Effects of A Mixed Reality Based Cognitive.3

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Effects of a Mixed Reality-based Cognitive Training System

Compared to a Conventional Computer-assisted Cognitive
Training System on Mild Cognitive Impairment:
A Pilot Study
Eunhee Park, MD, PhD,*† Byoung-Ju Yun, PhD,‡ Yu-Sun Min, MD, MS,*†
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Yang-Soo Lee, MD, PhD,*§ Sung-Jun Moon, BA,* Jae-Won Huh, MD, MS,*§ Hyunsil Cha, MS,∥
Yongmin Chang, PhD,∥¶# and Tae-Du Jung, MD, PhD*§

working memory compared with the individuals with MCI who

Background: Mixed reality (MR) technology, which combines participated in the conventional training.
the best features of augmented reality and virtual reality, has
recently emerged as a promising tool in cognitive rehabilitation Conclusion: An MR-based cognitive training system can be used
therapy. as a cognitive training tool to improve visuospatial working
memory in individuals with MCI.
Objective: To investigate the effectiveness of an MR-based cogni-
tive training system for individuals with mild cognitive impairment Key Words: mixed reality, virtual reality, cognitive rehabilitation,
(MCI). mild cognitive impairment
Methods: Twenty-one individuals aged 65 years and older who (Cogn Behav Neurol 2019;32:172–178)
had been diagnosed with MCI were recruited for this study and
were divided into two groups. Participants in the MR group
(n = 10, aged 70.5 ± 4.2 years) received 30 minutes of training 3
times a week for 6 weeks using a newly developed MR-based 3D = three-dimensional. CERAD-K = Korean version of the
cognitive training system. Participants in the control group Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer’s Disease.
(n = 11, aged 72.6 ± 5.3 years) received the same amount of MCI = mild cognitive impairment. MR = mixed reality. VR =
training using a conventional computer-assisted cognitive train- virtual reality.
ing system. Both groups took the Korean version of the Con-
sortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer’s Disease
(CERAD-K) both before and after intervention. To determine
the effect of the intervention on cognitive function, we compared
the difference in each group’s CERAD-K scores.
M ild cognitive impairment (MCI) has been shown to
precede dementia in an estimated 5% to 10% of
dementia cases each year (Knopman et al, 2015; Mitchell
and Shiri-Feshki, 2009). Cognitive impairment increases
Results: There was a statistically significant interaction between the risk of falls in individuals (Muir et al, 2012) and carries
intervention (MR group vs control group) and time (before vs high health costs (Callahan et al, 2015) that are propor-
after intervention) as assessed by the Constructional Recall Test. tionate to the number of cognitive functions impaired and
The individuals with MCI who participated in the MR training the severity of the symptoms (Knopman et al, 2015).
showed significantly improved performance in visuospatial Delaying the onset of dementia by improving individuals’
cognitive function and symptoms at the MCI stage could
substantially reduce the incidence of dementia, cut health
Received for publication August 17, 2018; accepted April 24, 2019.
From the *Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Kyungpook National
care costs, and improve the quality of life of affected individuals
University Chilgok Hospital; Departments of †Rehabilitation Medicine; (Jak, 2012).
¶Radiology; #Molecular Medicine, School of Medicine; ‡School of Recently, research interest has focused on compu-
Electronics Engineering, College of IT Engineering; ∥Department of terized cognitive training, which involves structured and
Medical & Biological Engineering, Kyungpook National University; standardized practice tasks. This type of training has been
and §Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Kyungpook National
University Hospital, Daegu, Korea. used successfully with the elderly and individuals with
E.P. and B.-J.Y. contributed equally. MCI (Clare et al, 2003; Kueider et al, 2012). A recent
The authors declare no conflicts of interest. meta-analysis on the effectiveness of various computerized
Correspondence: Tae-Du Jung, MD, PhD, Department of Rehabilitation cognitive training tools found a moderate positive effect on
Medicine, Kyungpook National University Chilgok Hospital,
807 Hoguk-ro, Buk-gu, Daegu, South Korea 41404 (email:
cognition in the elderly (Lampit et al, 2014) and individuals
teeed0522@hanmail.net). with MCI (Hill et al, 2017). However, the drawback to most
Copyright © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. computerized cognitive training programs is that individuals

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Cogn Behav Neurol  Volume 32, Number 3, September 2019 Mixed Reality-based Cognitive Training

are only able to improve on the specific cognitive task they et al (2016) reported the clinical effectiveness of MR in-
have trained on, without receiving any beneficial improvement terventions for upper limb motor training in chronic
in other cognitive functions related to their day-to-day activities stroke patients. However, the clinical efficacy of using an
(Jak, 2012). MR-based cognitive training system for individuals with
Virtual reality (VR), first presented by Ivan Suther- MCI has yet to be evaluated.
land in 1965, is intended to “make that (virtual) world In this study, we used an MR-based cognitive
in the window look real, sound real, feel real, and respond training system that uses an MR interface to interact with
realistically to the viewer’s actions” (Mazuryk and Gervautz, a 3D virtual space and augment real body movement in-
1992, p. 2). VR uses a combination of technologies to create puts in order to control a virtual environment. The aim of
immersive, interactive, multisensory, viewer-centered, three- the study was to determine the clinical effectiveness of the
dimensional (3D) computer-generated environments that MR-based cognitive training system to improve cognitive
provide customized experiences that mimic the sensation of function in individuals with MCI. We hypothesized that
being in a real environment (Burdea, 2003; Cruz-Neira, there would be a significant increase in test results for
1993). One of the advantages of VR is the opportunity for those participants who trained using the MR-based cog-
experiential learning during an activity; that is, the system nitive training system compared with the conventional
controls the difficulty of the task and the number of stimuli computer-assisted cognitive training system.
according to each individual user’s responses, thereby creating
a unique training path for each user (Burdea, 2003; Kang
et al, 2008; Lange et al, 2012). METHODS
VR-based cognitive training programs have been
shown to enhance cognitive function in patients with
traumatic brain injury (Man et al, 2013), stroke (Faria The study took place from January 2016 to January
2017. Community-dwelling older adults who had lived in
et al, 2016; Kang et al, 2008), MCI (Man et al, 2012;
the Daegu and Kyungpook areas in South Korea were
Optale et al, 2010), and dementia (Schreiber, 1999). VR
recruited for the study using announcement posters in two
offers virtual worlds that can be controlled by computer
public health care centers in those areas. The inclusion
input devices, such as a mouse or joystick. However,
criteria for participation included aged 65 years or older;
having to control these multiple devices may reduce par-
score of less than 1 on the Korean version of the Clinical
ticipants’ 3D virtual sensation. Furthermore, traditional
head-mounted displays cannot recreate real body move- Dementia Rating Scale (Choi et al, 2001); score greater
than 21 on the Korean version of the Mini-Mental State
ments and instead may act as a barrier in a real environ-
Examination (Kim et al, 2001; Park and Kwon, 1990);
ment (Simone et al, 2006).
Mixed reality (MR) technology blends the real world and diagnosis of single-domain or multiple-domain MCI,
with impairment in the range of 0.5 to 1 SD below that of
with virtual worlds to produce visualizations where real
age- and education-matched z-score healthy individuals,
and digital objects co-exist in real (eg, augmented reality)
according to the Korean version of the Consortium to
or virtual environments (eg, VR) (Wagner et al, 2009).
Establish a Registry for Alzheimer’s Disease (CERAD-K;
MR can merge and interact with both real and virtual
Jak et al, 2009; Lee et al, 2004; Petersen, 2004). Exclusion
objects in real and virtual environments, enabling both to
criteria included a history of stroke or other neuro-
be experienced in a single visual display (Milgram and
degenerative or neuropsychiatric disorder and severe vis-
Kishino, 1994; Wagner et al, 2009). MR-based systems
ual impairment.
provide augmented virtuality, which relays feedback
We assessed 25 individuals for eligibility in our study
from the user’s body position in real life to sensory
stimuli that are, in turn, presented to them to create the and excluded four because they did not meet the study
requirements. The remaining 21 individuals were enrolled
illusion of being immersed in a 3D virtual space with
in our study and were randomly divided into two groups
which they can interact. Kinetic depth data have shown
that participants’ spatial perception is able to interact according to the type of intervention: an MR-based cog-
nitive training system or a conventional computer-assisted
with 3D virtual stimuli (Maurer et al, 2001). This pro-
cognitive training system. Participants in the two groups
prioceptive sensory stimulation exploits multimodal aspects
were matched in terms of sex, age, education level, and
of goal-oriented movements and feedback on one’s actions
CERAD-K score at baseline (Table 1). Written informed
(Krasovsky et al, 2018), thereby enhancing visual and
consent was obtained from all of the participants, and
auditory sensory feedback in an MR system as compared
ethical approval was provided by the institutional review
to a VR system.
MR systems have been used as a tool for older board of the Kyungpook National University Chilgok
Hospital. The study is registered with the Clinical
people and patients with stroke to practice walking and
Research Information Service as KCT 00003014.
other activities of daily living in virtual environments
(Colomer et al, 2016; Krasovsky et al, 2018). MR systems
can be designed to provide familiar virtual environments Intervention
and situations so that participants can transfer skills The participants received cognitive training using
learned in the clinical setting to the real world using either an MR-based cognitive training system or a con-
multimodal feedback (Krasovsky et al, 2018). Colomer ventional computer-assisted cognitive training system,

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Park et al Cogn Behav Neurol  Volume 32, Number 3, September 2019

1920×1080 resolution, 45-degree field of view), and a depth

TABLE 1. Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of
Participants With Mild Cognitive Impairment in a Mixed camera (Xbox One, Microsoft). A geomagnetic sensor motion
Reality-based (MR) Cognitive Training Group and a tracker in the head-mounted display provides stereoscopic
Conventional Computer-assisted Cognitive Training Group views of computer-aided design schematics. The depth camera
Group interacts with a hand tracking system to reflect a kinetic
capture of the real body. Chroma-key technology, which
MR Group Control Group enhances augmented virtuality in a 3D virtual environment,
(n = 10) (n = 11) P enables each participant to directly view an image of one’s
Demographic Data own hand. The participant’s spatial perception is based on
Female, n (%) 8 (80.0) 9 (81.8) 0.973 stereo depth cues as well as on kinetic depth cues that are
Age, M ± SD (years) 70.60 ± 4.29 (65–76) 73.36 ± 5.50 (67–81) 0.197
Education, 7.09 ± 3.36 (0–12) 7.09 ± 3.36 (0–12) 0.705 received with viewpoint variations and interactive data
M ± SD (years) visualization. Thus, the MR-based cognitive training system
Neurophysiological Assessment at Baseline* is able to provide augmented virtuality using information
CERAD (z-score)
Verbal Fluency –0.52 ± 0.57 –0.77 ± 0.63 0.359
from the participant’s real-life position in space to the sensory
Boston Naming 0.34 ± 1.13 0.41 ± 0.87 0.886 stimuli presented to the participant in order to create the
Word List Learning –0.30 ± 1.12 –0.51 ± 0.42 0.592 illusion of being immersed in a 3D virtual space, with which
Word List Recall –0.48 ± 1.13 –0.38 ± 0.45 0.803 his or her real body may interact.
Word List –0.51 ± 1.03 –0.73 ± 1.32 0.669
Recognition The software in the MR-based cognitive training
Constructional 0.01 ± 1.49 0.33 ± 1.06 0.569 system provides 15 training tasks that reflect daily activ-
Praxis ities that the study participants are likely to participate in
Constructional –0.42 ± 0.99 –0.21 ± 0.84 0.612
Recall in a home setting, such as caring for a grandchild. We
Trail Making Part A 0.48 ± 0.79 0.67 ± 1.15 0.658 developed the program scenarios and target training do-
Trail Making Part B –0.88 ± 3.04 0.08 ± 1.69 0.369 mains in conjunction with rehabilitation physicians, en-
MMSE 26.60 ± 1.35 26.73 ± 1.49 0.756
Clinical Dementia 0.70 ± 0.26 0.68 ± 0.25 0.918
gineers, and neuropsychological therapists. Together with
Rating Scale the engineers, we created a 3D virtual environment system
Beck Depression 10.20 ± 9.48 10.64 ± 0.93 0.973 using an in-home setting scenario consisting of four
Inventory rooms: a living room, a child’s room, a kitchen, and a
Modified Barthel 100 ± 0.00 99.81 ± 0.60 0.756
Index bathroom. The cognitive domains targeted were selective
attention, visual and verbal working memory, executive
*We used the Korean versions of all of the tests. function (including sequencing, planning, and problem
CERAD = Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer’s solving), and calculation. Participants were required to
Disease. MMSE = Mini-Mental State Examination. perform each task with some type of distraction.
In the living room environment, participants were
expected to perform three training tasks targeting short-
consisting of three 30-minute sessions a week for 6 weeks term memory, verbal working memory, and sequencing:
(total amount of 540 minutes). turn on a child’s favorite cartoon TV channel (short-term
memory) and make a telephone call and play a card game
MR-based Cognitive Training System (verbal working memory and sequencing). In the child’s
An MR-based cognitive training system named the room environment, participants were expected to perform
Mixed Reality System for Health was developed by an eight training tasks targeting various cognitive functions:
electronics engineering research team at Kyungpook National get a child to clean his or her room (selective attention and
University (Figure 1). The hardware consists of a four-sided categorization), pick books to read to a child(ren), (selective
booth measuring 1800 mm wide, 1200 mm deep, and 2160 attention and visual working memory), match picture
mm high. Inside the booth is a 360-degree blue screen, a blocks (localization), pack a child’s school bag (short-term
head-mounted display (Oculus Rift Development Kit 2, DK2, memory), check out shopping items (calculation), color a

FIGURE 1. Hardware (A) and software (B) of the Mixed Reality System for Health.

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Cogn Behav Neurol  Volume 32, Number 3, September 2019 Mixed Reality-based Cognitive Training

sketch (localization and visual working memory), and hang naming; the Word List Learning Test, which assesses verbal
a doll’s clothes and play a color-matching game (visual working memory; the Word List Recall Test, which assesses
working memory and sequencing). In the kitchen environment, episodic memory and delayed recall in language tasks; the
participants were expected to perform two training tasks Word List Recognition Test, which assesses the recognition of
targeting procedural memory, sequencing, and planning: make specific words; the Constructional Praxis Test, which assesses
sandwiches and make a bowl of cereal. In the bathroom visuospatial and constructional abilities; the Constructional
environment, participants were expected to perform two Recall Test, which assesses visuospatial working memory and
training tasks targeting problem solving and executive recall in visuospatial tasks; Trail Making Part A Test, which
function: brush a child’s teeth and train a child to use a toilet. assesses attention; and Trail Making Part B Test, which as-
Each scenario was designed according to a gradation sesses executive function.
structure: Tasks ranged from simple to more complex in
terms of the number and similarity of objects to be re- Statistical Analysis
membered as well as the duration of the distraction. All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS
During training, the computer provided instructions to the 23.0 statistical software. The scores from all functional
participants in the form of auditory cues. The difficulty of assessments were first analyzed for normal distribution
the training tasks in each scenario was immediately ad- using the Shapiro-Wilk Test. The differences between each
justed based on each participant’s responses (correct or neuropsychological assessment at baseline between the
incorrect)—that is, the participant’s hand positions and MR group and the control group were measured using the
movements in the real-life environment—while he or she independent t test. A two-way repeated-measures AN-
was performing tasks in the virtual environment. When a OVA was performed to analyze the effects of interaction
participant correctly responded to a virtual task, the MR- between group (MR group vs control group) and time
based cognitive training system provided positive visual, (baseline vs postintervention) (P ≤ 0.05). The mean dif-
auditory, and haptic (proprioceptive) feedback while also ferences in CERAD-K scores from baseline to post-
increasing the difficultly of the following tasks. Con- intervention within each group and between the two
versely, when a participant incorrectly responded to a groups were analyzed using Tukey post hoc tests consid-
virtual task, the training system provided more detailed ering multiple comparison (P ≤ 0.025).
instruction, using both visual and auditory cueing, to help
the participant perform the task in the proper sequence. RESULTS
None of the participants reported suffering from
Conventional Computer-assisted Training System
mild headache, dizziness, or simulator sickness immedi-
The conventional computer-assisted cognitive train- ately after intervention with the MR-based cognitive
ing was conducted using Comcog (Maxmedica), which is a training system; thus, the intervention was well tolerated.
computer-assisted cognitive training system that has been There was a statistically significant interaction between
used for years in Asia (Kim et al, 2003). The system group (MR group vs control group) and time (baseline vs
provides 10 training activities: two visual processing tasks postintervention) on the Constructional Recall Test, which
that assess response time during visual stimulation; two measures visuospatial working memory and recall in visuo-
auditory processing tasks that assess response time during spatial tasks (F1,38 = 4.354, P = 0.044) (Table 2). There was
auditory stimulation; two selective attention tasks that also a significant improvement in scores on this test in the
track attention in distraction; three working memory tasks MR group compared with the control group (t = –2.612,
that assess recognition and recall memory using visual, P = 0.017, effect size = 1.16/0.44 =2.63). However, there were
auditory, and multisensory stimulation; and one emo- no significant interactions between group and time for any of
tional attention task that assesses responses to pleasant or the other measures: Verbal Fluency Test (F1,38 = 2.390,
unpleasant stimulation (Kim et al, 2003). P = 0.130), Boston Naming Test (F1,38 = 0.024, P = 0.878),
Neuropsychological Assessments Word List Learning Test (F1,38 =0.454, P = 0.505), Word
List Recall Test (F1,38 = 0.016, P =0.900), Word List
We assessed all of the participants for cognitive function,
Recognition Test (F1,38 = 0.001, P = 0.982), Constructional
mood, and independence in daily life both before the inter-
Praxis Test (F1,38 = 0.120, P = 0.731), Trail Making Test
vention (baseline) and immediately after the intervention
Part A (F1,38 = 0.002, P = 0.996), and Trail Making Test
(postintervention) using the CERAD-K (Lee et al, 2004) and
Part B (F1,38 = 0.899, P = 0.349).
the Korean versions of the Mini-Mental State Examination,
the Clinical Dementia Rating Scale, the Beck Depression In-
ventory (Hahn et al, 1986), and the Modified Barthel Index DISCUSSION
(Jung et al, 2007). These tests were conducted by an occupa- The MR-based cognitive training system used in our
tional therapist (J.-W.H.) who was blinded to the intervention study was designed to imitate and simulate real-life daily
and who had completed the required cognitive certification tasks in the home setting. It did this by combining an im-
program. The CERAD-K consists of nine different cognitive mersive display of four realistic 3D environments with aug-
tests (Lee et al, 2004): the Verbal Fluency Test, which assesses mented reality, thereby enabling the sensation of real body
semantic memory, verbal production, and language function; movement in a virtual space. Although our study did not
the Boston Naming Test, which assesses confrontational show significant improvement in all cognitive domains for the

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TABLE 2. Comparisons of the z-Score of the Korean Version of the Consortium to Establish a Registry for
Alzheimer’s Disease at Baseline and Postintervention Between the Mixed Reality Group and the Control Group
Mixed Reality Group Control Group
Baseline Postintervention Baseline Postintervention P
Verbal Fluency −0.522 ± 0.575 −0.647 ± 0.558 −0.772 ± 0.636 −0.312 ± 0.665 0.130
Korean-Boston Naming 0.343 ± 1.137 0.708 ± 1.298 0.413 ± 0.875 0.884 ± 0.929 0.878
Word List Learning −0.307 ± 1.121 0.412 ± 1.233 −0.514 ± 0.423 0.577 ± 0.603 0.505
Word List Recall −0.487 ± 1.137 −0.131 ± 1.265 −0.388 ± 0.459 −0.104 ± 0.598 0.900
Word List Recognition −0.511 ± 1.034 −0.017 ± 1.253 −0.738 ± 1.324 −0.260 ± 0.835 0.982
Constructional Praxis 0.013 ± 1.490 0.562 ± 0.710 0.338 ± 1.063 1.514 ± 1.885 0.731
Constructional Recall −0.422 ± 0.990 1.217 ± 0.912 −0.215 ± 0.842 0.263 ± 0.858 0.044*
Trail Making Test Part A 0.482 ± 0.798 0.890 ± 0.620 0.679 ± 1.157 1.064 ± 0.825 0.996
Trail Making Test Part B −0.888 ± 3.045 1.069 ± 0.952 0.089 ± 1.699 0.926 ± 1.355 0.349
*Significant at P ≤ 0.05.

participants trained using the MR-based system, it did show of cognitive training and enable the transfer of cognitive
significant improvement in visuospatial working memory. skills learned in the clinical setting to real-world situations.
Thus, our MR-based system can be used to improve visuo- It has previously been shown that training working
spatial working memory in individuals with MCI. memory, as carried out here using our MR-based cogni-
The ability to perform basic daily activities requires tive training system, can successfully transfer to other
that an individual’s cognitive (eg, problem solving, plan- cognitive domains (Klingberg, 2010). In addition, a virtual
ning), motor (eg, balance, dexterity), and perceptual (eg, learning environment that mimics the real environment
sensory stimulation) functions are intact (Mlinac and and provides enriched multisensory stimuli such as audi-
Feng, 2016). In our MR-based cognitive training system, tory and visual stimuli could improve visual working
the training exercises simulating vital daily tasks were de- memory after intervention (Gazzaley and D’Esposito,
signed to target multiple cognitive domains such as se- 2007; Shams and Seitz, 2008). Wong et al (2014) pre-
lective attention, visual/verbal working memory, problem viously found a significant correlation between object lo-
solving, executive functions, sequencing, planning, and cation recall performance and variability in resting-state
calculation. This is an improvement on conventional functional magnetic resonance imaging blood oxygenation
computer-assisted cognitive training systems, which mostly level-dependent signals in brain regions that are important
train selective attention and simple sensory processing. for spatial exploration and memory after VR-based
Compared with a VR system, our MR-based cognitive training. However, the study did not explain the possible
training system involves multimodal sensory feedback, includ- neural mechanisms underlying this improvement. Further
ing proprioception. VR games equipped with cognitive training studies using functional magnetic resonance imaging tools
modules and using various input devices (eg, keyboard, mouse, are needed to explore any plastic changes in neural net-
and joystick) have been shown to improve cognitive abilities in works that may positively affect visual working memory,
individuals (Kim et al, 2011; Man et al, 2013; Optale et al, and this should be studied in the context of an MR-based
2010; Pietrzak et al, 2014); however, the current MR-based cognitive training system.
cognitive training system is more promising in that it uniquely Our MR-based cognitive training system displayed
enables the user to actually see his or her actual body position stereoscopic 3D objects to participants in a realistic virtual
in the simulated environment, instead of receiving virtual data environment. However, because our study was limited to a
from input devices (Brigham, 2017). direct comparison of the effectiveness of VR- and MR-
MR-based cognitive training systems can also enhance based cognitive training, it cannot be ruled out that the
visual or auditory sensory feedback. Using our MR-based participants trained using our MR-based cognitive train-
cognitive training system, participants’ spatial perception ing system may have improved their visuospatial cognitive
based on kinetic depth data interacts with 3D virtual stimuli. function due to the effects of 3D stimuli through virtual
The MR interface (unlike the VR system) augments a sense environments. For example, Park et al (2016), who eval-
of being in and interacting with a virtual environment. In uated the effects of 3D virtual object tasks using func-
addition, the advantages of the MR-based cognitive training tional magnetic resonance imaging on visuospatial
system are its portability, low cost, ease of accessibility (it working memory, reported that stereoscopic and shaded
can be set up at home and should not require hospital visits), 3D object tasks may activate salience neural networks.
ease of use, and good user tolerance—all of which suggest Additional studies are needed to determine this and to
that it can be integrated successfully into clinical practice. provide evidence of structural or functional alterations in
Therefore, our MR-based cognitive training system could be cognitive functions related to neural networks following
of clinical use in individuals with MCI during daily tasks. training on an MR-based cognitive training system.
It is our belief that the MR-based cognitive training The present study has several limitations. First, the
system could be used as a conduit to increase the efficiency participant sample size was small, and we did not follow the

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Cogn Behav Neurol  Volume 32, Number 3, September 2019 Mixed Reality-based Cognitive Training

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