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Maslow's Hierarchy
• The psychologist Maslow proposed
that motivation is the result of a
employee's attempt at fulfilling five
basic needs
• Maslow suggests that we seek first to
satisfy the lowest level of needs.
• Once this is done, we seek
to satisfy each higher level
of need.

Who Is a Leader?
Characteristics of a Leader

Decision Maker Good Communicator Motivates Others

 Having this quality will  A clear communicator  They have a passion
earn the trust and respect doesn’t only give for expecting others
of those who depend on directions and listen to around them to
you to lead them what others have to say.
efficiently. deliver their best
 Without clear results.
 A good decision-maker communication, the work
who take decision without environment can become  Giving positive
hesitation will be a unproductive and reinforcement to
successful leader. disorganized. everyone.
More Characteristics

Demostrating clarity,
Developing a
actively listening Creativity
healthy working

Recognizing efforts Responsibility:
and achievements. Supervises and
guides the team

Delegation: Commitment:
Assessing skills and Flexibility:
Keeping promises Accepting and dealing
assigning roles. and follows with changes, problem-
through solving
1- Charismatic Theory
2- Trait Theory
3- Contingency Theory
4- Behavioral Theory
Charismatic Leadership Theory

The theory says that the individuals

come into the world possessing certain
characteristics and traits not found in
all people. These abilities enable them
to lead.
Under this theory, prominent leaders
throughout the course of history were
born to lead and deserved to do so as
a result of their natural abilities and
Trait Theory

 Trait refers to the quality of an individual.

 This theory believes that, persons having certain traits could
become successful leaders.
 Certain traits identified that makes a successful leaders are:

• Adaptable to situations SKILLS
• Ambitious and achievement • Diplomatic and knowledgeable
oriented • Organized and creative
• Energetic and cooperative • Socially skilled
• Dominant and willing to take
Contingency Leadership Theory

1- Decision-Making Theory
 The overlying viewpoint of this theory is that effective leadership is
contingent on the situation, task and people involved.
2- Path-Goal Theory
 Under this theory, leaders have the responsibility of making sure
their subordinates have the support and information required to
achieve the goals set forth. Effective leaders help their subordinates
to achieve goals and that they work to remove obstacles that stand
in the way.

3- Situational Theory
 Suggest that no single leadership style is best. Instead, it depends
on which type of leadership and strategies are best suited to the
task. According to this theory, they are able to adapt their style to
the situation and look at cues such as type of task, the nature of
the group, and other factors that might contribute to getting the
job done.
4- Fiedler’s Contingency Theory
 States that the effectiveness of the leader is determined by how
well his leadership style matches the situation.
Behavioral Theory

 It says that leadership is shown by person’s act more

than by his traits
 It explain what leaders should do rather than what
leaders are.
 Leaders should perform 2 major functions
1- Task Related Function: provide solutions to the problems
that are faced by the groups when performing jobs
2- Group Maintenance Function: actions of mediating
disputes and ensuring that individuals are feel valued.
“If you change your past and
 work together
“If you change inand
your past a spirit thatin a spirit that every one of
work together
every one of you, no matter to
you, no matter to what community he belongs, no matter what relations
he had with you in the past, no matter what his color, caste or creed, is
what community
first, second heof belongs,
and last a citizen this State with equal rights, privileges and
obligations, there will be no end to the progress you will make.”
no matter what relations he
had with you in the past, no
matter what his color, caste or
creed, is first, second and last
a citizen of this State with
equal rights, privileges and
obligations, there will be no
end to the progress you will
What do you think about Quaid-
e-Azam being a great leader?
Style Charismatic Charismatic

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