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Spring 2011

Kyiv Theological Seminary
Equipping Christian Leaders for World Ministry
Seventy years under Soviet rule did program. Youth ministry is a fairly new idea for
little to spread Christianity throughout Ukraine. Ukrainians, so I would be there to encourage them
Expressions of faith were stifled, and churches as they plant churches and minister to youth. I
nearly ceased to exist. Without the presence of hope to be involved in church planting as well. At
church influence for so many years, Ukrainians this point, the vision is that I would be working
lacked the training necessary to be pastors and with a pastoral studies graduate from KTS to plant
church leaders. In 1995, Kyiv Theological a church.
Seminary was founded with a vision to provide One thing that gets me really excited is
strong theological education. Since classes began training Ukrainians to be missionaries. Many
in early 1996, God has provided finances for areas of the world are closed to Western
various building projects and tripled the number missionaries, but Ukrainians are welcomed. When
of applicants than were originally anticipated. we look at it this way, the “unreached” are not
Kyiv Theological Seminary has unreachable. SEND International’s vision is to
graduated over 330 students from its programs, “mobilize God’s people to engage the unreached in
and hundreds of additional students have received order to establish reproducing churches.”
training through the institution. These students As we look toward future service at
and graduates are serving throughout Ukraine and KTS with eager anticipation, it is our prayer to
the former Soviet Union as pastors, elders, help mobilize Ukrainians for work in the
Sunday school teachers, youth ministers, and Kingdom. Please pray for our roles in ministry
missionaries. Over 100 churches have been and for the students at Kyiv Theological Seminary,
planted by former KTS graduates. that they would be equipped to share the gospel
I (Andy) am excited about the ministry with the unreached in all corners of the world.
opportunities available at KTS. While on the Also pray about how God might be leading you to
field, we know that I will be involved at KTS in partner in this exciting opportunity. TOP LEFT: Walking on the docks in Saugatuck, Michigan
some capacity, but there are several options to For more information about KTS, visit during a weekend getaway in April.
consider. I would like to get involved with TOP RIGHT: Front entrance of Kyiv Theological Seminary.
BOTTOM: Standing outside KTS during our visit to Kiev in
mentoring graduates from the youth ministries October 2009.

!Andy & Cassie Miller SEND International

735 North Street PO Box 513
Huntington, IN 46750 Farmington, MI 48332
260.316.9290—Andy 248.477.4210
260.224.0578—Cassie E-mail:
! You’re Still Here?... REQUESTS !

! Seeing God at Work Along the Way • Praise the Lord for blessing our time in the
“waiting” stage. We have had many great
! ! The situation is all too common—we see someone around town that opportunities to spend with family, friends, and
we haven’t seen in a while, and we get a puzzled look, often followed by each other.
! questions, such as, “You’re still here?” Yes, we are still living in Huntington!
Some people ask, “Did you leave and come back?” No, we haven’t left yet. • Praise the Lord for allowing us time to be here
! The million-dollar question is, “Are you still going?” The answer is: YES!! with family, especially through the passing of
Andy’s grandma in April. We were able to spend
! God has been working in mighty ways the past several months. He two weeks with her while she was in hospice
continues to call people to partner with us and has blessed us immensely care.
! through our partners, both financially and in prayer. These partnerships have
been an amazing testimony of God’s faithfulness! Through the news of each • Praise the Lord for His faithful provision of
! new partnership, we are reminded of God’s call to ministry for us in Ukraine, partners—we currently have over 80 families and
as well as those back home who make it possible for us to go. We know that 4 churches supporting us monthly.
! the Lord already has our journey planned out, so we are learning to wait
patiently and trust in Him to arrange all the details in His perfect timing. • Pray for new partners to join the ministry.
God has also been very gracious in providing opportunities for us • Pray for the people who are currently serving in
! “while we are waiting.” In our Winter 2010-2011 issue, Cassie wrote about a Ukraine to reach the world for Christ, and for us
song she heard on the radio, “While I’m Waiting” by John Waller. We are as we prepare to join them in ministry.
! amazed by how much God has blessed us while we are waiting to go to
Ukraine! Sometimes, it is easy to think that life will begin when we get there, • Pray for us and the students from our youth group
! but it is also in those moments that we forget about God’s teachings and who will be going to Charleston, WV on June 5-10
blessings along the way. Each new opportunity is a way for us to glorify God for a mission trip.
! and praise Him for His sovereignty.
! ! !

Partner Development Update

We have officially reached 70% of our monthly support, and
our airplane guy is starting to take-off! God has lead over 80 "#!$%&'(!)&*+!',-#!+%!+.-#!+/,*!%00%1+&2,+3!+%!*.34!
families and four church families to support us monthly. He has 56/.2-!3%&78!!9.23!%:!3%&!(%!2%+!-2%$!$/.+!.!/&;#!<'#**,2;!
also provided us with at least 100 people who partner with us in 3%&!/.=#!<##2!+%!&*7!!"#!.001#>,.+#!+/%*#!$/%!1#.(!+/,*!
prayer on a regular basis. What a mighty God we serve! 2#$*'#++#1!.2(!+.-#!+,?#!+%!>.+>/!&0!%2!$/.+!@%(!,*!(%,2;!,2!
We cannot depart for Ukraine without 100% of our monthly ?,2,*+13!,2!B-1.,2#7!!"#!.001#>,.+#!+/%*#!$/%!01%=,(#!$%1(*!
support, which leaves us with 30% (or $1,942/month) to go!
Please prayerfully consider how you can join us in this ministry!
We will be on our way to Ukraine if…
39 people promise to give $50 per month or $600 per year %:!3%&!,2!.!=#13!*0#>,.'!$.3E!!6/.2-!3%&!:%1!<#,2;!.!0.1+!%:! !
26 people promise to give $75 per month or $900 per year %&1!)%&12#3E!
20 people promise to give $100 per month or $1,200 per year In His Love,
See the attached promise form for details.
Andy & Cassie
! ! ! !

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