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My name is Brad Vincent Arands, father of Corbin Vincent Arands.

I was unable to
attain an attorney due to the short notice of this court order.
I would first like to say I have had no knowledge of where my son has been since about a
month after his first birthday. I was under the assumption that he was with his mother.
I tried to see Corbin about a month after his first birthday. The last contact I had was
when I texted Glen Zoneta Farrar (Glendie) to request to see Corbin, but I received a text
back from her saying that I could not see my son anymore, due to all the legal issues
pending. I made no attempt to contact the Farrars after that time because like I said I
thought Corbin was with his mother. There was no need to update the Farrars because
they were not Corbin’s mother and were blocking my access to my son. The only point
of contact to see my son at that time was through Ronde’s mother and her sister, and they
made this a dead end. I have since awaited for the other legal issues facing me to be
cleared to attempt to reconnect with my son. Ronde has made no attempt to contact me
to allow visitation or to the whereabouts of my son.

I have had the same phone number for approximately 2 years. I have had the same
mailing address for all of 2010 until February of this year. I have almost daily contact
with my mother Brenda Cawthon. The Farrar family has been to my mother’s house and
had my cell phone number. I was unaware of my legal standing and have been left in the
dark by the Farrar family as to the whereabouts of my child. Delbert Ray Farrar and Glen
Zoneta Farrar have prevented me from access to visiting my son. The Farrars have made
no effort to contact me about the circumstances involved with Ronde and them having
my son in their possession. I received a summons to this court hearing at my mother’s
house, which shows how easily I can be reached. The Farrars have demonstrated
emotional blackmail on Ronde from the time my son was born.
The first instance that I saw this happening was we were deciding on Corbin’s name.
Glendie told Ronde (in the presence of my mother) that she should give the baby the
Farrar last name which they are very proud of, let alone his middle name (Vincent) and if
she gave the baby the Arands last name that they would not be available to help her.

When I met Ronde I was married but separated from my now ex-wife.
I had returned from Iraq and was fresh out of the military.
I have since been diagnosed with Post traumatic stress disorder and have undergone
treatments prescribed by the VAMC.
I got into a relationship with Ronde and she became pregnant early in our relationship.
I had no idea of how volatile a relationship it would become due to her alcoholism. I
have current charges pending against myself and I am disputing them.
I only acted in a reactionary manner, protecting myself to her violent outbursts.
I do have another child. A daughter, Allene, with my ex-wife. My daughter and ex-wife
have resided with my mother and stepfather for almost four years. I currently have
unrestricted visitation with my daughter, and take her for overnight stays with no issues.
My wish is to be able to obtain custody of my son and allow my children to grow up
together. At this point my daughter does not know she has a brother and has not seen him
in almost a year. I have the full support of my family. I will undergo any and all requests
made by this court to bring my family together. At this point I feel as if my son has been
hidden from me through all of this.

If given the chance by this court I feel I can be a good father. I have never been given the
opportunity with my son as I have with my daughter, because of the constant fighting
between Ronde and myself. I have been out of the volatile relationship from Ronde for
going on a year. I am a full time student and I work as contract labor for La Bella Pizza. I
spend weekly time with my daughter Allene and I take excellent care of her when she is
my presence just as I would Corbin. I love both my children.
I do not feel as if the Farrar’s are the best influence on Corbin because of the disparaging
remarks made by the Farrar’s against myself based on hearsay and assumptions. This will
and has only caused an inability to build a relationship with my son. They have not
notified me of any of my son’s developmental progress. I have missed his first steps, first
words, and have been deprived of bonding with my son as a parent should.
I feel as if his first two years have been stolen from me.
Glendie Farrar has stated in the past that if anything happened with Ronde that she and
her husband Delbert could not take care of a small child physically or financially. I feel
as if they would transfer care to Ronde’s sister Ronica Delnita Farrar.
Ronica Delnita Farrar is a lesbian with a significant other. I don’t feel that this would be
the best situation for my son to be raised in. She is also a petitioner in the case against
myself and Ronde. I believe that the Farrars are petitioning with Ronica Farrar to allow
her to have and raise my son and they believe she could not win on her own merits.

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