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NAME : @ISHAV GAYEN REG No; AU /2020/ 0004360 ROLL not Ubi /13/ @@A 12020 1062 PROGRAM 5 BEKCHY S§m + amr SUBTECT: Supply Chain Management OL 4400 4 ANSWERS SEREPNTS SECTION A e@ Supply chain management 1s the hanoteing ef the entre proolveton F10W of- @ gor er Service ~ Stor ting. from the rawr components adh Fore the way +o Aeuivering. the finat product to the consumer. A company. creates Q network that more the proolu ot adong from the suppliers of raw moaterrats +0 those organizations that cleal vussth Olirerdy sith veers. te The inventor. relateo! eosts + Unit Costs - hatin. valee vf item carried! Ordering Costs - generating anol sending a moterrat release tran$porte ang other arguisitren costs . Corry, SOTA! costs - capital, sto rege, obsolegenne. * Stock - Grab Ovt costs ° : Quality cotts - non- cep con forming eests : Other costs oluties, exchange rate olifferenead ete. tee Supply chon inte gration boosh officreney drank porency capa pivtes which mn turn Increases efficiency proolvonvity and e flectvenes « They uso provide & pia platform for for reak tHme trans parent conwmunication (a iHaHes « 4-A upstream logestros * aterm veeol in the Supply. chain world to oles(gnoute ang. logistical activ Hes Ocouring prrer to the proovobon jorocesss de A vawe chain is Q business moole | trat- Aeserihes the full range of actin tres neededl to ercate a predwtt or Service, The purpose iS to Ineneate effrerenny- Se thot cormpand can clever maarrmem efferent, OF g mintmvm cost nmin sna eke ge : SECTION & 3 ‘ a Having an efficient Supply ehov'n is tes Key factor of ony wel ~ fererioning business + ove for a manufacturing fiom fe Is EVEN More cruciols Nr Proouctso Here are some reasons why this mighe be the case * St so vow buring. Supply chain with Save compemes @ signitreank Bee time for Several veasons- + Improved input relicubiliky- + Simpu fico! Lommvuntatnon | b Saves Money : Many fostvrers Can save lange amounts of moneg when they foltow a well designed SOM plan. + Distribution costs + Svppiy chon management allows manu forkurns +o reduce. their Qlirect sales anal pverheadl costs - + Production costs , Nelays in proaduchon can be extremely costyy. for man v fasturers. + Purchasing costs Cyitomer Service ano a St saves time > An efferent man e fmproves Satisfastion ; When mranvfaakurers organize their operations and nave en effeative s¥pPUf chains, theg wih almost always hare better Customer satis fortron @. Supports Compang -Infrasmvotre: A wet olesigned a Supply chain eneourages monufactv ring companies Fo plan ovt their company In fra structure én a way that benifits Hee +hem most. 4+ Moterial hanolling ig the morement protection, storage Ana control sf materials anol proowcts throvyhoul- roan foatu ring. « vs ore housing, oustri butirg ; consuming of olisposal: AS aw process, meécteriab honobbiag The foevs ts on anical equipment tne methods , mech conrrots vied to System s ano related achieve this funch'ons SECTION © is related to the stock, of Tw materials, prootuets / items Anventory 7. pusiners/organisa- be semi: ferisheadl and fintsheal maintained by the ereenpa* enterprise - Hon. The following. and fonetions OF points pot explain the concep inventory * ch) Inventories Serve as Cushions + Againsh ave +0 elermand / supP'f fluctvations » 1€ rc mma man yetur another and makes that each operator Shoeks separates oufferen operations from one jnolepencent — S° Can be performed eco Qa Necessvg ewl Srvemtoricr require ratvolole Space! and other overheads for maingaining iC. The invest ‘ale tit the stocks ai) Snverntories. Provicles Purohose 17 otestread gvanr tes the effeots of chang Supply. Atook& ering pestlease-—oF for Any Enterprise caprtat cd emp capital yemains ake not consumed + _Proawetion economies nvibfies ein prices or economies B® + GY) Main tenance of Smooth and Effiaiensr Prosuetien flow + MaintainS Smooth ond ¢fFierent procwwebion a process continually fiow thus Keeps eperesiry. - ©) Creation of preticalonas Effeok in oleatsion making : Creates mokvaktoned effect in alecision and policy making « 7: The categories of. Inventory are Antia’ pourion 7 Anticipation inventory refers +o extra finished prooweh or fous moferials a business pyronases to meek an antrer of demandl « pated jume Fluctvadien + Demand fHvuedvotes over time end fe is not possible +o precliot TE aren acnurately. business frereymns firm meintaing resources StookS to meeb unexpected alemandl work in Progress CHIP): wip inventorg refers to ibems in production anol inetvoles faw moaterials or components 1 labor, overhead and even packing. matertals. Finished goods; Finisheol goools are items thet are reaoly to Seu. 40 raw matertats in thok they ane the matertols of & compong uses to create anol finith proces: except thar thoy vremoin reeognizasle pohen the prodwot 1s completed, Buch af & Creu. Components t omponents are similar

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