How To Write A Letter To Authorities

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Writing a letter to Authorities

Introduce yourself in the first paragraph. Spend three to five sentences telling

them who you are in relation to the issue you'll be bringing up. For example: As a
citizen/employee/member... of (city/company/organization...)
 Keep the intro brief. Do not provide irrelevant details about yourself.
Instead, connect yourself to your concern.
Describe the issue of your concern. You will need to give specific details. Do not
be afraid to use bullet points to provide facts.
Only address one issue in your letter. If you have multiple concerns to bring up,
write a separate letter for each issue
Tell them how you feel about the situation. Again, keep this brief, but be sure to
connect yourself to the issue. For example: I am appalled by the decision to...
Offer suggestions and solutions. Avoid simply complaining about a problem. Show
the person in authority that you have done your research. You could give
examples of similar situations in other cities and effective solutions.
Ask the person in authority for help. For example if writing to the Mayor as
depicted in image given below be honest and do not feel as though you have to
flatter the person in authority. Instead, be upfront about the changes you would
like to see. For example: As the Mayor of our great city, I ask that you consider
other solutions.
 Make sure your letter is under a page, by this point. You will want to keep it
brief to ensure that it is completely read. Ideally, your letter should be
between three and four paragraphs long.

Read the letter given below .It might not be the perfect letter but it will give you
some idea about how Letters to Authorities are written. The tone and style is a
little informal but you must not be so in your letter.

Writing a letter to Authorities


• Mount View Public School, Kalka is run by an NGO to give quality education
to children of the deprived sections of the society. The principal of the
school feels that the blackboards in the classrooms need to be replaced.
She decides to write to the Chairperson of the NGO name ‘Education for All’
for funds. Write a letter in 120-150 words. Her name is Shweta Pandit.

Writing a letter to Authorities

Mount View Public School, Kalka

Mount view public school
Kalka- 005

22 November 2021

The Chairperson
Education for all

Subject: Replacement of Blackboards

Dear sir
I am writing with a complaint about replacing blackboards in our school on behalf
of the students and staff. We feel like this is a necessary step in the right direction
to educate the children of our school in a more efficient manner

We have been using blackboards in our classes since several years and they have
been subjected to natural wear and tear. This has made the blackboards
ineffective to write on properly. The imprints of chalk remains on the blackboards
and chalk dust is harmful to inhale. The staff feels that they require new
whiteboards so as to teach the students more easily and more effectively.

Writing a letter to Authorities

Since we need so many whiteboards I suggest setting up a fundraiser to raise

money for the installment and purchase of the whiteboards. This can be set up on This will definitely be for the betterment of the entire
school and we would appreciate it if this request is fulfilled.

Thank you

Shweta Pandit

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