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Main Subject Subject1

Water Science and Engineering Water Resources

Water Science and Engineering Water Treatment,Wastewater Treatment
Water Science and Engineering Watershed / Catchments / River Basin,Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / G
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment,Modelling and Statistics
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment,Sludge Management
Water Science and Engineering Water and Wastewater Reuse,Wastewater Treatment,Industrial Treatment
Water Science and Engineering Water Treatment,Wastewater Treatment
Water Science and Engineering Watershed / Catchments / River Basin,Water Resources
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment,Sludge Management
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment,Sludge Management
Water Science and Engineering Water Supply and Distribution,Wastewater Treatment,Urban Drainage / Sewe
Water Science and Engineering Water Supply and Distribution,Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governan
Water Science and Engineering Water Supply and Distribution,Water Resources,Water and Wastewater Reuse,
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment,Modelling and Statistics
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment
Water Science and Engineering Watershed / Catchments / River Basin,Water Treatment,Pollution,Monitoring
Water Science and Engineering Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governance,Health Related Water Mic
Water Science and Engineering Watershed / Catchments / River Basin,Modelling and Statistics
Water Science and Engineering Watershed / Catchments / River Basin,Water Supply and Distribution,Water Re
Water Science and Engineering Water Supply and Distribution,Pollution,Health Related Water Microbiology,
Water Science and Engineering Water Resources,Monitoring and Control
Water Science and Engineering Water Supply and Distribution,Utility Management,Developing Countries
Water Science and Engineering Urban Drainage / Sewerage,Pollution,Monitoring and Control,Environment /
Water Science and Engineering Health Related Water Microbiology,Drinking Water Quality,Developing Countri
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment
Water Science and Engineering Water Treatment,Water and Wastewater Reuse,Drinking Water Quality
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment,Monitoring and Control,Modelling and Statistics
Water Science and Engineering Utility Management
Water Science and Engineering Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governance,Developing Countries
Water Science and Engineering Water Treatment,Pollution,Monitoring and Control,Drinking Water Quality
Water Science and Engineering Pollution,Monitoring and Control,Drinking Water Quality,Water Supply and Dis
Water Science and Engineering Water Supply and Distribution,Pollution,Drinking Water Quality
Water Science and Engineering Drinking Water Quality
Water Science and Engineering Water Supply and Distribution,Utility Management,Health Related Water Micro
Water Science and Engineering Water Treatment,Water Resources,Water and Wastewater Reuse,Wastewater Tr
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment
Water Science and Engineering Water Treatment,Wastewater Treatment,Industrial Treatment
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment,Modelling and Statistics
Water Science and Engineering Water Treatment,Water and Wastewater Reuse
Water Science and Engineering Environment / Waste Management
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment,Sludge Management,Developing Countries
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment,Sludge Management,Developing Countries
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment,Developing Countries
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment,Developing Countries
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment
Water Science and Engineering Sludge Management
Water Science and Engineering Pollution,Modelling and Statistics,Environment / Waste Management
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment,Developing Countries
Water Science and Engineering Urban Drainage / Sewerage,Modelling and Statistics
Water Science and Engineering Water Supply and Distribution,Modelling and Statistics
Water Science and Engineering Water Resources,Pollution,Industrial Treatment,Developing Countries
Water Science and Engineering Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governance,Developing Countries
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment,Pollution,Industrial Treatment
Water Science and Engineering Watershed / Catchments / River Basin,Water and Wastewater Reuse,Wastewate
Water Science and Engineering Water Treatment,Wastewater Treatment,Industrial Treatment
Water Science and Engineering Water Treatment,Wastewater Treatment
Water Science and Engineering Water Treatment,Water and Wastewater Reuse,Wastewater Treatment,Polluti
Water Science and Engineering Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governance,Water and Wastewater Reu
Water Science and Engineering Water Resources,Utility Management,Developing Countries
Water Science and Engineering Water Treatment,Wastewater Treatment
Water Science and Engineering Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governance,Wastewater Treatment
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment,Sludge Management
Water Science and Engineering Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governance
Water Science and Engineering Water Treatment,Drinking Water Quality
Water Science and Engineering Modelling and Statistics,Water Resources,Watershed / Catchments / River Basi
Water Science and Engineering Water Resources,Modelling and Statistics
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment,Pollution
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment,Health Related Water Microbiology
Water Science and Engineering Watershed / Catchments / River Basin,Water Policy / Legislation / Finance /
Water Science and Engineering Water Resources,Water and Wastewater Reuse,Urban Drainage / Sewerage,De
Water Science and Engineering Water and Wastewater Reuse,Developing Countries
Water Science and Engineering Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governance,Modelling and Statistics
Water Science and Engineering Water and Wastewater Reuse,Health Related Water Microbiology,Environmen
Water Science and Engineering Utility Management
Water Science and Engineering Monitoring and Control,Modelling and Statistics,Health Related Water Microbi
Water Science and Engineering Watershed / Catchments / River Basin,Water Treatment,Water Supply and Dis
Water Science and Engineering Pollution
Water Science and Engineering Watershed / Catchments / River Basin,Water Policy / Legislation / Finance /
Water Science and Engineering Water Treatment,Drinking Water Quality
Water Science and Engineering Water Treatment,Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governance,Water an
Water Science and Engineering Health Related Water Microbiology,Drinking Water Quality
Water Science and Engineering Watershed / Catchments / River Basin,Water Supply and Distribution,Water Poli
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment,Modelling and Statistics
Water Science and Engineering Water Resources,Monitoring and Control,Health Related Water Microbiology
Water Science and Engineering Water Treatment,Health Related Water Microbiology,Drinking Water Quality
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment
Water Science and Engineering Water Supply and Distribution
Water Science and Engineering Health Related Water Microbiology,Environment / Waste Management
Water Science and Engineering Water Treatment,Wastewater Treatment,Developing Countries
Water Science and Engineering Water Supply and Distribution,Water Resources,Environment / Waste Manage
Water Science and Engineering Watershed / Catchments / River Basin,Water Resources,Pollution,Environme
Water Science and Engineering Watershed / Catchments / River Basin,Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / G
Water Science and Engineering Water Treatment,Water and Wastewater Reuse,Wastewater Treatment,Envi
Water Science and Engineering Water Resources,Wastewater Treatment,Environment / Waste Management
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment,Urban Drainage / Sewerage,Developing Countries
Water Science and Engineering Water Supply and Distribution,Water Resources,Water Policy / Legislation /
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment,Sludge Management
Water Science and Engineering Water Treatment
Water Science and Engineering Urban Drainage / Sewerage,Monitoring and Control
Water Science and Engineering Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governance,Urban Drainage / Sewerage,M
Water Science and Engineering Water Treatment,Monitoring and Control,Drinking Water Quality
Water Science and Engineering Urban Drainage / Sewerage,Developing Countries
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment
Water Science and Engineering Water Treatment,Wastewater Treatment,Industrial Treatment
Water Science and Engineering Watershed / Catchments / River Basin,Water Resources,Modelling and Statistic
Water Science and Engineering Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governance
Water Science and Engineering Water Resources,Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governance
Water Science and Engineering Watershed / Catchments / River Basin,Water Treatment,Water Supply and Distri
Water Science and Engineering Water Resources,Modelling and Statistics,Drinking Water Quality
Water Science and Engineering Watershed / Catchments / River Basin,Water Treatment,Water Resources,Drink
Water Science and Engineering Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governance,Health Related Water Micro
Water Science and Engineering Watershed / Catchments / River Basin,Wastewater Treatment,Sludge Manage
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment,Sludge Management,Monitoring and Control,Modelling
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment,Sludge Management,Industrial Treatment,Environme
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment,Industrial Treatment,Environment / Waste Manageme
Water Science and Engineering Water Treatment,Water Resources,Health Related Water Microbiology,Drinkin
Water Science and Engineering Water Treatment,Wastewater Treatment
Water Science and Engineering Water Resources,Urban Drainage / Sewerage,Health Related Water Microbiolo
Water Science and Engineering Monitoring and Control,Health Related Water Microbiology
Water Science and Engineering Water Treatment,Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governance,Wastewate
Water Science and Engineering Urban Drainage / Sewerage,Modelling and Statistics
Water Science and Engineering Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governance,Developing Countries
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment,Industrial Treatment
Water Science and Engineering Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governance,Urban Drainage / Sewerage,M
Water Science and Engineering Water and Wastewater Reuse,Wastewater Treatment,Sludge Management,Pollu
Water Science and Engineering Industrial Treatment
Water Science and Engineering Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governance,Developing Countries
Water Science and Engineering Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governance
Water Science and Engineering Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governance
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment,Monitoring and Control
Water Science and Engineering Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governance,Modelling and Statistics
Water Science and Engineering Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governance
Water Science and Engineering Watershed / Catchments / River Basin,Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / G
Water Science and Engineering Water Supply and Distribution,Utility Management
Water Science and Engineering Watershed / Catchments / River Basin,Water Resources,Water Policy / Legislat
Water Science and Engineering Watershed / Catchments / River Basin,Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / G
Water Science and Engineering Utility Management
Water Science and Engineering Watershed / Catchments / River Basin,Water Resources,Developing Countries
Water Science and Engineering Water Supply and Distribution,Monitoring and Control
Water Science and Engineering Water and Wastewater Reuse,Wastewater Treatment
Water Science and Engineering Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governance
Water Science and Engineering Water Treatment,Wastewater Treatment,Monitoring and Control
Water Science and Engineering Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governance
Water Science and Engineering Watershed / Catchments / River Basin,Water Supply and Distribution,Water Reso
Water Science and Engineering Water Treatment,Drinking Water Quality
Water Science and Engineering Watershed / Catchments / River Basin,Pollution,Environment / Waste Manag
Water Science and Engineering Water Resources,Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governance
Water Science and Engineering Water Supply and Distribution,Monitoring and Control
Water Science and Engineering Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governance,Utility Management,Develop
Water Science and Engineering Watershed / Catchments / River Basin,Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / G
Water Science and Engineering Watershed / Catchments / River Basin,Water Supply and Distribution,Water Po
Water Science and Engineering Water Supply and Distribution,Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governan
Water Science and Engineering Water Supply and Distribution,Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governan
Water Science and Engineering Water Treatment,Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governance,Wastewat
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment,Sludge Management
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment,Industrial Treatment
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment,Sludge Management,Developing Countries
Water Science and Engineering Modelling and Statistics
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment,Sludge Management,Modelling and Statistics
Water Science and Engineering Water and Wastewater Reuse,Wastewater Treatment,Water Treatment
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment
Water Science and Engineering Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governance,Developing Countries
Water Science and Engineering Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governance
Water Science and Engineering Water Treatment,Water and Wastewater Reuse
Water Science and Engineering Monitoring and Control,Modelling and Statistics,Water and Wastewater Reuse
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment
Water Science and Engineering Water Treatment,Water and Wastewater Reuse,Industrial Treatment
Water Science and Engineering Water Treatment,Water Supply and Distribution,Water Resources,Drinking Wat
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment,Modelling and Statistics
Water Science and Engineering Water Treatment,Water and Wastewater Reuse,Wastewater Treatment,Sludge
Water Science and Engineering Water Supply and Distribution,Health Related Water Microbiology,Drinking Wa
Water Science and Engineering Monitoring and Control,Health Related Water Microbiology
Water Science and Engineering Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governance,Water and Wastewater Reus
Water Science and Engineering Watershed / Catchments / River Basin,Water Policy / Legislation / Finance
Water Science and Engineering Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governance,Modelling and Statistics
Water Science and Engineering Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governance,Developing Countries
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment,Developing Countries
Water Science and Engineering Water Supply and Distribution,Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governa
Water Science and Engineering Water Treatment,Wastewater Treatment
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment,Environment / Waste Management,Drinking Water Qua
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment,Utility Management,Pollution
Water Science and Engineering Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governance,Developing Countries
Water Science and Engineering Water Resources,Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governance,Developing
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment
Water Science and Engineering Drinking Water Quality
Water Science and Engineering Water and Wastewater Reuse,Sludge Management,Environment / Waste Mana
Water Science and Engineering Developing Countries
Water Science and Engineering Water Treatment
Water Science and Engineering Health Related Water Microbiology,Drinking Water Quality
Water Science and Engineering Water Treatment,Water Supply and Distribution,Water Resources,Water Policy
Water Science and Engineering Water Supply and Distribution,Utility Management,Monitoring and Control
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment,Utility Management
Water Science and Engineering Water Supply and Distribution,Utility Management
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment,Pollution
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment,Industrial Treatment,Environment / Waste Manageme
Water Science and Engineering Water Treatment,Wastewater Treatment
Water Science and Engineering Water and Wastewater Reuse,Wastewater Treatment,Sludge Management,Indu
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment,Developing Countries
Water Science and Engineering Water Supply and Distribution,Health Related Water Microbiology
Water Science and Engineering Water Resources,Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governance,Developing
Water Science and Engineering Water Treatment,Wastewater Treatment
Water Science and Engineering Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governance,Utility Management,Develop
Water Science and Engineering Utility Management
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment,Sludge Management
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment,Sludge Management
Water Science and Engineering Water Treatment,Wastewater Treatment
Water Science and Engineering Watershed / Catchments / River Basin,Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / G
Water Science and Engineering Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governance,Utility Management
Water Science and Engineering Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governance,Utility Management,Develop
Water Science and Engineering Water Treatment,Health Related Water Microbiology,Drinking Water Quality
Water Science and Engineering Water Treatment
Water Science and Engineering Water and Wastewater Reuse,Sludge Management
Water Science and Engineering Water Supply and Distribution,Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governa
Water Science and Engineering Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governance,Utility Management
Water Science and Engineering Water Resources,Water and Wastewater Reuse,Water Treatment
Water Science and Engineering Water Resources,Water and Wastewater Reuse,Sludge Management,Environ
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment
Water Science and Engineering Watershed / Catchments / River Basin,Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / G
Water Science and Engineering Water Supply and Distribution,Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governan
Water Science and Engineering Utility Management
Water Science and Engineering Watershed / Catchments / River Basin
Water Science and Engineering Watershed / Catchments / River Basin,Modelling and Statistics
Water Science and Engineering Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governance,Utility Management,Health
Water Science and Engineering Pollution,Health Related Water Microbiology,Drinking Water Quality,Developin
Water Science and Engineering Water Supply and Distribution
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment,Monitoring and Control,Environment / Waste Manage
Water Science and Engineering Drinking Water Quality
Water Science and Engineering Water Treatment,Industrial Treatment
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment
Water Science and Engineering Watershed / Catchments / River Basin,Pollution,Modelling and Statistics
Water Science and Engineering Watershed / Catchments / River Basin,Pollution
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment
Water Science and Engineering Urban Drainage / Sewerage
Water Science and Engineering Sludge Management,Environment / Waste Management
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment,Sludge Management
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment,Sludge Management
Water Science and Engineering Pollution,Environment / Waste Management
Water Science and Engineering Urban Drainage / Sewerage
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment,Urban Drainage / Sewerage
Water Science and Engineering Environment / Waste Management
Water Science and Engineering Developing Countries
Water Science and Engineering Developing Countries,Environment / Waste Management
Water Science and Engineering Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governance,Pollution,Environment / W
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment,Monitoring and Control,Industrial Treatment
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment,Sludge Management
Water Science and Engineering Water Treatment,Health Related Water Microbiology,Drinking Water Quality
Water Science and Engineering Modelling and Statistics,Drinking Water Quality,Water Supply and Distribution
Water Science and Engineering Water Supply and Distribution,Utility Management,Monitoring and Control
Water Science and Engineering Urban Drainage / Sewerage,Developing Countries
Water Science and Engineering Water Resources,Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governance,Developing
Water Science and Engineering Water Treatment,Water and Wastewater Reuse,Wastewater Treatment,Develo
Water Science and Engineering Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governance
Water Science and Engineering Water Treatment,Water and Wastewater Reuse,Drinking Water Quality
Water Science and Engineering Water Resources,Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governance,Developing
Water Science and Engineering Utility Management
Water Science and Engineering Water Treatment,Water Resources,Drinking Water Quality
Water Science and Engineering Water Supply and Distribution
Water Science and Engineering Watershed / Catchments / River Basin,Water Resources,Water Policy / Legisl
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment,Sludge Management
Water Science and Engineering Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governance
Water Science and Engineering Water Resources,Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governance,Utility M
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment,Pollution
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment,Monitoring and Control,Modelling and Statistics
Water Science and Engineering Urban Drainage / Sewerage
Water Science and Engineering Water Supply and Distribution,Urban Drainage / Sewerage,Modelling and Statis
Water Science and Engineering Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governance,Environment / Waste Mana
Water Science and Engineering Urban Drainage / Sewerage,Developing Countries
Water Science and Engineering Watershed / Catchments / River Basin,Urban Drainage / Sewerage,Monitoring a
Water Science and Engineering Utility Management,Developing Countries
Water Science and Engineering Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governance,Drinking Water Quality,Deve
Water Science and Engineering Watershed / Catchments / River Basin,Water Resources,Pollution,Modelling and
Water Science and Engineering Industrial Treatment,Environment / Waste Management
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment
Water Science and Engineering Watershed / Catchments / River Basin,Wastewater Treatment,Pollution,Envi
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment,Sludge Management
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment,Monitoring and Control,Modelling and Statistics
Water Science and Engineering Wastewater Treatment
Water Science and Engineering Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governance,Developing Countries
Water Science and Engineering Watershed / Catchments / River Basin,Water Supply and Distribution,Water Res
Water Science and Engineering Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governance
Water Science and Engineering Water Supply and Distribution,Water Resources,Developing Countries
Water Science and Engineering Water Resources,Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governance,Developing
Water Science and Engineering Water Resources,Water and Wastewater Reuse,Environment / Waste Manage
Water Science and Engineering Water Supply and Distribution,Water Resources,Water Policy / Legislation / F
Water Science and Engineering Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governance,Developing Countries
Water Science and Engineering Watershed / Catchments / River Basin,Water Resources,Water Policy / Legislati
Water Science and Engineering Watershed / Catchments / River Basin,Water Resources,Water Policy / Legislati
Water Science and Engineering Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governance
Water Science and Engineering Water Resources,Wastewater Treatment
Water Science and Engineering Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governance,Urban Drainage / Sewerage,
Water Science and Engineering Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governance
Water Science and Engineering Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governance
Water Science and Engineering Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governance
Water Science and Engineering Water Treatment,Water Supply and Distribution,Monitoring and Control,Healt
Water Science and Engineering Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governance,Monitoring and Control,Drin
Water Science and Engineering Water Treatment,Water Resources,Water and Wastewater Reuse,Pollution,Drin
Water Science and Engineering Health Related Water Microbiology
Water Science and Engineering Water and Wastewater Reuse,Industrial Treatment
Water Science and Engineering Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governance,Water and Wastewater Reus
Water Science and Engineering Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governance
Water Science and Engineering Water Supply and Distribution,Urban Drainage / Sewerage,Developing Countri
Water Science and Engineering Water Treatment,Water Supply and Distribution,Utility Management,Urban Dr
Water Science and Engineering Water Supply and Distribution,Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governa
Water Science and Engineering Water Treatment,Water Supply and Distribution,Water Resources
Water Science and Engineering Water Supply and Distribution,Water and Wastewater Reuse,Wastewater Trea
Water Science and Engineering Water Treatment,Water Supply and Distribution,Water Resources,Wastewater
Water Science and Engineering Health Related Water Microbiology,Drinking Water Quality
Water Science and Engineering Water Supply and Distribution,Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governan
Water Science and Engineering Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governance,Utility Management,Urban D
Water Science and Engineering Water Supply and Distribution,Health Related Water Microbiology,Drinking Wa
Water Science and Engineering Health Related Water Microbiology,Drinking Water Quality
Water Science and Engineering Water Resources,Water and Wastewater Reuse,Wastewater Treatment
Water Science and Engineering Watershed / Catchments / River Basin
Water Science and Engineering Water Treatment,Water Resources,Wastewater Treatment
Water Science and Engineering Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governance,Wastewater Treatment,Slud
Subject2 ISBN
,Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / G 9781843390763
water Treatment,Industrial Treatment 9781843391142
,Water Resources 9781843393726
water Treatment,Urban Drainage / Sewe 9781843395423
Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governan 9781843392361
Resources,Water and Wastewater Reuse,9781843392279
,Water Treatment,Pollution,Monitoring 9781843393061
Governance,Health Related Water Mic 9781780401232
,Modelling and Statistics 9781843391401
,Water Supply and Distribution,Water Re9781780400389
on,Health Related Water Microbiology, 9781780400204
Management,Developing Countries 9781843390435
Monitoring and Control,Environment / 9781843391494
inking Water Quality,Developing Countri9781843390367
ater Reuse,Drinking Water Quality 9781843392248
d Control,Modelling and Statistics 9781843391463
Governance,Developing Countries 9781780400112
g and Control,Drinking Water Quality 9781843393849
king Water Quality,Water Supply and Dis9781843393832
on,Drinking Water Quality 9781843393856
Management,Health Related Water Micro9781843393696
ater and Wastewater Reuse,Wastewater 9781843393689
ent,Industrial Treatment 9781843390190
ement,Developing Countries 9781843391876
ement,Developing Countries 9781843393818
ronment / Waste Management 9781900222174
and Statistics 9781843391159
ing and Statistics 9781843390916
reatment,Developing Countries 9781780400242
Governance,Developing Countries 9781843391418
strial Treatment 9781843393078
,Water and Wastewater Reuse,Wastewate
ent,Industrial Treatment 9781843390091
ater Reuse,Wastewater Treatment,Polluti9781843393139
Governance,Water and Wastewater Reu 9781843391364
Developing Countries 9781843393047
Governance,Wastewater Treatment 9781843391258
ces,Watershed / Catchments / River Basi9781780400440
d Water Microbiology 9781843391920
,Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / 9781843391609
ter Reuse,Urban Drainage / Sewerage,De9781900222471
ping Countries 9781843395157
Governance,Modelling and Statistics 9781843393276
Related Water Microbiology,Environmen9781843393474
d Statistics,Health Related Water Microbi 9781780401089
,Water Treatment,Water Supply and Dis 9781843391036
,Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / 9781780400068
ation / Finance / Governance,Water an 9781843395195
inking Water Quality 9781843390275
,Water Supply and Distribution,Water Poli
trol,Health Related Water Microbiology 9781843391692
er Microbiology,Drinking Water Quality 9781843393733
vironment / Waste Management 9781843390855
ent,Developing Countries 9781843395034
Resources,Environment / Waste Manage 9781843391104
,Water Resources,Pollution,Environme 9781843392286
,Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / G 9781843390381
ater Reuse,Wastewater Treatment,Envi 9781843392224
ent,Environment / Waste Management 9781900222099
ge / Sewerage,Developing Countries 9781843390084
Resources,Water Policy / Legislation / 9781843395409
g and Control 9781780404561
Governance,Urban Drainage / Sewerage,M
trol,Drinking Water Quality 9781900222969
g Countries 9781900222761
ent,Industrial Treatment 9781843393894
,Water Resources,Modelling and Statistic9781843392378
ation / Finance / Governance 9781843393467
,Water Treatment,Water Supply and Distri
tics,Drinking Water Quality 9781780401119
,Water Treatment,Water Resources,Drink9781780404493
Governance,Health Related Water Micro 9781780400303
,Wastewater Treatment,Sludge Manage 9781843391715
ement,Monitoring and Control,Modelling9781843391746
ement,Industrial Treatment,Environme 9781780400006
atment,Environment / Waste Manageme 9781780400600
ealth Related Water Microbiology,Drinkin9781843393184
werage,Health Related Water Microbiolo9781843391333
d Water Microbiology 9781843390251
ation / Finance / Governance,Wastewate9781843390930
and Statistics 9781843390213
Governance,Developing Countries 9781843390701
Governance,Urban Drainage / Sewerage,M
water Treatment,Sludge Management,Pollu
Governance,Developing Countries 9781843393672
Governance,Modelling and Statistics 9781843393269
,Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / G 9781843391487
Management 9781843393719
,Water Resources,Water Policy / Legislat 9781843390886
,Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / G 9781843390848
,Water Resources,Developing Countries 9781843393252
ring and Control 9781780404547
water Treatment 9781843392323
ent,Monitoring and Control 9781843395447
,Water Supply and Distribution,Water Reso
,Pollution,Environment / Waste Manag 9781900222105
ation / Finance / Governance 9781843392392
ring and Control 9781900222112
Governance,Utility Management,Develop9781843393245
,Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / G 9781780401126
,Water Supply and Distribution,Water Po9781843391951
Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governan 9781780400587
Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governan 9781843391043
ation / Finance / Governance,Wastewat 9781843392798
ement,Developing Countries 9781843393825
ement,Modelling and Statistics 9781843392385
water Treatment,Water Treatment 9781843395188
Governance,Developing Countries 9781780400327
d Statistics,Water and Wastewater Reuse 9781780400655
ater Reuse,Industrial Treatment 9781843393702
istribution,Water Resources,Drinking Wat9781780400358
ater Reuse,Wastewater Treatment,Sludge9781843390329
Related Water Microbiology,Drinking Wa9781780400402
d Water Microbiology 9781843390558
Governance,Water and Wastewater Reus9781780400075
,Water Policy / Legislation / Finance 9781843390046
Governance,Modelling and Statistics 9781843392231
Governance,Developing Countries 9781843391128
Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governa 9781843391357
/ Waste Management,Drinking Water Qua9781843395461
ement,Pollution 9781900222464
Governance,Developing Countries 9781780400563
ation / Finance / Governance,Developing9781780400570
Management,Environment / Waste Mana9781843391210
inking Water Quality 9781843390596
istribution,Water Resources,Water Policy9781843391968
Management,Monitoring and Control 9781843391913
Management 9781843390510
atment,Environment / Waste Manageme 9781843390015
water Treatment,Sludge Management,Indu
Related Water Microbiology 9781843390947
ation / Finance / Governance,Developing9781843393665
Governance,Utility Management,Develop9781843392712
,Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / G 9781843390794
Governance,Utility Management 9781843391180
Governance,Utility Management,Develop9781843393207
er Microbiology,Drinking Water Quality 9781843393764
Management 9781843393450
Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governa 9781843391432
Governance,Utility Management 9781843393412
ter Reuse,Water Treatment 9781780401218
ter Reuse,Sludge Management,Environ 9781843390541
,Water Policy / Legislation / Finance / G 9781843390909
Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governan 9781780400211
,Modelling and Statistics 9781900222822
Governance,Utility Management,Health 9781843390428
biology,Drinking Water Quality,Developin9781843392255
d Control,Environment / Waste Manage 9781843390336
,Pollution,Modelling and Statistics 9781843392293
Waste Management 9781900222082
ge / Sewerage 9781843393481
Waste Management 9781843392767
Governance,Pollution,Environment / W 9781843393627
d Control,Industrial Treatment 9781843391227
er Microbiology,Drinking Water Quality 9781843393740
er Quality,Water Supply and Distribution 9781780400280
Management,Monitoring and Control 9781843391869
g Countries 9781843391050
ation / Finance / Governance,Developing9781843393658
ater Reuse,Wastewater Treatment,Develo9781780400167
ater Reuse,Drinking Water Quality 9781843393405
ation / Finance / Governance,Developing9781843393238
inking Water Quality 9781843392750
,Water Resources,Water Policy / Legisl 9781843391722
ation / Finance / Governance,Utility M 9781843391777
d Control,Modelling and Statistics 9781780401027
Drainage / Sewerage,Modelling and Statis9781843392743
Governance,Environment / Waste Mana 9781900222228
g Countries 9781843390572
,Urban Drainage / Sewerage,Monitoring a9781843391388
Governance,Drinking Water Quality,Deve 9781843393108
,Water Resources,Pollution,Modelling and
aste Management 9781843391272
,Wastewater Treatment,Pollution,Envi 9781843391616
d Control,Modelling and Statistics 9781900222150
Governance,Developing Countries 9781843391296
,Water Supply and Distribution,Water Res9781780400266
Resources,Developing Countries 9781843395119
ation / Finance / Governance,Developing9781843390138
ter Reuse,Environment / Waste Manage 9781900222525
Resources,Water Policy / Legislation / F 9781843390787
Governance,Developing Countries 9781843390060
,Water Resources,Water Policy / Legislati9781780400013
,Water Resources,Water Policy / Legislati9781843392736
Governance,Urban Drainage / Sewerage, 9781843393283
istribution,Monitoring and Control,Healt 9781780401201
Governance,Monitoring and Control,Drin 9781900222280
ater and Wastewater Reuse,Pollution,Drin 9781843393443
al Treatment 9781843390053
Governance,Water and Wastewater Reus9781843390893
Drainage / Sewerage,Developing Countri 9781843393641
istribution,Utility Management,Urban Dr9781843390800
Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governa 9781780400228
istribution,Water Resources 9780340720189
and Wastewater Reuse,Wastewater Trea9781843395140
istribution,Water Resources,Wastewater9781843393030
inking Water Quality 9781843390695
Policy / Legislation / Finance / Governan 9781843392729
Governance,Utility Management,Urban D9781780400334
Related Water Microbiology,Drinking Wa9781843391791
inking Water Quality 9781843390589
ter Reuse,Wastewater Treatment 9781843395416
astewater Treatment 9781843395058
Governance,Wastewater Treatment,Slud 9781843395133
Title Author Edition
2nd IWA Leading-Edge on Sustainability in Water-Limited Environments: MB Beck, A Speers
2nd IWA Leading-Edge on Water and Wastewater Treatment TechnologieMark Van Loosdrecht, Jonathan Clemen
A New Legal Framework for Managing the World's Shared Groundwaters:A Fadia Daibes-Murad
Activated Sludge and Aerobic Biofilm Reactors:Biological Wastewater TreMarcos Von Sperling
Activated Sludge Models:ASM1, ASM2, ASM2d and ASM3 The IWA Task Group on Mathematical Mod
Activated Sludge Separation Problems:Theory, Control Measures, PracticV Tandoi, D Jenkins, J Wanner
Advanced Biological Treatment Processes for Industrial Wastewaters:Princ
F Cervantes, S Pavlostathis, A van Haan
Advanced Oxidation Processes for Water and Wastewater Treatment: Simon Parsons
Advanced Tools and Models to Improve River Basin Management in Europ Michael Finkel, Johannes Barth, Peter G
Aerobic Granular Sludge: S Bathe, MK de Kreuk, BS McSwain, N
Aerobic Granule Reactor Technology: MK de Kreuk, LMM de Bruin
Aerobic Wastewater Treatment Processes:History and Development David F Tilley
Aid Activities in Support of Water Supply and Sanitation: Organisation for Economic Co-Operatio
Alternative Water Management and Self-Sufficient Water Supplies: Martin Rygaard, Hans-Jorgen Albrechtse
Anaerobic Digestion Model No.1 (ADM1): IWA Task Group for Mathematical Modell
Anaerobic Reactors:Biological Wastewater Treatment Series (Volume 4) Carlos Augustos de Lemos Chernicharo
Analytical Measurements in Aquatic Environments: Jacek Namiesnik and Piotr Szefer
Animal Waste, Water Quality and Human Health: A Dufour and J Bartram
Aquifer Test Modeling: William C. Walton
Arsenic Contamination in the World:An International Sourcebook Susan Murcott
Arsenic in Groundwater: Poisoning and Risk Assessment: M. Manzurul Hassan, Peter J. Atkins
Artificial Recharge: Technology and Systems for the Creation of Drinki Anders Lynggaard-Jensen
Asian Water Supplies:Reaching the Urban Poor Arthur C McIntosh
Assessing Infiltration and Exfiltration on the Performance of Urban Sew Bryan Ellis and Jean-Luc Bertrand-Kraje
Assessing Microbial Safety of Drinking Water:Improving Approaches and A Dufour, M Snozzi, W Koster, J Bartram
Basic Principles of Wastewater Treatment:Biological Wastewater TreatmeMarcos Von Sperling
Basic Water Treatment: Fourth Edition: C. Binnie and M. Kimber
Benchmarking of Control Strategies for Wastewater Treatment Plants: Krist V Gernaey, Ulf Jeppsson, Peter A
Benchmarking Water Services:Guiding water utilities to excellence Enrique Cabrera Jr., Peter Dane, Scott
Benefits of Investing in Water and Sanitation:An OECD Perspective Organisation for Economic Co-Operati
Best Practice Guide on Metals Removal From Drinking Water By Treatmen Mustafa Ersoz and Lisa Barrott
Best Practice Guide on Sampling and Monitoring of Metals in Drinking WatAdam Postawa
Best Practice Guide on the Control of Arsenic in Drinking Water:
Best Practice Guide on the Control of Iron and Manganese in Water SupplAdam Postawa and Colin Hayes
Best Practice Guide on the Control of Lead in Drinking Water: Colin Hayes
Bioanalytical Tools in Water Quality Assessment: Beate Escher and Frederic Leusch
Bioelectrochemical Systems:From Extracellular Electron Transfer to BiotecKorneel Rabaey, Lars Angenent, Uwe Sch
Biofilms in Medicine, Industry and Environmental Biotechnology:CharacteriP Lens, V O'Flaherty, AP Moran, P Stoo
Biofilms in Wastewater Treatment:An Interdisciplinary Approach S Wuertz, PL Bishop, PA Wilderer
Biofouling of Spiral Wound Membrane Systems: Johannes Simon Vrouwenvelder, Joop Kr
Biofuels for Fuel Cells:Renewable Energy from Biomass Fermentation P Lens, P Westermann, M Haberbauer,
Biological Nitrogen Removal Activated Sludge Process in Warm Climates:Cao Ye Shi, Wah Yuen Long, Ang Chee
Biological Nutrient Removal:
Biological Phosphorus Removal:Manual for Design and Operation (plus CPMJ Janssen, K Meinema, HF van der R
Biological Phosphorus Removal Activated Sludge Process in Warm ClimatCao Ye Shi
Biological Wastewater Treatment:Principles, Modelling and Design M. Henze, M. C. M. van Loosdrecht, G.A
Biological Wastewater Treatment in Warm Climate Regions: Marcos Von Sperling, CA de Lemos Che
Biological Wastewater Treatment: Third Edition: C.P. Leslie Grady, Jr., Glen T. Daigger,
Biomethanization of the Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Wastes: J. Mata-Alvarez
Biophysics of the Surface Microlayer of Aquatic Ecosystems: M Gladyshev
Cao Ye Shi Author Set: Cao Ye Shi
CARE-S:Computer Aided Rehabilitation of Sewer and Storm Water NetwoSveinung Saegrov
CARE-W:Computer Aided Rehabilitation for Water Networks Sveinung Saegrov
Cause and Prevention of Clogging of Wells Abstracting Groundwater fromC.G.E.M. (Kees) van Beek
Charging for Irrigation Services:Guidelines for practitioners Frank van Steenbergen, Gez Cornish, Ch
Chemical Oxidation Applications for Industrial Wastewaters: Olcay Tunay, Isik Kabdasli, Idil Arslan
Chemical Water and Wastewater Treatment IX:Gothenburg Symposia SerAgneta Lindquist, Hermann Hahn and E
Chemical Water and Wastewater Treatment VII: H Hahn, E Hoffman, H Odegaard
Chemical Water and Wastewater Treatment VIII: H Hahn, E Hoffman, H Odegaard
Chemistry of Ozone in Water and Wastewater Treatment:From Basic Princi Clemens von Sonntag and Urs von Gunt
Cities of the Future:Towards integrated sustainable water and landscap Vladimir Novotny, Paul Brown
Climate Change and Water:International Perspectives on Mitigation and AJoel Smith, Carol Howe and Jim Hender
Coagulation and Flocculation in Water and Wastewater Treatment:2nd EdiJohn Bratby
Communicating Science Effectively:A Practical Handbook for Integrating J Thomas, A Jones, T Saxby, T Carruthe
Comparative Evaluation of Sludge Reduction Routes:EU project number Philippe Ginestet
Competition and Economic Regulation in Water:The Future of the Europe T Ballance, A Taylor
Computational Fluid Dynamics in Drinking Water Treatment: Bas Wols
Computational Hydraulics: Ioana Popescu
Computational Methods in the Management of Hydro-Environmental Syst V Nassehi, DB Das
Constructed Wetlands for Pollution Control:Processes, Performance, Des R. Kadlec, R. Knight, J. Vymazal, H. Brix
Cryptosporidium and Cryptosporidiosis:Second Edition R. Fayer and Lihua Xiao
DayWater: an Adaptive Decision Support System for Urban Stormwater Daniel R. Thevenot
Decentralised Sanitation and Reuse:Concepts, Systems and ImplementatP Lens, G Zeeman, G Lettinga
Decentralised Water and Wastewater Systems:WEMS 13 Kuruvilla Mathew, Stewart Dallas, Goen
Decision Support for Water Framework Directive Implementation:Volume Peter A Vanrolleghem
Desalination Technology:Health and Environmental Impacts Joseph Cotruvo, Nikolay Voutchkov, Joh
Designing and Optimizing Drinking Water Treatment Processes:A Guide toPeter M Huck and Marek M Sozanski
Detection of Pathogens in Water Using Micro and Nano-Technology: Giampaolo Zuccheri and Nikolaos Asprou
Dictionary of Water and Waste Management:Second Edition Paul Smith, John Scott
Diffuse Pollution:An Introduction to the Problems and Solutions - Book & N. Campbell, B. D'Arcy, A. Frost, V. No
Disasters and Minewater:Good Practice and Prevention Harvey Wood
Discolouration in Drinking Water Systems:The Role of Particles Clarified Jan Vreeburg
Disinfection By-Products and Human Health: Steve E Hrudey and Jeffrey WA Charroi
Drinking Water and Infectious Disease:Establishing the Links PR Hunter, M Waite, E Ronchi
Drinking Water Quality Management from Catchment to Consumer:A Practic Bob Breach
Dynamical Modelling & Estimation in Wastewater Treatment Processes: D. Dochain, P. Vanrolleghem
Effective Cross-Border Monitoring Systems for Waterborne Microbial PathJ Rose and E Dreelin
Elimination of Micro-organisms by Water Treatment Processes: Wim A M Hijnen and Gertjan J Medema
Endocrine Disrupters in Wastewater and Sludge Treatment Processes: J W Birkett , J N Lester
Engineering and Costs of Dual Water Supply Systems: S.L Tang, Derek P.T Yue, Damien C.C
Environmental Aspects of Zoonotic Diseases: Robert Armon and Uta Cheruti
Environmental Biotechnology: Advancement in Water and Wastewater Appli Z Ujang, M Henze
Environmental History of Water:Global views on community water supply aP Juuti, T Katko, H Vuorinen
Environmental Hydrogeology:Second Edition Philip E. LaMoreaux, Mostafa M. Solim
Environmental Information in European Transboundary Water Managemen J Timmerman, S Langaas
Environmental Technologies to Treat Nitrogen Pollution:Principles and EnFrancisco J. Cervantes
Environmental Technologies to Treat Sulfur Pollution:Principles and EnginP Lens, LH Pol
Environmentally Sound Technology for Wastewater and Stormwater ManaUNEP - IETC
Evolution of Water Supply Through the Millennia: Andreas N Angelakis, Larry W Mays, De
FISH Handbook for Biological Wastewater Treatment:Identification and qua Per Halkjaer Nielsen, Holger Daims and
Flocs in Water Treatment: David H Bache, Ross Gregory
Flood Risk:Planning, Design and Management of Flood Defence InfrastrucP.B. Sayers
Flood Risk and Social Justice:From Quantitative to Qualitative Flood Ris Zoran Vojinovic and Michael B. Abbott
Fluoride in Drinking-water: J Fawell, K Bailey, J Chilton, E Dahi, L
Frontiers in Urban Water Management:Deadlock or Hope C. Maksimovic, J.A. Tejada-Guibert
Fundamentals of Wastewater Treatment and Engineering: Rumana Riffat
Fundamentals of Water Treatment Unit Processes:Physical, Chemical, and
David W. Hendricks
Geographic Information Systems in Water Resources Engineering: Lynn E. Johnson
Governance and Complexity in Water Management:Creating Cooperation Hans Bressers and Kris Lulofs
Governance and Management for Sustainable Water Systems: Neil S Grigg
Groundwater Management in Large River Basins: Milan Dimkic, Heinz-Jurgen Brauch and
Groundwater Optimization Handbook:Flow, Contaminant Transport, and Richard C. Peralta
Groundwater Set: Christian Kazner, Thomas Wintgens, Pet
Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality - 4th Edition: World Health Organisation (WHO)
Guidelines for the Identification of Ciliates in Wastewater Treatment PlantsSusana Serrano, Lucia Arregui, Blanca
Guidelines for Using Activated Sludge Models: IWA Task Group on Good Modelling Practi
Handbook of Biological Wastewater Treatment: Second Edition:Design anAdrianus van Haandel and Jeroen van d
Handbook of Environmental Odour Management: Franz-Bernd Frechen, Richard M. Stuetz,
Handbook of Water Purity and Quality: Satinder Ahuja
Handbook on Particle Separation Processes: Arjen Van Nieuwenhuijzen and Jaap Van
Health Impact Assessment for Sustainable Water Management: Lorna Fewtrell and David Kay
Heterotrophic Plate Counts and Drinking-water Safety:The Significance J Bartram, J Cotruvo, M Exner, C Fricke
Human Pharmaceuticals, Hormones and Fragrances:The Challenge of MicThomas Ternes, Adriano Joss
Hydroinformatics 2002:Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference RA Falconer, B Lin, EL Harris, CAME Wil
Hydrology and Water Law - Bridging the Gap: J Wallace, P Wouters
Identification and Control of Filamentous Micro-organisms in Industrial Dick Eikelboom
Impacts of Climate Change on Rainfall Extremes and Urban Drainage SysPatrick Willems, Jonas Olsson, Karsten
Industrial Wastewater Treatment by Activated Sludge: Derin Orhon, Fatos Germirli Babuna, O
Innovative and Integrated Technologies for the Treatment of Industria Antonio Lopez, Claudio Di Iaconi, Giusep
Innovative Financing Mechanisms for the Water Sector: Organisation for Economic Co-Operati
Institutional Governance and Regulation of Water Services:The Essential Michael John Rouse
Institutional Governance and Regulation of Water Services: Second EditioMichael Rouse
Instrumentation, Control and Automation in Wastewater Systems: G Olsson, M Nielsen, Z Yuan, A Lynggaa
Integrated Assessment for Water Framework Directive Implementation: Peter A Vanrolleghem
Integrated Deliberative Decision Processes for Water Resources PlanningGiorgos Kallis, Nuno Videira, Paula Ant
Integrated Evaluation for Sustainable River Basin Governance:ADVISOR Nuno Videira, Giorgos Kallis, Paula Ant
Integrated High Resolution Imaging Radar and Decision Support System fMatthaios Bimpas, Angelos Amditis and
Integrated River Basin Governance:Learning from International ExperiencBruce Hooper
Integrated Transboundary Water Management in Theory and Practice:ExpGeoffrey D Gooch, Per Stalnacke
Integrated Water Meter Management: F Arregui, E Cabrera Jr, R Cobacho
Integrating Water Resources Management:Interdisciplinary MethodologiesGeoffrey D. Gooch, Alistair Rieu-Clarke,
Internal Corrosion Control of Water Supply Systems:Code of Practice Colin Hayes
International Conference on Nutrient Recovery From Wastewater StreamsKen Ashley, Don Mavinic and Fred Koch
International Law and Sustainable Development:Lessons from the Law of A Rieu-Clarke
International Standard Units for Water and Wastewater Processes: WEF, AWWA, IWA
International Trade in Water Rights:The Next Step Aline Baillat
Interstate Water Resource Risk Management:Towards A Sustainable Future
Oliver Olsson and Melanie Bauer
KWR Drinking Water Treatment Set: Wim Hijnen, Gertjan J Medema, Patrick
Land Ocean Interaction:Measuring and Modelling Fluxes from River BasinD. Huntley, G. Leeks, D. Walling
Law and Governance of Water Resources:The Challenge of SustainabilityD. E. Fisher
Losses in Water Distribution Networks:A Practitioner's Guide to AssessmeM Farley, S Trow
Making Public Enterprises Work:From Despair to Promise: A Turn AroundWilliam T. Muhairwe
Making Space for the River:Governance experiences with multifunctional Jeroen Frank Warner, Arwin van Buuren
Management of Change in Water Companies:Case Studies of Moving Fast Joaquim Pocas Martins
Managing Climate Risk in Water Supply Systems: Casey Brown and M. Neil Ward
Managing Water Demand:Policies, Practices and Lessons from the MiddleEllysar Baroudy, Abderrafii Lahlou Abid,
Managing Water for All:An OECD Perspective on Pricing and Financing Organisation for Economic Co-Operati
Manual on the Causes and Control of Activated Sludge Bulking, Foaming D
a Jenkins, MG Richard, GT Daigger
Marine Wastewater Outfalls and Treatment Systems: Philip J. W. Roberts, Henry J. Salas,
Mass Flow and Energy Efficiency of Municipal Wastewater Treatment PlanCao Ye Shi
Mathematical Modeling of Biofilms: IWA Task Group on Biofilm Modeling
Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation of Activated Sludge Sy Jacek Makinia
MBR Book, 2nd Edition:Principles and Applications of Membrane Bioreac Simon Judd
Mechanism and Design of Sequencing Batch Reactors for Nutrient RemovNazik Artan and Derin Orhon
Meeting the Challenge of Financing Water and Sanitation:Tools and Appr Organisation for Economic Co-Operati
Meeting the Water Reform Challenge: Organisation for Economic Co-Operati
Membrane Based Desalination: An Integrated Approach:MEDINA Enrico Drioli, Alessandra Criscuoli and
Membrane Biological Reactors:Theory, Modeling, Design, Management anFaisal I. Hai, Kazuo Yamamoto and Chu
Membrane Bioreactors:Operation and Results of an MBR Wastewater TreA.G.N. van Bentem, C.P. Petri, P.F.T. S
Membrane Bioreactors for Municipal Wastewater Treatment: HF van der Roest, DP Lawrence, AGN
Membrane Bioreactors for Wastewater Treatment: T. Stephenson, K. Brindle, S. Judd, B. J
Membrane Technology in Water Treatment in the Mediterranean Reg Antonia Lorenzo and Anibal Vega
Metals and Related Substances in Drinking Water:Proceedings of the 4th Prosun Bhattacharya, Ingegerd Rosborg,
Microbial Community Analysis:The Key to the Design of Biological Wast TE Cloete, NYO. Muyima
Microbial Ecology of Activated Sludge: Robert Seviour & Per H Nielsen
Microbial Growth in Drinking Water Distribution Systems:Problems, Caus Dirk van der Kooij and Paul W.J.J. van d
Microbial Waterborne Pathogens: E Cloete, J Rose, LH Nel, T Ford
Milestones in Water Reuse:The Best Success Stories Valentina Lazarova, Takashi Asano, Aki
Minewater Treatment:Technology, Application and Policy M Brown, B Barley, H Wood
Modelling Aspects of Water Framework Directive Implementation:Volume Peter A Vanrolleghem
More Crop Per Drop:Revisiting a research paradigm: results and synthesi Meredith Giordano, Frank R. Rijsberman,
Municipal Wastewater Management in Developing Countries:Principles anZaini Ujang, Mogens Henze
Municipal Water and Wastewater Services Reform in the Russian FederatSergey Ivanov, Sergey Sivaev and Ella
Nanotechnology for Water and Wastewater Treatment: Piet Lens, Jurate Virkutyte, Veeriah Jeg
Nitrification: Bess B. Ward, Daniel J. Arp, and Martin
Odours in Wastewater Treatment:Measurement, Modelling and Control R. Stuetz, F.B. Frechen
OECD Water Policy and Finance Set: Organisation for Economic Co-Operati
OECD Water Resources and Sanitation Set: Organisation for Economic Co-Operati
Operating Large Scale Membrane Bioreactors for Municipal Wastewater TChristoph Brepols
Organic Compounds and Genotoxicity in Drinking Water: A Noorsij, J van Genderen, J van Bever
Organic Waste Recycling:Technology and Management Chongrak Polprasert
Our World of Water: J Stephenson
Particles in Water:Properties and Processes John Gregory
Pathogenic Mycobacteria in Water:A Guide to Public Health Consequenc S Pedley, J Bartram, G Rees, A Dufour,
Pathways for Sustainable Sanitation:Achieving the Millennium DevelopmeArno Rosemarin, Nelson Ekane, Ian Cald
Performance Assessment of Urban Infrastructure Services:Drinking water,Enrique A Cabrera, Jr. and Miguel Angel
Performance Indicators for Wastewater Services: R Matos, A Cardoso, R Ashley, P Duarte,
Performance Indicators for Water Supply Services - Second Edition:SeconH Alegre, JM Baptista, E Cabrera Jr, F C
Pharmaceuticals in the Environment:Current knowledge and need assessBenoit Roig
Phosphorus in Environmental Technology:Principles and Applications E Valsami-Jones
Physical-Chemical Treatment of Water and Wastewater: AP Sincero, GA Sincero
Piggery Waste Management:Towards a Sustainable Future Euiso Choi
Pond Treatment Technology: A Shilton
Preventing Legionellosis: William F McCoy
Pricing Water Resources and Water and Sanitation Services: Organisation for Economic Co-Operati
Principles of Water and Wastewater Treatment Processes: R Stuetz, T Stephenson
Private Sector Participation in Water Infrastructure: Organisation for Economic Co-Operati
Process Benchmarking in the Water Industry: R Parena, E Smeets, I Troquet
Process Control of Activated Sludge Plants by Microscopic Investigation: D.H. Eikelboom
Process Control of Activated Sludge Plants by Microscopic Investigat D.H. Eikelboom
Process Science and Engineering for Water and Wastewater Treatment: S Judd, T Stephenson
Protecting Groundwater for Health:Managing the Quality of Drinking-wate O Schmoll, G Howard, J Chilton, I Choru
Public and Private Participation in the Water and Wastewater Sector:De Cledan Mandri-Perrott
Public Private Partnerships in the Water Sector:Innovation and Financial SCledan Mandri-Perrott and David Stigger
Quantitative Methods to Assess Capacity of Water Treatment to Eliminat Wim Hijnen
Recent Progress in Slow Sand and Alternative Biofiltration Processes: Rolf Gimbel, Nigel Graham, M Robin Coll
Reduction, Modification and Valorisation of Sludge:REMOVALS Azael Fabregat, Christophe Bengoa, Jos
Reform of China's Urban Water Sector: Tao Fu, Miao Chang and Lijin Zhong
Regulation of Water and Wastewater Services:An International Comparis Rui Cunha Marques
Renewable Energy Applications for Freshwater Production: Jochen Bundschuh and Jan Hoinkis
Resource Recovery and Reuse in Organic Solid Waste Management: P Lens, B Hamelers, H Hoitink, W Bidlin
Respirometry in Control of the Activated Sludge Process:Principles H. Spanjers, P.A. Vanrolleghem, G. Olss
Respirometry in Control of the Activated Sludge Process: Benchmarking Co
J.B. Copp, H. Spanjers & P.A. Vanrolle
Restoring Floodplains in Europe:Policy Contexts and Project ExperiencesTimothy Moss and Jochen Monstadt
Risk Assessment for Water Infrastructure Safety and Security: Anna Doro-on
Risk Management for Water and Wastewater Utilities: Simon Pollard
River Basin Restoration and Management: A Ostfeld, JM Tyson
River Water Quality Model No.1:Scientific & Technical Report No. 12 P Reichert, D Borchardt, M Henze, W R
Safe Drinking Water:Lessons from Recent Outbreaks in Affluent Nations SE Hrudey, EJ Hrudey
Safe Management of Shellfish and Harvest Waters: G Rees, K Pond, D Kay, J Bartram and
Safe Piped Water:Managing Microbial Water Quality in Piped Distribution RG Ainsworth
Sampling for Measurement of Odours: P Gostelow, PJ Longhurst, SA Parsons,
Scaling Propensity of Water:New Predictive Parameters MJC van Raalte-Drewes, H Brink, LAC F
Science and Technology of Industrial Water Treatment: Zahid Amjad
Secondary Settling Tanks:Theory, Modelling, Design and Operation G.A. Ekama, J.L. Barnard, F.W. Gunthert
Sediment and Contaminant Transport in Surface Waters: Wilbert J. Lick
Sediments Contamination and Sustainable Remediation: Catherine N. Mulligan, Masaharu Fukue
Sequencing Batch Reactor Technology: PA Wilderer, RL Irvine, MC Goronszy
Sewer Networks and Processes within Urban Water Systems:Selected Proc J-L Bertrand-Krajewski, M Almeida, J Ma
Sludge into Biosolids:Processing, Disposal, Utilization L. Spinosa, P. A. Vesilind
Sludge Reduction Technologies in Wastewater Treatment Plants: Paola Foladori, Gianni Andreottola, Giuli
Sludge Treatment and Disposal:Biological Wastewater Treatment Series Cleverson Vitorio Andreoli, Marcos von
Soil and Sediment Remediation:Mechanisms, Technologies and Applicati P Lens, T Grotenhuis, G Malina, H Taba
Solids in Sewers:Characteristics, Effects and Control of Sewer Solids and RM Ashley, JL Bertrand-Krajewski, T Hv
Source Separation and Decentralization for Wastewater Management: Tove A. Larsen, Kai M. Udert and Judit L
Southeast Asian Water Environment 1:Biodiversity and Water Environment S Ohgaki, K Fukushi, H Katayama, S Tak
Southeast Asian Water Environment 2: H Furumai, F Kurisu, H Katayama, H Sa
Southeast Asian Water Environment 3: Satoshi Takizawa, Futoshi Kurisu and H
Southeast Asian Water Environment 4: Kensuke Fukushi, Futoshi Kurisu, Kumi
Special Offer - Identification and Control of Filamentous Micro-organism Dick Eikelboom
Special Offer - Respirometry in Control of the Activated Sludge Process:
Stochastic Modelling of Drinking Water Treatment in Quantitative Microbi Patrick WMH Smeets
Stochastic Water Demand Modelling:Hydraulics in Water Distribution Net Mirjam Blokker
Strategic Asset Management of Water Supply and Wastewater InfrastructuHelena Alegre, Maria do Ceu Almeida
Strategic Planning of Sustainable Urban Water Management: P-A Malmqvist, G Heinicke, E Korrman,
Sustainable Management of Water Resources in Agriculture: Organisation for Economic Co-Operati
Sustainable Treatment and Reuse of Municipal Wastewater:For Decision Menahem Libhaber and Alvaro Orozco Ja
Sustainable Water Ecosystems Management in Europe:Bridging the KnowleCarlo Sessa
Sustainable Water for the Future:Water Recycling versus Desalination Isabel C Escobar and Andrea Schaefer
Sustainable Water Resources in the Built Environment: Marilyn Waite
Sustainable Water Services:A Procedural Guide R Ashley, D Blackwood, D Butler, P Jowi
TECHNEAU: Safe Drinking Water from Source to Tap:State-of-art & PerspTheo van den Hoven and Christian Kazn
Technology and Equipment for Water Loss Management: Malcolm Farley, Bambos Charalambous a
The Adaptiveness of IWRM:Analysing European IWRM research Jos G. Timmerman, Claudia Pahl-Wostl,
The Combined Sharon/Anammox Process:A Sustainable Method for N-rem LGJM van Dongen, MSM Jetten, MCM va
The EU Water Framework Directive:An Introduction P. Chave
The Price of Water - 2nd Edition:Studies in Water Resource Economics Stephen Merrett
Treatment of Micropollutants in Water and Wastewater: Jurate Virkutyte, Rajender S. Varma, Ve
Uncertainty in Wastewater Treatment Design and Operation:Addressing Cu
Evangelina Belia, Marc B. Neumann, Lor
Urban Drainage:A Multilingual Glossary JB Ellis, B Chocat, S Fujita, J Marsalek
Urban Hydroinformatics: Data, Models and Decision Support for Integra Roland Price and Zoran Vojinovic
Urban Rivers:Our Inheritance and Future G Petts, J Heathcote, D Martin
Urban Stormwater Management in Developing Countries: J Parkinson, O Mark
Urban Water Resources Toolbox:Integrating Groundwater into Urban Wa Leif Wolf, Brian Morris, S Burn
Utility Benchmarking and Regulation in Developing Countries:Practical ApSilver Mugisha
Valuing Water, Valuing Livelihoods:Guidance on Social Cost-benefit AnalyJ Cameron, P Hunter, P Jagals, K Pond
Visual Hydrology:A Primer for Interactive Computing Peter A Mantz
Waste Gas Treatment for Resource Recovery: P Lens, C Kennes, P Le Cloirec, M Des
Waste Stabilisation Ponds:Biological Wastewater Treatment Series (Volu Marcos Von Sperling
Wastewater Characteristics, Treatment and Disposal:Biological WastewatMarcos Von Sperling
Wastewater Sludge: Second Edition:A Global Overview of the Current StaLudovico Spinosa
Wastewater Treatment Plant Design:Textbook and Workbook Set PA Vesilind
Wastewater Treatment Plant Design:Textbook only PA Vesilind
Wastewater Treatment Systems:Modelling, Diagnosis and Control G. Olsson, B. Newell
Wastewater Treatment: Advanced Processes and Technologies: DG Rao, R Senthikumar, J Anthony Byrn
Water and Agriculture:Sustainability, Markets and Policies Organisation for Economic Co-Operati
Water and Energy:Threats and Opportunities Gustaf Olsson
Water and Liberalisation:European Water Scenarios Matthias Finger, Jeremy Allouche, Patri
Water and Wastewater Management for Developing Countries:WAMDEC K Mathew, I Nhapi
Water and Wastewater Management in the Tropics: Jens Lonholdt
Water Auditing and Water Conservation: J Sturman, G Ho, K Mathew
Water Demand Management: David Butler, Fayyaz Memon
Water for Agriculture:Irrigation Economics in International Perspective S Merrett
Water Framework Directive Series Set: Peter A Vanrolleghem, Fred Hatterman
Water Framework Directive: Model supported Implementation:A Water MaFred F Hattermann and Zbigniew W Kun
Water Governance in OECD Countries:A Multilevel Approach Organisation for Economic Co-Operati
Water in China: PA Wilderer, J Zhu, N Schwarzenbeck
Water Infrastructure for Sustainable Communities:China and the World Xiaodi Hao,Vladimir Novotny, Valerie Ne
Water Management and Investment in the New Independent States:Procee OECD
Water Policy Entrepreneurs:A Research Companion to Water Transitions Dave Huitema and Sander Meijerink
Water Quality and Agriculture:Meeting the Policy Challenge Organisation for Economic Co-Operati
Water Quality Set: Beate Escher and Frederic Leusch; Bob
Water Quality: Guidelines, Standards & Health:Assessment of Risk and RL Fewtrell, J Bartram
Water Reclamation Technologies for Safe Managed Aquifer Recharge: Christian Kazner, Thomas Wintgens, Pete
Water Recreation and Disease:Plausibility of Associated Infections: AcuteDr Kathy Pond, Robens Centre for Public
Water Recycling and Resource Recovery in Industry:Analysis, Technolog P Lens, L Hulshoff Pol, P Wilderer, T As
Water Reuse:An International Survey of current practice, issues and needBlanca Jimenez and Takashi Asano
Water Rights:An International and Comparative Study Desheng Hu
Water Sensitive Cities: Carol Howe and Cynthia Mitchell
Water Services Management: David Stephenson
Water Services Management and Governance:Lessons for a Sustainable Tapio Katko, Petri S. Juuti, and Klaas Sc
Water Supply:5th Edition AC Twort, DD Ratnayaka, MJ Brandt
Water Supply and Sanitation for All:WEMS 14: Obligation of the water proHans Huber, Peter Wilderer and Stefania
Water Technology: An Introduction for Environmental Scientists and EnginN. F. Gray
Water Treatment and Pathogen Control:Process Efficiency in Achieving Sa
MW LeChevallier, Kwok-Keung Au
Water Utility Benchmarking:Measurement, Methodologies, and Performanc Sanford Berg
Water, Wastewater and Stormwater Infrastructure Management:Second Ed Neil S. Grigg
Waterborne Pathogens: Review for the Drinking Water Industry: Emmanuelle Guillot and Jean-Francois L
Waterborne Zoonoses:Identification, Causes and Control JA Cotruvo, A Dufour, G Rees, J Bartra
Water-Energy Interactions in Water Reuse: Valentina Lazarova , Kwang-Ho Choo, a
Watershed Management:Issues and Approaches Timothy Randhir
Young Researchers 2004: P Lens and R Stuetz
Young Researchers 2006:WEMS No.12 Richard Stuetz, Lim Teik-Thye
Curency Price Pub Date Imprint Series Text Type
GBP 103.25 2006/04/01 IWA publisher WEMS No.10
GBP 111.00 2005/05/01 IWA publisher WEMS No.8
GBP 94.50 2005/11/01 IWA publisher Water Law & Policy Series
GBP 45.50 2007/03/31 IWA publisher Biological Wastewater Treatment Series
GBP 87.00 2000/06/01 IWA publisher Scientific and Technical Report No.9
GBP 94.50 2006/01/01 IWA publisher Scientific and Technical Report No. 16
GBP 114.00 2006/07/01 IWA publisher Integrated Environmental Technology Series
GBP 116.25 2004/03/01 IWA publisher
GBP 78.00 2010/08/15 IWA publisher European Water Research Series
GBP 72.75 2005/04/01 IWA publisher WEMS No.7
GBP 76.50 2004/06/01 IWA publisher STOWA Report
GBP 69.00 2011/08/30 IWA publisher
GBP 35.75 2009/01/15 IWA publisher OECD Co-Publication
GBP 97.50 2009/10/15 IWA publisher
GBP 76.50 2002/02/01 IWA publisher Scientific & Technical Report No.13
GBP 38.75 2007/03/31 IWA publisher Biological Wastewater Treatment Series
GBP 78.00 2009/10/09 IWA publisher CRC Press Co-Publication
GBP 80.00 2012/09/15 IWA publisher WHO Emerging Issues in Water & Infectious Di
GBP 84.25 2007/01/15 IWA publisher CRC Press Co-Publication
GBP 94.50 2012/10/15 IWA publisher
GBP 67.75 2013/04/01 IWA publisher CRC Press Co-Pub
GBP 99.00 2013/01/15 IWA publisher European Water Research Series
GBP 68.25 2003/10/01 IWA publisher
GBP 70.50 2010/02/10 IWA publisher European Water Research Series
GBP 116.25 2003/11/01 IWA publisher WHO Drinking-water Quality Series
GBP 45.50 2007/03/31 IWA publisher Biological Wastewater Treatment Series
GBP 35.00 2009/04/15 IWA publisher Thomas Telford Co-Publication
GBP 69.00 2013/02/15 IWA publisher STR Series
GBP 87.00 2011/03/01 IWA publisher Manual of Best Practice Series
GBP 25.00 2011/04/15 IWA publisher OECD Co-Publication
GBP 60.00 2012/06/01 IWA publisher Best Practice Guides on Metals and Related Su
GBP 60.00 2012/01/15 IWA publisher Best Practice Guides on Metals and Related Su
GBP 60.00 2013/08/15 IWA publisher Best Practice Guides on Metals and Related Su
GBP 60.00 2013/01/15 IWA publisher Best Practice Guides on Metals and Related Su
GBP 59.75 2010/04/01 IWA publisher Best Practice Guides on Metals and Related Su
GBP 95.00 2011/12/15 IWA publisher
GBP 107.25 2009/12/01 IWA publisher Integrated Environmental Technology Series
GBP 129.25 2003/05/01 IWA publisher Integrated Environmental Technology Series
GBP 120.25 2003/05/01 IWA publisher
GBP 99.00 2011/03/15 IWA publisher
GBP 141.00 2005/10/01 IWA publisher Integrated Environmental Technology Series
GBP 81.00 2008/04/15 IWA publisher
GBP 276.00 2003/06/01 IWA publisher
GBP 105.00 2002/06/01 IWA publisher STOWA Report
GBP 109.00 2011/03/15 IWA publisher
GBP 107.25 2008/09/02 IWA publisher
GBP 201.00 2005/10/01 IWA publisher
GBP 83.00 2011/05/15 IWA publisher CRC Press Co-Pub
GBP 106.25 2002/09/01 IWA publisher
GBP 76.50 2002/05/01 IWA publisher
GBP 175.00 2011/09/15 IWA publisher
GBP 77.50 2006/04/01 IWA publisher European Water Research Series
GBP 80.25 2005/09/01 IWA publisher EU project number: EVK1-CT-2000-00053
GBP 79.00 2011/10/21 IWA publisher KWR Watercycle Research Institute Series
GBP 64.75 2006/11/01 IWA publisher
GBP 92.75 2010/10/13 IWA publisher
GBP 97.00 2007/05/17 IWA publisher Chemical Water & Wastewater Treatment Serie
GBP 79.00 2002/06/01 IWA publisher Gothenburg Symposia Series 10
GBP 82.00 2004/11/01 IWA publisher Gothenburg Symposia Series No. 11
GBP 99.00 2012/10/15 IWA publisher
GBP 105.75 2007/09/05 IWA publisher
GBP 59.75 2009/09/15 IWA publisher AWWA Co-Publication
GBP 103.50 2006/10/16 IWA publisher
GBP 38.25 2006/10/01 IWA publisher
GBP 64.75 2006/10/01 IWA publisher EU project number: EVK1-CT2000-00050
GBP 90.75 2005/02/01 IWA publisher
GBP 79.00 2011/10/21 IWA publisher KWR Watercycle Research Institute Series
GBP 99.00 2013/01/15 IWA publisher
GBP 103.50 2007/01/01 IWA publisher
GBP 90.75 2000/04/01 IWA publisher Scientific and Technical Report No.8
GBP 85.50 2008/01/15 IWA publisher CRC Press Co-Publication
GBP 105.75 2008/03/15 IWA publisher European Water Research Series
GBP 133.25 2001/03/01 IWA publisher
GBP 81.00 2008/04/15 IWA publisher WEMS No. 13
GBP 78.00 2011/04/01 IWA publisher Water Framework Directive Series
GBP 66.75 2010/07/15 IWA publisher CRC Press Co-Pub
GBP 79.00 2013/12/15 IWA publisher
GBP 99.00 2012/08/15 IWA publisher
GBP 54.75 2005/08/01 IWA publisher
GBP 119.00 2005/02/01 IWA publisher
GBP 79.00 2012/01/15 IWA publisher Integrated Environmental Technology Series
GBP 78.00 2010/08/15 IWA publisher KWR Watercycle Research Institute Series
GBP 99.00 2012/05/01 IWA publisher
GBP 130.50 2002/08/01 IWA publisher CRC Press Co-Publication
GBP 85.00 2011/10/05 IWA publisher
GBP 108.75 2001/12/01 IWA publisher
GBP 99.50 2008/05/15 IWA publisher
GBP 81.25 2010/05/15 IWA publisher KWR Watercycle Research Institute Series
GBP 98.50 2002/12/01 IWA publisher CRC Press Co-Publication
GBP 103.50 2007/01/15 IWA publisher
GBP 140.00 2012/01/31 IWA publisher
GBP 72.75 2004/09/01 IWA publisher WEMS No.3
GBP 135.75 2007/02/01 IWA publisher
GBP 70.00 2008/11/01 IWA publisher CRC Press Co-Pub
GBP 88.00 2003/11/01 IWA publisher
GBP 107.25 2009/07/01 IWA publisher Integrated Environmental Technology Series
GBP 139.50 2000/01/01 IWA publisher
GBP 129.25 2002/03/01 IWA publisher
GBP 115.00 2012/04/15 IWA publisher
GBP 75.00 2009/07/15 IWA publisher
GBP 99.50 2007/11/08 IWA publisher
GBP 75.00 2012/08/01 IWA publisher ICE Co-Publications
GBP 135.00 2012/03/05 IWA publisher Urban Hydroinformatics
GBP 64.75 2006/10/01 IWA publisher WHO Drinking-water Quality Series
GBP 102.50 2001/06/01 IWA publisher
GBP 57.99 2012/09/30 IWA publisher CRC Press Co-Publication
GBP 80.25 2010/12/10 IWA publisher CRC Press Co-Pub
GBP 80.25 2009/01/15 IWA publisher CRC Press Co-Publication
GBP 70.00 2010/03/01 IWA publisher Edward Elgar Co-Pub
GBP 72.00 2010/12/06 IWA publisher Governance and Management for Sustainable
GBP 119.25 2008/11/15 IWA publisher
GBP 82.00 2012/06/01 IWA publisher CRC Press Co-Publication
GBP 400.00 2012/05/21 IWA publisher
GBP 80.00 2011/08/01 IWA publisher WHO Drinking-water Quality Series
GBP 68.50 2008/02/01 IWA publisher
GBP 99.00 2012/09/15 IWA publisher STR Series
GBP 145.00 2012/02/20 IWA publisher
GBP 105.00 2013/02/15 IWA publisher
GBP 130.00 2009/08/03 IWA publisher Elsevier Co-Pub
GBP 95.00 2011/09/20 IWA publisher
GBP 101.25 2008/07/16 IWA publisher
GBP 74.00 2003/09/01 IWA publisher
GBP 116.25 2007/01/30 IWA publisher
GBP 110.00 2002/07/01 IWA publisher Two Volumes, plus CD
GBP 100.75 2006/05/01 IWA publisher
GBP 431.50 2006/09/01 IWA publisher
GBP 89.00 2012/09/15 IWA publisher
GBP 101.25 2009/02/02 IWA publisher
GBP 99.00 2011/12/15 IWA publisher European Water Research Series
GBP 32.00 2010/03/15 IWA publisher OECD Co-Publication
GBP 62.25 2007/10/01 IWA publisher
GBP 85.00 2013/02/15 IWA publisher
GBP 90.75 2005/05/01 IWA publisher Scientific & Technical Report No. 15
GBP 88.50 2010/08/15 IWA publisher Water Framework Directive Series
GBP 64.75 2007/02/15 IWA publisher EU Project Number EVK1-CT-2000-00074
GBP 77.50 2007/01/01 IWA publisher EU project number EVK1-CT-2000-00074
GBP 78.00 2010/08/01 IWA publisher European Water Research Series
GBP 100.75 2005/09/01 IWA publisher
GBP 94.50 2006/07/01 IWA publisher
GBP 103.50 2007/01/01 IWA publisher
GBP 78.00 2010/09/01 IWA publisher European Water Research Series
GBP 65.00 2012/10/15 IWA publisher Metals and Related Substances in Drinking Wat
GBP 177.75 2009/05/01 IWA publisher
GBP 94.50 2005/11/01 IWA publisher Water Law & Policy Series
GBP 27.75 2011/04/18 IWA publisher WEF / AWWA Co-Pub
GBP 85.75 2010/06/15 IWA publisher
GBP 70.50 2010/02/10 IWA publisher European Water Research Series
GBP 278.00 2011/10/20 IWA publisher KWR Watercycle Research Institute Series
GBP 108.75 2000/12/01 IWA publisher
GBP 95.00 2010/02/01 IWA publisher Edward Elgar Co-Pub
GBP 116.25 2003/04/01 IWA publisher
GBP 59.75 2009/11/15 IWA publisher
GBP 99.00 2012/11/15 IWA publisher
GBP 69.00 2013/06/01 IWA publisher
GBP 79.00 2012/10/01 IWA publisher
GBP 67.50 2005/09/01 IWA publisher
GBP 25.00 2009/03/20 IWA publisher OECD Co-Publication
GBP 81.25 2003/09/01 IWA publisher CRC Press Co-Publication
GBP 125.00 2010/09/20 IWA publisher
GBP 69.00 2011/09/15 IWA publisher
GBP 88.00 2006/05/01 IWA publisher Scientific and Technical Report No.18
GBP 88.50 2010/09/01 IWA publisher
GBP 120.00 2010/12/01 IWA publisher Elsevier Co-Pub
GBP 70.00 2005/06/01 IWA publisher Scientific and Technical Report No. 19
GBP 22.00 2011/11/15 IWA publisher OECD Co-Publication
GBP 43.00 2012/03/15 IWA publisher OECD Co-Publication
GBP 109.00 2011/04/15 IWA publisher European Water Research Series
GBP 110.00 2013/02/15 IWA publisher
GBP 74.50 2007/12/06 IWA publisher STOWA Report
GBP 98.50 2002/11/01 IWA publisher STOWA Report
GBP 83.00 2000/06/01 IWA publisher
GBP 88.50 2010/11/24 IWA publisher European Water Research Series
GBP 99.00 2011/11/25 IWA publisher
GBP 51.50 1997/01/01 IWA publisher Scientific and Technical Report No.5
GBP 130.00 2010/01/15 IWA publisher
GBP 99.00 2013/02/15 IWA publisher
GBP 90.75 2004/09/01 IWA publisher
GBP 95.00 2013/01/15 IWA publisher
GBP 129.25 2002/04/01 IWA publisher
GBP 92.25 2010/05/01 IWA publisher Water Framework Directive Series
GBP 97.00 2007/01/01 IWA publisher
GBP 94.50 2006/05/01 IWA publisher
GBP 118.25 2007/07/01 IWA publisher Water 21 Market Briefing Series
GBP 99.00 2013/02/20 IWA publisher Integrated Environmental Technology Series
GBP 89.00 2011/05/15 IWA publisher ASM Co-Pub
GBP 125.75 2001/03/01 IWA publisher
GBP 75.00 2011/11/01 IWA publisher OECD Co-Publication
GBP 75.00 2011/11/01 IWA publisher OECD Co-Publication
GBP 82.25 2010/11/18 IWA publisher
GBP 52.00 2004/03/01 IWA publisher KIWA Report
GBP 73.50 2007/08/17 IWA publisher
GBP 20.00 2003/06/01 IWA publisher
GBP 94.50 2005/09/01 IWA publisher CRC Press Co-Publication
GBP 105.00 2004/09/01 IWA publisher WHO Emerging Issues in Water & Infectious Di
GBP 30.00 2008/11/01 IWA publisher
GBP 105.75 2008/03/01 IWA publisher
GBP 103.50 2003/10/01 IWA publisher
GBP 114.00 2006/07/01 IWA publisher
GBP 92.75 2010/08/15 IWA publisher European Water Research Series
GBP 153.75 2004/06/01 IWA publisher Integrated Environmental Technology Series
GBP 95.75 2002/08/01 IWA publisher CRC Press Co-Publication
GBP 93.25 2007/09/01 IWA publisher
GBP 127.75 2006/03/01 IWA publisher Integrated Environmental Technology Series
GBP 88.00 2005/09/01 IWA publisher
GBP 22.00 2010/03/15 IWA publisher OECD Co-Publication
GBP 92.25 2009/10/01 IWA publisher Water and Wastewater Process Technologies S
GBP 39.00 2009/03/15 IWA publisher OECD Co-Publication
GBP 76.50 2002/03/01 IWA publisher
GBP 90.75 2000/07/01 IWA publisher
GBP 670.25 2000/01/01 IWA publisher
GBP 120.25 2002/03/01 IWA publisher
GBP 123.00 2006/10/01 IWA publisher WHO Drinking-water Quality Series
GBP 71.50 2009/03/09 IWA publisher Water Law & Policy Series
GBP 79.00 2012/10/15 IWA publisher
GBP 93.75 2010/12/16 IWA publisher KWR Watercycle Research Institute Series
GBP 127.75 2006/04/01 IWA publisher
GBP 99.00 2011/03/15 IWA publisher European Water Research Series
GBP 402.50 2008/03/15 IWA publisher Water 21 Market Briefing Series
GBP 125.00 2010/07/01 IWA publisher
GBP 76.99 2012/07/15 IWA publisher CRC Press Co-Pub
GBP 133.25 2004/03/01 IWA publisher Integrated Environmental Technology Series
GBP 54.75 1998/01/01 IWA publisher Scientific and Technical Report No.7
GBP 88.00 2002/06/01 IWA publisher Scientific and Technical Report No. 11
GBP 99.50 2008/02/15 IWA publisher
GBP 67.75 2011/08/25 IWA publisher CRC Press Co-Pub
GBP 87.25 2008/01/18 IWA publisher Water and Wastewater Process Technologies S
GBP 72.75 2005/02/01 IWA publisher WEMS No.6
GBP 87.00 2001/09/01 IWA publisher Scientific & Technical Report No. 12
GBP 125.75 2004/06/01 IWA publisher
GBP 72.75 2009/12/21 IWA publisher WHO Emerging Issues in Water & Infectious Di
GBP 83.00 2004/09/01 IWA publisher WHO Drinking-water Quality Series
GBP 76.50 2003/06/01 IWA publisher Scientific and Technical Report No.17
GBP 52.00 2004/03/01 IWA publisher KIWA Report
GBP 95.00 2010/05/15 IWA publisher CRC Press Co-Pub
GBP 88.00 1997/01/01 IWA publisher Scientific and Technical Report No.6
GBP 85.50 2008/10/20 IWA publisher CRC Press Co-Pub
GBP 78.00 2010/02/22 IWA publisher CRC Press Co-Publication
GBP 79.25 2001/03/01 IWA publisher Scientific and Technical Report Series No. 10
GBP 90.75 2004/11/01 IWA publisher WEMS No.4
GBP 125.75 2001/12/01 IWA publisher
GBP 99.00 2010/08/01 IWA publisher
GBP 45.50 2007/03/31 IWA publisher Biological Wastewater Treatment Series
GBP 127.75 2005/10/01 IWA publisher Integrated Environmental Technology Series
GBP 43.75 2004/05/01 IWA publisher Scientific & Technical Report No. 14
GBP 125.00 2012/11/01 IWA publisher
GBP 127.25 2005/12/01 IWA publisher Southeast Asian Water Environment
GBP 110.00 2007/03/01 IWA publisher Southeast Asian Water Environment
GBP 127.25 2009/06/01 IWA publisher Southeast Asian Water Environment
GBP 102.00 2010/09/01 IWA publisher Southeast Asian Water Environment
GBP 846.25 2006/09/01 IWA publisher
GBP 115.00 2002/01/01 IWA publisher
GBP 78.00 2010/12/13 IWA publisher KWR Watercycle Research Institute Series
GBP 79.00 2011/09/20 IWA publisher KWR Watercycle Research Institute Series
GBP 140.75 2009/09/15 IWA publisher
GBP 107.25 2006/07/01 IWA publisher
GBP 24.00 2010/03/15 IWA publisher OECD Co-Publication
GBP 145.00 2012/06/01 IWA publisher
GBP 85.00 2012/08/01 IWA publisher European Water Research Series
GBP 115.00 2009/11/15 IWA publisher Elsevier Co-Pub
GBP 85.75 2010/04/30 IWA publisher
GBP 59.75 2004/07/01 IWA publisher
GBP 107.25 2009/06/15 IWA publisher
GBP 80.00 2013/12/01 IWA publisher
GBP 87.25 2008/04/15 IWA publisher European Water Research Series
GBP 79.25 2001/10/01 IWA publisher STOWA Report
GBP 80.25 2001/10/01 IWA publisher
GBP 93.25 2007/09/01 IWA publisher
GBP 114.50 2010/08/15 IWA publisher Integrated Environmental Technology Series
GBP 99.00 2013/02/15 IWA publisher Scientific and Technical Report Series
GBP 132.00 2004/03/15 IWA publisher
GBP 109.00 2011/01/07 IWA publisher Urban Hydroinformatics Series
GBP 31.25 2002/04/01 IWA publisher
GBP 46.75 2005/10/01 IWA publisher
GBP 116.25 2007/01/19 IWA publisher EU project number EVK1-CT-2002-00110
GBP 67.75 2011/05/15 IWA publisher
GBP 60.00 2011/10/25 IWA publisher WHO Water Series
GBP 66.50 2004/06/01 IWA publisher
GBP 135.75 2006/08/01 IWA publisher Integrated Environmental Technology Series
GBP 38.75 2007/03/31 IWA publisher Biological Wastewater Treatment Series
GBP 45.50 2007/03/31 IWA publisher Biological Wastewater Treatment Series
GBP 82.25 2011/05/06 IWA publisher Water21 Market Briefing Series
GBP 88.00 2004/04/01 IWA publisher
GBP 79.25 2003/08/01 IWA publisher
GBP 139.50 1999/06/01 IWA publisher
GBP 66.75 2012/07/20 IWA publisher CRC Press Co-Publication
GBP 82.00 2006/10/10 IWA publisher OECD Co-Publication
GBP 69.00 2012/06/20 IWA publisher
GBP 84.25 2007/01/01 IWA publisher
GBP 107.25 2005/09/01 IWA publisher WEMS No.9
GBP 98.50 2005/06/01 IWA publisher
GBP 111.50 2004/07/01 IWA publisher
GBP 107.25 2005/12/01 IWA publisher
GBP 61.00 2002/03/01 IWA publisher
GBP 239.25 2011/01/10 IWA publisher Water Framework Directive Series
GBP 92.25 2009/11/01 IWA publisher Water Framework Directive Series
GBP 67.00 2011/11/04 IWA publisher OECD Co-Publication
GBP 92.00 2003/07/01 IWA publisher WEMS No.1
GBP 130.00 2010/08/01 IWA publisher
GBP 46.75 2001/08/01 IWA publisher
GBP 135.00 2010/02/22 IWA publisher Edward Elgar Co-Pub
GBP 31.00 2012/03/15 IWA publisher OECD Co-Publication
GBP 270.00 2012/01/10 IWA publisher
GBP 116.25 2001/10/01 IWA publisher
GBP 110.00 2012/04/15 IWA publisher
GBP 100.25 2005/10/01 IWA publisher WHO Emerging Issues in Water & Infectious Di
GBP 129.25 2002/04/01 IWA publisher Integrated Environmental Technology Series
GBP 154.75 2008/05/15 IWA publisher Scientific and Technical Report No. 20
GBP 94.50 2006/06/01 IWA publisher
GBP 95.00 2011/10/21 IWA publisher Cities of the Future Series
GBP 119.00 2005/03/01 IWA publisher
GBP 85.00 2012/10/15 IWA publisher Governance and Management for Sustainable
GBP 107.25 2000/05/01 IWA publisher
GBP 112.00 2007/11/15 IWA publisher WEMS 14
GBP 39.00 2010/08/15 IWA publisher Elsevier Co-Pub
GBP 76.50 2004/09/01 IWA publisher WHO Drinking-water Quality Series
GBP 69.50 2010/04/01 IWA publisher
GBP 75.00 2012/07/01 IWA publisher CRC Press Co-Pub
GBP 82.50 2009/11/15 IWA publisher GWRC Report Series
GBP 125.75 2004/08/01 IWA publisher WHO Emerging Issues in Water & Infectious Di
GBP 99.00 2012/05/01 IWA publisher
GBP 71.25 2006/11/01 IWA publisher
GBP 96.00 2004/05/01 IWA publisher WEMS No.2
GBP 114.00 2006/05/01 IWA publisher WEMS No.12
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4 volume set IWA Publisher
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4 volumes IWA Publisher
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Book Discription
This book represents the outcome of the Second IWA Leading-Edge Conference
A selection of presentations from the IWA Leading Edge Technology conference,
What are the rules of international water law that govern the use of the transbo
Activated Sludge and Aerobic Biofilm Reactors is the fifth volume in the series
This book gives a total overview of the Activated Sludge Model (ASM), presen
This Scientific and Technical Report (STR) describes the main reasons for the gr
Advanced Biological Treatment Processes for Industrial Wastewaters provides uni
Advanced Oxidation Processes for Water and Wastewater Treatment describes th
Advanced Tools and Models to Improve River Basin Management in Europe in the
Aerobic Granular Sludge has recently received growing attention by researchers
A new development for the treatment of domestic wastewater is a technology bas
Aerobic Wastewater Treatment Processes: History and Development discusses the
This publication presents comprehensive statistics on aid flows in support of w
This book is based on a screening of 113 worldwide experiences in alternative
The IWA Task Group for Mathematical Modelling of Anaerobic Digestion Process
Anaerobic Reactors is the fourth volume in the series Biological Wastewater Tre
Covering the composition and underlying properties of both freshwater and mar
Prepared with contributions from a group of international experts, Animal Was
Written by a leading expert with over fifty years of experience in the field, th
Arsenic Contamination in the World: An International Sourcebook provides a glo
The main focus of Arsenic in Groundwater: Poisoning and Risk Assessment is to e
Artificial Recharge: Technology and Systems for the Creation of Drinking Water
Asian developing country urban water supplies have progressed little in the last
During the period 2001-2004, the European research project APUSS (Assessing inf
Inadequate drinking water quality and poor sanitation have remained the world
Basic Principles of Wastewater Treatment is the second volume in the series Bi
Fully revised and extensively updated by two of the world's leading experts in
This book is a Scientific and Technical Report produced by the IWA Task Group
Benchmarking Water Services provides valuable information to everyone intereste
Benefits of Investing in Water and Sanitation addresses the provision of water
This Best Practice Guide on Metals Removal From Drinking Water By Treatment de
The Best Practice Guide on Sampling and Monitoring of Metals in Drinking Water
Best Practice Guide on the Control of Arsenic in Drinking Water focuses on the
The Best Practice Guide on the Control of Iron and Manganese in Water Supply pr
The Best Practice Guide on the Control of Lead in Drinking Water brings together,
Bioanalytical Tools in Water Quality Assessment reviews the application of bioan
In the context of wastewater treatment, Bio-electrochemical Systems (BESs) have
This timely book will introduce its readers to the structure and function of biof
Biofilms in Wastewater Treatment: An Interdisciplinary Approach provides engin
Biofouling of Spiral Wound Membrane Systems relates biomass accumulation i
This book has a clear orientation towards making products of our waste. Biofuels
Many Biological Nitrogen Removal activated sludge processes in warm climates a
New online training course from the WWWastewater Training Centre.
This Report presents the fundamental science and practical knowledge on biologi
Biological Phosphorus Removal Activated Sludge Process in Warm Climates fills
Biological Wastewater Treatment: Principles, Modelling and Design provides co
Biological Wastewater Treatment in Warm Climate Regions gives a state-of-the-a
Written by experts in the field, the thoroughly updated 3rd Edition of Biolog
This book is intended for introducing the fundamentals and the more practical as
Biophysics of the Surface Microlayer of Aquatic Ecosystems introduces the conce
Special Offer: Cao Ye Shi Author Set
Computer Aided Rehabilitation of Sewer and Storm Water Networks presents the
Computer Aided Rehabilitation for Water Networks presents a computer based pl
Cause and Prevention of Clogging of Wells Abstracting Groundwater from Uncons
Irrigation is the dominant consumer of fresh water world-wide, accounting for as
This book covers the most recent scientific and technological developments (state-
This book, as has its predecessors in the series, provides information and tech
Chemical Water and Wastewater Treatment covers fundamental science, new techn
Chemical Water and Wastewater Treatment VIII covers fundamental science, new t
Chemistry of Ozone in Water and Wastewater Treatment book will discuss mechan
With urban waters as a focal point, this book will explore the links between urb
Understand the effects of climate change on urban water and wastewater utilitie
Coagulation and Flocculation in Water and Wastewater Treatment provides a comp
This is a practical handbook on how to communicate science effectively. The firs
This project aims at the evaluation of eight various routes that potentially ma
Competition and Regulation in Water: The Future of the European Water Indust
Computational Fluid dynamics (CFD) uses advanced numerical models to predict
Computational Hydraulics introduces the concept of modeling and the contributi
This book provides concise, up-to-date and easy-to-follow information on an i
The book presents a comprehensive up-to-date survey of wetland design techni
Continuing to be the seminal work in the field, Cryptosporidium and Cryptospori
The European DayWater project has developed a prototype of an Adaptive Decisi
Decentralised Sanitation and Reuse provides a definite and detailed discussion o
The papers selected for inclusion in WEMS 13: Decentralised Water and Waste
Decision Support for Water Framework Directive Implementation: Volume 3 is a
New and improved desalination technologies have significantly broadened opport
Designing and Optimizing Drinking Water Treatment Processes describes how to c
Detection of Pathogens in Water Using Micro and Nano-Technology aims to promo
Water and waste management covers the design, building and operation of plant
The book is an introductory text covering the nature, causes and the significance
Disasters and Minewater: Good Practice and Prevention draws together all of the
Discolouration in Drinking Water Systems analyses the particle-related processe
Disinfection By-Products and Human Health provides drinking water professiona
Organized into three sections, this user-friendly text is the only book to put for
Drinking Water Quality Management from Catchment to Consumer is a best pract
The book's main purpose is to serve the increasing number of professionals that
This book provides a real-world analysis of how to quantify and prioritize wa
This new edition of Elimination of Micro-organisms by Water Treatment Processes
Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) have been shown to produce changes in th
Dual water supply systems are water supply distribution systems employing two
Environmental Aspects of Zoonotic Diseases provides a definitive description,
The IWA Conference on Environmental Biotechnology: Advancement in Water and
Cross-sectional and historical intra-national and international comparisons have
Environmental Hydrogeology, Second Edition provides a complete introduction t
Environmental Information in European Transboundary Water Management describ
Environmental Technologies to Treat Nitrogen Pollution will provide a thorough
Environmental Technologies to Treat Sulfur Pollution and Engineering provides a
The source book provides information on the basis for wastewater and stormwat
Evolution of Water Supply Through the Millennia presents the major achievemen
The FISH Handbook for Biological Wastewater Treatment provides all the required
Flocs (aggregated solid matter) play a vital role in solid liquid separation proc
Flood Risk: Planning, Design and Management of Flood Defence Infrastructure is
Flood Risk and Social Justice provides an overview of flood risk mitigation practic
Fluoride in Drinking Water has been prepared under the auspices of WHO. In upd
The book presents the state-of-the art in urban water management at the beginn
Fundamentals of Wastewater Treatment and Engineering is a textbook that prese
Carefully designed to balance coverage of theoretical and practical principles,
Geographic Information Systems in Water Resource Engineering presents a review
Careful reconsideration of strategies to achieve water management ambitions,
This book is designed to be the introductory work in the new Governance and M
This book will support groundwater management in large river basins through a
Existing and impending water shortages argue for improving water quantity
Groundwater Set: Purchase all six books together and save over 30% on buying
This fourth edition of the World Health Organization's Guidelines for Drinking-
Ciliates are very useful tools for the control of wastewater biological reactors
Guidelines for Using Activated Sludge Models is a Scientific and Technical Repo
Handbook of Biological Wastewater Treatment: Second Edition deals with the opt
Complaints due to odour annoyance have become a major issue for wastewater tr
This book provides the authoritative source of methods of water purity analysis
The Handbook on Particle Separation Processes provides knowledge and expertise
Health Impact Assessment for Sustainable Water Management is a pioneering inter
Heterotrophic Plate Counts and Drinking-water Safety provides valuable informa
Human Pharmaceuticals, Hormones and Fragrances provides an overview of the o
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Hydroinformatics
Based largely on the actual experience of HELP (Hydrology for the Environment,
This CD-ROM presents completely new information on filamentous populations, re
Impacts of Climate Change on Rainfall Extremes and Urban Drainage provides a s
Industrial Wastewater Treatment by Activated Sludge deals with the activated
Innovative and Integrated Technologies for the Treatment of Industrial Wastewa
This report examines innovative mechanisms that can help attract new financial r
Institutional Governance and Regulation of Water Services provides the key elem
Institutional Governance and Regulation of Water Services 2nd edition, Michae
This book is a follow-up of the 1st IWA Conference on Instrumentation, Control
Integrated Assessment for Water Framework Directive Implementation: Data, Ec
Integrated Deliberative Decision Processes for Water Resources Planning and Ev
This Report synthesizes the main results obtained throughout the ADVISOR rese
Many EU cities are experiencing increasing problems with their water pipeline i
Integrated River Basin Governance focuses on the social, economic, organizati
Integrated Transboundary Water Management in Theory and Practice will provid
Integrated Water Meter Management provides a clear reference to the operating
This book investigates IWRM in the four selected twinned catchments covering s
Internal Corrosion Control of Water Supply Systems: Code of Practice establishes
This exciting conference brings together various waste stream industries, regu
This book shows that while a number of legal frameworks to help promote the go
International Standard Units for Water and Wastewater Processes is an internat
International Trade in Water Rights provides a new approach to the questions r
This book (the research outcome of the EU-INCO FP6 research project Jayhun: In
Special Offer: KWR Drinking Water Treatment Set. Buy all five books together
Summaries of the major findings of the Rivers, Estuaries and Coasts component
The Law and Governance of Water Resources reviews the fundamental doctrines o
This is a best practice manual for addressing water loss and leakage in water d
In Making Public Enterprises Work - From Despair to Promise: A Turn Around A
Making Space for the River examines the recent developments in river manageme
Management of Change in Water Companies tells real stories of real water compa
Managing Climate Risk in Water Supply Systems provides a hands-on approach to
Water Demand Management (WDM) is about governance and tools that motivate peo
Water is a key prerequisite for human and economic development, and for mai
The most common activated sludge operating problems causing poor plant perfor
This book concerns the design of marine wastewater disposal systems: that is an
Mass Flow and Energy Efficiency of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants presen
Mathematical Modeling of Biofilms provides guidelines for the selection and use
This international, comprehensive guide to modeling and simulation studies in
The MBR Book covers all important aspects of Membrane BioReactors in water and
Mechanism and Design of Sequencing Batch Reactors for Nutrient Removal has be
Providing sustainable drinking water supply and sanitation services requires sou
Meeting the Water Reform Challenge brings together key insights from recent O
Membrane-Based Desalination: An Integrated Approach (MEDINA) aims to solve t
Membrane Biological Reactors: Theory, Modeling, Design, Management and Appl
Membrane Bioreactors (MBR) are becoming increasingly important in the treatme
In this report the application of membrane bioreactors for the treatment of mun
This book covers the use of membrane bioreactors (MBR) in wastewater treatmen
Membrane Technology in Water Treatment in the Mediterranean Region supports
Metals and Related Substances in Drinking Water comprises the proceedings of
Microbial Community Analysis surveys the vast amount of theoretical and practi
Microbial Ecology of Activated Sludge, written for both microbiologists and eng
Microbial Growth in Drinking Water Distribution Systems provides an overview o
The purpose of Microbial Waterborne Pathogens is to give students, academics a
Milestones in Water Reuse: The Best Success Stories illustrates the benefits of
Minewater Treatment: Technology, Application and Policy addresses the need for
This book is a concrete outcome from the Harmoni-CA concerted action as part o
This volume is an analytical summary and a critical synthesis of research at t
This comprehensive reference, dealing with municipal wastewater management in
This report presents an analysis of the condition of the municipal water supply
Edited by Piet Lens, Jurate Virkutyte, Veeriah Jegatheesan
Nitrification fully reviews all the latest research findings on microbes involved
Odours in Wastewater Treatment provides readers with a detailed discussion on
Special Offer: OECD Water Policy & Finance Set. Purchase all four reports toge
Special Offer: OECD Water Resources and Sanitation Set. Purchase all four repo
Operating Large Scale Membrane Bioreactors for Municipal Wastewater Treatmen
Until recently only lipophilic compounds were analysed in any research on the
This book covers the principles and practices of technologies for the control of
This children's book is the result of a competition run by the UK Drinking Water
Based on over 35 years of field experience, Particles in Water: Properties and P
Pathogenic Mycobacteria in Water describes the current knowledge of the distrib
The report is a product arising from the work of the Sustainable Sanitation Allia
Performance assessment has been one of the hottest topics in the water industr
The Manual of Best Practice Performance Indicators for Wastewater Services pro
This new edition of Performance Indicators for Water Supply Services will be an
Pharmaceuticals in the Environment: current knowledge and need assessment to
Phosphorus in Environmental Technology presents the current state of knowledge
Physical-Chemical Treatment of Water and Wastewater fills a niche as the only d
Piggery Waste Treatment presents comprehensive coverage of all treatment meth
Pond Treatment Technology reviews how pond systems work and provide guidelines
Preventing Legionellosis covers the biology of Legionella and presents a compreh
Pricing water-related services is an essential part of the answer. This report co
The third in the self-paced distance learning series, Water and Wastewater Proc
This book offers developed practical guidance, building on the OECD Principles f
This Manual aims to present well-devised guidelines for establishing a manage
Process stability and final effluent quality largely depend upon the compositi
A MAJOR NEW TRAINING PACKAGE from IWA Publishing. The manual outlines the the
The first in a series of self-paced distance learning course books, Process Sc
Protecting Groundwater for Health provides a structured approach to analysing h
Public and Private Participation in the Water and Wastewater Sector provides p
The objective of Public Private Partnerships in the Water Sector: Innovation an
Quantitative Methods to Assess Capacity of Water Treatment to Eliminate Micro-
This book provides a state-of-the-art assessment on a variety of biofiltration
Reduction, Modification and Valorisation of Sludge aims at developing strategie
The report presents an overview and analysis of the current situation of the re
This book, published in collaboration with ERSAR, presents a unique account of
Renewable Energy Applications for Freshwater Production provides an overview
Uncontrolled spreading of waste materials leads to health problems and enviro
The report describes the principles of measurement of respiration rate, the tra
This book includes a complete description of the simulation protocol including
This book addresses the complex institutional dimensions to restoring floodplains
Risk Assessment for Water Infrastructure Safety and Security analyzes the terro
The provision of safe drinking water and the protection of public health and t
River Basin Restoration and Management is the result of two workshops that t
This STR presents the findings of the IWA Task Group on River Water Quality
Safe Drinking Water aims to raise the understanding and awareness among drinki
Safe Management of Shellfish and Harvest Waters is a new international text tha
The factors affecting the presence and growth of micro-organisms in piped networ
This study looks at the information used to support current practices in odou
The commonly used Saturation Index calculated at 10 degrees celcius (SI10) is
Featuring the contributions of industrial and academic experts, this volume dis
The secondary settling tank (SST) plays a major role in achieving increasingly st
Sediment and contaminant transport is an enormously rich and complex field th
A comprehensive resource on contaminated sediments, this book opens with discu
Sequencing Batch Reactor Technology describes the latest state-of-the-art in th
The papers in this volume of the Water and Environmental Management Series (
The purpose of this book is to provide a synthetic overview and balanced techn
Sludge Reduction Technologies in Wastewater Treatment Plants is a review of t
Sludge Treatment and Disposal is the sixth volume in the series Biological Wast
Soil and Sediment Remediation discusses in detail a whole set of remediative tec
This Report presents information on the current state of knowledge of the origin
Source Separation and Decentralization for Wastewater Management sets up a c
Southeast Asia has undergone rapid commercial and industrial development over
The Southeast Asian environment has been degraded by the release of industrial
The most important articles presented at the Fourth and Fifth International S
This is the fourth volume in the series of books on the Southeast Asian water e
Buy Identification and Control of Filamentous Micro-organisms in Industrial W
Special Offer - Respirometry in Control of the Activated Sludge Process
Stochastic Modelling of Drinking Water Treatment in Quantitative Microbial Ri
Stochastic Water Demand Modelling: Hydraulics in Water Distribution Networks
This book is focused on techniques, technologies and management approaches fo
The projects developed a "toolbox" for strategic planning of drinking-, waste-
This report calls on policy makers to recognise the complexity and diversity of
Sustainable Treatment and Reuse of Municipal Wastewater presents the concept
Sustainable Water Ecosystems Management in Europe examines the anthropogenic
This book covers the fundamental and practical concepts and issues regarding t
Sustainable Water Resources in the Built Environment focuses on the water asp
Sustainable Water Services: A Procedural Guide is the result of the Sustainabl
The best papers from the three-day conference on Safe Drinking Water from Sour
Technology and Equipment for Water Loss Management is a guide for planning t
The Adaptiveness of IWRM: Analysing European IWRM research is the first book
This book describes the practical potential of a new sustainable technology to
The new Water Framework Directive contains a number of issues, which will ch
The Second Edition of the Price of Water expands on the coverage of the first e
Treatment of Micropollutants in Water and Wastewater gives a comprehensive
Uncertainty in Wastewater Treatment Design and Operation aims to facilitate the
Urban Drainage: a multilingual glossary provides definitive descriptions of urb
Urban Hydroinformatics: Data, Models and Decision Support for Integrated Ur
This book provides an illustrated overview of the effects of urbanisation on the
The purpose of the book is to disseminate contemporary knowledge and practica
Holistic but applicable approaches are urgently needed to help plan long-term,
Utility Benchmarking and Regulation in Developing Countries is a handbook for
The aim of Valuing Water, Valuing Livelihoods is to give decision-makers, healt
One approach to the introduction of computational material to the classroom
Waste Gas Treatment for Resource Recovery presents the reader with technical,
Waste Stabilisation Ponds is the third volume in the series Biological Wastewat
Wastewater Characteristics, Treatment and Disposal is the first volume in the
Following a successful first edition published in 2007, the follow-up 2011 edit
Based on the Water Environment Federation's (WEF) MOP 8, Design of Municipal
Based on the Water Environment Federation's (WEF) MOP 8, Design of Municipal
Is a book for those operating and studying biological wastewater treatment plant
Wastewater Treatment: Advanced Processes and Technologies presents recent
Agriculture is a major user of water and is responsible for much of its pollution
Water and Energy: Threats and Opportunities shows how energy is used in all t
Water and Liberalisation: European Water Scenarios presents a better understand
The IWA Specialist Group on Water and Wastewater Management for Developing C
Water and Wastewater Management in the Tropics will provide graduate environm
This book is aimed at undergraduate and graduate students in environmental eng
This book deals with water demand
The purpose of this book is to provide a text in securing such an understanding
Buy all four titles including Volume 3 and Save £100! The Water Framewo
The objective of the book is to offer guidance to water managers on the model-su
Water Governance in OECD Countries: A Multilevel Approach addresses multilevel
The articles compiled in the book describe the current situation in China with r
Water Infrastructure for Sustainable Communities presents an understanding of p
This report is part of the OECD's ongoing co-operation with non-Member econo
Water Policy Entrepreneurs explores the roles of policy entrepreneurs and the c
This OECD report on Water Quality and Agriculture examines the linkages betwe
Special Offer: Water Quality Set
The substance of this book is provided by reviews from a meeting of internation
Water Reclamation Technologies for Safe Managed Aquifer Recharge has been
This book sets out to identify the more severe waterborne diseases and their
Water Recycling and Resource Recovery in Industry: Analysis, Technologies and I
Water Reuse: An International Survey of current practice, issues and needs exa
Water Rights - An International and Comparative Study identifies the essential
Water Sensitive Cities has been developed from selected papers from 2009 Sing
Water Services Management is intended to educate engineers to manage and imp
Water Services Management and Governance: Lessons for a Sustainable Future co
The new edition of Water Supply is written by experts from one of the top engi
The supply of healthy drinking water and disposal of our wastewater is a centra
This accessible student textbook covers the key concepts of water science and
Safety of Treated Drinking Water is intended to provide a critical analysis of t
This book is designed to help decision makers identify the data required for p
A road map for public works and utility professionals, Water, Wastewater, and
The purpose of this study is to provide an updated, comprehensive review of cu
Waterborne Zoonoses provides guidance to agriculturists, veterinarians, world
Water-Energy Interactions of Water Reuse covers the use of energy in convention
Watershed Management provides a valuable reference to professionals, student
Young Researchers 2004 comprises papers presented at the 2nd Young Researche
The selection of papers in this special issue of WEMS represents papers that
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