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Famous People

60 Minutes
interview, 1
Pre-Reading Warm Up Questions ☀ Andy Roon 990
ey: What d
Dr. Kevork o you do fo
ian: Irritate r fun Dr. Ke
people. vorkian?
1. Do you know who “Dr. Death” is?
2. Would you want someone to help you die if you were very sick?
3. Would you ever help a loved one die if they asked you to?
4. Have you seen or heard of the movie “You don’t know Jack”?
If no, what do you think it’s about?

Dr. Kevorkian; A.K.A “Dr. Death”

Dr. Kevorkian was also known as “Dr. Death”. He believed that doctor-assisted suicide was a civil right. The
doctor became famous by helping patients commit suicide.
Dr. Death got his nickname early in his medical career. In 1956, he did a study on the eyes of dying patients. He
took pictures of people’s eyes as they died. A few years later, he suggested that prisoners be euthanized. He thought
the prisoners’ organs could be saved and used.
The eccentric doctor became interested in euthanasia after watching a woman suffer and die from cancer. He built a
“suicide machine” with parts he collected at a flea market. The machine allowed patients to give themselves a
lethal dose of drugs. In 1990, Dr. Kevorkian helped a woman kill herself in the back of his van. The woman’s name
was Janet Adkins, and she was suffering from Alzheimer's.
Up to 130 people killed themselves with the help of Dr. Kevorkian. Most
of the patients suffered from cancer, Lou Gehrig’s disease, or some form
of paralysis. In the 1990’s, Dr. Kevorkian tried to convince law-makers
to legalize euthanasia.
Many people did not approve of Dr. Kevorkian’s assisted suicides.
Eventually he was charged with second-degree murder. Supporters of
Dr. Kevorkian wore “I Back Jack” buttons during his trial. The US
Supreme Court sentenced him to 10-15 years in prison.
After eight years in prison, Dr. Kevorkian was released. He told
reporters that he did not plan to assist with any more suicides. He also
ran for Congress.
“I’ll work to have it legalized. But I won’t break any laws doing it.”
Dr. Death
Dr. Kevorkian died on June 3, 2011 at the age of 83. Unlike many of
his patients, Dr. Kevorkian died of natural causes. The year before his
death, a TV film called “You Don’t Know Jack” was made. The film features Al Pacino as Dr. Kevorkian.

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photocopied by members of in accordance with membership terms and conditions. Contact for complete details.
Dr. Kevorkian
Famous People


A. True or False. Read the statements below. If the statement is true,

write T beside the sentence. If it is false, write F. If it is false,
correct the information.
1. Jack Kevorkian was a real doctor. ____
2. Kevorkian got the nickname “Dr. Death” before he helped his first Kevorkian told
patient die. ____ his jurors that
3. Dr. Kevorkian spent many years in prison as punishment for helping some acts are
his patients die.____ not crimes. He
said: "Just look at me.
4. Dr. Kevorkian helped patients use illegal weapons such as guns. ____
Honestly now, do you see a
5. Dr. Kevorkian committed suicide in jail.____ criminal? Do you see a murderer?"

Imagine that your class had jury

duty on this case. It’s time to make
the decision. One side agrees with
Place the following in chronological order (1-8). the doctor. The other side thinks he
is guilty of murderer.
____ Jack Kevorkian was sentenced to 10-15 years in prison.
____ Dr. Kevorkian suggested prisoners be euthanized.
____ Janet Adkins took her own life with Dr. Kevorkian’s help.
____ A film was made about Dr. Death. DISCUSS
____ Dr. Kevorkian did a study on the eyes of dying people.
1. What is the ideal way to die?
____ Dr. Kevorkian died of natural causes.
____ Dr. Kevorkian was sent to trial before the US Supreme Court. 2. Are the “right-to-live” and the
____ Jack Kevorkian told reporters he would still try to legalize euthanasia. “right-to-die” religious issues?

VOCABULARY REVIEW 3. Dr. Kevorkian once said: “If

A) Odd One Out you dig into anybody's
Choose the word or phrase that does not belong in each group.
character, you can find
Can you think of another word that would belong?
eccentricities.” Do you agree?
A) kill B) death C) suicide D) natural
A) mobility B) paralysis C) weakness D) buttons 4. Think of an action that is illegal
A) freedom B) choice C) murder D) civil right in your country that you think
A) Alzheimer’s B) Cancer C) Lou Gehrig’s D) Doctor should be legal. Why do you
A) legalize B) euthanize C) paralyze D) eccentric
think this should be legalized?
A) nickname B) Congress C) pet name D) moniker
A) euthanize B) politics C) leader D) Congress

Copyright 2010. This eBook is produced and distributed by Red River Press Inc. All rights reserved. The contents within this e-book/document may only be
photocopied by members of in accordance with membership terms and conditions. Contact for complete details.
Dr. Kevorkian
Famous People

VOCABULARY REVIEW cont. Writing and Speaking

B. Work with a partner. Take turns Pair Activity - Interview
choosing a number from 1-12 and
An Eccentric Person You Know:
rolling a die (code below). Give
Many people called Dr. Kevorkian
yourself a point each time you know “eccentric”. He once wore a
the answer. Ask your teacher for help costume and a wig to court. He also
if you don’t know if a response is correct. burned court orders. Some say he
loved the attention he got. He had
1. suicide many fans and also many foes.

2. civil right Here is a fun activity to do with a

3. nickname 1) Think of an eccentric person
you know.
4. euthanized
2) Make a list of 5-10 questions to
5. eccentric ask that person.
3) Give your questions to your
6. flea market partner. He or she will ask them
to you.
7. lethal
4) Pretend to be the eccentric
8. Alzheimer’s person you thought of. Answer
your own questions! Now ask
9. paralysis your partner his/her questions.

10. legalize *Use a video camera or webcam

to record your interview, or
11. second degree murder write it out as a text and perform
it for the class.
12. natural causes


How many syllables do each of these
1. Spell it words have? Can you pronounce
these words correctly? Some of these
2. Categorize by word form. (adjective, verb, noun) are tough for native speakers too!
3. Think of a synonym.
Leukemia _____
4. Pronounce it. (Where does the word stress belong?) Alzheimer’s _____
Lou Gehrig’s _____
1. Use it in a sentence.
Parkinson’s _____
2. Give a definition. Diabetes _____
Multiple Sclerosis _____

Copyright 2010. This eBook is produced and distributed by Red River Press Inc. All rights reserved. The contents within this e-book/document may only be
photocopied by members of in accordance with membership terms and conditions. Contact for complete details.
Dr. Kevorkian
Famous People



A. True or False B) If you don’t have enough dice, make
1. True. some or use slips of paper numbered 1-6.
2. True.
3. True.
4. False. Dr. Kevorkian helped patients use lethal injections.
5. False. Dr. Kevorkian died of natural causes.
If your students make videos, please share
B. Timeline them with ESL-Library. We’ll post them
on our blog.
5 Jack Kevorkian was sentenced to 10-15 years in prison.
2 Dr. Kevorkian suggested prisoners be euthanized.
3 Janet Adkins took her own life with Dr. Kevorkian’s help.
7 A film was made about Dr. Death.
1 Dr. Kevorkian did a study on the eyes of dying people. You could have your students listen to
8 Dr. Kevorkian died of natural causes. the pronunciation online if you have a
computer in the room. Introduce them
4 Dr. Kevorkian was sent to trial before the US Supreme Court. to pronunciation dictionaries, such as
6 Jack Kevorkian told reporters he would still try to legalize
euthanasia. Leu/ke/mi/a (4) [cancer of the blood or
bone marrow-white blood cells too high]
VOCABULARY Alz/hei/mer’s (3) [degenerative dementia]
A) Odd One Out
Lou/Geh/rig’s (3) [ALS-damages nerves
1. D) natural in the brain and spinal cord. Named after a
2. D) buttons NY baseball player. ]
3. C) murder Par/kin/son’s (3) [degeneration of the
4. D) Doctor central nervous system]
5. D) eccentric Di/a/be/tes (4) [high levels of sugar in the
6. B) Congress blood]
7. A) euthanize

Copyright 2010. This eBook is produced and distributed by Red River Press Inc. All rights reserved. The contents within this e-book/document may only be
photocopied by members of in accordance with membership terms and conditions. Contact for complete details.

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