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HS21 Physik II D-ITET Exercise 8

G. Scalari return on Friday 12.11.2021 by 13:00

1 Symmetry of potential and wavefunction

Here, you should show that if the potential V (x) is symmetric, which means that V (−x) =
V (x), then eigenfunctions ψ(x) can always be taken to be either even or odd. Following
these steps should help you to do the proof:

a) What property has to hold for ψ(x) when the position variable is inverted x → −x such
that ψ(x) is an even or odd function, respectively? Note that this operation corresponds
to a mirroring of the wavefunction at the origin x = 0 and tests the inversion symmetry.
p̂ 2
b) Show that the momentum operator p̂ and the kinetic energy operator T̂ = 2m are respec-
tively odd and even under the operation x → −x. Note here that also operators can be
even or odd.

c) This reflection aka parity transformation can be conveniently express by the operator P̂
(which turns out to be hermitian and unitary) and is applied like P̂ x̂P̂ = −x̂ and similary
on the other operators. Does P̂ commute with x̂, p̂, T̂ ? When does it commute with the
Hamiltonian and we can say that we have a symmetry of the system?

d) Show that if a general ψ(x) satisfies the time-independent Schrödinger equation with a
symmetric potential for a given energy value E, so too does ψ(−x).
Hint: Apply x → −x on the Schrödinger equation.

e) We assume non-degenerate eigenstates, which means that upon diagonalization of the

Hamiltonian each eigenenergy appears at most once. Using the result in c), argue that
for such a non-degenerate system, we can write

ψ(x) = αψ(−x) (1)

f) Show that if we can write ψ(x) = αψ(−x) then |α| = 1.

Hint: Use the normalization of the wavefunction and eq. 1.

g) Show that α is a real number. What values can it have? What does follow for the
symmetry of the eigenwavefunctions for the symmetric potential?

h) Eq. 1 does not hold in general when the spectrum is degenerate. Prove this with a

Exercise 8 return on Friday 12.11.2021 by 13:00

2 Spherical harmonics
a) Write down the change of coordinates from spherical to cartesian and vice-versa.

b) Compute ∂x r, ∂x θ, ∂x φ and express them in the spherical variables; write down ∂x in

spherical coordinates.

If you were patient enough to do the same also for the partial derivatives with respect to
2 2 2
y, z, apply twice the derivatives and work a bit of algebra of ∂xx + ∂yy + ∂zz , you would find
the action of the Laplacian in spherical coordinates:
2 1 ∂ 2 ∂Ψ 1 ∂ ∂Ψ 1 ∂ Ψ
∇ Ψ= 2 r + 2 sin θ + 2 2 . (2)
r ∂r ∂r r sin θ ∂θ ∂θ r sin θ ∂φ2

c) Write the first (up to l = 2) spherical harmonics in cartesian coordinates. For simplicity
we will leave out normalization constants:

Y0,0 = 1, Y1,0 = cos θ, Y1,±1 = sin θe±iφ ,

Y2,0 = 3 cos2 θ − 1, Y2,±1 = cos θ sin θe±iφ , Y2,±2 = sin2 θe±2iφ

Do you see any common feature among the harmonics of same l?

d) What is the differential equation in the variable φ that Yl,m satisfies? Using the intuition
of the previous point, can you guess what is the form of Yl,±l ? Express it in both coordi-
nate systems. Optional: find the proper normalization (you may need some entertaining
manipulations to get it in the form you find in books!).

e) How do the spherical harmonics transform under the parity transformation ~x → −~x?

HS21 Physik II D-ITET Exercise 8
G. Scalari return on Friday 12.11.2021 by 13:00

3 The hydrogen atom

a) In this exercise, the following celebrated integral will come in handy;
Z ∞
Γ(n) ≡ rn−1 e−r dr = (n − 1)! (3)

Prove by induction the above result for any integer n ≥ 1. (Hint: you need to prove that
Γ(n + 1) = nΓ(n).)

b) The ground state of the hydrogen atom is the 1s state

−3/2 −r/a0 1 1
ψ100 (r, θ, φ) = R10 Y00 = 2a0 e · √ = p 3 e−r/a0 .
4π πa0

Verify the normalization of the wavefunction.

c) Find hri and hr2 i for an electron in the ground state. Express your answers in terms of
the Bohr radius a0 .

d) Calculate the probability to find the electron outside the Bohr radius a0 , i.e. P (r > a0 ),
and the probability of finding the electron inside the nucleus P (r < 0.8 · 10−15 m). Hint:
you can integrate by parts or can use the trick ρ2 e−ρ dρ = ∂β
R R −βρ
2 e dρ .

e) Find hxi and hx2 i for an electron in the ground state of hydrogen.
(Hint: This requires no new integration – note that r2 = x2 + y 2 + z 2 and exploit the
symmetry of the ground state!)

f) What is the most probable value of r, in the ground state of hydrogen?

(Hint: First you must find the probability of the electron being found between r and
r + dr!)

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