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Dwight School Seoul

MYP Task Sheet

The Arts

Subject: Meida Name: Grade: Due Date:

Summative Assessment: Film Role Portfolio Assessed Criteria: A, B, C, D

Task Overview

Using a script from the last unit, students will work in production teams to film a 3 to 5 minute film in a film noir style. In their
process journal they will document their learning and communication with their team.. Students will present a maximum 3 page
portfolio and a maximum 3 minute film reel documenting their experiences in a selected production role.

Check Specific Task Guidelines

Students will select from one of the following production roles. Director, Editor, Cinematography, Lighting Design,
Production design, or one other production role to be approved by the teacher.

Students will maintain a daily process journal with commentary and photography and documentary evidence for
their role

Check Formative Assessment

Individual pre-production binder documenting planning for film.

Process Journal Check of documentation of communication

Task Specific Clarification

Objective A: i. demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the art form What does this look like?
Knowing and studied, including concepts, processes, and the use of I can…
Understanding subject-specific terminology
ii. demonstrate understanding of the role of the art form in
original or displaced contexts
demonstrate an understanding of how the role
iii. use acquired knowledge to purposefully inform artistic contributes to filmmaking process and the use of
decisions in the process of creating artwork. lighting to tell the story..

Demonstrate an understanding of the industry

practices of communication by maintaining
documentation, plans, and minuting team production

Objective B: i. demonstrate the acquisition and development of the skills What does this look like?
Developing and techniques of the art form studied I can…
Skills ii. demonstrate the application of skills and techniques to Formulate a personal plan for practically exploring
create, perform and/or present art.
the chosen film production role.

acquire, develop and apply skills, to fulfill their stated

filmmaker intentions. Including maintaining
communication between the various roles.

undertake a range of practical production activities in

the chosen film production role.

Demonstrate skills associated with the film

production role and attempting to effectively fulfill a
stated filmmaker’s intention.

Objective C: i. develop a feasible, clear, imaginative and coherent artistic What does this look like?
Thinking intention I can…
Creatively ii. demonstrate a range and depth of creative-thinking develop filmmaker intention.
iii. demonstrate the exploration of ideas to shape artistic
intention through to a point of realization. Experiment and reflect on practical explorations.

Document the how ideas changed over the process.

Dwight School Seoul
MYP Task Sheet
The Arts

Objective D: i. construct meaning and transfer learning to new settings What does this look like?
Responding ii. create an artistic response that intends to reflect or impact I can…
on the world around them
iii. critique the artwork of self and others.

Reflect on their explorations and on the impact this

learning has had on their understanding of the film
production role.

Address the extent to which they fulfilled their

filmmaker intentions.

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