Rural Visit Report Gumla

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Submitted in partial fulfilment of the Post Graduate Diploma in

Management (Marketing)


Roll No- 42

Under the Guidance of

Dr. Pooja



Session: 2020-22


The completion of this visit would not have been possible without the guidance of Prof. Pooja. I
wish to express my gratitude for his constant support and guidance throughout the camp and in
producing a good project report.

A big thank to our H.O.P Prof. Pinaki Ghosh who always teaches and guides us to understand the
things that we should know while studying any academic as well as non-academic topic.

I wish to express my gratitude for giving me an opportunity to visit a Rural Area Gumla which
gave me an opportunity to understand the rural environment. This visit and the learning and
experience would not have been possible without your guidance and suggestions.

Finally, thanks to my classmates for help and being a cooperative group with who always stick
together and work hard to produce a good project report.

Thanking You

Yours Faithfully
Vishal Mehta
Roll No. 42
Marketing II

Sl.NO Content Page Number
1. Introduction 4
2. Research Methodology 4-5
3. Profile of the area 5
4. Analysis and Findings 5-11
5. Suggestions and Recommendations 12
6. References 12


Rural regions are otherwise called the 'open country' or a 'village' in India. It has an
exceptionally low population thickness. In provincial regions, horticulture is the central
wellspring of work alongside fishing, house ventures, earthenware and so forth

The journey to find the genuine rustic India proceeds in incredible sincere. Pretty much every
monetary office today has a meaning of country India. The following are a couple of
definitions: According to the Planning Commission, a town with a greatest populace of 15,000
is viewed as rustic in nature. There the panchayat settles on every one of the choices. There are
five individuals in the panchayat. The National Sample Survey Organization (NSSO)
characterizes 'rustic' as follows:

A region with a population of up to 400 for every square kilometer,

Towns with clear studied limits yet no metropolitan board,
At least 75% of male working populace associated with agribusiness and unified exercises.
RBI characterizes provincial regions as those spaces with a population of under 49,000 (level -
3 to level 6 urban areas).

It is by and large said that the rustic regions house up to 70% of India's population. Country
India contributes a huge piece to India's GDP via farming, independent work, administrations,
development and so forth According to a severe measure utilized by the National Sample
Survey in its 63rd round, called month to month per capita use, country consumption
represents 55% of absolute public month to month use. The country populace as of now
represents 33% of the complete Indian FMCG deals.


 Acclimate with the rural setting.
 To be aware of the capability of the rural market.
 To be aware of the issues and difficulties looked by rural business visionary.

Research Design

Qualitative research was used for this report which involved collecting information. Primary data
was collected through observation, interview and the secondary data was collected through
different website.

Data Collection
 Primary Source – One to one interview was taken in order to explore various queries
and sensitize with the environment.

Secondary Source – Background data and findings were collected to gain insights and
knowledge regarding the area and structure that required to be tapped.


The region of Gumla was came out of old Ranchi district by the Bihar Govt. It gained
around 5347.25sq km of region from the parent city of Ranchi. So, in 1902 Gumla
went under the sub-division of Ranchi district. Be that as it may, under the British
guideline Gumla was under Lohardaga. Gumla was a little suburb. Their a reasonable
Gau-Mela was held once in consistently for the term of multi week. Where all things
of everyday use including adornments, utensils, grains, steers were sold and traded.
Individuals from different distinctive region used to visit the spot to purchase and
selling cow, steers for agrarian reason. In any case, after that gradually and slowly
individuals began to possess the spot. Further it developed into a town and along these
lines the name Gumla came from the off-shot of Gau-mela.
On eighteenth May 1984 the Gumla region began to appear. It was introduced by Shri
Jagannath Mishra, then, at that point, administering boss priest of Bihar and Shri
Dwarika Nath Sinha turned into the main Deputy Commissioner of the recently
framed region.

Gumla is situated in southern region of Chota Nagpur Plateau which is 23N84.50E lying on the
eastern piece of deccan Plateau. There is a presence of three river which moves through Gumla by
means of. North Koyel, Shankh River and South Koyel.

Gumla relates a decent environment which is portrayed by pleasant cold and mild climatic
conditions. Where temperature goes from least 21 degrees Celsius to 3 degrees Celsius in winters
and max 40 degree Celsius to 20 degrees Celsius in summers. Yearly precipitation goes around
4500mm and from June to September the precipitation level relates to be around 1150mm.

As indicated by statistics 2011-2021 the all-out population living in Gumla region is 960,132.
Where male establish of 52% and female of 48%. Male proficiency rate is 8-% and of females is
70%. The all-out family of the region tumbles to 153420 in which provincial is 146909 and Urban
is 6511. The significant language spoken around here of Gumla and close by regions would
comprise of Sindri or Nagpuri, Hindi, Odia and Kururk.


In Gumla, Education has constantly been testing yet in the new occasions this situation is
changing as the population mindfulness towards the training is rising. Yet, for advanced education
the understudy needs to visit to Ranchi because of non-accessibility of good universities.
There are various great schools however in particular Ursuline Convent, Oxford Public School,
S.S High School, St. Stephen's High School, DAV Public School, Westcott Public School are not
many of them. St Ignatius High School is a Jesuit run school which has additionally created
worldwide level hockey players.


Gumla is plentiful in regular and minerals assets. It comprises of 23 Bauxite and 68 Stones mines
in the place. The fundamental minerals that are available here are found in towns specifically of
Landatanr, Chirpdih, Jalim, Narma, Bahargara and Gurdari. China clay is additionally seen as here
as a piece of the district. There is additionally presence of other mining exercises, for example,
stone smashing, block klin, chip mining lease are accessible in different place of the Gumla

It is held by Deputy chief. There is departmental base camp. Be that as it may, there is just one
sub-division named Gumla. Aside from sub-division there are 11 income blocks, 11 police
headquarters. There are too local area improvement focuses, income circles. Not many of the local
area improvement blocks are Bishunpur, Ghaghra, Chainpur, Raidih, Sisai,Bherno, Kamdara. The
Deputy advancement official that is in work there is a CEO officer and organizer of every office in
the district.

4. Analysis and Findings

Day 1 (3rd Dec 2021)

I. Tribal Museum Arouse

We began our excursion of rustic visit began with the ancestral gallery which was
situated in a similar ground itself. With the gathering of 27 understudies and one
staff, we visited the spot. The motivation behind the exhibition hall was to get the
ancestral culture of Jharkhand which is moving disappear. The gallery was worked in
2006 by Fr Peter Paul Banfal. The gallery remains as an encapsulation of genuine
ancestral culture that used to win as the essential piece of the province of Jharkhand.

We were invited by hello 'Johar' by the historical center aide. Aangan of ancestral
were displayed to us which comprised of the followings:
• Sarna-That is a tree that individuals there used to venerate as they were nature
admirers and accepted that God exist in nature.
• Dhunkuria – That was the spot distributed where the elderly folks of the house
used to deliver figuring out how to the offspring of the home.
• Akhara - That was a spot that was utilized by the tribal individuals as a spot
where they praise celebrations and events. That was a position of entertainments and
where the answers for the issues were determined if there should be an occurrence of
any hardships looked by any individual from the clan.

In the limit mass of the exhibition hall there was image of three standing of ancestral
local area:
• Malar – Basket making were their principal occupation
• Asur – Melting iron as their principal occupation
• Birhor – Thread making as their principal occupation

At the entry of the historical center itself there was a sculpture of individuals from 5 clans
conveying a 'Parah' banner as a triumph. The heading of the banner was a similar the Sun rises
representing the rising society pf ancestral local area. In the gallery there were 5 distinct rooms
comprising of a short history of Bihar Jharkhand, Identity of 32 different ancestral networks,
Samajik Dhacha and Sajja and Saj. This large number of rooms were displaying different
various arms an ammo, instrument, and everyday reason utilization gear that ancestral
individuals utilized at their occasions.
Out and out, we were sharpened with regards to the center Jharkhand culture and beginning.
How different clans came up and how they continued starting with one then onto the next.

Day 2. (4th December 2021)

On the 4th of Dec we visited 3 places:

Bhelgaon :
In Bhelgaon visit, our objective in one of the predominant SHG (Self Help Group) that was
winning around there. The SHG bunch related to the Johar Jharkhand project/NRLM Project.
Then, at that point, the SHG comes in picture and afterward there is a presence of Gram
Sangathan and ultimately BLF (Block Level Federation) comes into the image.
 Function:
Give preparing to ranchers and business people and advancement and
upgradation of in general setting up a procedure for advertising, evaluating the items and need of
the individuals.
 Structure of SHG: One Adyaksh, Sachiv and Upadyaksh.

 Source of Funding of the SHG : Revolving funds and Community Investment Funds
and Loan to SHG (amounting from Rs50,000 – 60,000).

 Processing: There is a Weekly gathering hung on a decent day of the week. Where all
the assessment and returning to of the plans are done. Issues of SHG's individuals’
respects money related are recognized and center gathering around arrangement viewing
as in set forward. Likewise, Annual General Meeting is held to structure the roadahead.

Activities: There are 7000 ranchers that are there in farming. Hava, Fisheries, LTF, ranger service,
journal and selling the items continues is mostly managed. There is too
a Johar Agri Market. Where they set up the market of their items. The name of the items passes by
'Gumla Riddhi Agriculture Committee'.

 Challenges: - Placing their products in the market across Gumla because of

the substantial contest. One more test go to the Time oblige. As though there
is any deferral in the ideal reach of products at any phase of the store network
then it adversely sways in satisfying the customer interest.

Telgaon :
 In Telgaon, we came to know various variables that add to the provincial climate of
Gumla region in general. There was a SHG, there we additionally visited a water system
plan and Polyhouse where composts for the yields are being produced.

 Structure: There is a presence of Shiv Gram, Sangathan, Lakri Palan and Kalan
Mahila Mandal.

 Source of funding: CTF and Cluster funding, loan from 50,000- 90,000 is also

 Sort of business present: Poultry business, Goat rearing, Mango plantations, Pickle
and Lehari Pappad business.

 Branding goes by the name JSPL- aadya brand.

 Challenges – Unfulfillment of appropriate drug and inoculations to poultry.

 Innovations: They have to thought of Movable Solar Panel.

 Road ahead- They seek to continue in goat raising of Black Bengal Goat and
development of the poultry business.

Weekly ‘Haat’ :
The USP of town Haat was the half of the client who visit the haat will visit to finish
their purchasing list. As these week by week haat would envelop with the ends of the
week. There are very few existences with respect to the decision of assortment or the
extent of deal as the costs are as of now at their low. There was one observable
component that there was a presence of sex equality as all kinds of people had
equivalent piece of the pie or actual space. Both the sexes were at the situation to be
bread worker for the family. There was likewise the example of Market blend that was
recognizable. Arrangement of these items on the item, Price, Place, Promotion goes like:

Items – Most of the FMGC items that is found in the cities have their
fake presence in this Rural Haat. With similitude as far as bundling, marginally contorted
appearance and size. This depict the low degree of attention to the
provincial populace. As they distinguish the items dependent on their logo, size, shading, and the
trust that the fake as unique.
• Value: The provincial populace is exceptionally value touchy. As they typically go for the
reasonable money saving advantage item as an incentive for cash is their great models.
• Place: The commercial center i.e Haat was efficient as every one of the day by day needs
items with a wide reach can be found over in each spot in turn.
• Advancement: Due to high contest the influence technique is finished or the informal
exchange to put their item to the buyer.

List of products whose counterfeit was present

Huda Tata Salt Glow and lovely
Black Heaven Bajaj Almond Drops Parachute Coconut oil
Elle18 Kinder Joy Nike
Reebok Pulse Detergents

Few Pictures

Day 3. Bangru Village (5th Dec 2021)

In Bangru Village, we were invited there in their customary structure with sacred water sprinkles
and afterward with a little conventional development of theirs. we saw as the present of Mahila
Mandal i.e Self Help Group.
• The principle business that they managed was poultry and also rice aged beverages.
• Other than that, they use to sell home made items like pickle, pappad accordingly.
• They were likewise directed under the 'Johar' undertaking of Jharkhand. That gave them
with the necessary help.
• The wellspring of financing they depended upon was from Government subsidizing,
rotating reserves.
• The progressions they looked subsequent to holding turns in SHG was that they were
currently somewhat self-fit to getting to the purchasing choice on the family.

5. Suggestions and Recommendations

• A more organized type of source subsidizing whenever applied can deliver better outcome
as far as monetary strength of these gatherings.
• Zero in on Branding and promoting of the items that these SHGs sell in the
market should be possible. For eg with a firm, short and fresh name of the item brand. That could
without much of a stretch be recalled by the buyer.
• Focal point of distinguishing proof of the specific item source through. Shading, logo can
ne performed.
• The transportation cost should be followed successfully and decreased. As the rising fuel
cost was one of the difficulties that were looked by the SHG is
making their item arrive at the market and yet coming about is a substantial expense perspective.

6. References
 https://www.ibef/industry/indian-ryral-market


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