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Table of contents

Introduction to Machine Learning and It’s tools

Introduction to Python

Tools Required



Natural Language Processing

Statistics and Probability


Machine Learning Implementation

Program Overview

Become a Machine Learning expert with this course and prepare

yourself for the future trends of technologies. Get hands-on
experience with the projects like Music Note ML Opening line
:Generation, Image Caption Generator and more to understand the
technology better. Learn the core concepts and the latest
advancements including aspects of Supervised, Unsupervised and
the latest and riveting field of Deep Learning.

Delivery Mode :
Self Paced Learning and Live virtual classroom
Course Curriculum

What is Machine learning

Introduction to Introduction to types of ML algorithm
1 Machine Learning and Supervised vs unsupervised learning
its tools Classification vs regression

Introduction to Python Fundamentals

2 Python Data types, list, dictionary

Training, Testing and Cross Validation

data features and labels
3 Tools Required Pickling and scaling and techniques,
error metrics

Importing a dataset in python

Resolving Missing Values
Managing Category Variables
4 Preprocessing Training and Testing Datasets
Normalizing Variables
Normalizing Variables – Python Code
Simple Linear Regression – How it works?
Simple Linear Regreesion – Python
Multiple Linear Regression – How it works?

5 Regression
Multiple Linear Regression – Python
Decision Trees – How it works?
Random Forest – How it works?
Decision Trees and Random Forest – Python

Introduction to NLTK, Stopwards

Natural Language
6 Processing
Named entity recognition
Text Classification
Sentiment analysis using Naïve Bayes

Introduction to probability &

Statistics and
7 Probability
distribution, central limit
theorem, hypothesis testing

kNN – How it works?

kNN – Python Implementation

8 Classification
Decision Tree Classifier and Random
Forest Classifier in Python
SVM – How it works?
SVM – Python Implementation
Machine Learning Implementation of all the
9 Implementation algorithms


Training Completion Certification

Internship completion Certification

Excellence Performance Certification

(For top performers)

Our Aim

To provide high-quality training and ample e-learning in order to

improve job prospects In our training-based curriculum, we will brush up
on IT and marketing expertise in line with the industry’s changing
standards, and provide our mentees with the skills they need to be
industry ready.

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