Approved Title Proposal Android Mobile Food Delivery App Using SPF Algo

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Doc. No.

Issue No. 01
Revision No. 00
College/Department: Date of Effectivity December 2020
Page 1

Name of Students De Leon, Iris A.

Hacutina, Ralleon Ruben D.
Jandicala, Aaliyah Ysabelle A.
Student ID 18003408300 Program BSCS – CS6398 – CS DESIGN
18003215500 PROJECT / CS THESIS 1

Proposed Title Android Mobile Food Delivery Application Using SPF Algorithm

Area of Investigation The proposed study is to develop an Android based mobile food delivery application
for a food business establishment that would serve as a mobile platform for customers
to order food as well as for the business owners in managing and delivering food orders
efficiently. In this project, the customer can order food from a mobile device that is an
android platform. They can view food information, such as category, name, price, image,
description, order food and can modify food item, food amount in the cart. The core
functions provided for customers in this application is that they can register by making an
account, login, view the menu to order, add to the shopping cart and finally confirm
orders. The application will have three different interfaces, one for the customer, the
administrator and the delivery user. The interface for the customer will only be accessible
in an android mobile device while for the administrator and for the delivery user will be
accessible in a web application. The customer must register a valid account to launch the
application to do the further operations, as well as for the admin and for the delivery
user. The mobile application to be developed will also provide a unique feature for
delivering the ordered food. A user that will deliver the ordered food to the customer can
open a navigation map that uses SPF (Shortest Path First) or much known as Dijkstra
Algorithm to find the distance from one specific place to another with the feature
knowing the nearest path to reach the desired location for much faster delivery service.

The proponents decided to use Java as the main development tool which includes C++ as
the main programming language, Android Studio for the mobile development.
Reasons for Choice of Project The proponents chose to conduct this study considering using this application, the
customers won’t have to go to the shop by themselves, but they can order food through
an Android mobile device anywhere. It also aims to reduce the manual work for managing
the food items information, orders of customers, deliveries and payments. Applying
Shortest Path First Algorithm in delivery services is Current technological advances have
led to the creation of smartphones and mobile applications. In addition, different tasks

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Doc. No. QR-CCS-006
Issue No. 01
Revision No. 00
College/Department: Date of Effectivity December 2020
Page 2

are accomplished by using a mobile application, where each app has its own function and
Importance of the Study With the rapid development of information technology, and Android application have
been increasing in recent years. The importance of this project is that the mobile
application is convenient to carry, it has a powerful development framework and it is an
open marketplace for distributing apps. Nowadays, most people rely on smartphones for
a large number of reasons. Smartphones which are installed with variety of mobile apps
that comes in handy for everyday living., A well-designed mobile app can perform actions
much quicker than a mobile website. Apps usually store its data locally on mobile devices.
In the delivery service, the proposed application will also have a feature where a GPS will
be used for mapping purposes and by creating a geolocation feature, the user will be able
to effectively deliver goods in real-time.
Target Users/Beneficiary The target users who will benefit in this project are different group of individuals that
can have access on the android based application such as the business owners and the

Similarity with any Previous The proponents have researched to get some ideas to the proposed study. The mobile
Study/Project food delivery application “Foodpanda” is one of the examples that motivated and
encouraged the proponents to make this study. This application is one of the most
popular online food delivery service in the country. This proposed research proposal also
have similarities with the study “Mobile Food Ordering Application” by Yang Fan where
its purpose is to build a food ordering client server application for a Thai Restaurant.

Project Time Table (Gantt

December January February
Weeks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Preliminary Research
Title Defense w/
Research Committee
Approved Proposal
Chapter 1

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Doc. No. QR-CCS-006
Issue No. 01
Revision No. 00
College/Department: Date of Effectivity December 2020
Page 3

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Back-End Development
Final Oral Defense

Recommending Approval Signature Approved by

Research Professor

Subject Coordinator Ms. Marjorie Cuyos Solomon

Department Head

Dean Dr. Jenny Lyn Abamo

Head, Academic Affairs

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Academic Affairs Department (AAD). The user should secure the latest revision of this document from the AAD office.

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