W6 Checking Sentences

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7. What were you doing yesterday at this
Lesson 121
8. What’s the minimum wage in our
Change the sentences according to the country?
Teacher: She was here yesterday.
Lesson 123
Student: She wasn’t here yesterday.
Was she here yesterday? Change the sentences according to the
Yes, she was. / No, she wasn’t. model
1. It was a big disappointment. Teacher: I used to go to the movies every
2. He was pleased with your gift.
Student: I didn’t use to go to the movies
Change the sentences according to the every Saturday.
model Did you use to go to the
Teacher: I’m going to the movies. movies every Saturday?
Student: I was going to the movies. Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.
I wasn’t going to the movies. 1. She used to play in the street when she
3. She is expecting to get a good grade. was little.
4. We are watching a movie together. 2. He used to have Mexican food on
5. I’m cleaning the house. weekends.
Answer the Questions
3. What games did you use to play when
Lesson 122
you were 5 years old?
Change the sentences according to the 4. What time did you use to wake up when
model you didn’t work?
Teacher: They were at the movies yesterday. 5. What TV shows did you use to watch 5
Student: They weren’t at the movies years ago?
Were they at the movies
yesterday? Lesson 124
1. The interview was very easy. Change the sentences according to the
2. She was pleased with your surprise. model
Teacher: I used to study German every day.
Short comment
Student: I didn’t use to study German
3. Always be yourself during a job interview.
every day.
Change the sentences according to the Did you use to study German
model every day?
Teacher: Were you late? 1. She used to go jogging on weekends.
Student: Yes, I was. 2. I used to eat pizza every week.
You were late, weren’t you?
Short comment
4. Were they expecting more people?
3. The economy is worse this decade.
5. Were you studying?
6. Was she an artist? Change the sentences according to the
Answer the Questions Teacher: Did you use to play on the street?

Checking Sentences - W6 3

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Student: Yes, I did. 1. It was John who accepted the offer.
You used to play on the street, 2. It was I who booked the room.
didn’t you?
Short comment
4. Did he use to work at an airline company?
3. Airline companies shouldn’t charge for
5. Did you use to only eat seafood? extra luggage.
6. Did she use to go out dancing on
weekends? Change the sentences according to the
Answer the Questions Teacher: Was it you who bought the car?
7. What TV shows did you use to watch Student: No, it wasn’t.
when you were a teenager?
It wasn’t you who bought the
8. What kinds of food did you use to dislike car, was it?
when you were little?
4. Was it she who was at the front desk?
5. Was it you who booked the hotel?
Lesson 125 6. Was it you who passed the exam?
Change the sentences according to the Answer the Questions
model 7. Is it hard to get a college scholarship in
Teacher: It was I who bought it. our country?
Student: Was it you who bought it? 8. Would you accept a job offer to work in
Yes, it was I who bought it. / another state?
No, it wasn’t I who bought it.
1. It was the manager who accepted the
offer. Review 1
2. It was I who got the scholarship. Answer the Questions
Change the sentences according to the 1. What do you expect in your future?
model 2. Does it seem like it’s going to rain today?
Teacher: She had a refined voice. 3. Do you think people should be more
Student: She didn’t have a refined voice careful while driving?
/ soft 4. What games did you use to play when
She didn’t have a soft voice. you were a child?
3. They were at the front desk waiting for us 5. If you could choose, where would you like
/ in the hall to live?
4. The room service was very good / 6. How are people accepted to college in our
accommodations were country?
5. The bellboy helped us with the luggage / 7. Are you pleased with what you already
skycap have?
8. Do you prefer to have food at a restaurant
or just have take out
Lesson 126
Change the sentences according to the Lesson 127
Teacher: It was he who helped me. Change the sentences according to the
Student: It wasn’t he who helped me.
Teacher: I was going to work with them.
Was it he who helped you?

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Student: I wasn’t going to work with
Lesson 129
Were you going to work with
them? Change the sentences according to the
1. They were going to produce a new car. model
2. She was going to leave the backpack in Teacher: She is used to working on a
the overhead compartment. computer.
Student: She is not used to working on
Answer the Questions a computer.
3. Do you always use the seatbelt in the Is she used to working on a
back seat of a car? computer?
4. When does your driver’s license expire? 1. He is used to riding a motorcycle in big
5. Would you miss your country if you lived cities.
abroad? 2. They are used to working as a team.
Change the sentences according to the
Lesson 128 model
Change the sentences according to the Teacher: They are not supposed to be here
model now.
Teacher: He was going to do it. Student: They are supposed to be here
Student: He wasn’t going to do it.
3. You are not supposed to go straight
Was he going to do it?
1. She was going to send us her schedule.
4. She is not supposed to join us.
2. They were going to inspect the restaurant.
5. We are not supposed to work on the
Short comment holiday
3. I get lost in strange places.
Change the sentences according to the Lesson 130
Change the sentences according to the
Teacher: Were you going to wait for us? model
Student: Yes, we were. Teacher: I’m used to working until late.
You were going to wait for us, Student: I’m not used to working until
weren’t you? late.
4. Was she going to get a one-way ticket? Are you used to working until
5. Were you going to call the airline late?
company? 1. I’m used to working with older people.
Answer the Questions 2. She’s used to speaking in English all day
6. Do you have a valid passport? long.
7. Would you serve in the Navy, Air Force or Short comment
the Marines? 3. Everyone should join the Army.
8. Do flights in our country have a lot of
delays? Change the sentences according to the
Teacher: We are supposed to leave now.

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Student: We are not supposed to leave 3. It’s impolite to show up at people’s house
now. without being invited.
Are we supposed to leave Change the sentences according to the
now? model
4. She is supposed to give them a discount. Teacher: Is this the car that you wanted?
5. He is supposed to take a look at the Student: Yes, it is.
This is the car that you wanted,
6. You are supposed to be careful at isn’t it?
4. Is this the uniform that we have to wear?
Answer the Questions 5. Is this the report we are supposed to
7. What do you intend to do next year, finish?
professionally speaking?
Answer the Questions
8. How dangerous is it to ride a motorcycle?
6. Do you agree that we should always wear
what’s in fashion?
Lesson 131 7. If you like something, do you buy it even
if it doesn’t fit you properly?
Change the sentences according to the
model 8. Would you feel uncomfortable if your
friend tried to set you up with someone?
Teacher: This is the car that I bought.
Student: This is not the car that I
bought. Review 2
1. That is the tuxedo he wore at the Answer the Questions
1. How long does it take for a driver’s
2. This is the house that I lived in when I license to expire?
was in college.
2. What do you miss the most from the past?
3. That’s the store that I told you about.
3. Who is the most important person in your
Answer the Questions life and why?
4. Do people in our country wear more social 4. Do you think you would get used to living
or casual clothes to work? far from your family?
5. Did you ever show up at somebody’s 5. What do you intend to do five years from
house without being invited? now?
6. Why is it important to look confident
during a job interview?
Lesson 132
7. What are you supposed to do tomorrow?
Change the sentences according to the 8. Would you wear something that you liked
model very much, even if it didn’t fit you?
Teacher: This is the coat that I want.
Student: This is not the coat that I want.
Lesson 133
Is this the coat that you want?
1. That’s the couple that was set up. Change the sentences according to the
2. This is the pantyhose that matched her model
dress. Teacher: He is the doctor who saved her life.
Student: Is he the doctor who saved her
Short comment life?

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1. She is the secretary who reminded him 6. What do you think about people who are
about the meeting. not punctual?
2. She is the patient who recovered well 7. Would you wear something for a
after the surgery. work event even if it made you feel
3. He is the gentleman who has a successful uncomfortable?
career. 8. What must a person do to have a good
Change the sentences according to the
Teacher: She wears high heels every day. Lesson 135
Student: She doesn’t wear high heels Change the sentences according to the
every day. model
4. They developed the new computer Teacher: The machine was out of order.
Student: The machine wasn’t out of
5. They made us a lot of promises. order.
6. I forgot to remind her about the flight Was the machine out of order?
1. You finished ironing all the clothes.
Lesson 134 2. This product removed the stain from the
Change the sentences according to the
model 3. He took care of everything for her.
Teacher: She is the lady who helped me. Answer the Questions
Student: She is not the lady who helped 4. Do people in our country take their
me. clothes to the laudromat?
Is she the lady who helped 5. Do you usually pay for things by cash or
you? credit card?
1. She is the woman who bought the car for 6. In your opinion what was the most
a good bargain. important event that happened in history?
2. This is my friend who developed the
security system.
Lesson 136
Short comment
Change the sentences according to the
3. Everybody recovers after a big loss. model
Change the sentences according to the Teacher: There could be another way.
model Student: Couldn’t there be a way?
Teacher: Is he the boy who saved the dog? 1. There could be a better solution.
Student: Yes, he is. 2. There could be another person to help.
He is the boy who saved the
dog, isn’t he? Short comment
4. Is she the secretary who reminded him 3. Automatic cars are better than manual
about the meeting? ones.
5. Is she the lady who became a successful Change the sentences according to the
businesswoman? model
Answer the Questions Teacher: She took the clothes to the

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Student: She took the clothes to the 1. There should be more respect between
Laundromat, didn’t she? them.
4. He left everything out of order. 2. There should be enough fuel in the car.
5. You removed the stain from the shirt. Short comment
Answer the Questions 3. People should be careful about lending
6. How much does a house usually cost in money.
our country? Change the sentences according to the
7. Do people in our country have all the model
same rights? Teacher: She didn’t seek new opportunities.
8. What would you change in our country if Student: She didn’t seek new
you could? opportunities, did she?
4. She didn’t change her mind.
Lesson 137 5. That car didn’t run on ethanol.
Change the sentences according to the Answer the Questions
model 6. Who was the best soccer player this year?
Teacher: He lent his car to her. 7. Is it cheaper to have a car that runs on
Student: He didn’t lend his car to her. ethanol?
Did he lend his car to her? 8. Are you against change?
Yes, he did. / No, he didn’t.
1. She went crazy over the red dress.
Review 3
2. I changed my bank password.
Answer the Questions
Change the sentences according to the 1. How can a person develop a successful
model career?
Teacher: It was very cool. 2. Do you think success is a matter of
Student: It wasn’t cool. opportunity or luck?
Was it cool? 3. Do you prefer to drive an automatic or a
Yes, it was. / No, it wasn’t. manual shift car?
3. He was the best player of the season. 4. Is it better to have a car that runs on gas
4. They were in need. or ethanol?
5. Do you change your mind easily?
Answer the questions
6. Do you mind lending your things to other
5. Can you concentrate in noisy places? people? Why or why not?
6. What must one do to have a promising 7. Are you seeking new job opportunities?
8. Who is considered the best soccer player
in history?
Lesson 138
Change the sentences according to the Lesson 139
Change the sentences according to the
Teacher: There should be less people here. model
Student: Shouldn’t there be less people Teacher: I’ve done all my homework.

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Student: I haven’t done all my 8. Have you had any business meetings this
homework. week.
Have you done all your
Lesson 141
Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
1. I’ve seen her new movie. Change the sentences according to the
2. He has included our names on the list. model
3. He has considered joining the Army. Teacher: I’ve just arrived.
Student: Have you just arrived?
Change the sentences according to the
Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
1. He has just gotten a promotion.
Teacher: I have finished it.
2. I have just bought more lettuce and
Student: Have you finished it?
Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
3. They’ve just caught the train.
4. She has weighed the bananas.
5. She has bought some apricot jelly. Answer the Questions
6. I have made blueberry muffins. 4. What vegetables didn’t you like to eat
when you were a child?
5. Have you gotten bad grades in school /
Lesson 140 college this year?
Change the sentences according to the 6. Do you mind eating food with a lot of
model garlic or onions?
Teacher: I have finished it.
Student: I haven’t finished it. Lesson 142
Have you finished it?
Change the sentences according to the
1. She has explained it. model
2. They have taken her home. Teacher: I’ve just sent him the email.
Give your opinion Student: Haven’t you just sent him the
3. If at first I don’t succeed, I should try email?
again. Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
1. They’ve just published another book.
Change the sentences according to the
model 2. They have just arrived from London.
Teacher: You have done your homework. Give your opinion
Student: You have done your 3. People should never stop learning.
homework, haven’t you?
Change the sentences according to the
4. You’ve shown them the project.
5. He has attended the meeting.
Teacher: He has just done it.
Answer the Questions Student: He has just done it, hasn’t he?
6. When was the last time you went to an 4. He has just graduated from college.
open-air market? 5. They have just received the package.
7. Have you been to the United States this
year? Answer the Questions
6. Do you constantly get mixed up?

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7. Do you think that people are deceived by You haven’t seen him, have
appearances? you?
8. What’s the population of our country? 4. Have they ever produced anything?
5. Have you ever ridden a Harley Davidson?
Lesson 143 Answer the Questions
Change the sentences according to the 6. Have you ever missed a flight?
model 7. Have you ever spoken English with a
Teacher: I have tried it. foreigner?
Student: I haven’t tried it. 8. Have you ever gone camping?
Have you ever tried it?
Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t. Review 4
1. She has argued with her mother. Answer the Questions
2. They have met the president of the 1. Are fruits and vegetables cheaper at open-
company. air markets than at supermarkets?
3. I have borrowed her money. 2. Do you include healthy food in your diet?
Answer the questions 3. Have you been out of the country this
4. Do you think that food prices have risen year?
lately? 4. Why have you decided to learn a second
5. Do you think you have a very strong language?
personality? 5. What’s your best childhood memory?
6. Would you be willing to live in another 6. What should people do to get a raise at
country for the rest of your life? work?
7. Would you be willing to live overseas?
8. Have you ever hung up on anyone?
Lesson 144
Change the sentences according to the
model Lesson 145
Teacher: I have tried lobster. Change the sentences according to the
Student: I have tried lobster model
Have you ever tried lobster? Teacher: I have done my homework.
Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t. Student: Have you done your
1. She has argued with the supervisor. homework?
2. I have taken pronunciation classes. Yes, I have already done my
Give your opinion 1. He has trimmed the bushes.
3. People should care more about being 2. I have prepared dinner.
healthy than about being thin.
3. The kids have brushed their teeth.
Change the sentences according to the
model Answer the Questions
Teacher: Have you ever talked to him? 4. Have you gotten a haircut this month?
Student: No, I haven’t. (Answer always 5. Do you think women spend too much
negative) money at the hairdresser?

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6. How many times a day do you brush your Change the sentences according to the
teeth? model
Teacher: We have been to the U.S.A.
Student: Have you ever been to the
Lesson 146
Change the sentences according to the I have never been to the U.S.A.
model 4. She has taken a business visa.
Teacher: I’ve finished the report. 5. They have been on a cruise.
Student: I’ve already finished the report. 6. I have had a blog.
Have you already finished the
1. He has trimmed the bushes. Lesson 148
2. I have used the flat iron. Change the sentences according to the
Give your opinion model
3. People should brush their teeth at least Teacher: I have reminded him about it.
three times a day. Student: I haven’t reminded him about
it yet.
Change the sentences according to the 1. He has replied to my email.
2. They have been to the American
Teacher: Have you already talked to her? Consulate.
Student: Yes, I have. (Answer always
positive) Give your opinion
You have already talked to her, 3. We should try to improve something
haven’t you? about ourselves every day.
4. Have you already read this book? Change the sentences according to the
5. Have you already taken her to the doctor? model
Answer the Questions Teacher: Have you talked to her yet?
6. Have you ever had your hair colored? Student: Yes, I have. (Answer always
7. What hairstyle is in fashion these days?
You haven’t talked to her yet,
8. Are you in good physical shape? have you?
4. Have you retired yet?
Lesson 147 5. Have they started it yet?
Change the sentences according to the Answer the Questions
model 6. What do you intend to do when you
Teacher: I have replied to his email. retire?
Student: I haven’t replied to his email 7. What’s the best way to improve your
yet. English?
Haven’t you replied to his email 8. What are your best skills?
Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
Lesson 149
1. He has cut the party budget.
2. I have put the stamps on the envelopes. Change the sentences according to the
3. They have studied for the exam. model

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Teacher: I haven’t seen her since June. Student: I haven’t studied there for a
Student: I haven’t seen her since June. year.
Teacher: last summer. Have you studied there for a
Student: I haven’t seen her since last year?
summer. 4. They’ve worked together for four years.
1. She hasn’t washed her clothes since last 5. She has done the cleaning for several
Saturday / week days.
2. I haven’t traveled overseas since 2009 / Answer the Questions
2011 6. How can we help preserve the
3. I haven’t spoken English since my trip to environment?
the States / England 7. Would you like to have twins?
Change the sentences according to the 8. Do you help the poor in our community?
Teacher: I have known him for a year.
Review 5
Student: I haven’t known him for a year.
Have you known him for a Hnswer the Questions
year? 1. Would you have the courage to get a
Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t. crazy haircut?
4. He has worked at a real estate agency for 2. How often are men supposed to shave?
five years. 3. Have you ever fallen asleep during a
5. They have lived in this neighborhood for class?
ten years. 4. Is it safe to buy things over the Internet?
6. I have had a sore throat for a week. 5. Have you already gotten a U.S. tourist
6. What do you do to keep improving your
Lesson 150 English skills?
Change the sentences according to the 7. Have you ever played in a band?
model 8. Why is it important for a woman to do
Teacher: I haven’t talked to her. prenatal checkups?
Student: I haven’t talked to her.
Teacher: since Friday
Lesson 151
Student: I haven’t talked to her since
Friday. Change the sentences according to the
1. She hasn’t had prenatal care / since model
January Teacher: I have been to Italy twice.
2. I haven’t felt nauseous / since last Student: I haven’t been to Italy twice.
weekend Have you been to Italy twice?
Give your opinion Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.
3. Our jobs should be less demanding. 1. She has been to the dentist this year.
2. We have been to their house a few times.
Change the sentences according to the
3. They have been to New York City.
Teacher: I’ve studied there for a year. Answer the Questions

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4. Who is the most handsome man you
Lesson 154
5. Do you think that good-looking people
get jobs more easily? Change the sentences according to the
6. What should people do to stay fit? model
Teacher: She is feeling a little sad.
Student: She has been feeling a little
Lesson 152 sad.
Change the sentences according to the 1. The service is very fast here.
model 2. I am very happy about my new job.
Teacher: I have already been to France. 3. The kids are very excited about their
Student: I have never been to France. vacation.
Have you ever been to France? Give your opinion
1. She has already been to my house. 4. You can only have a good position at
2. He has already been to Europe. work if you have a high quality education.
Give your opinion Change the sentences according to the
3. It’s important to exercise in order to stay model
fit and healthy. Teacher: They haven’t noticed any
Change the sentences according to the
model Student: They haven’t noticed any
difference, have they?
Teacher: He has gone away.
5. She hasn’t realized the truth yet.
Student: Has he gone away?
6. They haven’t identified who did it.
4. They have gone on a cruise.
5. She has gone to the party alone. Answer the Questions
6. They have gone to the beach. 7. What’s the most beautiful place you’ve
been to in your life?
Answer the Questions
8. Have you ever gone hiking?
7. Do you disagree with things easily?
8. Should people agree with everything
that’s imposed on them? Lesson 155
Change the sentences according to the
Lesson 153 model
Teacher: It has been two years since I last
Change the sentences according to the saw her.
Student: Has it been two years since you
1. She has been disappointed about it. last saw her?
2. I have been a little sad. Yes, it has. / No, it hasn’t.
3. They have been impolite to the customers. 1. It has been three years since she started
Answer the Questions college.
4. Do you go sightseeing when you travel? 2. It has been a year since I went to the
5. How do you overcome your difficulties?
3. It has been a week since they finished the
6. What do you think about the education
system in our country?

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Answer the Questions 5. Why do you think people have become so
4. Do you try to be in control of everything? stressed out in the past few years?
5. How would you describe your personality? 6. Have you ever been to a psychologist?
6. How long has it been since you last talked 7. Have you ever gone skiing?
to your best friend? 8. Should people always try to be in control
of everything?

Lesson 156
Lesson 157
Change the sentences according to the
model Change the sentences according to the
Teacher: It has been a day since she left. model
Student: Has it been a day since she Teacher: The exercises have been corrected.
left? Student: The exercises haven’t been
1. It’s been two years since she was hired. corrected.
2. It’s been five years since they got married. Have the exercises been
Give your opinion Yes, they have. / No, they
3. Always stay calm even under pressure. haven’t.
Change the sentences according to the 1. All the patients have been examined.
model 2. The students have been tested.
Teacher: It’s been a day since she called. 3. The food has been thrown away.
Student: It’s been a day since she called, Answer the Questions
hasn’t it?
4. What makes you sleepy?
4. It’s been a year since he graduated.
5. Has anyone ever thrown a surprise party
5. It’s been a week since she got her for you?
6. Have you ever rowed a boat?
Answer the Questions
6. Have you ever seen a sunrise at the
beach? Lesson 158
7. How long has it been since you started Change the sentences according to the
studying at Wizard? model
8. Are you a member of any clubs? Teacher: She has been hired.
Student: She hasn’t been hired.
Has she been hired?
Review 6
1. It has been removed.
Answer the Questions 2. He has been examined by a doctor.
1. Should people have surgery or exercise to 3. They have been tested.
stay fit?
2. How do you intend to reach your goals? Give your opinion
3. What’s the most important profession and 4. Everyone should be allowed to take a nap
why? during the week, after lunch.
4. How do you feel when someone disagrees Change the sentences according to the
with your ideas? model
Teacher: The message has been sent.

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Student: The message has been sent, 5. You are being sincere.
hasn’t it? 6. She is being stubborn.
5. The pictures have been taken.
Answer the Questions
6. The car has been cleaned.
7. What should be done to end racism?
Answer the Questions
7. What kinds of materials can be recycled?
Lesson 161
8. How often do you have your eyes tested?
Change the sentences according to the
Lesson 159 Teacher: I have done it by myself.
Change the sentences according to the Student: I would have done it by myself.
model I wouldn’t have done it by
Teacher: He was being naughty. myself.
Student: He wasn’t being naughty. Would you have done it by
Was he being naughty? yourself?
Yes, he was. / No, he wasn’t. 1. The cat has scratched the couch.
1. She is being a little stubborn. 2. I have applied for several jobs.
2. You are being impatient with the kids. 3. She has sought fame.
3. He is being a good friend to you. Answer the Questions
Answer the Questions 4. Do you think we will ever be able to end
4. Have you ever been run over by a car? pollution?
5. What kinds of activities do you do 5. What’s the employment rate in our
throughout the week? country?
6. Have you ever beaten anyone in chess? 6. Have you ever taken manners classes?

Lesson 160 Lesson 162

Change the sentences according to the Change the sentences according to the
model model
Teacher: He is great to us. Teacher: I would have done it.
Student: He is being great to us. Student: I wouldn’t have done it.
1. They are very noisy. Would you have done it?
He is aggressive. 1. I would have stretched before exercising.
2. She is gentle with the kids. 2. He would have called somebody else.
3. They would have asked me.
Give your opinion
3. Even small victories should be celebrated. Give your opinion
4. People shouldn’t be interrupted while they
Change the sentences according to the are talking.
Teacher: They are being nice. Change the sentences according to the
Student: They are being nice, aren’t
they? Teacher: Would he have done it?
4. He is being a good student.

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Student: He wouldn’t have done it. 6. Can you name some famous ancient
(always negative) places around the world?
Neither would I.
5. Would she have said it?
Lesson 164
6. Would they have left?
Change the sentences according to the
Answer the Questions model
7. Do you always stretch before exercising? Teacher: He could have helped us.
8. What song was a hit when you were a Student: Couldn’t he have helped us?
teenager? 1. You could have saved more money.
2. She could have listened to us.
Review 7 Give your opinion
Answer the Questions 3. Employees should be given some time to
1. Are you a night owl or an early bird? rest during the day.
2. Have you ever thrown a party for anyone? Change the sentences according to the
3. When was the last time you took an model
English exam? Teacher: You could have told us.
4. Is the transportation system in our city Student: You could have told us,
very efficient? couldn’t you?
5. How do you celebrate your birthday? 4. She could have rested during the ride.
6. What do you do when people interrupt 5. They could have taken us.
you while talking? 6. He could have continued the project.
7. Is it easy for you to admit when you are
mistaken? Answer the Questions
8. What’s the poverty rate in our country? 7. Who do you admire the most?
8. What was your biggest achievement?

Lesson 163
Lesson 165
Change the sentences according to the
model Change the sentences according to the
Teacher: I have written her a message. model
Student: I could have written her a Teacher: She has told me the truth.
message. Student: She should have told me the
Couldn’t you have written her truth.
a message? She shouldn’t have told me the
1. We have accomplished it by ourselves. truth.
2. It has been brilliant. 1. He has bought a new property.
3. She has set everything in order. 2. They have increased our workload.
4. They have only used natural resources. 3. She has taken the kids to the zoo.
4. You have put the plates on the bottom
Answer the Questions shelf.
5. Why has the climate in the world changed
so much in recent years? Answer the Questions
5. What should the punishment be for
people who use fake documents?

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6. Do you have a hard workload?
Lesson 168
Lesson 166 Change the sentences according to the
Change the sentences according to the model
model Teacher: He has done it.
Teacher: She should have done that. Student: He must have done it.
Student: She shouldn’t have done that. 1. They have succeeded in their plan.
1. She should have increased their workload. 2. She has announced who will be the new
2. They should have shown us the manager.
presentation. 3. He has been injured in an accident.
3. We should have hired another painter. Short comment
Give your opinion 4. Despite failure, people should never give
4. People should have healthier habits. up.

Change the sentences according to the Change the sentences according to the
model model
Teacher: He should have said something. Teacher: She has failed again.
Student: He should have said something, Student: She has failed again, hasn’t
shouldn’t he? she?
5. She should have come over here. 5. You have been pulled over again.
6. We should have given some suggestions. 6. You have fastened your seat belt.

Answer the Questions Answer the Questions

7. Have you ever been to the jungle? 7. Are you a pessimistic or an optimistic
8. What kind of personality do you have?
8. Do you think it’s our fault that so many
natural disasters happen?
Lesson 167
Change the sentences according to the Review 8
Answer the Questions
Teacher: She has said it.
1. Have you ever caught yourself
Student: She must have said it.
She must not have said it.
2. What is something you should have done
1. Their project has succeeded. that you didn’t?
2. He has left a spare tire in the car. 3. Have you already accomplished all of the
3. The party has been a disaster. goals you set this year?
4. They have been apprehensive about the 4. Can you get any rest during the day?
wedding. 5. Why should people decrease their
Answer the Questions consumption of fast food?
5. What must one do to deal with failure? 6. Do you think when people are optimistic
they have more chances to succeed?
6. What number should you dial to get an
ambulance? 7. How do you react to failure?
8. Are you apprehensive about your future?

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7. What’s your greatest ability?
Lesson 169 8. Have you already lost touch with your
friends from school?
Change the sentences according to the
Teacher: I have brought it with me. Lesson 171
Student: I may have brought it with me. Change the sentences according to the
I may not have brought it with model
me. Teacher: He has run out of gas.
1. He has scheduled the meeting for Student: He might have run out of gas.
tomorrow. He might not have run out of
2. They have cancelled the seminar. gas.
3. The kids have improved their behavior. 1. They have hung out together.
4. She has reached him on his cell-phone. 2. He has given her a hard time.
Answer the Questions 3. He has complained about our products.
5. Do you still keep in touch with your high Answer the Questions
school friends? 4. Have you complimented anyone this
6. Can you name some bestselling books? week?
5. How often do you hang out with your
Lesson 170
6. What’s the worst advertisement you’ve
Change the sentences according to the ever seen?
Teacher: She has been here before.
Lesson 172
Student: She may have been here
before. Change the sentences according to the
1. They have been notified. model
2. The conference has already been Teacher: She has said that.
scheduled. Student: She might have said that.
3. He has been invited to speak at the 1. He has been admitted.
seminar. 2. They have planned something else.
Short comment 3. He has sent the application.
4. Social network websites are always good Short comment
to get in touch with friends.
4. We should always try to compliment
Change the sentences according to the people, even for small accomplishments.
Change the sentences according to the
Teacher: The meeting has lasted for hours. model
Student: The meeting has lasted for Teacher: She has called you.
hours, hasn’t it?
Student: She has called you, hasn’t she?
5. They have won the national
5. The maid has already hung all the clothes.
6. You have received the notification. Answer the Questions
6. Who is your favorite author?
Answer the Questions

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7. In your opinion, what is the best book Student: She has been cooking all day,
ever written? hasn’t she?
8. What do you do when your boss gives 4. You’ve been waiting for him for an hour.
you a hard time? 5. He has been selling computers for years.
6. She has been learning how to play the
piano for one year.
Lesson 173
Change the sentences according to the Answer the Questions
model 7. What’s the meaning of your name?
Teacher: I’ve studied for months. 8. How long have you been studying
Student: I have been studying for English?
Have you been studying for Review 9
1. They have recorded the movie for five Answer the Questions
months. 1. In your opinion, who is the best book
2. It has snowed a lot since December. author of all time?
3. She has worked on her essay since 2. Have you lost touch with your high school
yesterday. friends?
4. She thought about the proposal for 3. Where do young people usually hang out
weeks. in our city?
4. How often do you hang out with your
Answer the questions family?
5. What’s the punishment for shoplifting in 5. Did you have a hard time learning how to
our country? drive?
6. Are you used to taking medicine even 6. How do you feel when people compliment
when your pain is not too strong? you?
7. Have you ever been to an opera?
Lesson 174 8. How long have you been exercising?

Change the sentences according to the

model Lesson 175
Teacher: I have studied here for two years. Change the sentences according to the
Student: I have been studying here for model
two years. Teacher: She had left when I arrived.
How long have you been Student: She had left when I arrived.
studying here.
Teacher: when I got home.
1. It has been recorded for months.
Student: She had left when I got home.
2. They have celebrated the victory for a
week. 1. He had already had breakfast when I
woke up / called him
Short comment 2. She had already graduated when I started
3. We should worry less and live more. college / working here
Change the sentences according to the 3. They had eaten everything before the
model guests arrived / came
Teacher: She has been cooking all day. Answer the Questions

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4. What’s the best way to control finances? 1. If I were her, I would invest in a beauty
5. When did you learn how to swim? parlor / in her appearance
6. What do you do when people make fun of 2. If I were the manager, I would hire a
you? trainee / fire the trainee
3. If I were you, I wouldn’t lend him money /
your motorcycle
Lesson 176
Change the sentences according to the
Change the sentences according to the model
model Teacher: If he calls, I’ll let you know.
Teacher: They left / I arrived. Student: If he calls, I’ll let you know.
Student: They had already left when I Teacher: I’ll tell you
Student: If he calls, I’ll tell you.
1. She/ finished the project / semester ended
4. If sales increase, they will gives us a raise
2. The plane / taken off / I arrived at the / prize
5. If it starts raining, I won’t go to the park /
3. She / bought the tickets / I got to the go to the beach
movie theater
6. If you don’t speak louder, I won’t hear you
Short comment / understand
4. No one can live without technology
Lesson 178
Change the sentences according to the
model Change the sentences according to the
Teacher: He has been taking classes here.
Teacher: If you need, I’ll help you.
Student: He has been taking classes
here, hasn’t he? Student: Will you help me if I need you
5. You’ve been working with another
methodology. 1. We’ll hit the road if it’s sunny tomorrow.
6. He has learned how to swim by himself. 2. She will understand it if she pays
Answer the Questions 3. If she doesn’t bring her credit card, she
7. When did you graduate from school / won’t buy anything.
Short comment
8. Have you been on a diet lately?
4. Having plastic surgery is a risk not worth
Lesson 177 Change the sentences according to the
Change the sentences according to the model
model Teacher: He hasn’t said anything about it.
Teacher: If I were you, I would call him. Student: He hasn’t said anything about
Student: If I were you, I would call him. it, has he?
Teacher: talk to him 5. He hasn’t hit his car.
Student: If I were you, I would talk to 6. They don’t own this apartment
him. Answer the Questions

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7. How often do you go to the beauty Short comment
parlor? 4. Hate is the worst feeling one can have.
8. What will you do if it’s sunny next
weekend? Change the sentences according to the
Teacher: You haven’t received my email.
Lesson 179 Student: You haven’t received my email,
Change the sentences according to the have you?
model 5. They haven’t made great advancements.
Teacher: If I had seen him, I would have 6. It hasn’t taken her a long time.
talked to him. Answer the Questions
Student: If I had seen him, I would have 7. Have you ever spilled the beans about a
talked to him. surprise?
Teacher: asked 8. Were you afraid of thunder when you
Student: If I had seen him, I would have were a child?
asked him.
1. If I had known it was on sale, I would
have bought it / taken Review 10
2. If you had invited me, I would have gone Answer the Questions
out with you / had lunch 1. Did you learn how to swim by yourself?
3. If you had watched the news, you would 2. What’s the most profitable business in
have heard about it / known about it your opinion?
Answer the questions 3. What do you do to lose your native accent
4. Are you afraid of lightning or thunder? when speaking another language?
5. Do you give up on your projects easily? 4. Did you use to have plenty of friends
6. Have you ever had to perform on a stage? when you were a teenager?
5. Do you consider yourself a liberal or
conservative person?
Lesson 180 6. Would you give up on a project if you
Change the sentences according to the failed the first time?
model 7. Can you spell the word “plentiful” without
Teacher: If I had bought it, I would have looking at your book?
told you. 8. Have you ever experience turbulence
Student: If I had bought it, I would have during a flight?
told you.
Teacher: informed
Student: If I had bought it, I would have
informed you.
1. If she had spelled it right, she would have
gotten an A. / won the competition.
2. If I had improved my English, I would
have gotten a job / gone to the U.S.
3. If he hadn’t hung up, I would have told
him / talked to him.

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