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29/01/2022, 20:22 donjon; Fantasy Town Generator




Approximately 1800; mixed human and goblin.


Catun is governed by a court of aristocrats, led by a male human named Wine.

Notable Places:

The Shrine of Galadir:

A stone niche enshrining the holy symbol of Galadir, God of War, said to bestow favor to those who leave an offering.
The Red Purse: A large elven inn, kept by a sphinx named Gudita.

A few NPCs: 1/2
29/01/2022, 20:22 donjon; Fantasy Town Generator
Alix: Female Human Priest, Good. Alix is youthful in appearance, with black hair and grey eyes. She wears expensive clothing and an amulet of luminous crystal.
Alix has a mild allergy to horses.
Kater: Female Human Peasant, Evil. Kater is wretched in appearance, with short black hair and blue eyes. She wears well-made clothing and a wooden holy
symbol. Kater seeks to fulfill an ancient prophecy of evil.
Joane: Female Human Paladin, Good. Joane is tall and stout, with copper hair and sharp amber eyes. She wears splint mail and wields a short sword and shield.
Joane refers to herself in the third person.
Andres: Male Human Fighter, Good. Andres is tall, with thick auburn hair and narrow amber eyes. He wears plate mail and wields a mace. Andres is haunted by
the ghost of someone he killed.

Fantasy Town Generator

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