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NFC IET Multan

Department of Computer Science

Session: 2k17 Exam: Mid Term
Program: BSCS Semester: 6th
Subject: Digital Image Processing Total Marks: 30
Time Allowed: 90 Minutes Course Code: CE-321
Note: Be very precise for your answers/solution. Solve with the same sequence of each Question Paper

Student_Name:______________________________________________ Roll No:________________________

Q No Statement Marks
Consider the following image. For V = {0, 1, 2} Find
length of m-path between p and q. Also find if p and r
are m-connected ? Specify this path if so.

A 4

Repeat the above problem with V={2, 3, 4}

(Use backside of this page to solve this part)
B Write MATLAB code to show log transformation function graph 2
Following is the given data for an image of size 64 × 64 . Find the values for the new image
after applying histogram equalization. Also give new frequency distribution (ns) after
histogram equalization is performed. Transformation Function for this equalization is given.
rk nk pr(rk) sk ns 10
0 1023

1 850

2 790
C 4
3 329

4 656

5 122

6 245

7 81

Page 1 of 2
NFC IET Multan
Department of Computer Science
Session: 2k17 Exam: Mid Term
Program: BSCS Semester: 6th
Subject: Digital Image Processing Total Marks: 30
Time Allowed: 90 Minutes Course Code: CE-321
Note: Be very precise for your answers/solution. Solve with the same sequence of each Question Paper

Student_Name:______________________________________________ Roll No:________________________

What type of histogram will be produced for following type of images? An image with
A 2
Good contrast Bad contras
Dark Image Bright Image
Consider the Image below. Extract all bit planes and give these output images (as matrix of
Write MATLAB code to do this task on any image.
B 4

2 10
Consider the object below. Sketch and write new dimensions of the output of Opening and
A is the object and B is the Structuring Element.

C 4

Consider the image below. Apply 3×3 Weighted Average Filter on the given image. Write
MATLAB code to perform this task.

A 6
3 10

Write MATLAB code to give result of High Boost Filtering on the image in A part
B 4
considering k=1.5

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