrastruktur (komputer,
gawai, koneksi internet, aplikasi,
dll.) selama mengajar secara
daring? Jika iya, bisakah
Bapak/Ibu menjelaskannya
secara detail!
3) Apakah Bapak/Ibu mengalami
permasalahan dalam aspek
teknis (menggoperasikan
aplikasi, mengoperasikan
perangkat komputer & gawai,
memperbaiki masalah-masalah
teknis sederhana) selama
mengajar secara daring? Jika
iya, bisakah Bapak/Ibu
menjelaskannya secara detail!

2 Problems 1. Motivation 1) Bagaimanakah motivasi

arising from problem Bapak/Ibu selama ini dalam
teachers and mengajar secara daring?
2. Time
students 4
management 2) Apakah Bapak/Ibu mengalami
issue permasalahan dalam aspek
pengaturan waktu dalam
2. Students’
mengajar secara daring? Jika

attitude iya, ​bisakah ​Bapak
/Ibu menjelaskannya secara
3. Lack of detail!
3) Bagaimanakah interaksi yang
4. Hard to selama ini terjalin antara
control Bapak/Ibu dengan peserta didik
di kelas daring yang Bapak/Ibu
4) Apakah Bapak/Ibu mengalami
permasalahan dalam aspek
mengontrol kelas daring yang
Bapak/Ibu ampu? Jika iya,
bisakah ​Bapak/Ibu
menjelaskannya secara detail!

3 Problems 1. 1. Apakah pengalaman

related to the Lack ​of Bapak/Ibu dalam mengajar
e-learning experience secara daring sudah Bapak/Ibu
process anggap mumpuni? Bisakah
Bapak/Ibu ​memberikan
Lack ​of penjelasan yang lebih rinci
terkait hal tersebut?
2. Apakah Bapak/Ibu mengalami
3. Unprepared
permasalahan dalam aspek
konten mengajar selama 3
mengajar secara daring? Jika
iya, bisakah Bapak/Ibu
menjelaskannya secara detail!

3. Menurut Bapak/Ibu,
bagaimanakah kesiapan pihak
sekolah maupun pengelola
layanan kelas daring yang
Bapak/Ibu amati selama ini?
Jelaskan dengan rinci!

Appendix 7 Expert Judge of Interview Guide

No. Questions Relevant Irrelevant Note

1 Apakah Bapak/Ibu √
mengalami permasalahan
dalam aspek koneksi

internet selama mengajar

secara daring? Jika iya,
bisakah Bapak/Ibu
menjelaskannya secara

2 Apakah Bapak/Ibu mengalami √

permasalahan dalam aspek
kualitas infrastruktur (komputer,
gawai, koneksi internet, aplikasi,
dll.) selama mengajar secara
daring? Jika iya, bisakah
Bapak/Ibu menjelaskannya secara

3 Apakah Bapak/Ibu mengalami √

permasalahan dalam aspek teknis
(menggoperasikan aplikasi,
mengoperasikan perangkat
komputer & gawai, memperbaiki
masalah-masalah teknis
sederhana) selama mengajar
secara daring? Jika iya, bisakah
Bapak/Ibu menjelaskannya secara

4 Bagaimanakah motivasi Bapak/Ibu √

selama ini dalam mengajar secara
5 Apakah Bapak/Ibu mengalami √
permasalahan dalam aspek
pengaturan waktu dalam mengajar
secara daring? Jika iya, bisakah
Bapak/Ibu menjelaskannya secara

6 Bagaimanakah interaksi yang √

selama ini terjalin antara
Bapak/Ibu dengan peserta didik di
kelas daring yang Bapak/Ibu

7 Apakah Bapak/Ibu mengalami √

permasalahan dalam aspek
mengontrol kelas daring yang
Bapak/Ibu ampu? Jika iya, bisakah
Bapak/Ibu menjelaskannya secara


8 Apakah pengalaman Bapak/Ibu √

dalam mengajar secara daring
sudah Bapak/Ibu anggap
mumpuni? Bisakah Bapak/Ibu
memberikan penjelasan yang lebih
rinci terkait hal tersebut?

9 Apakah Bapak/Ibu mengalami √

permasalahan dalam aspek konten
mengajar selama mengajar secara
daring? Jika iya, bisakah
Bapak/Ibu menjelaskannya secara

10 Menurut Bapak/Ibu, bagaimanakah √

kesiapan pihak sekolah maupun
pengelola layanan kelas daring
yang Bapak/Ibu amati selama ini?
Jelaskan dengan rinci!
Appendix 8 Observation Sheet teachers online teaching online preference

A. Date of Observation : 27/09/2021

Observation Code ​: Preference– I/Observation

Participant Code ​: Teacher 1

No Dimension Indicators Yes No Notes No

1 Video 1. Pada saat
Conference Menggunakan pembelajara
(Amin & komunikasi menggunakan
Sundari, secara langsung Aplikasi
2020) melalui Google
panggilan video Meet,Guru
(Rouse, 2016) menerangkan
materi via
2. google meet
salah satu 2
aplikasi berikut,
yakni: (Berikan

1) Skype


3) Zoom
(Amin &

2 Learning 6. Menggunakan Bahan ajar

Management website interaktif pendukung
System sebagai portal untuk saja dari link
(LMS) berkomunikasi youtube
(Amin & (Adzharuddin and 2
Sundari, Ling, 2013)
7. Menggunakan salah
satu aplikasi berikut,
yakni: (Berikan
1) Edmodo

2) Schoology

3) Google
Classroom √
(Amin & Sundari,
3 Mobile 5. Menyampaikan Guru
Instant informasi dalam bentuk memberikana
Messaging berkas yang bisa tautan dari
(MIM) dibagikan maupun google pada
Application diakses kapanpun dan pembelajaran
(Amin & dimanapun (Tang and bahasa
Sundari) Hew, 2019) inggris
tentang letter

6. Menggunakan salah
satu aplikasi berikut,
yakni: (Berikan
Centang) 2

1) WhatsApp ​√

2) Telegram

3) WeChat

(Pimmer & Rambe,


B. Date of Observation ​: 28/09/2021

Observation Code ​: Preference– 2/Observation
Participant Code ​: Teacher 2

No Dimension Indicators Yes No Notes No

1 Video 1.Menggunakan Pada saat
Conference komunikasi pembelajara 2
(Amin & secara langsung menggunakan
Sundari, melalui Aplikasi

2020) panggilan video Google
(Rouse, 2016) Meet,Guru
2.Menggunakan materi
salah satu Analytical
aplikasi berikut, Exposition
yakni: (Berikan Text via
Centang) google meet



3) Zoom
(Amin &

2 Learning 8. Menggunakan Bahan ajar

Management website interaktif pendukung
System sebagai portal untuk saja dari link
(LMS) berkomunikasi youtube
(Amin & (Adzharuddin and
Sundari, Ling, 2013)
9. Menggunakan salah
satu aplikasi berikut,
yakni: (Berikan 2
1) Edmodo

2) Schoology

3) Google
Classroom √
(Amin & Sundari,
3 Mobile 5. Menyampaikan Guru
Instant informasi dalam bentuk memberikana
Messaging berkas yang bisa tautan dari 2
(MIM) dibagikan maupun google pada
Application diakses kapanpun dan pembelajaran
(Amin & dimanapun (Tang and bahasa

Sundari) Hew, 2019) inggris
6. Menggunakan salah Exposition
satu aplikasi berikut,
yakni: (Berikan

1) WhatsApp ​√

2) Telegram

3) WeChat

(Pimmer & Rambe,

C. Date of Observation ​: 30 /09/2021
Observation Code ​: Preference – 3/Observation
Participant Code ​: Teacher 3

No Dimension Indicators Yes No Notes No

1 Video 1. Menggunakan Pada saat
Conference komunikasi pembelajara
(Amin & secara langsung menggunakan
Sundari, melalui Aplikasi Google
2020) panggilan video Meet,Guru
(Rouse, 2016) menerangkan
materi “Poems” 2
2. Menggunakan via google meet
salah satu
aplikasi berikut,
yakni: (Berikan

1) Skype

2) Google

3) Zoom
(Amin &

2 Learning 10. Menggunakan Bahan ajar

website interaktif
sebagai portal untuk
(Adzharuddin and
Ling, 2013)

11. Menggunakan
salah satu aplikasi
berikut, yakni:
(Berikan Centang)
1) Edmodo

2) Schoology

3) Google
Classroom ​√
(Amin & Sundari,
Management pendukung saja
System dari link youtube
(Amin &

3 Mobile 5. Menyampaikan Guru

Instant informasi dalam bentuk memberikana
Messaging berkas yang bisa tautan dari google
(MIM) dibagikan maupun pada pembelajaran
Application diakses kapanpun dan bahasa inggris
(Amin & dimanapun (Tang and tentang”Poems”
Sundari) Hew, 2019)

6. Menggunakan salah
satu aplikasi berikut,
yakni: (Berikan


1) WhatsApp ​√

2) Telegram

3) WeChat

(Pimmer & Rambe,

IMPLEMENTATION Adapted from Peerven, 2016)

Date of Observation ​: 27/09/2021

Observation Code ​: Implementation – I/II/III Observation
Participant Code ​: Teacher 1/2/3

No Dimension Indicators Yes No Notes No

1 Synchronous 1. Dilakukan 3

Mode secara
(Peerven, langsung
2016) melalui media
dan mode

1) Panggilan

2) Video


3) Teks Pesan √

Guru meminta
bergabung ke
google meet
whatshap grup
1) Google √

2) Live Zoom

3) Grup
WhatsApp √
2 Asynchronous 1. Dilakukan secara √
Mode bertahap dengan
(Peerven, jeda waktu tertentu

ppt di google
meet dan juga
link video di
2. Memfasilitasi
dengan materi 3
pembelajaran (slide, √
video, tautan, dll)
yang bisa diakses
kapanpun dan

whatshap grup
3. Dilaksanakan sesuai topik
melalui: (Berikan masing-masing
Centang) saat

1) Edmodo berlangsung

2) Schoology

3) Google
√ Guru
4) Moodle. google

sebagai absen,
tugas dan
feedback pada
3 Hybrid Mode 1.Mengkombinasikan √
(Peerven, metode
2016) serentak/langsung
dengan tidak
langsung dalam
waktu yang

2. Menggunakan
persentase metode
langsung dengan
tidak langsung
sebesar 80%:20%

3. Dilaksanakan
melalui: (Berikan

1) WhatsApp √

2) Telegram

3) SNS

Appendix 10. Interview Guide Name of Teacher


Appendix 10 Interview Guide

1. Apakah Bapak/l bu rriengalami permasalahan dalam aspek koneksi internet selama mengajar secara daring? Jika iya, bisakah Bapalc/lbu
rnenjelaskannya secara detail!

Jika dari guru macla lah i'ntetnet ticlak terlalu ménjadi m'asaI ah , yañ g ma salah a dalah dati sisw'a. mereka serlng tidak hadIr dI pem'belaj aran darin g
dengan alasan habis kuota dan tidak a da sinjaI.

Untuk masafart jaringan sering menjadi kencia1 a, be be ra pas iswa ada yanp tinge a1 d i d a erafn peer a 1 a fin a ri ja u fn dari ja ng ka ua n, in a sa 1 afi ya ng 1 a
i n a d a lains i svva 'mem il ikl
kuota te rbat as yan Q ma nya bi sa d 1 Q urn a ka n
sa at pem be Iaj a ran awa I saja untuk jam siang kuota siswa sudah muI ai h abi s d ata te rsebut diambll dari h as11 supervlsi dari wall kelas dan p e.njajagan oleh guru
BE. Siswa yang sekol ah di SMA N 1 Seririt, banyak da ri
go tangan kurang mam pu. apalagi situa si
saat kondfs i pan demi orang tua siswa banya k yang berhentt beke r]a. Int yang

Apa ka h Bap.akYlDu me n galarni
pe rrriasataha r+ dalam aspek kualitas
i m( ras I ru it u r {keroputer. gawvai. koneI<si internet. aplikasi. dII-} sel a rna me n gajar sewara daring? JiI<a iya, Disakah Bapak/IDo rrienjelaskannya
secara detail!

Tidak ada

unt uk rna sa la b fa si Iita s p em belajaran tid ak jadi masatah. karena selaIn sudah milik sendml 'sekoIah sudah m emf asiIltasl se'gaJa bentuk
perangkat dan Iayanan .set ama
pem be\ajaran. jika ada guru ata u siswa yang
ti cJ a k 'm erm Ii ki perangkat atau 'rusak bisa mem inj am Tablet sekaIah untuk beta]ar
termasuk komputer sekoIah d an j aringan wifi sekolah isa dipakai. bagi siswa yang mengaIam'i kendaIa jarf ngan bisa dat ang ke sekolan men
gikut I keglatan
pembeJaj aran

Kad ang kad ang te rj ad‹ permas aIahan d ala m pen ggun aan aplika sf. up Iik.a si yg d fguna ka n ad a la h go eg le cl assroom hadang-

kadan g rnenpa1 ami ​

error. Begitiu J u'pa 'p en q gu n aa n

​ ​

!*i I"!*iI ​
22:23 ​
InleraKsi aktif Lianya lerjadI pada siswa-
siswa tertentu saja. Siswa yg memiliki semangat tinggi vva Iau belajar secara daring

berdasarkan juknis pelaksaan dari pemerintah pusat dan daerah


7. Apakah Bapak/lbu mengalami permasalahan dalam aspek mengontrol kelas daring yang Bapak/lbu
ampu? Jika iya, bisakah Bapak/lbu menjelaskannya secara detail!
3 jawab an

Susah mengontrol anak2 yang malas ikut pembelajaran daring terutama di pengumpulanlugas

Kalau saya sendiri ada masalah sed ik it terutama kenadiran siswa dalam keg iatan google meet. siswa sering hilang kontak,
kadang suara yang disampaikan tidak jelas, sehingga kamunikasi dibantu dengan whatsapp.

Permasalahan yg terjadi adalah kurangnya partisi pasi beberapa siswa d alam bet aj ar daring


6. Bagaimanakah interaksi yang selama ini terjalin antara Bapak/lbu dengan peserta didik di kelas daring yang Bapak/lbu
3 jawab an
Untuk siswa yang rajin komunikasi berjalan dengan baik, tapi untuk beberapa anak yg memang malas kami kesu titan
untk komunikasi, karna jarang nadir oaik di pembelajaran penugasan maupun di zoom meet

Secara umum interaksi berjalan dengan baik, walau kadang terbentur jaringan koneksi yang tidak stabiI yang membuat komunikasi kurang

Interaksi aktif hanya terjadi pada siswa- siswa tertentu saja. Siswa yg memiliki semangat tinggi walau belajar secara daring

Appendix 11 Foto Dokumentasi Pengambilan data dengan Guru

Appendix 12
Lesson Plan


Satuan Pendidikan ​
Negeri 1 Seririt Kelas/Semester : XI/
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris

(Peminatan) Topik ​: Poems

Pertemuan ke- 1​
Alokasi waktu : 2 X 45 menit

A. Kompetensi Dasar
3.4 Menafsirkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan teks khusus dalam bentuk poem, lisan
dan tulis, dengan memberi dan meminta informasi
terkait kehidupan remaja, sesuai dengan konteks
B. Tujuan Pembelajaran

1. Melalui kegiatan pembelajaran siswa dapat

menganalisis struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan
teks khusus dalam bentuk poem terkait kehidupan
remaja, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
2. Melalui kegiatan pembelajaran siswa dapat
menjelaskan fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan
teks khusus dalam bentuk poem.
● Poem is a piece of writing in which the words are
arranged in separate lines, often ending in rhyme,
and are chosen for their sound and for the images and
ideas they suggest. (Cambridge Dictionary)
● Puisi adalah hampir sama dengan poetry, hanya saja
bentuk penyajiannya dalam baris-baris yang teratur
dan terikat. Sajak mementingkan keselarasan bunyi
bahasa dan kesepadanan bunyi.
bahasa-inggris/poetry-prose-dan-poem- dalam-

a. The social function of poem
b. The characteristics of poem:

● The ‘paragraph’ in a poem is called a stanza or a verse.

● Using figurative language

● Imaginative

●Often has rhythm and rhyme

c. The elements of poem:

● Rhythm

● Sounds

● Imagery

● Forms


● Mengamati dan menganalisis sebuah kata dan puisi yang

● Membaca dan mengidentifikasi puisi yang diberikan oleh
● Membaca dan mengidentifikasi puisi yang terdapat
dalam buku cetak serta menjawab pertanyaan yang

Membuat karangan puisi sederhana sebagai latihan, dengan ketentuan:

- Tema bebas
- Satu bait puisi berisi empat baris
- Boleh berima atau tidak

- Menggunakan kosa kata yang jarang didengar

Figurative language is language that uses words or
expressions with a meaning that is different from the
literal interpretation. The ways of making language
figurative are called Figuratives of Speech.

Kinds of Figures of speech:
1. Personification

2. Metaphor
3. Simile
The difference between metaphor and simile.


● Membaca dan mengamati penggunaan kata/kalimat dalam

puisi yang ada pada buku cetak.
● Membaca dan menganalisis figures of speech yang
ada pada puisi dalam buku cetak secara
● Mempresentasikan hasil analisis.

Membuat sebuah karangan puisi sederhana dengan ketentuan:
- Menggunakan salah satu figures of speech (personification,
metaphor, or simile)
- Minimal 2 bait

- Memiliki rima
- Buatan sendiri

D. Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Kegiata Deskrips
n i
- Guru melakukan tegur sapa kepada class yang akan diajar
melalui whatshap group.
- Guru menyampaikan informasi awal dalam whatsapp group
pada kelas yang akan diajar untuk persiapan pembelajaran
melalui google classroom.
- Guru membuat absensi siswa dan menyuruh siswa
absensi langsung dengan mengklik pada kolom hadir
Pendahulua atau sakit (dengan memberi keterangan surat pada 10
n forum kalau sakit). menit
- Guru mengamati tingkat kehadiran siswa dan mencatat
kembali dalam absen manual dengan orientasi jumlah
siswa hadir, sakit dan tanpa keterangan.
- Guru menyuruh siswa membuka orientasi pembelajaran pada
dukomen yang di share lewat google classroom berkaitan
dengan tujuan pembelajaran , KKM, Penilaian, sumber
belajar yang akan digunakan.
- Guru upload materi tentang poems pada google classroom
berupa link youtube ( 20
v=7QZT0npx9aE dan menit
Inti - Guru menyuruh siswa untuk mengamati video yang telah
dishare. 20
- Siswa menganalisis struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan teks menit
khusus dalam bentuk poem terkait kehidupan remaja, sesuai
dengan konteks penggunaannya.
- Siswa menjelaskan fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan teks 20
khusus menit
dalam bentuk poem.
- Guru mengapresiasi seluruh siswa melalui group whatsapp
telah mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran daring.
- Guru memberikan informasi tentang kegiatan dan tugas
Penutup selanjutnya yang akan dikerjakan pada pertemuan 20
selanjutnya melalui google classroom. menit
- Guru menyuruh siswa untuk selalu melihat informasi
dengan membuka google classroom sebelum jadwal
KBM terlaksana.
- Guru mengucapkan salam penutup.

E. Penilaian
1. Jenis/Teknik Penilaian
Pengetahuan: Tes Tulis dan Penugasan
2. Bentuk Instrumen
Instrumen Penilaian Pengetahuan
Small Big No
Mistake Mistak Answe
e r
100 90 40 0
a. Menganalisis struktur teks dan unsur
kebahasaan teks khusus dalam bentuk poem
terkait kehidupan remaja, sesuai dengan

b. Menjelaskan fungsi sosial dan unsur

teks khusus dalam bentuk poem.

Nilai = Skor Perolehan x 100%

Skor Max

Mengetahui, ​Seririt, 17 Juli 2021

Kepala SMA Negeri 1 Seririt ​ uru Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris

I Gde Suparta, S.Pd., M.Pd. ​Ida Ayu Ketut Wadika, S.Pd

Pembina Utama Muda ​NIP. 19641231 198703 2 207
NIP. 19660720 199002 1 003

Poem 1

Hold fast to dream For if dreams die

(By Langston Hughes)

Life is a broken-
winged bird That
cannot fly
Hold fast to
dreams From
where dreams
go Life is a
barren field
Frozen with
Exercise 1. Based on the poem above, please answer the following question!!


1. How many stanza are in there?

2. How many lines does a stanza consist?

3. How does the poem rhyme?

4. Can you find the imagery there?
5. How is the word choice of the poem?

Answer Key

1. There are 2 stanza in the poem

2. Each stanza has 4 lines

3. The rhyme is ABAB

4. Yes I can. There are two imagery, the first one is

“Life is a broken-winged bird” and “Life is a barren
5. The author use a very imaginative and complex word
to write the poem, thus it makes the poem more
beautiful and meaningful.

Exercise 2. Please read the poem “DREAMS” once again. After you done task one, now what do
you think the social function of the poem? Make sure to use your own word. Discuss it with your

Satuan Pendidikan ​:
SMAN 1 Seririt
Kelas ​ ​XI
Semester ​1
Mata Pelajaran ​: Bahasa Inggris
Materi Pokok ​: Analytical Exposition Text (
Reading) Alokasi Waktu :​ 2 x 45 menit

a. Memahami secara kontekstual terkait definisi, fungsi sosial, struktur teks,
dan unsur kebahasaan teks eksposisi analitis lisan dan tulis, terkait isu
b. Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks
eksposisi analitis lisan dan tulis, terkait isu actual.


a. Laptop
b. Handphone
c. Buku paket Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI



- Membuka pembelajaran dengan menyapa siswa di
whatsapp grup.
Pendahuluan - Mengajak siswa masuk ke google meet melalui 10 menit
tautan yang diberikan di whatsapp grup.
- Menyapa siswa di google meet.
- Menanyakan perasaan siswa.

- Berdoa sebelum memulai pelajaran.
- Mengingatkan siswa untuk mengisi absensi melalui
google classroom
- Menyampaiakan tujuan pembelajaran.
- Menampilkan share screen berisi penjelasan 5 menit
tentang definisi, fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan
unsur kebahasaan teks eksposisi. 5 menit
- Memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk 20 menit
- Guru memberikan latihan berupa menganalisis tema,
Purrpose and moral value dari teks eksposisi.
Inti - Guru menutup google meet dan mengajak siswa
masuk ke whatsapp grup untuk melakukan diskusi
tentang tugas yang diberikan. 10 menit
- Siswa berdiskusi di whatsapp grup dengan arahan
- Guru dan siswa masuk kembali di google meet
untuk melakukan konfirmasi membahas jawaban
- Guru memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk
- Bersama siswa menyimpulkan pembelajaran.
Penutup - Memberikan tugas rumah di google classroom. 5 menit
- Berdoa pada akhir pembelajaran
- Guru mengakhiri pembelajaran.



- Kehadiran siswa di google classroom, whatsapp grup

Sikap dan google meet.
- Sopan santun dalam berpakaian, berkomentar baik di
stream / classwork atau google meet
- ​Kemampuan siswa dalam memahami isi, tema,
tujuan dan nilai moral dari teks eksposisi.
- ​Ketepatan dalam membaca dan
memahami (reading ) teks eksposisi.

Kepala SMA Negeri 1 seririt

I Gde Suparta, S.Pd., M.Pd.

Pembina Utama Muda
Nip. 19660720 199002 1 003

Seririt, 16 Agustus 2021 Guru Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI

Wayan Suarsa, S.Pd.

Nip. 19780502 200501 1 012




Sekolah ​: SMA ……………………… Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris KD ​: 3.2 dan 4.2
Kelas/Semester : X / Ganjil IPK ​: 3.2.1 ; 3.2.2 ; 3.2.3 ; 3.2.4 dan
4.2.1 ; 4.2.2
Materi Pokok : Congrulating and Complimenting Others

A. Tujuan Pembelajaran :
Setelah menyimak penjelasan materi dalam video youtube yang dikirim guru Melalui Grup
Telegram/Whatsapp, peserta didik dapat :
- Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan pada ungkapan ucapan
selamat dan pujian bersayap serta responnya.
- Merespon ucapan selamat dan pujian bersayap dengan menggunakan struktur teks dan unsur
bahasa yang tepat sesuai dengan tujuan dan konteks penggunaan.
- Memberikan ucapan selamat dan pujian bersayap dengan menggunakan struktur teks dan unsur
bahasa yang tepat sesuai dengan tujuan dan konteks penggunaan
Memiliki sikap tanggung jawab, kreatif, kerja sama, dan selalu bersyukur kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa

B. Model Pembelajaran & Sumber Belajar

• STUDYSASTER merupakan sebuah inovasi berupa model pembelajaran untuk
mengintegrasikan pendidikan kebencanaan dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar, dengan tujuan
meningkatkan minat siswa belajar kebencanaan
• Sumber Belajar: Buku Bahasa Inggris Siswa Kelas X, Kemendikbud, Tahun 2017

C. Langkah-Langkah
Pertemuan Ke-1 dan
Kegiatan Pendahuluan (10 Menit)
Melakukan pembukaan dengan salam pembuka dan berdoa untuk memulai pembelajaran dipandu melalui
grup Whatsapp, dan siswa mengisi daftar hadir Online Yang dikirim Guru ke Grup Whatsapp
Melalui Grup Telegram/Whatsapp guru Menyampaikan motivasi tentang apa yang dapat diperoleh
(tujuan & manfaat) dengan mempelajari materi : Congrulating and Complimenting Others.
Melalui Grup Telegram/Whatsapp guru Menjelaskan hal-hal yang akan dipelajari, kompetensi yang
akan dicapai, serta metode belajar yang akan ditempuh
Kegiatan Inti ( 75 Menit )
Kegiatan Literasi Melalui Grup Telegram/Whatsapp Peserta didik diberi motivasi dan panduan

untuk melihat, mengamati, membaca dan menuliskannya kembali. Mereka diberi
tayangan dan bahan bacaan terkait materi Congrulating and Complimenting
Critical Thinking Melalui Grup Telegram/Whatsapp Guru memberikan kesempatan untuk
mengidentifikasi sebanyak mungkin hal yang belum dipahami, dimulai dari
pertanyaan faktual sampai ke pertanyaan yang bersifat hipotetik. Pertanyaan ini
harus tetap berkaitan dengan materi Congrulating and Complimenting Others.
Collaboration Peserta didik bersama orang tua mendiskusikan, mengumpulkan informasi,
kemudian melalaui aplikasi ZOOM siswa mempresentasikan ulang, dan saling
bertukar informasi dengan siswa lain mengenai Congrulating and Complimenting
Communication Melalui Grup Telegram/Whatsapp Peserta didik mempresentasikan hasil kerja
kelompok atau individu secara klasikal, mengemukakan pendapat atas presentasi
yang dilakukan kemudian ditanggapi kembali oleh kelompok atau individu yang
Creativity Melalui Grup Telegram/Whatsapp Guru dan peserta didik membuat kesimpulan
tentang hal-hal yang telah dipelajari terkait Congrulating and Complimenting
Others.. Peserta didik kemudian diberi kesempatan untuk menanyakan kembali hal-
hal yang belum dipahami
Kegiatan Penutup (5 Menit)
Peserta didik membuat rangkuman/simpulan pelajaran.tentang point-point penting yang muncul dalam
kegiatan pembelajaran yang baru dilakukan
Guru membuat rangkuman/simpulan pelajaran.tentang point-point penting yang muncul dalam kegiatan
pembelajaran yang baru dilakukan

D. Penilaian Hasil Pembelajaran

• Penilaian Pengetahuan berupa tes tertulis pilihan ganda & tertulis uraian, tes lisan / observasi
terhadap diskusi tanya jawab dan percakapan serta penugasan (SOAL DARING)
• Penilaian Keterampilan berupa penilaian unjuk kerja, penilaian proyek, penilaian produk dan
penilaian portofolio

Mengetahui ​Jakarta, …..., ​20…

Kepala Sekolah, ​Guru Mata Pelajaran,

………………………………. ​ ……………………………….


Dyah Pitaloka Siwi Perdana berasal dari Nusa Dua lahir pada tanggal
14 Agustus 1998. Penulis lahir dari pasangan suami istri
Sarwi Wibowo dan Ibu Dwi Prima Retnani. Penulis
berkebangsaan Indonesia dan beragama Islam. Penulis
beralamat di Perumahan Residence 1 Block G 11 Kampial
Nusa Dua Bali. Penulis menyelesaikan pendidikan sekolah
dasar di SD No 1 Benoa dan lulus pada tahun 2011. Kemudian
penulis melanjutkan ke jenjang sekolah menengah pertama di
SMP N 4 Kuta Selatan dan lulus pada tahun 2014. Pada tahun
2017, Penulis lulus dari SMK Nusa Dua jurusan Tata Boga
Perhotelan yang kemudian melanjutkan untuk program S1 di
Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas
Pendidikan Ganesha. Pada tahun 2021, penulis telah
menyelesaikan skripsinya yang berjudul

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