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Environmental Policy
and Management
Environmental Policy
Environmental, Health and Safety
Environmental Management
Energy and Sustainability
Natural Resource Management
By taking two classes per quarter for six consecutive quarters, you can complete your degree in
about eighteen months. Discuss this opportunity with your academic advisor.
Tuition Costs at 2014/2015 Academic Year Rates

Masters Degree $27,408
Graduate Certicate $13,704
($571 per credit)
Complete Your Degree in Two Years
Call, click, or connect with University College for more information:
Environmental job openings are expected to soar
within the next decade, with projections as high
as 19% job growth for environmental science
positions by 2020, according to the Bureau of
Labor Statistics. Careers for environmental spe-
cialists will likely be found in prosperous, rapidly
growing cities and communitieshello, Denver!
Clean energy projects are driving the economic
recovery in the United States, with green business
especially booming in the Southeast. Clean en-
ergy projects are popping up across the country,
primarily in California, North Carolina, Florida,
and Michigan. Start your career search for en-
vironmental-focused employment at any level of
government, manufacturing companies, emer-
gency services, service industries, or commercial
Career Opportunities
Where are they now? Environmental Policy and
Management program graduates hold job titles
such as Safety Director, Environmental Education
Coordinator, Senior Environmental Scientist,
Environmental Protection Specialist, Watershed
Coordinator, Natural Resource Manager, Forester,
and Environmental Compliance Engineer in
companies and organizations such as Caterpillar,
Proctor and Gamble, Kinder Morgan, US Forest
Service, US Army Corps of Engineers, NASA,
and Colorado Conservation Trust.
Concentration Courses
EPM 4002 Integrated Environmental Systems
EPM 4230 Energy Fundamentals
EPM 4232 Sustainability: Policy & Practice
EPM 4233 Sustainable Transportation

Further Studies Courses
EPM 4234 Climate Change and Science
EPM 4235 Green Building
EPM 4236 Nuclear & Hydrogen Energy
EPM 4237 Renewable Energy
EPM 4238 Water and Food Sustainability
EPM 4980 EPM Internship
Or take any course from these concentrations:
Geographic Information Systems
Public Relations and Marketing
Organizational Communication
Project Management
Database Design and Administration
Emergency Planning and Response
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Ideal for students seeking further study related
to sustainable systems, energy development
and use, energy nance, and alternative and
renewable energy process, this concentration
will help students develop integration strate-
gies, build nance schemes and marketing
plans, articulate a strong working knowledge
of sustainability concepts, and learn about
energy and sustainability systems. Sustain-
able systems must be considered and devel-
oped in the areas of growth, transportation,
energy, policy, and business models in order
to head off looming environmental, political,
and humanitarian problems. This will be ac-
complished through a comprehensive study of
sustainability in the areas of economic devel-
opment, green building, land use, transporta-
tion, and water resources.
Energy and Sustainability
The concentration is designed for profession-
als whose primary interest is the management
of natural resources for organizations which
plan or regulate the use of natural resources,
or commercial operations which extract and
use natural resources. Students are exposed
to a breadth of knowledge pertaining to natu-
ral resources, water management, zoning,
forestry management, mining, and land use
issues. Focused skills concentrate on organi-
zational leadership, technology, management,
and communication knowledge that is critical
to success in natural resource management.
Natural Resource Management
Concentration Courses
EPM 4108 Impacts of Recreational Use
EPM 4120 Intro to Natural Resource
EPM 4220 Endangered Species and Wildlife
EPM 4390 Environmental Policy Analysis
Further Studies Courses
EPM 4002 Integrated Environmental Systems
EPM 4236 Nuclear and Hydrogen Energy
EPM 4460 Land and Visual Resources
EPM 4980 EPM Internship
Or take any course from these concentrations:
Geographic Information Systems
Public Relations and Marketing
Emergency Planning and Response
Project Management
Database Design and Administration
Organizational Communication
Alternative Dispute Resolution

Students will develop essential management
skills and technical knowledge required to
function in a variety of managerial positions
within the environmental eld. The concentra-
tion is designed for the busy adult who already
holds a masters degree or for professionals
looking to further their environmental career
with a new skillset. The program provides de-
tailed instruction on statutes and regulations,
management and reporting systems, business
and nance strategy, and communication and
negotiation skills as they each relate to envi-
ronmental management.
Environmental Management
Concentration Courses
EPM 4280 RCRA Permitting and Compliance
EPM 4355 ISO 14001 Standards
EPM 4500 Leadership for Environmental
Further Studies Courses
EPM 4002 Integrated Environmental Systems
EPM 4390 Environmental Policy Analysis
EPM 4723 Ecology of the Green River
EPM 4980 EPM Internship
Or take any course from these concentrations:
Geographic Information Systems
Project Management
Public Relations and Marketing
Database Design and Administration
Organizational Communication
Emergency Planning and Response
Alternative Dispute Resolution
The University of Denver consistently ranks in
the nations top 100 universities, according to
U.S. News & World Report, and we are proud
to be part of a 150-year tradition of academic
excellence and forward thinking from one of the
nations most highly regarded universities. The
university enrolls approximately 11,500 students
in its undergraduate and graduate programs.
University College, the college of professional
and continuing studies at the University of
Denver, is dedicated to providing education
that is designed, delivered, and priced for busy
adults. The faculty and staff understand the
challenges facing adult learners and specialize in
providing the highest quality learning experience
for working professionals. The University of
Denver and all of its academic programs hold
the highest level of accreditation by the North
Central Association of Colleges and Schools, one
of six regional accrediting bodies in the nation
the standard for universities in the United States.
Built-in multimedia with course content ranging from text and graphics, to audio and video
Customizable notication preferences and a calendar function across all courses
Easy-to-use threaded discussion boards and video messaging options
Collaborative workspaces and chat functions
Helpful 24/7 technical support
A mobile app available on Android devices, iPhones, and iPads
At University College, masters degree and
graduate certicate programs are offered online
or on campus in the evenings to meet the needs
of busy adults. We understand that returning to
school challenges your schedule one lled
with work, family, and personal commitments.
Evening and online classes offer the exibility
and convenience you need to earn your degree
or certicate. Online courses are delivered
through the premier course delivery platform,
Canvas. Our goal is to deliver the most up-to-
date technology that enhances teaching and
learning in a more effective and efcient manner.
This innovative platform creates a dynamic and
integrated virtual classroom experience that
Designed, Delivered, and Priced for Busy Adults
University of Denver
See Canvas in action at or scan the code.
Graduate Certicates (24 credits/6 courses)
Credits earned in a certicate program can be applied toward a masters degree in Environmental
Policy and Management. Graduate certicate students will take four required concentration courses
and then either select two courses from the further studies option or select two courses offered in any
of the other program concentrations, program foundation courses, or the research course.
Explore your degree options and build the degree that will help you reach your goals
using the online Degree Builder interactive tool at
Build a Degree to Fit Your Needs
1 Research Course and 3 Foundation Courses
4 Concentration Courses
3 Further Studies/Elective Courses
1 Capstone Course/Project
Program Overview
University College offers the career-relevant
Environmental Policy and Management program
online and on campus, or in a combination of
both. Students discover how to work effectively
within the environmental eld through our
approach of blending the fundamentals of
environmental science and technology to develop
sound environmental policies, apply practical
knowledge, and develop an ethical management
philosophy. Ideal for busy professionals
interested in expanding or acquiring knowledge
about natural resources, nuclear power, energy,
sustainability, or environmental health and
safety, this program offers a hands-on approach
in project-oriented classes. Students will develop
a better understanding of environmental
management, ethics, and policy with an
emphasis on the development of sound policies,
practical applications of knowledge, and an
ethical management philosophy.
Whether pursuing a masters degree
concentration or a graduate certicate,
students discover how to work effectively with
and within diverse organizations, businesses,
and communities in addressing environmental
problems and forging solutions. In addition,
students have the advantage of working with
instructors who practice in the environmental
policy and management eld. Many of our
instructors head agencies and consulting
rms charged with putting knowledge, current
practices, and the latest technology to work.
Environmental Policy and Management Outcomes
This program prepares students to:

Develop and demonstrate a higher awareness of environmental ethics including the responsible
exercise of individual judgment, civic responsibility, and honesty in dealing with environmental
Understand the importance and application of the science of ecology and its impact on the
cultural and social creation of humans and earths physical and biological system
Demonstrate a solid background in business management, environmental policy, public
communication and involvement, and work toward the integration of environmental improvement
Clearly articulate the roles of legislatures, rule-making bodies, and regulatory enforcement
agencies in environmental protection and management
Display critical thinking processes: analyze, understand, and evaluate environmental issues in
organizations including educating the public and instituting collaborative decision-making on
issues involving the levels of acceptable risks and degree, intensity, and acceptability of the
Apply advanced methods such as life-cycle cost analyses, impact assessment, decision making,
science, economics, nance, etc., in an integrative approach to craft informed decisions about
complex environmental problems and challenges
Foundation Courses (12 credit hours)
Help students understand the scope of activity, historical development, future direction and trends,
and typical roles of organizations that operate within a career eld.
EPM 4001 Environmental Foundations and Principles
EPM 4003 Environmental Finance and Economics
EPM 4200 Environmental Protection Law
Research Practices & Applications (4 credit hours)
Prepares students for writing and research assignments.
Concentration Courses (16 credit hours)
Focus on a specic professional area within the larger industry sector.
Further Studies Courses (12 credit hours)
Build on the concentration area and help students develop a broader perspective within their industry.
Capstone (4 credit hours)
The culminating academic endeavor of our degree programs.
Masters Degrees (48 credits/12 courses)
Students will develop skills that will serve them
well in a policy-making organization, such as
values and ethics, management and leader-
ship, and fundamental policy knowledge as
they receive valuable instructionfrom profes-
sional practitioners who work in the elds they
teachin topics ranging from economics to
law, ethics to nance, as each topic relates to
environmental policy.
Environmental Policy
Environmental, Health and Safety
Concentration Courses
EPM 4150 Global Environmental Law and Policy
EPM 4232 Sustainability: Policy and Practice
EPM 4390 Environmental Policy and Analysis
EPM 4400 Environmental Values and Ethics

Further Studies Courses
EPM 4002 Integrated Environmental Systems
EPM 4108 Impacts of Recreational Use
EPM 4355 ISO 14001 Standards
EPM 4980 EPM Internship
Or take any course from these concentrations:
Geographic Information Systems
Public Relations and Marketing
Emergency Planning and Response
Project Management
Database Design and Administration
Organizational Communication
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Whether students currently work in environ-
mental health and safety positions for commer-
cial or government operations, or aspire to, the
Environmental, Health and Safety concentra-
tion prepares them with the management skills
and technical knowledge required to become
a health and safety manager or ofcer. Critical
instruction is given on health and safety stat-
utes and regulations, management of worker
health and safety issues, environmental man-
agement and reporting systems, and business
and nance strategy.
Concentration Courses
EPM 4280 RCRA Permitting and Compliance
EPM 4510 Environmental, Health and Safety
EPM 4520 OSHA Law
EPM 4525 Workplace Safety Management

Further Studies Courses
EPM 4002 Integrated Environmental Systems
EPM 4500 Leadership for Environmental Managers
EPM 4705 Land Use Planning
EPM 4723 Ecology of the Green River
EPM 4980 EPM Internship

Or take any course from these concentrations:
Geographic Information Systems
Public Relations and Marketing
Project Management
Database Design and Administration
Organizational Communication
Emergency Planning and Response
Alternative Dispute Resolution
The University of Denver consistently ranks in
the nations top 100 universities, according to
U.S. News & World Report, and we are proud
to be part of a 150-year tradition of academic
excellence and forward thinking from one of the
nations most highly regarded universities. The
university enrolls approximately 11,500 students
in its undergraduate and graduate programs.
University College, the college of professional
and continuing studies at the University of
Denver, is dedicated to providing education
that is designed, delivered, and priced for busy
adults. The faculty and staff understand the
challenges facing adult learners and specialize in
providing the highest quality learning experience
for working professionals. The University of
Denver and all of its academic programs hold
the highest level of accreditation by the North
Central Association of Colleges and Schools, one
of six regional accrediting bodies in the nation
the standard for universities in the United States.
Built-in multimedia with course content ranging from text and graphics, to audio and video
Customizable notication preferences and a calendar function across all courses
Easy-to-use threaded discussion boards and video messaging options
Collaborative workspaces and chat functions
Helpful 24/7 technical support
A mobile app available on Android devices, iPhones, and iPads
At University College, masters degree and
graduate certicate programs are offered online
or on campus in the evenings to meet the needs
of busy adults. We understand that returning to
school challenges your schedule one lled
with work, family, and personal commitments.
Evening and online classes offer the exibility
and convenience you need to earn your degree
or certicate. Online courses are delivered
through the premier course delivery platform,
Canvas. Our goal is to deliver the most up-to-
date technology that enhances teaching and
learning in a more effective and efcient manner.
This innovative platform creates a dynamic and
integrated virtual classroom experience that
Designed, Delivered, and Priced for Busy Adults
University of Denver
See Canvas in action at or scan the code.
Graduate Certicates (24 credits/6 courses)
Credits earned in a certicate program can be applied toward a masters degree in Environmental
Policy and Management. Graduate certicate students will take four required concentration courses
and then either select two courses from the further studies option or select two courses offered in any
of the other program concentrations, program foundation courses, or the research course.
Explore your degree options and build the degree that will help you reach your goals
using the online Degree Builder interactive tool at
Build a Degree to Fit Your Needs
1 Research Course and 3 Foundation Courses
4 Concentration Courses
3 Further Studies/Elective Courses
1 Capstone Course/Project
Program Overview
University College offers the career-relevant
Environmental Policy and Management program
online and on campus, or in a combination of
both. Students discover how to work effectively
within the environmental eld through our
approach of blending the fundamentals of
environmental science and technology to develop
sound environmental policies, apply practical
knowledge, and develop an ethical management
philosophy. Ideal for busy professionals
interested in expanding or acquiring knowledge
about natural resources, nuclear power, energy,
sustainability, or environmental health and
safety, this program offers a hands-on approach
in project-oriented classes. Students will develop
a better understanding of environmental
management, ethics, and policy with an
emphasis on the development of sound policies,
practical applications of knowledge, and an
ethical management philosophy.
Whether pursuing a masters degree
concentration or a graduate certicate,
students discover how to work effectively with
and within diverse organizations, businesses,
and communities in addressing environmental
problems and forging solutions. In addition,
students have the advantage of working with
instructors who practice in the environmental
policy and management eld. Many of our
instructors head agencies and consulting
rms charged with putting knowledge, current
practices, and the latest technology to work.
Environmental Policy and Management Outcomes
This program prepares students to:

Develop and demonstrate a higher awareness of environmental ethics including the responsible
exercise of individual judgment, civic responsibility, and honesty in dealing with environmental
Understand the importance and application of the science of ecology and its impact on the
cultural and social creation of humans and earths physical and biological system
Demonstrate a solid background in business management, environmental policy, public
communication and involvement, and work toward the integration of environmental improvement
Clearly articulate the roles of legislatures, rule-making bodies, and regulatory enforcement
agencies in environmental protection and management
Display critical thinking processes: analyze, understand, and evaluate environmental issues in
organizations including educating the public and instituting collaborative decision-making on
issues involving the levels of acceptable risks and degree, intensity, and acceptability of the
Apply advanced methods such as life-cycle cost analyses, impact assessment, decision making,
science, economics, nance, etc., in an integrative approach to craft informed decisions about
complex environmental problems and challenges
Foundation Courses (12 credit hours)
Help students understand the scope of activity, historical development, future direction and trends,
and typical roles of organizations that operate within a career eld.
EPM 4001 Environmental Foundations and Principles
EPM 4003 Environmental Finance and Economics
EPM 4200 Environmental Protection Law
Research Practices & Applications (4 credit hours)
Prepares students for writing and research assignments.
Concentration Courses (16 credit hours)
Focus on a specic professional area within the larger industry sector.
Further Studies Courses (12 credit hours)
Build on the concentration area and help students develop a broader perspective within their industry.
Capstone (4 credit hours)
The culminating academic endeavor of our degree programs.
Masters Degrees (48 credits/12 courses)
Students will develop skills that will serve them
well in a policy-making organization, such as
values and ethics, management and leader-
ship, and fundamental policy knowledge as
they receive valuable instructionfrom profes-
sional practitioners who work in the elds they
teachin topics ranging from economics to
law, ethics to nance, as each topic relates to
environmental policy.
Environmental Policy
Environmental, Health and Safety
Concentration Courses
EPM 4150 Global Environmental Law and Policy
EPM 4232 Sustainability: Policy and Practice
EPM 4390 Environmental Policy and Analysis
EPM 4400 Environmental Values and Ethics

Further Studies Courses
EPM 4002 Integrated Environmental Systems
EPM 4108 Impacts of Recreational Use
EPM 4355 ISO 14001 Standards
EPM 4980 EPM Internship
Or take any course from these concentrations:
Geographic Information Systems
Public Relations and Marketing
Emergency Planning and Response
Project Management
Database Design and Administration
Organizational Communication
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Whether students currently work in environ-
mental health and safety positions for commer-
cial or government operations, or aspire to, the
Environmental, Health and Safety concentra-
tion prepares them with the management skills
and technical knowledge required to become
a health and safety manager or ofcer. Critical
instruction is given on health and safety stat-
utes and regulations, management of worker
health and safety issues, environmental man-
agement and reporting systems, and business
and nance strategy.
Concentration Courses
EPM 4280 RCRA Permitting and Compliance
EPM 4510 Environmental, Health and Safety
EPM 4520 OSHA Law
EPM 4525 Workplace Safety Management

Further Studies Courses
EPM 4002 Integrated Environmental Systems
EPM 4500 Leadership for Environmental Managers
EPM 4705 Land Use Planning
EPM 4723 Ecology of the Green River
EPM 4980 EPM Internship

Or take any course from these concentrations:
Geographic Information Systems
Public Relations and Marketing
Project Management
Database Design and Administration
Organizational Communication
Emergency Planning and Response
Alternative Dispute Resolution
The University of Denver consistently ranks in
the nations top 100 universities, according to
U.S. News & World Report, and we are proud
to be part of a 150-year tradition of academic
excellence and forward thinking from one of the
nations most highly regarded universities. The
university enrolls approximately 11,500 students
in its undergraduate and graduate programs.
University College, the college of professional
and continuing studies at the University of
Denver, is dedicated to providing education
that is designed, delivered, and priced for busy
adults. The faculty and staff understand the
challenges facing adult learners and specialize in
providing the highest quality learning experience
for working professionals. The University of
Denver and all of its academic programs hold
the highest level of accreditation by the North
Central Association of Colleges and Schools, one
of six regional accrediting bodies in the nation
the standard for universities in the United States.
Built-in multimedia with course content ranging from text and graphics, to audio and video
Customizable notication preferences and a calendar function across all courses
Easy-to-use threaded discussion boards and video messaging options
Collaborative workspaces and chat functions
Helpful 24/7 technical support
A mobile app available on Android devices, iPhones, and iPads
At University College, masters degree and
graduate certicate programs are offered online
or on campus in the evenings to meet the needs
of busy adults. We understand that returning to
school challenges your schedule one lled
with work, family, and personal commitments.
Evening and online classes offer the exibility
and convenience you need to earn your degree
or certicate. Online courses are delivered
through the premier course delivery platform,
Canvas. Our goal is to deliver the most up-to-
date technology that enhances teaching and
learning in a more effective and efcient manner.
This innovative platform creates a dynamic and
integrated virtual classroom experience that
Designed, Delivered, and Priced for Busy Adults
University of Denver
See Canvas in action at or scan the code.
Graduate Certicates (24 credits/6 courses)
Credits earned in a certicate program can be applied toward a masters degree in Environmental
Policy and Management. Graduate certicate students will take four required concentration courses
and then either select two courses from the further studies option or select two courses offered in any
of the other program concentrations, program foundation courses, or the research course.
Explore your degree options and build the degree that will help you reach your goals
using the online Degree Builder interactive tool at
Build a Degree to Fit Your Needs
1 Research Course and 3 Foundation Courses
4 Concentration Courses
3 Further Studies/Elective Courses
1 Capstone Course/Project
Program Overview
University College offers the career-relevant
Environmental Policy and Management program
online and on campus, or in a combination of
both. Students discover how to work effectively
within the environmental eld through our
approach of blending the fundamentals of
environmental science and technology to develop
sound environmental policies, apply practical
knowledge, and develop an ethical management
philosophy. Ideal for busy professionals
interested in expanding or acquiring knowledge
about natural resources, nuclear power, energy,
sustainability, or environmental health and
safety, this program offers a hands-on approach
in project-oriented classes. Students will develop
a better understanding of environmental
management, ethics, and policy with an
emphasis on the development of sound policies,
practical applications of knowledge, and an
ethical management philosophy.
Whether pursuing a masters degree
concentration or a graduate certicate,
students discover how to work effectively with
and within diverse organizations, businesses,
and communities in addressing environmental
problems and forging solutions. In addition,
students have the advantage of working with
instructors who practice in the environmental
policy and management eld. Many of our
instructors head agencies and consulting
rms charged with putting knowledge, current
practices, and the latest technology to work.
Environmental Policy and Management Outcomes
This program prepares students to:

Develop and demonstrate a higher awareness of environmental ethics including the responsible
exercise of individual judgment, civic responsibility, and honesty in dealing with environmental
Understand the importance and application of the science of ecology and its impact on the
cultural and social creation of humans and earths physical and biological system
Demonstrate a solid background in business management, environmental policy, public
communication and involvement, and work toward the integration of environmental improvement
Clearly articulate the roles of legislatures, rule-making bodies, and regulatory enforcement
agencies in environmental protection and management
Display critical thinking processes: analyze, understand, and evaluate environmental issues in
organizations including educating the public and instituting collaborative decision-making on
issues involving the levels of acceptable risks and degree, intensity, and acceptability of the
Apply advanced methods such as life-cycle cost analyses, impact assessment, decision making,
science, economics, nance, etc., in an integrative approach to craft informed decisions about
complex environmental problems and challenges
Foundation Courses (12 credit hours)
Help students understand the scope of activity, historical development, future direction and trends,
and typical roles of organizations that operate within a career eld.
EPM 4001 Environmental Foundations and Principles
EPM 4003 Environmental Finance and Economics
EPM 4200 Environmental Protection Law
Research Practices & Applications (4 credit hours)
Prepares students for writing and research assignments.
Concentration Courses (16 credit hours)
Focus on a specic professional area within the larger industry sector.
Further Studies Courses (12 credit hours)
Build on the concentration area and help students develop a broader perspective within their industry.
Capstone (4 credit hours)
The culminating academic endeavor of our degree programs.
Masters Degrees (48 credits/12 courses)
Students will develop skills that will serve them
well in a policy-making organization, such as
values and ethics, management and leader-
ship, and fundamental policy knowledge as
they receive valuable instructionfrom profes-
sional practitioners who work in the elds they
teachin topics ranging from economics to
law, ethics to nance, as each topic relates to
environmental policy.
Environmental Policy
Environmental, Health and Safety
Concentration Courses
EPM 4150 Global Environmental Law and Policy
EPM 4232 Sustainability: Policy and Practice
EPM 4390 Environmental Policy and Analysis
EPM 4400 Environmental Values and Ethics

Further Studies Courses
EPM 4002 Integrated Environmental Systems
EPM 4108 Impacts of Recreational Use
EPM 4355 ISO 14001 Standards
EPM 4980 EPM Internship
Or take any course from these concentrations:
Geographic Information Systems
Public Relations and Marketing
Emergency Planning and Response
Project Management
Database Design and Administration
Organizational Communication
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Whether students currently work in environ-
mental health and safety positions for commer-
cial or government operations, or aspire to, the
Environmental, Health and Safety concentra-
tion prepares them with the management skills
and technical knowledge required to become
a health and safety manager or ofcer. Critical
instruction is given on health and safety stat-
utes and regulations, management of worker
health and safety issues, environmental man-
agement and reporting systems, and business
and nance strategy.
Concentration Courses
EPM 4280 RCRA Permitting and Compliance
EPM 4510 Environmental, Health and Safety
EPM 4520 OSHA Law
EPM 4525 Workplace Safety Management

Further Studies Courses
EPM 4002 Integrated Environmental Systems
EPM 4500 Leadership for Environmental Managers
EPM 4705 Land Use Planning
EPM 4723 Ecology of the Green River
EPM 4980 EPM Internship

Or take any course from these concentrations:
Geographic Information Systems
Public Relations and Marketing
Project Management
Database Design and Administration
Organizational Communication
Emergency Planning and Response
Alternative Dispute Resolution
The University of Denver consistently ranks in
the nations top 100 universities, according to
U.S. News & World Report, and we are proud
to be part of a 150-year tradition of academic
excellence and forward thinking from one of the
nations most highly regarded universities. The
university enrolls approximately 11,500 students
in its undergraduate and graduate programs.
University College, the college of professional
and continuing studies at the University of
Denver, is dedicated to providing education
that is designed, delivered, and priced for busy
adults. The faculty and staff understand the
challenges facing adult learners and specialize in
providing the highest quality learning experience
for working professionals. The University of
Denver and all of its academic programs hold
the highest level of accreditation by the North
Central Association of Colleges and Schools, one
of six regional accrediting bodies in the nation
the standard for universities in the United States.
Built-in multimedia with course content ranging from text and graphics, to audio and video
Customizable notication preferences and a calendar function across all courses
Easy-to-use threaded discussion boards and video messaging options
Collaborative workspaces and chat functions
Helpful 24/7 technical support
A mobile app available on Android devices, iPhones, and iPads
At University College, masters degree and
graduate certicate programs are offered online
or on campus in the evenings to meet the needs
of busy adults. We understand that returning to
school challenges your schedule one lled
with work, family, and personal commitments.
Evening and online classes offer the exibility
and convenience you need to earn your degree
or certicate. Online courses are delivered
through the premier course delivery platform,
Canvas. Our goal is to deliver the most up-to-
date technology that enhances teaching and
learning in a more effective and efcient manner.
This innovative platform creates a dynamic and
integrated virtual classroom experience that
Designed, Delivered, and Priced for Busy Adults
University of Denver
See Canvas in action at or scan the code.
Graduate Certicates (24 credits/6 courses)
Credits earned in a certicate program can be applied toward a masters degree in Environmental
Policy and Management. Graduate certicate students will take four required concentration courses
and then either select two courses from the further studies option or select two courses offered in any
of the other program concentrations, program foundation courses, or the research course.
Explore your degree options and build the degree that will help you reach your goals
using the online Degree Builder interactive tool at
Build a Degree to Fit Your Needs
1 Research Course and 3 Foundation Courses
4 Concentration Courses
3 Further Studies/Elective Courses
1 Capstone Course/Project
Program Overview
University College offers the career-relevant
Environmental Policy and Management program
online and on campus, or in a combination of
both. Students discover how to work effectively
within the environmental eld through our
approach of blending the fundamentals of
environmental science and technology to develop
sound environmental policies, apply practical
knowledge, and develop an ethical management
philosophy. Ideal for busy professionals
interested in expanding or acquiring knowledge
about natural resources, nuclear power, energy,
sustainability, or environmental health and
safety, this program offers a hands-on approach
in project-oriented classes. Students will develop
a better understanding of environmental
management, ethics, and policy with an
emphasis on the development of sound policies,
practical applications of knowledge, and an
ethical management philosophy.
Whether pursuing a masters degree
concentration or a graduate certicate,
students discover how to work effectively with
and within diverse organizations, businesses,
and communities in addressing environmental
problems and forging solutions. In addition,
students have the advantage of working with
instructors who practice in the environmental
policy and management eld. Many of our
instructors head agencies and consulting
rms charged with putting knowledge, current
practices, and the latest technology to work.
Environmental Policy and Management Outcomes
This program prepares students to:

Develop and demonstrate a higher awareness of environmental ethics including the responsible
exercise of individual judgment, civic responsibility, and honesty in dealing with environmental
Understand the importance and application of the science of ecology and its impact on the
cultural and social creation of humans and earths physical and biological system
Demonstrate a solid background in business management, environmental policy, public
communication and involvement, and work toward the integration of environmental improvement
Clearly articulate the roles of legislatures, rule-making bodies, and regulatory enforcement
agencies in environmental protection and management
Display critical thinking processes: analyze, understand, and evaluate environmental issues in
organizations including educating the public and instituting collaborative decision-making on
issues involving the levels of acceptable risks and degree, intensity, and acceptability of the
Apply advanced methods such as life-cycle cost analyses, impact assessment, decision making,
science, economics, nance, etc., in an integrative approach to craft informed decisions about
complex environmental problems and challenges
Foundation Courses (12 credit hours)
Help students understand the scope of activity, historical development, future direction and trends,
and typical roles of organizations that operate within a career eld.
EPM 4001 Environmental Foundations and Principles
EPM 4003 Environmental Finance and Economics
EPM 4200 Environmental Protection Law
Research Practices & Applications (4 credit hours)
Prepares students for writing and research assignments.
Concentration Courses (16 credit hours)
Focus on a specic professional area within the larger industry sector.
Further Studies Courses (12 credit hours)
Build on the concentration area and help students develop a broader perspective within their industry.
Capstone (4 credit hours)
The culminating academic endeavor of our degree programs.
Masters Degrees (48 credits/12 courses)
Students will develop skills that will serve them
well in a policy-making organization, such as
values and ethics, management and leader-
ship, and fundamental policy knowledge as
they receive valuable instructionfrom profes-
sional practitioners who work in the elds they
teachin topics ranging from economics to
law, ethics to nance, as each topic relates to
environmental policy.
Environmental Policy
Environmental, Health and Safety
Concentration Courses
EPM 4150 Global Environmental Law and Policy
EPM 4232 Sustainability: Policy and Practice
EPM 4390 Environmental Policy and Analysis
EPM 4400 Environmental Values and Ethics

Further Studies Courses
EPM 4002 Integrated Environmental Systems
EPM 4108 Impacts of Recreational Use
EPM 4355 ISO 14001 Standards
EPM 4980 EPM Internship
Or take any course from these concentrations:
Geographic Information Systems
Public Relations and Marketing
Emergency Planning and Response
Project Management
Database Design and Administration
Organizational Communication
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Whether students currently work in environ-
mental health and safety positions for commer-
cial or government operations, or aspire to, the
Environmental, Health and Safety concentra-
tion prepares them with the management skills
and technical knowledge required to become
a health and safety manager or ofcer. Critical
instruction is given on health and safety stat-
utes and regulations, management of worker
health and safety issues, environmental man-
agement and reporting systems, and business
and nance strategy.
Concentration Courses
EPM 4280 RCRA Permitting and Compliance
EPM 4510 Environmental, Health and Safety
EPM 4520 OSHA Law
EPM 4525 Workplace Safety Management

Further Studies Courses
EPM 4002 Integrated Environmental Systems
EPM 4500 Leadership for Environmental Managers
EPM 4705 Land Use Planning
EPM 4723 Ecology of the Green River
EPM 4980 EPM Internship

Or take any course from these concentrations:
Geographic Information Systems
Public Relations and Marketing
Project Management
Database Design and Administration
Organizational Communication
Emergency Planning and Response
Alternative Dispute Resolution

Environmental Policy
and Management
Environmental Policy
Environmental, Health and Safety
Environmental Management
Energy and Sustainability
Natural Resource Management
By taking two classes per quarter for six consecutive quarters, you can complete your degree in
about eighteen months. Discuss this opportunity with your academic advisor.
Tuition Costs at 2014/2015 Academic Year Rates

Masters Degree $27,408
Graduate Certicate $13,704
($571 per credit)
Complete Your Degree in Two Years
Call, click, or connect with University College for more information:
Environmental job openings are expected to soar
within the next decade, with projections as high
as 19% job growth for environmental science
positions by 2020, according to the Bureau of
Labor Statistics. Careers for environmental spe-
cialists will likely be found in prosperous, rapidly
growing cities and communitieshello, Denver!
Clean energy projects are driving the economic
recovery in the United States, with green business
especially booming in the Southeast. Clean en-
ergy projects are popping up across the country,
primarily in California, North Carolina, Florida,
and Michigan. Start your career search for en-
vironmental-focused employment at any level of
government, manufacturing companies, emer-
gency services, service industries, or commercial
Career Opportunities
Where are they now? Environmental Policy and
Management program graduates hold job titles
such as Safety Director, Environmental Education
Coordinator, Senior Environmental Scientist,
Environmental Protection Specialist, Watershed
Coordinator, Natural Resource Manager, Forester,
and Environmental Compliance Engineer in
companies and organizations such as Caterpillar,
Proctor and Gamble, Kinder Morgan, US Forest
Service, US Army Corps of Engineers, NASA,
and Colorado Conservation Trust.
Concentration Courses
EPM 4002 Integrated Environmental Systems
EPM 4230 Energy Fundamentals
EPM 4232 Sustainability: Policy & Practice
EPM 4233 Sustainable Transportation

Further Studies Courses
EPM 4234 Climate Change and Science
EPM 4235 Green Building
EPM 4236 Nuclear & Hydrogen Energy
EPM 4237 Renewable Energy
EPM 4238 Water and Food Sustainability
EPM 4980 EPM Internship
Or take any course from these concentrations:
Geographic Information Systems
Public Relations and Marketing
Organizational Communication
Project Management
Database Design and Administration
Emergency Planning and Response
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Ideal for students seeking further study related
to sustainable systems, energy development
and use, energy nance, and alternative and
renewable energy process, this concentration
will help students develop integration strate-
gies, build nance schemes and marketing
plans, articulate a strong working knowledge
of sustainability concepts, and learn about
energy and sustainability systems. Sustain-
able systems must be considered and devel-
oped in the areas of growth, transportation,
energy, policy, and business models in order
to head off looming environmental, political,
and humanitarian problems. This will be ac-
complished through a comprehensive study of
sustainability in the areas of economic devel-
opment, green building, land use, transporta-
tion, and water resources.
Energy and Sustainability
The concentration is designed for profession-
als whose primary interest is the management
of natural resources for organizations which
plan or regulate the use of natural resources,
or commercial operations which extract and
use natural resources. Students are exposed
to a breadth of knowledge pertaining to natu-
ral resources, water management, zoning,
forestry management, mining, and land use
issues. Focused skills concentrate on organi-
zational leadership, technology, management,
and communication knowledge that is critical
to success in natural resource management.
Natural Resource Management
Concentration Courses
EPM 4108 Impacts of Recreational Use
EPM 4120 Intro to Natural Resource
EPM 4220 Endangered Species and Wildlife
EPM 4390 Environmental Policy Analysis
Further Studies Courses
EPM 4002 Integrated Environmental Systems
EPM 4236 Nuclear and Hydrogen Energy
EPM 4460 Land and Visual Resources
EPM 4980 EPM Internship
Or take any course from these concentrations:
Geographic Information Systems
Public Relations and Marketing
Emergency Planning and Response
Project Management
Database Design and Administration
Organizational Communication
Alternative Dispute Resolution

Students will develop essential management
skills and technical knowledge required to
function in a variety of managerial positions
within the environmental eld. The concentra-
tion is designed for the busy adult who already
holds a masters degree or for professionals
looking to further their environmental career
with a new skillset. The program provides de-
tailed instruction on statutes and regulations,
management and reporting systems, business
and nance strategy, and communication and
negotiation skills as they each relate to envi-
ronmental management.
Environmental Management
Concentration Courses
EPM 4280 RCRA Permitting and Compliance
EPM 4355 ISO 14001 Standards
EPM 4500 Leadership for Environmental
Further Studies Courses
EPM 4002 Integrated Environmental Systems
EPM 4390 Environmental Policy Analysis
EPM 4723 Ecology of the Green River
EPM 4980 EPM Internship
Or take any course from these concentrations:
Geographic Information Systems
Project Management
Public Relations and Marketing
Database Design and Administration
Organizational Communication
Emergency Planning and Response
Alternative Dispute Resolution

Environmental Policy
and Management
Environmental Policy
Environmental, Health and Safety
Environmental Management
Energy and Sustainability
Natural Resource Management
By taking two classes per quarter for six consecutive quarters, you can complete your degree in
about eighteen months. Discuss this opportunity with your academic advisor.
Tuition Costs at 2014/2015 Academic Year Rates

Masters Degree $27,408
Graduate Certicate $13,704
($571 per credit)
Complete Your Degree in Two Years
Call, click, or connect with University College for more information:
Environmental job openings are expected to soar
within the next decade, with projections as high
as 19% job growth for environmental science
positions by 2020, according to the Bureau of
Labor Statistics. Careers for environmental spe-
cialists will likely be found in prosperous, rapidly
growing cities and communitieshello, Denver!
Clean energy projects are driving the economic
recovery in the United States, with green business
especially booming in the Southeast. Clean en-
ergy projects are popping up across the country,
primarily in California, North Carolina, Florida,
and Michigan. Start your career search for en-
vironmental-focused employment at any level of
government, manufacturing companies, emer-
gency services, service industries, or commercial
Career Opportunities
Where are they now? Environmental Policy and
Management program graduates hold job titles
such as Safety Director, Environmental Education
Coordinator, Senior Environmental Scientist,
Environmental Protection Specialist, Watershed
Coordinator, Natural Resource Manager, Forester,
and Environmental Compliance Engineer in
companies and organizations such as Caterpillar,
Proctor and Gamble, Kinder Morgan, US Forest
Service, US Army Corps of Engineers, NASA,
and Colorado Conservation Trust.
Concentration Courses
EPM 4002 Integrated Environmental Systems
EPM 4230 Energy Fundamentals
EPM 4232 Sustainability: Policy & Practice
EPM 4233 Sustainable Transportation

Further Studies Courses
EPM 4234 Climate Change and Science
EPM 4235 Green Building
EPM 4236 Nuclear & Hydrogen Energy
EPM 4237 Renewable Energy
EPM 4238 Water and Food Sustainability
EPM 4980 EPM Internship
Or take any course from these concentrations:
Geographic Information Systems
Public Relations and Marketing
Organizational Communication
Project Management
Database Design and Administration
Emergency Planning and Response
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Ideal for students seeking further study related
to sustainable systems, energy development
and use, energy nance, and alternative and
renewable energy process, this concentration
will help students develop integration strate-
gies, build nance schemes and marketing
plans, articulate a strong working knowledge
of sustainability concepts, and learn about
energy and sustainability systems. Sustain-
able systems must be considered and devel-
oped in the areas of growth, transportation,
energy, policy, and business models in order
to head off looming environmental, political,
and humanitarian problems. This will be ac-
complished through a comprehensive study of
sustainability in the areas of economic devel-
opment, green building, land use, transporta-
tion, and water resources.
Energy and Sustainability
The concentration is designed for profession-
als whose primary interest is the management
of natural resources for organizations which
plan or regulate the use of natural resources,
or commercial operations which extract and
use natural resources. Students are exposed
to a breadth of knowledge pertaining to natu-
ral resources, water management, zoning,
forestry management, mining, and land use
issues. Focused skills concentrate on organi-
zational leadership, technology, management,
and communication knowledge that is critical
to success in natural resource management.
Natural Resource Management
Concentration Courses
EPM 4108 Impacts of Recreational Use
EPM 4120 Intro to Natural Resource
EPM 4220 Endangered Species and Wildlife
EPM 4390 Environmental Policy Analysis
Further Studies Courses
EPM 4002 Integrated Environmental Systems
EPM 4236 Nuclear and Hydrogen Energy
EPM 4460 Land and Visual Resources
EPM 4980 EPM Internship
Or take any course from these concentrations:
Geographic Information Systems
Public Relations and Marketing
Emergency Planning and Response
Project Management
Database Design and Administration
Organizational Communication
Alternative Dispute Resolution

Students will develop essential management
skills and technical knowledge required to
function in a variety of managerial positions
within the environmental eld. The concentra-
tion is designed for the busy adult who already
holds a masters degree or for professionals
looking to further their environmental career
with a new skillset. The program provides de-
tailed instruction on statutes and regulations,
management and reporting systems, business
and nance strategy, and communication and
negotiation skills as they each relate to envi-
ronmental management.
Environmental Management
Concentration Courses
EPM 4280 RCRA Permitting and Compliance
EPM 4355 ISO 14001 Standards
EPM 4500 Leadership for Environmental
Further Studies Courses
EPM 4002 Integrated Environmental Systems
EPM 4390 Environmental Policy Analysis
EPM 4723 Ecology of the Green River
EPM 4980 EPM Internship
Or take any course from these concentrations:
Geographic Information Systems
Project Management
Public Relations and Marketing
Database Design and Administration
Organizational Communication
Emergency Planning and Response
Alternative Dispute Resolution

Environmental Policy
and Management
Environmental Policy
Environmental, Health and Safety
Environmental Management
Energy and Sustainability
Natural Resource Management
By taking two classes per quarter for six consecutive quarters, you can complete your degree in
about eighteen months. Discuss this opportunity with your academic advisor.
Tuition Costs at 2014/2015 Academic Year Rates

Masters Degree $27,408
Graduate Certicate $13,704
($571 per credit)
Complete Your Degree in Two Years
Call, click, or connect with University College for more information:
Environmental job openings are expected to soar
within the next decade, with projections as high
as 19% job growth for environmental science
positions by 2020, according to the Bureau of
Labor Statistics. Careers for environmental spe-
cialists will likely be found in prosperous, rapidly
growing cities and communitieshello, Denver!
Clean energy projects are driving the economic
recovery in the United States, with green business
especially booming in the Southeast. Clean en-
ergy projects are popping up across the country,
primarily in California, North Carolina, Florida,
and Michigan. Start your career search for en-
vironmental-focused employment at any level of
government, manufacturing companies, emer-
gency services, service industries, or commercial
Career Opportunities
Where are they now? Environmental Policy and
Management program graduates hold job titles
such as Safety Director, Environmental Education
Coordinator, Senior Environmental Scientist,
Environmental Protection Specialist, Watershed
Coordinator, Natural Resource Manager, Forester,
and Environmental Compliance Engineer in
companies and organizations such as Caterpillar,
Proctor and Gamble, Kinder Morgan, US Forest
Service, US Army Corps of Engineers, NASA,
and Colorado Conservation Trust.
Concentration Courses
EPM 4002 Integrated Environmental Systems
EPM 4230 Energy Fundamentals
EPM 4232 Sustainability: Policy & Practice
EPM 4233 Sustainable Transportation

Further Studies Courses
EPM 4234 Climate Change and Science
EPM 4235 Green Building
EPM 4236 Nuclear & Hydrogen Energy
EPM 4237 Renewable Energy
EPM 4238 Water and Food Sustainability
EPM 4980 EPM Internship
Or take any course from these concentrations:
Geographic Information Systems
Public Relations and Marketing
Organizational Communication
Project Management
Database Design and Administration
Emergency Planning and Response
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Ideal for students seeking further study related
to sustainable systems, energy development
and use, energy nance, and alternative and
renewable energy process, this concentration
will help students develop integration strate-
gies, build nance schemes and marketing
plans, articulate a strong working knowledge
of sustainability concepts, and learn about
energy and sustainability systems. Sustain-
able systems must be considered and devel-
oped in the areas of growth, transportation,
energy, policy, and business models in order
to head off looming environmental, political,
and humanitarian problems. This will be ac-
complished through a comprehensive study of
sustainability in the areas of economic devel-
opment, green building, land use, transporta-
tion, and water resources.
Energy and Sustainability
The concentration is designed for profession-
als whose primary interest is the management
of natural resources for organizations which
plan or regulate the use of natural resources,
or commercial operations which extract and
use natural resources. Students are exposed
to a breadth of knowledge pertaining to natu-
ral resources, water management, zoning,
forestry management, mining, and land use
issues. Focused skills concentrate on organi-
zational leadership, technology, management,
and communication knowledge that is critical
to success in natural resource management.
Natural Resource Management
Concentration Courses
EPM 4108 Impacts of Recreational Use
EPM 4120 Intro to Natural Resource
EPM 4220 Endangered Species and Wildlife
EPM 4390 Environmental Policy Analysis
Further Studies Courses
EPM 4002 Integrated Environmental Systems
EPM 4236 Nuclear and Hydrogen Energy
EPM 4460 Land and Visual Resources
EPM 4980 EPM Internship
Or take any course from these concentrations:
Geographic Information Systems
Public Relations and Marketing
Emergency Planning and Response
Project Management
Database Design and Administration
Organizational Communication
Alternative Dispute Resolution

Students will develop essential management
skills and technical knowledge required to
function in a variety of managerial positions
within the environmental eld. The concentra-
tion is designed for the busy adult who already
holds a masters degree or for professionals
looking to further their environmental career
with a new skillset. The program provides de-
tailed instruction on statutes and regulations,
management and reporting systems, business
and nance strategy, and communication and
negotiation skills as they each relate to envi-
ronmental management.
Environmental Management
Concentration Courses
EPM 4280 RCRA Permitting and Compliance
EPM 4355 ISO 14001 Standards
EPM 4500 Leadership for Environmental
Further Studies Courses
EPM 4002 Integrated Environmental Systems
EPM 4390 Environmental Policy Analysis
EPM 4723 Ecology of the Green River
EPM 4980 EPM Internship
Or take any course from these concentrations:
Geographic Information Systems
Project Management
Public Relations and Marketing
Database Design and Administration
Organizational Communication
Emergency Planning and Response
Alternative Dispute Resolution

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