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Khoo Xing Suen

Bachelor of Computer Science with Honours (Network Computing)



This project is submitted in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Computer

Science with Honours

Faculty of Computer Science and information Technology



I hereby declare that this research together with all of its content is none other than that of my
own work, with consideration of the exception of research based information and relative
materials that were adapted and extracted from other resources, which have evidently been
quoted or stated respectively.





Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology DATE: 13TH MAY 2019

Universiti Malaysia Sarawak.


I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my supervisor, Associate Professor

Dr. Kartinah binti Zen and the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology (FCSIT)

of Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) for giving me this opportunity to do this wonderful

project on the topic, Hotel Room Entry Using Fingerprint. I am highly indebted for Dr. Kartinah’s

guidance and constant supervision as well as for providing necessary information regarding the

project & also for her support in completing the project

My thanks and appreciations also go to my family and friends for their encouragement who

helped me a lot in finalizing this project within the limited time frame.
Table of Contents
List of Table ............................................................................................................................................ i
List of Figure ......................................................................................................................................... ii
Abstract................................................................................................................................................. iii
Abstrak ................................................................................................................................................. iv
Chapter 1: Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Chapter Overview ...................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 1
1.3 Problem Statement ..................................................................................................................... 2
1.4 Objectives .................................................................................................................................. 3
1.5 Scope.......................................................................................................................................... 3
1.6 Brief Methodology ..................................................................................................................... 4
1.7 Project Schedule ........................................................................................................................ 5
1.8 Significance of Project ............................................................................................................... 5
1.9 Expected Outcome ..................................................................................................................... 6
1.10 Structure of Report..................................................................................................................... 6
Chapter 2: Literature Review .............................................................................................................. 8
2.1 Chapter Overview ...................................................................................................................... 8
2.2 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 8
2.3 Fingerprint Biometrics ............................................................................................................... 9
2.4 Previous Works ........................................................................................................................ 10
2.4.1 Property Security Using a Biometric Based Door Lock System ........................................ 10
2.4.2 Design and Implementation of a Fingerprint Based Lock System for Shared Access ....... 12
2.4.3 Fingerprint Biometric based Access Control and Classroom Attendance Management
System ......................................................................................................................... 13
2.5 Comparison between Previous Works and Proposed System ................................................. 15
2.6 Summary ................................................................................................................................. 16
Chapter 3: Requirement Analysis and Design ................................................................................. 17
3.1 Chapter Overview .................................................................................................................... 17
3.2 Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 17
3.3 Rapid Application Development (RAD).................................................................................. 17
3.3.1 Analysis and Quick Design .................................................................................................. 18 Study Analysis ............................................................................................................. 18 Hardware Requirements............................................................................................... 20 Software Requirements ................................................................................................ 21 Design .......................................................................................................................... 21 Block Diagram ............................................................................................................. 21 Flowchart Diagram ...................................................................................................... 23 Data Flow Diagram (DFD) .......................................................................................... 27 Context Diagram .................................................................................................... 27 Diagram 0 .............................................................................................................. 28 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) ........................................................................... 29 User Interface Design .................................................................................................. 30
3.3.2 Prototype Cycle ................................................................................................................... 30
3.3.3 Testing ................................................................................................................................. 31
3.3.3 Implementation ................................................................................................................... 31
3.4 Summary .................................................................................................................................. 31
Chapter 4: Implementation ................................................................................................................ 32
4.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 32
4.2 Assembly of Hardware Components ....................................................................................... 32
4.3 Software Installation ................................................................................................................ 33
4.4 System Configuration .............................................................................................................. 33
4.5 Summary .................................................................................................................................. 40
Chapter 5: Testing .............................................................................................................................. 41
5.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 41
5.2 Test Cases ................................................................................................................................ 41
5.2.1 Enroll Fingerprint and Select Access ID ............................................................................ 42
5.2.2 Select Used Fingerprint ID ................................................................................................. 43
5.2.3 Fingerprint Duplicated ........................................................................................................ 44
5.2.4 Unlock Door ....................................................................................................................... 45
5.2.5 Lock Door ........................................................................................................................... 46
5.2.6 Delete Fingerprint ............................................................................................................... 47
5.3 Summary .................................................................................................................................. 47
Chapter 6: Conclusion and Future Work ......................................................................................... 48
6.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 48
6.2 Objective Achievement ............................................................................................................ 48
6.3 Project Limitation .................................................................................................................... 49
6.4 Future Work ............................................................................................................................ 49
6.5 Conclusion .............................................................................................................................. 51
References ............................................................................................................................................ 52
Appendices ........................................................................................................................................... 54
List of Table

Table 2.1: Comparison between Previous Works and Proposed System.............................................. 15

Table 3.1: Hotel fingerprint door lock perception statements ............................................................... 19
Table 3.2: Hardware Requirements ...................................................................................................... 20
Table 3.3: Software Requirements ........................................................................................................ 21
Table 5.1: Test Case Format ................................................................................................................. 41

Table 5.2: Test Case for Enroll Fingerprint and Select Access ID ................................................ 42

Table 5.3: Test Case for Select Used Fingerprint ID ....................................................................... 43

Table 5.4: Test Case for Enroll Duplicated Fingerprint .................................................................. 44

Table 5.5: Test Case for Unlock Door ............................................................................................... 45

Table 5.6: Test Case for Lock Door .................................................................................................... 46

Table 5.7: Test Case for Delete Fingerprint ...................................................................................... 47

List of Figure

Figure 1.1: Hotel Room Fingerprint Door Access System Design ......................................................... 2
Figure 1.2: Rapid Application Development (RAD) ............................................................................. 4
Figure 1.3: Final Year Project Gantt Chart ............................................................................................. 5
Figure 2.1: Basic Operation of a General Biometric System ................................................................. 9
Figure 2.2: Biometric Based Door Lock System ................................................................................. 10
Figure 2.3: Flowchart of Biometric Based Door Lock System ............................................................ 11
Figure 2.4: Fingerprint Based Lock System ........................................................................................ 12
Figure 2.5: Flowchart of Fingerprint Based Lock System ................................................................... 13
Figure 2.6: Fingerprint Biometric Based Access Control System ....................................................... 14
Figure 2.7: Flowchart of Fingerprint Biometric Based Access Control .............................................. 14
Figure 3.1: Rapid Application Development (RAD) (Testing Excellence, 2018) ................................ 17
Figure 3.2: Block Diagram for Hotel Fingerprint Door Lock System .................................................. 21
Figure 3.3: Main Flowchart Diagram for Hotel Fingerprint Door Lock System .................................. 23
Figure 3.4: Flowchart Diagram for Sub-process “Enroll” .................................................................... 24
Figure 3.5: Flowchart Diagram for Sub-process “Delete” .................................................................... 24
Figure 3.6: Flowchart Diagram for Sub-process “Unlock” .................................................................. 25
Figure 3.7: Flowchart Diagram for Sub-process “Lock” ...................................................................... 26
Figure 3.8: Context Diagram for Hotel Room Entry Using Fingerprint ............................................... 27
Figure 3.9: Diagram 0 for Hotel Room Entry Using Fingerprint ......................................................... 28
Figure 3.10: Entity Relationship Diagram for Hotel Room Entry Using Fingerprint........................... 29
Figure 4.1: Assembly of Hardware Components .................................................................................. 32
Figure 4.2: Arduino IDE ....................................................................................................................... 33
Figure 4.3: The Included Libraries ....................................................................................................... 33
Figure 4.4: Declared Variables and Objects ........................................................................................ 34
Figure 4.5: System Setup ..................................................................................................................... 35
Figure 4.6: Enroll() Function ............................................................................................................... 36
Figure 4.7: getFingerprintEnroll() Function ......................................................................................... 36
Figure 4.8: Door Access Type .............................................................................................................. 37
Figure 4.9: deleteFingerprint(id) Function ........................................................................................... 37
Figure 4.10: unlockdoor() Function ..................................................................................................... 38
Figure 4.11: Check Door Access Type ................................................................................................ 39
Figure 4.12: lockdoor() Function .......................................................................................................... 40


The current trend for the hotel room entry method is still mostly based on the electronic key
cards or the regular metal keys. However, these hotel room entry methods still bring inconvenience to
the hotel customers. They encountered different kind of problems when the hotel keys are forgotten,
lost or stolen. Furthermore, numerous existing Arduino based fingerprint door lock systems could only
operate on only one door lock. It could not implement in the hotel with multiple doors where we need
to constrict the customer to have access to their own hotel room only. Hence, this final year project is
proposing a hotel fingerprint door lock system. The objectives of this final year project are (i) to
assemble and program a prototype fingerprint door lock using Arduino, and (ii) to design a door access
system that collect and store the door access data. The proposed system is Arduino based and it can
operate on two door locks. In this proposed system, by using the fingerprint, the users could only have
access to the hotel room that they are assigned to. Through this project, we would bring significant
impact to the hotel industry. The hotel customers also would able to gain benefits from this fingerprint
door access system as it will help them to address the problem encountered when the hotel keys are
forgotten, lost or stolen. The result of this final year project is a prototype of fingerprint door access
system that can be implemented in hotel.


Trend sekarang untuk kaedah masuk bilik hotel masih kebanyakannya berdasarkan kad kunci
elektronik atau kunci logam biasa. Walau bagaimanapun, kaedah masuk bilik hotel ini masih membawa
masalah kepada pelanggan hotel. Mereka menghadapi pelbagai jenis masalah apabila kunci hotel
dilupakan, hilang atau dicuri Selain itu, wujudnya pelbagai sistem cap jari kunci pintu berdasarkan
Arduino tetapi hanya boleh beroperasi atas hanya satu kunci pintu. Sistem ini tidak dapat dilaksanakan
di hotel yang mempunyai banyak pintu dan perlu menghadkan pelanggan untuk mempunyai akses ke
bilik hotel mereka sendiri sahaja. Oleh itu, projek tahun akhir ini mencadangkan satu sistem kunci pintu
hotel berdasarkan cap jari. Objektif tahun akhir projek ini adalah (i) untuk membina dan program kunci
pintu cap jari prototaip menggunakan Arduino, dan (ii) untuk mereka bentuk satu sistem akses pintu
yang mengumpul dan menyimpan data akses pintu. Sistem yang dicadangkan adalah berasaskan
Arduino dan ia boleh beroperasi menggunakan dua kunci pintu. Dalam sistem ini, dengan menggunakan
cap jari, pengguna cuma boleh mempunyai akses ke bilik hotel mereka sendiri. Melalui projek ini, kami
akan membawa kesan signifikan kepada industri hotel. Pelanggan hotel juga akan dapat memperolehi
manfaat daripada sistem akses pintu cap jari ini kerana ia akan membantu mereka menangani masalah
yang dihadapi apabila kunci hotel terlupa, hilang atau dicuri. Hasil daripada projek tahun akhir ini
adalah satu sistem akses pintu cap jari yang boleh dilaksanakan di hotel.

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Chapter Overview

In this chapter, an overview of the final year project report is provided. It consists of nine

parts which included introduction, problem statement, objectives, scope, methodology, project

schedule, significance of project, expected outcome and structure of report.

1.2 Introduction

Hotel is a place that provides accomodation, meals and other services to the tourists and

travellers. Countless of people are checking in and out from the hotel every day. Hence, security

plays a significant role in the hotel room access control. Security is defined as the protection

of an individual or assets against threats such as attacks or crimes. Access control describes the

method of limiting the access into a building or area to the authorized people only. A hotel

should have good hotel room access control that not only benefits the customers, but also bring

advantage in the hotel management. In the current trend, the types of door access system in the

hotels consist of the traditional mechanical lock system and RFID lock system. The limitations

of the current existed hotel door access system are difficulty in avoiding the keys or RFID cards

being stolen, forgotten or lost (Divya & Mathew, 2017). In this proposal, a hotel room entry

using fingerprint door access system is proposed. One of the advantages of a fingerprint lock

is that no one can lose a fingerprint. With a fingerprint lock, no one can gain access unless the

door access system is programmed to recognize that given person’s fingerprint. By using

fingerprint to access into the hotel room, the customers won’t face the problem of get locked

out of their hotel room when they leave the keys in the rooms or lose the keys. A fingerprint

based door lock system was presented by Baidya, Saha, Moyashir, and Palit (2017). However,

this created system could operate on only one lock. In my proposed solution, the system could

operate on multiple locks.

Figure 1.1: Hotel Room Fingerprint Door Access System Design

The system design is shown in above Figure 1.1. The significant feature of this proposed

system is that it could operate on two door locks. When user first check in to the hotel, the user

can enroll their fingerprint through the fingerprint sensor and enter access ID for door access

type using tactile switch. These data are then saved into the flash memory. Using fingerprint,

after checking the access ID, the users can only have the door access of the specified hotel

room. When the users want to check out from the hotel, their fingerprint data and corresponded

access record would be deleted from the flash memory.

1.3 Problem Statement

Nowadays, most hotels are using the electronic key cards for their door access while

some still using the regular metal keys. As Divya and Mathew (2017) stated, there is the chance

of the key cards getting lost, forgotten or stolen. There’s always an occasion for some

customers to get locked out of their hotel room when they forget to bring their key cards when

going out. In order to have the door access again, they still have to get the spare key cards from

the staff. Moreover, there always exists the possibility that the customer or staff would lose the

key cards too. Whenever this situation happens, they are more likely to pay a fine for the

missing key cards. Besides, it is easy for a hacker to duplicate a key and use it to access a hotel

room. Through these situations, we could see that the key card access method required higher

cost compared to the fingerprint access method. By using key card access method, the hotel

needs to cover the cost of implementing the key card based door lock, cost of key cards, cost

of damaged keys cards, and cost of stolen key cards. On the other hand, by using the fingerprint

access method, the hotel only needs to cover the cost of implementing the fingerprint based

door lock. In the long-term financial impact, we could definitely see that the fingerprint access

method has advantage over the key card access method. Furthermore, the current existing

fingerprint door lock system by Baidya et al. (2017) could only operates on only one door lock.

It is a standalone system as it does not connect with another door lock. It could not implement

in the hotel with multiple doors where we need to constrict the customer to have access to their

own hotel room only.

1.4 Objectives

 To assemble and program a prototype fingerprint door lock using Arduino

 To design a door access system that collect and store the door access data

1.5 Scope

This project will cover the implementation of hotel room entry using fingerprint door

access system. The proposed project is designed and implemented for only two doors. There

are only two door locks involved in this project because of limited budget. However, two door

locks are enough to test the hotel room access control. There are only two groups of data being

handled in this proposed system which are the fingerprint template and the door access type.

Since the proposed system is developed using Arduino, the Arduino board only has limited

memory and could not handle too much data.

1.6 Brief Methodology

For this project, as shown in the below Figure 1.2, a rapid application development

(RAD) methodology is implemented. The RAD methodology is invented by James Martin in

1991. This methodology consists of four phases: analysis and quick design, prototype cycles,

testing, and implementation.

Figure 1.2: Rapid Application Development (RAD) (Testing Excellence, 2018)

In Phase 1, we must derive and analyse the project requirements from the determined

goals. Then, we could start to create the quick design of the prototype. The design may undergo

alterations throughout the development process.

In Phase 2, we could start to assemble and implement the prototype architecture using

the required hardware and software components. The entire prototype cycles could be

distributed into three stages: build, demonstrate and refine. We need to build the prototype,

gain the user’s feedback after demonstration and refine on it. The prototype cycle is keep

repeating until the user is satisfy with the prototype.

In Phase 3, we have to review and test the prototype. The testing of prototype is

conducted to ensure the functionality of the prototype. If there is any error occurs, feedback is

obtained and incorporated to debug the problem.

In Phase 4, once we confirm the prototype could function without error, we would

deliver the completed prototype to the user for implementation.

1.7 Project Schedule

The Figure 1.3 below shows the gantt chart of the final year project (FYP). The whole

FYP can divided into 2 stages: FYP 1 and FYP 2. FYP 1 started from 10th September 2018

until 14th December 2018. FYP 2 begin from 28th January 2019 until 20th May 2019.

Figure 1.3: Final Year Project Gantt Chart

1.8 Significance of Project

Through this project, we would bring significant impact to the hotel industry. The

significant feature of this proposed system is that it could operate on two door locks. The results

of this project may be used by the hotel industry to enhance their door access system. The hotel

customers also would able to gain benefits from this fingerprint door access system as it will

help them to address the problem encountered when the hotel keys are forgotten, lost or stolen.

1.9 Expected Outcome

The expected outcome of this project is a prototype of fingerprint door access system

that can be implemented in hotel for room entry.

1.10 Structure of Report

The final year project report consists of 5 chapters. These chapter outlines are explained

as shown below:

Chapter 1: Introduction

This chapter provide an introduction of the fingerprint door access system that could be

implemented for hotel room entry. In this chapter, problem statement is identified, and the

proposed solution is stated as objectives of the project. Scope is established to determine the

limitation of the project. The methodology is specified, and the project schedule is provided in

the form of Gantt Chart. The significance of project is included to mention the contribution of

this project. This chapter also stated the expected outcome of this final year project.

Chapter 2: Literature Review

This chapter would deliver the background study of the proposed solution based on the

scientific resources. Study and review of the existing systems that are related to this project are

included too. A comparison between the functionalities of the existing systems would be


Chapter 3: Requirement Analysis and Design

In this chapter, we would identify and analyse the project requirements. The approaches

and techniques used in building the prototype would be presented in the chapter. Hardware and

software requirements of the project are specified. The prototype design would be included to

explain how it meet the project requirements.

Chapter 4: Implementation

This chapter would describe the method of implementing the design into a working

prototype. The hardware framework of the prototype and the source code of the main

operations would be showed.

Chapter 5: Testing

In this chapter, the functionality and usability of the prototype are examined by using

the test case. Each operation is tested to checked whether the expected outcome is achieved or


Chapter 6: Conclusion and Future Work

This chapter concludes the whole project. All the previous chapters are summarized to

outline the progress of the project. The achievement of project objectives and the project scope

are inspected. The project is evaluated to discover any new suggestions or improvements that

could lead to future work.

Chapter 2: Literature Review

2.1 Chapter Overview

In this chapter, a background study of the proposed project - hotel room entry using

fingerprint, is delivered. Study and review of the literature that are related to this project are

included too. A comparison between the features of the previous works and the proposed

project are conducted.

2.2 Introduction

Security and convenience are two of the important factors to consider when the customers

stay at a hotel. The most common door lock systems for the hotel room are the traditional

mechanical lock system and the RFID lock system. For these two kinds of systems, the hotel

management team still have to waste money on the production of the metal keys or the RFID

cards. If the metal keys or RFID cards are being stolen, forgotten or lost, it will bring negative

impact to both the customers and the hotel management team due to security are not guaranteed

and inconvenience. Hence, a biometric fingerprint door lock system for hotel room entry is

proposed. Biometric, as Pato and Millett (2010) mentioned, is the automated recognition of

individuals based on their biological and behavioural characteristics. Biological characteristics

refer to physiological traits or shape of the body. For example, fingerprint, hand geometry, face

and iris recognition. Behavioural characteristics refer to the behaviour pattern of an individual.

For instance, typing rhythm, signature and voice recognition. The deployment of the biometric

systems is rising gradually for the purpose of individual recognition and access control to

physical spaces, services, information, benefits and rights. Numerous advantages of the

biometric system have become the motivations for the increasing use of it. The advantages of

biometric system include enhancing physical safety, increasing accuracy and decreasing error

rates, improving convenience, decreasing fraud and opportunities for circumvention,

improving scalability and dropping costs (Pato & Millett, 2010). Figure 2.1 below illustrates

the basic operation of a general biometric system.

Figure 2.1: Basic Operation of a General Biometric System (Pato & Millett, 2010)

2.3 Fingerprint Biometrics

In this proposed project, the fingerprint biometrics are deployed. The fingerprint has three

basic pattern which are loops (60-65%), whorls (30-35%) and arches (5%). To capture a

digital image of the fingerprint pattern, a fingerprint sensor is used. It is an electronic device

that using either capacitive, optical or Radio Frequency (RF) based capturing technologies. A

biometric template is created by digitally processed the captured image (live scan), and then

stored in binary format for the matching purpose. There are two fingerprint matching

algorithms which are 1:1 matching and 1:N matching. For 1:1 matching, the subject is

compared with their own template while for 1:N matching, the subject is compared to all the

stored templates in the database. The fingerprint comparison can do in two ways. The first way

is comparing the subject image directly with the stored template. The second way is the

comparison of fingerprint features (Mittal, Varshney, Aggarwal, Matani & Mittal, 2015).

2.4 Previous Works

This section includes the study and review of the 3 literatures that are related to the

proposed project.

2.4.1 Property Security Using a Biometric Based Door Lock System

In 2018, a project called “Property Security Using a Biometric Based Door Lock

System” was presented by Onyan and Enalume. In this previous work, the main components

involved are Arduino UNO, fingerprint sensor, the motor, alarm unit and LCD display unit.

The whole system can be separated into 5 different units: power supply, sensing,

processing/control, alarm/actuator and display units. There are 2 operations modes in this

developed system which are registration and authentication process. However, this system did

not include the process of deleting the enrolled fingerprint. This system could operate on only

one door lock.

Figure 2.2: Biometric Based Door Lock System (Onyan & Enalume, 2018)

The Figure 2.3 below shows the flowchart of authentication process in this biometric

based door lock system. Once the sensor detects a registered fingerprint, the door will unlock

to grant access to the user and then closes again after five seconds. The name of the registered

fingerprint owner will be display on the 16x2 Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) during this

process. If the sensor detects an unregistered fingerprint, the LCD will display that access is

denied. If the sensor detects unregistered fingerprint for three times, the buzzer will be activated

(Onyan & Enalume, 2018).

Figure 2.3: Flowchart of Biometric Based Door Lock System (Onyan & Enalume, 2018)

2.4.2 Design and Implementation of a Fingerprint Based Lock System for Shared


Another previous work with the title of “Design and Implementation of a Fingerprint

Based Lock System for Shared Access” was presented by Baidya et al. in 2017. This system is

a combination of both the fingerprint and password based lock system. The user could choose

to unlock the door via fingerprint or password. The main components involved are Arduino

Uno, fingerprint sensor, electronic lock, push button, buzzer, 4X4 matrix keypad and channel

relay module (Baidya et al., 2017). This presented system has covered all the enrolment,

authentication and deletion process of the fingerprint. This system also could operate on only

one door lock.

Figure 2.4: Fingerprint Based Lock System (Baidya et al., 2017)

The Figure 2.5 below shows the flowchart of this fingerprint based lock system. Once

a finger is placed on the sensor, it will start to find the match within the saved fingerprints. No

action is needed if no match is found. If a match is found, buzzer will be activated once, and

the electric lock is triggered to unlock. Aside from the fingerprint, this system has one more

unlock option which is the 4-digit password. The user could unlock the door by enter the

password using the 4X4 matrix keypad. If the entered password is correct, the buzzer will be

activated once, and the electric lock is triggered to unlock. If the entered password is wrong,

buzzer will be activated twice, and the electric lock will remain locked. Upon 3 failed attempts,

the buzzer will be activated continuously for 3 seconds. Inside the doorway, a switch is

installed. Once the switch is pushed, the buzzer will be activated once, and the electronic lock

will unlock (Baidya et al., 2017).

Figure 2.5: Flowchart of Fingerprint Based Lock System (Baidya et al., 2017)

2.4.3 Fingerprint Biometric based Access Control and Classroom Attendance

Management System

The last literature to be reviewed is a “Fingerprint Biometric based Access Control and

Classroom Attendance Management System” that developed by Mittal et al. in 2015. The main

components used in this system are Arduino UNO, a F19 fingerprint reader and a servo motor.

Similar to the first literature mentioned above, this system only includes the enrolment and


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