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ENERGYCON 2014 • May 13-16, 2014 • Dubrovnik, Croatia

Resources and Possibilities of Agro Biomass Usage

for Energy Purposes in Slavonia Region (Croatia)
Hrvoje Glavaš #1, Milan Ivanoviü *2, Niko Mandiü #3
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek
Kneza Trpimira 2b, 31000 Osijek, Croatia
PANON – Think Tank for strategic studies, Osijek
HOPS Zagreb
Kupska 4, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia

Abstract - The paper provides an overview of the biomass committed to increasing use of renewable energy sources and
potential as Croatian significant renewable energy source to increasing energy efficiency, especially in buildings. [5] [11]
especially in the region of Slavonia and Baranja. Starting from
the national energy framework authors points to the decline of The Republic of Croatia has adopted the objectives of EU
primary energy supply in Republic Croatia and decrease in energy policy [5], but spends 128% more primary energy per
energy efficiency. Quantity and energy potential of biomass unit of GDP than the EU-27. In the Republic of Croatia on
from crop residues, fruit and grape production in Slavonia and 1000€ of GDP 295 kg of oil equivalent is used; the EU-27
Baranja has been estimated. In conclusion, authors provide average is 131, while Germany spends 98.9 kg eq. oil. (Fig 1)
suggestions for specific evaluation of agricultural solid biomass
potential in Slavonia and Baranja region.
Keywords: Biomass, Energy Potential, Crop Residues

Author’s studies, as well as studies from other research
teams in the region and the Republic of Croatia (RC), indicate
there is a great potential of renewable energy sources in
Slavonia and Baranja, particularly biomass. Slavonia region
has the greatest potential for biomass usage in Croatia; the
types are agricultural biomass, forest biomass, municipal
waste, urban waste and remains from timber industry. [1] - [10]
Valuation of renewable energy potential particularly Fig.1. Energy intensity of selected EU countries and Croatia
biomass as well as biomass exploitation during the past in 2001 and 2006 [12]
twenty years were carried out on case- by-case basis. In the
past few years power plants on biogas and biomass have been It is important to emphasize that in the past 20 years supply
built in the region or construction was started. The so-called with own primary energy in Croatia is declining, [13]
RES market model of evaluation began was introduced - although there is significant potential for the usage of
pioneers of such model for biomass usage would say. renewable energy sources, biomass in particular, which are
However, most of these ventures are not affiliated in not used in order to increase energy efficiency or development
consistent policy for energy and technology development of of economy.
Croatia or the region. These first ventures in biomass usage
are likely to bring profits to investors, but the overall benefits B. Biomass - Renewable Energy
to the territory of Croatia and Slavonia region will not be at a Biomass is a natural renewable source of energy that is
level that can be achieved with synergistic effects through organic, and is generally divided into three groups: a) forest
economic developmental policies on energy and technology biomass, b) residues from agriculture and c) the organic
based on research. [7] [11] fraction of industrial and municipal waste. In the first group
along with forest biomass are residues from timber industry.
A. National Energy Framework The second group consists of residues from agriculture: from
The EU has adopted a strategy of energy development in farming, livestock, and fruit, grape-growing and fishing (in
order to: a) improve the quality and security of supply, b) Slavonia we can find: straw, corn stalks, cobs, stems, seeds,
increase economic competitiveness and c) mitigation of husks). Crop biomass is heterogeneous and has a low calorific
climate change. In order to ensure new domicile energy value due to the high moisture content and various impurities.
sources and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the EU is In the third biomass group falls commerce waste, industrial

978-1-4799-2449-3/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE 1150

ENERGYCON 2014 • May 13-16, 2014 • Dubrovnik, Croatia

and municipal waste, and they include an organic part from TABLE II
commercial sector, industrial and household waste and
biomass from parks and gardens as well as urban areas. Harvested Average Total Ratio Biomass
The Republic of Croatia has a very good potential for usage area yield yield grain: cobs
of all three types of biomass. RC has large natural forests from 1000 ha t/ha 1000 t 1000 ha
which with good management a large amount of biomass can
Wheat 111.2 5.1 563 1:1 563
be created for industrial processing and energy usage purposes.
The potentials of agricultural biomass and organic fraction Barley 30.4 4.2 127 1:1 127
from industrial and municipal waste are also promising. Rye 0.45 2.7 1,2 1:1.2 1.4
II. AGRICULTURAL BIOMASS IN SLAVONIA Oats 13.1 2.5 33,4 1:1 33.4
AND BARANJA Corn (st) 159.5 6.6 1,060 1:1 1060
A. Biomass from Crop Production Corn (cb) - 6.6 1,060 1:0.2 212
In the region of Slavonia and Baranja there are 748,678 ha Soy 37.7 2.5 95 1:2 190
of agricultural land, of which 704,982 ha is arable land. As Sunflower (st) 22.8 2.8 63.8 1:2 128
can be seen from tab. 1 most arable land is located in Osijek Sunflower (cb) - 2.8 63.8 1:0.3 19
County (OBC), and the least in Požega (PSC). Fig. 2 shows
Oilseed Rape 13.3 2.7 35.8 1:2 72
the amount of arable land in the SIB region.
Tobacco 4.4 2.1 9.2 1:0.35 3.2
ARABLE LAND IN THE REGION SIB (ha) - AVERAGE FROM 2003 TO 2006 Total 392.9 2,409
No. County Total Cereals Oilseeds Tobacco Calc based on [13] [14] [15]

1. VPC 86,520 52,910 13,701 3,713

2. PSC 37,002 26,334 3,803 1,121
3. BPC 60,160 42,020 7,080 81
4. OBC 221,952 131,915 37,031 268
5. VSC 144,475 79,101 29,173 78
SiB region 550,108 332,280 90,788 5,261





Fig.3. Biomass residues from crop production

in the region of Slavonia and Baranja

B. Biomass residues from orchards pruning

Due to the absence of appropriate and recent statistical data
for Croatia’s counties, calculation of biomass residues from
orchards pruning was carried out by expert assessment based
Fig.2. The share of Slavonia and Baranja region arable land on data from the agricultural censuses in 2003 and statistical
in Croatian arable land [13] reports for NUT 2 level (the EU statistical regions in RC).

As part of this research, energy potential valorization of TABLE III

solid biomass residues from crop production was conducted, VINEYARDS IN THE REGION SIB
including: a) the straw of wheat, barley, rye, oats and
soybeans, b) the stalk and the cob of corn and sunflowers, and Agro Orchards Average rest Total rest
c) the stalk of rapeseed and tobacco. Table 2 takes into culture area of pruning of pruning
account a) the net heat values of certain types of biomass, b) ha t/ha t
the area harvested and c) the yield of individual cultures - Orchards 12,111 1.05 13,352
based on the average of the past five years - and the standard
Vineyards 7,725 0.95 7,339
ratio of fruit (grain) and as agricultural residue (stalk and cob).
In the first stage of the evaluation the potentials of biomass Total 19,836 20,691
were identified (tab. 2 and fig. 2). Calc based on [16] [17]

978-1-4799-2449-3/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE 1151

ENERGYCON 2014 • May 13-16, 2014 • Dubrovnik, Croatia

III. ENERGY POTENTIAL OF AGRARIAN IN SLAVONIA Table 4 gives overview of the lower heating value (Hd) for
A. Assessment Methodology certain types of solid biomass; from several different tables
Hdmin in the literature, in Croatia and abroad, we decided to
Because of the diverse composition of biomass, balancing, use the table below - which is used in a number of studies and
plant design and use of biomass in power plants is papers by the neighboring province of Vojvodina (Serbia).
complicated if compared to other forms of renewable energy.
Types of biomass differ from each other in terms of energy According to results of this paper - the energy potential of
value, moisture and ash content, form and composition, which crop residues and fruit production in Slavonia and Baranja is
need to be taken into consideration when choosing 854,770 toe which is more than important for a country which
technologies for their conversion into useful energy. Therefore, depends on energy imports for about 40% of final energy
assessment of biomass potential for these three types of consumption.
products, crops, fruit and grape production in Slavonia and
Baranja, can be executed according to the following formulas:
a) For crops
Epba = (PPa x ppa x Ozoka) x Hdmin-a (1)
EPBA = biomass energy potential of crops "a"
PPa = harvested area under crops (ha)
ppa = average yield (t/ha)


Ozoka = ratio of the grain and the rest of the plant "a"

Hdmin-a = lower heating value of crops "a" (MJ/t)

b) For residues from pruning fruit


Epbo = (PPo x Poro) x Hdmin-o (2)
Epbo = biomass energy potential of fruit "a"
PPO = area of orchards "a" (ha)
Poro = yield from trees pruning "a" (t / ha)
Hdmin-o = lower heating value of rest of pruning fruit trees "a" (MJ/t) Fig. 4. Energy value of agricultural biomass in the region
c) For residues from pruning vineyards of Slavonia and Baranja
Epbi = (PPi x Pori) x Hdmin-i (3)
Epbi = biomass energy potential of the grape-growing It should be emphasized that after harvesting farmers leave
PPi = area of vineyards (ha) on the fields a significant remains of agricultural crops -
Pori = pruning vines yield (t / ha)
Hdmin-i = lower heating value of pruning vines residual (MJ / t)
which represent for producers and the community economic
and energy losses, even if they burn residues in the fields,
EPB for other crops is calculated for each type of field crop which is according to EU regulation prohibited and punishable.
(wheat, corn, sunflower, etc.). For fruit production EPB is also
We should point out two important facts:
calculated for each type of fruit separately (pears, apples,
plums, etc.). EPB from pruning vineyards is calculated for the - In agriculture there are different grades of necessity to
total vineyard production (regardless of the grape variety). restore (leaving) organic matter in to arable soil after
harvest, there are different percentages of return; from 30 to
TABLE IV 70%, [1] [2] [15] [17]
- In our opinion it is methodologically incorrect to pre-
Hd Production Energy toe determine use of biomass. There are several possibilities of
No Biomass
(MJ/kg) 103 t (TJ) (t) utilization of biomass, and this is to be decided upon after
1. Wheat straw 14.0 563 7,881 196,098 considering a number of agronomic, environmental,
2. Barley straw 14.2 127 1,804 44,887 economic, and technological parameters. Basically the raw
materials are seldom subject to the influence of economic
3. Oat straw 14.5 1.4 20 499
law of rarities. This is governed by market criteria, but that
4. Rye straw 14.0 33.4 485 12,032 should be incorporated in the public interest. Therefore,
5. Corn 13.5 1,060 14,306 355,952 these issues should be discussed by experts.
6. Corn cobs 14.7 212 3,115 77,519
7. Sunflower st. 14.5 190 2,984 74,257
8. Sunflower cb 17.6 126 1,849 46,001
Using sectors approach there are several good possibilities
9. Straw soy 15.7 19 336 8,352
of agrarian solid biomass utilization, for example in:
10. St. rapeseed 17.4 72 1,247 31,024 1. Agriculture - in farming as a return of organic matter in
11. Tobacco st. 13.9 3.2 45 1,116 agricultural soil, for livestock farming as or as additives
12. Prun. orchard 14.2 13 180 4,477 in animal feed,
13. Prun.vineyards 14.0 7.4 103 2,556 2. Industry - as a raw material for industrial products,
Total 2,428 34,355 854,770 3. Energy - as an energy source,
Calc based on: [16] [17] [18] 4. Construction - as a building material.

978-1-4799-2449-3/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE 1152

ENERGYCON 2014 • May 13-16, 2014 • Dubrovnik, Croatia

In this paper we only discuss the use of solid biomass as Without the need for a separate discussion it can be
energy generating product. Decision on how to use biomass concluded that technological capabilities are not a problem for
should be preceded by studies in which the biomass is a specific evaluation of the potential of biomass in the region
assessed by type, quantity and location and by analysis of its of Slavonia and Baranja; there are technical experts in the
usage. Certainly there should be a national strategy for using region who are able to apply all the modern technology to use
these renewable resources that will take into account: a) biomass. So, there are: a) the significant resources of
cultural, b) environmental, c) economic, d) market and e) agricultural biomass, b) technology, c) professional and
social elements of biomass use in the local and regional area. technical staff, d) examples of good practice abroad in
neighboring (transition) countries, e) there is legislation and
A. Energy Usage
supporting legislation for incentives and f) the need for energy
Depending on the applied technology, heat and electricity in the region.
can be produced from agricultural solid biomass as well as
derivatives from which it is possible to get usable energy. The The fundamental problem for the solution of this equation
most common examples of products of agricultural biomass lies in the fact that in the so-called market model evaluation of
are briquettes, pellets, biogas and biofuels (ethanol and renewable energy sources (such as natural advantages)
biodiesel). initiative is left to private investors. There are not many
Important features of biomass usage for energy purposes: private investors in Croatia, but basically they: a) do not have
business horizon for large investments or b) do not have
a) Increased energy self-sufficiency (reduced imports of financial strength for such projects. Local government and
fossil fuels); regional administrations also do not have a broader business
b) Reduced emission of greenhouse gases (in relation to horizon - and they should in the interests of local (regional)
the use of fossil fuels); community start up projects in order to evaluate these energy
c) Extra income in agriculture, forestry and wood resources in their region.
industry (sales of biomass);
d) Possibility for the industry to adopt new technologies C. Energy Usage in Slavonia and Baranja
and open new production facilities; The structure of energy consumption in the region of
e) Increases in transport activity (transport of raw Slavonia and Baranja has not been properly established in the
materials); last 20 years. Possibilities of using county biomass will be
f) Starting up new businesses and new jobs structures; applied using the example of energy consumption in the OBC.
g) New science and technology research projects, The energy generating product used for heating in buildings
development of new technologies; in the area OBC are in most cases: natural gas (43%),
e) In the local community - increased economic activity electricity (34%) and heat from the CTS (12%) followed by:
and established cash flows (investment - income - tax) firewood, fuel oil, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), crops cob,
or employment (new and existing jobs). geothermal energy and coal; [10] the education sub-sector in
It is therefore important that all participants in process of the field of OBC in final energy consumption (data from 2007)
preparing, production and use of agricultural biomass in the included: 87 kindergartens, 184 primary schools, 59
SiB region consider influence of these benefits to other sectors secondary schools and 18 colleges and university departments.
in their projects. [19] The basic energy generating products (data for 2010) are:
These energy, environmental and socio - economic benefits natural gas (30%), the heat from the CTS (29%), electricity
of using biomass are highly significant (compared to fossil (22%) and fuel oil (19%).
fuels and other renewable energy sources). Therefore well- Energy consumption in the subsector of households is
organized and developed EU countries, which are aware of the shown in table 6 and Fig. 5;
positive effects, substantially help projects using biomass
B. Technological Capabilities of Energy Usage Number of households
Biomass technology is very well developed and applied in Heating model City Village Total
practical application for decades; there are dozens of models
Connection to the gas system 45,832 10,025 55,857
for household energy use in term of heating capacity, as well
as in the business premises of small and large companies. Connection to CTS (Osijek) 10,418 0 10,418
Series of plants for the preparation of biomass in process of total 56,250 10,025 66,275
manufacture pellets and briquettes from residues of AHTI (Autonomous household 15,339 29,233 44,572
agricultural crops are developed and produced. There are thermal installations
technological solutions - which are used in practice - for the Total 71,589 39,258 110,847
use of agricultural residues in large plants for the production
of heat (heating) and electricity (or in a combinated process - [10]
CHP). [20]

978-1-4799-2449-3/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE 1153

ENERGYCON 2014 • May 13-16, 2014 • Dubrovnik, Croatia

Energy consumption in the household subsector has the employ local people in the short term (year or two) to perform
following structure: natural gas (52%), electricity (31%) and the substitution heating fuel in objects of not public services
heat from the CTS (8.2%). The largest proportion of (education, social welfare, etc. ) and by regulation biomass
households in cities (79%) is connected to the gas or CTS, and markets help households to use agricultural biomass.
the majority of households in the villages (71%) have the
The actual evaluation of agricultural biomass in the area OBC
AHTI (autonomous household thermal installations).
must be conducted in a complete cycle that has several stages.
Some important stages are:
a) Promotion of the use of agricultural biomass for public
institutions and households
b) Education and training on how to use agricultural
c) Determining the users of biomass for heating, typically
institutions financed from the budget (which use fuel
oil or natural gas for heating) whose locations allow
manipulation of biomass or biomass derivatives;
d) Start of furnaces reconstruction projects;
e) Construction of plants for agricultural biomass
Fig. 5. Structure households by mode of heating housing (2010) in OBC [10]
briquetting and pelleting;
This structure is heat needs in cities has many advantages, f) Organizing of local markets for agricultural biomass.
but there are also disadvantages. Critical moments occur in a
situation of energy reduction, and then a large proportion of
households in urban areas will be in a very unfavorable
position. In a crisis situation or in the period before the start of V. CONCLUSION
the heating season from CTS, households use electricity as an Capitalization of knowledge is initiator of development of
alternative form of heating residential areas - which threatens new technologies and economy based on knowledge;
the stability of the power system and significantly reduces necessary technological and business knowledge for
energy efficiency; [20] [21] [22] Fig 6. In developed countries evaluation of renewable energy sources in the region exits but
households are required to have in reserve an alternative this knowledge is not involved in the processes of renewable
method of heating, but without electricity (example – energy sources in the region of Slavonia.
Ljubljana in Slovenia). In the area of Slavonia and Baranja the total amount of
solid agricultural biomass is 2.43 million tons per year. The
structure of this biomass consists of: rests of corn 1.3 million
tones, cereal straw (wheat, barley, rye, oats) 725,000 tons, the
remains of oilseeds (sunflower and rapeseed) 218,000 tons,
soybean straw 190,000 tons, tobacco stalks 3.2 thousand tons
and the remains of pruning orchards 12,700 tons and 7,400
tons of vineyards.
These quantities of agricultural solid biomass are an
important raw material, resource that is renewable and can be
used in agriculture, industry, energy and civil engineering.
Decisions on how to use biomass must be based on studies
in which biomass assessments should be performed according
to the type, quantity and location and its use.
The existence of national and regional strategies for using
Fig. 6. Daily electricity consumption and temperature on the territory RC [22] these renewable resources is implied, as well as fact that
According to the presentation - it can be concluded that in strategies will take into account: a) environmental, b)
the area a large percentage of OBC uses natural gas and oil as economic and market and c) social elements of the use of
fuel for heating and that it is energy that Croatia has to import biomass in the local and regional area. Agricultural solid
(about 40%). Also – what must be emphasized is unfairly low biomass can be very effectively used in gaining energy;
percentage of biomass utilization. This biomass is not depending on the applied technology it can produce thermal,
imported, it is as energy more accessible than imported fossil electrical and mechanical energy (fuels). Benefits of using
fuels and thereby cheaper. It can employ local people, and energy agrarian solid biomass are:
increase revenue for farmers. By using logical, good 1) Increase in self-sufficiency of energy (reduced imports
management, countries could start investment cycle and of fossil fuels);

978-1-4799-2449-3/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE 1154

ENERGYCON 2014 • May 13-16, 2014 • Dubrovnik, Croatia

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978-1-4799-2449-3/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE 1155

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