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Dau Exit, Mabalacat City, Pampanga

New Normal System: Study Habits of Students during Online Class

Cera, Eleina Jo C.

Camponion, Tracy Marie N.

DelaCruz, Jona

Flores, Princess Mikaela B.

Sason, Christopher John

Vallejo, Alpine

April 2021
Table of Contents

Background of the Study………………………………………………………………………1
Review of Related Literatures and Studies……………………………………………………3
Conceptual Framework………………………………………………………………………..9
Statement of the Problem…………………………………………………………………….10
Significance of the Study…………………………………………………………………….10
Scope and Delimitation………………………………………………………………………11
Definition of Terms…………………………………………..………………………………11
Research Locale……………………………………………..……………………………….13
Respondents of the Study………………………………………………………………….....13
Research Design…………...…………………………………………………………………13
Participants and Sampling Techniques….................................................................................13
Research Instrument………………………………….............................................................14
Data Collection Procedure…………………………………………………………...……….16
Treatment and Analysis of Data………………………………………………...................…16
Presentation, Interpretation, and Analysis of Data………………………...…………………17
List of Reference…………………………………………………………………….……….31
Background of the Study

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Department of Education in the Philippines

presented different learning delivery modalities in the new normal. These are the face to face
learning, blended learning, homeschooling and distance learning.

Face to face is a learning in the physical classroom together with the teacher and
classmates with physical contact. Blended learning is a mix of distance and face to face
learning. Home schooling is a type of learning that parents will be the teacher of their
children with the learning material that suitable for their children. In this type of learning, the
parents should be capable enough or had proper seminar to teach their children.

Distance learning is a type of learning that students can learn without going to the
school but in the virtual classroom. There are three types of distance learning. These are
Modular learning, Online learning and TV/ Radio learning. Modular learning is a type of
learning that schools give self-learning material to the students for them to study, learn and
answer the activities written in the module with the allotted time.

Online learning is a type of learning that students need to have a data or internet
connection and a smart electronic device. Synchronous online learning and asynchronous
online are the two types of online learning. Synchronous online learning is the type of online
learning that is simultaneous class with the teacher and other students through virtual
classroom. Asynchronous online learning is a type of learning that does not need to be
simultaneous class but the students need to communicate to the teacher for the learning
materials needed. TV/ Radio based learning is type learning that students will listen to the
TV/Radio while studying with guidance of the parents. According to President Rodrigo Roa
Duterte, face to face and blended learning is prohibited to use in order to prevent the quick
spread of the Covid-19 virus in Philippines.

Education gives us knowledge about the world we are living in and changes it into
something better. American Politician Solomon Ortiz stated that “Education is the key to
success in life”, meaning Education can lead people to the success they want to achieve if
there is better learning and better academic performance. The key to better learning and better
academic performance in schools that can lead students through the path of success are good
teachers, good study environment, parent’s cooperation, high quality of books and the most
important is the study habit.

According to Dr. Suresh Chand (2013), Study habits are defined as those techniques
such as summarizing, note taking, outlining or locating materials which learners employ to
assist themselves in the efficient leaning of the materials which is at hand. Study habits make
a significant contribution to the development of knowledge of a student. It can tell a person
how much he or she learns and how far did he or she study. With the help of one's study
habits, all of these could be decided throughout one's life. Therefore, good study habits can
lead to good academic performance and bad study habits can lead to poor academic
performance as there is a direct relationship between study habits and academic achievement.
The new system in Education is a big adjustment for the students and a study habit can
help them to adjust and to get along with the new system of Education. We, the researchers,
believe that study habits is a big help for a student to focus on his or her academic
performance. Ramamurti (1993) has rightly emphasized that despite possessing good
intelligence and personality, the absence of good study habits hampers academic
achievement. Hence, study habits of student’s plays important role in learning and
fundamental to school success.

Philippines may face distance learning up until all the citizens have been vaccinated in
coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccine. The online class may last a long time than expected. The
senior high school department, specifically current grade twelve students of Jose C. Feliciano
College Foundation may face some adjustments and changes in their study habits. According
to a female grade 12 student from the strand Humanities and Social Science (HUMSS) in the
said school, her study habits during online classes are taking down notes and playing a low
volume of a baroque music as her background music in order to concentrate on online
classes. As a result, this study habits help her to focus, recite and recall the lessons being
teach in online class. A male grade 12 student from the same strand and school said that he
does not take down notes while the teacher is discussing during online class, for this reason
he is having a hard time to recite and recall the lessons. A male grade 12 student from the
strand Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) said that sometimes he
take down notes during online class but when he is preoccupied he will not listen to the
discussion of his teacher. While from the strand of Accountancy, Business and Management
(ABM), a female grade 12 student said that during online classes she has a habit of focusing
her eyes on her teacher so she could feel that his or her teacher is really in front of her. She
also said that if she cannot understand the lesson, she has a habit of using her phone to chat a
private message to someone or in a group chat in messenger during the online class.

With the above-mentioned scenario and situations, the main objective of this research
is to know the study habits of grade twelve academic awardee students during online classes,
the effects of it to their academic performance and their suggestions to other students who are
experiencing a hard time in online classes.
Review of Related Literatures and Studies
The World Health Organization (WHO) states that the Coronavirus disease or COVID-
19 is a newly discovered coronavirus that causes an infectious disease. The majority of
people infected with the COVID-19 virus will have mild to moderate respiratory symptoms
and will recover without getting any special care.
Tran et al. (2020) recognizes the importance of conducting new research to reduce and
prevent the effects of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Despite its limited
resources and crowded population, Vietnam has managed to keep the SARS-CoV-2 infection
rate low. Early in February, the country was engulfed in a debate about whether or not to
close schools around the country after a one-week extension of the Lunar New Year due to
COVID-19. In Vietnam, schooling is often referred to as "school learning." In this stressful
scenario, either the school and teacher or the student and parent were unsure of what to do to
ensure the wellbeing and learning quality of the students at the same time. Building proper
self-learning habits often entail solidifying the foundation for lifelong learning and personal
growth. The concern about educational quality and students' mental health is not limited to
these closure weeks, but also the current academic year and its implications for future years.
As a result, this study adds empirical data from a developing nation, Vietnam, to previous
findings on students' learning habits during a sudden school suspension. Furthermore, the
results lead to reducing COVID-19's long-term side effects and promoting long-term
education both within and outside of the classroom, as well as improving skills in the future
when dealing with similar chaotic circumstances There are just a few reports on students'
studying at home behavior during abrupt school closure when students are forced to stay at
home and must change their living and learning habits. Students may experience mental
health problems as a result of the pandemic, such as stress, anxiety, worry, and
stigmatization, which may influence their learning habits. The longer COVID-19 continues,
the greater the number and severity of problems and threats that the global educational
system will face.
In the Philippines, according to “DepEd Distance Learning: Here’s what you need to
know” (Malaya, 2020), President Rodrigo Roa Duterte mandated the Department of
Education or DepEd to delay, if not, cancel the face-to-face teaching for as long as the
vaccine for the coronavirus disease is not yet made available to the general public. However,
opting not to delay education, DepEd introduced alternative learning delivery modalities that
utilize modern technology. The DepEd coined the term distance learning, “where learning
takes place between the teacher and the learner who are geographically remote from each
other during instruction.” This approach has three types of delivery modalities, depending on
the students’ available resources: the Online Distance Learning (ODL), Modular Distance
Learning (MDL), and Self-learning Module (TV/Radio-Based Instruction).
It has been recognized by the national government under Article XIV, Section 2 of the
1987 Philippines Constitution, that “the state shall (2) establish and maintain a system of free
public education in the elementary and high school levels. Without limiting the natural right
of parents to their children…” and that “the state shall (4) encourage non-formal, informal,
and indigenous learning systems, as well as self-learning, independent, and out-of-school
study programs…”
Education Secretary Leonor Briones said that the start of the academic year 2020-2021
will officially open on August 24 and end on April 30, 2021. It does not necessarily mean
that the elementary and high school students will physically return to schools. Instead, the
classes can be conducted online up until the government allows the reopening of school
buildings which were temporarily closed to mitigate the spread of coronavirus disease (CNN
Philippines Staff, 2020).
According to Rayane Alamuddin (2020), students talked a lot about how they really
miss being in person with their classmates, with their friends, and having those cheerfully,
amazing conversations and relationships. They miss the old memories they make in the year
of college education especially, not only does it make them nourish about learning but it also
teaches them correctly and motivates them to stay strong and positive in school. Students are
struggling to find a better place in their homes to work, to deal with their financial problems,
health crises and to have an online class. Students in disciplines that require hands-on time
learning or applications are worried about achieving their objectives.
According to Jafari et al. (2019), the implementation of study skills and behaviors will
help students enhance their academic performance. Academic success and achievement of
educational goals are dependent on several factors, the most important of which is an
individual's study habits, as the use of different and successful study methods enhances
students' academic performance. Strengthening each of the eight areas of study skills will
help students enhance their academic performance, so it's important to focus on them. Since
academic performance is an indicator of career success, it is critical to pay attention to this
problem and implement effective strategies to enhance students' study habits. Meanwhile, due
to the high sensitivity of potential careers in medical students and the need for thorough
learning of the curriculum, it is important to pay attention to the state of study habits and their
Research by Sherafat and Murthy (2016) concludes that study habits influence the
academic achievement of students who belong to secondary and senior secondary levels. The
higher study habits is equivalent to better academic achievement. Thus, it shows that there is
an important connection between study habits and academic achievements among students.
Sherafat and Murthy (2016) strongly suggest that the schools and parents must pay attention
to the study habits of the learners. The role of the teachers is to guide their students to
understand and develop their desirable study habits. On the other hand, the parents have a
responsibility in understanding the significance of good study habits and monitoring their
children towards it. A cooperation among the school, parents and students will be ideal.
According to Ünal Çakıroğlu, Another aspect linked to distance learners' success is
their study habits. Study habits reflect students' normal study behavior and also elicit and
guide the learner's cognitive processes during the learning process. Time management, setting
appropriate goals, selecting an appropriate study environment, using appropriate note-taking
techniques, choosing key ideas, and organization are all examples of study habits (Proctor et
al., 2006). The number of college courses are delivered online, especially through the use of
synchronous technology, giving educators the ability to find the best learning environments
for students' study habits. Online environments can meet the needs of learners depending on
the technology used. Videos, photographs, animations, messages, audio, and other media can
all be exchanged and Both of these items, as well as other media, can be shared.

West et al. (2006) supports that successful students in online courses study differently
and use different study habits from students who fail. The students who are successful in the
online course use learning strategies which help them to focus, to clarify the process and then
selectively read what they need to succeed. The study habits that the successful students use
in online courses are determining the concepts that they do not understand, interacting and
contacting their instructors in order to clarify the problems, read the texts and find the most
important ideas from the readings, read the assignment materials, and connect the readings
and the concepts. The other habits that may be important to be successful in an online course
include the checking of the points in assignments, rereading the text to clarify the problems,
not believing that one is making good use of study time, and do not disregard the difficult
parts to study the easy parts. In addition, West et al. (2006) also conclude that the students
who are failing in online courses are not actively sabotaging their study program, instead they
have inferior study habits while believing that they are making superior use of study time.
According to Sakirudeen and Sann (2017), Hills (2000), a good and conducive learning
environment encourages students to study and may have a positive impact on their academic
performance; however, students reading in an unfavorable environment may find it difficult
to study, which may affect their academic achievements. Students who are financially
strapped may find it difficult to excel in their studies. Students' study habits, on the other
hand, should help them perform better in school. Some students don't show up for class, don't
take notes, don't complete assignments, don't read their books, and don't use the library.
These attitudes may have a negative impact on their academic performance, particularly in
math. The goal of this study was to determine the relationship between students' study habits
and their academic performance. For decades, educationists, guidance counselors, and
educational planners have been concerned about the distressing phenomenon of scholastic
underperformance and failure, as this amounts to a colossal waste of educational resources.
This necessitates a thorough investigation into the causes of underachievement and failure, as
well as the factors that contribute to them so that solutions can be devised to address these
massive issues.
Study habits are the combination of study method and skill. It is the most critical
indicator of academic performance and plays a significant role in a student's academic
success. Study habits differ from person to person and they are the gateway to success. It also
includes behaviors and skills that can increase motivation and convert the study into an
effective process with high returns, which ultimately increases the learning. On the other
hand, one of the most important metrics used to assess the quality of education in universities
are the students’ academic performance. The academic performance is a complex process that
is affected by a variety of factors, including study habits (Jafari et al, 2019).
Flippo and Caverly (2000) define study habit as a learned pattern of studying that
occurs with or without conscious awareness or deliberate efforts. On the other hand, study
habits are defined by Crede and Kuneel (2008) as study routines that include but are not
limited to, frequency of studying material and studying in a pleasant environment (as cited in
Olatunji, 2019).
According to Ebele and Olofu (2017), the way one studies is referred to as study habits.
That is, the behaviors that students develop during their academic careers. A student cannot
excel without good study habits. One null hypothesis led the research. The study's findings
showed that there is a connection between students' study habits and their academic success.
It was suggested that teachers and school guidance counselor’s work together to help students
develop healthy study habits, which will improve their academic performance.
According to Cerna and Pavliushchenko (2015), the current research assesses the
global validity of established frameworks and serves as the foundation for the creation of the
Self-Reported Study Habits for International Students (SR-SHI), which is used to classify at-
risk international students. High-performing students come from low-context and
individualistic countries, while most low-performing students come from high-context and
collectivistic countries, according to one-year classroom findings and recall of study patterns
through interviews with high-performing students. High-achieving students, for example,
express opinions based on reading material and class content, ask questions in class, are on
time, ask for input on assignments, take notes in class and when studying, search for the
professor after class, sit in the front of the classroom and attend every class, throughout the
course, a study in silence and alone at regular intervals. Read the material about two weeks
before the test, go through your notes before the exam, and speak to other students about the
material. Low-performing students, on the other hand, are absent for the majority of the
semester, miss at least three classes per semester, are frequently late and sit in the back of the
classroom, do not take notes in class, and never look for the professor after class. It appears
that specific training programs at the beginning and throughout the semester, as well as
cultural intelligence training, are required.
The material of the science instructors ought to give for more visual and verbal ways to
display concepts. In this manner, understudies may have an opportunity for learning to handle
or showing their thoughts through visual and verbal yields (Fajardo et al., 2019). The results
of the study conducted by Fajardo et al. (2019) shows that the number of the student teachers
who view themselves as having good study habits like organizing time, studying a chapter
and taking tests has slightly increased from the pre-test to the post-test. However, the number
of the student teachers who view themselves as having good study habits like taking notes
and listening to the instructor and overall study habits revealed no change from their pretest
to the post-test.
It is important to have a schedule but you also need to be flexible especially when
sudden disruption happens like internet connection issues and sudden household chores. You
also need to reward yourself after every accomplished work to take care of your mental
health (Khaela V., 2020).
According to Morgan Library-Learning Center, to have better learnings, you need to
stay organized and everything can distract you while studying. Avoid multitasking to
concentrate on your work, create your own study schedule to maintain your time and to
manage your time and also you need a space while studying to make yourself comfortable
while doing your work. You also need to read the content to have a better understanding and
always stay connected yourself on the topic to have an easier understanding. Furthermore,
video lectures also help you to have a feeling of normalcy and prevent you from falling way
According to Important Study Habits (2020), to be effective at school, children require great
study propensities. Here are 7 study propensities that are basic for students of all ages.
Establish a study area at home. Find the culminate put to assign as the homework station.
Stock the ponder space with school supplies counting pencils, sharpeners, erasers,
highlighters, and file cards. Evacuate diversions such as the TV and versatile gadgets like an
iPad and PSP. Communicate with the teacher. It’s imperative to get the assignments and the
desires for the lesson. Students ought to inquire about the instructor’s questions for clarity
when required. Keep assignments organized. Students ought to keep the points of interest of
their assignments organized in an organizer or scratchpad and compose down the dates for
assignments, tests, and ventures. A few works require numerous steps to wrap up. Hence,
making. Dodge procrastination, many students hold up until the final miniature to do their
work, but procrastination must be maintained a strategic distance from. Take notes in class,
listening and note-taking are vital to study propensities for school and careers. Students
distinguish the foremost relevant information they have to be retained and compose it down
in order to survey it later. Highlight key concepts within the perusing materials. Students can
use different color highlighters or sticky banners to highlight fabric in particular classes.
Creating a color-coding framework isn't only incredible for organizations, it is additionally

Ten Successful (2021) suggests to clear your space, a consideration by Princeton

College found that individuals who keep their spaces clean are able to prepare data and center
better. Use the internet to your advantage, as shown throughout this direct, there are tons of
apps to assist students to consider, extending from coordinated practice tests to flash cards.
Stay rationally and physically healthy online students are likely to spend more time at their
computers than conventional learners, making it basic to require breaks, go on strolls, get the
suggested sum of rest, and eat nourishments that feed their bodies. Stop the marathon
thinking about sessions. Rather than investing 10 straight hours cramming for that brain
research exam, attempt breaking up think about sessions into littler portions. Create a study
schedule like eating breakfast or working out at the same time, students who make a ponder
schedule and have the teacher stay to it are able to study information over a longer sum of
time rather than remaining up late the night before take up sleep time studying rather than
catching up. Make friends with other motivated students, no matter the aspect of life focused
and effective individuals motivate those they’re around. Shut off technology when you sit
down to study, put your phone on silent, and set ‘do not disturb’ messages on any online
informing platforms. This will offer assistance to keep you from obtaining your attention
diverted. Ask for help, if you’re learning and realize you don’t get a concept or hypothesis,
reach out to your educator or classmates as soon as possible for clarification rather attempting
to go it on your own.
The result of the study conducted by Jafari et al. (2019) on the 150 nursing students in
Iran shows that most of the students’ problems are taking notes, their reading ability, well-
being, memory, time management, motivation, physical condition, learning, and taking tests.
Some of the studies state that time management has been described as one of the major
problems for medical students. Mendezabal (2013) also said the problems such as ineffective
time management, poor study skills, lack of planning and concentration, and inadequate
examination techniques. In addition, the differences in the areas of study habits can be
attributed to the individual differences between their previous educational systems and the
Sherafat and Murthy (2016) also found out that there are significant differences
between the secondary and senior secondary students in their study habit levels. The
secondary school students have better study habits than the senior secondary school students.
As the students move from secondary level to senior secondary level, they show lesser
attention to study habits or their approach towards studies change. Therefore, the guidance
and direction coming from the school, teachers, and parents should also be continued even
though they are already senior secondary students.
According to Marc (2011), the earlier a student begins practicing and cultivating
healthy behaviors, the more likely he is to stick with them. Procrastination can be solved with
good study habits, and better study habits are the secret to better grades. The most critical
aspects in helping a student build healthy learning habits for life, are being prepared and
getting homework routines. Developing good study habits will lead to success, as a student
would be able to function more effectively while also feeling less stress. He goes on to
suggest that having successful study habits leads to a more positive learning environment. As
a student, planning your schedule ahead of time and sticking to it saves time. Students with
good study habits and do not procrastinate tend to be less stressed and anxious, unlike to the
students that came unprepared during their exam day.
As students, especially adult learners realize the benefits of a flexible learning
environment that fits their busy schedules, the online learning continues to develop and
expand (David Healey, 2019).
Conceptual Framework

According to Tus et al. (2020) Study habits are at the core of student success. It is an
activity that students undertake regularly and frequently to achieve learning goals, such as
reading, writing observations, and organizing groups of studies. It can be portrayed as
advantageous or inconvenient, depending on the students' great comes about. In this concept,
the researchers want to identify the study habits of students during online classes, the effects
of it to their academic performance and their recommendation to the other students who are
experiencing a hard time in online or virtual classes.

Research Paradigm

Study habits of Grade 12 academic

awardee students in JCFC during
online/virtual classes.

Profile of Grade 12 academic awardee

students of JCFC in terms of:
a.) Gender Recommendations to the other
b.) Age students who are experiencing a hard
c.) Track & Section time in online/virtual class.

Effects of study habits to the

Academic Performance of students.
Statement of the Problem

This study intends to determine the different study habits of Grade 12 academic
awardee students at Jose C. Feliciano College Foundation during Online Classes for the A.Y
Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Gender
1.2 Age
1.3 Strand and Section

2. What are the study habits of Grade 12 academic awardee students at Jose C. Feliciano
College Foundation during online classes?

3. What are the effects of the study habits of the academic awardee students in Jose C.
Feliciano College Foundation on their Academic performance?

4. What are the most effective study habits of Grade 12 academic awardee students from
Jose C. Feliciano College Foundation that they can suggest to other students who are
having a hard time in online class?

Significance of the Study

This study will be a great help to the students, parents, teachers, school guidance
counselors, school administrators, and future researchers.

To the students, this study will help them to have knowledge about the benefits and
how having a study habit can help them to improve their academic performance during online
classes. This study can also recommend study habits to the students who are experiencing a
hard time in online classes.

To the parents, to guide their children in finding an efficient way to learn. Also, to have
a fulfillment as a parent for helping their children to achieve an academic excellence due to
study habits.

To the teachers, they may help their students to make studying easier and better by
suggesting study habits to them. Furthermore, the teachers will also benefit to this study as
they can also use the study habits that is being recommended in this study.

To the school guidance counselors, the school guidance counselors can use this study
to give guidance to students who have difficulty in their studies and help them to have better
study habits. Developing good study habits is very important to every student because it can
boost their self-disciplined and good learning techniques, thereby enhancing their academic
success. Therefore effective study habits are part of the learning process.
To the school administrators, this study will help the students to improve their
academic performance that may reflect to the school reputation for having students that have
a good grades. Also, this study can be use in a seminar to educate the students in different
types of study habits that they may apply to themselves and help to improve their academic

To the future researchers, this study can be used as a reference with the same variables
or “related topics” if they want to determine the study habits of students during online classes
in the new normal system.

Scope and Delimitation

The researchers will conduct this study to know the different study habits of academic
awardee students during online class, the effects of it to their academic performance, and
their study habit suggestions to other students who are experiencing a hard time in online
classes. This study will be conducted at Jose C. Feliciano College Foundation, one of the
private school located at Dau Exit NLEX, Mabalacat City Pampanga during the 2nd Semester
of the Academic Year 2020-2021. The respondents of this study are the Grade 12 academic
awardee students coming from the Academic Track in the said school. Also, the researchers
will conduct this study by giving a custom made forms from google chrome to the students

Definition of Terms

New Normal - A previously unfamiliar or atypical situation that has become standard,
usual, or expected. In this study, it is the situation of the students experiencing right now,
from face to face to distance learning.

Online Class – An online class is a course conducted over the Internet. They are
generally conducted through a learning management system, in which students can view their
course syllabus and academic progress, as well as communicate with fellow students and
their course instructor. In this study, it refers to the learning system that the grade 12 students
of Jose C. Feliciano College Foundation use.

Study Habits – The habitual practices one uses to help them study and learn. In this
research, these are the frequent ways of students in Jose C. Feliciano Colleges to acquire
knowledge, for them to have an uncomplicated methods in studying.

Effects - A change which is a result or consequence of an action or other cause. In this

study, it refers to the effects or the results of study habits to the academic performance of
grade 12 students at Jose C. Feliciano College Foundation.

Academic Performance - Is the measurement of students achievement across various

academic subjects. In this study, it refers to the students achievement caused by their study
habits. If the study habits of students are effective, it can lead to good academic performance,
but if they have bad study habits it can lead to poor academic performance.

Outstanding student – A person who has a natural curiosity and see things differently,
asks interesting questions, tries to connect things and relate them to other experiences.
Usually, an outstanding student gets good if not the best grades in school or university. In this
study, it refers to the grade 12 students of Jose C. Feliciano College Foundation that are with
honor, with high honor, or with highest honor in the first semester of the academic year 2020-

Recommendation – A suggestion or proposal as to the best course of action, especially

one put forward by an authoritative body. In this study, it refers to the advices of Grade 12
students from Jose C Feliciano College Foundation to the other students who are still
experiencing a difficulty and struggles during online classes.

Research Locale

The study will be conducted at Jose C. Feliciano College Foundation located at Dau
Exit NLEX, Mabalacat City Pampanga. Before it became JCFC, the school started as a
Science and Technology School on June 4, 1994 at Dona Ponciana Building in downtown
Angeles City. The school is a higher education institution which offers different degree
programs including Junior High School and Senior High Schools Academic Track and
Technical Vocational Track such as Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM),
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), Humanities and Social
Sciences (HUMSS), Technical Vocational Home Economics (TVHE), and Technical
Vocational Industrial Arts (TVIA).

Respondents of the Study

The respondents in this study are the Grade 12 Senior High School students at Jose C.
Feliciano College Foundation. In addition, the respondents are the academic awardees in the
first semester of the Academic Year 2020-2021.

Research Design

This study will used descriptive survey method in order to determine the study habits
of Grade 12 academic awardee students of Jose C. Feliciano Colleges Foundation during
Online Class. The researchers are interested in learning about the usual study patterns of
outstanding students in their online classes. The descriptive design is used for it enables to
show what characterized a population, condition or phenomenon in a way that can address
what, where and when questions (Shona M., 2019) Descriptive survey is applied since the
study requires a large amount of respondents. The research will analyze in quantitative for it
is more objective in measuring data, the descriptive survey method of studies is best suited.

Participants and Sampling Techniques

The participants of this study are the Grade 12 academic awardee students coming
from the Academic Track Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM), Humanities and
Social Sciences (HUMSS), and Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)
which the school Jose C. Feliciano College Foundation offers. The researchers will only
conduct a survey to 70 Grade 12 academic awardee students. The survey will be distributed
online through the use of Google Forms. The researchers will use Purposive sampling which
is also known as judgmental, selective, or subjective sampling. Purposive sampling is a form
of non-probability sampling in which the researchers will rely on their own judgment when
choosing the members of the population to participate in their study. The method for
performing the purposive sampling is fairly straightforward. The researchers will reject the
individuals who do not fit in a particular profile when creating the sample. However, the
researchers can also use various techniques during the purposive sampling depending on the
goal of their study.

Research Instrument

The researchers used a research instrument, namely: Survey Questionnaires that is

based on the topic on the New Normal System: Study Habits during Online Class. The
researchers have a questionnaire with four (4) sections to get the necessary data needed. The
Part 1 was asked for the respondents' profile. The method for the profile was made by the
researchers; the gender, age, track and section, and the general average in the first semester of
the A.Y. 2020-2021 of the respondents was determined. The Part 2 of the research
instruments consists of Google form checklists questionnaire provided for the responses of
the respondents. The Part 3 of the research instrument consist of Google form Likert scale
provided for the responses of the respondents. The Part 4 of the research instrument consist of
Google form survey questionnaire that has corresponding blank space provided after the
question for the responses of respondents.

Data Collection Procedure

The assessment test is develop and the initial draft will be presented to the High School
Research Study Teachers for its validity. To test its reliability, a dry run will be administered
to the students who are not part of the final fielding of the study. Afterwards, item analysis
will also be conducted in order to address the items which still needs for further modification.
A formal letter will be sent to the administrator of the school where the researchers will be
conducting the study. The research instrument will be given to the respondents right after the
research instrument has been finalized and the letter has been approved. Custom forms from
Google will be prepared by the researchers to establish survey queries to be filled out by the
limited number of respondents.

Treatment and Analysis of Data

Descriptive statistic with the use of weighted mean was used in the treatment of the
data collection with regard to the frequency, which is a representation of the entire or a
sample of a population. Descriptive statistics are broken down into measures of central
tendency and measures of variability (spread).

The gathered data were categorized, tabulated, and interpreted with the use of the
descriptive analysis. For Statement of the Problem 1, profile of the respondents in terms of:
Age, Gender, and Strand and Section were used and presented through frequency and
percentage distribution. A frequency distribution is a device where table is showed in
quantitative variables or numeric variables. The following formulas were used:
Frequency= COUNTIF (range or array of data, number or rating to count)
Percentage= (frequency/N)*100

Furthermore, Statement of the Problem 2 and Statement of the Problem 3 used Likert
Scale Items. The typical Likert scale is a 5- or 7-point ordinal scale used by respondents to
rate the degree to which extent or how frequent is the experience in the statement given. A
type of psychometric response scale in which respondents specify their level of agreement to
a statement typically in five points.


5 Always
4 Often
3 Sometimes
2 Rarely
1 Never


5 Strongly Agree
4 Agree
3 Neutral
2 Disagree
1 Strongly Disagree
Lastly, Statement of the Problem 4 is presented through frequency and percentage
distributions. A frequency distribution is a device where table is showed in quantitative
variables or numeric variables. The following formulas were used:

Frequency= COUNTIF (range or array of data, number or rating to count)

Percentage= (frequency/N)*100

Presentation, Interpretation, and Analysis of Data

This deals with the presentation, interpretation, and analysis of data gathered through
questionnaires, documents, and records. Also considered in this were the interpretation of
findings based on the research questions

1. Profile of the Respondents in terms of:

1.1 Gender
Gender: Male Female
F % F %
24 34.29 46 65.71
Table 1: No. of responses in Profile of the Respondents in terms of the Gender

Male Female



Graph 1: No. of responses in Profile of the Respondents in terms of the Gender

The figure shows that 24 out of 70 (34.29%) of our Grade 12 academic awardee
respondents from the Academic Track ABM, HUMSS, and STEM are Male and 65.71% of
them are Female.
1.2 Age
Age: 17 years old 18 years old 19 years old
F % F % F %
16 22. 86 48 68.57 6 65.71
Table 2: No. of responses in Profile of the Respondents in terms of the Age

17 years old 18 years old 19 years old



Graph 2: No. of responses in Profile of the Respondents in terms of the Age

The figure shows that 16 out of 70 (22.86%) of our respondents aged 17 years old, 48
(68.57%) of them are 18 years old, and 6 (8.57%) are 19 years old.
1.3 Strand and Section
Strand and Section Frequency Percentage
ABM A 5 7.14
ABM B 5 7.14
ABM C 5 7.14
ABM D 5 7.14
ABM E 5 7.14
HUMSS A 5 7.14
HUMSS B 5 7.14
HUMSS C 5 7.14
HUMSS D 5 7.14
HUMSS E 5 7.14
HUMSS F 5 7.14
STEM A 5 7.14
STEM B 5 7.14
STEM C 5 7.14
TOTAL: 70 99.96/100
Table 3: No. of responses in Profile of the Respondents in terms of the
Strand & Section

s tr and & s ecti on

Strand & Section
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Graph 3: No. of responses in Profile of the Respondents in terms of the

Strand & Section

The figure above shows the number of our respondents, their strand and section.

As seen in the tables and graphs, all of the 70 respondents are academic awardees of
HUMSS, STEM, and ABM track. 46 out of 70 or 65.71% of respondents are female, while
48 out of 70 or 68.57% of respondents are 18 years old. As indicated, most of the academic
awardee students are female and in the age of 18.
2. Study habits during online classes

Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never

II. The study habits of Grade 12 academic awardee students at Jose C. Feliciano College
Foundation during online classes

Study Habits: F % F % F % F % F %
1. Taking notes 25 35.71 23 32.85 12 17.14 10 14.28 0 0
2. Highlighting or 16 22.85 20 28.57 17 24.28 10 14.28 7 10
annotating my lecture
notes and modules
3. Drinking coffee 12 17.14 12 17.14 12 17.14 6 8.57 28 40
4. Eating sweets such as 12 17.14 15 21.43 17 24.28 14 20 12 17.14
chocolate or candy
5. Eating snacks or junk 9 12.87 17 24.28 18 25.71 14 20 12 17.14
6. Using stress ball, 1 1.42 10 14.28 8 11.42 11 15.71 40 57.14
fidget spinner, or other
fidget activity during
online class
7. Daydreaming during 13 18.57 13 18.57 21 30 13 18.57 10 14.28
online class
8. Listening to low tune 12 17.14 8 11.54 21 34.28 6 8.57 20 28.27
9. Browsing the Internet 24 34.28 23 32.85 17 24.28 5 7.14 1 1.42
10. Using social media 28 40 20 28.57 19 27.14 3 4.28 0 0
(to chat with friends,
family, classmates)
during online class
11. Playing online 8 11.43 15 21.46 12 17.14 14 20 21 30
12. Organizing your 28 40 20 28.57 13 18.57 7 10 2 2.86
schedule for your
13. Participating on 38 54.29 21 30 6 8.57 5 7.14 0 0
14. I listen carefully to a 10 14.29 19 27.14 21 30 12 17.14 8 11.43
lecture but I do not take
down notes
15. Others: 0 0 0 0

Sleep in the class when I 3 33.33

feel boring
Sketching 1 11.11

Fixing my hair 1 11.11

Reading motivational 1 11.11

quotes before the class

Finding place that is

quiet 1 11.11

Watching anime during

online class 1 11.11

Stare at crush 1 11.11

Table 4: No. of responses in study habits during online classes

Study Habits during Online/Virtual Class









1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never

Graph 4: No. of responses in study habits during online classes

In the statement number 1, out of 70 respondents, 25 or 35.71% answered always, 23

or 32.85% are often, 12 or 17.14% are sometimes, and 10 or 14.28% are rarely.
In the statement number 2, out of 70respondents, 16 or 22.85% answered always, 20 or
28.57% are often, 17 or 24.28% are sometimes, 10 or 14.28%are rarely, and 7 or 10% never
In the statement number 3, out of 70 respondents, 12 or 17.14% answered always, 12
or 17.14% are often, 12 or 17.14% are sometimes, 6 or 8.57% are rarely, and 28 or 40% are
In the statement number 4, out of 70 respondents, 12 or 17.24% answered always, 15
or 21.43% are often, 17 or 24.28% are sometimes, 14 or 20% are rarely, and 12 or 17.14%
are never.
In the statement number 5, out of 70 respondents, 9 or 12.87% answered always, 17 or
24.28% are often, 18 or 25.71% are sometimes, 14 or 20% are rarely, and 12 or 17.14% are
In Study Habit #6, 1 of 70 respondents or 1.42% answered always,10 or 14.28% are
often, 8 or 11.42% said sometimes, 11 or 15.71% rarely and 40 or 57.14% answered never.
In Study Habit #7, 13 or 18.57% of the respondents, answered always, 13 or 18.57%
are often, 21 or 30% sometimes, 13 or 18.57% said rarely and 10 or 18.57% answered never.
In Study Habit #8, 12 or 17.14% of the respondents, answered always, 8 or 11.54% are
often, 24 or 34.28 % said sometimes, 6 or 8.57% rarely and 20 or 28.27% answered never.
In Study Habit #9, 24 or 34.28% of the respondents, answered always, 23 or 32.85%
are often, 17 or 24.28% sometimes, 5 or 7.14% said rarely and 1 or 1.42% answered never.
In Study Habit #10, 28 or 40% of the respondents, answered always, 20 or 28.57% are
often, 19 or 27.14% said sometimes, 3 or 4.28% rarely and 0 or 0% answered never.
In Study Habit #11 , 8 or 11.43% of the respondents, answered always, 15 or 21.46%
are often, 12 or 17.14% said sometimes, 14 or 20% rarely and 21or 30% answered never.
In Study Habit #12, 28 or 40% of the respondents, answered always, 20 or 28.57% are
often, 13 or 18.57% said sometimes, 7 or 10% rarely and 2 or 2.86% answered never.
In Study Habit #13, 38 or 54.29% of the respondents, answered always, 21 or 30% are
often, 6 or 8.57% said sometimes, 5 or 7.14 % rarely and 0 or 0% answered never.
In Study Habit #14, 10 or 14.29of the respondents, answered always, 19 or 27.14% are
often, 21 or 30% said sometimes, 12 or 12.17% rarely and 8 or 11.43% answered never.
The grade 12 academic awardees stated their other study habits. The 33.33% stated that
they often sleep in the when they feel boring, 11.11% stated that always sketching in the
during the class, 11.11% said that often fixing the hair, 11.11% said always reading
motivational quotes before the class, 11.11% stated always finding place that is quiet, 11.11%
said that always moving anime during online class and lastly 11.11%said that rarely staring at

As seen in the table and graph, 38 out of 70 or 54.29% of the respondents answered
“Always” in the study habit participating in class, while 21 out of 70 or 30% of respondents
are “Sometimes” listening to low tune music, and the other 40 out of 70 or 57.14% of
respondents answered that they “Never” use a stress ball, fidget, spinner, or other fidgets
activity during an online class as their study habit. As indicated, most of the academic
awardee students always participate in online classes and most of them never use stress ball
or other fidget activity as their study habit.
Study Habits during Online/Virtual Weighted Mean Visual Description
1. Taking notes 3.9 Often
2. Highlighting or annotating my lecture 3.4 Often
notes and modules
3. Drinking coffee 2.63 Sometimes
4. Eating sweets such as chocolate or 3.01 Sometimes
5. Eating snacks or junk food 2.96 Sometimes
6. Using stress ball, fidget spinner, or other 1.8 Rarely
fidget activity during online class
7. Daydreaming during online class 3.09 Sometimes
8. Listening to low tune music 2.8 Sometimes
9. Browsing the Internet 3.91 Often
10. Using social media (to chat with 4.04 Often
friends, family, classmates) during online
11. Playing online games 2.64 Sometimes
12. Organizing your schedule for your 3.93 Often
13. Participating on class 4.31 Always
14. I listen carefully to a lecture but I do 3.16 Sometimes
not take down notes
15. Other: _____________
Sleeping in the class when I feel boring 4 Often
Sketching 5 Always
Fixing my hair 4 Often
reading motivational quotes before class 5 Always
finding place that is quiet 5 Always
Watching anime during online class 5 Always
stare a crush 2 Rarely

Total 3.60 Often

Table 5: Weighted Mean and Visual Description of responses in study habits during online

In the study habit number 1, the weighted mean resulted as 3.9 which has a visual description
of Often to rate the study habit of during Online/Virtual Classes. The visual description of
study habit number 2 is Often with the weighted mean of 3.4. The weighted mean of study
habit number 3 is 2.63 which has a visual description of Sometimes. 3.01 is the weighted
mean of the study habit number 4 with the visual description of Sometimes. The weighted
mean of study habit 5 resulted as 2.96 which have a visual description of Sometimes. In the
study habit number 6, the weighted mean resulted as 1.8 and the visual description is Rarely
to rate the study habit of the respondent during Online/Virtual Classes. The visual description
of the study habit number 7 is Sometimes and the weighted mean is 3.09. In the study habit 8
the weighted mean is 2.8 and the visual description is Sometimes. The visual description of
study habit number 9 is Often while the weighted mean is 3.91. The in study habit number 10
the weighted mean is 4.04 while the visual description is Often. In the study habit number 11,
the weighted mean 2.64 which has a visual description of Sometimes to rate the study habit
of during Online/Virtual Classes. The visual description of the study habit number 12 is
Often and the weighted mean is 3.93. In the study habit number 13, the weighted mean 4.31
which has a visual description of Always. The visual description of the study habit 14 is
Sometimes which has a weighted mean of 3.16. The other study habits are: Sleeping in the
class when I feel bored with weighted mean of 4 which has a visual description of Often,
Sketching has weighted mean of 5 with visual description of Always, The weighted mean of
fixing my hair is 5 which has visual description of Always, 5 is the weighted mean of reading
motivational quotes before class which has a visual description of Always, The visual
description of watching anime during class is Always which has a weighted mean of 5 and
the weighted mean of stare at crush is 2 which has a visual description of Rarely. Lastly, this
table shows that through weighting the assessment items, the different of the study habits of
the academic awardee students in Jose C. Feliciano College Foundation resulted as 3.60
weighted mean that has a visual description of Often.

3. Effects of the study habits on their academic performance

Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree

III. The effects of the study habits on their academic performance of the academic awardee students in
Jose C. Feliciano College Foundation
Statements: F % F % F % F % F %
1. I still remember the 1 1.42 24 34.28 31 44.28 5 7.14 9 12.85
lessons being discussed
in my online classes
because I use my study
habits on it.
2. My study habits are 10 14.28 34 48.57 20 28.57 5 7.14 1 1.42
enough to stimulate my
brain or can stay me
alert / awake during
online class.
3. Having different 12 17.14 35 50 18 25.71 4 5.71 1 1.42
study habits help me to
get a better grade.
4. Having my study 16 22.85 29 41.42 20 28.57 5 7.14 0 0
habits during this
pandemic help me to
cope up with my
5. My current study 14 20 29 41.42 19 27.14 7 10 1 1.42
habits helps me to
improve my self-
discipline during online
6. My study habits 16 22.86 23 32.86 17 24.29 9 12.86 5 7.14
pushes me to
procrastinate and do
multitasking during
online class.
7. My study habits 8 11.43 11 15.71 28 40 17 12.86 6 8.57
makes me slack off.
8. I feel confident and 13 18.57 24 34.29 22 31.43 9 12.86 2 1.43
relax about my grades
because of my study
9. I feel confident and 12 17.14 24 34.29 22 31.43 11 15.71 1 1.43
relaxed when there is a
test-taking time.
10. I'm less stressed 13 18.57 16 22.86 21 30 11 15.71 9 12.86
during online class
because of my study
Table 6: No. of responses in effects of the study habits on their academic performance

Effects of Study Habits








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Graph 5: No. of responses in effects of the study habits on their academic performance
In statement number 1, 1 or 1.42% of the respondents, answered strongly agree, 24 or
34.28% answered agree, 31 or 44.28% answered neutral, 5 or 7.14% answered disagree and 9 or
12.85% answered strongly disagree.
In statement number 2, 10 or 14.28% of the respondents, answered strongly agree, 34 or
48.57% answered agree, 20 or 28.57% answered neutral, 5 or 7.14% answered disagree and 1 or
1.42% answered strongly disagree.
In statement number 3, 12 or 17.14% of the respondents, answered strongly agree, 35 or
50% answered agree, 18 or 25.71% answered neutral, 4 or 5.71% answered disagree and 1 or
1.42% answered strongly disagree.
In the statement number 4, 16 or 22.85% of the respondents, answered strongly agree, 29
or 41.42% answered agree, 20 or 28.57% answered neutral, 5 or 7.14% answered disagree and 0
or 0% answered strongly disagree.
In statement number 5, 14 or 20% of the respondents answered strongly agree, 29 or
41.42% answered agree, 19 or 27.14% answered neutral, 7 or 10% answered disagree and 1 or
1.42% answered strongly disagree.
In the statement number 6, out 70 respondents, 16 or 22.86% answered strongly agree, 23
or 32.86% answered agree, 17 or 24.29% answered neutral, 9 or 12.86% answered disagree and 5
or 7.14% answered strongly disagree.
In the statement number 7, out of 70 respondents, 8 or 11.43% answered strongly agree, 11
or 15.71% answered agree, 28 or 40% answered neutral, 17 or 12.86% answered disagree and 6
or 8.57% answered strongly disagree.
In the statement number 8, out of 70 respondents, 13 or 18.57% answered strongly agree,
24 or 34.29% answered agree, 22 or 31.43% answered neutral, 9 or 12.86% answered disagree
and 2 or 1.43% answered strongly disagree.
In the statement number 9, out of 70 respondents, 12 or 17.14% answered strongly agree,
24 or 34.29% answered agree, 22 or 31.43% answered neutral, 11 or 15.71% answered disagree
and 1 or 1.43% answered strongly disagree.
In the statement number 10, out of 70 respondents, 13 or 18.57% answered strongly agree,
16 or 22.86% answered agree, 21 or 30% answered neutral, 11 or 15.71% answered disagree and
9 or 12.86% answered strongly disagree.

As seen in the table, 16 out of 70 or 22.86% of respondents strongly agree that their
study habits pushes them to procrastinate and do multitasking during an online class. 25 out
of 70 or 35.71% of respondents are neutral because of the study habits they still remember
the lesson that is being discussed during their online class, while 9 out of 70 or 12.86% of
respondents strongly disagree that their study habits lessen them to feel stressed during online
class because of their study habits. As indicated, mostly of the academic awardee students
answer neutral in one of the given effects of study habits which is “still remember the lessons
being discussed in online classes”.

Effects of the study habits Weighted Mean Visual Description

1. I still remember the lessons being 3.04 Neutral
discussed in my online classes because I
use my study habits on it.
2. My study habits are enough to stimulate 3.67 Agree
my brain or can stay me alert / awake
during online class.
3. Having different study habits help me to 3.76 Agree
get a better grade.
4. Having my study habits during this 3.8 Agree
pandemic help me to cope-up with my
5. My current study habits helps me to 3.69 Agree
improve my self-discipline during online
6. My study habits pushes me to 3.51 Agree
procrastinate and do multitasking during
online class.
7. My study habits makes me slack off. 2.97 Neutral
8. I feel confident and relax about my 3.53 Agree
grades because of my study habits.
9. I feel confident and relaxed when there 3.5 Agree
is a test-taking time.
10. I'm less stressed during online class 3.19 Agree
because of my study habits.
Total 3.46 Agree
Table 7: Weighted Mean and Visual Description of responses in effects of the study habits
on their academic performance

In the statement number 1, the weighted mean is 3.04 which has a visual description of
neutral to rate the effects of study habit during virtual class. The visual description of the
statement number 2 is Agree which has a weighted mean of 3.67. In the statement number 3,
the weighted mean is 3.67 which has a virtual description of Agree. The visual description of
the statement number 4 is Agree which has a weighted mean of 3.8. The statement number 5
has a virtual description of Agree which has a weighted mean of 3.69. In statement number 6,
the weighted mean resulted as 3.51 which has a visual description of Agree. In statement 7,
the weighted mean resulted as 2.97 which has a visual description of Neutral. In statement
number 8, the weighted mean resulted 3.53 which has a visual description of Agree. In
statement number 9, the weighted mean resulted as 3.5 which has a visual description of
Agree. Lastly, in statement number 10, the weighted mean resulted as 3.19 which has a visual
description of Neutral. This table shows that through weighting the assessment items, the
effects of the study habits on their academic performance of the academic awardee student in
Jose C. Feliciano College Foundation resulted as 3.46 weighted mean that has a visual
description of Agree.

4. Suggested study habits

IV. The most effective study habits of Grade 12 academic awardee students from Jose
C. Feliciano College Foundation that they can suggest to the other students who are
having a hard time in online class

Suggestions: F %
Play online games after class 1 1.43
Don't pressure/stress yourself 3 4.29
Time Management 13 18.57
Read Module or Notes 13 18.57
Takedown Notes 19 27.14
Listen to relaxing music 5 7.14
Avoid multitasking 4 5.71
Listen carefully & focus to the discussion 11 15.71
Organize your things 7 10
Sleep when you are tired 4 5.71
Search for more information or ideas 4 5.71
Eat chocolate 2 2.86
Have a stress ball 1 1.43
Participate in class 1 1.43
Place that you won't be distracted 2 2.86
Drink coffee 1 1.43
Self-discipline 1 1.43
Hide the cellphone 2 2.86
Sketching 1 1.43
Take a bath to awake yourself 1 1.43
Table 8: No. of responses in suggested study habits

SUgges ted s tudy habits

18 19
12 13 13
10 11
6 7
4 5
4 4 4
2 3
2 2 2
0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
ss fl t s s ic g n s d s te bal l ss d e e e g lf
cla rse men ote ote us skin ssio hing tire idea ola s cla acte ffe iplin hon chin rse
r ou e N N m ta u t e r c es n tr co isc llp ket yo
a fte ss y nag e or wn xing ulti disc our u ar n o cho str te i dis ink d ce S e
a l o y o o t a a r l f e k
es stre M odu ked rela id m the ize y ati Ea ve ci p ' t b
e D Se th a
m e n
de aw
ga ure Tim d M Ta to Avo s to gan whe form Ha arti on H i to
en P
lin res
s a
u Or ep in w th
n p Re Li st f l e re you ba
o t & S o t a
ay on' ly rm th
a ke
Pl ul fo Ta
ref c h a ce
ca ar Pl
ten Se

Graph 6: No. of responses in suggested study habits

The figure shows that 19 out of 70 (27.14%) respondents suggest the study habit
‘taking down notes during online classes’ to the other students who are having a hard time in
online classes. 13 out of 70 (18.57%) suggest ‘time management’. The another 18.57% (13
out of 70) of the respondents also suggest ‘reading the module or lecture notes before and
after the class’. 15.71% or 11 out of 70 of them suggest ‘listen carefully and focus to the
discussions’ to the students who are having a hard time. ‘Organize your things’ is also being
suggested by 7 out of 70 (10%) respondents. The study habit ‘listening to relaxing or low
tune music’ is being suggested by 5 (7.14%) of the respondents. ‘Avoid multitasking’, ‘Sleep
when you are tired’, and ‘Search for more information or ideas’ are being suggested by 4
(5.71%) respondents. 3 out of 70 (4.29%) suggest ‘Don’t pressure or stress yourself’. 2.86%
(2 out of 70) suggest ‘eating chocolate during online classes’. ‘Go to a place that you will not
be distracted during online classes’ and ‘Hiding the cellphone’. Lastly, the study habit ‘Use
stress ball or other fidget activity’, ‘Participate on class’, ‘Take a bath to awaken yourself’,
‘Play online games after class’, ‘Drink coffee everyday’, ‘Have a self-discipline’, and
‘Sketching’ are being suggested by 1.43% or 1 of them.
As seen in the table and graph, 13 out of 70 or 18.57% of respondents suggest time
management, 13 out of 70 or 18.57% of respondents also suggest reading the module or
lecture notes before and after the class, while 19 out of 70 or 27.14% of the respondents
suggest taking down notes. As indicated, mostly of the academic awardee students suggest
taking down notes during online class to other students who are having a hard time in this
new way of learning because it is the most effective to them.


In this study, out of 70 grade 12 academic awardee respondents, 65.71% are female
and 68.57% are 18 years old. The study habits that are used always and often are taking notes
(68.56%), Highlighting or annotating the lecture notes and modules (51.42%) Browsing the
Internet to research the topic (67.13), organizing the schedules for the activities (68.57%) and
Participating in class (84.29%). This study habits must be enhanced to help the students focus
in class and to get better or best academic performance. We also concluded that some study
habits should not be practice or minimize are the playing online games while in class, using
social media to chat friends, family and classmates, and daydreaming during online class. Out
of 70 academic awardees, 50% of the respondents answered strongly agree and agree in the
statement that their study habits during this pandemic helps them to cope up with their lesson.
In addition, 47.14% of the respondents also answered strongly agree and agree that their
study habits helps them to improve their self-discipline during online classes. 20% of them
answered strongly disagree and disagree that their study habits pushes them to procrastinate
and do multitasking, during online class, and the 21.43% of the respondents stated that study
habits makes them slack off. We concluded that some of the study habits should not be
practice like procrastinating and also slacking off during online class. The researchers
concluded that some suggestions such as taking notes, reading module and notes, time
management, listening carefully to the lesson, focus in class, and organizing things and notes
may work or be effective for every students and helps them to focus and do better in their
academic performance. The researcher also concluded that there are good and bad study
habits. Students that has good study habits can lead to good or better academic performance
and bad study habits can distract students from focusing on their studies or online class and
procrastinate on the activities given by their teachers. Fortunately, the respondents are
academic awardees. They can manage and do moderately bad study habits. Additionally,
even though the researchers finds the study habits of the respondents bad, they are still useful
and effective according to the respondents because it helps them to focus on their online
classes or studies. It shows that study habits are different from person to person and it can
influence the academic achievement of students that can be the gateway to success.

Students: In this study, we discover that taking note during online class is the study
habit that the Grade 12 academic awardee students always do. Therefore, we suggest to other
students to take note during online class because it can help to him/her understand the lesson,
he/she will have a reviewer to study itself, and will have a better understanding about to the

Parents: In this study, we discover that time management and reading module or lecture
notes are the study habit that the Grade 12 academic awardee students often do. Therefore,
we recommend to the parents to suggest these study habits on their child in order for them to
refresh all the lessons that they tackle and to be ready in possible given task to them.

Teacher: In this study, we discover that listening carefully and focusing to the
discussions are the study habits that the Grade 12 academic awardee students sometimes do.
Therefore, we recommend to the other teachers to suggest these study habits to their fellow
students who are having a hard time in studying in order for them to understand the lesson
clearly and to lessen their hard time in studying.

Guidance counselors: The researchers recommend to help the students in their studies
by giving them advice online. Since face to face counseling is limited, using a virtual medium
to communicate to the students will not limit them to give advice for better study habits. They
can also help for the students to have companion with the people that can understand them
during this new normal system.

School Administrators: The researchers suggest that they can lessen the requirements
the students needed to attain, but not compromising the quality of education and learning.
Since both teachers and students are all new in this kind of system of learning, they can be
enlighten in this study and consider this to lessen the burden to the students.

Future Researchers: Based on the study, the researchers recommends the most picked
study habits by the outstanding students of Jose C. Feliciano Colleges. It includes taking
notes, participating on class, and organizing schedule for activities. This study habits have
positive effect like reducing of stressed towards the students, gaining confidence and having a
feeling of relaxation towards their grades and also, it helps them to cope up with their lessons
in time.
List of References 

Çakıroğlu, Ü. (n.d.). Analyzing the Effect of Learning Styles and Study Habits of Distance
Learners on Learning Performances: A Case of an Introductory Programming Course.
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, 15, 161-185. 

DepEd Distance Learning (2020), Guide to distance learning for School Year 2020-2021 

Ebele, U., & Olofu, P. (2017). Study habit and its impact on secondary school students’
academic performance in biology in the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. Educational
Research and Reviews, 12(10), 583-588. 

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on student teachers’ achievement, study habits, test anxiety, and attitudes towards physics.
Journal of Turkish Science Education, 16(1), 62-76.  

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Important Study Habits (2020), To be successful at school. Students need good study habit 

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academic achievement in students of medical sciences in Kermanshah-Iran. 2019(10), 637-

Metro Manila CNN Philippines (2020) the opening of the next school year. The start of the
academic year, 2020-2021.

Miguel A. Cerna1, M. A., & Pavliushchenko K. (2015). Influence of Study Habits on

Academic Performance of International College Students in Shanghai. Higher Education
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Morgan Library-Learning Center (2020) adjusting study habits during pandemic. Success tips
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Tran, T., Hoang, A.D., Nguyen, Y., Nguyen, L.C., Ta, N.T, Pham, Q.H., Pham, C.X., Le,
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Suspension: Socioeconomic, Occupational Aspirations, and Learning Behavior of
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Vijar khaela (2020), Schoolsurvival guide. Preparing for online classes.

West, W., Rosser, B.R., Monani, S., & Gurak, L. (2006). How Learning Styles Impact E-
learning: a case comparative study of undergraduate students who excelled, passed, or failed
an online course in scientific/technical writing. E–Learning, 3, 540-541. 

World Health Organization.Coronavirus.
Date: March 25, 2021

Mario-Mar D. Molena, LPT

Senior High School Teacher for Filipino
Jose C. Feliciano College Foundation
Dau Exit, NLEX, Mabalacat City, Pampanga

Dear Sir,

The undersigned are the grade 12 Senior High School students of Jose C.
Feliciano College Foundation, who are conducting a research entitled “New Normal System:
Study Habits of Students during Online Class”, in partial fulfillment of the requirement for
Research Project.

In line with this, we are humbly asking for your help in validating the attached
self - constructed assessment test. Your expertise on the field will be a great help to the study.
Any comments, suggestions, and changes that can improve the assessment test will be used
and greatly appreciated.

We are looking forward for your favorable response to this request.

Respectfully yours,


Approved by:

Mario-Mar D. Molena, LPT

Senior High School Teacher for Filipino

Date: March 26, 2021

Veronica Villa Guevarra
Teacher I / Data Bank Manager
Camachilles National High School
Camachilles Phase II, Dau, Mabalacat City, Pampanga

Dear Ma’am,

The undersigned are the grade 12 Senior High School students of Jose C.
Feliciano College Foundation, who are conducting a research entitled “New Normal System:
Study Habits of Students during Online Class”, in partial fulfillment of the requirement for
Research Project.

In line with this, we are humbly asking for your help in validating the attached
self - constructed assessment test. Your expertise on the field will be a great help to the study.
Any comments, suggestions, and changes that can improve the assessment test will be used
and greatly appreciated.

We are looking forward for your favorable response to this request.

Respectfully yours,


Approved by:

Veronica V. Guevarra
Math Teacher/Data Bank Manager
Date: March 25, 2021

Melissa E. Cuarte
Teacher I
Duquit High School
Duquit, Mabalacat City, Pampanga

Dear Ma’am,

The undersigned are the grade 12 Senior High School students of Jose C.
Feliciano College Foundation, who are conducting a research entitled “New Normal System:
Study Habits of Students during Online Class”, in partial fulfillment of the requirement for
Research Project.

In line with this, we are humbly asking for your help in validating the attached
self - constructed assessment test. Your expertise on the field will be a great help to the study.
Any comments, suggestions, and changes that can improve the assessment test will be used
and greatly appreciated.

We are looking forward for your favorable response to this request.

Respectfully yours,


Approved by:

Teacher I
Date: March 26, 2021

Princess P. Dizon
Senior High School Teacher for Discipline and Ideas in Social Sciences
Jose C. Feliciano College Foundation
Dau Exit, NLEX, Mabalacat City, Pampanga

Dear Ma’am,

The undersigned are the grade 12 Senior High School students of Jose C.
Feliciano College Foundation, who are conducting a research entitled “New Normal System:
Study Habits of Students during Online Class”, in partial fulfillment of the requirement for
Research Project.
In line with this, we are humbly asking for your help in validating the attached
self - constructed assessment test. Your expertise on the field will be a great help to the study.
Any comments, suggestions, and changes that can improve the assessment test will be used
and greatly appreciated. 

We are looking forward for your favorable response to this request. 

Respectfully yours,


Approved by:

Princess P. Dizon
Senior High School Teacher for Discipline and Ideas in Social Sciences
New Normal System: Study Habits of Students during Online Class
Kindly answer the study questionnaire as honestly and accurately as possible.

Part 1. Please supply the needed information.

Gender: _________ Strand and Section: __________
Age: _________

Part 2. Check the following choice/s that applies to you.

My Study Habits during Online/Virtual Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never

1. Taking notes
2. Highlighting or annotating my lecture
notes and modules
3. Drinking coffee
4. Eating sweets such as chocolate or
5. Eating snacks or junk food
6. Using stress ball, fidget spinner, or other
fidget activity during online class
7. Daydreaming during online class
8. Listening to low tune music
9. Browsing the Internet
10. Using social media (to chat with
friends, family, classmates) during online
11. Playing online games
12. Organizing your schedule for your
13. Participating on class
14. I listen carefully to a lecture but I do
not take down notes
15. Other: _____________

Part 3. Using the scale below, pick the option for your answer.
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree
1. I still remember the lessons being
discussed in my online classes because I
use my study habits on it.
2. My study habits are enough to
stimulate my brain or can stay me alert /
awake during online class.
3. Having different study habits help me
to get a better grade.
4. Having my study habits during this
pandemic help me to cope up with my
5. My current study habits helps me to
improve my self-discipline during
online class.
6. My study habits pushes me to
procrastinate and do multitasking during
online class.
7. My study habits makes me slack off.
8. I feel confident and relax about my
grades because of my study habits.
9. I feel confident and relaxed when
there is a test-taking time.
10. I'm less stressed during online class
because of my study habits.

Part 4. Answer the following question.

1. What are the most effective study habits to you that you can suggest to other students who
are having a hard time in online class?

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