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I plan on making my own coffee brand.

It will be named escafe which means escape through

coffee. A lot of things are going on and a cup of this coffee can

So I came up with a plan to make my own coffee brand.

Unlike other coffee products the packaging we'll be using is paper. Simple yet aesthetically

We promote eco-friendly products.

Simple yet aesthetically pleasing.

Also, the packaging is new since this kind of packaging is rarely done . It is aesthetic.
Also, the packaging is very personal to me since some of its details are based on the
characteristics of my friend. It is aesthetic and pleasing to the eyes.

I plan to sell my products through social media. I will create an account

And ill also try to send some influencers i personally follow and i know that they love coffee
so that they could promote my business.

Social media will be my main market place first since the pandemic is still going on and I'm
still not sure if my product will be a success. And while I am still growing my business, I will
send it to some influencers in the hopes that they could promote it. The price will vary
depending on the size. The price will be higher compared to the coffee products that are
already in the market but it won't be that high since we make sure that we have a high
quality coffee and it’s only prepared at our local facility in Camarines Sur.

My target market is anyone who loves coffee. But since my market medium is social media,
I think I'll attract more teenagers.

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