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Civilization Test

Maria Persico
Name _____________________________ II D
Class____________ 26/01/2022

Read the story of Sandra below. Then answer the questions.

Sandra is planning a birthday party. Her parents have set a limit of 15 children, so she
can't invite everyone she'd like to. Two children who were not invited - Jack and Maya -
overhear the plans. They decide to spread mean rumours about Sandra using an
anonymous messaging app. They write things like:
"Sandra is so not cool not sure why anyone would go to her filthy house."
"I heard Sandra is having fruit instead of cake. Yuk!"
"Sandra is totally boring and I don't know why anyone would go to her party."
They encourage the students who were invited to the party to add reasons to why Sandra
"isn't cool" and tell them not to go to her party.
When Sandra logs onto the app and sees the messages, her stomach sinks. She feels hurt
and embarrassed and doesn't know who's posting the messages. She tells her parents
she's sick, so she won't have to go to school the next day. She even thinks about
cancelling her party.

1. Is this an example of cyberbullying? Why?

It is an example of cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is a type of bullying that takes plase on
digital devices where the target recives rude messages from anonymous numbers and
it's exactly what happens in the text.

2. Can you complete all the sections of this chart?

Target Bully Bystanders Upstanders

Sandra Jack the people who recive

Maya the rumours about

3. Why do you think Jack and Maya acted the way they did?
I thtink that Jack and Maya acted the way they did becouse they felt bad knowing that Sandra
decided not to invite them to her party. Maybe thay already had a low self-esteem, and
not being invited to a party made them feel sad or unaccepted.
4. What makes Sandra's experience of cyberbullying different from face-to-face

a) It is easier to handle because Sandra can just ignore the mean comments.

b) It is more difficult to handle because she and others on the internet can
see the comments, but she doesn't know who's posting them.

c) It is less hurtful because Sandra doesn't know who is being mean.

5. If you were Sandra, what would you do to try to stop the cyberbullying?
If I were Sandra, I think that I would try to discover the identity of the bullies and text
my friends to knwo what they tought about the messages that they recived. Anywais
I can't know what I would actually do in that situation becouse fortunately I don't know
what I would feel in that situation.

6. If you were one of Sandra's friends, how could you be an upstander in the
After reciving the mean messages about Sandra I would immediatly call her to tell her
about them and to make her sure that

7. Give the definition of empathy.


8. Give a definition of cyberbullying

Civilization Test

Name _____________________________ Class____________ Date__________

Read the story of Sandra below. Then answer the questions.

Sandra is planning a birthday party. Her parents have set a limit of 15 children, so she
can't invite everyone she'd like to. Two children who were not invited - Jack and Maya -
overhear the plans. They decide to spread mean rumours about Sandra using an
anonymous messaging app. They write things like:

"Sandra is so not cool not sure why anyone would go to her filthy house."

"I heard Sandra is having fruit instead of cake. Yuk!"

"Sandra is totally boring and I don't know why anyone would go to her party."

They encourage the students who were invited to the party to add reasons to why Sandra
"isn't cool" and tell them not to go to her party.

When Sandra logs onto the app and sees the messages, her stomach sinks. She feels hurt
and embarrassed and doesn't know who's posting the messages. She tells her parents
she's sick, so she won't have to go to school the next day. She even thinks about
cancelling her party.

1. Is this an example of cyberbullying?

a) ​It is cyberbullying because Jack and Mary are using text messages to be mean
and are encouraging others to do the same.

b) It is not cyberbullying because the messages are anonymous.

c) It is not cyberbullying because Sandra hasn’t invited them to her party on


d) It is cyberbullying because Sandra feels bad now.

2. Can you complete all the sections of this chart?

Target Bully Bystanders Upstanders

3. What makes Sandra's experience of cyberbullying different from face-to-face bullying?

a) It is easier to handle because Sandra can just ignore the mean comments.

b) It is more difficult to handle because she and others on the internet can see the
comments, but she doesn't know who's posting them.

c) It is less hurtful because Sandra doesn't know who is being mean.

4. Why do you think Jack and Maya acted the way they did?

a) They don’t like Sandra

b) They are angry for not having being invited to the party

c) Jack and Maya have been bullied themselves and have become mean kids

d) All the above

5. If you were Sandra, what would you do to try to stop the cyberbullying?

a) I would say nothing and cancel the party

b) I would ask my parents for help

c) I would write in the messaging app using mean words against everyone

d) I would talk to a friend and ask him/her not to say anything

6. To be an upstander in this situation, you could do all of the following, except?

a) Empathize with Sandra and ask her if she wants to talk about it.

b) Tell an adult about the messages Sandra is receiving.

c) Write in the messaging app telling people to stop being mean.

d) Feel embarrassed for your friend and not say anything.

7. Give the definition of empathy.




8. Give a definition of cyberbullying




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