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Write a process document to explain how you would control the incoming deliveries in the new
warehouse at Jumna, including the information needed, and who you would work with to
ensure the process works.
Ans: Controlling the incoming deliveries for a new warehouse like Jumna is always a challenging
a job. To overcome it, some activities need to implement.
• Identify the requirement: To control the incoming deliveries of a new warehouse, first we
must identify the requirement of warehouse. In general requirement, first we must identify
that is it for long term storage or short time. We already know that Jumna warehouse is for
short term. It is also needed to identify the total quantity, characteristics of goods which will
be stored.
• Proper Documentation: To control the incoming deliveries, documentation is one of the
most important parts. Keeping stock register, release order, waybill, stock card and bin are
parts of regular warehouse operation. After receiving and checking the goods first work is to
put in stock register before store. Proper documentation is overall seen of warehouse.
Anyone can easily see the total status of warehouse with documents.
• Selecting Handling Equipment: Selecting handling equipment is also important to control the
incoming deliveries of warehouse. Different kinds of equipment make warehouse operation
simple and easy. From receiving to dispatch of goods all the process needs to handle by
different equipment’s. Selection of equipment for warehouse it is needed to remember that
operations must achieve a balance between the operational efficiency and the cost of
equipment. As we already know that Jumna warehouse will be operation for short term. So,
we must select the equipment, which is less expensive, cost efficient, easy to handle, safe
and known to worker.
• Check the waybill and challan: Check the waybill and challan during the receiving of goods
are important things to control the incoming deliveries for a warehouse. For Jumna
warehouse, I will check the waybill from Chagong and Mugla warehouse before receiving
the of goods. Controlling and documentation of incoming deliveries are must for warehouse
• Selecting Storage Method: In Jumna warehouse, food items will be stored most. So, we
need to think about appropriate storage method before receiving goods from other
warehouses. There are several types of storage method are being used for warehouse
operation. Loose storage, Shelved Storage, Binned Storage, Block Stacking, and adjustable
pallet racking are commonly used for warehouse operation. For food items storing we will
follow binned and shelved method.
• Count and Check of Inventory: Check and counting the inventory during the receiving time is
most thing for controlling the incoming deliveries. Warehouse persons need to check and
count the quantity of inventory during the receiving time.
• Quality Check of Inventory: Quality of inventory need to check before confirmation of
receiving. For food items, it important to check the expiry date, batch number and the
quality. To control the incoming deliveries checking and counting always need to perform
during the receiving of goods. It is better to keep an approved sample copy of inventory
before receiving.
• Sizing the storage area: Sizing the storage area before receiving the inventory important to
control the incoming deliveries. For bulk amount goods receiving it is more important to
sizing the storage. Otherwise, it creates difficulties, kills time and warehouse operation can
be hampered. We will size the storage area before receiving any amount of goods. I will
help to control the incoming inventories.
• Sizing the goods receipt area: Same as sizing the storage area, sizing the goods area is also
important things to do for controlling the incoming deliveries. In every warehouse there is a
specific area for receiving of goods. This area is always stay busy for receiving. So, for every
receiving of inventory we need to be sizing the receiving area. It will always save time and
reduce difficulties.
• Compiling the right metrics: Sometimes goods come as a bulk amount. But for storing and
dispatching, bulk amount needed to sort or compiling the goods in right metrics is one of
the important things.

To ensure above things for controlling the incoming deliveries I will need to work with the responsible
persons of Chagong and Mugla warehouse, warehouse employees of Jumna warehouse, Human
resource department for hiring casual labor, program people for distribution, procurement department
and suppliers.

Question 2: Present a diagram of the new warehouse, include the flow of goods, and identify where the
different items are to be stored.

Ans: Flow of goods in warehouse start from receiving of goods and ends with dispatching of goods.
Between them some working methods need to implement for operation of warehouse. These are
storage and picking of goods. But other so many tasks are involved with them. In Jumna warehouse,
foods item will be stored most. So, warehouse manager needs to be more careful at in working method.
Food Items should be stored in clean and hazard free area. In Jumna warehouse I will store all the food
items side by side. But I will keep vegetable oil bit far from rice and beans because if there any accident
happen there is a high chance that oil can be mixed with rice. So, many things need to consider for
storing food items.

Question 3: Describe the resources needed and the working methods that you would use in each of the
working areas, including appropriate precautions for safety.

Ans: For the operation of warehouse, there are some resources which needed to utilize. Operation of a
warehouse is always challenging work for any organization. So, to use in each of the working area of a
warehouse, needed resources are: -

• Human Resource: Some employees are needed for operation of warehouse. This is one of
the resources for warehouse. To perform the daily activities of warehouse, organization hire
professional and skilled employee for the operation. Stock maintains, calculation the stock,
receiving the stock, dispatch the stock and so many work done them.
• Weighting Systems: Weighting goods quantity is an essential step in quality control and
inventory monitoring. In most organization, various types of weight method used for
warehouse. Some are owned by them, or some are hired. These method or scales used the
measure the different goods quantities and sizes. So, weighting system is one of the
resources for operation of warehouse.
• Storage Systems: Different types of storage systems are being used for warehouse
operation. Shelved, Binned, Loose Storage and block stacking are some of them.
Organization use storage systems as per their warehouse operation. These storage systems
are resources of warehouse which helps to run the operation.
• Handling Equipment: Equipment which used in daily warehouse operation are also
resources for using in each area. Mechanical handling equipment such as forklift trucks,
hand pallet transporter, picking trucks and other equipment are use for operation of
warehouse. Without handling equipment warehouse operation can not be operational in
timely, smoothly, and effectively.
• Packaging materials and equipment: Packaging materials and equipment are also resources
of warehouse operation. The packaging is essential to keeping the goods secure during the
storage, transport, and distribution. Dispatching may lead a damage goods and the only way
minimize the losses is to ensure that before items leaves the warehouse, they are correctly
packed. Packing tables, bubble wrap, and some other equipment protect fragile goods.
• External Resources: External or contracted resource can be either equipment or people.
External resources provide additional support during peak workload times. When
recruitment and own equipment is not sufficient, that time external resources provide
• Hired Labor: Hired Labor is one of the main resources for warehouse operation. Labor is
required for daily operation of warehouse. They may not have specific knowledge about the
operation. But after a short induction, they play a vital role in daily warehouse operation.
Daily labors are easier to mange and easy to acquire.

Appropriate precautions of Safety: Safety is always important for operation of warehouse. Safety
measures should ensure before the starting of operation. Precautions of safety is important not only for
warehouse, also for them who work there. For warehouse, appropriate safety measures are

• Perimeter Fence
• Security Guard
• Sun Light
• Fire extinguisher
• Access Controlling
• CCTV Camera Installation
• Easy and light handling equipment
• Floors and Traffic Routes
• Proper Ventilation
For working people, safety measures are,

• First Aid kit

• Protective Goggles and Helmet
• Gloves.
• Personal Protective equipment
• Control Exposure with hazard
• Proper training for using of handling equipment.
• First aid kit use training
• Proper Lighting
• Proper Temperature of working place
• Cleanliness
Operation of warehouse should start after ensuring all safety measures.

Working Methods: Warehouse describes a facility where it served the purpose of storing goods. In
humanitarian response, warehouses are mainly used to keep the goods for distribution to beneficiaries.
For operation of warehouse, some working methods needed to follow.

• Goods Receiving: Receiving of goods is the primary working method of warehouse. The
goods receipt operation can be planned and managed to ensure the flow of goods into the
warehouse by manager or professional. Most of time warehouse manager has very limited
control and visibility of goods. So, receiving of goods operation should be flexible and
adaptable. The primary objective of receive goods from internal or external supplier, unload
the vehicle as efficiently as possible. Most of the time warehouse needs external labor for
receiving of goods. But the factors of hiring labor depend on the frequency and size of
deliveries. The goods receipt work methods depend on some factors like receiving the goods
in Loose Form, Palletized Form or Using of an Unloading Dock.
• Storage of Goods: Storage is the process of any goods in the final position of warehouse.
Storage method is also used to relocate the inventory within the warehouse. In some
warehouse they have picking area where small amount of goods is available for access. In
these special cases goods may go straight to the picking area for special need. In bulk
storage, labor needed. But the requirement depends upon the method employed. In storage
working methods, some activities are obtaining the location, move to location, replenish
picking area, remove damaged goods, move pallets, report action etc.
• Picking: Picking involves the selection of goods from the bulk storage are to dispatching area
for transport to the beneficiaries. There are some tasks concerned with order picking. These
are documents, handling equipment, location, appropriate quantity, etc.
In planning of picking operations, three things need to consider. They are Picking method,
Picking Technique and Picking Path.
• Dispatching: Goods dispatching area is always at risk of congestion as goods receiving area.
Control of waiting vehicles and trailers is always important for dispatching. The objectives of
dispatch area are:-
1. Goods need to consolidate and packed correctly.
2. Goods need to hold in correct sequence for loading
3. Goods need to available for loading into vehicles.
Picked goods check, confirmation of documentation, re-palletize, maintain the sequence of vehicle load,
record serial numbers, seal the vehicle, make the waybill etc tasks needed to ensure in dispatching area.
Question 4: Explain how you would modify planned activity to cope with contingencies that may arise.

Ans: Operation of warehouse for humanitarian response is always challenging and difficult. So,
operation plan should be made as it can be modified anytime. In humanitarian response any situation
could arise anytime. Operation team need to prepare for cope with changes anytime. Situation can be
because of safety or distribution or any operation.

Modification in Plan:

Example: In humanitarian response specially for refugee context, there always should be a buffer stock
of food items in every warehouse. To reduce the time of purchase, I will advice procurement team to
make a framework agreement with several suppliers for purchase of food items to face the emergency.
If any natural disaster is coming, and I will advise procurement team purchase stock for upcoming
disaster. I will calculate the needed stock after scheduling and forecasting of inventory.

There is plan for pest control in every warehouse operation. But sometimes damage can be increasing
more than the expectation. Incase of this, I will immediately relocate food item to outside the
warehouse will conduct a pest control and fumigation immediately save the stock.

Sometimes after natural disaster or fire incident, so many stock need to purchase for facing the
emergencies. That time, extra space also needed to stock foods. I will keep some space outside the
warehouse to mitigate this type of emergencies.

Suppose I have made 8 feet perimeter fence around the warehouse, but some thieves managed to enter
warehouse from above the fence and stole some stocks. Immediately I will increase the security of
warehouse and will raise the perimeter fence from 8 feet to more.

In warehouse operation always goods received in the warehouse and then go for dispatching. But
sometimes in emergency distribution need. That time it will take time receive the goods in warehouse
and dispatch for distribution. Beneficiaries wait for long in this situation. In case of this situation, I will
communicate with the suppliers and tell them to deliver goods direct on the distribution spot. At the
same time, I will send warehouse person to the distribution spot to check the goods and receive from

That’s how I will modify the plan to cope with the situation arise.

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