112 Midterm Elearning ANSwers

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NCM 112 midterms E-LEARNING (16 lessons)

1.9 a) a nursing intervention for asthma is to position
1.1 a) restrictive illness: ascites
the client into a: high fowler’s position
b) obstructive illness: COPD
b) epinephrine hydrochloride is administered: SQ
c) except: phenotypes
c) asthma is best described as: a bronchial
hyperactivity to certain substances
1.2 a) reading of Mantoux test is done in: 48-72 hrs
b) Mantoux test is performed on the: upper 1/3
1.10 a)all of the ff. are possible manifestations of LF:
inner surface of the forearm
c) sputum examination is performed in: clients with
b) paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea and
a positive PPD reading
orthopnea are manifestations of: LF
c) peripheral dependent edema is one of the
1.3 a)after a thoracentesis, the nurse should monitor
symptoms of: RHF
the client for all of the following except; ards
b ) the nurse should remove:not more than 1200 ml
1.11 a) except: hyperoxia
of fluid
b) approx. level of oxygen delivery per method
c) prior to thoracentiesis, the nurse should position
should be: cannula- 40%, mask- 60%, rebreather
the client: sitting up on the side of the bed, with the
feet on the floor
c)amount of O2: 3 L

1.4 a) except: give ice when gag reflelx returns

1.12a) tension pneumothorax is due to: trauma such as
b) except: ppd
c) position: semi fowler’s
b) pneumothorax is the collection of air in the
pleural space because of a change in pressure with
1.5 A) emphysema clients usually have barrel chests
the: lungs
because: c02 is trapped in their lungs
c) manifestations for spontaneous pneumothorax
B) the nurse should administer: 1 l of o2
may include all of the following except: crepitus
C) because emphysema clients are not able to get
rid of c02, they become: hypoxic
1.13 a)except: expanded lung is empty
b) thoracentesis is performed in clients with tension
1.6 A) emphysema clients usually have barrel chests
pneumothorax to: relieve pressure
because: c02 is trapped in their lungs
c) except: administer humidified air
B) the nurse should administer: 1 l of o2
C) because emphysema clients are not able to get
rid of c02, they become: hypoxic 1.14 a) the closest chamber to the client: collection
1.7 a) a client with pulmonary emphysema should be
b) the rise and fall of fluid in closed chest drainage
placed in a: semi/high fowler’s position
system with respirations is called: tidaling
b) health teaching except: high carbohydrate diet
c) farthest chamber from the client: suction chamber
c) because clients with pulmonary emphysema are at
high risk for infection, the nurse should instruct them 1.15 a) removal of a chest tube is done at the: end of
to: avoid crowds full ins[iration
b) continuous bubbling in the water seal chamber of a
1.8 A) chronic bronchitis is characterized by: mucous client with chest tube may indicate: a leak
obstruction in the airways c) possible complications except: active TB
B) in chest physiotherapy, the client shouldn’t eat:
1hr before the procedure
1.16 a) hemoptysis
C) all of the ff are stated manifestations of chronic
b) risk factors except: asthma
bronchitis except: eupnea
NCM 112 midterms E-LEARNING (16 lessons)
c) dx tests for TB include sputum exam. For: acid fast 8. clients who use bronchodilators except: tb clients
bacillus 9. the only intervention that may help in recover from
pneumothorax is: chest tube procedure
1.17 a) trade name for Rifampicin: Rifadin 10. all are appropriate interventions for cor pulmonale
b) trade name for ethambutol: Myambutol except: administration of epinephrine hydrochloride
c) during isoniazid therapy, this should be administered
to decrease peripheral neuritis: Thiamine

1.18 a) TB pt. should take the prescribed drugs: at the LESSON 2

same time of day and on an empty stomach
b) alcoholic clients are at high risk for: hepatoxicity 2.1 a) normal extracellular level of hco3: 22-29 mEq/l
c) to decrease metabolic demand in a client with TB: b) adult male: 60-70% of body wt. is h20
initiate low impact aerobics c) infant: 75-80% of body wt. is h2o

2.2 a) regulates f and e by secreting renin: kidney

1.19 a)pneumonia is best described: inflammation of b) isotonic sol.: 0.9 NaCl
the lung parenchyma caused by infectious agents c)this enzyme triggers angiotensin II, w/c can aid in the
b)pneumonia cause by streptococcus .aureus may retention: renin
develop: greenish yellow sputum
c) pneumonia caused by staphylococcus aureus may 2.3 a) the nurse should correct the underlying cause of
develop: bright yellow with bloody streaks sputum dehydration by most specifically: replacing the fluids
and npo
b) common causes except: weight loss
1.20 a) except: greenish yellow sputum c) urine characteristic except: blood tinged
b) after a pneumonectomy, position the client to: dorsal
recumbent or semi fowler’s position 2.4 a) possible manifestations of fluid excess except:
c) pneumonectomy is: removal of an entire lung stupor
b) normal value of pH: 7.35-7.45
c) later signs except: flushed skin
1.20 a) postural drainage is: the use of gravity to drain
secretions from segments of the lungs
2.5 a) Increase in Respiration – Tachypnea
b)trade name for Isoetharine is: bronkosol
b) Decrease in Circulation in Lower extremities –
c)trade name for terbutaline: Brethine
c) Increase in Heart Rate – Tachycardia
1.manifestations of tension pneumothorax except:
diaphoresis 2.6 a) metabolic acidosis: increase in hydrogen ion
2.client wid chronic bronchitis is: edematous from the concentration
waist down b) drug: sodium bicarbonate
3.emphysema most specifically refers to: destruction of c) initial manifestations except: embolism
alveoli, narrowing bronchioles and trapping of air
resulting in loss of lung elasticity 2.7 a) most common cause of metabolic alkalosis:
4.chest physiotherapy: making sure fields are excreting vomiting
any secretions trapped inside b) manifestations except: hypotension
5. not an extrinsic etiology of asthma: pathophysiology c) high risk: clients on gastric suction and clients on long
conditions within the resp tract term diuretic therapy
6. human airways are characterized by all of the ff.
except: edematous 2.8 a) manifestations except: high grade fever
7. CO2 narcosis often occurs in client’s with: b)resp alkalosis has an increased: pH
emphysema c)normal value of HCO3: 22-26
NCM 112 midterms E-LEARNING (16 lessons)
c) all of the ff. methods to promote venous dilatation
except: stroking the extremity from distal to proximal
2.9 a) resp. alkalosis is characterized by: decreased in
above the proposed venipuncture
hydrogen ion concentration
b) breathing into a paper bag will: slow down
respiration postquiz 3
c) becomes hypoxic, the nurse should: administer O2 1. A client witn IV should be cared for only in a
hosp. setting or long term care facility: FALSE
2. If blood products are going to be infused 19
2.10 a) high Ca indicates: low phosphorous level
gauge needle is preferable : true
b) a client with resp acidosis has an increased: pCO2
3. A peripheral venous catheter and the insertion
and HCO3
site should be changed every 48- 72 hrs: true
c) a client with metabolic alkalosis has an increased: ph,
4. Symptom of infiltrated IV: inflammation
HCO3, pCO2
5. Not a common complication of venous
catheterization: itching

3.1 a)if large vol. of fluid or blood products are LESSON 4

anticipated to be given: a larger bore (18 or 19 gauge)
4.1 a) a butterfly needle may be necessary if the client’s
b) when starting an IV, the nurse should do all of the
veins are: small or in difficult position to access
following except: suggest the client to wear clothes
b) butterfly needles are not commonly used for: long
without sleeves
term IV therapy
c) in order to decrease the risk of infection for the client
c)all are expected outcomes except: The IV drop rate
except: use puncture resistant containers for sharps
will be properly calculated.

3.2 a)the nurse should place a tourniquet around the

4.2 a) when selecting potential veins to be used for
upper arm close to axilla to: distend the vein and allow
insertion, the nurse should assess the fragility by:
visual tactile examination
palpating the vein
b) should avoid all the ff except: the distal part of the
b) the nurse should avoid wrist or hand because:
bending the wrist or hand increases the risk of
c) to ensure proper placement of the catheter: loosen
infiltration or phlebitis
the stylet and advance into the vein until the hub rests
c) anchor the vein by placing a thumb over the vein and
at the venipuncture
stretching the skin against the direction of insertion 2 to
3 inches distal site in order to: stabilize the vein for ease
3.3 a) age group often has relatively thicker and tougher
of venipuncture
skin: teenagers and young adults
b) document all of the ff except:type and gauge of
needle used 4.3a) the site should be inspected frequently for:
c) elderly clients may develop fluid imbalances more infiltration
rapidly because of: large extracellular fluid volume b) elderly: 5 to 15 degree angle
c) note all the ff except: s/s of filtration

3.4 a) when an IV site is swollen and infiltrated, the

4.4 a) if a client’s veins are too fragile to sustain the
nurse should do all of the ff. except: look for another
passage of an over the needle catheter, re evaluate:
vein more proximal on the opposite arm
the clients needs and the nurse’s approach
b) if the catheter is pulled out after inserting an IV, the
b) if a needle is punctures through a vein during a
nurse should do all of the ff except: push the catheter
insertion, do all the ff except: advance the needle more
back into vein
carefully at a 35 degree to 45 degree angle
NCM 112 midterms E-LEARNING (16 lessons)
c) to avoid damaging the venous valves: always insert b) when assessing for the preparation of an IV bag, do
an IV needle in the direction of venous return all the ff. except: assess the initial wt of the pt
c) when administering an IV solution changing the
solution and tubing is necessary in order to: limit the
chance of infection
5.1 a) apply pressure: 5 minutes
b) most complicated and requires special assessment
6.2 a) when preparing an IV bag. You should squeeze
skills and techniques: arterial stick
the drip chamber in order to: fill it halfway
c) all of the ff histories are at risk for complications
b) when preparing an IV bag and tubing all of the ff are
from the venipuncture except: blood transfusion
rationales for flushing the tubing except: to prevent
c) when preparing an IV bag you should do all except:
5.2 a) when performing venipuncture, to provide sterilize the spike insertion area with alcohol swab
improved visibility of the veins: apply a tourniquet 3 to before spiking
4 inches above the venipuncture
b) when performing venipuncture, to help stabilize he
6.3 a) when preparing an IV bag you should remember
vein during insertion: place thumb or forefinger of the
all of the ff on pedia clients except: IV fluid rates are
nondominant hand 1 inch below the site and pull the
often based on child’s age
skin taut
b) when documenting after the preparation of an IV bag
c) position: supine or semi fowler’s position
and tubing note all of the ff except: no. of times the sol.
Was changed per shift
5.3 a) most frequently selected venipuncture sites in c) when preparing an IV bag tubing you should
children are: dorsal surfaces of the hands and feet remember all of the ff about older clients except:
b) elderly clients may need direct pressure, post needle infusions should be set to more slower rates
stick for a longer period of time as they are prone to:
bruising and hematoma development
6.4 a) the tubing is contaminated by a needle piercing
c) in evaluating a venipuncture, the nurse should have
through it during an IV piggyback injection you should:
ensured all of the following except: that the
stop the IV piggyback administration and stop the
venipuncture site showed evidence of hematoma
infusion, then retrieve new tubing and sol. And replace
them using sterile technique
5.4 a) to reduce the chance of piercing through the b) failed to :note the dextrose sol. Are not compatible
other side of the vein during venipuncture: hold the w/ blood products
syringe and needle at 15 to 30 degree angle from the c) IV tubing should be changed in all of the ff. situations
client’s arm with bevel up except: it was flushed with the solution rather than
b) understand the specific requirements for collection sterile
of blood specimens to prevent all except: venous
c) when performing venipuncture, avoid any site that
pulsates with palpation as this indicates: artery 7.1 A) a vol. control is: a calibrated chamber placed
between the IV bag and the drip chamber
b) an infusion pump: an electronic device used to
deliver prescribed amt. of fluid over a period pf time in
6.1 a)all of the ff are expected outcomes of preparing an milliliters
IV bag and tubing except: the iv sol. Will help the client c) if an infusion device is used, the nurse should teach
maintain wt. the client that an alarm sounds for all of the ff. except:
on pumping fluid into vein
NCM 112 midterms E-LEARNING (16 lessons)
7.2 a) microdrip: 60 gtts/min 8.2 a) to ensure the client is receiving the correct
b) formula: ml/hr/60min=ml/min therapy, do all the ff except: that it is the correct
c) if using a controller when setting the IV flow rate: infusion device
Place IV bag 36 inches above the IV site, select the b) to ensure that there is no sign of infiltration or
desired drops per minute infection at an IV insertion site: check and gauge the IV
dressing hourly be sure it is dry and intact
c) all of the ff. are early s/s of phlebitis of infiltration:
7.3 a) when setting an IV flow rate, this infusion device
is recommended for small children
b) after setting an IV flow rate, the nurse should note all
of the following in the flow sheet except: client’s 8.3 a) for clients who must have short term IV infusions
response to the IV therapy repeated over many months or years, observe all
c) infusion devices can be used in the long term facility: except: pain
an infusion pump b) this IV insertion site is not frequently chosen for a
long term IV therapy: peripheral
c) in assessing and maintaining an IV insertion site, note
7.4 a) if an infusion cassette is not snapped completely
all the ff in flow sheet except: rate of fluid per minute
into place in an infusion pump, it can result in: no fluid
infused and an alarm that sounds wherever the pump is
turned on LESSON 9
b) all are vital in successful administration of IV fluid
9.1 a) to KVO so that an IV medication can be
except: use of an infusion pump
administered, some clients may require: the IV solution
c) when setting the iV flow rate, the nurse should
to be infused slowly
consider on the IV bag: having tubing ready to mark the
b) all are needed when changing an IV med. Except: an
hrs of infusion on the IV bag
infusion pump
c) the type of IV sol. In an IV bag depends on: The
quiz 7 client’s need
1. For an IV ordered to be given at 100
ml/hr and infusion set that delivers 10 9.2 a) If air bubbles are present when changing an IV
gtts/ml: 16-17 gtts/min sol. The nurse should: open the roller clamp then while
2. Control device should be used for an IV stretching the tubing flick the tubing with a finger and
for a pediatric client: vol. control device ensure hat the bubbles rise to the drip chamber
3. Microdrip infusion set has a drop factor b) to reduce clot formation in the vein caused by and
of this many drops per ml: 60 empty IV bag, the nurse should:plan for new bag to be
4. Infusion rate for a pediatric client hung atleast 1 hr before it is needed
requiring 30 ml/hr: 30 gtts/min c) to prevent fluid drip chamber from emptying while
5. Methods of setting the rate of an changing solution, the nurse should: move the roller
infusion include: all of the ff clamp to stop flow of fluid

9.3 a) for clients under long term care, the nurse should
LESSON 8 monitor the client’s lab. Results so that: adjustments to
8.1 a) do all the ff except: teach the client how to the IV solution can be made if needed
maintain the Iv rate per order b) nurse make entries into all ff. docs. Except: MAR
b) areas to avoid an IV except: median veins c) IV pump alarms can often cause both anxiety and fear
c) s/s of fluid overload except: inelastic turgor in: younger and older children
NCM 112 midterms E-LEARNING (16 lessons)
9.4 a) the nurse should anticipate when a new IV sol. LESSON 11
Will be needed and be sure it is ordered from the
11.1 a) a large bore catheter is used for blood
pharmacy to prevent: risk of an IV clotting
transfusion to prevent: hemolysis
b) to be sure that the correct sol. Is given the nurse
b) the nurse should teach the client to report all of the
should: keep in mind the client’s lab and need of fluid
c) if the tubing is half full of air while changing the IV ff. s/s of reaction during blood transfusion except:
sol. The nurse should do all the ff. except: discontinue drowsiness
the IV c) all of the ff. are used for clients with alterations in
blood coagulation except: factor VIII and XI

10.1 a) A heplock or saline lock is used to: Cap the IV to

11.2 a) if a transfusion reaction occurs after initiation of
maintain to the vein w/o the necessity of running IV
the transfusion, the nurse should: get a urine specimen
fluids into the body
b) to prevent bacterial growth and destruction of RBC,
b) heplocks are regularly flushed with a heparin sol. Or
the nurse should obtain blood products from the blood
normal saline to prevent:clotting
bank within: 30 mins of initiation
c)all of the ff are needed when discontinuing an IV
c) verify all of the ff, with another nurse when
changing to a saline lock except: sterile needles, 27
administering a blood transfusion except: unit and
client no.

10.2 a) when inserting a new saline lock, the nurse

11.3 a) all of the ff. are meds used to prevent or
should do all the ff. except: attach the needle/ONC to
manage transfusion complications except:
the IV tubing
b) the nurse should keep the heparin or saline lock
b) in order to avoid fluid overload in elderly clients:
patent heparin or normal saline every: 8hrs
longer infusion because of decreased cardiac fxn
c) to ensure needle separation when using a spring
c) pediatric blood transfusion doses and rates are
loaded retractable needle system during the insertion
calculated by: body wt.
of new saline lock the nurse should: turn angiocatheter
360 degrees at the hub before inserting the catheter
into the vein 11.4 a) to prevent the blood from backing up into the
bag of normal saline during blood transfusion: clamp
the normal saline bag before the blood bag
10.3 a) the nurse should enter the ff into the MAR: the
b) blood products should not be transfused
sol. Infused everytime the lock is flushed
simultaneously or immediately ff. meds because it can
b) the veins of elderly clients may be more fragile and
cause: allergic type reactions
need more frequent changes of: an IV with a saline lock
c) in gen. it will take this much time to infuse a unit of
c) this device is often more appropriate in these
packed RBC: 2hrs
circumstances: a permanent central line

10.4 a) If the patency of a saline lock is in question, the post q lesson 11

nurse should: handle the problem right away 1. Packed RBC should be given for a client
b) if there is swelling around the needle when flushing a with a low platelet count: false
saline lock, the nurse should do all of the ff.: Make sure 2. If antibiotic is orderd, it can be
the needle is in vein, then attach a new heplock and piggybacked into the line closest to the
flush with saline client and administered at the same
c) some institution no longer flush heplocks with hep time as the blood: false
sol. As some studies suggests that: flushing with normal 3. A nurse can give a transfusion of packed
saline alone will maintain the patency of a heplock RBC but not whole blood w/o a
NCM 112 midterms E-LEARNING (16 lessons)
physicians or qualified practitioner’s LESSON 13
ordered: false
13.1 a) all of the ff statements about central venous
4. Factors VIII and IX are given to clients
catheters are true except: they are used to study
w/: hemophilia
Anaphy of the cardiovascular system including ACLS
5. The schedule best describes the VS
b) in regard to central venous catheters, the CVP
sched. At the beginning of a
provides info. Regarding: Right heart filling pressures
transfusion : every 15 mins. For 1 hr
and vol
c)all of the ff are indications for a central venous
Lesson 12 catheters except: JVD

12.1 a) anaphylactic reaction during a blood transfusion

can be caused by: IgA proteins given to IgA deficient 13.2 a)this can be determined of a hemodynamic
recipient who has developed IgA antibodies monitoring system is used with central venous
b) before administering a blood transfusion the nurse catheters: CVP measurement
should do all the ff. except: ask the client to write b) all of the ff are unexpected outcomes of central
about previous experiences with transfusions to allay venous catheter insertion except: heparin-induced
any fears embolism
c) Acc to the lesson, blood transfusion reactions can be
caused by all of the ff. except: blood components that
13.3 a) a central venous catheter kit is usually supplied
are infused too slowly
with all of the ff except: stopcock
b) all of the ff supplies are needed for central venous
12.2 a) the nurse should obtain VS including Spo2, catheter insertion, except: 1%lidocaine vial with
during blood transfusion to: assess client’s epinephrine
hemodynamic stability c) the subclavian approach is to be used in central
b) to Stimulates alpha receptors and beta receptors in venous catheter insertion the nurse should: place a
the sympathetic nervous system and decreases rolled towel vertically between the scapulae
respiratory distress in anaphylactic reactions.:
13.4 a) advancement of the guidewire or catheter into
c) in case of anaphylaxis during blood transfusion, the
the heart may induce: cardiac dysrhythmias
nurse should maintain a patent IV with: normal saline
b) prior to jugular central venous catheter insertion ,
assist in cleaning the site by: scrubbing the midclavicle
12.3 a) in relation to blood transfusion clients w/ bone
to the opposite border of the sternum and ear to few
stores of calcium with osteoporosis or bony tumors or
inches above the nipple line
whose mobility is limited are at risk of: sodium citrate
c) the 15-25 degree Trendelenburg nay be
contraindicated except: increased spinal column
b) after responding to a transfusion reaction do all the
except: dates of any prior transfusions
c) citrate reactions can occur in infants receiving:
exchange transfusions 13.5 a) abnormal heart or lung sounds after central
venous catheter insertion may indicate all the ff.
12.4 a) if the name on the blood bag is different from except: cardiac dysrhythmias
the medical rec. do all the ff except: recheck the client’s b) to prevent catheter embolism in central venous
ID bracelet catheter insertion, the physician should:use the
b) this transfusion reaction may occur after a few ml of Seldinger insertion technique
blood or plasma has been infused and w/o fever; c) evidenced by dyspnea, chest pain, muffled breathe
anaphylactic reaction sounds, high glucose level of chest drainage and low
c) hemolysis can lead to: DIC and uncontrolled grade fever: hydrothorax
NCM 112 midterms E-LEARNING (16 lessons)
should be 1 to2 cm lateral to the: junction of the
lesson 13 postq middle and medial thirds of the clavicle
1. If the subclavian approach is to be used b) the internal jugular vein can be located: 3 to 4cm
in CVC insertion the nurse should: place above the medial clavicle and 1 to 2 cm within the
a rolled towel vertically between lateral border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle
scapulae c) to prevent pneumothorax during central venous
2. All of the ff are unexpected outcomes of catheter insertion in the subclavian vein, the physician
CVC insertion except: heparin induced should insert the needle at a: 45 degree angle
3. This can be determined if hemodynamic
14. 5 a) if hemodynamic system is used with the
monitoring system is used with CVCs:
CVC changes in the waveform may indicate:
CVP measurement
catheter migration
4. All of the statements are true about
CVC are true except: they are used to b) the nurse should immediately perform all the
study ANAPHY assessments after CVC insertion except: fluid status
5. Prior to jugular vein central venous
catheter insertion, the nurse should c) abnormal heart/lung sound after CVC insertion may
assist in cleaning the site by: scrubbing indicate all of the ff. except: right ventricular failure
the midclavicle to the opposite border 14. post q
of the sternum and ear to a few inches 1. the internal jugular vein can be located: 3 to
above the nipple line 4cm above the medial clavicle and 1 to 2 cm
6. in regard to central venous catheters, within the lateral border of the
the CVP provides info. Regarding: Right sternocleidomastoid muscle
heart filling pressures and vol 2. the nurse should immediately perform all the
assessments after CVC insertion except: fluid
3. normal CVP value is: 2to6 mmHg
LESSON 14 4. this is determined after CVC insertion: CVP
14.1 a) insertion of CVC in all of the ff reduces the risk
5. the nurse should assess all of the ff. except:
for pneumothorax except: internal jugular vein
sternomastoid muscle
b) the CVP is commonly elevated during or ff all of the ff
6. insertion of CVC in all of the ff reduces the
conditions except: R ventricular distention
risk for pneumothorax except: internal jugular
c) normal CVP value: 2-6 mmHg
7. if hemodynamic system is used with the CVC
14.2 a) unexpected outcome of CVC insertion: changes in the waveform may indicate:
hematoma catheter migration
b) this is determined after CVC insertion: CVP

14.3 a) prior to central venous catheter insertion, the
nurse should assess all of the following except: 15.1 a) to determine the client’s ability to cooperated
sternomastoid muscle during the insertion of a nasogastric. The nurse should:
b) if the client Is obese: place a towel posteriorly assess the client’s LOC
between the shoulder blades b) NGT tubes are commonly used for all of the ff except:
to introduce light into the room
c) all of the ff are possible complications of nasogastric
14.4 a) to avoid the subclavian artery during central
tube insertion except: dehydration
venous catheter insertion, the needle insertion site
NCM 112 midterms E-LEARNING (16 lessons)
b) all are used to assess small bore feeding tube except:
alcohol swabs
15.2 a) during the NGT the client usually starts to gag
c) this color could signify aspiration of tube feeding:
when the tube reaches the: nasopharynx
b) the nurse should choose the more patent nostril for
NGT tube insertion to” decrease the discomfort and
unnecessary trauma 16.2 a)to prevent wasting of feeding solution if the
c) to facilitate NGT tube insertion and prevent back infusion has already been running, the nurse should:
strain, the nurse should: properly prepare the clamp the tube
environment b) to allow insetion of air into the feeding tube, the
nurse should: attach the syringe to the proximal end of
the feeding tube
15.3 a) after the NGT tube insertion. The nurse should
c) if the pH level of the fluid aspirated ranges from 6 to
document all of the ff in the nurse’s notes except[t:
7, it means the tube is in the: intestine
client’s pre-insertion bp
b) in the home care setting, the nurse should
periodically assess the family member’s ability to do all 16.3 a) if migration is suspected or placement cannot be
of the ff except: assess the presence of blood in the verified, the nurse should note any interventions
stomach implemented in the: nurse’s notes
c) to prevent accidental aspiration in small children, the b) if older clients have problems with confusion, the
nurse should: dispose or securely tape any small parts nurse should: secure the tubing well and monitor the
such as plastic connectors or plugs client
c) if a feeding tube has migrated into the pulmonary
tree, the nurse should teach caregivers: what to do and
15.4 a) if unable to verify an NG tube position, the nurse
whom to notify
should: instill anything through the tube
b) nurses must be able to evaluate the effectiveness of
all of the ff. regarding NG tube except: movement 16.4 a) to prevent aspiration while tube feeding the
c) if iodine allergy is not present, to prep the skin on the nurse should keep the client’s elevated at: 30 degrees
bridge of the nose, the nurse may use: tincture of b) the nurse should do all the following to properly
benzoin secure a feeding tube except: put a transparent
dressing under the tube on the cheek
c) if unable to verify placement of tubing in stomach or
LESSON 15 postq
small intestine,, the nurse should: remove the tube and
1. Length of ngtinsertion should be measured:
replace it
from the earlobe to the xiphoid process*
2. The ngt is secured to the client’s gown by: a
rubber band and safety pin LESSON 16 postq
3. One way to check placement of the ngt is to
inject water and listen for the gurgles in the 1. One method of verifying feeding tube
stomach: False placement is: testing the pH of the aspirate
4. The ff are size of NGT should be used in 2. If the feeding tube is d in the stomach, the pH
adult: 14-18 Fr of the aspirate is:below ph3
5. When inserting a ngt you should wear gloves: true 3. Most reliable way to verify tube placement is:
abdominal xray
4. Intense coughing can dislodge a feeding tube:
LESSON 16 true
16. 1 a) most precise way to verify placement of feeding 5. Feeding tube placement needs to be verified
tube is: obtain an abdominal xray only once after shift:true or false
NCM 112 midterms E-LEARNING (16 lessons)

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