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Journal of Materials Processing Technology 118 (2001) 58±61

Automobile leaf springs from composite materials

H.A. Al-Qureshi*
IEM, Instituto TecnoÂlogico de AeronaÂutica, C.T.A., Caixa Postal 6011, 12228-900, SaÄo Jose dos Campos, SP Brazil


The automobile industry has shown increased interest in the replacement of steel springs with ®berglass reinforced composite leaf
springs. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to present a general study on the analysis, design and fabrication of composite springs. From this
viewpoint, the suspension spring of a compact car, ``a jeep'' was selected as a prototype.
A single leaf, variable thickness spring of glass®ber reinforced plastic (GFRP) with similar mechanical and geometrical properties to the
multileaf steel spring, was designed, fabricated (molded and hoop wound) and tested. The testing was performed experimentally in the
laboratory and was followed by the road test. Comparison between the performance of the GFRP and the multileaf steel springs is
presented. In addition, other relevant parameters will be discussed. # 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.

Keywords: Composite materials; Leaf springs; Automobile parts

1. Introduction plastic, GFRP). It presents advantages over graphite/epoxy

such as lower sensitivity to cracks, impact and wear damage.
There are different types of materials for metallic springs In other words, fiberglass/epoxy leaf springs are almost
depending on the application. The materials used for such similar to metallic springs with regards to life requirements,
springs are principally, SAE-1080, 1095, 5155-60, 6150-60 since they have sufficient impact strength, and their mechan-
and 9250-60. These are initially pre-stressed so as to ical properties are not greatly influenced by the typical vehicle
increase the carrying capacity of the springs. working conditions.
It is well known that springs, in general, are designed to Therefore, the main objective of the present work is to
absorb and store energy and then release it. Hence, the strain manufacture, and analyse the experimental results of ®ber-
energy of the material becomes a major factor in designing glass/epoxy leaf springs for a moderately heavy vehicle,
the springs. The relationship of the speci®c strain energy can such as ``a jeep''.
be expressed as
Uˆ (1) 2. The design concept
where s is the strength, r the density and E the Young's Generally, simple replacement of steel parts by composite
modulus of the spring material. It can be easily observed that materials yields signi®cant weight savings, but as with many
material having lower modulus and density will have a greater new materials, design, and manufacturing problems arise.
specific strain energy capacity. Hence, composite material The change from relatively isotropic-homogeneous steel
becomes a very strong candidate for such applications. How- alloys to anisotropic-inhomogeneous ®ber reinforced plastic
ever, during the last two decades, and particularly in recent (FRP) material causes these problems. As a result, it is not an
years, great effort has been made by the automotive industries easy task to replace steel by composite materials.
in the application of leaf springs made from composite In the present work, the leaf spring model was considered
materials [1±4]. Needless to say, for such application, gra- to be a parabolically tapered, constant width beam carrying a
phite/epoxy composite demonstrates its superiority over concentrated load and assumed to be symmetrical with
other composites. However, due to the availability and cost different cord lengths for the two limbs of the spring. In
limitation, the present work was restricted to the study of leaf addition, due to the geometrical restriction of the vehicle, a
springs made from fiberglass/epoxy (glassfiber reinforced constant width was assumed. A ®nite element program was
used to model this behavior and the approximate leaf spring
Tel.: ‡55-012-340-5900; fax: ‡55-012-340-5801. radius was found to be equal to 94 cm, having a thickness
E-mail address: (H.A. Al-Qureshi). varying from 4.5 cm at the centre to 2.45 cm at the ends,

0924-0136/01/$ ± see front matter # 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.

PII: S 0 9 2 4 - 0 1 3 6 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 8 6 3 - 9
H.A. Al-Qureshi / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 118 (2001) 58±61 59

employed, and the mandrels (male and female) were made

from plywood according to the desired pro®le obtained from
the present analysis. The glass®ber fabric was cut to the
desired lengths, so that when deposited on the mandrel,
would give the calculated thickness according to Eq. (3).
In the conventional hand lay-up/vacuum bag technique, a
releasing agent was applied uniformly to the molds which
had good surface ®nish. This was followed by the uniform
application of the epoxy resin throughout the layer (0/908).
Other layers were arranged, and a roller was used to remove
all the trapped air. The impregnated fabric was then pressed
between the two half-mandrels until the desired thickness
was attained, and then cured at room temperature in mod-
erate vacuum pressure for 12 h. Finally, the cured laminate
was removed from the molds and band saw cut and polished
to produce a single leaf with molded and attached eyeholes,
Fig. 2.
Care must be taken during the individual lay-up of the
Fig. 1. Thickness distribution of composite leaf spring.
layers to eliminate the ®ber distortion, which could result in
lowering the strength and rigidity of the spring as a whole.
using composite materials made from woven fabric ®ber- Also, special modi®cation of tools is necessary to prevent
glass/epoxy. the emigration of the ®ber/resin assembly from the extremity
In addition, analytical analysis can be used to develop an to the centre of the spring during the fabrication process.
expression which is a function of thickness and position Special steel-bearing plates were attached to the ends of
along the spring. This could be manipulated by introducing the composite leaf spring by means of nuts and screws. The
the bending and shear stresses developed during bending of a eyeholes were already welded to the bearing plates. Finally,
simple beam into the Tsai-Hill failure criterion of composite the whole spring assembly was tape-wrapped with ®berglass
which yields the following equation: tapes impregnated with epoxy resin, and then cured at room
    temperature, Fig. 2. Needless to say, this eliminated pre-
3Px 2 P 2
‡ ˆ 0:3 (2) mature delamination of the spring layers during service. A
bh2 X bhS number of springs were also made where the eyeholes at
where P is the applied load per wheel, x the position along both ends of the spring were integrally molded, Fig. 2. The
the horizontal axis, b the width, h the thickness at any x, X difference between the two types will be discussed later.
and S are the average longitudinal and shear strengths of lami- Several composite springs were made, so that laboratory and
nate, respectively. Then the boundary conditions can be inclu- road tests could be carried out to evaluate the performance of
ded, such as the design load carrying capacity which is taken such springs for this type of vehicle.
here as 1600 kg, factor of safety equals 3, width ˆ 4:5 cm, It is worth mentioning here, that the use of pre-preg would
and the mechanical properties of the glassfiber/epoxy layer de®nitely give better ¯exibility in deposition of the tapes and
(X ˆ 640 MPa, S ˆ 31 MPa, using 25% unidirectional and also on the operation speed. Another process, such as RTM,
75% woven fabric of glassfiber/epoxy). The variation of could be considered, providing it is a cost-effective process.
thickness (h) as a function of position from the spring centre Whereas ®lament winding technique is very effective for
(x) can be expressed by the following empirical equation: constant spring thickness, it may also present operational
problems since the contour of the leaf spring is variable.
h ˆ ‰2:192 ‡ …4:805 ‡ 0:091x2 †1=2 Š1=2 (3)
Despite this disadvantage, the operation can be used for high
The above equation can be plotted to produce the thickness volume production by curing at higher temperature and
distribution as a function of position along the horizontal under pressure. The duration of such procedure may take
axis of the spring, and is shown in Fig. 1. Both mandrels and up to 30 min.
the various cuts of glassfiber can be prepared beforehand In the present work, a simple mandrel was made for the
based on the distribution. winding purpose and was attached by a connecting rod to the
winding machine. The operation was simply performed by
depositing impregnated glass®ber with epoxy resin over the
3. Fabrication procedure rotating mandrel in a hoop pattern. After the curing cycle was
completed, a complete parabolic composite ring could be
Many techniques can be suggested for the fabrication of manufactured. This ring was halved to produce the constant
composite leaf spring from GFRP. However, in the present width and thickness composite leaf springs, as demonstrated
work, the hand lay-up vacuum bag process was initially together with assembled wood mandrel in Fig. 3.
60 H.A. Al-Qureshi / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 118 (2001) 58±61

Fig. 2. GFRP springs with integrally and attached eyeholes.

Fig. 3. Hoop filament wound GFRP spring together with the mandrel.

4. Test procedures

The performance of an existing multileaf steel spring was

compared with the fabricated prototype ®berglass/epoxy
single leaf spring, Fig. 4. The springs were subjected to a
series of laboratory static loading tests. The test consists of
mounting the spring on a beam which is attached to the lower
platen of a hydraulic testing machine. A specially designed
punch was attached to the upper platen of the machine. The
test simulated a three-point bending test which was mon-
itored continuously throughout the experiment.
A summary of the speci®cations and performance of the
steel and the prototype ®berglass/epoxy leaf springs under
static loading are enumerated in Table 1. It can be observed
that the most outstanding feature is the impressive weight
saving of the GFRP spring over the conventional multileaf Fig. 4. Comparison of stiffness between multileaf steel and single GFRP
steel spring. On the other hand, better rigidity of the steel springs.
H.A. Al-Qureshi / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 118 (2001) 58±61 61

Table 1 of carbon ®bers (15 wt.%), located near the neutral axis
Comparison between steel and GFRP springs where they will not suffer a great deal of deformation. The
Specification Steel GFRP present experimental results of static loading have shown an
increase of about 10% of the spring constant over the all-
Average thickness (mm) 38.0 29.5
Transverse area (mm2) 1634 1386 ®berglass/epoxy, with no signi®cant weight reduction, but
Modulus (kgf/mm2) 1250 1100 with slight increase in the cost. Needless to say, the increase
Spring constant K (kgf/mm) 6.4 3.1±6.1 of the percentage of carbon ®ber would improve creep and
Total weight (kg) 18.7 3.5 fatigue as well as increase the stability temperature.
No. of leaves/layer 7 88
Width (mm) 45 45
Collapse load (kgf) ± 720
5. Conclusions

The development of a GFRP single leaf spring having

constant width, where the stress level at any station in the
leaf spring is considered constant due to the parabolic tape of
the thickness of the spring, has proved to be very effective.
Such a spring normally has lower ¯exure stress but higher
nominal shear stress. In general, this study demonstrated that
composites can be used for leaf springs for light trucks
(jeeps) and meet the requirements, together with substantial
weight saving. However, in the case of automobiles, the
signi®cant weight reduction may not cause the technological
impact that it would for aircraft.
Other work has shown that composite leaf springs have
better fatigue behavior than steel springs. Needless to say,
the hybridization technique can be used effectively to
improve weight saving and performance in the automotive
Fig. 5. Road test in jeep with GFRP springs.
It is worth mentioning that additional ®eld testing is
spring was evident. However, this could be improved by needed to de®ne correctly the secondary design loads such
hybridization, in which various amounts of carbon and glass as torsion, thrust, creep, fatigue and other operational
®bers are combined to enhance this and the fatigue behavior. restrictions. These tests should provide correlation with
Also, increasing the thickness of the GFRP spring would the existing laboratory data.
result in an increase in the spring constant thereof.
In addition, two types of GFRP springs were fabricated. In
the ®rst group, the eyeholes were integral parts of the mold Acknowledgements
(Fig. 2), whereas in the second group, the eyeholes were
molded separately after the curing of the laminate leaf spring The author would like to thank CNPq and FAPESP for
(Fig. 2). The present experiment demonstrated that the latter partially ®nancing this project. Also thanks are extended to
seemed to improve strength and productivity. ITA for support throughout the execution of the experimen-
Field testings to determine the ride characteristics were tal work.
also carried out on a number of GFRP springs which were
mounted in place of the conventional steel springs on a jeep.
These tests were limited to ride quality and sound observa- References
tion on different road conditions, as shown in Fig. 5. It was
observed that the GFRP springs were more ¯exible than steel [1] R.L. Daugherty, Composite leaf springs in heavy truck applications,
springs. Also, during the test ride, noise and harshness were in: K. Kawata, T. Akasaka (Eds.), Composite Materials, Proceedings
of Japan±US Conference, Tokyo, 1981, pp. 529±538.
signi®cantly reduced. These observations have been carried
[2] S. Shimammura, Some Problems Arising in the Structural Application
out regularly since the springs were mounted on the jeep in of FRP to Automobile, Annual Technical Conference, Reinforced
1988. Plastics/Composites, Society of Plastic Industry, Section 7-D, 1970,
It is known that hybridization is indeed a powerful method pp. 1±12.
for improving performance and sometimes cost reduction. [3] D.R. Linsenmann, Hybridization for Cost-effective Design, The
ASME Winter Annual Meeting, San Francisco, December 10±15,
Therefore, the incorporation of carbon ®ber/epoxy which
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has a high speci®c strength and rigidity, would yield greater [4] C.K. Dharam, Composite Materials Design and Processes for
spring constant equal to or above the conventional spring Automotive Applications, The ASME Winter Annual Meeting, San
materials. This can be performed by adding small amounts Francisco, December 10±15, 1978, pp. 19±30.

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