Laser Pulpotomy - An Effective Alternative To Conventional Techniques - A Systematic Review of Literature and Meta-Analysis

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Lasers in Medical Science (2018) 33:1621–1629


Laser pulpotomy—an effective alternative to conventional

techniques—a systematic review of literature and meta-analysis
Ghassem Ansari 1 & Hanane Safi Aghdam 2 & Pardis Taheri 3 & Mitra Ghazizadeh Ahsaie 4

Received: 26 December 2017 / Accepted: 9 July 2018 / Published online: 17 July 2018
# Springer-Verlag London Ltd., part of Springer Nature 2018

The aim of this systematic review and subsequent meta-analysis was to elaborate the efficacy of laser pulpotomy over the
formocresol pulpotomy of human primary teeth. Published materials in the MedLine were looked for through BPUBMED^ and
BPUBMED CENTRAL^. The MESH terms of BLaser^, BPulpotomy^, BPrimary teeth^, and BChildren^ were used to carry the
search from the years 1999 to 2017. Collected data were assessed by four investigators using inclusion and exclusion criteria in order
to select those studies with precise method targeted. Only clinical trials on all types of lasers were included for this systematic
reviews but only four articles were used for the meta-analysis as the rest did not meet the requirements. Statistical analysis was
conducted to see the differences. Seventeen articles completely fulfilled the inclusion criteria of this study. In general, high clinical,
radiographic, and histopathological success rates were reported in laser groups in comparison to other assessed methods. Meta-
analysis indicated that except at 36 months, in all other time intervals, Laser proved better or close results to formocresol. At
36 months, laser showed better clinical results. Laser may be considered as an adjuvant alternative for vital pulp therapy on human
primary teeth but due to the limited number of high-quality clinical research articles on laser-assisted pulpotomy, various types of
laser application methods, and different follow-up periods, reaching a net consensus is still challenging.

Keywords Laser . Pulpotomy . Primary teeth . Children

Introduction acceptance in randomized clinical trials [4–7].Pulpotomy ther-

apy aims at maintaining a carious tooth by removing the cor-
The early primary tooth loss due to caries and infection has onal portion of the infected pulp, while preserving the unin-
strong influence on the skeletal growth and tooth develop- fected radicular pulpal tissue. Various techniques and mate-
ment, child’s oral function, esthetic and even phonetic; there- rials have been recommended for these purposes, such as
fore, the preservation of natural dentition is important [1, 2]. formocresol, glutaraldehyde, ferric sulfate, calcium hydrox-
The most common therapy for reversible pulp infection in ide, mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), and laser therapy, but
primary molar teeth is pulpotomy which lets the teeth remain a consensus on the ideal pulpotomy technique has not yet been
in the oral cavity until its exfoliation time comes [3]. This reached. During the past decades, formocresol has been the
method has attained wide clinically and radiographically most common pulp dressing material for pulpotomy of prima-
ry molars. This material was even considered gold standard
technique with clinical success rate of 70–97% [8]. However,
the use of formocresol became a concern due to various re-
* Mitra Ghazizadeh Ahsaie ports on its hazardous adverse effects such as cytotoxicity,
potential carcinogenicity and mutagenicity, immune
Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Shahid Beheshti University of sentisization, and wide tissue distribution beyond the apex
Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran which may affect permanent successors [3, 8–10]. In order
Dentistry school, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, not to meet these disadvantages, different materials and tech-
Tehran, Iran niques have been suggested in aims of a better pulp therapy in
Alborz University of Medical Sciences, Karaj, Iran primary dentition such as calcium hydroxide, bone morpho-
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, Dental School, genic protein, glutaraldehyde, ferric sulfate, and mineral triox-
Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran ide aggregate (MTA) [10, 11]. But due to lack of standard
1622 Lasers Med Sci (2018) 33:1621–1629

clinical controlled trials, their long-term biological effects are library was conducted from Jan 1999 to November 2017.
still not fully understood as these materials remain in the tooth English language published papers were looked for using the
until it exfoliates. f o l l o w i n g k e y w o r d s : ( ( BL a s e r s ^[ M e s h ] ) A N D
In recent years, the application of laser has been recommend- BPulpotomy^[Mesh]) AND BTooth, Deciduous^[Mesh]. All
ed in several endodontic aspects including treatment of dentinal four reviewers (Ansari, Taheri, Safiaghdam, Ghazizadeh) had
hyper sensitivity, pulp capping, sterilization of root canals, root contributed to the search and evaluated the article database and
canal shaping, and obturation and pulpotomy of primary teeth checked the reference list of relevant articles and previous re-
as an alternative to the conventional formocresol [12]. In con- views on the subject (REF 2 articles). Initial paper selection was
ventional pulpotomy procedure, the coronal pulp is amputated done by two authors examining titles and abstracts of all select-
either with a round bur on a low speed hand piece or with a ed papers. The full texts of potentially suitable articles were
sharp spoon excavator. After achieving hemostasis, the pulp is obtained for final assessment according to the exclusion and
then irradiated at the canal orifices by the optimum laser power inclusion criteria. Authors discussed the articles to reach a con-
to achieve pulp tissue coagulation while in the case of LLLT for sensus when their opinions differed. Figure 1 summarizes the
healing promotion (no laser coagulation) [4, 7, 13]. study selection process in a flowchart. The following data were
Studies have shown that laser overcomes histologic deficits extracted from the studies and the corresponding authors of the
and can accelerate wound healing. It is also hemostatic, antimi- articles were contacted in case of missing data: study design,
crobial, and has cell-stimulating potentials [11, 13]. The laser sample size, mean age, tooth type, follow-up time, pulpotomy
beam has no mechanical damage on the remaining pulp tissue agents and laser characteristics (wavelength, frequency, energy
as it has no mechanical contact with it and only slightly in- density, and power), restorative material, evaluation criteria,
creases pulp’s thermal degree [5, 13]. Based on these character- and clinical, radiographic, and histopathological success rate.
istics, various authors, such as Ghajari et al., Fernandes et al., P values were also extracted from the articles.
and Saltzman et al., have claimed substantial benefits of the use
of laser over conventional techniques for pulp therapy [4, 6, 8]. Inclusion criteria
Different laser types such as CO 2 , argon, Er:YAG,
Er,Cr:YSGG [14], Nd:YAG, and diode are being used in dif- All the original in vivo studies applying laser or low level laser
ferent settings and treating different tooth types in patients of on primary dentition in aims of pulp therapy were included in
varying age, resulting in confusing evidence. this study. All animal studies and in vitro studies were exclud-
The aim of this systematic review and subsequent meta- ed. Studies assessing the effect of laser in direct and in direct
analysis was to elaborate the efficacy of laser pulpotomy over pulp capping or other aims except for pulpotomy were exclud-
the formocresol pulpotomy of human primary teeth. ed. Also, studies assessing the effect of laser pulpotomy on
permanent dentition were excluded.

Methods and material Meta-analysis

Search strategy The meta-analysis was performed in Meta XL 2.2 for only
four studies as the other studies did not meet the inclusion
To access relevant articles, an electronic search in MEDLINE criteria for this meta-analysis [4, 15–17]. The pooled propor-
(via PubMed), Google scholar, Science Direct, and Cochrane tion of success cases in laser over formocresol, according to

Fig. 1 Flowchart, study selection

Lasers Med Sci (2018) 33:1621–1629 1623

clinical and radiographical results, in 6, 9, 12, and 36 months (3). As a widely accepted medicament, formocresol is known to
were calculated and reported. be the gold standard in primary dentition pulp therapy.
However, recent reports of its tissue destruction and toxicity
put the use of this material in danger [9]. Therefore, several
Results other techniques such as electrosurgery and lasers have been
introduced as an alternative to formocresol [25]. Laser pulp
Study selection therapy has shown promising results as it can reduce pulpal
inflammation and improve its healing. Laser can also improve
The Pubmed Search Provided 52 hits, Google Scholar search formation of fibrous matrix and hard tissue barrier [26].
70 hits, and Cochrane Search 11 hits. Following the initial It is widely acknowledged that any pulp treatment may be
screening of titles and abstracts and final screening of full judged successful after 6- or 12-month period as most of the
texts, 17 articles completely fulfilled the inclusion criteria of inflammatory responses would not present their signs and
this study (Fig. 1). All original data are summarized in Table 1 symptoms before a year is passed. In this line, it is recommend-
and Table 2 in order to allow more convenient illustration of ed to make sure all pulp-treated teeth are followed for 24 months
the data. Table 1 demonstrates LLLT laser (no pulp tissue minimum before they can be judged reliably successful.
coagulation with laser) and Table 2 shows all the other laser Therefore, only clinical investigation with a 2-year follow-up
treatments (pulp tissue coagulation). is considered standard for pulpotomy in primary molar teeth
All 17 studies used primary molars as their target teeth for according to CONSORT 2010. In this study, most of the studies
pulpotomy while no distinction was detected between first and have at least 1 year of follow-up (Tables 1 and 2).
second molars. There was one study where the pulpotomy Child’s response to clinical evaluation tests such as pain may
process was carried out on primary canines [22]. not be reliable [27]. Children of young age are most learning
Before laser use, in all the studies, the coronal pulp was and under constant training. Their response to any stimuli is
removed with low speed or high speed round bur and later with influenced by various factors [28]. This is why their response
sharp spoon excavator [1–17]. Total sample population varied to pain perception is highly variable and therefore unreliable in
between different studies stand on 20 to 200 treated primary clinical situations, where teeth have been treated with substan-
molar teeth. Different materials had been applied such as min- tial pulpotomy process, they have received substantial amount
eral trioxide aggregate (MTA) [6, 18, 23], calcium hydroxide of stimulation which can be simply presented by pain regardless
(CH) [4, 5, 7, 19, 20], formocresol (FC) [3–7, 10, 15–17, 19], of its existence. Dentist’s experience and education can signif-
ferric sulfate (FS) [3, 5, 7, 13, 24], zinc oxide eugenol (ZOE) [6, icantly help for better diagnosis of child’s pain.
19, 21, 24], and biodentin [23] with their success rate being In this study, 16 randomized clinical trials and 1 case report
compared to lasers. Various types of lasers were reported being were assessed. Studies varied in their type of laser, laser char-
used such as: diode [3, 6, 13, 24], Er:YAG [5, 7, 20], Nd:YAG acteristics, follow-up periods, and results. The results were
[15–17, 20, 22], He-Ne [17], CO2 (25), and low level laser heterogeneous; in five studies, laser pulpotomy was signifi-
(LLLT) [4, 10, 18, 19] within these studies. In addition, two cantly more successful than conventional methods (Tables 1
studies assessed electrosurgery in comparison to laser [13, 24]. and 2); on the contrary, seven studies showed no significant
Assessment tests contained radiographic and clinical eval- clinical or radiographic success rate difference between laser
uations. Three studies had an additional histopathologic as- and other groups (Tables 1 and 2). One study compared the
sessment on the teeth after their exfoliation [6, 17, 19]. success rate of electrosurgery (ES) to laser [18]. In the study of
Follow-up intervals were every 3 months and lasted up to Marques et al., clinical, radiographic, and histopathological
1 year. One study had a follow-up of up to 66 months [15]. results showed that laser is significantly more successful
In general, high clinical, radiographic, and histopathologi- [19] whereas in the study of Odabas et al., the results of his-
cal success rate were reported in laser groups in comparison to topathology were only significant but the teeth showed no
other assessed methods. significant differences clinically or radiographically [17].
According to Tables 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, meta-analysis indi- Two studies did not indicate any p value or significant param-
cated that except at 36 months, in all other time intervals, laser eter [16, 22]. Uloopi et al. (2016) compared the effectiveness
proved better or close results to formocresol. At 36 months, of LLLT (WL: 810 nm, E: 2 J/cm2) and MTA in pulpotomy of
laser showed better clinical results. primary molars. Radiographic and clinical findings indicated
no significant differences on the success rate between the two
groups after 1-year follow-up (LLLT: 80%, MTA: 94.7%, P =
Discussion 0.169) [18]. Fernandez et al. (2015) compared the clinical and
radiographic effectiveness of LLLT (WL: 660 nm, E: 2.5 J/
A successful treatment of pulp is the main aim of pulp therapy cm2), diluted FC and CH on primary molar pulpotomy. A
in a child patient in order to retain a tooth in a healthy condition 100% success rate was reported for all groups after 18 months
Table 1 Overview of the pulpotomy studies using low level laser therapy (no pulp tissue coagulation with laser)

NO Author and year Type of Tooth Sample Material for Laser characteristics Assessment tests Follow-up Results P value
study size pulpotomy
(nm) (J/cm2) (mW-W) (Hz)

1 Uloopi et al., In vivo Primary 40 • LLLT (Diode) 810 2 1.Radiography 3, 6, 12 M Success rate 3 M: (p = 0.976)
2016 [18] molar • MTA 2.Clinical 3 M: 6 M: (p = 0.316)
LLLT: 95% 12 M:(p = 0.169)
MTA: 94.7%
6 M:
LLLT: 85%
MTA: 94.7%
12 M:
LLLT: 80%
MTA: 94.7%
2 Fernandes et al., In vivo Primary 60 • Diluted FC 660 2.5 10 mW 1.Radiography 6, 12, 18 M Clinical success rate: P < 0.05
2015 [4] molar • CH 2.Clinical All groups: 100%
• LLLT Radiographic success rate:
• LLLT + CH 6 M:
FC: 100%, LLLT +CH: 85.7%,
LLLT: 80%,
12 M:
FC: 100%, LLLT: 80%, LLLT + CH:
78.6%, CH: 50%
18 M:
FC: 100%, LLLT + CH: 75%, LLLT:
73.3%CH: 66.7%
Internal resorption was seen in LLLT,
CH, LLLT+ CH groups.
3 Marques et al., In vivo Primary 20 • Buckley’s FC 660 2.5 10mw 50–60 1.Radiography 3- monthly Clinical and radiographic P < 0.05
2014 [19] molar (diluted at 1:5) 2.Clinical intervals success rate in all groups were seen.
• CH 3.Histopathological Histopathological success rate:
• LLLT+ ZOE statistically significant differences
• LLLT+ CH among groups
lowest degree of pulpal inflammation
highest rate of hard tissue barrier,
odontoblastic layer, and dense
collagen fibers.
Highest incidence of
internal resorption.
4 Golpayegani et al., In vivo Primary 46 • LLLT 632 4 1.Radiography 6M Success rate: P > 0.05
2018 [10] molar • FC 2.Clinical LLLT:100%

CH calcium hydroxide, D day, E energy, Ed energy density, ES electrosurgery, FC formocresol, FS ferric sulfate, LLLT low level laser therapy, M month, MTA mineral trioxide aggregate, P power, S second,
W watt, ZOE zinc oxide eugenol
Lasers Med Sci (2018) 33:1621–1629
Table 2 Overview of the pulpotomy studies using Er:YAG, Nd:YAG, Diode, CO2 lasers (pulp tissue coagulation with laser)

NO Author Type of Tooth Sample size Material for Laser characteristics Assessment tests Follow-up Results P value
and year study pulpotomy
(nm) (J/cm2) (mW-W) (Hz)

5 Huth et al., In vivo Primary 200 • Er:YAG laser, 2940 180 mJ 2 1.Radiography 12, 18, 24 36 M Total and P > 0.05
2012 [7] molar • CH 2.Clinical clinical (placed compared to
• FS parenthetically) formocresol,
• diluted FC success rates for the only calcium
Lasers Med Sci (2018) 33:1621–1629

different methods hydroxide

(%) performed
12 M: significantly
FC: 96 (100), laser: worse
93 (98), CH: 86 (95), (p = 0.001)
FS: 86 (100).
24 M:
FC: 85 (96), laser:
78 (93),
CH: 53 (87), FS:
86 (100).
36 M:
FC: 72 (92), laser 73 (89),
CH: 46 (75),
FS: 76 (97).
6 Odabas et al., In vivo Primary 42 • Nd:YAG laser 1064 100 mJ 2W 20 1.Radiography 1, 3, 6, 9, Clinical success rate: P > 0.05
2006 [17] molar He-Ne laser 2.clinical 12 M Laser:
• 1:5 dilution of FC 3.Histopathological 1& 3 M: 100%
6 M: 90.47%
9&12 M: 85.71%
1 & 3 M: 100%
6,9,12 M: 90.47%
success rate:
1 M: 100%
3 M: 90.47%
6 M: 80.75%
9, 12 M: 71.42%
1, 3 M: 100%
6, 9, 12 M: 90.47%
success rate:
statistically significant
difference between
7- and 60-day laser
groups with regard to
inflammatory cell
response criteria
(p < 0.05).
Table 2 (continued)

NO Author Type of Tooth Sample size Material for Laser characteristics Assessment tests Follow-up Results P value
and year study pulpotomy
(nm) (J/cm2) (mW-W) (Hz)

Statistically significant
differences between
both 7-day laser and
FC groups and 7- and
60-day FC groups with
regard to tissue
disorganization (p < 0.05)
7 Liu et al., In vivo Primary 137 • Nd:YAG laser 1064 124 2W 20 1.Radiography 6 to 64 M Clinical success rate: P < 0.05
2006 [15] molar • FC 2. clinical 9 to 66 M Laser: 97%
FC: 85.5%
Radiographic success
Laser: 94.1%
FC: 78.3%
8 Furze et al., Case report Primary 65 • Er:YAG laser 2940 400 2W 10–15 1.Radiography 3,6,9,12,24,36,48 M Success rate:
2006 [20] molar Nd:YAG laser 1064 20 2.Clinical 95.38%
With cappings
- Ca(OH)2
- Ca(OH)2 +
- glass ionomer
9 Saltzman et al., In vivo Primary 52 • DL-MTA 980 3W 1.Radiography 2·3, 5·2, 9·5, 15·7 M Clinical success rate: P > 0.05
2005 [6] molar • FC-ZOE 2. Clinical All teeth were assessed
3.Histopathologically as clinically
sound at each
Follow-up visit.
success rate:
Laser- MTA: 70.84%
FC- ZOE: 87.5%
10 Huth et al., In vivo Primary 200 • Er:YAG laser, 2940 180 mJ 2 Clinical 6, 12, 18, 24 M Total and clinical (placed P > 0.05
2005 [5] molar • CH parenthetically) success Compared to
• FS rates for the different FC only CH
• dilute FC methods (%): performed
12 M: significantly
FC: 96 (100), laser: 93 worse
(98), CH: 86 (95); (p = 0.001)
and FS: 86 (100).
24 M:
FC: 85 (96), laser: 78
(93),CH: 53 (87);
and FS: 86 (100).
11 Liu et al., In vivo Primary 75 • Nd:YAG laser 1064 100 mJ 2W 20 1.Radiography 6–48 M Clinical success rate: –
2003 [16] molar • FC 2. Clinical Laser: 96.9%
FC: 88.2%
Lasers Med Sci (2018) 33:1621–1629
Lasers Med Sci (2018) 33:1621–1629 1627

CH calcium hydroxide, HCo2 carbon dioxide, D day, DL diode laser, E energy, Ed energy density, FC formocresol, FS ferric sulfate, LLLT low level laser therapy, M month, MTA mineral trioxide
Table 3 Six-month laser vs FC radiographic success
P value Study RR 95%CI Weight

Fernandes 2015 0.806 0.613–1.060 45.3

Odabas 2006 0.895 0.697–1.148 54.6
pooled 0.854 0.710–1.026 100

Clinical success rate:

High clinical and

success rate:

success rate:

success rate.
RR relative risk, CI confidence interval

Laser: 90.6%
FC: 82.3%


of follow-up. Radiographic findings suggested 100% success
rate for FC, 75% in LLLT+ CH, 73.3% in LLLT alone, and
66.7% for CH groups. Internal resorption was a reported find-

12 to27 M

ing in LLLT, CH, and LLLT+ CH groups [4]. Niranjani et al.,

reported no significant differences between the clinical and
18 M

radiographic outcomes of MTA, diode laser (WL: 810 nm,

P: 1.5 W), and biodentine pulpotomy in primary molar teeth
Assessment tests

at 3- and 6-month follow-up (p > 0.05) [23]. Gupta et al.

1. Radiography
1. radiography

(2015) compared the clinical and radiographic success rates

2. Clinical


of ferric sulfate, electrosurgery, and diode laser (WL: 980 nm,

P: 3 W) in pulpotomy and reported 100% success rate for
diode laser after 12 months with significant difference when
(J/cm2) (mW-W) (Hz)

compared to that of the other two groups (ES: 80%, FS: 80%,

P < 0.05) [13].

Marques et al. (2014) compared pulpotomy of primary

Laser characteristics

teeth with diluted FC, CH, LLLT+ ZOE, and LLLT+CH


through their clinical, radiographic, and histopathologic suc-

100 mJ

cess rates. Six- and twelve month-follow-up revealed that clin-


ical and radiographic success rate of all four groups to be high


and acceptable. Histopathologic results indicated that signifi-



cant differences among the groups (p < 0.05) with LLLT+ CH

showed the lowest degree of pulpal inflammation (p = 0.029)
• CO2 Laser-ZOE

• Nd:YAG laser

while CH group showed highest rate of hard tissue barrier

Sample size Material for

(p = 0.0033), odontoblastic layer (p = 0.0033), and dense col-

aggregate, P power, S second, W watt, w week, ZOE zinc oxide eugenol

lagen fibers (p = 0.0095). In the other hand, FC group showed

highest incident of internal resorption (p = 0.0142) [19].
Comparing the clinical and radiographic success rate of FS,

and 2

ES, and diode laser (810 nm, 7 W) in another investigation

23 (21

Table 4 Nine-month laser vs FC clinical and radiographical success





Study RR 95%CI Weight

Case report

Clinical success Odabas 2006 0.947 0.758–1.184 2.097

Type of

In vivo

Liu 2006 1.000 0.960–1.041 62.7


Liu 2003 1.019 0.965–1.077 35.1

Pooled 1.005 0.974–1.039 100
Table 2 (continued)

Radiographic success Odabas 2006 0.789 0.583–1.070 2.082

Pescheck et al.,
2002 [21]

1999 [22]

Liu 2006 1.030 0.972–1.092 57.0

and year

Liu et al.,
NO Author

Liu 2003 1.020 0.952–1.092 40.8

Pooled 1.020 0.976–1.066 100


RR relative risk, CI confidence interval

1628 Lasers Med Sci (2018) 33:1621–1629

Table 5 Twelve-month laser VS FC radiographic success, random model Table 7 Thirty-six-month laser VS FC clinical and radiographical success

Study RR 95% CI Weight Study RR 95%CI weight

Fernandes 2015 0.806 0.613 1.060 4.561 Clinical success Liu 2003 1.259 1.006–1.575 69.5
Liu 2003 1.001 0.942 1.065 91.5 Liu 2006 1.203 0.857–1.688 30.4
Odabas 2005 0.789 0.583 1.070 3.772 Pooled 1.242 1.030–1.497 100
Pooled 0.983 0.790 1.221 100 Radiographic success Liu 2003 1.000 0.690–1.448 17.3
Liu 2006 1.099 0.927–1.302 82.6
RR relative risk, CI confidence interval
Pooled 1.081 0.926–1.262 100

RR relative risk, CI confidence interval

was reported as 80% in all three groups. Clinical success rate

of FS was 86.6%, while this rate was 100% for both ES and
diode laser (p = 0.99) [24]. Comparing the effects of Nd:YAG laser (WL: 1064 nm, F =
Diode laser (WL: 810 nm, E: 50 mJ, F = 30 Hz) pulpotomy 20 Hz, E: 100 mJ), pulpotomy to FC pulpotomy with 66-month
was reported as an acceptable alternative to FC and FS follow-up showed 97% clinical success rate for laser to 85.5%
pulpotomy. Twelve-month follow-up indicated 97% clinical FC success rate (p = 0.042). Radiographic success rate was
success rates for FC while this figure was at 95% for FS and 94.1% for laser compared to 78.3% in FC group (p = 0.035)
100% for diode laser. However, radiographic success rates were [15]. Saltzman et al. (2005) investigated diode laser pulpotomy
at 87, 79, and 75% for FC, FS, and diode laser, respectively [3]. (WL: 980 nm, P: 3 W) with MTA seal as an acceptable alter-
Huth et al. (2012) compared relative effectiveness of Er.YAG native to the conventional FC pulpotomy with ZOE. Clinical
laser (WL: 2.94 μm, E: 180 mJ, F = 2 Hz), CH, FS, and diluted results showed that all teeth were symptomless at all follow-up
FC in primary molar pulpotomy. After 36 months of follow-up, visits. Radiographic success rate was 70.84% in laser-MTA and
the total success rate was 72, 73, 46, and 76% for FC, laser, CH, 87.5% in FC-ZOE groups (P > 0·05) [6].
and FS, respectively (p > 0.05) [7]. Golpayegani et al. (2018) Huth et al. (2005) compared the relative effectiveness of
compared the effectiveness of LLLT (WL: 632 nm, E: 4 J/cm2) the Er:YAG laser (WL: 2.94 μm, F = Hz frequency, E:
and conventional FC in pulpotomy of primary molars. Six- and 180 mJ), CH, and FS techniques with that of dilute FC on
12-month follow-up was reported with 100% success rate on primary molars that remain symptomless. After 24 months,
both groups with no significant difference [10]. Odabas et al. total success rates of FC, laser, CH, and FS were: 85, 78, 53,
(2006) compared the clinical, radiographic, and histopathologic and 86%, respectively. Only CH performed significantly
effects of Nd:YAG laser (P: 2 W, F = 20 Hz, E: 100 mJ) worse than others (p = 0.001) [5]. Liu et al. (2003) evaluated
pulpotomy to FC pulpotomy on primary molars. Clinical and the effects of Nd:YAG laser (P:2 W, F = 20 Hz) pulpotomy on
radiographic findings indicated no statistical significant differ- human primary teeth at 48 months with the clinical success
ence between the two groups after 12-month follow-up (laser rate of 96.9% for laser and 88.2% for FC. Radiographic suc-
success; radiographic: 71.42%, FC success; radiographic: cess rate of laser was 90.6 and 82.3% for FC groups [16].
90.47%, laser success; clinical: 85.71%, FC success; clinical: Pescheck et al. (2002) assessed the clinical and radiographic
90.47%). Histopathological evidence suggests that difference success rate of CO2 laser +ZOE (1060 nm, 3 W) on 212
between success rate 7- and 60-day laser groups was statistical- primary molars and concluded that laser could illustrate more
ly significant based on the inflammatory cell response (p < than 90% success rate after 18 months [21]. Liu et al. (1999)
0.05). Statistically significant differences were also found be- had reported a case on the effect of Nd.YAG laser (WL:
tween 7-day outcome of laser and FC groups. This difference 800 nm, P: 2 W, F = 20 Hz frequency) pulpotomy of primary
was significant between the outcome of the FC groups at 7 and canines. High clinical and radiographical success rates were
60 days based on the tissue disorganization (p < 0.05) [17]. reported after 27-month follow-up [22].
Based on the nature and wavelength of LLLT, it is expected
to only affect pulpal tissue at its biological capacity with no
Table 6 Eighteen-month laser VS FC radiographic success, random model physical evidence of any change at the surface tissue [18],
while the latter is seen with most of the other laser application
Study RR 95%CI Weight [15]. While LLLT acts at the cellular level making a change in
Fernandes 2015 0.742 0.539–1.021 7..886 biologic behavior in favor of healing, different other types of
Liu 2006 1.048 0.954–1.150 92.1
lasers have a variety of applications including surface treat-
Pooled 1.019 0.687–1.514 100
ment, hemostasis, and coagulation in order to allow proper
expected effect to be seen on the subject [13, 21, 29]. Also,
RR relative risk, CI confidence interval radiographies should be standard and read carefully. In some
Lasers Med Sci (2018) 33:1621–1629 1629

studies, laser is being used with different pulp dressing such as 8. Ghajari MF, Mirkarimi M, Vatanpour M, Fard MJK (2008)
Comparison of pulpotomy with formocresol and MTA in primary
MTA [6], calcium hydroxide (4), or zincoxide eugenol [19];
molars: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Iranian Endod J
therefore, the results should clarify which part of the interven- 3(3):45–49
tion is having the main effect on treatment outcomes [11]. 9. Elliott R, Roberts M, Burkes J, Phillips C. Evaluation of the carbon
dioxide laser on vital human primary pulp tissue. Pediatr Dent.
10. Golpayegani MV, Ansari G, Tadayon N (2018) Clinical and radio-
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Acknowledgements The authors would like to express their sincere grat- radiated by Er: YAG laser: a preliminary report on laser pulpotomy.
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advices. 15. Liu J (2006) Effects of Nd: YAG laser pulpotomy on human pri-
mary molars. J Endod 32(5):404–407
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teeth. International Congress Series, Elsevier
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