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10/26/21, 8:49 AM MIDTERM EXAMINATION: Understanding Culture Society and Politics

No due date
Oct 26 at 7:25am - Oct 26 at 9am
about 2 hours
Time Limit
90 Minutes

Attempt History
Attempt Time Score
LATEST Attempt 1
82 minutes 33 out of 50

* Some questions not yet graded

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Score for this quiz:

33 out of 50
Submitted Oct 26 at 8:47am
This attempt took 82 minutes.

Question 1 1
/ 1 pts

This thinker spouses the idea that every member of a society engages in competition for survival where
superior dominates the inferior. 

A. Charles Darwin

B. Herbert Spencer

Karl Marx

Lewis Henry Morgan

Incorrect Question 2 0
/ 1 pts

Social Contract gives man the opportunity to enjoy freedom because of its state of nature. 



Question 3 1
/ 1 pts

Determine which of the following statements is true.

A. Human Behavior is largely based on biological evolution.

B. Human behavior is defined by the genetic and psychological changes in a person.

C. Human Behavior is largely defined by the culture and traditions of a community. 1/13
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D. Human Behavior emerge from complex interaction of biological and environmental changes.

Question 4 1
/ 1 pts

Civilization is the lowest stage of development where people have learned writing and where technology
further advances. 



Question 5 1
/ 1 pts

This philosopher is well known for his characterization of human as by nature political animals. 

A. Aristotle

B. Marx

C. Plato

D. Socrates

Question 6 1
/ 1 pts

Tribe refers to the earliest societies composed of small and nomadic family groups. 



Question 7 1
/ 1 pts

This social group usually requires a person to apply to become a member.

A. Club

B. Community

C. Household

D. Peer group 2/13
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Question 8 0
/ 1 pts

It is the number of stages in the “stages of human social evolution and development” based on the historical
and dialectical materialism by Marx and Engels. 

A. 5

B. 8

C. 4

D. 2

Question 9 1
/ 1 pts

The thinker who said that “man by nature is a political animal and interaction is important as it fulfills certain
basic needs”.

A. Charles Darwin

B. Aristotle

C. John Locke

D. Thomas Hobbes

Question 10 1
/ 1 pts

It is an example of mores. 

A. Cursing

B. Fraud

C. Deviancy

D. Conformity

Question 11 1
/ 1 pts

These are the norms that describe socially acceptable behavior but do not have great moral significance
attached to them. 

A. Conformity

B. Deviance

C. Folkways 3/13
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D. Mores

Question 12 1
/ 1 pts

It refers to the classification of group characterized as impersonal and business-like relations that focuses on
attaining skills or goals. 

A. Core group

B. Intimate group

C. Primary group

D. Secondary group

Question 13 0
/ 1 pts

It is the process where organisms undergo various genetic and physical changes which results to diversity. 

A. Evolution

B. Bio-cultural Evolution

C. Biological Evolution

D. Cultural Evolution

Question 14 1
/ 1 pts

It refers to the process where organisms undergo various genetic and physical changes which results to
biological diversity. 

A. Biocultural Evolution

B. Biological Evolution

C. Cultural Evolution

D. Environmental Evolution

Question 15 1
/ 1 pts

This philosopher believed that man by nature is self-interested. 

A. Aristotle 4/13
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B. Jean Jacques Rousseau

C. John Locke

D. Thomas Hobbes

Question 16 1
/ 1 pts

This body of science is described by Lidox as the discipline that deals only with natural events.

A. Biological Science

B. Natural Science

C. Physical Science

D. Social Science

Question 17 0
/ 1 pts

This theory is the view that person’s moral and/or political obligations are dependent upon the agreement
among them to form a society in which they live.

A. Modernization Theory

B. Social Contract

C. Mechanical Solidarity

D. Organic Solidarity

Question 18 1
/ 1 pts

This author wrote the Two Treatises on Government. 

A. Aristotle

B. Jean Jacques Rousseau

C. John Locke

D. Thomas Hobbes

Question 19 1
/ 1 pts

Invention of Private property radically changed human evolution from a simple life into life defined by
greed, competition, vanity, inequality and vices. 5/13
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Question 20 0
/ 1 pts

This view in the origin of society states that person’s moral and/or political obligations are dependent upon
the agreement among them to form a society in which they live. 

A. Agreement of the States

B. Laws of Nature

C. Social Contract

D. Society as Natural Institutions

Question 21 1
/ 1 pts

Tribe was a more formal social organization composed of several bands or groups connected through a clan



Question 22 1
/ 1 pts

Secondary group is an intimate, personal and face to face relationship. It includes the family and



Primary Group

Question 23 1
/ 1 pts

It refers to a socially acceptable behavior that does not have great moral significance.

A. Mores

B. Folkways

C. Values 6/13
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D. Norms

Question 24 1
/ 1 pts

They are the people of a community without fixed habitation which regularly moves to and from the same

A. Barbarians

B. Nomads

C. Hunters

D. Farmers

Question 25 1
/ 1 pts

It refers to a group of people with a commonality in vicinity and proximity to one another with some degree of
continuity over time. 

A. Squad

B. Community

C. Club

D. Peers

Question 26 0
/ 1 pts

The hunter-gatherer way of life made it impossible for people to live _____. 

A. in groups.

B. in cold climates.

C. in permanent dwellings.

D. without a spoken language

Question 27 0
/ 1 pts

Thomas Hobbes, his view of State of Nature is that no civil authority could punish people for their
transgressions against the laws. 

True 7/13
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Question 28 1
/ 1 pts

This is traditionally seen as a one-way process where society molds an individual to conform to established
social norms and rules. 

A. Enculturation

B. Social Dynamics

C. Socialization

D. Social Process

Question 29 1
/ 1 pts

Enculturation is the process by which an individual adopts the behavior patterns of the culture in which he
or she is immersed 



Question 30 1
/ 1 pts

This major group classification includes family members, neighborhood, and play groups. 

A. Core group

B. Intimate group

C. Primary group

D. Secondary group

Question 31 1
/ 1 pts

Annie wants to take a Social Science program in college. Her interest lies on understanding the causes of
poverty and organizing community programs. What social science program should she take in college that
matches with her interests? 

A. Anthropology

B. Political Science 8/13
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C. Psychology

D. Sociology

Question 32 1
/ 1 pts

Which stage of Identity Formation does the child perceived his development of self-development to be
conceived by other people?

A. Play Stage

B. Game Stage

Imitation Stage

Adulthood Stage

Question 33 1
/ 1 pts

Identify who among the following has an achieved status. 

A. Ana who is rich because of inheritance

B. Michael who is rich because his parents run a corporation

C. Angel who is rich because her siblings are social media influencers

D. Mark who is rich because he invested his money in an e-sports company

Question 34 1
/ 1 pts

This statement about Socialization is not correct. 

A. Successful socialization can result in uniformity within a society.

B. Socialization plays no part in personality formation in individuals.

C. Socialization is the process of internalizing the norms and ideologies of society.

D. Large-scale complex societies that are not culturally homogenous usually have unanimous agreement about
what should be the shared norms.

Question 35 1
/ 1 pts 9/13
10/26/21, 8:49 AM MIDTERM EXAMINATION: Understanding Culture Society and Politics

Determine which of the following statements is the best characterization of Restorative Justice.

A. Punishments are commensurate to the crimes committed by an individual.

B. Victims are afforded with protection while offenders do not have right to due process.

C. Victims and offenders mediate an agreement to the satisfaction of each and the community.

D. All crimes must be punishable by death since it caused damage to the people and community.

Question 36 0
/ 1 pts

Determine which of the following statements is the reason why tribes are considered a formal organization.

A. They are no longer nomadic.

B. They larger in size and institutions were already established.

C. They already know how to produce and market their products.

D. The headman has more formal power over members to enforce rules.

Question 37 1
/ 1 pts

Identify which of the following statements is a result of having a leisure time during the state of nature
according to Jean Jacques Rousseau? 

A. People had more time to sleep and relax.

B. People started to produce products more efficiently and effectively.

C. People developed greed and vices that led to chaos in communities.

D. People stated to compare with one another that resulted to public values.

Question 38 1
/ 1 pts

Zoe admires the cheerleaders at her school and enjoys watching them at games. She frequently copies
hairstyles that she sees the girls wearing. The cheerleading squad is an example of what group? 

A. Primary group

B. Secondary group

C. Tertiary group 10/13
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D. Reference group

Question 39 1
/ 1 pts

Identify which among the following best describes the Human Evolution. 

A. Period from Pilopithecus up until Modern Homo-Sapiens

B. The use of clear stones by early Australopithecus

C. The development of Oldowan tools in hunting animals

D. The Industrial Revolution, 18th Century

Question 40 0
/ 1 pts

Identify which of the following statements is not a characterization of band-level societies.

A. Bands are highly egalitarian.

B. Bands are composed of small and nomadic groups.

C. Disputes are rare because they are living far from one another.

D. Band leaders exercise authority and enforces rules to members.

Question 41 0
/ 1 pts

In this sociological theory of deviancy, people experience frustration that can lead them to deviate. 

A. Strain theory

B. Conflict theory

C. Control Theory

D. Social Learning Theory

Question 42 0
/ 1 pts

Determine which of the following statements is not a correct description of a group. 11/13
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A. A group is a source of social status.

B. A group is a transmitter of culture.

C. A group is a source of social control.

D. A group trains individuals in communication.

Question 43 1
/ 1 pts

Mark idolizes the Basketball team of Barangay Ginebra Gin Kings since his childhood. In what categorization
of group does Ginebra belong in the perspective of Mark?

A. In-group

B. Out-group

C. Peer group

D. Reference group

Question 44 0
/ 1 pts

Which of the following reason DOES NOT explain why evolution is often described as "the theme that ties
together all aspects of biology?"

A. The process of evolution explains the diversity of organisms.

B. The process of evolution explains how living things came to be.

C. The process of evolution explains why all organisms have characteristics in common.

D. The process of evolution explains how organisms become adapted to their environment.

Question 45 1
/ 1 pts

These examples can be classified as a primary group. 

A. political parties, a family, trade unions

B. a small church choir, police service, a family

C. Trade Unions, a class within a school, a family

D. a class within a school, a family, a small church choir 12/13
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Question 46 Not yet graded

/ 5 pts

Write an essay characterizing a situation where there is no society formed and everyone is living in a state of
nature. Do you think human civilization can progress? How and Why?

Your Answer:

living without society being formed will not make human civilization progress, human civilization needs
people to work together or unity in order to progress. Our century is advanced today because people from
the past work together and share their ideas from where their progress is very useful until today.

Quiz Score:
33 out of 50 13/13

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