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29/01/2022, 20:22 donjon; Fantasy Town Generator




Approximately 1900; primarily dwarf, some other civilized races.


Nulbunarg is governed by a consortium of guildmasters, led by a male human named Bergi.

Notable Places:

The Shrine of Aphiel:

A stone lantern enshrining the flame of Aphiel, God of Alchemy, said to be sometimes visited by the god himself.

A few NPCs: 1/2
29/01/2022, 20:22 donjon; Fantasy Town Generator
Allberdrg: Female Dwarf Priest, Good. Allberdrg has a round face, with red hair and amber eyes. She wears tailored clothing and carries a fine stiletto. Allberdrg
is a pack-rat, and carries a satchel of random junk.
Marget: Female Human Paladin, Good. Marget has auburn hair and soft brown eyes, and a flat nose. She wears splint mail and wields a warhammer and shield.
Marget believes that she's being hunted by supernatural creatures.
Aenyth: Female Human Cleric, Evil. Aenyth has a narrow face, with braided blonde hair and green eyes. She wears banded mail and wields a flail. Aenyth seeks
to become a werewolf.
Gormakil: Male Elf Fighter, Good. Gormakil has an angular face, with long black hair and brown eyes. He wears plate mail and wields a military pick and shield.
Gormakil has an animal companion, a red firedrake named Igan.
Wulfwe: Female Human Wizard, Neutral. Wulfwe is tall, with grey hair and large brown eyes. She wears well-made clothing and wields a dagger and sling.
Wulfwe seeks to master the secrets of chaos magic.

Warde: Male Human Cleric, Evil. Warde is tall, with brown hair and grey eyes. He wears banded mail and wields a hammer. Warde is valiant and romantic.

Fantasy Town Generator

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