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cover letters Job Search Handbook


Table of Contents
Ivy Tech Career Services Overview ......................................................4

The Job Search .............................................................................5

The Winning Job Search
The Job Search Cycle
Prospecting Letters

Resume Development .....................................................................8

Resume 101
What Should I Include in my Resume?
Resume Builder Information Form
Providing Effective References

Cover Letter Development .............................................................17
The Art of Writing a Cover Letter
Sample Cover Letters

Interviewing ..............................................................................20
Interviewing Like a Pro
Telephone Interviews
Dressing for Success
Interview Questions

Networking ...............................................................................26
Your Networking Card
From Mingling to Professional Dinners: How to Put Your Best Foot (or Fork) Forward
What Employers Want

Ivy Tech Wabash Valley - Job Search Handbook 

Career Services
The Career Services office is located at 8000 South Education Drive in Terre Haute.

Office hours are Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. Evening and extension site
appointments are available by contacting career services staff.

Services Available:
Career Services offers a variety of services to meet your career-related needs.
Services include:
- Tools to help with choosing career and education goals
- Online job search workshops and podcasts (
- Job Postings from the area and around the state (JobZone)
- Help with resumes and cover letters
- Interviewing skills
- Job fairs and Etiquette dinners

The mission of Career Services is to provide assistance to students and graduates in career
development and provide a full range of services for our students and
employers, consistently emphasizing innovation, operational excellence and the highest qual-
ity in every aspect of career development. Career Services empowers individuals to develop
effective, lifelong career skills. To accomplish this we will:
- Educate students and graduates about the career development and employment
search process.
- Offer quality one-on-one career counseling.
- Design and deliver quality career development programs and services.
- Provide learning opportunities that enhance the academic experience.
- Develop and maintain effective partnerships both on and off campus.

Who Qualifies for Services:

Services are available to current students, graduates and alumni (anyone who has taken a
credit or non-credit class). Anyone interested in services is encouraged to register with the
Career Services office. Some services will be limited to students and graduates.

 Ivy Tech Wabash Valley - Job Search Handbook

The Winning
Job Search!
The Basics
Looking for a job is like having you: folders, a binder, a cal-
a job. To engage in a compre- endar, or your computer could
hensive job search is hard work, all be used to effectively keep
takes dedication, and is time track of where your resume
consuming. Begin by registering has been submitted. It will be
with Career Services and pre- important to keep everything
paring your resume, references, in order. Each time you submit
and cover letter. You will then a resume or application, you
be ready to begin applying for should keep a record of where is
employment and using your net- The Traditional Search
was sent, the position descrip-
work of friends and family. Classified Ads
tion, copy of the individualized
Some people are immediately Employment ads are a quick
resume and cover letter you
successful in finding employ- way to look at a variety of jobs.
created, your contact person,
ment, but for most people find- Sunday and Wednesday are
how you found out about the
ing a job that relates to your generally the best days to check
position, and any follow-up you
chosen career field could take the classified ad section of a
have done. When you have mul-
many months. Stick with it and newspaper.
tiple resumes out, this system
be confident that there is a job will be helpful when employers
out there that will be a good fit The Internet
call to arrange an interview. It
for you! Many companies use their home
will allow you to know exactly
page to search for job candi-
what position they are calling
Get Organized dates. There are also many
about and you will know which
Developing your own job search other websites that employers
resume to take with you when
strategy is very important. Use use to post open jobs. Log onto
you interview. Remember to
the strategy that works best for the Career Services website at
keep your records updated. for a list of
sites to get you started.

Job Zone is the place where jobs State and Private

are looking for you! This Ivy Tech Employment Agencies
system is specially designed for stu- State offices and personnel
dents and graduates. After you login services can be helpful for
the first time, you will be able to full-time employment. Accept-
post your resume, search and apply ing a temporary position can
for local jobs, and jobs from around provide training and on-the-job
the state and nationwide! experience in skills that are in
demand in the workplace and could result in being hired as a
permanent employee.

Ivy Tech Wabash Valley - Job Search Handbook 

The Job Search Cycle
Identify skills and

Job Offer? Contact companies

Accept/Reject for application

Follow Up Research
#2 Companies

Send Apply for Job

Thank You Openings

Interview Follow Up

Adapted from The Job Search Handbook, Ivy Tech Community College Lafayette

 Ivy Tech Wabash Valley - Job Search Handbook

Success with the
Job Search Cycle
A successful job search is a tional locations, read magazine rials.
process that requires a plan, and newspaper articles about You will soon be receiving calls
time, and persistence. The Job the company and have a good for interviews (check out the In-
Search Cycle is a great way to understanding of their organiza- terview section of this handbook
picture the process you will be tion. This will help you to write for details). At the end of your
going through. The cycle begins your cover letter and resume interview, ask the employer how
with research and self evalua- and will also be helpful in the you can appropriately follow up
tion. Begin by making a list of interview. (ie. phone call, e-mail). In addi-
skills you have to offer and ways tion, send the employer a thank
you have used them (see the After your cover letter and you note within 24 hours of the
Resume Builder Form on pages resume are written for the posi- interview thanking them for
10-12). When you have identi- tion, it is time to apply. You may their time and the opportunity
fied your skills, you will need to be applying online, in person, or to meet with them.
design a general resume that can by mail. Be sure to keep a copy
be revised to fit the positions for of your resume and cover let- Then follow up as appropriate
which you are applying. You will ter, the position description and and await their response. Be
also need to identify companies the way that you applied. Ap- patient with the process and
you would like to work for and proximately one week after you continue to submit your applica-
job openings within those com- have submitted your application, tions to other positions until you
panies. This can be done online, it may be appropriate to call to accept the right position for you!
through the newspaper, and ensure they received your mate-
through the network of people
you have established (see page
26 for details). When you have
Prospecting Letters
Many times there are companies that you would like to
identified companies that you work for that are not advertising openings when you are
would like to work for (and are looking for a job. Consider writing a prospecting letter
not aware of jobs they may have
to determine if there are current or anticipated openings
available), check out their web
within an organization or to indicate an interest in the
sites or call to determine the ap-
plication process. organization and inquire about positions for which you
would qualify. These letters are similar to cover letters
Now that you have jobs and (see page 17) in their content and form and can be sent
companies to apply to, make to all of the organizations that you are interested in pur-
sure that you have done your suing, because many times available positions are never
research. Know what service the posted in the paper or online. If you have a contact
company provides or what prod- within the organization, it might be helpful to mention
uct they produce, their mission them as well.
statement, national and interna-

Ivy Tech Wabash Valley - Job Search Handbook 

resume is a promotional piece. It is a calling card to intro-
duce you, with your unique combination of skills and expe-
rience, to a potential employer. Accompanied by a cover
letter, its purpose is to get an interview. Resume writing is
not an exact science, there is no “right way” to create a resume.
Suggestions that appear in this document are general guidelines,
not a blueprint. Since the resume is a marketing device, it should

Before you begin writing your resume you will need to spend some
time gathering your information and considering the skills you will
need to get the job you want. During this planning, we encourage
you to take some time to complete the Resume Builder Form on
pages 10-12. This form will help you put everything in one place
before you begin to design your resume.

Consider the statistic that employers only spend about 30 seconds

with your resume the first time they review it. This means that all
of the most important information about your qualifications should
be in the first half of the page to make sure you grab their atten-
A poorly designed tion. For example, if your education and internship most qualify
you for the job, list those first, or if your past work experience
resume is as effective as
most qualifies you, list it toward the top. Also keep in mind that an
sending a message in a
effective entry level resume should be one page and should high-
light the skills that employers will find important for the job for
which you are applying. Resumes should be printed on paper that
is higher quality than regualar copy paper. You can find this paper
at any office supply store. It is called by many names including
“resume paper,” “parchment paper,” or “linen paper.” Matching
envelopes are also available at these stores. When you are select-
ing your paper, make sure that it will be easy for an empoyer to
photocopy and it will fax clearly - this means it should not have a
grain or pattern in the background or be a bright color. Also keep
in mind that you should not staple your cover letter, resume, and
references together. Many times, employers will copy your resume
and keep the origninal in Human Resources, so you want to make
their process as simple as possible.

Sample resumes are included on pages 13-15 in this booklet for

format and layout ideas.

 Ivy Tech Wabash Valley - Job Search Handbook

What should I include
in my resume?
Objective Education they enhance the description of
Your objective is a statement For many jobs, your educa- your accomplishments.
that is designed to tell the tion will be very important to
employer the type of posi- include. It may be one of the Clinicals/Internships
tion for which you are looking. things that most qualifies you This element allows you to
These statements should be for the position. When you highlight paid and unpaid em-
brief and employer focused. have entered college, it will not ployment experience related
Objective statements should be be as vital to include your high to your major. This section will
short and concise and specific school information, because be especially important if your
to the type of job for which you employers will assume that you work history is not related to
are applying. You can adjust have earned your high school your program. In today’s job
your objective statement with diploma or GED prior to enter- market, it is becoming more
each resume you send. Just ing college. In the education and more necessary to have ex-
make sure that your objective portion of your resume you can perience related to your major.
matches the job for which you include your degree, program, Some programs have internships
are applying. Your objective school and its location, when and clinicals built in, however,
should be employer centered. you anticipate your degree or if your program does not, it
Indicating your desire for part when it was awarded, your will be important to seek out
time or full time work is appro- GPA if it is above a 3.0 and any that experience. When listing
priate, but do not indicate that academic awards (if you are not these experiences, think of the
you are looking for a benefits including a separate section for things that you observed and
eligible position, that can come awards and honors). the things you learned. Include
later in the process. Instead, your primary responsibilities
focus on what you can offer to Employment and projects you worked on.
the employer. For example, an The past 10 years or your most This is a chance to let an em-
ineffective objective might say, recent jobs should be listed ployer know that you are not
“Good paying full-time job with on your resume. The sample limited to just your classroom
benefits.” Instead, try, “To use resume indicates key elements knowledge, but that you also
my proven sales and marketing to include. If you have gaps have real world experience in
skills to help a developing com- in your employment history or applying what you learned in
pany gain a competitive edge in have unusual circumstances, the classroom to on the job
a global market.” Career Services can help you experiences.
decide how to put the informa-
Qualifications tion on your resume. When Memberships
This section gives you the op- describing what you did, use Clubs, volunteer experience,
portunity to highlight your tech- action words (see the list pro- professional organization mem-
nical and personal skills. You vided) and include the skills berships, and leadership posi-
should use this section to high- your future employer will find tions can be included as well.
light job specific qualifications. most interesting and useful. It List the ones in which you have
is also helpful to use quantities, been most involved.
amounts, dollar values where

Ivy Tech Wabash Valley - Job Search Handbook 

Resume Builder Information Form
Use this form as a way to gather information to build your resume.

Personal Information
Name: ___________________________________Social Security #: ________________
Address: ________________________________ Home Phone: ____________________
City: __________________________ State: ______________ Zip: _________________
E-mail: __________________________________________________________________

Technical Skills ____________________________________________________
Personal Skills _____________________________________________________
Computer Skills _____________________________________________________

Action Words
achieved composed drafted improved originated resolved
acquired condensed edited informed oversaw reviewed
adapted conducted eliminated insured performed selected
addressed constructed enforced interpreted planned separated
administered contracted established interviewed prevented set up
analyzed converted evaluated launched produced simplified
anticipated coordinated expanded maintained programmed solved
assembled created explained managed promoted surveyed
assisted cultivated forecasted marketed provided staffed
audited demonstrated formed minimized publicized supervise
budgeted designed founded motivated published taught
calculated developed generated negotiated recruited tested
centralized devised guided obtained reorganized trained
changed discovered hired operated reported used
collaborated doubled implemented organized researched

10 Ivy Tech Wabash Valley - Job Search Handbook

College : ___________________________ College:_____________________________
City: ___________________State: ______ City: __________________State: ________
Graduation Date: ___________________ Graduation Date: ____________________
Major: _____________________________ Major: ______________________________

Internship Use the Action Words list to help describe your responsibilities.
Title of Position: _______________________ Company Name: ___________________
City: ___________________ State: ________ Start Date:________ End Date: ______
Responsibilities: 1._______________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________
5. _______________________________________________________

Employment (list most recent first) Use the Action Words list to help describe your
Title of Position: _______________________ Company Name: ___________________
City: ___________________ State: ________ Start Date:________ End Date: ______
Responsibilities: 1._______________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________

Title of Position: _______________________ Company Name: ___________________
City: ___________________ State: ________ Start Date:________ End Date: ______
Responsibilities: 1._______________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________

Title of Position: _______________________ Company Name: ___________________
City: ___________________ State: ________ Start Date:________ End Date: ______
Responsibilities: 1._______________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________

Title of Position: _______________________ Company Name: ___________________

City: ___________________ State: ________ Start Date:________ End Date: ______
Responsibilities: 1._______________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________

Ivy Tech Wabash Valley - Job Search Handbook 11

Licensure and Certification
Title: ________________________________________ Date: ______________________
Title: ________________________________________ Date: ______________________
Title: ________________________________________ Date: ______________________
Title: ________________________________________ Date: ______________________

Memberships and Leadership Positions

Organization_________________________________ Dates Involved:_____________
Leadership Positions: ____________________________________________________
Organization_________________________________ Dates Involved:_____________
Leadership Positions: _____________________________________________________
Organization_________________________________ Dates Involved:_____________
Leadership Positions: _____________________________________________________

Awards and Honors


Name: _________________________________________________________________
Company: __________________________________ Position: ___________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________
Phone Number: _____________________________

Name: _________________________________________________________________
Company: __________________________________ Position: ___________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________
Phone Number: _____________________________

Name: _________________________________________________________________
Company: __________________________________ Position: ___________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________
Phone Number: _____________________________

Name: _________________________________________________________________
Company: __________________________________ Position: ___________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________
Phone Number: _____________________________

12 Ivy Tech Wabash Valley - Job Search Handbook


SUSAN O. SMITHSON Font size for your

name should be
110 Resume Avenue
between 18 & 22 pt.
Terre Haute, Indiana 47803
and for the body text
812-555-1212 should be 11 or 12


ƒ Experience in financial services and bookkeeping
ƒ Proficient in accounting software including Peachtree and Quickbooks
ƒ Strong verbal and written communication skills
ƒ Excellent attention to detail and proven accuracy
ƒ Proficient in computer software applications including Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint
and professional e-mail correspondence

Associate of Applied Science in Accounting
Ivy Tech Community College – Terre Haute, Indiana
Anticipated Graduation: 2007

Bookkeeper – Tech Talk Trio, Inc. 2000 to Present
Terre Haute, Indiana
ƒ Process payroll in excess of one million dollars annually
ƒ Responsible for accounts receivable in excess of 3 million dollars annually
ƒ Reconcile accounts payable
ƒ Maintain general ledger

Bookkeeper – Ivy Meadows Supply Company 1993 to 1999

Terre Haute, Indiana
ƒ Processed payroll
ƒ Responsible for accounts payable and receivable
ƒ Maintained general ledger
ƒ Compiled job costing

Head Teller/Loan Processor – Dough on the Go 1991 to 1993

Terre Haute, Indiana
ƒ Processed account transactions, reconciled and deposited daily funds
ƒ Processed loans
ƒ Responsible for the vault as a vault teller
ƒ Provided outstanding customer service

Server – Road Kill Café 1989 to 1991

Pitstop, Indiana
ƒ Assisted customers
ƒ Accurately handled cash and credit transactions
ƒ Trained new employees
ƒ Maintained restaurant cleanliness

Pitstop Senior Citizen Center – Volunteer Tax Preparer (VITA) 2003 to Present
Helping Hands International – Event Team Leader 1999 to Present
Holiday House for Kidz – Shopping Helper 2001 to 2005

Ivy Tech Wabash Valley - Job Search Handbook 13


707 JobSearch Boulevard
Resume, Indiana 90210

OBJECTIVE To obtain a Practical Nursing position in which I can use my skills, experience, and
education to provide excellent patient care in a team oriented facility.

QUALIFICATIONS Over 300 hours of clinical experience in medical surgical, geriatric, and pediatric nursing
Proven excellent customer service and patient care skills
Proficient in Microsoft computer software applications and data entry
Strong attention to detail and commitment to quality
Ability to effectively work independently and as part of a team

EDUCATION Technical Certificate in Practical Nursing Anticipated: August 2007

Ivy Tech Community College - Terre Haute, Indiana
GPA: 3.6/4.0
x Anticipate Licensure in September 2007

Nursing Assistant Certification Awarded: January 2006

Happy Sunset Retirement Home – Terre Haute, Indiana

EXPERIENCE Certified Nursing Assistant January 2006 to Present

Happy Sunset Retirement Home - Terre Haute, Indiana
x Assist residents with activities of daily living
x Record patient activities accurately in charts
x Transport patients to activities and meals
x Assisted in maintaining resident room cleanliness

Lead Cashier March 2000 to March 2004

The Wholesale Connection - Terre Haute, Indiana
x Oversaw the daily activities of up to 12 cashiers
x Assisted customers at the service desk and resolved complaints
x Accurately handled cash and credit transactions
x Processed daily financial and shift paperwork

Owner February 1995 to March 1998

Kris’ Kleaning Service – Terre Haute, Indiana
x Cleaned homes for 35 clients
x Hired, supervised, and trained two staff members
x Completed all bookkeeping and payroll tasks
x Developed marketing materials and fliers for the business

Employment gap from March 1998 to March 2000 was due to caring for ill family member.

MEMBERSHIP Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society April 2006 to Present

REFERENCES Available upon request

14 Ivy Tech Wabash Valley - Job Search Handbook


7478 Fabrication Lane
Industrial, Indiana 47885


Experience in a manufacturing environment with a focus on continuous quality improvement.

Ability to troubleshoot and repair hydraulic, pneumatic, electrical, and mechanical systems.
Experience in TIG, MIG, and ARC welding. Your summary of skills can be
Proficient in reading and interpreting blueprints. tailored to fit each type of
Strong troubleshooting and problem solving skills. position you are applying for
Reliable with a strong work ethic. and can include both technical
Ability to work independently and as part of a team. skills and personal skills.

Associate of Applied Science in Industrial Maintenance Technology
Ivy Tech Community College - Terre Haute, Indiana


Machine Operator March 2002 to Present

Manufacturing Mania, Inc. – Someplace, Indiana
x Operate production press.
x Ensure quality of all parts manufactured.
x Train, supervise, and mentor three line members.
x Troubleshoot and repair mechanical, electrical, and hydraulic equipment.
x Complete daily documentation on production levels.
x Prepare product for shipping.
x Perform machine setup for each new job to meet customer specifications.
x Member of the safety and emergency response teams.


Rural Volunteer Fire Department 2004 to Present

x Firefighter and First Responder

Scouting Society Summer Camp 1999 to 2005

x Performed general maintenance on campground buildings including:
plumbing, electrical, and HVAC systems

Ivy Tech Wabash Valley - Job Search Handbook 15


110 Resume Avenue
Terre Haute, Indiana 47803


Bob Frapples
Frapples Orchard
Terre Haute, Indiana 47805

S. Martie Pantz
Volunteer Supervisor
Vigo County Tutoring Program
Terre Haute, Indiana

Violet Krayon
Graphic Design Instructor
Ivy Tech Community College
Terre Haute, Indiana 89604

Providing Effective References

Reference pages are often included with an application packet or during an interview. Refer-
ences will be a separate page from your resume. You should generally be prepared to provide
3 or 4 references who can talk about the kind of employee you have been and will be.

Effective references include past employers or supervisors, internship or clinical supervisors,

instructors, volunteer coordinators, or past customers/clients. Do not use close friends and
family as references.

16 Ivy Tech Wabash Valley - Job Search Handbook

The Art of Writing
A Cover Letter
A cover letter, or letter of ap- Don’t explain every detail, are most helpful in showing
plication, introduces you and just the situation in which you the employer what you can do
gives you the opportunity to used the skill. Keep in mind for them? On your company
expand the information you are that you will use some of these research list, what are the few
providing to the employer. It examples later to help you things you find most interesting
gives you a chance to let the write your cover letter and if about the company.
employer know why you are you don’t use them in the cover
applying for a position in their letter, you may have an oppor- In your first paragraph, you will
organization and lets you give tunity to use the examples in an let them know what position
them examples of how you have interview. you are applying for, how you
used your skills and experience. found out about this position
Use the following steps to write Step 3: Research the company. and express your interest in
your cover letter. With the internet, this is usu- working for their organization.
ally very simple to do. Surf their Remember that they read many
Step 1: Find a job opening. This website paying special attention letters for each position, so
may be a newspaper posting, an to what they do, their mission yours should be action packed
online listing or a position that and recent news articles about and professional.
you hear about from someone the company. Again this will
in your network. Some postings help you to write your cover In the middle of the letter
will be clear and very descrip- letter and will be a great tool (sometimes the second or
tive, some postings will be very in the interview. Take notes second and third paragraphs),
brief, and sometimes you may or print off pages to save for explain your qualifications.
not have access to the posting reference. If you cannot find This is a good place to add your
at all. So if the ad is brief or the company online, check examples. Don’t repeat your
if you do not have access to a library resources or visit career resume, but add some extras
posting, look for similar position services for assistance. If you from your brainstorm list.
descriptions to determine the do not know the company name
skills employers may be looking because the job posting doesn’t In your final paragraph, close
for. give you that information, by expressing your interest in
that’s ok, you will just write an interview and let them know
Step 2: Brainstorm the skills about your qualifications. how they can contact you.
and abilities you have that are Then type “Sincerely,” leave a
related to the position. For Step 4: Draft a cover letter. space to sign your name, and
each skill, think of an example Look at both your brainstorm when the letter is printed, sign
of a time you demonstrated list (step 2) and your company your name in the blank space.
that skill either in work, school, research (step 3) and determine Make sure to have one or two
volunteer settings or your in- which things are most impor- other people proofread your
ternship. Write these examples tant from each list. On your cover letter.
down in brief paragraph format. brainstorm list, which examples

Ivy Tech Wabash Valley - Job Search Handbook 17

10101 Binary Way
Terre Haute, Indiana 47803

Cover letters should be addressed to the individual

responsible for hiring or the human resources re-
May 22, 2007 cruiter. If you are responding to an advertisement
with a phone number, call the company and ask
Human Resources them to whom the letter should be addressed and
ABC Marketing be sure to get the correct spelling of his/her name.
101 Prettyasapicture Way If the number is not available and you cannot get a
Terre Haute, Indiana 86753 name, you can address it to the Human Resources
Director, hiring manager or search committee.
Dear Search Committee:

My experience and training in marketing, media relations, and communication make me an excellent candidate for
the Assistant Director of Marketing and Communications position. My experience and solid interpersonal
communication skills provide a versatile background with proven results. Here are a few examples:

i As Project Manager for the Ivy Tech Community College Visual Communications Student Media Team I
was responsible for facilitating and contributing to the design and implementation of a multimedia
presentation used by the Terre Haute campus for student recruitment from 2000 to 2003. In addition to
media development, the team also represented Ivy Tech at local college fairs and presentations related to
the Capital Campaign fundraising effort.

i As Promotions Director and Graphic Designer of the Metro college radio station my responsibility was to
ensure the station’s new identity and marketing plan were implemented across all media outlets utilized for
promotional purposes including print, radio, video, and the web. This initiative created a buzz in the
community and renewed interest in the station’s activities.

i As a Desktop Publishing Specialist and Supervisor of Copies R Us, Terre Haute, Indiana, I gained
invaluable experience in the pay-for-print industry allowing me to work on a variety of design projects.
This position required constant contact with multiple outside vendors responsible for providing a variety of
outsourced products and services to our customers. As supervisor my objective was to ultimately increase
revenues. Improved customer relations combined with staff training and marketing campaigns contributed
to a significant gross sales increase in 2001, up nearly 200% over the previous year.

My resume is enclosed and further details my qualifications. I look forward to meeting with you and
discussing how my drive, enthusiasm and positive attitude can contribute to the success of ABC

I thank you for your time and consideration.

Cliff Sanchez
Cliff Sanchez

18 Ivy Tech Wabash Valley - Job Search Handbook


Hope A. Quitall
411 Bar Boulevard y Terre Haute, Indiana 47805 y 812-555-1259 y

October 11, 2006

Mr. Lawrence Jobs

Human Resources
City of Terre Haute
1357 Sycamore Way
Terre Haute, Indiana 47803

Dear Mr. Jobs,

Please accept the enclosed resume as my formal application for the position of Victim’s Assistance
Records Clerk listed on your website. After completing my internship with the Victim’s Assistance
office, and being mentored by excellent staff members, I am confident that I will be asset to this team. As
I look forward to completing my degree in December, I am excited about the challenge of beginning my
career in the criminal justice profession.

In addition to my internship, in which I was able to observe all aspects of the office, I have a background
in office administration and record management. My accuracy and attention to detail have consistently
been shown in both the classroom and the workplace. Interpersonal skills, creative problem solving and
conflict resolution are all strengths I can bring to the department. Confidentiality is a priority and I
proven my ability to conduct myself professionally in a variety of situations. I am confident that my
enthusiasm and willingness to learn will make me an excellent candidate for this position.

I look forward to discussing my qualifications with you and can be reached at the number listed above.

Hope A. Quitall
Hope A. Quitall

Ivy Tech Wabash Valley - Job Search Handbook 19

Interviewing Like A Pro
You did it! Your resume was a Setting up an interview over page 23 for details). You will
success and now you have the the telephone may be one of want to have a nice folder or
opportunity to interview for the first times you speak di- portfolio with a couple of cop-
the job! Spend time prepar- rectly with someone from the ies of your resume and refer-
ing for each interview. Review company for which you are ences. If available, bring a
your qualifications, prepare for applying. Be professional and copy of the job advertisement.
questions, research the com- polite when arranging an in- This will help you to remember
pany, and write down questions terview. Have a pen and paper all of the qualifications they are
of your own. This article will ready to take down information looking for.
guide you though the basics. and repeat back to the per-
son the time and approximate You should also have a written
When sending resumes and length of the interview (you list of questions for the per-
preparing for interviews, make may be asked to take employ- son interviewing you to show
sure your answering machine ment tests), date, and location that you are prepared and
has a “normal” message that of your interview. Ask for di- interested in finding out more
will make a good first impres- rections if necessary and thank about the job and the company.
sion for the employer. Also them for the opportunity. Note: These questions should
think about the song you have not focus on salary and ben-
selected for your ringback tone. When an interview has been efits, but the specifics of the
Your selection will say some- scheduled, you will need to job and the kind of person they
thing about you to a potential prepare all of the items you will be hiring.
employer. will take with you and select
your interview clothing (see

20 Ivy Tech Wabash Valley - Job Search Handbook

On the day of the interview indicate the appropriate way to impress the employer with your
arrive early and allow yourself follow up to determine if you skills and ability to communi-
extra time for delays. This is have been selected. When the cate that job seekers some-
especially important if you are interview is completed, again, times forget that they are also
unsure of the location of your professionally shake their hand, interviewing the employer. Be
interview. thank them for their time, sure to pay attention to the
smile, have good eye contact, workplace atmosphere and
When you arrive, let the person and be polite! ask yourself the following: Are
in the reception area know who future co-workers smiling and
you are and that you have an Within 24 hours of leaving an friendly? Does the organization
appointment for an interview. interview you should send a seem to be a good fit for you?
Smile, have good eye contact, handwritten or typed thank Does the workplace seem to be
and be polite! As the inter- you note to the person/people safe and clean? Does the com-
viewer greets you, stand and interviewing you. This note pany have the same values that
firmly shake their hand. Smile, should thank them for their you do? If, for any reason, you
have good eye contact, and be time and the opportunity to in- do not feel comfortable, you
polite! terview. It should also include may send a thank you letter
why you are excited at the following your interview thank-
You may be interviewing with prospect of working for their ing them for their time and ask-
one individual or an entire company and it should restate a ing that they remove your name
committee. Be sure to natu- summary of why you are quali- from the list of candidates for
rally make eye contact with fied for the position. the position. Be sure to be
each person in the room as you positive and never “burn any
answer questions. Upon enter- One final note: So much time bridges” with employers. You
ing the room, they may ask if is spent on making sure you may meet them again someday!
you would like a glass of water
or indicate that there is one in
front of you. It is acceptable Telephone Interviews
to accept this water for the Somtimes interviews are conducted over the telephone instead
interview (it may be helpful if of in person. The most common reasons employers choose
your mouth gets dry when you a telephone interview are: to do an intial screening of apli-
are nervous). Do not chew gum cants, to inteview an applicant from another area, to be sure
or have a mint in your mouth the applicant has a good understanding of the position before
during an interview. It is also the face-to-face interview, and to save time in the interview
important not to smoke im- process.
mediately before an interview.
After you have been introduced These telephone interviews may be scheduled or unscheduled.
to the person interviewing Unscheduled interviews let the employer know how well you
you, it will be time to answer can think on your feet. For this reason, it is important to con-
sider every telephone contact (scheduled or unscheduled) with
questions. For more details on
an employer part of the interview process. Be sure to go to a
answering questions, see pages
quiet place in your home, that is free of distractions, have a
pen and paper, and copies of your resume and the job posting
to which you responded easily accesable. Sit like you would
As the interview is coming to for a face-to-face interview and smile (a smile can be heard in
a close, be sure to ask what your voice). Be sure to know why you are qualified for the job
the next steps in the process so you can express that to an employer. Be professional. The
will be. They will give you an bottom line: treat a telephone interview like any other inter-
idea of the time line for their view and impress the employer!
decision and many times will

Ivy Tech Wabash Valley - Job Search Handbook 21

business professional attire

22 Ivy Tech Wabash Valley - Job Search Handbook

Important Tips on
Dressing for Success
The way you dress is the single an interview and you want to comfort zone. Ask friends or
most important nonverbal make sure that your blouse or family members to go shopping
communication statement you jacket is comfortable and still with you and to serve as
make about yourself! Start fits well when you are sitting your “fashion advisors.” It
choosing your professional down. is sometimes helpful to have
attire early in your job search another person’s opinion
process. Professional clothing Pay close attention to (especially when you would
doesn’t have to be expensive- details including: shining rather not dress up anyway!)
shop during sales and at your shoes, cleaning your
discount stores and select mix- fingernails, wearing socks to Dressing for success does not
and-match pieces to stretch match your outfit and for the end at the interview. The way
your clothing dollars. Not only ladies -ensuring there are you present yourself during
will professional clothing be no runs in your nylons. For your first year of employment
important for interviews, but some interviews it may be (and beyond) will be very im-
you will also want to dress up appropriate to cover piercings portant to your future success.
when you pick-up or drop-off and tattoos. Be aware of the It doesn’t matter if your job
applications to employers. industry you are going into requires a uniform or a suit and
and how acceptable piercings, tie, looking your best is impor-
Not all interviews require a suit tattoos and unusual hair tant.
and tie. The general rule is coloring will be to employers.
that you should wear “one step”
above what you would wear if The way you smell is also very
you were hired for the position. important. Of course you
For example, if you would wear should not have body odor!
nice pants and a shirt to work, However it is also important to
you would wear a suit to the be aware of how strong your
interview. If you would wear cologne or perfume may be.
jeans and a t-shirt or uniform Many people are allergic to
to your job, then wear a nice scents, and you do not want to
shirt and pants (business casual) cause an allergic reaction for
to the interview. your interviewer. It is best to
be fragrance free when going to
No matter what outfit you an interview to avoid concerns.
choose, make sure that it fits
well and that you have tried If you are used to wearing
on the clothing both standing jeans and a t-shirt every day,
up and sitting down. You will professional attire may be business casual attire
almost always be seated during something that is out of your

Ivy Tech Wabash Valley - Job Search Handbook 23

When answering interview questions, personalize your responses to fit your background and experi-
ence. Practice how you would respond to these questions, but don’t memorize the answers. This list
is just a sample of some of the questions you might be asked. The Career Services office has books
with interview questions and many lists can be found online.

Get Acquainted Questions

Tell me about yourself. You are trying to paint a picture of yourself-your strengths and personal
qualities. The interviewer is interested in what motivates you; how you will work with others; and
your enthusiasm, drive, competitiveness, and other job-related traits.

What is it about this position that interests you? You must prove your interest in the position to
reassure the interviewer that you will be satisfied in the position and company. Your past research
will help with this question.

Tell me about an achievement that you are most proud? Try to think of something you did on the
last job, where you received notable recognition.

Describe any leadership positions you have held either in school, at work, or in the community.
Provide examples from different settings. Describe an internship or any volunteer work.

The C.A.R. Model

The C.A.R. model of interview preparation provides you with a systematic way to practice
and become familiar with behavioral-based interviewing. The C.A.R. system allows you to tell
the interviewer a “story” (with a beginning, middle, and end) about how you achieved your
goal. Use work experience, activities, hobbies, volunteer work, school projects, family life -
anything that would show examples of your past behavior.
C – Circumstance/Characteristic: The letter C in the C.A.R. acronym refers to circumstance.
Describe a situation so that the employer can place himself/herself in your shoes and under-
stand the importance of the event you are relating.
A - Actions: The letter A in the C.A.R. acronym refers to actions. After setting the stage by
describing the circumstance, tell the interviewer the specific actions you took to resolve the
R - Results: The letter R in the C.A.R. acronym refers to results. PLEASE understand that your
interview goal is to demonstrate a results-oriented background. Connect your accomplish-
ments to the position you are seeking. Even if the results didn’t turn out as you planned, tell
the interviewer what you learned from the experience and what you would do differently
next time.
Source: ISU Behavioral Interviewing Brochure

24 Ivy Tech Wabash Valley - Job Search Handbook

Provide an example of any major problems you faced either on the job or in your personal life
and how you dealt with it. Try to give a work-related example. Example: Since the company had
an outdated filing system, and I had just graduated from City College, I was able to use my newly
developed skills immediately to re-design the filing system.

What are your strengths/weaknesses? Strengths: Stress your skills- technical/interpersonal com-
munication, etc. Give examples of times that you have used these skills effectively. Weaknesses:
Turn a weakness into a positive. Although I fully understand basic computer operations, I realize
that this will be a continual learning process that I am committed to make.

Previous Work Experience Questions

Do you have any experience? Have you done this type of work before? Refer to your resume how-
ever; if you have little or no work experience, but have the educational credentials, you might say,
while I have never worked in an office, I feel the intensive training I received at City College was
the equivalent of actual on-the-job training. We had numerous office related projects in which we
had a limited amount of time to finish.

What were the circumstances concerning leaving your present job? Don’t ever say anything nega-
tive about a former employer. Try to give positive responses. The job wasn’t challenging enough.

Education Questions
What courses did you like best/least? Obviously, if you have applied for a data entry position and
answer that you liked entering data the least, you would definitely be out of the running for the

Interest Questions
What gets you excited about work? Be sure to pick a positive example such as a challenge or a new
project where I really show my talents.

Personality Questions
Describe yourself in one or two words. Be positive, confident, and friendly when you answer. For ex-
ample: I think that I am professional, hardworking, outgoing, dependable, and enthusiastic toward
my work.

Salary Questions
For what type of money are you looking? What is your salary range for someone with my educa-
tion and experience?

Human Relations Questions

Discuss how you would handle working for two supervisors who had priorities at the same time?
Discuss how you would ask each supervisor just how important the immediate job is at the moment,
and explain the situation.

Ivy Tech Wabash Valley - Job Search Handbook 25


Even though job search network- tistics - of all jobs are found by point and check your spelling,
ing is one of the most successful networking. Develop contacts grammar, and punctuation.
ways to find a new job, it can - friends, family, neighbors, col- If you are attending a holiday
sound intimidating and some- lege alumni, people in associa- gathering or any other type of
times seems a little bit scary. It tions - anyone who might help party, it is appropriate to men-
doesn’t have to be. My father generate information and job tion in casual conversation that
ended up in a conversation on leads. You can take a direct ap- you are seeking employment.
an airplane with someone who proach and ask for job leads or Accept all the invitations you
was looking for an aeronautical try a less formal approach and receive - you never know where
engineering job. My dad hap- ask for information and advice. or when you might meet some-
pened to be in the same field Contact everyone you know. You one who can provide job search
and ended up assisting the per- may be surprised by the people assistance! My stepson was not
son in getting a new job. Some- they know. Make yourself pick only offered a co-op position by
times, that’s all it takes. I’ve up the phone and call. It helps one of my friends that he met
been offered jobs on more than to assign yourself a quota of at a birthday party at our house,
one occasion simply because a calls to be made each day. The he was also remembered a year
friend or acquaintance knew my more phone calls you make the later when the company was
background and skills. easier it will become. hiring.

Try job search networking, it re- Email is a perfectly acceptable Excerpt from “Successful Job
ally does work. At at least 60% way to network as well. Keep Search Networking” by Alison
- some report even higher sta- your message brief and to the Doyle on

26 Ivy Tech Wabash Valley - Job Search Handbook

Your Networking Card
Networking is a big part of your job search. All of the people you meet can be a link to
future employment. Networking business cards, which have the look and feel of a traditional
business card, give you the opportunity to provide critical career and contact information with
people you meet in social and professional situations.

Keep your networking cards clean and crisp and take them EVERYWHERE you go -- to network-
ing events, career and job fairs, professional meetings, social gatherings, parties, weddings, and
anywhere else you may run into potential contacts… everywhere. You should keep copies of your
resume handy as well, but there are numerous times where a resume would simply be too awk-
ward to handle. Be sure to include all your pertinent contact information, including your name,
phone number, e-mail address, mailing address, your academic program and a brief objective
stating the type of position for which you are looking, and Web site address, cell phone or fax
numbers (if you have them).

You can purchase perforated business card paper from any office supply store and use a template
to make them on your computer or any copy store will be able to print them on card stock paper.
Make sure if you are cutting them that they are cut evenly and are the same size as standard
business cards.

Adapted from:

Susan O. Smithson
110 Resume Avenue
Terre Haute, Indiana 47803

Accounting Major
Ivy Tech Community College Objective
Anticipated Graduation : 2007 To obtain an accounting position in which I
can use my skills and experience to benefit a
Front Wabash Valley employer.
Summary of Skills
Over 15 years accounting experience
Proficient in Peachtree, Word, and Excel
Accounts payable/receivable experience
Tax preparation experience


Ivy Tech Wabash Valley - Job Search Handbook 27

From Mingling to Formal Dinners
How to Put Your Best Foot (or Fork) Forward
Etiquette is defined as “the forms, ficial person to an official person; and shake hands with individuals.
manners, and ceremonies estab- and in business introduce the If having a drink hold it in your
lished by convention as acceptable junior to the senior. Be sure to ex- left hand to keep your right hand
or required in social relations, in plain who people are and use their dry and ready to shake hands. If
a profession, or in official life.” full names. Also do not assume that eating hold your plate on the right
Times change and this affects the everyone wants to be called by his hand and eat with the left hand.
guidelines of etiquette. Common or her first name—wait until you When someone approaches, you
sense will typically be your best are told to use a first name. are able to switch the plate to your
guide, but it is helpful to have left hand and your right hand is
some general ideas regarding din- In many situations you will be clean and ready to shake. If tables
ing and business etiquette. wearing a nametag to identify are available you may have your
yourself and your affiliation. Nam- drink and food together. However,
It is important to know how to etags serve an important purpose always be ready to stand and greet
conduct oneself properly at the and should be worn on the right people.
table. The rules of dining etiquette hand side of your front shoulder
are fairly straightforward and area. Do not clip nametags to the Networking and/or mingling are an
mostly require common sense. This bottom edge of your jacket. Wear- important aspect of attending a
handout will provide some basic ing the nametag on the right hand business function even if the event
information for your day-to-day ex- side of your shoulder immediately is described as a social time. Be
periences. There are many things enables a person to see your name, sure to greet or introduce yourself
to keep in mind when dining, but particularly as you are shaking to the host/hostess. Spend a few
as always common sense should hands. If the nametag is one worn minutes conversing with them on
be your guide. When dining with a on a cord around the neck, be sure topics that relate to the event or
prospective employer remember to adjust the length so it can be to their business. To move on you
it may look like lunch/dinner but easily seen without the other per- can politely say I know you need to
its still business. The way you act son having to look down. If writing talk with your other guests. Con-
during a meal will have impact on your own nametag, write in large nect with as many of the attendees
an interviewer’s hiring decision and clear letters that can be easily as is possible. Do not interrupt
your future. read by others. people but wait until they include
you or there is a break in the
When meeting someone, rise if Most receptions or social hours are conversation and you can introduce
you are seated, smile, extend your for the purpose of mingling and yourself. To start conversations ask
hand and repeat the other person’s making contacts whether for job the person something about them-
name in your greeting. A good leads, as part of an interview or selves or their job. You will find
handshake is important—it should an employee entertaining clients. most people enjoy talking about
be firm and held for three-four When you enter the reception themselves and this is a good way
seconds. Today, in the business observe the layout of the room: to begin a conversation. Focus eye
world it is not necessary to wait for is everyone standing or are there contact on that individual and af-
a female to initiate the handshake. tables for seating. Seeing the room ter a time politely excuse yourself
Females/males should both be layout gives you a clue on how to to move on to someone else.
ready to initiate the handshake. In- proceed at the reception.
troducing people is one of the most For experience and more informa-
important acts in business life, If no tables are available, you tion, attend an Ivy Tech Career
yet few people know how to do it. should only have a drink or your Services Etiquette Lunch or Dinner!
Introduce a younger person to an food in your hand—never both.
Excerpt from the University of Tennessee
older person; introduce a non-of- You should be prepared to greet
Career Services Website.

28 Ivy Tech Wabash Valley - Job Search Handbook

Communication Skills

Honesty & Integrity

Interpersonal Skills

Motivation & Initiative

Strong Work Ethic

Teamwork Skills

What Employers Want

What does it take to be the “ideal” job candidate? Employers have a tall order, but communication
skills are at the top of their list in what they look for in potential employees, according to a report
from the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE). Employers responding to NACE’s Job
Outlook 2007 survey named communication skills and honesty/integrity as a job seeker’s most impor-
tant skills and qualities. “Communication skills have topped the list for eight years, and honesty and
integrity have tied for the top spot for the last three years,” says Marilyn Mackes, NACE executive
director.But the ideal candidate needs to be more than an articulate straight arrow, according to the
survey results. Employers also cited strong interpersonal skills, motivation and initiative, the ability
to work well with others, and a strong work ethic as key attributes. (Each earned a rating of 4.5 or
better on a 5-point scale, where 1 is not important and 5 is extremely important.)“Certainly, having
the requisite skill set to perform the duties of the job is critical, but much of what employers prize
can’t be taught in the classroom,” says Mackes. “As a result, they look for evidence beyond grades
that the candidate has these ‘soft skills’ and attributes. This is one reason why employers look for
new college graduates who have gained some kind of relevant work experience, typically performed
through an internship or cooperative education program.” fact, nearly three-quarters of employers
responding to the Job Outlook 2007 survey indicated they prefer to hire new college graduates who
have gained relevant work experience.
Excerpt from National Association of Colleges and Employers Press Reslease , March 2007

Ivy Tech Wabash Valley - Job Search Handbook 29

Career Services
Ivy Tech Community College
8000 South Education Drive
Terre Haute, Indiana 47802

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