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PACT (People, Activities, Contexts, Technologies) Summary

Webpage: Greek Running Events (

People PACT Summary

Who do you think are the key
users of this product? Users
Think about the broad user The primary anticipated users of the Greek Running Events webpage, in order of expected usage
groups that can be identified. priority are:
List these groups and their • Running professionals
likely characteristics in order • Inexperienced runners
of priority for the product in • Travelers/Tourists
question. • Sport enthusiasts
Not general considerations • Members of the general public
for building any system, but
specific considerations for Characteristics of Target User Base
designing your user-system • It is safe to assume that the webpage’s main user base is adequately computer literate
interactions therefore expected to own and occasionally use computing devices like PCs and smartphones.
Any characteristics that could • Moreover, most users are likely acquainted with the use of various web-based platforms and
affect your interface design? technologies.
Are the users • The webpage is promoting running tournaments, so it should mostly appeal to frequently
homogenous/heterogeneous? exercising and generally health-conscious individuals or groups.
(Physical, cognitive, usage • Since there is a chance to combine running activities with a visit to a beautiful and popular
pattern differences) travelling destination like Greece, it is highly probable that travel enthusiasts would be inclined
to visit this webpage as well.
• Users who are not regularly exercising and maybe looking for a new experience may also consist
a fair part of our targets since they are offered special packages adjusted to their abilities and

User Homogeneity or Heterogeneity

• The target audience for this webpage would be expected to be generally heterogenous in
composition and character.
• The content of this webpage is designed to appeal to a quite large demographic cross-section
regardless of one’s socio-economic background, profession, age or gender.
• Of course, specific examples of individuals such as those in bad physical condition or critical
financial situation, as well as well as those that are unable to use web-based platforms and
computing devices should not consider the webpage’s services as a feasible option. However,
that does not change the overall heterogenous picture of the user base.

Activities By using this webpage, users are mostly expected to perform the following list of activities and tasks, in
What are the main order of frequency:
goals/tasks users will want to • Getting briefly informed about all the featured events by browsing relevant homepage
achieve with this product? content.
Again, list these in order of • Clicking on Calendar, Locations and Events hyperlinks to extract more information in order to
priority (e.g., if the system form a better impression about all the currently running events.
has a log in it is likely that a • Searching for available packages according to their requirements, by using the webpage’s
user would create an account respective form.
just once therefore that task • Clicking on embedded social media icons (e.g., Twitter) to access the corresponding
should be bottom of the list) platforms, review the posts by as well as other users’ comments and
feedback and maybe follow their social media pages to keep up with updates.
• Booking their package online or by contacting service via the special button at the home page.
• Using the search bar and appropriate keyword combinations to look for relevant content.
• Clicking on “about us” and “past events” to get to know the general structure of the website’s
events as well as exactly what they offer.
• Clicking on the “contact us” hyperlink for any kind of questions that are not covered by the
provided content.
• Becoming a subscriber to their mailing list by filling up the pop-up window that comes up
when opening the webpage.
Contexts Where will this webpage be mostly used?
Where will this product be • At home
used? Describe the likely • In work environment
environment, physical, • On the go using a mobile device (e.g., smartphone)
organisational & social, and • In schools, colleges and universities
discuss the implications of
this (e.g., the product’s Environmental factors
resilience to the An internet connection is essential for users to access the webpage and its services. Therefore, they
environmental factors such as need a reliable wired connection when accessing the page from their home, school or workplace or a
noise, disturbance, light, wireless connection when they are on the go using a mobile phone or laptop. Under common
ability to connect to WIFI if circumstances, factors such as noise pollution or light disturbance will not affect the functionality of
out and about, cooperation this webpage
with others - single or
multiple person interaction Cooperation with other users
etc.) This page is designed to be used mostly by one person at a time. However, since family or group
packages are also offered to the user, page usage may also be a result of collaboration.

Temporal Considerations
Since all upcoming events are part of a defined timetable and there is a maximum number of possible
participants, time may be an important factor. Though generally speaking, users can access the
webpage anytime with no time-related issues affecting its functionality.

Technologies Anticipated User Technologies

What type of technology will • Standard desktop PCs, Laptops, as well as mobile devices like smartphones and tablets.
the users have? Consider • The webpage supports various input devices such as keyboards, mouse clicks, touchscreens
input and output, data types and manual swipes. As a result, the vast majority of computing device users can potentially
etc. test, speech, icons, error access it.
messages etc.
You should link to what you Input and output technologies
have said in the contexts • Browsing relevant content and getting informed about current and past events (using the text
section above. and image interface and hyperlinks)
You should also link to what • Searching for available packages catered to their needs (filling up the provided online forms,
you have said in the activities text and numerical fields, drop-down lists, clicking interactive buttons)
section above (e.g., if an • Visiting social media pages to review posts by as well as comments by
activity is to leave comments, other users (clicking on social media icons)
then the input technology • Searching for content by using keywords (using the search bar)
might be a form; if the activity • Contacting the customer service for any kind of questions and requests (filling up online form
is to search then the input and input boxes)
technology might be a search • Becoming a subscribed member of by completing the pop-up window that
bar). comes up when opening the website (filling up online form and text capture fields and clicking
interactive button)
• Inputting user-specific personal and payment data via the booking online form (filling up
online form and input boxes)
• Accessing external third-party websites to view featured advertised products or services
(clicking on ad banners)

Business Goals: What are the product’s primary business goals?

The primary purpose of the webpage is to offer sports enthusiasts, travellers as well as other interested members
of the general public a chance to run in unique routes and participate in racing events all over Greece. In this regard, it helps
interested parties find the ideal running event for them and confirm their participation by booking a package.

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