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ENERGYCON 2014 • May 13-16, 2014 • Dubrovnik, Croatia

Energy Audit of Public Lighting in the

Area of Osijek-Baranja County (Croatia)
Hrvoje Glavaš #1, Milan Ivanoviü *2, Niko Mandiü #3
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek
Kneza Trpimira 2b, 31000 Osijek, Croatia
PANON – Think Tank for strategic studies, Osijek
HOPS Zagreb
Kupska 4, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia

Abstract - This paper analyzes usage of electricity for public classified as public lighting, but they are the responsibility of
lighting in Croatia and points out the legislative provisions on the Croatian Motorways (CM) and Croatian Roads (HC)
energy audit of public lighting. Consistent implementation of the which build them, maintain them, and pay for electricity cost.
Act on Energy Efficiency can reduce costs of public lighting and Depending on the economic strength of LGU - in many
at the same time raise the standard of public lighting. The area of
sections of state roads mainly through the villages - electricity
Osijek Baranja County was analyzed in terms of the public
lighting through maintenance costs and power consumption as costs of PL are provided for by local city centers [4].
an example. Possibilities of increasing energy efficiency in PL sector
are difficult to research due to insufficient useful data. The
Keywords: electricity, energy efficiency, public lighting
only publicly available statistical data on local government
I. INTRODUCTION areas is provided by the Croatian Bureau of Statistics (CBS) in
their statistical Reports on the state of infrastructure and
Public lighting (PL) is a very important part of electricity electric consumption for the 2004 and 2008 [5]. To determine
consumption in every country. PL has an aspect of security is the actual conditions, it is necessary to conduct separate
because it provides visual conditions for normal transport and studies for specific geographical areas. However, there is no
communication in public traffic areas. Furthermore, a very
interest or allocated funds to do this.
specific aspect of PL is the psychological and physical safety
New relevant data on PL used in this study comes from
of people and property. Another aspect of PL importance is
research conducted in the area of Osijek Baranja County
generation of specific aesthetic atmosphere and attractiveness
(OBC) in 2011 [6].
of inhabited areas (illumination of squares, parks, buildings
The basic aspects which are to be considered during the IN CROATIA AND OSIJEK BARANJA COUNTY
phase of PL construction can be divided into three areas: According to the annual report by HEP ODS, consumption
1. Functionality - the primary function is to provide the of electricity for PL in RC, from 2004 to 2012, has increased
minimum required uniform illumination values without from 374.1 to 432.2 GWh and respectively in the Osijek-
discomfort glare; Baranja County (OBC) from 20.1 to 25.8 GWh [7].
2. Aesthetics - the play of light and shadow creates a
special atmosphere;
3. Cost-effectiveness - the total cost includes the cost of
construction, design, management, maintenance and
energy required for the unobstructed operation.
Unfortunately, statistical monitoring of PL electricity
consumption in Croatia (RC) has been suspended for several
years [2]. Availability of PL information is very limited and
can only be found in the public annual report of HEP
(Croatian Power Company) presented by distribution areas of
HEP ODS (ODS - Distribution System Operator), which does
not coincide with the territorial organization of the county or
municipality. This is caused by frequent change of jurisdiction
over municipal public lighting sector. PL has been under the
supervision of local government units (LGU) since 1997 [3].
Lighting of highways, state roads, tunnels and bridges is also Fig.1. Electricity consumption for public lighting in Croatia and OBC [7]

978-1-4799-2449-3/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE 1144

ENERGYCON 2014 • May 13-16, 2014 • Dubrovnik, Croatia

As can be seen from the fig. 1, there is a stronger growth in roads whose management and maintenance including covering
electricity consumption for PL in OBC than average growth of costs for electricity are regulated by a separate law on
for RC. The index for the RC is 115.5 and for OBC it is 128.2 governing municipal economy. The public sector is required
(2004=100). This stronger growth in the OBC is a result of to manage the direct energy consumption in public buildings
low starting points in the 2004 and reconstruction of war- and public lighting, in an energy efficient manner [12]. The
destructed areas. Energy Audit of PL should be conducted in accordance with
This is significant power consumption of PL sector under the methodology for conducting energy audit from 2012.
the jurisdiction of local governments (LG) and it must be Energy audit of street lighting includes an analysis of
subject to energy efficiency (EE) measures. Unfortunately LG electricity consumption from supply point (electricity meter
do not have the financial resources to encourage research for connected directly on distribution transformer) to the place of
the implementation of EE measures. This unfavorable final consumer, in this case Light Bulbs.
situation is mitigated with HEP ESCO projects of local PL Analysis of technical and energy performance of PL
modernization implemented in 10 RC cities [8]. [13][14] includes:
1. Analysis of the connection place to the grid,
distribution, switchboards and substations,
2. Analysis of specific areas of street lighting,
3. Analysis of types of light sources used,
4. Analysis of lamps that contain light sources,
5. Analysis of the regulation and management of PL.
The size and power of local lighting system depends on the
size and configuration of the LG territory (configuration of the
settlements, buildings and population density, length of roads,
town squares surface) and its economic strength.
A. Infrastructure of Public Lighting
PL infrastructure includes: lampposts, lighting fixtures,
light sources and management system. The basic elements of
Fig.2. OBC share in the consumption of electricity PL in Osijek-Baranja County (OBC) for cities (Ci) and
for public lighting in the RC [7] municipalities (Mu) are shown in Table 1.

Increase of PL consumption opposite of total low voltage TABLE I

consumption (TLV) in the area of OBC is shown on figure 2. THE INFRASTRUCTURE OF PL IN OBC (2008)
No No Power
Based on Art. 19 § 7 and Art. 21 of the Act on Energy LSG Settl. Inhab. (kW)
Classic Modern Total
Efficiency in Direct Consumption [9] [10], ordinance on
Ci 7 (+60) 207392 3664 20090 23754 4203
energy audits of buildings and energy certification of
buildings were adopted. Among other things, this ordinance Mu 196 123114 4600 5600 10200 1851
lays down the obligation to conduct energy audits of public OBC 263 330506 8264 25690 33954 6054
lighting within two years from the enactment date i.e. until [5] [15][16]
July 2014 (art 32) [11].
By definition an energy audit is a systematic process of
acquiring the appropriate knowledge about existing energy From a total of 263 settlements in the area of OBC, 7 LGU
consumption, and can be performed only by an authorized have a status of city and they encompass 60 suburbs and
natural or legal person, who obtained a mandate from the villages from the territorial-administrative perspective, and
ministry responsible for construction affairs. Energy audit of 197 villages that are administratively organized in 35
PL must be conducted once in five (5) years from the date of municipalities. In cities there are 193,696 inhabitants and in
delivery of the last energy audit report (art 5) [11]. According the municipalities 111,203 inhabitants. The cities have
to the definition of the Ordinance, installation of street installed 23,754 items of luminaries (70% of the total number
lighting is composed of supporting structures elements, cable in OBC) and municipalities 10,200 items (30%). Out of
distribution, measuring devices, assembly, distribution, 6.05 MW of installed PL power in the OBC area, 57% is
management, control of light output intensity and lamp, with installed in cities and 43% in the municipalities. Out of the
the purpose of illuminating the public and traffic areas in total number of lamps (according to estimates) 22% are
settlements and illuminating of public roads. According to the incandescent bulbs and 78% are modern light sources. It
law [9] public lighting structure for lighting of public areas, should be noted that this is an incomplete statistics of RC
public roads that pass through the settlements and unclassified regarding the classification and categorization of lighting

978-1-4799-2449-3/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE 1145

ENERGYCON 2014 • May 13-16, 2014 • Dubrovnik, Croatia

fixtures, as some lamps with mercury at that time were ranked settlements do not have PL in the 277 streets of a total length
in the category of contemporary. The EU directive on eco- 100.4 kilometers. These data for cities and municipalities are
design eliminated mercury lamps from use due to summarized and displayed in Table 3
environmental reasons [17].
Information of PL power in the cities and municipalities of TABLE II
OBC in period in 2007-2010 was obtained from of electricity SETTLEMENTS WITHOUT PL IN OBC (2010)
consumption data provided by HEP DSO "Elektroslavonija" Street length (km)

with low

with low
and that was the basis for the PL power assessment. The basic

No settl.

No settl.

No settl.

conclusion is that the power of lighting in the OBC area is without low PL



growing and thus the quality of illumination of settlements is
improving. Installed PL capacity at OBC in 2010 per capita
Ci 67 0 30 125 48.5 100
was 49.7 W [17]. All cities have increased PL power in the
period from 2007 to 2010. Overall highest installed power of Mu 196 6 40 152 51.5 100
PL in 2010 was found in the city of Osijek (2,399 kW), OBC 263 6 70 277 100 200
followed by: Ðakovo (422 kW), Našice (342), Valpovo (230),
Beli Manastir (206), Donji Miholjac (158), and Belišüe (157).
The highest installed power of PL per capita in OBC cities
was registered in Nasice (54.3 W), followed by: Donji Analyzing the presented data from previous table shows that
Miholjac (46.9), Valpovo (44.6), Beli Manastir (43), Belisce out of 304,899 inhabitants in the are of OBC about 4,000
(39.4), Osijek (36.2) and Ðakovo (35.2). The average for OBC inhabitants (1.3%) live in settlements without PL and 22,500
cities amounted to 39.2 W per capita. (7.4%) live in the streets without PL, and approximately
60,000 residents (19.7%) in the streets with poor public
lighting. Only 71.6% of the population has a satisfactory level
of illumination of their settlements / streets.
The data on ecological quality of lighting fixtures in OBC
PL do not exist. A rough estimate based on the indications
show that over 30% of lighting in the OBC area is older than
30 years, and that in the last decade around 15,000 new
lighting fixtures were installed. However, the question is how
many comply with environmental standards.
B. Electricity Consumption for Public Lighting
Figure 4 shows the electricity consumption for PL in the
OBC area in the three main sectors: municipal (Mu), cities (Ci)
Fig.3. Power of PL per capita in OBC cities in 2010 [5] [17]
and main roads (CR). When considering electricity
consumption of PL we need to keep in mind the simultaneity
In the year 2008 the minimum number of PL luminaries per of two opposing processes: development of local PL networks
unit area (m2) of city squares and local roads in OBC cities contributes to increased electricity consumption and the
was recorded in the town of Beli Manastir, one luminary (lm) modernization of local PL (contemporary lighting fixtures)
per 973 m2. The other cities were: Osijek (595), Valpovo helps to reduce electricity consumption. Therefore, prudence
(434), Donji Miholjac (346), Belišüe (299) and Ðakovo (263). is necessary in the final evaluation of progress in the
The most favorable ratio was found in Našice, one light bulb development of local PL systems.
per 194 m2 surface (roads/squares). The average for cities
OBC is one luminary on 489 m2 traffic space. The highest
average PL power per the surface of local roads and squares in
cities of OBC area was recorded in Našice (507 W/m2) and
Beli Manastir (464), followed by: Belišüe (410), Valpovo (330)
Donji Miholjac (309) Osijek (308) and Ðakovo (290). The
average for OBC cities is 333 W/m2 [17] [18].
A special PL indicator is the number of settlements that do
not have PL, and number of streets that do not have public
lighting. Of the 67 urban settlements (that have PL) 30
settlements do not have PL in 125 streets with a total length of
48.9 km. Of the 161 villages in the municipalities, six villages
do not have PL, in 40 settlements there is no street lighting in
152 streets with a total length of 51.5 km. From the aforesaid,
in the area of OBC, 6 settlements do not have PL and 70 Fig.4. Electricity consumption for PL in OBC [6]

978-1-4799-2449-3/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE 1146

ENERGYCON 2014 • May 13-16, 2014 • Dubrovnik, Croatia

Out of all OBC cities, Osijek has the highest PL electricity (31 KN). The average PL cost for the OBC cities is 56 KN per
consumption (9.958 MWh) in 2010, while the smallest capita. The biggest cost of PL electricity in municipalities per
consumption is recorded in the city of Belišüe (547 MWh). capita was recorded in Šodolovci (114 KN) and Kneževi
Vinogradi (87 KN), the lowest in municipalities Popovac (24
KN) and Bizovac (22 KN). Average PL cost for OBC
municipalities is 51 KN per capita [17]. The biggest cost of
PL maintaining in cities per capita was recorded in Belišüe (37
KN) and Osijek (30 KN), and the lowest cost was registered in
towns Ðakovo (8 KN) and Donji Miholjac (10 KN). The

average PL maintaining cost for the OBC cities is 24 KN per

capita. (1 EUR = 7.655202 KN = 1.39 USD, 08.03.2014)


OBC Electricity costs (KN) Maintaining costs (KN)

Cities 12,290,268 4,638,919
Fig.5. Electricity consumption for PL in OBC cities [6] Municipalities 6,104,763 2,843,592
Total 18,395,031 7,482,511
In 35 OBC municipalities the highest electricity consumption
for PL was recorded in ýepin (840 MWh) (in 2010), and the
lowest in Podravska Moslavina (60 MWh). The average
electricity consumption for PL in municipalities is 61.5 kWh V. ENERGY AUDIT AND EFFICIENCY IN PUBLIC LIGHTING
per capita.
With energy audits of public lighting - besides carrying out
C. Maintenance of Public Lighting of legal obligations and integration into the EU energy
Maintenance of PL is determined by maintenance program standards - local governments can obtain all the necessary
of municipal infrastructure. The analysis shows that in all the data for a complex techno-economic analysis of the local PL
local governments of OBC (7 cities and 35 municipalities) system and in this way complete the first stage of preparation
there is a contracted maintenance of PL, but the structure of for the modernization of PL, or implementation of energy
jobs and the quality of the maintenance could not be analyzed efficiency measures. This primarily refers to the replacement
[6]. In all LGU of OBC the so-called traditional concept of PL of traditional light sources (which are large consumers of
maintaining is implemented and most employees are not electricity) with contemporary sources and implementation of
equipped nor trained for modern maintenance. Traditionally PL control systems.
PL maintenance included periodic cleaning of luminaries and A. Light Sources
the emergency replacement of defective light sources [3].
Classical light sources (based on incandescent) are
A modern approach to maintenance is complex and it is gradually eliminated in the EU (the Directive on Energy
based on the new technologies and a broader spectrum of Efficiency) [20] [21]. On the market there is a large variety of
activities: modern light sources [22]. For PL purposes the following
a) Maintaining the functionality of the local system PL contemporary light sources are available:
(continuous monitoring and intervention) - High-pressure sodium (HPS) 80-140 lm/W,
b) Preventive interventions (control and cleaning of lighting CRI 20-30; 1900-2800 K, life time 10,000 - 24,000h
fixtures) - Metal-halide lamp 100 lm/W,
c) Maintaining the quality and reliability of PL (measurement CRI 68, 4000-5000 K, life time 20.000h
and power factor correction) - Mercury-vapour lamp (abandoning technology) 30-60
d) PL operation management according to local illumination lm/W, CRI 20-60, 6800 K life time 20,000
needs. - Fluorescent 45-105 lm/W,
The companies that maintain PL in the cities of Osijek, CRI 65-75, life time 10,000 - 45,000h
Vinkovci and neighboring municipalities are preparing for the - LED/OLED 115 lm/W,
transition to modern methods of PL maintenance. CRI 65-75, 6500 K, life time - 50,000h
- Light Emitting Plasma HEP/LEP 120 lm/W,
D. The cost of electricity and maintenance CRI 75-90, 5600 K, life time 50,000h
Electricity and maintenance costs of PL in the OBC (2010)
Color Rendering Index (CRI) is a measurement of a light
cities and municipalities are shown in Table 3. The biggest
source's accuracy in rendering different colors.
cost of PL electricity in cities per capita was registered in Beli
Manastir (69 KN) then Našice (64 KN) and the lowest cost Requirements which are placed on the lamp are compliance
was registered in towns Donji Miholjac (41 KN) and Belišüe with standards, proper distribution of the light output, glare

978-1-4799-2449-3/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE 1147

ENERGYCON 2014 • May 13-16, 2014 • Dubrovnik, Croatia

limitation (through shaping and shading, the cut-off, semi cut- With better lighting quality relevant financial and energy
off, not cut off) and mechanical consistency. savings are realized (and greenhouse gas emissions reduced)
so that the financial savings can repay investments in
B. Energy efficiency measures modernization of PL, roughly in the period of 10 years.
Implementation of energy efficiency measures in the field
of PL can significantly contribute to (a) reduction in costs and TABLE VII
(b) increase in the quality of PL (in the terms of lighting and ACHIEVEMENTS REALIZED ESCO PL
ecology). Table 4 roughly indicates some technical solutions
and procedures for possible savings, direct and indirect, in the City Annual savings Reducing
sector of public lighting. emissions
000 KN MWh CO2 (t)*
TABLE IV a b c
Novigrad 70 164 61
No Technical operation % savings Zagreb 700 1.019 383
1. Replacing inefficient light sources 20 - 50 Varaždin 700 1.017 382
2. Voltage regulation, compensation 10 - 20 Rovinj 120 208 78
Replacement of deteriorated / Karlovac 686 1.287 484
3. 20 - 40
damaged lamps Jastrebarsko 230 516 194
Installing of the lighting regulation Pula 1.100 1.034 389
4. (photo-sensor day-night) 10 - 30
Solin 315 443 167
5. Intelligent lighting control system 30 - 50
ýakovec 600 751 282
Duga Resa 144 216 81
TABLE V [8] for „a“ - „b“; „c“ calculated from [11]
No Technical operation % savings
1. Maintenance 50 V. CONCLUSION
2. Peak load shedding 30-70 Public lighting (PL) is a very important part of electricity
[13] consumption in every country because PL provides visual
conditions for normal transport and communications in public
traffic areas.
In 10 Croatian cities HEP ESCO (Energy Service Company) Based on the Act on Energy Efficiency in Direct
Zagreb in the period 2005-2011 conducted the implementation Consumption, ordinance on energy audits of buildings and
of PL ESCO projects. To illustrate the reality of this energy certification of buildings was adopted. The ordinance
framework, table 6 and 7 provide the data on realized projects lays down the obligation to conduct energy audits of public
in the field of PL modernization. lighting every 5 years.
An energy audit is a systematic process of acquiring the
appropriate knowledge about existing energy consumption,
TABLE VI and can be performed only by an authorised natural or legal
REALIZED ESCO PROJECTS OF PL MODERNIZATION IN CROATIA person. PL infrastructure includes: lampposts, lighting fixtures,
Project Investment value Project light sources and management system.
City contract (000 KN) completed Electricity consumption of public lighting in Croatia
Novigrad Jan. 2005 2,000 Apr. 2006
increased from 374.1 MWh (in 2004) to 432.2 MWh (in 2012).
PL electricity consumption in the OBC area increased from
Zagreb Mar. 2005 4,200 Aug. 2006 20.1 MWh in 2004 to 25.8 MWh in 2012. In the cities of OBC
Varaždin Mar. 2005 4,200 Aug. 2006 the average cost of electricity for PL amounts to 56 KN per
Rovinj Apr. 2006 1,800 Dec. 2007 capita, in the municipalities 51 KN. The growth in electricity
Karlovac Mar. 2007 8,200 May 2008
consumption for PL in the past 8 years in Croatia is 16% and
in detailed analyzed area of OBC 28%. While total low
Jastrebarsko Sept. 2007 5,000 May 2008 voltage consumption in OBC county has been falling, PL
Pula May 2008 11.800 Nov. 2010 consumption has been growing since 2007. The analysis of PL
Solin Nov. 2008 2,600 Sept. 2009 infrastructure in OBC reveals that the 6.05 MW of power is in
ýakovec Dec. 2008 7,000 Jan. 2011 PL, 57% is installed in cities and 43% in the municipalities.
According to estimates, 22% of the total number of lamps are
Duga Resa Dec. 2009 1,800 Mar. 2011 incandescent bulbs and 78% are modern light sources.
[8] Installed PL capacity at OBC in 2010 per capita was 49.7 W.

978-1-4799-2449-3/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE 1148

ENERGYCON 2014 • May 13-16, 2014 • Dubrovnik, Croatia

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978-1-4799-2449-3/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE 1149

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