Drugs Assignment

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Drugs and their effect on mental health :

                           Drug is a medicine or other substance which has a physiological effect when

ingested or otherwise introduced into the body.
People use drugs and drink alcohol for lots of different reasons. Whatever the reason is,
using drugs or alcohol may have a long-term negative effect on mental health.
Drugs are a prominent external factor, considering that they can have a significant effect on
our emotions and behaviour. Some drugs, including alcohol, cocaine and heroin are all
popular substances, which have the ability to arouse various emotions and downplay
others.When we ingest these substances, they immediately begin to tamper with the
chemicals in our brains. The messages that the chemicals would normally send are slowed ,
and we often feel and think much differently than we would in a sober state.They are
unhealthy, even dangerous short-term and long-term effects to take into consideration.
Psychoactive drugs such as alcohol can have immediate effects on mental health, even if
they have only been taken once. While not every experience will be the same for every
individual, some of the less comfortable feelings that may arise include anxiety, depression,
mood swings and psychosis, due to Anxiety an individual will experience a faster heart rate,
sweating and fear of losing control.
Mood disorders can also occur as a result of short-term drug use. Individuals will feel
extremely down and depressed, irritable and tired, followed by elevated emotions that
create delusions and impulsive behavior. This can be caused by cocaine, heroin,
amphetamine, etc
Not everyone experiences long-term effect; it is suggested that some drugs may trigger
mental illnesses we were unaware of, or alter or brain chemistry in a different way than
Depression is one of the long-term effect on your mental health, and caused due to overtake
of drugs . When the individual take drug in high amount they he will feel happy and when he
take it in low amonut then he will feel an intense sadness.
 To avoid mental health issues, it’s best to avoid substance use as much as possible, to
maintain your overall mental health.


                                                     Muhammad Saim

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